Mohkomsssssssssssssssssss finalfinal

Post on 25-May-2015

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Transcript of Mohkomsssssssssssssssssss finalfinal



The average distance of the sun from earth is about 150 million kilometers [93 million miles]. The reason that the sun is that far from the earth is because if the sun was any closer we would burn to death.

The Suns New Location

The Suns Characteristics

The Sun has 5 characteristics those characteristics are size, mass, temperature, brightness, and colour.Size= The size of the Sun is 864,938 miles [1,391,980 km] in diameter. This almost 10 times larger than Jupiter and about 109 times as big as the earth.Mass=the mass of the Sun is about 2×1030 kilograms=330, 000 times the earth and 99.8686% of the total mass of the solar systemTemperature= 9950 °Fahrenheit Brightness= is really bright. That if you look into the sun for more than 4 seconds you can permanently damage the retina of your eyes Colour=very bright white but looks a shade of yellow, orange or redMotion/rotation orbit= Earth's rotation is the rotation of the solid Earth around its own axis. The Earth rotates towards the east. As viewed from the North Star the Earth turns counter-clockwise.

Why would it be difficult to live on the Sun?

• It is too hot to survive the temperature of the sun. 9950 ° Fahrenheit that means you would burn to death.

• It is also so blinding that you would not be able to see if you lived on the sun

How might we overcome these difficulties?

invent a heavy duty space suit which protects the body from the high temperaturehave a cooling device inside the space suit to keep body temperature balanced

How have Canadians contributed to getting information about the Sun?

• Canadians can use satellites to find interesting facts.

• Canadians can also use astronauts to find information.

Interesting Facts

• The Sun is one among the 200 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy.

• The Sun is one among the 6000 stars, which is visible to naked eye from the Earth.

• The Sun's energy output is 386 billion billion megawatt. • It takes up to 50 million years for the energy produced at the

core of the Sun to reach its surface. • The sun takes 8 minutes for the heat produced to reach the


Jupiter's new location

• Jupiter's new location. Jupiter is about 779 million km away from the sun. Jupiter also 5 AU away from the sun. Jupiter is also the largest planet in the solar system. Jupiter is 5th planet from the sun. Jupiter also has 63 main moons. Jupiter's spin axes in just 9 hours and 55 minutes.

Jupiter’s Characteristics

• 5th planet from the sun• Largest planet in the Solar system• Gas giant with mass less than one thousandth of the sun but

is two and half times the mass of all the other planets in the solar system combined

• made up of hydrogen with a quarter of its mass being helium • Core = made of liquid rock• Temperature = 43,000 ° F• Has 63 moons (most in the whole solar system)

Why can’t we live on Jupiter?• Jupiter is made up of poisonous gas (hydrogen

and helium)meaning if we lived there we would not be able to breath.

• There is also no solid surface meaning we would not be able build a shelter.

• There is intense gravity on Jupiter which would squash humans flat

How can we overcome these difficulties?

• Use an oxygen tank to breath and protect your lungs from the poisonous gas.

• Wear a spacesuit to protect the body

• Instead of living in a house, live in the space shuttle andkeep the food in there too

How have Canadians contributed to getting information about Jupiter?

• Using satellites to find interesting facts about Jupiter • NASA/CSA

Interesting facts

-Jupiter can be seen without a telescope because of its huge size.-The fastest spinning planet of all, Jupiter has clouds that are up to 50 km thick -The average day on Jupiter lasts around 10 hours.-Fact is that Jupiter emits weird sounds or so called electromagnetic voices" recorded by NASA-Voyager.


• www. Wiki. answers. com/Q/characteristic's _of_ the_ sun •• •


• NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

• CSA: Canadian Space Agency• AU: Astronomical Units is a unit of length equal to

about 149,597,871 kilometres. It is defined by the International Astronomical Union, and is defined as the mean distance between the Earth and the Sun over one Earth orbit.