Module 07 SixthIntuitive Chakra

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Module 07 SixthIntuitive Chakra

Transcript of Module 07 SixthIntuitive Chakra

  • MODULE 7: Sixth Chakra (Intuitive Chakra)

    Syl: This is the sixth Chakra tonight and Im glad to see so many of you in indigo. If you didnt wear indigo, its okay - no problem. This Chakra is also referred to as the Third Eye and its Third Eye meaning internal sight.

    For those of you that are new, were just to the second to the top of the scale on the Chakra system. And its been an amazing journey thus far and were gonna go out with a bang. So keep coming.

    Next month well have the Crown Chakra and talk about divine consciousness and how to use that in your healing experience. And then therell be two classes at the end on integrating.

    Because a lot of times you hear in the Chakra system about going from the root and ascending up through each center and then you reach the crown which is divine consciousness or knowing or a state of truth or whatever; which is great, I dont mean to say whatever.

    But unless you know how to kind of bring that energy back down the channels then its just an upward journey. Its like ending a song on a high note; it just sort of leaves you hanging there, you know, what now?

    You have to have the descent as well to bring all that you know and have learned down in through the centers and then well have another class on integration of the Chakras because a lot of times if you have root Chakra issues or power Chakra issues, it also has to do something with the creative center, the instinctual creative center.

    So it really, you know, there are a lot of ways to be sort of out of balance. And theres this constant sort of even flow toward wholeness. And learning how to really integrate the energies of the body changes everything.

    It makes healing a whole different process and its much less about suffering and confusion and self-judgment or criticism

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  • and much more about just experiencing the present moment and the journey of whatever that is.


    So tonight we will begin with the sixth Chakra. For those of you that have your workbooks, these are available in the back of the room if youre interested in it. This is a series that I teach once a year; its a yoga series.

    And Carol and I are sort of combining the Yoga and the energy work together. Which is really a good match; Ive just been thrilled about whats gone on in this past year, amazing stuff.

    But in the booklet there are a couple things that youll see for this section. The first one is a description of the Chakra and what the name of it is. The name of this Chakra is Asana, which is a Sanskrit name.

    And if you translate this name out, it means to perceive or command, and thats what well spend a lot of our time discussing tonight is perceptions. Thats one major thing that Carol has done with her book is shift a lot of peoples perceptions.

    A lot of times in life we sort of put ourselves in a box and we no longer see a doorway as an opportunity, you know. You dont even recognize it as an entrance or an exit. And then someone comes along and says something that might inspire you or think, Oh, Ive never thought of it that way and suddenly you have a pathway to a different area of understanding that creates healing in your life.


    So the color of this Chakra is indigo and indigo is the color that you see- denims are dyed with indigo. And thats just- its a great color. As far as color as healing, you can use color therapy in healing and theyre really kind of discovering a lot of amazing stuff with that as well as music is healing. And we talked about that last time with the throat Chakra

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  • and the new- the CD that I just did. I didnt clarify last time exactly who this personal friend of mine was that composed the music, Perry do you want to stand up? Perry is our composer of the music for that CD and he really did a beautiful job. He really did a beautiful job on it.

    Indigo on the color spectrum is a little bit higher; its just under violet. And the indigo color is a calming and a cooling color. It stimulates they thyroid and the parathyroid and its wonderful to wear or to use as a color therapy with color lamps and things like that.


    The location of this Chakra, the Third Eye, is slightly above the brow center. And if you take your- just your index finger, take a couple of nice deep breaths and just take your hands, palms up alright, and just sort of lift up through the spine, reach up through the crown of the head, and just bring your awareness to kind of the tip of your tongue.

    And if you touch the tip of your tongue to the top palette, thats a lot of ts, just right behind the front teeth. And then leave the jaw relaxed. Take a nice deep breath in with the tongue touching right there.

    And as you exhale just bring your awareness to the tips of your fingers, specifically the tip of your index fingers. And then just the tip of the nose, the brow center, just at the center of the eyebrows and slightly above. This is an outlet for an energy line in the body.

    If you take your right index finger and just take it to the- you know, your forehead, just the center and just sort of run the finger right down. And at one point as you kind of get lower youll feel like youre about to hit it. And then just raise the eyebrows and it will pull you right in, with your finger.

    And acupressure points are very subtle and the way I describe it in the acupressure yoga series I teach, is acupressure points, really theres a spirituality to it. So when youre on the Third Eye point, youll feel something different.

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  • Theres a little indentation and just kind of take a deep breath in and just connect with that place alright.

    And then just release down; take a couple more breaths. But this place is just a very- a place for intuition, insight and it quiets the mind. Thats the location of the Chakra, the pineal gland is the gland of this Chakra and actually the pineal gland is fairly deep into the brain but its directly behind this Third Eye point. And the pineal gland is whats responsible for releasing melotonin, which is a sleep- your sort of bodys physical sleep trigger. Its a hormone thats released. And melatonin is actually connected straight through the eyes.

    What happens when you shut your eyes at night and you know, you start to go into sleep and you start to relax, even just shutting your eyes for a minute, the pupils will dilate a little bit bigger when you close your eyes in darkness, I mean this shouldnt be new information. And what happens when the pupils dilate, that is a trigger to the pineal gland to release melatonin to help you sleep.

    So this pineal gland is directly connected to our external eyesight. And once the melatonin starts moving into the body, then you move deeper into sleep and youll hit your REM cycles and things.

    Studies that have been done- there was a study I think it was at Columbia or maybe- I think it was Columbia, but you could look it up on the internet. Basically it was a study done where they analyzed the properties of melatonin. And they were very similar to the properties in LSD or mind-altering drugs.

    So what you do- whats happening in your dream state is a release of this melatonin into the blood stream in the body that opens up the mind in these different areas. Its a natural process that takes place.

    In the 60s they kind of took it way far off from there. A lot of people who are ready for some mind-expanding stuff but not quite ready to deal with what it had to offer. So Im not suggesting that you use LSD to fall asleep, okay. Lets stick with the melatonin. But thats the general kind of information on it.

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    The element of this Chakra is light. So the Third Eye, its all about light; internal light, a light bulb going on when you have a good idea. You know, light affecting the pupils and the release of that, hormonal release into your body.

    Sight and intuition are the kind of the properties of this area of this body. It has to do with your internal sight as well as your external sight.

    How is your vision, you know. Near sighted, far sighted, were gonna do a few exercises to improve your vision tonight. And when you repeat them over time you can see marked improvement in eyesight.

    Ethogens is the food of this Chakra. And thats like inhalants to do mind altering stuff, so you know; its not seven food groups. You dont really need to include it in your daily diet. Self-reflection is this Chakra. Ohm is the seed sound.


    Lapis lazuli and star sapphire are the gemstones. And Ive actually changed this- the lapis is great at gemispheres, but the other one thats real specific to this Chakra, that they offer as far as gemstone therapy goes, is something called indigo. And its basically just a crystalline form of solite. And its for releasing, bringing to your mind insight into releasing mental blockages that are keeping you stuck.

    So if you dont want to shell out big cash for like a sapphire necklace, the indigo wasnt real expensive. I cant remember how much I paid for this but it wasnt much and Ive really seen some tremendous benefits in using it.


    Sandalwood is the aromatherapy. Ive passed out a little sheet that talks about the Indian sandalwood I offer. By any

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  • means if you have sandalwood at home and you like it, continue using it. It is really specific to opening up the Third Eye. The sandalwood is.

    And in my little thing I wrote up on the sandalwood, I talked about each whiff should really be treasured because we dont know how long it will be available. Theres always talk of India not allowing anymore sandalwood trade out. At the time I wrote that, that was the case. Now they really have shut their door and theres no exportation of the Indian sandalwood. This is the last of it that I have other than my own private stash at home. But youre welcome to it; its being passed around the room.

    But basically what sandalwood does is it offers you kind of a nice deep insightful place. Its wonderful for using in meditation or to kind of calm you down after a hard day. Ill put a few drops of sandalwood in the bath and its wonderful. Its just a wonderful thing to have around.

    Illusions inhibit this place. So the inhibitor of this Chakra is illusions. And that brings us kind of back to perception and how you perceive life, may shift on the turn of a dime. Quick story about that, I was in the middle of my life pretty much falling apart. I was at a really painful place in my life where my marriage had basically broken down and I was completely distraught. I had a three year old son to raise and I had rheumatoid arthritis and I was in bed 8 hours a day and I was just feel like, oh, how much worse can life get?

    And I can remember I was driving to the mall for some socks. I was determined to go jogging or do something to help me feel better. And Im just driving down the street and I pull in the parking lot, and I hope shes not here tonight. But this woman walked up to me; she got out of this great big Suburban, of which there are many in Utah, and she said, Maam, maam, you just made two right turns and you didnt use your signal. You know, and she proceeded to kind of rail on me, you know. And I was just about to fall apart. All I could say to this woman was, you know, my marriage is falling apart and then I burst into tears. Her perception changed really quick. And its like you never understand kind of, you look at someone and make a judgment but you really cant fully understand the whole picture behind it.

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  • Steven Covey in one of his books, I think its The 7 Habits, talks about perception and how it can shift on a dime when you have more information to see kind of whats going on. Internally it changes.

    What she saw visually with me didnt change but what she saw here made all the difference. So its really interesting. That is what illusion is all about. And we do, we create illusions for ourselves in order to stay comfortable, you know.

    Ive been through this really amazing experience. Ive got- its just raw footage playing in the backroom so take a look at it on the break, of this new DVD Im coming out with. Its a yoga DVD on the Chakras. And boy, its taken me to the maximum of my perception of what I thought I looked like and what I do look like and what Im happy about and what Im not happy about and I thought Id gotten over all that stuff, you know. And then there you are again and it changes; your perception changes.

    Envisioning this is a real great tie in to what a lot of Carols philosophies are. Can you see your life as different from now? What it is now. Or can you see this as exactly what you want it to be. Everything Ive done or thats ever happened to me in my life has brought me to this point right now. Am I gonna see it as sacred or Satan, you know, one of the two.


    Clairvoyance, well talk a little bit about that. Clairvoyance is a French word that actually just means clear seeing. And a lot of times we think of it as something sort of spooky but everyone pretty much is a psychic, you know, and its just how well are you going to open yourself up to using those abilities? And its just, it really just boils down to the current of, you know, what you could refer to as the light of Christ or Buddha or whatever you want to use as your kind of perception.

    I see is the verb for this Chakra. And Ive listed just a little yoga exercise, Ill demonstrate it in a minute or bring some of

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  • you up and you can give it a try. Its basically where you lay with your forehead flat and you roll up and roll back. And it opens up all the acupressure points from the crown to the Third Eye, okay.


    In the Thai Yoga massage at one point in the massage I go up to the crown of the head, the person is laying right here, and I place one finger on the Third Eye and one finger on the crown and then my middle finger on the heart. And then we both just sit and breathe. Inhale and exhale.

    And just touching these points just really connects the heart, the mind, the body, the whole experience and its a really great, probably one of the most quiet parts of the massage. Its usually when the snoring starts if I have a snorer. Gosh Ive got lots of Ss and lots of ts tonight, so, tongue twisting.


    Okay, an affirmation. I see my life becoming more enjoyable with each new day or moment for that matter. Schematic journaling; if you were to write and speak as though it were the whole, your eyes, I am the eyes and, you know, I refuse to see my own pain because- oh thats a long one. Youll need a whole page for that one.

    The forehead, do you always feel tight on the forehead? When you look in the mirror have you got big long lines that go up here? Temples, the upper ears, top. Schematic balancing, working with memory, memory games, really interesting training for banking.

    When I was doing some training to work in the financial industry you always know theres the possibility of a robbery. I just didnt have that in my energy but it happened anyway. But in your training, you know I was sitting in the room and the guy- you know the teachers at the front of the room, the class is out- kind of all their chairs and this guy walked in and said, Where are the keys to your desk? And she says, Oh theyre up in my right closet. On the other side? No the other side. Okay, all right, goodbye.

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  • And then she passed out a piece of paper and said describe what you just saw. And you get way different descriptions. And then she had him come back in. We had different hair, we had different eyes, it was really amazing. So doing memory techniques and memory working, memorization of things is really great for opening up the inside of the third Chakra.


    Dream journaling. We could have a whole night on dream analyzing and dream journaling but if you ever want to do it, you can learn a tremendous amount about yourself. Its as good as most therapy.

    All you really do before you go to bed at night is set the intention that you will have a dream and remember your dream. Keep a notepad and a pen close to your bed. And just kind of a little slight meditation to kind of invite that in as you sleep. And some people dont dream. Some people have really vivid dreams, you know. Weve probably got the gamut within this one room. But its a great way to learn and develop the intuition of this Third Eye. Because thats when the melatonin really is in your system.

    In dreams, pretty much you are every character in the dream. Really interesting dream that I had that Ill share with you; its not super private or anything. But really interesting and very vivid was I was at a cabin in Sundance. And interestingly enough thats where I shot this DVD. I was at a cabin in Sundance and there were all these beds like sort of in a train, like lots of beds. And there were all these white bodies. And it was like modern dancers, so you couldnt see the faces and you couldnt see the fingers and you know they were just like these white bodies. And they got up and they started dancing around and doing like this modern dance thing. And Im thinking, wild, you know, I m letting it ride.

    And as Im trying to sort of do something with these dancers in my dream, my little boy comes up and he tugs on my arm and says, Mommy, mommy. And I turn to him and one of

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  • his pupils is small and one of his pupils is large, interesting. He says, Youre hurting me. And then I woke up and it was really disturbing; it was a really disturbing dream.

    And as I was kind of getting ready for the series I was doing this, writing out this booklet. I was doing this booklet. I had not- I was a year away from this Sundance project that I did on this- filming these DVDs. But Im writing this booklet and Im feeling frustrated because I need to be with Tom and hes frustrated because he wants me to go be with him. And so finally I just took it and I just threw it up in the air. And on the floor I had probably a hundred or so of these little white yoga bodies spread out all over my floor. Looked just like what I seen in real life in my dream and my son was here asking for my attention. And because I had had that dream, at that moment I could recognize, oh my heavens Im hurting him. And I could throw it all away and go spend the time where I needed to spend it.

    So dreams can be incredible healers for your life too. So that happened to be a particularly disturbing dream that really bothered me so I remembered it. But if you keep a notepad and a pen next to your bed, the dreams will come to you.

    GEMSTONESThere are a couple of- if youre interested in the gemstone things and interested in that philosophy at all, I view gemstones as herbs, basically. Theyre just outside my body instead of in and well talk about that next.

    But a really great gemstone for working with dreams is the opalite. And I got this after the bank was robbed. I got a bunch of them and all my employees wore them. We took turns with the mother of pearl and the opalite to kind of stay on track after that happened. But this is a stress reliever; its a stress reducer. It also is an aid for insomnia.

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  • Theres another gemstone necklace but its fairly expensive; its the aquamarine necklace. And theres a treatment that you can do with the aquamarine where you kind of hold it up and you look into it and you just kind of say in your head, kind of Im opening myself up to whatever dreams come. I did that with the aquamarine and boy I had fierce nightmares. Every night I did it they were fierce. And finally I called Gemispheres and talked to Katie whos the gal I like up there and she said, I had the same thing happen with the aquamarine.

    But with the opalite its an aid for insomnia, its not an expensive necklace and its- my dreams are very soft and nurturing dreams. Theyre good dreams. And so even if its just kind of the intention that you put out there, you know, I was dealing with some heavy-duty insomnia; I was busy, busy, busy and it was hard to calm down at night. And this has been a real- I brought it tonight because it has affected me that way.

    So, eye sunning and rolling, okay. And this is some of the vision improving things. And if you work on strengthening the muscles within the eyes and around the eye sockets, you actually get tight there too. Just bring your awareness right now as Im talking to you, how do your eyes feel? Do you feel the muscles that are holding the back of your eyeballs kind of flexed and tight? A lot of times you get a sense of how do- a lot of times we think its our temples but its actually right back into the eyeballs with the nerves in the back of the eyes. Its like, oh I feel tight there.

    I can bend over and do a forward fold really easily. So I might be really loose in my hamstrings but thats just another muscle. Muscles that surround and ligaments that attach the eyes. And its tight, it gets tight and it affects our vision because then it holds the lens at a different angle, right.


    So eye sunning is something that you would more than likely do outside. Or if youve got full spectrum light at home, its good to do in front of it at home. You wouldnt look directly into the sun, but you basically close your eyes, the sun may

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  • be like right off here so you dont look right at it. But you just kind of go back and forth and back and forth with your eyelid shut. And basically kind of what that does is it changes your pupil. And when the pupils large, the lens is a different shape. When its small, it changes. So theres a muscle that moves your retina open and closed and youre developing some of those muscles.

    Eye rolling, Ill just demonstrate and then you can do it along with me if you want. But basically its where you close- I close my eyes just because it looks funky without them closed, but you can just follow it around the room. I get a little dizzy, which could be a good thing, you know. Or close the eyelids and just really roll it around the eye socket.

    And youll come to places where you have resistance; where its like I can look here and I can look there but I cant go in between. Carol can talk about that, she knows all about that, the eye, because different eye movements mean different things. One is cognitive thought, one is you know, visual, one is you know, they mean different things.

    So eye rolling just kind of opens up those muscles and the nerve, stretches the nerves at the back of the eyes to just kind of roll it around in a circle. And also the eye socket just kind of, the bone actually sort of massages the eye as you roll it around. So thats a vision improving exercise that you can do.

    Watching the sunrise or sunset; both of those are really intuitive. Very internal times. Its quiet moments, self reflective, when the space between two notes, when its not day and its not night. I put Carols book in here for my Yogis. Interestingly enough were doing this workshop together so its there. But remembering wholeness is great for Third Eye if you want to start working with the Third Eye.

    Drawing and painting because visually youre experiencing something and then expressing it visually too. Color therapy is great. You can get color lamps where the whole room is just the color and you can use that. You can also wear colors and youll feel a good kind of sense of that.

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    Guided imagery is wonderful for Third Eye stuff. Guided imagery can throw some people off and think oh I dont want to do that, thats spooky. Youre kind of turning yourself over to someone else. You are in a sense but you never- you can always sit up and turn it off basically if its not what you were expecting.

    Ive done a guided imagery CD thats back there on the Chakras and I tried to use just imagery that I would basically I wrote those for me in my healing process. And theyre used with the aromatherapy and its just a very soothing sort of, just allowing yourself to turn it over and just kind of ride with the flow. So as long as youre comfortable with the source, it can be really a great healer and it can be good at developing your Third Eye and your insights.


    Eye movement meditation, well just do it real quick. Go ahead and sit up so youre nice and comfy. Oh that looks so good. So taking just a nice deep breath in, and basically what were doing with this eye movement meditation is this is the restart button, you know. Turning it on and turning it off solves most of lifes problems, computer or otherwise. So this is resetting your brain, all right.

    And basically what we do is we hit each section of eye movement. So on one section youre dealing with your cognitive thinking, on one section youre dealing with your visual thought. And youre just going to these places and resetting them. You dont think anything; its just eye movement.

    So, just with the eyes closed, take a nice deep breath in. And as you inhale, just draw the eyes up to the top right corner of the eye socket. Hold there at the top and as you exhale, just relax the eyes and let them come back to center. And then as you inhale, take them to the top left corner of the eye socket and exhale back to center.

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  • Inhale, diagonally to the bottom right corner. And exhale back to center.

    Inhale diagonally to the bottom left and exhale back to center.

    Inhale directly laterally right, exhale back to center.

    Inhale laterally left and exhale release back to center.

    Inhale, draw the eyes to gaze with the lids closed down to the tip of the nose. And exhale back to center.

    Inhale, draw the eyes up towards the bridge of the nose. Take a deep breath in, kind of hold at the top, nice deep breath and exhale release back to center.

    And just slowly open your eyes. Its called a great stress buster. You can use it anytime to just kind of distress; bring you to a quiet and centered place.


    Telepathic practices. Mommies have this, its just in place, we just know. Many daddies do too. Learning telepathy, that type of communication is really a whole evening in and of itself. But its just basically being sort of in tune with the spiritual current.

    I had an experience where I was teaching a yoga class. I had just wrapped things up and a student was asking me some questions. I was visiting with them and it was just like, it was so funny, it was like a phone read. You know, I just, this person came into my mind and I knew they were connecting with me. And then it stopped. She kept on talking, I kept on talking to her then they came into my mind again. It was like a phone ringing.

    And I walked out to my car and there was a message from the person on the phone for me. So theres this intuitive sort of development of this eye center. Those things will come more naturally and happen more naturally.

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    Okay, at the first of the booklet Ill just show you a picture for those of you that dont have the booklet. This is a really famous picture; its the five bodies of man.

    And basically you have your physical body and then you have these layers that go out about three feet. They keep on going forever but they get more and more sort of ethereal and minute in their kind of make up. And interestingly enough, this three feet is also personal space. So theres some sort of correlation there to people who have their Third Eye really closed and are really practical people. You can be both.

    But basically it kind of goes out around you and one of the things I talked about; right now Im teaching a yoga series called yoga and the art of meditation. Were teaching meditation practices within like power yoga. Youre getting a workout or Saturday morning is just a really deep sort of meditative class.

    And one of the things I started that series with thats appropriate for tonight as well, a lot of times when you think of yoga, I still in this area its fairly conservative which is a good thing in some ways. I still occasionally will run across people, I dont do yoga. And Im just interested, would you tell me what, whats your resistance to it? Im afraid I might have an out of body experience. You know.

    And the thing is, heres the deal. And this totally my opinion but my opinion is that your spirit is both internal and external. Its not just inside your physical body. Because Ive seen a physical body thats not living and there was something exterior that was missing, not just something inside. So the glove analogy is nice but its really only half the picture. And this is where the Third Eye comes into play. When you stand next to someone and you just know, they drive me nuts; I just get ickyness, just standing in the same room. Its this sort of place, youre picking that up out of this sort of ethereal place and this place too.

    So these five bodies, they list it, and its all perception. But they list it as theres a sheath of matter which is your body. A

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  • sheath of air which is around you, just directly around you. A sheath of memory which goes a little further out from you. Thats one reason why smell is one of the most- and why Im not in the aromatherapy business, I use it as- because its a great adjunct to my yoga and I want to offer it to my students and have included it here.


    But a sheath of memory, when you walk in and you get a smell and its like oh, that takes me back to dut dut dut dut; and you can give detail after detail after detail of that scenario. And its like; its like youre there. And that kind of is where that aromatherapy can be so beneficial. Because the old factory senses are a direct link straight into the deep brain. And so this sheath of memory runs a little bit outside the body.

    Then there is the sheath of the super conscious which is the ego. And some go way out there. We are in an election year, woo! Can you feel it coming through the TV?

    And then there is the sheath of bliss which is a cosmic body. And when youre, you know, standing on top of a waterfall in Venezuela. I dont know if any of you have ever been there, I have. Sometimes its in the car, sometimes its at home, sometimes its at the kitchen sink. But you reach that place of just like absolute wow, this is so great. Now that youre out further in your body. It feels like youre bigger than your body at times like that.

    And for athletes, you know, were just coming into the Olympic era again. And its like for athletes, that adrenaline rush is so amazing because youre including the spirit and the body. Its just, thats when you are bigger than yourself.

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    And that was one of the comments; I dont think shes here tonight. One lady said, when I said- I asked for opinions about Thai Yoga therapy, those of you that have had treatments. You know, how did you feel. I felt bigger than my body. Its because through the Thai Yoga therapy, the movement of the body, the acupressure, the stretching of the muscles, things like that. You get out into that sort of cosmic really spiritual place. That is not necessarily an out of body experience, but yeah, it is. Because you are more than just your body, you know.

    Study after study theyre trying to figure out how much of the brain is just your total existence and duh duh duh duh dhuh. But it really goes out very far. If you were to kind of stand face to face with someone, you know, and hold up your hand with your eyes closed, we dont have really time or space to do it tonight, and just moving your hands together, you would know more than just the heat coming off the body when you were off the hand.

    We do that in the floral water meditations that I give sometimes. Ill say to people before they take a sip, Ill say, Just shut your eyes and just pan around, and what do you feel? And its like when you get over the cup you feel the energetic rise of kind of the spirit of the hydrosol coming out. And thats essential oils are the same.

    Okay, so for the center, eye movement [inaudible 0:39:21], that is on the [inaudible 0:39:23] CD. If you have an interest in breath work, you can check that out or ask me questions about that.


    Ethereal balancing; how is your vision? Is it near or far sighted, okay. How often do you experience headaches and how effective are your treatments? Headaches are a big Third Eye issue; Third Eye issues. What dont you want to see thats causing you a headache? I dont want to recognize that Im not getting enough rest. So Im just gonna take a Tylenol and forget about this headache, okay.

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  • How acutely do you notice the details in your surroundings? Take time for yourself, you know, a lot of time. My place is nature, you know, I love it.

    Ill bike up the canyon and theres Bridalveil Falls right there. And theres this fabulous rock. Its like it was placed there for Yogi because it works perfectly. It elevates the hips just perfectly, my knees are comfortable and I can sit there and just feel the spray coming off the falls, the smell coming off the leaves, the smell of the earth. And open your eyes, how many colors of green do you see, you know?

    Its really interesting to give yourself an opportunity. Very healing, very grounding and it opens up all the centers in your body to give yourself an experience that you remain absolutely open to everything thats happening to you. Now can you do that when youve just been told you have cancer? You naturally do, youre there, youre open, youre in a place of complete helplessness and so pure in the moment. Can you do that though when youre standing in line at the grocery store? Can you get there? Yeah, there are ways to do that and it is all about developing your own insights for yourself.


    So how accepting are you of your inner wisdom and how often to you listen? Thats probably the biggest difference between what carol says and most people that may have issues with what carol says. So its like, how accepting are you gonna be that you were guided in your wisdom of your life. And how open are you to not actually suffer. How open are you to see suffering as a gift or a teacher? In Buddhism, life is suffering and suffering is the teacher and suffering is where you see God, you know.

    And in other areas, in many religions, affliction is considered like a nobler. But- and it is, but we can get really caught up in that. And rather than learning about the fabulous beautifulness of the journey of moving out of that and then helping others is where the reason for the affliction takes

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  • place in the first place. So really cool stuff. Thats all Third Eye stuff.

    Have you ever experienced telepathic communication and do you believe its possible? If you dont believe its possible, its not gonna happen for you. Really good, I think she mentioned in one of her CDs or in her book about the reason that people dont open themselves up to seeing their lives as better or different from the way they are right now is because they dont want to be proven wrong. I dont want to be proven a fool so I will assume mediocrity throughout my life and die that way. There are people that live and die that way but its through the Third Eye that you descend, you know. Really amazing stuff.


    How challenging is it for you to see your life as becoming different than it is currently? Envision more than one solution when you next encounter difficulties and you can sit down and write out a life path for yourself. Just a really powerful technique that Carol teaches at her boot camp is when she has this therapist, but normally its something she does in therapy where you lay out one hand, I am no good, I am still no good, I will never get anything right, I will dut dut dut dut dut, and you walk right and left and you speak into each hand. And you keep speaking until you can honestly change what you believe, what youre saying out of the palm of your hand.

    And its a really profound experience. Ive seen her do it twice and both times there was not a dry eye in the room to see this kind of change take place. And its- theres two things that are going on. One is youre saying your truth, even if thats negative about you, which is throat Chakra. And youre experiencing a shift and the shift actually comes, and Im sure Carol knows this, she hasnt brought it up in either situation, but theres whats called bilateral stimulation that they found that theyve started with the rapid eyes kind of based out of this idea, or EMDR that the eye movement in REM sleep, left right left right, actually moves through this never right through the eyes.

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  • The nerve connects through the eyes and come back and hooks into this little branch right here, its called the optic chiasm. Its the largest nerve in the brain. It connects the right and left lobes. So when you go into REM sleep at night, this boom, boom, boom, boom fires your logic and creative thinking to communicate with one another. And so when youre walking its right foot left foot right foot left foot. You do it as you walk. And pretty soon youre creative mind is mirroring through your logic thinking. No youre not awful, I could possibly be better someday, maybe ten minutes from now, maybe nine minutes from now, dut dut dut dut and its really amazing. Its something that you can do, you know, when you have a space where you can really walk it out. You know. You may need miles to begin with but its a wonderful opener of the Third Eye and connecting that right and left lobes.


    Okay, what Ill finish with tonight is just a little quick discussion on meditation because its big. Its been on the cover time and its just like, there was a Yogi levitating on the cover of Time Magazine, I know, life is good.

    So one of the articles there is really fabulous. I think it was August 2003, its really good on meditation and its wonderful if you want to learn a little bit more about it. I teach a meditation series once a year. They have found, at Harvard Med, that 20 minutes of meditation over a period of 15 sessions created a four times healing rate in breast cancer patients. And the connector is the theta brain waves. And basically you have, you know, beta which is what were seeing with John Carey and George Bush, youre just very right up here in your face. Its- when youre in beta brain waves, I am in beta somewhat right now. I never leave beta, thats the truth. Its not a problem; Im just letting it ride. But beta is when youre communicating. And youll feel the difference in your brain, all right.

    And then you have alpha which is daydreaming. So youre sitting here thinking I really would like to be doing this right now and when I get home Im gonna do this. Oh thats

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  • interesting but I would like something else right now, French fries, you know, something like that. Thats alpha, so youre not completely cognitive.

    And then just as you go to bed at night, occasionally youll like jump real quick and fall back asleep, little kids do it a lot. That is theta, this area of just sort of flotation right before you go down into delta which is deep sleep and where REM starts happening. But theta, they have found, is where a lot of physical healing can take place. And thats one of the things that I wanted to do with this Chakra residency that I did that has the seed sounds of the Chakras being chanted, the- each track is in the note for that Chakra and a compliment note. So it really takes you into those theta brain waves. Theyre using music therapy at both Harvard and Columbia Med right now. And theyre finding that combined with a meditation is creating like four times faster healing for people.

    So its really, its a really powerful place to be able to stay in theta, okay. And how do you get there? What is theta, you know, what are theta brain waves? Youre all pretty close right now, its right after a yawn, you hit theta. Okay, now Ill get back up, you know. Its that state of bliss.

    So to do just a little theta practice is to quiet the mind, to sit comfortably, and were not gonna use any guided imagery, but were just gonna take- how many minutes have I got? Four? Oh good, weve got three minutes of meditation so you only have to do 17 more, 15 more times and then youll be really good.

    But just to give you an idea of a meditative state, the more you do it the easier it becomes. Some people refer to it as a trance state and thats spooky; that freaks some people out. Dont let it freak you out, Im not, I wont refer to it that way. Its theta brain waves is what it is. You still have complete control of your body, but yet youre experiencing the state of healing, okay.

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    Thai Yoga therapy will take you to a place that is deeper than delta. How many here have had a session? Done, okay. Am I lying? It takes you to this other worldly place. Youre not awake, youre not asleep, youre in complete healing; just a really supported place.

    So to start with just a simple meditation technique you want to just be able to sit comfortably all right. It doesnt- you dont have to look like any specific thing but you want to sit comfortably and this is where the practice comes in. you want to have the heart open. And your heart point is another acupressure point that you can feel; its a real spiritual point.

    When you put your finger on the heart point, weve already talked about it so I wont go into a lot of detail, youll know when youre there. Just like here, you can take one finger- left finger to the heart, right finger to the Third Eye. Take a nice deep breath and then just gently release both points and relax the hands. You can leave the eyes open just staring or you can close the eyes.

    As you close your eyes, just bring your awareness to your breath. Without labeling it, without judging it. just the inhale and the exhale. Just relax the eyes back in the eye socket. Let the muscles around the eyes relax. You shouldnt hear any external noises or internal judgments, just with a kind attention as you inhale, exhale, release. Just bring your awareness to the inside, the underside of your forehead. And the relaxation of the top brain and the opening up of the mid and internal mind.

    Allow the jaw to relax. As you bring your awareness to the focus of the center of the forehead, just observe the ears as hollow and open and just releasing any sound from criticisms or judgment. Connecting yourself with your breath. In the present moment. Relaxing the skin and the top of the crown down the sides of the heads, the temple, the ears, the jaw.

    Relaxing the tongue, allowing it to rest and feel on the lower palette. And then just very slowly just open the eyes a sliver, just gazing down towards the tip of the nose and just with your breath, very minutely, very slowly start to gaze slightly

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  • further away. Drawing the eyes further and further out from the point of the nose. Just coming back to center in the room.

    This is just a simple meditation technique that you can work with. The main thing is that as you experience things that you dont judge them. Noise next door, anything going on. Theres a fabulous friend of mine who is doing some Zen meditation, about 15 hours worth.

    Sitting Zen meditation at a monastery over in Nepal and he said, you know, he got up from it and said- left early- after 15 hours he was leaving early. And you know he said to his students, cars, these cars up on the road I mean were supposed to be away from civilization. The cars, the sound of cars keep bothering me. And his Guru said I think you are bothering the sound of the cars. He had it right.


    Ill just finish with another little something that came up. Am I done? That means no more tape? Okay. Well Ill just share it real quick. Its just another friend of mine who went on a humanitarian sort of journey over to India and they were building a home for, you know, some people; several sets of homes for people who were- who needed homes. Its a cass system over there and just the poverty level is just profound. And it was at the bottom of this big sort of cliff.

    And up on the top of the cliff was the monastery and you had all the yogis up there in their orange robes, bald and- and they yogis would come out to the edge of the cliff and they would, you know, watch down there and the guys were down there working and hes thinking gosh, how can they just be up there, just watching.

    Here they are. Ive come all the way from America to help and theyre right there meditating all day. And finally the construction workers, when the guys, you know, they got sick of it, they motioned to these monks, come down come down. And the monks motioned back, come up come up. Oh, that messed me up for a week. I didnt know which was the best idea. Either way would have been fine Im sure. But that is the Third Eye.

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  • Take a moment to connect with your breath. Allow a firm extension up through the spine. On your inhalation, bring the hand slowly behind you. On your exhalation, allow the body to fold forward. Gently rest the tip of the forehead on the floor. Take a breath in and extend through the spine and lower back down with pressure gently at the forehead center. Breathe here through the backside of the ribs as you slowly roll from side to side. Feel the pressure along the forehead, in the center of the side. Connecting at the center forehead point. This is the Third Eye.

    Connect with your breath. Extend and release. Focus on your inhale and your exhale as you lower your arms down to the mat. Let your shoulders wrap around the knees. Long deep breaths. Extend the arms out in front of you into extended child pose. Lift up and lower again. Connect through the palms of the hands and the center of the forehead. Let the hips rest back behind you.

    Gently on your exhale roll forward as you tuck the chin in and exhale the hips back down. Take a deep breath in. feel the movement of the center of the forehead and the sides of the ribs as you breathe.

    As you inhale bring the hands back to the feet. And as you exhale, slowly tucking the chin as you connect with your breath and pressing gently at the forehead. Rolling up one vertebra at a time, lifting through the heart and connecting with your breath.

    Childs Pose for the Third Eye

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    Carol: If you were to buy the series which includes Syls workbook, the- all the previous training weve done from the introduction which we got through the fifth Chakra. And then you will be sent the sixth, seventh, and then the follow up. And you also get these really wonderful Chakra guided imagery practice and Chakra residence CD, so you get- this is a really fabulous package. This is gonna keep you busy for a few months out if you were to study this.

    This is like a lifetime of study and application right here in this program because they learning and the Chakras are such an in depth intricate, intimate energy system. Theres no way you can go through a course like this- I mean were just literally touching the iceberg here about whats going on with these energies and the history that they hold generationally. You know theres phenomenal history in our energy because of the generational stuff that were willing to come into. The programs that we take on from our family and our birth energy.

    So we encourage you to check these out. If you like what were doing here tonight and youve not previously been a part of the program, this is gonna give you a lot. You know, you can do your own energy clearing and your own energy therapy with a lot of the products we offer. And some of you may have noticed that I charge a very high fee now with an intent in that that thats not my pursuit anymore to really go after clients and have my financial return come from my private practice. And so its almost like establishing a boundary; that I only want to really very, very specific that I choose to work with in a very full, very dynamic program that requires a ten-month commitment.

    But energetically Im there for you because I get the issues; I really get it, you know. Knowing what- most issues that are common for humanity have about an 80% crossover to every person, meaning your weight issues look like the other persons weight issues and the belief systems and programs youre running are about 80% the same as the other person. So if we can hit that mark and get that close, youre gonna get the- we dont have to hit it 100% because all we need is

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  • to start dealing with the energy, working with it and it will start to do its job.

    Thats the marvelous thing about energy; it knows what to do to heal. Its not dependent on your cognitive knowledge of what to do. It has an innate design for healing. And so what were doing is these little bells and whistles, these little techniques that basically just invite that process to engage and play out with support.

    Thats really all were doing because the healing process is not something thats driven by knowledge from a cognitive level. Its a DNA program that God put in the whole being to guarantee our success. Without that wed be very susceptible to failure. We could not make it here. We have to have a non-thinking process thats in operation available at all times that has a design of healing.


    So my whole come from is that when you take that innate intelligence, that healing design and you access what I believe is the power of Christ through that extolment that was set in place, when those two come together healing occurs.

    All were doing with the tapping or the eye blinking or whatever were choosing as the medium to work with the energy is were releasing the blocks thats keeping those two coming together in the outcome of healing. Because if you have a limiting belief, if you have emotional blocks, if you have programs that you hold self consciously that maintain your current reality, that blocks those two coming together.

    So thats all were doing; were clearing thought energy, were clearing emotional energy, were clearing the energy the body holds onto that it starts to believe is its reality. And its very simple.

    So just notice as you get into this, if youre kind of a newbie in this, if this is like youre kind of entering into this, notice your potential to make it complicated. Just notice that, thats a human, its just the, you know, human kind likes to create

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  • struggle. The only reason were suffering is because were created for joy and we live I a reality of lack and struggle so that causes suffering. Thats all it is. Once we release ourselves from lack and pain and fear, we come into balance with our God given design which is joy. Yet were not practice, its not second nature; we dont do that automatically.

    Its interesting because our habit is to survive and it is a habit and I am really good at that habit as well. Someone was saying earlier, who was it? They said they open the- was that you? She shared- she uses my book as a daily resource which I think is fabulous, I dont even do that. She just randomly opens it up and theres something there for her to connect with that makes a difference for her that day.

    And I said to her, I need to do that. I mean really though. Life continues to bring us into more and more levels of- its not like you ever arrive, you know. You get to a place where things start evening out and youre in a much better place and youre flowing and youre like Wow, and then guess what? You turn the corner and youre like, Wow, more opportunity to take what I know and expand it in a new experience.

    And yet you go back to survival because thats the program thats the most available to us. Because we have literally generations of mankind that we come from that have survived this planet. So were tripping it, you know, were overhauling the program, were tripping it over to we exist in joy. What a concept. God created us for that, how come thats not automatic, you know.

    We are giving out a free CD tonight and I was listening; kind of previewing it. Its a 20-minute thing thats really being used for a promotional thing to help people get introduced to me and my philosophy, kind of how I see this whole game being played out.

    So youre gonna benefit even if youve heard every CD, read every- because I benefited and I wrote all this stuff, you know. And I went, God thats really good, I gotta remember that, you know. And what I was saying in there that just made me laugh was think about when you get together with

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  • friends, family and youre just chatting about what is, you know; kids, jobs. Do you go on and on about my teenagers are so incredible? Its fabulous, my bank account, I just dont know what to do with all that money; its crazy man, it just keeps showing up. The money just keeps coming.

    Are you talking like that just because thats- no, what are you talking about. Youre talking about whats not working in your favor. Thats the automatic language that were in. and I think, you know, how dumb are we. Here God created us for this phenomenal potential and were going around dinking around talking about lack and pain and conflict and its like a habit.

    So just notice that, how automatic that is that youre visiting with whoever and there you go, you join in, you participate. Well energetically you just go right there. Your vibration just joins in and you go, bring it on, because thats really what youre putting out there is that vibration. So you know, just notice how conscious you need to be that youre choosing to be conscious to make a new choice; to say- and all of a sudden theres nothing to talk about. Because they dont know how to talk back. you know, its like you cant have- your conversations are real dead because you like- how many people do you know that you can just like carry on in this affirmative language?

    So pair up, get to know each other and call each other. I can see you doing that, you know. Because otherwise youre gonna be talking like that. And notice just how easy it is to do that. So I mentioned this on this CD and Im laughing at myself because Im like, wow, Im still doing that, you know. I noticed lately, Ive kind of slipped into that whole lifestyle. Im like, okay, people truly expect me to live this, which you know I do for the most part but its the little details that really make the difference; the little things.

    What, you know, where are your thoughts going when you dont have anything you have to focus on, you know. Pick up something like- marathon running is not like necessarily the best thing because you have a lot of time to think. But if you were to start rock climbing, when youre hanging off a cliff, if you want to train your mind to focus, choose something thats life threatening that you cant wonder.

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  • Then you go, Okay, I really have to stay focused. Surfing would be good, you know. Anything with the natural elements that could kill you would be a good thing to teach your mind to stay focused.

    But what Im saying is a lot of what were doing day-to-day gives us time for idle thought. Because were not hanging off sides of cliffs saying where do I put my next step, you know. Were not in the ocean, you know, with a wave approaching. Were just standing on automatic doing things that it becomes second nature that are just like neural pathways for driving, neural pathways for all the work you do. You just do it because you just, youre so used to it.

    So you have a lot of time for idle thought because youre not having to go out and make sure your crops growing and youve got food six months from now. You just, see were so available to ourselves that its a real catastrophe because we have so much time for thinking. So more than ever we have this great experi- opportunity to train our minds to become masters of our thoughts.


    And so Im gonna jump into Third Eye Chakra because thats our topic for tonight, which I feel is one of my gifts that Ive developed. Every person has the potential for it. Because the nature of the work I do, through the years has offered me the opportunity to really open and develop this energy center. Fail to read energy to tune into things, to know things.

    I have a strong fifth and sixth Chakra; I have a strong throat Chakra, maybe thats why I didnt have to show up last month, I just had to video tape it. Because I really dont have any problems speaking up. If anything its like, eh you know you dont have to say so much.

    I like to talk, you know, Im a- I communicate, Im a communicator, its one of my gifts. And obviously gods using

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  • me in that capacity to communicate things that I hold to be true that hopefully are helping other people.

    But the Third Eye, you know its interesting because all these other Chakras are about really owning yourself and your body and the physical plane and now were transcending it. Now were getting out of that. Now were gonna go beyond the physical, were gonna go into the surreal, were gonna go into the intuitive. Whats not seen, but known.

    And for me thats the best way to describe the experience when this energy centers working is you have a keen sense of knowing without any reason to know why. You just know.

    And people, its not even necessarily that you see. Sometimes people have visual; they can see colors, they can see the energy. Mine is a very strong mental sound of just knowing. How do you know? I just know.

    I believe everyone has had that experience at some point. Now the difference is do you allow it to be received and trusted? Because I believe its happening for people because these things are starting to open for people regardless, its just the nature of the time in which we live.

    Where people get off is they question, doubt or then try and get feedback. See, so its not that- your problem- youre getting the- that energy is going, thats staring to play for you; its starting to turn on. Where I gets messed up is are you receiving it in trust or are you questioning, challenging and then looking outside yourself to see if its okay, what came to you is okay for you to get.

    Women especially are really, thats the justifying, defending, explaining thing pattern that goes on. And so just notice if you have that tendency. Because if thats your tendency to have to doubt it, question it or look for validation outside yourself for whats coming to you internally thats truly through your Third Eye, your sixth Chakra, youre just, its not that youre gonna stop it, its just your throwing a lot of static in the flow. Youre just putting in a lot of, its like turning on a garbage disposal when the waters running and you know, its disturbance. Its just basically disturbance.

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  • So if youre doing that, thats one thing I encourage you to choose differently tonight is say, Im no longer going to question what comes to me. Im going to receive it. That doesnt even necessarily mean you have to act on it. Just receive it and see what happens.

    So if you have that pattern of questioning your own thoughts, your own mind, notice that and chose to catch yourself and go, Im- okay this is an easy- this is called temporal tapping. Who does this? Whos someone that does this, that sees that theyre doing this in their thought processes?

    Do you want to come up? Im- maybe you didnt, maybe you wouldnt have raised your hand. You know I actually looked at you and thought I would be working with you tonight. So, see, my intuition, it was operating for me.


    Now were gonna do some EFT tapping. But Ive brought my little want tonight because I do get questioned a lot about- tonight was like question night because I was just kind of hanging around. And more people came up to me and said, I have a question and I said, And I have no answers.

    I said go ahead, ask your question. But I really am not in a position through these mediums. Ive really gotten strict boundaries lately. I basically say if we want to get personal and really get into it, then you get to pay me $10,000 and come every week for three months. Because Im really not able- because I work with energy, not counseling people in their life problems. And thats really interesting that people email me; I mean Ill get these page- you know just sob, Im like well you could hit return once in a while and get a paragraph break, I mean its just so hard to read.

    And Im, you know, Im- I mean- I read them, Im kind of curious what people are asking me about. But I have no capacity to respond to it because I work with energy. I do not council people on what to do in their lives. I dont give advice, thats your job. My job is to clear your- help you get a- become a clearer vessel for you to get the direction youre seeking and to know for yourself. And I cant do that over an

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  • email. I cannot clear your energy by responding to your email. Unless I gave you a technique to do.

    So in your case, give us- what are you experiencing when I asked- when I invited- put that out that youre getting static or you know, youre questioning. Whats that like for you? You can come over here. Are you tearing up?

    Sandy: No, not yet.

    Carol: All right, you were hesitant; you were pausing so you know. Didnt know if you were.

    Sandy: No, well, I have a history of going outside of myself to get validation for everything.

    Carol: Looking for outside approval. The ans-

    Sandy: Not so much approval but I cant make a decision on my own.

    Carol: Okay.

    Sandy: And then over the last few years I have started to be able to hear

    Carol: Okay.

    Sandy: And

    Carol: Hear your own voice. Its like the voice; youll hear the voices out here bigger than your own voice.

    Sandy: I just, I dont trust it enough to even want to know what I am being told.

    Carol: Whats your name?

    Sandy: Sandy.

    Carol: Okay. Were your parents- were they- did they have- were they opinionated?

    Sandy: Oh.

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  • Carol: Okay, what Im picking up on is in her childhood, when she was developing that, this Chakras coming on or between about eight and a half to fourteen years old. When youre starting to really make some of your own decisions and move out into a social group more.

    So if you were given feedback to say, basically the message was you cant trust what youre coming up with. Thats what Im getting; that you were- that was constant throughout your developmental years. That you really cant trust whats coming to you, they knew better. They knew better. So what youre running is that same program; somebody else knows better than me. In fact, that says it right there. Someone else knows better than me.

    Sandy: Everybody.

    Carol: Yeah, but you see how thats actually for the video camera. Do you see how you still; youve never released yourself from that original experience. Its like everybody else is mom and dad now. Because you were not gifted with that support to say, what a awesome idea. It would be interesting to see how that works out or if thats right for you. Good for you to come up with it.

    You know, Ive learned to say that with my children. Its like, you know, I dont even know if thats gonna work out for him, you know, or if for their greater good. But its like, hey, good for you to come up with something. Great for you to think and have an idea and- to honor the fact that they were working with their own inner system.

    You didnt get that. And that probably goes back to about three because thats when you became verbal and thats when they started to put you in your place, kind of.

    Sandy: I was actually verbal before that.

    Carol: But I meant dialogue stuff, you know, yeah. Did you talk much as a child?

    Sandy: I dont have many memories of being a child but my mother says when I was two she would take me to the stores in

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  • [inaudible 1:21:39] and I recited nursery rhymes to all the shop keepers and they gave me candy.

    Carol: Oh, how lovely. See they thought you were brilliant, your parents just didnt get it did they?

    Sandy: It was a good-

    Carol: She was brilliant and her parents didnt see it.

    Sandy: No, I was a parrot.

    Carol: So your doubted- No, well no, you had- I really mean that, that word fits you, brilliant. And you dont trust your own brilliance. But thats a really good word energetically for you, your whole energy goes, Whoa seriously, I get to be brilliant? Its like Yeah, you get to be brilliant.

    So yeah thats a wor- words have vibrations and thats- I- they just come- youve seen me work with my intuition, my Third Eye is going on right now. Youre seeing me use this with her, because it just comes to me. That word is a really awesome match for you to, you know, in your own private experience of really owning that to say, I am brilliant, and to give that to that child. You- that- the little girl that I am, the little girl within me is brilliant.

    To even re-envision that event and you go in and you know kind of tell your parents, you know, not- you know, enough is enough, knock it off. And you tell that little one shes brilliant. Because your mind doesnt care if it happened then or now.

    Because that childs alive in you and thats really the value of doing inner child work is you can go anywhere on that time line and put it in place and put in the word. When you put the word in when shes three or five, its as though that energy has been with her from three, five or whatever. Your system does not relate to this linear time dimension were in because its just in oneness. Its in the now.

    So your mind will receive that as, wow I was told I was brilliant when I was three. So dont keep yourself stuck just because your parents didnt do the job, step in and take care of it. Fire your parents, tell them, you know Ive given you 50

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  • years, were done. You can be brilliant too but Im not gonna wait for you to get it that we can all be brilliant.

    And so you give that to that or you bring in your heavenly parents or you bring in angels that you use, other voices of authority. But your inner child sees you as a voice of authority.

    Okay, so Im gonna do with her with my little wand because Im gonna show you a little bit about rapid eye and then well get into some of the tapping. Im gonna clear this little nut shell thing thats dominating, thats become a core issue thats playing out in a lot of behavior and experience then. But what I said it comes down to is people outside of me know better than me. I dont know my- you know, thats kind of the script shes running off of energetically.

    And so just with this wand movement, and what were doing if I can demonstrate- and if you want to know about, you know, people ask me, what should- Im really interested in getting trained in something. This is the fastest entry modality becomes certified in. and just so you know, I was- I graduated in home economics education before I became an energy therapist. And it started ten years ago with rapid eye.

    You know, so I could move from being a home economics teacher to energy work because its not required that you know- you just have to have a desire. Because its a very awesome model to train with because you dont have to know all the systems. You learn a technique that works with all the systems and then you get to learn about the systems as you go along, because as you know the technique, it will do the job.

    So what were doing- what Im gonna do with her- shell look forward and were gonna wave the wand in rapid movements. So Im gonna have you drop that because youre not gonna be saying anything. I always tell my clients, Im the one that does all the work in this process; they sit there and blink their eyes. And thats really all they do; breathe, blink, thats it. Because Im the one that- what Im gonna do is gonna take her brain into a alpha theta brain wave state to hit subconscious. Slow the brain down, connect it in the REM cycle so we can work with the deeper

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  • mind that holds this energy. And Im gonna run it out with these verbal cues to tell it to release.

    You can blink your eyes along with her because youre gonna get the proxy experience of this, meaning youll all shift and clear just because youre participating energetically in this network of energy that were in tonight, you know. And its that simple.

    Clearing is easy in the time in which we live. Maintaining a higher vibration is your challenge. Because your habit is to be in a lower frequency. And so the clearing is simple. Every time you have an Ahh ha, you get something new, some awareness, your energy shifts to a higher vibration in that moment.

    The key is now allowing and maintaining that shift. Because most often, you know, you go back into the junk. Even though you just shifted. So every time you do that, take a deep breath, get it and go whoa. Anchor that in, maybe tap on your K27s here and go whoa I just shifted because I just had a big Ahh ha.

    Breathe in, everybody do that. Just because what I just told you was an Ahh ha. Its like, really? Its that easy? Yeah, its that easy. And just anchor that in. tell you energy this is a good place to be.

    Youre teaching your body to exist at a higher frequency. And in that higher frequency its very difficult for disease to manifest. Its in those lower frequencies that disease manifest and poor health conditions.

    Okay, what Im gonna do when I remove the wand, when we move it up here were accessing memory. This is always feeling down here. Whenever you shift your eyes to these visual fields, you access these brain functions. Up here is seeing, recreating, auditory, feeling and we want to work with the whole system because we dont know whats holding the bigger piece of this.

    So Im gonna basically run out this energy, allow the limiting- through the language and the wand movement, Im gonna release her energetically so her system can come into a

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  • higher vibration thats a more natural state. And thats why we then do reframes. We do the positives after to anchor it in. were not putting that in, you never put in the positives, they exist within you. Youre just getting them set; youre getting a new program running basically.

    And for those of you that want to look into the rapid eye further, if you go to my website, into my About Energy page, you will be able to access the rapid eyesight.

    And I remember I got going on this by talking about my new website with the clearing but thats gonna really be using the tool of emotional freedom technique with tapping which well do tonight as well. Because Im not able to duplicate eye movement processes through this technology at this point to actually engage people in a rapid eye clearing.

    And people will ask me, Well which ones better? Theyre both systems that have the same potential outcome because its really other things that create whether they work or not. Its your integrity with it, your intention and the level of skill and integrity of the person youre working with a lot of the time, you know.

    I wouldnt go to somebody for clearing my money issues if theyve got $60,000 of credit card debt, okay. I just wouldnt go to them because they havent cleared it, they cant help my energy clear. So see, to me, if youre looking to work with someone, kind of check out their life results resume, you know. How are they doing? Do they keep getting divorced? Dont go to them for your relationship issues, you know.

    Thats so incredibly important to me that what you see is- that what I teach, I live. Thats its reflected in my life. I just couldnt do this otherwise; I could not sell you a good idea if it wasnt getting results for me, and so.


    Okay, with the RET, take your glasses off, that will just be more comfortable for you. Im going to just run this out using the rapid eye. It will take just a couple minutes and then were gonna reframe it.

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  • And I want you just to listen, dont even, you dont have to do anything with the words that youre hearing, just listen and blink. Just blink, blink, blink. Youre gonna just do repeated blinking, just blink, one blink after another.

    Okay, when I move the wand over here and here more slowly, I want you to follow it. And you do the same thing in the audience; follow it back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Ill actually use that.

    Im gonna have you, I guess its a little awkward because my regular position Im gonna block, I can do it, Ill make it happen. So just follow, Ill coach her, act like Im doing this to you. Just follow my lead, okay.

    All right, I want you to close your eyes and you can come up with your own stuff. You can think of your own, you dont have to, you can think of hers, it doesnt matter. I want you to think of that little girl at that store being told that she was reciting nursery rhymes.

    Did your mom or dad say- were they with you?

    Sandy: Yeah, my mom would take me.

    Carol: Did she say something like, you know- rep- did you get any kind of negative feedback in that setting?

    Sandy: I have no memory of it, she just told me thats what I did.

    Carol: Do you have any knowledge of things that were commonly said by either mom or dad that were like, Oh you shouldnt think that or Thats- Do you have any phrases that come to mind?

    Sandy: Youre lazy.

    Carol: Okay, what else? What about ideas you had? Things that came to you that you wanted to share and how they responded to that.

    Sandy: I dont have anything.

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  • Carol: Okay can you, in your mind, fabricate seeing you as a child and just see that little girl being told you know, that shes- her ide- dont you know- shes kind of lofty you know. What are you thinking, like silly, all that like silly idea. Can you imagine that?

    Sandy: Um hm.

    Carol: Okay, just connect with that then. Go to her and tell her you wanna- youre gonna release her from that experience. That youre going to allow her today to claim her brilliance because shes a brilliant little girl and ideas just flow to her, just continually. Shes like and idea machine and she loves to come up with new ideas and insights and share them, doesnt she.

    Sandy: Yeah.

    Carol: Okay, tell her she gets to do that now. And mom and dad have been- their angels have come in and theyve taken them to their own place of healing because theyre gonna deal with mom and dad. And shes coming home to you today, okay. Youre in charge of her now, okay. Can you see that? Okay. Thats huge for people right there, just doing that little thing. Because its like wow really, I get to claim myself and my brilliance.

    Okay, I want you to blink your eyes and releasing, what do you know, quiet, shut up youre gonna ruin the program, let it go, dont speak before you think about it, other people know better than me.

    Release it, let it go, releasing what do I know, questioning myself, putting myself down, shutting down all my ideas, I dont know anything, my ideas are stupid. Let it go release it, release it, get back in your place, who do you think you are, silly, stupid, ridiculous, let it go, get real, let it go, release it, let it go.

    Okay, look over here, follow it, let it go, break it up. Releasing all the things that were ever told to you, all the lies and illusions that you bought into about how you just didnt get it, you werent right, let it go, release it, release it, release it, release it, release it.

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  • Okay, look over here, release it, let it go once and for all. All the times that you were told every time you were shut down, let it go. Releasing all the times that you were shut down and you bought into this illusion about yourself. Let it go, release, release, release, release.

    Okay, now squeeze your eyes like youre shutting them really hard. Squinting and open them, one after another. So its just tight, open, tight, open, tight, open, tight, open, tight, open. Pull it out. Tight open, pull it up, okay, pull it up, tight, open, pull it up, tight, open, pull it out.

    Okay, take a deep breath through your nose and open your mouth and breathe it out. Okay, do it again, and breathe it out. Okay, one more time. And breathe it out. Okay, take a deep breath in, and let it go.

    The thing about this process, you work with the energy field that you are surrounded by where all this energys held. Its like your baggage carrier of your stuff is your aurac filed. And youre able to pull it in and clear it and release it.

    And so youre working- all the systems get involved in this; all the energy systems are involved in this process. How are you feeling?

    Sandy: I dont know.

    Carol: Close your eyes, hows that little girl doing?

    Sandy: Better.

    Carol: Is she free?

    Sandy: Not quite.

    Carol: Tell her shes free, she gets to practice it. she gets to practice it now. Okay, I want you to say for-

    I am free To be my true self. This little girl is now free. To be my true self.

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  • I am brilliant. I am worth it. I am deserving. Everyones brilliant. Im safe to share my ideas. All the answers are inside of me. I am good enough. I forgive my mom and dad. They did the best they knew how. With the experience they had. I am free now. To be true to myself. I am loved. I am happy. I am free to come up with whats right for me. Im grateful for my clear mind. I have a strong intuition. Im trusting it, Im having fun with it. Its growing and growing. I am patient. Better. Shes doing great.

    Carol: Do I see the childlike free, like Woohoo, play time. Im done with all your adult crap, Im going out to play. And thats the key because youre gonna then draw from that. Shes your base; shes what feeds you with this one. Something like this. But you look- hey, does she look different to you?

    Class: Yes.

    Carol: You see that, you see her light turn on? Your eyes like got turned on; the lights just went ding. That was great. So now Im gonna give her a spinal.

    I want everyone to stand up and spinal flush your neighbor. What that looks like is, just run your hands across the spinal- down the spine, flush them out, have them take some deep breaths. Very good.

    Now turn around, do whats called a crown pull. Were gonna now open up that Third Eye. Youre gonna pull open the forehead because thats gonna help open that energy center up and keep following your hands up and over the top of

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  • your head. And thats a crown pull. Youre opening your sixth and seventh Chakra right there.

    And see, shes giving permission for those energy centers to get really, really active to lead her. So, good job. That was great, thanks.

    Okay, why dont you- hey any questions about the RET stuff? Because thats about all Im gonna tell you about tonight. I just wanted to give you a quick example of what were doing when we use that tool. Any questions about that?

    Audience Member: What does RET stand for?

    Carol: RET stands for rapid eye technology. Yeah.

    Audience Member: Is that wand that you use, is that important?

    Carol: Well only because you get all the eye movement- see you know were creating visual prompts. The wand- the question is, is that wand important? Well its basically my whole modality is dependent on that wand, so yes it is. I would say.

    This Rapid Eye Technology was founded and inspired by Dr. Renee Johnson whos based in Salem, Oregon. Im a certified master rapid eye technician. I have extensive training with this modality. I am probably one of the more, the better well known- Im the poster girl for RET because Im like going out there. Im taking this to the world kind of a thing.

    And thats been my primary modality in energy work. If you wee me in private practice, we do a lot of rapid eye clearing. But were gonna teach you other things to do with yourself because youre not gonna be able to go home and wave a wand in front of your face, but because I can just get in there and, so fast, laser this with that modality and just shift it, you know. Its like we went back to her three year old experience and just completely altered it.

    Her mind, her left brain may play out the old story, but in everyway her energy can hold this from this point on in her

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  • life as if she had been told she was brilliant when she was three. Thats the power of it.

    So, again, the work comes in learning new skills that support you in maintaining joy because your habit is to keep lining up with struggle just because thats the human condition that were so- thats presented to us day after day.

    Lets go ahead and hand out- this is the clearing for tonights Chakra. If youre interested in getting the scripts for the previous five, go to my website and from February on, every newsletter under the newsletter archives has the clearing. I put these on my newsletter every month. And you can print those out.

    This is the sixth Chakra clearing and were gonna use EFT, the tapping process to use this script to clear.

    I have a script book that I sell that you can use the tapping with any of the scripts that we provide. What were doing on the energy healing learning center is youll see me taking you through the tapping and youll follow along with the Power Point with the wording. And youll just do the process right along with me. So.

    Audience Member: Carol, when she first started out she said that it was hard for her to make her own decisions. Once you clear her then when we make a decision, we wont attach failure or success to that decision?

    Carol: Okay, your question- I want to repeat your question so I get this on tape. She said it was hard for her to make decisions because of this doubting process, to trust her own knowing. Once we clear this is it an automatic thing to just come into that youre able to trust the decisions and go forward?

    Again, the left-brain is basically a program that has strong habits. Everythings now in place to help support that left-brain thinking process, that cognitive kind of playing it out to now not be able to maintain that is a habit because it will seem very, very tedious to keep that up because the energy doesnt support it anymore.

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  • So you dont flip into it automatically, it kind of- you wean yourself off it because its no longer comfortable to do that because youre not vibrating, Im brilliant, I am trusting what comes to me to be true for me. So when that energy is alive, its gonna be awkward to keep questioning and doubting. Its gonna, you know, get heavy. And youll give it up; you just give it up little by little. You just say, I dont need to do that anymore. And all of a sudden youre not doing it at all.

    And you realize suddenly after so many days or weeks its like, Oh, Ive quit doing that. Thats usually the transition. Because your left-brain, you know, 90% of what you thought yesterday youve repeated in your thoughts today. So you have a 10%- if youre going that- if youre just going on automatic and whatever, just thinking like without really conscious deliberate intent, you got about a 10% window for life change everyday of your life. See what Im saying?

    When you get conscious and deliberate with your thoughts, you open that window huge, huge to create change. You may have emotion thats keeping- thats prevailing that makes it more difficult to maintain more positive though just because the bodys hanging onto this emotional stuff, thats why you want to use the techniques to clear the emotional energy so your mind has the support emotionally.

    Because you can get to a point once youve cleaned up your emotional baggage that your thoughts can shift your emotional energy. And thats really the design because the mind is a higher frequency system than the emotions and theyre meant to, you know, spirit is meant to direct.

    Mental is meant to direct emotion and motions meant to direct body. But we got that all running backwards, see. But thats when you clean things up and get into alignment; it should be able to filter down that way, okay.


    Let me pass this other one out too. This is the tapping technique. Many of you have this because I use this frequently. Again, this can be printed out from my website. This is just the basic menu of the EFT model, Emotional

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  • Freedom Technique. And Im gonna bring a couple people up because its fun when we can hear about someones experience and you literally see an energy shift in front of you. And thats really valuable for you to actually see, you know, somebody in the experience getting the shift rather than us just going through the emotions.

    So, I actually need one of my indigo sheets because I did not memorize that. Are there more? Did we- theres more in the back too.

    Okay, what are the patterns when youre blocked in this energy center? Well its pretty simple, its a lot about what weve been talking about. Let me see if I can pick something out here. Okay, lets go with this, what youre coming up with and whats true for you is very much different from what your family belief system is telling you.

    And youre in conflict now because youre getting new insights for where youre meant to go and lets just say your wellness program. Wow, Im really drawn to this alternative thing but, wow, my family belief system says you only do what the rest of Americas doing. You dont touch this, you