Molotov nyu law - nov 2013

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Transcript of Molotov nyu law - nov 2013

Freddy Alborta, Che Guevera’s Death, 1967

Giovanni Antonio Bazzi “il Sodoma”: Lamentation Over the Dead Christ (1503)

The feedback loop between

vernacular objects and art….

In the 1900s, Picasso produced extraordinary collages that incorporated "found" newspaper images.

John Heartfield (1891-1968). A Communist German, he montaged appropriated Nazi symbols to subvert and undermine their power as propaganda.

“Adolph, the Superman: Swallows Gold and Spouts Junk.” 1932Photomontage

Andy Warhol:

Red Race Riot (1963)

Silk screen, paint on canvas.

Thomas Ruff: jpeg ny02 (2004) 8 ft. 10 in. x 11 ft. 11 3/8 in

Interview, Greater Boston Arts TV series and website: Artists & Violence (2002)

“I’m nuts on images. I cut them out of books and newspapers, mostly books and magazines. And this is absolutely crucial to me, because this is one of the ways I tap into the world.

Public domain:

declassified military documents

Kosovo: Gun camera imagery (Mpeg)

Television: Night vision / Tracer fire : The First Gulf War (CNN)

Eject (1999). Oil on canvas. 38 x 62 inches.

Flame-out (1999). Oil on canvas. 15 x 18 inches.

Crash (1999). Oil on canvas. 44 x 84 inches.

Contrails (1999). Oil on canvas. 44 x 84 inches

Ex Trails (2000). Oil on canvas. 60 x 78 inches.

Night Vision (2000). Oil on canvas. 26 x 32 inches.

Cluster (2000). Oil on canvas. 60 x 78 inches.

Kill Box (2001). Oil on canvas. 38 x 48 inches.

Rocket Science. (2001) 28 x 38 inches. Oil on canvas.

Direct Hit 1 (2002) 38 x 48 inches. Oil on canvas

Signal (2002) 35 x 40 inches. Oil on canvas

Source Material

• Science + technoscience photography• US Government + military archives• News photos; photojournalism (mass media)• Influences/direct references to other art works

The Media Narrative

“I see the world because it comes to me through media. Through film, through newspapers. Through TV.”

-- Leon Golub


Untitled (Abdulaziz Alomari)  (2001)  15 x 10 inches. Oil on canvas

News Anchor (Kabul) (2002) 26 x 32 inches. Oil on canvas

Jog. 2003. 26 x 46 inches. Oil/canvas

Leap. (2003) 54 x 60 inches. Oil on canvas.

Stones. (2003) 60 x 78 inches. Oil on canvas.

Air Strip. (2003) 44 x 84 inches. Oil on canvas.

Molotov (2003) 70 x 60 inches. Oil on canvas

Guardian Angel. (2003) 30 x 35 inches. Oil on canvas.

Emo. (2003) 78 x 60 inches. Oil on canvas.

Riot. (2004) 35 x 30 inches. Oil on canvas.

Stones (2) (2004) 38 x 30 inches. Oil on canvas

Paris Riots (3) 2005. 11 x 14 inches. Oil on canvas

Paris Riots (6) 2005. 15 x 20 inches. Oil on canvas.

Flood 2 (2005) 26 x 46 inches. Oil on canvas.

Plume 2 (2005) 26 x 46 inches. Oil on canvas

Flood 5 (2006) 54 x 60 inches. oil/canvas.

Night Vision, Baghdad (2006) 38 x 44 inches, Oil/canvas

Road. (2007) 35 x 38 inches. oil on canvas

Noon. (2007) 56 x 60 inches. Oil on canvas.

Oil. (2008) 38 x 44 inches. Oil on canvas

Yellow Smoke. (2009). Oil on canvas. 26 x 30 inches.

Explosion, Yellow & White (2009)Oil on canvas. 32 x 26 inches

Crash. (2009) 38 x 48 inches. Oil on canvas


a solo show at Debs & Co. in the spring of 2004…

Molotov (2003) 70 x 60 inches. Oil on canvas

Halfway through the show, I receive an ominous email……

Susan Meiselas: NICARAGUA, Esteli (1979).

“Cease and Desist”

Meanwhile, an online discussion ensues between myself,

net artists, programmers, and musicians…

“Cease & Desist”

Am I a Pirate?!


Spring/Summer 2004

Artist Tim Whidden mirrored the image on his own site…

Artist Michael Sarff created a “derivative” work based on Molotov that represents this “mirroring”:

On Rhizome, artist Ryan Griffis declares “Joywar”( a reference to “Toywar” c. 1999)

Jess Loseby

Joseph + Donna McElroy

Michael Szpakowski : Solidarity webpage

Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 16:33:22 +0100Re: tshirt

Produce this shirt an fuck the Pepsi!

Bye from ItalyPaolo

Nick Douglas: “Is it legal yet? 3/22/2004

“Spook” site

Edwardo Navasse:

Eryk Salvaggio: “JOY!” (ASCII)

Quicktime movie: “Art not Crime”

Kate Southworth: Pirates of Penzance

Molotov Remix - consists od a jpg of Joy Garnett's painting "Molotov" sliced into 121 43px X 52px images. Each sliced image is randomly loaded via java script into one of 121 cells of an html table.

Users may click on the "Recompose" link to achieve a new randomly generated recomposition each time. The chances of users hitting upon a perfect realignment of image slices is less than winning the lottery, but just in case I have a "fair use" argument ready.

mark cooley

Edward Tang: “Molotov Landscapes” created using a custom software in Windows C++ using Visual C++ .NET and OpenGL for graphics.

[Adam Mansfield: ]

Pau Waelder: