Modern and Nonlinear Optics

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Transcript of Modern and Nonlinear Optics

  • 1Notes for

    Modern and nonlinearOptics

    Miles Padgett

  • Properties of laser light


    As one can see from a laboratory He-Ne, the output froma laser is well collimated





    The far-field diffraction angle is q ld [1]

    whered = diameter of output beaml = wavelength of laser light


    If a spectrally pure beam of laser light is examined usinga monochromator it is found to comprise narrow range ofoptical frequencies.




  • 3Temporal Coherence

    By splitting and subsequently recombining a laser beamafter varying path differences, the coherence can beassessed.




    angled mirror



    Beam splitter


    Even when L is large, interference fringes are stillobserved. This tells us the present phase of the light isstrongly related to the past phase.

    We define length over which fringes are still visible asthe coherence length. We also define a coherencetime, where:

    Coherence length = Coherence time x c [2]

    Coherence time - Optical bandwidth

    We know that over the coherence time, the phase of theelectric field vector must not 'slip' by more than 2p

    By writing the electric field vector as:

    E = E0 sin((w 0 + Dw )t)

  • 4we can state that the spread of optical frequency (i.e. thebandwidth) Dw

    Dw tcoherence 2p

    i.e. the spread of optical frequencies in the laser beam(Dn ) is related to the coherence time by:

    Dn = 1

    tcoherence [3]

    Spatial coherence

    As well as being temporally coherent, a typical laserbeam can be spatially coherent as well.


    These two points are in phase(temporal coherence)

    These two points are in phase(spatial coherence)

    Spatial coherence can be measured using Young's slits

  • 5Laser



    In order to see a high contrast interference pattern on thescreen the phase difference between the light at the twoslits must be constant. Typically, laser light is found tobe spatially coherent across the whole of the beam.

    What makes up a laser?

    There are two components to a laser

    Gain Medium (something to amplify the light)

    Resonator (something to provide suitableoptical feedback)

    Gain Medium




  • 6Gain Medium

    Consider two energy levels, E1 and E2, with populationsN1 and N2.

    We will use an atomic system in which the electronsoccupy well defined energy states.






    There are three ways in which this system can interactwith light.

    Spontaneous emission

    An electron in the upper state can spontaneously relax tothe lower state and in doing so will emit a photon.

    Conservation of energy means the photon energy willequal the change in electron energy, i.e.

    hn = E2 - E1

    where h is Planck's constant

    The average time an electron will remain in one statebefore relaxing is called the lifetime (t )

    The exact time at which the electron "chooses" to relax istotally random and therefore the radiation emitted will beincoherent.

  • 7The spontaneous emission 'flow' of electrons from thestate 2 to state 1 is given by:

    dN2dt = -

    N2t 2

    wheret 2 = lifetime of state 2N2 = population of state 2, (no. m-3)

    Alternatively, we write this as:

    dN2dt = - A2 N2


    A2 = Einstein 'A' coefficient = 1t 2


    Stimulated absorption

    Similarly, an incoming photon can be absorbed by thesystem and an electron will be excited from the lower tothe upper state. The frequency of the photon must besuch that:

    hn = E2 - E1

    The spontaneous absorption 'flow' of electrons from state1 to state 2 is given by:

    dN2dt = B12 r n N1

    r n = D n hn


  • 8B12 = Einstein 'B' coefficientr n = Photon energy density at frequency nD n = Photon number density at frequency n

    Stimulated emission

    An incoming photon can cause an electron in the upperstate to relax and an additional photon will be emitted.The two photons not only have the same frequency butalso the same phase, i.e. they are coherent.

    The stimulated emission 'flow' of electrons from state 2to state 1 is given by:

    dN2dt = -B21 r n N2

    whereB21 = Einstein 'B' coefficient

    It is stimulated emission that's the key to laser action.

    The three processes.

    Spontaneous emission





  • 9Stimulated absorption





    Stimulated emission





    The Einstein relations

    Einstein showed that the A and B coefficients are related.

    In equilibrium, the rate of change of upper and lowerpopulations must be 0, i.e.

    dN2dt =

    dN1dt = 0

    dN2dt = spontaneous emission 'flow'

    + stimulated emission 'flow'- stimulated absorption 'flow'

    dN2dt = A2 N2 + B21 r n N2 - B12 r n N1 = 0 [5]

  • 10


    dN1dt = - A2 N2 - B21 r n N2 + B12 r n N1 = 0 [6]

    From [5]:

    B12 r n N1 = A2 N2 + B21 r n N2

    Re-arrange for r n

    r n = A2 N2

    B12 N1 - B21 N2 or

    r n =



    N1N2 - 1


    However, in thermal equilibrium, Boltzmann statisticswill tell us the relative population of state 1 and state 2

    N1N2 =

    g1g2 exp((E2 - E1)/kT)

    whereg1 = degeneracy of state 1g2 = degeneracy of state 2k = Boltzmann's constantT = temperature in Kelvin

    In our case

    hn = E2 - E1


  • 11

    N1N2 =

    g1g2 exp(-hn /kT) [8]

    sub into equ. [7]

    r n =



    g2B21 exp(hn /kT) - 1 [9]

    Since our system is in thermal equilibrium, r n must beidentical the black body emission , i.e.

    r n = 8p n3hn 3



    exp(hn /kT) - 1 [10]

    Equating equs. [9] and [10] we get the Einstein relations:

    g1B12 = g2B21 [11]


    A2B21 =

    8p n3hn 3c3 [12]

    The ratio of the spontaneous to stimulated emission isgiven by:

    Ratio = spont.stim. =

    A2r n B21


    Re-arrange equ. [9], to get:

  • 12

    Ratio =


    g2B21 exp(hn /kT) - 1)

    but g1B12 = g2B21, therefore:

    Ratio = exp(hn /kT) - 1

    e.g. electric light bulb, T= 2000K, n = 5 x1014 Hz

    Ratio = 1.5 x105

    Steps to achieve laser action

    Stimulated emission will enable us to amplify anincoming stream of photons (One photon in, two photonsout).

    However, under normal conditions, the ratio betweenstimulatednd spontaneous emission isvery poor.

    To boost the amount of stimulated emission, we needHigh r nHigh N2

    Explanation of 'g' degeneracy

    If two states have different quantum numbers butidentical energies, they are said to be degenerate, e.g.

  • 13







    g1 N1 is the total number of occupied states with theenergy E1.

    Note that if the degeneracies are equal (e.g. both =1) thenwe have:

    B21 = B12 ( for g1 = g2) [14]

    Absorption of light

    It is normal to define an absorption coefficient (a ), suchthat:

    I n (x) = In (x=0) exp (-a x) [15]

    i.e.dIndx = -a In (x)

  • 14

    whereI n = light intensity at frequency n

    If a is +ve then incoming light is absorbedIf a is -ve then incoming light is amplified

    How can we relate In to r n ?

    Units of I, energy per unit area per unit time

    Units of r , energy per unit volume

    Therefore,I n = r n x speed of light

    I n = r n cn

    wheren = refractive index

    Emission Linewidth

    So far we have spoken of emission and absorption as if itonly happened at one specific frequency and all the lightemitted was monochromatic, i.e.

  • 15





    This is not the case, atoms may absorb or emit photonsover a narrow range of neighbouring frequencies Dn, i.e.






    The shape is given by the lineshape function = g(n ).

    What causes the broadening of the line?

    In gases:Doppler broadening, pressure broadening, naturallifetime, observation time.

  • 16

    In solids:Lattice variations, phonon interactions, natural lifetime

    The various broadening mechanisms fall into twogroups:

    Inhomogeneous Broadening

    e.g. Doppler broadening in gases

    Atoms/moleculesmoving with thermal velocity

    When a photon is emitted from a moving atom, itsfrequency will be Doppler shifted by an amountdn where:

    dn = n 0 vxc

    wheren 0 = transition centre frequency, = (E2 - E1)/hvx = velocity of atom/molecule along line of sight

    Each individual atom/molecule has a specific velocityand therefore contributes to a specific value of dn .

    Each individual atom/molecule has a specific velocityand therefore contributes to a specific value of dn .

  • 17


    this freq. due to "atom no. 3472"

    The values of dn correspond exactly to the spread of vx.Therefore, the lineshape function for Doppler broadeninghas the same form as the velocity distribution

    P[vx] = m

    2p kT exp



    i.e. Gaussian lineshape

    value of vx when P[Vx] = 0.5 P[Vx=0]

    vx = 2 ln(2) kT


    Therefore defining Dn to be the Full Width of thetransition at Half Maximum (FWHM), we get:

    Dn Doppler = n 0c

    8 ln(2) kTm [35]

    For Inhomogeneous broadening, each frequency withinthe linewidth always corresponds to an individualatom/molecule.

    Even in solids Inhomogeneous broadening mechanismsalso exist.

  • 18

    Different atoms are sited in slightly different Latticepositions and therefore 'see' different perturbing fields,again we get a Gaussian lineshape.

    Homogeneous Broadening

    e.g. Natural Lifetime

    All Homogeneous broadening mechanisms can beunderstood in terms of the Uncertainty Principle.

    D E. D t h

    For our atoms /molecules, the lifetime of state 2 is t 2.Therefore we can write that the uncertainty in the energyof state 2 is:

    D Estate 2 ht 2

    Relating the uncertainty in energy to frequency we get:

    D Estate 2 = h Dn h t 2

    Dn 1t 2


    Within the Homogeneous Linewidth, no distinction canbe made between different atoms/molecules. "All theindividual atoms are broadened by the same amount"

    The lineshape can also be derived from the uncertaintyprinciple. We tend to write:

    D E. D t h

  • 19

    However, D E & D t are related as a Fourier TransformPair (as are D p & D x)

    D E D t

    Fourier Transform

    h = 'scaling factor'

    In our case,


    t 2






    So far we have only considered D t to be limited by thenatural spontaneous emission lifetime of the transition,i.e. the natural linewidth.

    However, D t may be further reduced by:

    Collisions between atoms, i.e. pressure broadening

    Rapid stimulated emission, i.e. power broadening

  • 20

    Inhomogeneous and Homogeneous Broadening

    All transitions are homogeneously broadened (e.g. thespontaneous emission lifetime results in a naturallinewidth)

    All transitions are inhomogeneously broadened (e.g.Brownian motion giving a Doppler shift)

    In most cases, one mechanism is far larger than the otherand the transition is said to be homogeneously orinhomogeneously broadened.

    Linewidth as a function of frequency

    Consider a gas which has a number of differenttransitions throughout the spectrum.

    For Doppler broadening, we have:

    Dn Doppler = n 0c

    8 ln(2) kTm [35]


    Dn inhom a n 0

    For the natural linewidth, it can be shown that:

    Dn homo a n 02

    Therefore, infra red transitions are long lived andDoppler broadening is very significant. UV transitionsare short lived and the natural linewidth is moreimportant.

  • 21

    Absorption / Emission Cross Section

    Rather than using the A and B coefficients with g(n ), it isoften more convenient to think in terms of an effectivecross section.

    Atom in upper state

    Effective interaction cross section

    Incoming photon

    Stimulated emission

    The probability of a single atom undergoing stimulatedemission is:

    Probstim = incident photon flux x x-section

    Probstim = D n cn . s n


    D n = photon number density = r nhn = In

    nhn c

    s n = x-section for stimulated emissioni.e.

    Probstim = I nhn . s n

    For N atoms the number of emissions will be:

    Number = I nhn . N. s n

  • 22

    Rewrite the rate equations we get:

    dN1 dt = -

    N1t 1

    + N2t 2

    + s n (N2 - N1) I nhn [45]

    dN2 dt = -

    N2t 2

    - s n (N2 - N1) I nhn [46]

    Note by comparison to [5]:

    dN2dt = A2 N2 + B21 r n (N2 - N1) = 0 [5]

    we can write:

    s n = B21 hn nc

    or, using [12]:

    s n = A2 c3

    8p n3hn 3 hn nc =

    c28p n2n 2t 2


    Let us consider a volume of the laser media

  • 23

    I(x) I(x+d x)


    d x

    x+d x

    The number of photons per unit volume is D n :

    where In = r n cn = D n hn


    dD n dt = stimulated emission / unit vol.

    - stimulated absorption/unit vol.

    At this point we can ignore spontaneous emission sincethe emitted photons will not be coherent with theincoming light and therefore do not give a useful output:

    dD n dt = N2 s n D n

    cn - N1 s n D n


    dD n dt = (N2 - N1) s n D n

    cn [16]

    The change in D n can be related to the change inintensity by:

    D D n = dIndx D x nhn c

  • 24

    or simply we can say D n is proportional to In

    dIndt = (N2 - N1) s n I n

    cn [17]

    We want to express things with respect to x not t, hence


    dxdt= (N2 - N1) s n I n


    but we know that dxdt=


    and therefore

    dIndx = (N2 - N1) s n I n [18]

    but weve already defined dIndx = -a In (x)

    and therefore:

    a = (N1 N2) s n [19]

    a is called the absorption coefficient.

    Under thermal equilibrium, we have a Boltzmanndistribution and because E2 > E1, we have:

    N1 > N2

    therefore a is always +ve and the medium alwaysabsorbs.

  • 25

    However, if we can create a situation where:

    N1 < N2 (known as a population inversion)

    then a is -ve and the medium will amplify

    When a is -ve, it is usually called k, where k = -a , i.e.

    k = (N2 N1) s n [20]

    k is called the small signal gain coefficient.

    Gain Threshold

    Once a population inversion is established, the gainmedium will amplify an incident beam of light.

    By reflecting the light backwards and forwards throughthe gain medium an intense beam of radiation can beestablished. By analogy to the electrical case we call thisprocess optical feedback and the laser becomes a laseroscillator.

    In reality, a gain of 1.000001 would not be enough toachieve laser action since we need enough gain not onlyto overcome the stimulated absorption in the gainmedium but also to overcome the losses due to poormirrors etc. i.e.

    Gain Loss

    In the limit

    Minimum Gain (or Threshold Gain) = Loss

    The size of the population to achieve the thresholdinversion gain is called the Threshold Inversion

  • 26

    Population inversion

    In order to get amplification we need to create apopulation inversion i.e.






    N2 > N1

    We create the population inversion by pumping.

    We need to find a way in which we can overcome thethermal distribution of states.

    One way in which we could try to increase thepopulation of state 2 is to illuminate the medium withlight of frequency n , where:

    n = E2 - E1


    However, since B12 = B21 this light will just as likelycause stimulated absorption as stimulated emission. Inthe steady state we see from [5]:

    B12 r n N1 = A2 N2 + B21 r n N2

    that for any value of r n :

  • 27

    N2 g2g1 N1

    and hence, at best the medium will be transparent

    Making the medium transparent by an intense opticalpumping is called bleaching.

    To achieve a population inversion we need to use mediawith more than two energy states. All practical lasersystems can be simplified to three or four energy levels.

    These are calledThree level laser systems

    or Four level laser systems

    Three level Laser









    a) Pump from state 1 to state 3

    The pump transfers population from the ground state tohigher energy levels. (State 3 may be a collection ofdifferent levels)

    b) Non radiative decay from state 3 to state 2

  • 28

    In a good laser medium, the lifetime of state 3 is shortand all the population in state 3 rapidly decays to state 2

    c) Stimulated emission from state 2 to state 1

    In a good laser medium the lifetime of state 2 is long sothat the population will grow and an inversion can becreated with respect to state 1. Once an inversion isobtained, stimulated emission will give optical gain.

    Three level system, getting an inversion

    Under thermal equilibrium, nearly all the populationresides in state 1. To get an inversion we need to pumpat least half the total population via state 3 into state 2.

    If the total population is NTot, then for an inversion weneed:

    N2 NTot2

    However, the population in state 2 will decay due tospontaneous emission. To maintain the inversion weneed to pump at:

    Rth-3 level = NTot2

    1t 2


    whereRth = threshold pump level, excitations per sec,

    per unit vol.t 2 = lifetime of state 2

  • 29

    Four level Laser










    a) Pump from state 0 to state 3

    The pump transfers population from the ground state tohigher energy levels. (State 3 may be a collection ofdifferent levels)

    b) Non radiative decay from state 3 to state 2

    In a good laser medium, the lifetime of state 3 is shortand all the population in state 3 rapidly decays to state 2

    c) Stimulated emission from state 2 to state 1

    In a good laser medium the lifetime of state 2 is long sothat the population will grow and an inversion can becreated with respect to state 1. Once an inversion isobtained, stimulated emission will give optical gain.

    d) Non radiative decay from state 1 to state 0

    In a four level laser, terminal state of the laser transitionis not the ground state and therefore a populationinversion is easier to maintain.

  • 30

    Four level system, getting an inversion

    Under thermal equilibrium, nearly all the populationresides in state 0, i.e. state 1 is empty. A populationinversion between states 1 and 2 and be obtained evenfor small populations in state 2.

    However, to overcome losses in the resonator etc., weneed to achieve a gain somewhat greater than unity.As mentioned before, this corresponds to a thresholdinversion Nth. (but typically Nth

  • 31

    All the losses other than mirror transmission are groupedinto an overall loss, giving a loss coefficient g ,

    We can characterise a cavity by the time it takes theoscillating light to escape. The intensity in the cavitywill decay exponentially with a time constant tc.

    We can work out the minimum gain required by equatingthe exponential gain to the exponential loss

    Gain: I = Io exp(kx)

    Loss: I = Io exp



    Time (t) is related to distance (x) by the speed of light



    Therefore the cavity loss time tc, equates to a cavity loss

    length of tc


    n .

    At threshold by equating the "gain length" to the "losslength" we get:

    1kth = tc.



    which can be rearranged to give [30]:

    kth = n

    c tc [30]

    Then sub [30] into [20] to get the population inversionrequired to achieve threshold:

    k = (N2 N1) s n [20]

  • 32

    Nth = (N2 N1) = kth / s n

    Nth = ns n c tc


    Nth is called the threshold inversion.

    Also sub in for s n in terms of t 2: from [47]

    s n = c2

    8p n2n 2t 2

    Our expression for the threshold inversion becomes:

    Nth = 8p n3n 2 t 2

    c3 tc [32]

    For some lasers, the pump power required to attain athreshold can only be achieved for a short time. Theselasers are pulsed lasers.

    If the inversion can be maintained indefinitely the outputis continuous. Such a laser is a continuous-wave, i.e. aCW laser.

  • 33

    Examples of laser systems

    Helium Neon Laser

    Active Medium: 90% He, 10% Ne, 10 torr gas

    Pumping: Electrical discharge

    Output Wavelength:632nm, 1.15m & 3.39m(select by mirror choice)

    Typical power levels:1-10mW

    Cost: 100's

    Laser Type: 4 level, inhomogeneous

    Power supply

    Cathode Anode

    Brewster Window


    In the He-Ne laser, the population inversion is createdbetween two energy levels in the neon atoms.

    Similar to many other systems pumped by electricaldischarge, the neon is excited indirectly.

    Energy level diagram for He-Ne laser

  • 34

    Ne atomHe atom3s



    3p2 S1

    2 S3


    3.39m m

    1.15m m633nm


    y (










    a Electron impact excites the helium atoms into thelong-lived 23S and 21S states

    b Collision between He and Ne atoms excites theneon into the 2s and 3s states.

    c Population inversion created between the 3s/3p and2s/2p states in neon. Stimulated emission givesgain.

    d The lifetime of the 2p and 3p states is short and theyrapidly decay to the 1s state.

    e Collisions between the neon atoms and the tubewalls returns the neon atom to the ground state.

    With the He-Ne laser the tube walls play an importantpart in maintaining the population inversion (step e).

    Therefore cannot operate at large tube diameter or highgas pressure.

  • 35

    Brewster Windows

    It is often convenient to contain the gain medium insidethe resonator in a separate container/vessel. Thisprotects the mirrors from the medium (which may be ahigh temperature gas) and allows them to be easilyadjusted.

    Often this is done using Brewster windows. Anytransparent material aligned so the angle of incidence forthe incoming light ray is

    q = tan-1 ntni (n = refractive index)

    exhibits no reflection for one polarisation.







    When q p = 90 there is no reflection of the || polarisationstate. The | polarisation state is reflected and thereforesuffers increased loss.

    Lasers with Brewster windows give linearly polarisedoutputs.

  • 36

    Argon Ion Laser

    Active Medium: Ionised argon atoms (gaseous)

    Pumping: Electrical discharge

    Output Wavelength:Mainly 514nm and 488nm

    Typical power levels:1-10W

    Cost: 10k -100k

    Laser Type: 4 level, inhomogeneous

    Cathode Anode

    l selection prism



    Ceramic or graphite tube

    In the Ar+ laser, the population inversion is createdbetween two energy levels in ionised argon

    Because of the high currents, a solenoid is often used tocontain the plasma in the centre of the tube, away fromthe walls. Discs within the tube acts as heat exchangersand the whole tube is cooled with a water jacket (lowpower lasers can be air cooled)

  • 37

    Energy level diagram for Ar+ laser

    Ionised argon atom






    y (










    a The argon atoms are ionised by electron collisionwithin the discharge (up to 50amps!). Furthermultiple collisions excite the ions to the 4p states.

    b A population inversion is created between the 4p/4sstates. Stimulated emission gives gain.

    c The 4s state has a short lifetime and decays to theground state of the argon ion (giving off UV in theprocess).

    d The argon ion recaptures an electron

    Ar+ lasers have a number of laser transitions in theblue/green region of the spectrum. An internal prism canbe used to select the desired output line. Or formaximum power, the prism can be removed andsimultaneous output on "all lines" can be obtained.

    Argon Ion lasers use lots of power and breakdown often!

  • 38

    Laser diodes

    Active Medium: Direct bandgap semiconductore.g. Gallium Arsenide

    Pumping: Electrical

    Output Wavelength:360nm - 7m (different diodes and extending )

    Typical power levels:1mW- 1W

    Cost: 1- 20k

    Laser Type: 4 level

    Laser diodes are based on very heavily doped p-njunctions (heavy doping is denoted p+ or n+). In heavilydoped p+-type and n+-type materials, the Fermi energylies within the valence and conduction bandsrespectively.



    p+-type n+-type



    Fermi level lies within valance band

    Fermi level lies within conduction band

    Forbiden Energies



    In a p+-n+ junction the contact potential is nearly equalto the energy gap.

  • 39








    Depletion Region



    Under forward bias, the electrons and holes recombineextremely close (in) to the depletion region. This iscalled the active region



    p+-type n+-type




    Depletion Region



    The size of the active region is approximately equal tothe diffusion length, which for heavily doped material is1-3m.

    For materials with a direct band-gap the recombinationwill be radiative, although the heavy doping also leads tostrong reabsorption of the emitted light.

  • 40

    If the injected carrier concentration is large enough thenthe stimulated emission dominates over the absorptionand optical gain is observed. A homojunction laser isshown below.

    p+-type GaAs(:Ge)

    n+-type GaAs(:Te)



    Metal contact

    Cleaved end-face (110)

    Fan shaped output beam

    Points to note:- cavity mirrors formed by Fresnel reflection from

    uncoated end faces of the crystal

    R =


    n2+n1 2

    - the m width of the active region results in lightspreading outside the active region. Thereforemode volume > active region

    - the excess of carriers in the active region modifiesthe refractive index (+0.1) to give slightwaveguiding

    - principal losses are due to scattering from crystaldefects and free-carrier absorption

  • 41

    Homojunction (p and n materials the same) lasers havehigh losses due to free-carrier absorption. Combinedwith the large active area this results in high thresholdcurrents ( 400A mm-2). Therefore, operation is onlypossible in a pulsed mode or at low temperatures.

    The power output of a laser diode increases rapidly asthreshold is reached.



    Spontaneous emission

    Stimulated emission

    Threshold current

    Additionally the spectral profile of the laser diodechanges as a function of forward bias










    Below threshold At threshold Above threshold

    The key to reducing the losses in a diode laser is toimprove the light guiding in the active region.

  • 42

    Heterojunction Lasers

    A heterojunction is a junction between materials ofdifferent types.

    In a heterojunction laser an extra thin layer of materialcreates a region of higher refractive index as the activeregion which also acts as a waveguide for the photons



    p+-type n+-type






    GaAlAs GaAs GaAs

    typ. 0.2m


    Points to note:- GaAs acts as waveguide for emitted photons- GaAlAs has larger band-gap than GaAs, therefore

    design reduces photon absorption in p+-typematerial

    - threshold reduces to 10A mm-2

    Double Heterojunction laser

    The heterojunction principle can be taken a further stepto a double heterojunction.

  • 43

    p+-type n+-type





    GaAlAs GaAs GaAl

    typ. 0.2m




    Points to note:- GaAs acts as waveguide for emitted photons- GaAlAs has larger band-gap than GaAs, therefore

    design reduces photon absorption on BOTH sides ofactive region

    - threshold reduces to 10A mm-2

    Quantum Well Lasers

    If the addition layer within a heterojunction is reducedfrom 100s nm to 10nm or less it becomes comparable tothe wavelength of the electrons within the crystal. Theelectron is effectively trapped within a one-dimensionalquantum well. Consequently, the energy levels andcorresponding wavelengths of emission are modified.To increase the overall power output, many adjacentquantum wells can be formed in the region of thejunction. These are called multiple quantum well lasers.

    Stripe Geometry Lasers

    Heterojunction designs allow the threshold to be reducedto a low current density. To reduce the current to a lowvalue it is necessary to reduce the area of the laser diode.

  • 44

    If the length is reduced the round trip gain may fallbelow threshold, therefore need to reduce the width.

    The current flow into the active region can be restrictedto a single stripe along the length of the laser which mayonly be a few microns wide.

    The stripe can be formed using a patterned electrode orby selective processing of the semiconductor material.

    A stripe geometry gives threshold currents as low as50mA with power outputs of 10mW.

    Other advantages of stripe geometry are- power emitted from small area therefore collimation

    and focusing are simplified- power output can be more stable since lateral

    stability of active region is improved.

    Distributed feedback lasers

    As an alternative to mirrors or cleaved crystal ends adiode laser cavity can be formed using a Bragg Grating.A Bragg Grating is a similar idea to a multilayerdielectric coating which relies upon stacked reflectorsseparated by half wavelengths such that constructiveinterference between reflection from each layer results ina strong reflection for one particular wavelength.

    In this case, each reflector is created by changing thethickness of the active region. By placing a corrugationon the surface this introduces a periodic change modeindex (see later) resulting in a strong distributedreflection at a particular wavelength. Hence the termdistributed feedback laser (DFB)

  • 45





    Metal contact

    Fan shaped output beam

    l /2

    DFB lasers are extremely useful since the exactwavelength of the output is determined by the period ofthe structure.

    Vertical cavity lasers

    One particular interesting form of DFB laser is thevertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL). In whichthe light is emitted vertically, perpendicular to the planeof the substrate.

    l /2

    Alternate high and

    lowindex layers

    Active layer

    Substrate Bottom electrode

    Top electrode

    backfill with


    These VCSEL devices can be made many to the chip andrequire no coating consequently they now representnearly half the world market for laser diodes

  • 46

    Tuning diode lasers

    There are two methods by which laser diodes can beeasily tuned

    - temperature tuning, the wavelength of a GaAs laserdiode tunes by approximately 0.3nm per C

    - current tuning, the frequency typically tunes overseveral 10s GHz as the drive current is altered.

    Failure modes of laser diodes

    Failure may be gradual or catastrophic

    Catastrophic failure occurs when one of the end facets isdamaged. The small active volume and cross-sectionresults in high intensities even at low powers. Themaximum optical flux is typically 109W m-2.

    Gradual failure gives rise to an increase in thresholdcurrent with time. Dark stripes (regions of low gain)appear in the active region. These occur at high currentdensity and are associated with the migration andgeneration dislocations in the lattice. Consequently,fabrication process and control are of critical importance.The dark stripes act as centres for non-radiativerecombination.


    Active Medium: Neodymium impurity in Yttrium Aluminium Garnet(solid state)

    Pumping: Optical

    Output Wavelength:1064nm

    Typical power levels:up to 50Wcw

  • 47

    Cost: 10k - 50k

    Laser Type: 4 level, inhomogeneous

    DC or pulsed power supply


    Nd:YAG rod

    Elliptical reflector to focus

    lamp into rod

    The YAG is doped with Nd3+ ions replacing some of theYttrium.

    The Nd3+ ions absorb light from the pump (particularlyat 810nm) and are excited into a number of high energystates from which they decay to the 4F3/2 state.

    The inversion is formed between the 4F3/2/4I11/2 states.

    The 4I11/2 is short lived and it rapidly decays to theground state, thereby maintaining the inversion.

    Within the last decade, Nd:YAG lasers have also beenpumped using laser diodes, temperature tuned to matchthe absorption of the Nd:YAG at 810nm. Frequencydoubling is frequently employed to obtain a 532nmoutput in the green.

  • 48

    Nd:YAG rod

    Laser diodeLens to focus light into YAG rod

    Nd:YAG lasers are found in both pulsed and CW forms.

    Copper Vapour Laser

    Active Medium: Copper vapour at 1500Cin a neon buffer gas

    Pumping: Electric discharge

    Output Wavelength:578nm and 510nm

    Typical power levels:up 50W average power

    Cost: 10'sk

    Laser Type: 4 level, but metastable lowerlaser level, inhomogeneous

    Solid copper is heated in an oven to 1500C, the vapourpressure is 0.1 torr.

    An electric current passed down the tube generates apopulation inversion in the copper. However, the lowerlaser level is long lived and therefore the populationinversion cannot be sustained. Therefore, copper vapourlasers are always pulsed. Rep rates as high as severalkHz may be obtained.

  • 49

    Dye Laser

    Active Medium: Organic dyes in liquid solvent(e.g. Rhodamine 6G)

    Pumping: Optical

    Output Wavelength:350nm - 900nm(with 10 different dyes)

    Typical power levels:up to 1W CW

    Cost: 10'sk + pump source

    Laser Type: 4 level, homogeneous

    Organic dyes have very broad absorption (spontaneousabsorption) and fluorescence spectra (spontaneousemission) if used as the laser gain medium we wouldexpect them to give us broad tunability.

    Wavelength (nm)

    450 550 650

    Absorption Emission

    Dye lasers are pumped optically. This can be viaflashlamps (similar to flashlamp pumped Nd:YAG) , orfor CW output by another laser.

  • 50









    Singlet states

    Triplet states







    Each electronic energy level is significantly broadenedby the vibration and rotation of the dye molecule.

    The terms singlet and triplet refer to the spin state of theexcited electrons.

    a Optical pumping excites a dye molecule into thefirst singlet state.

    b The molecule quickly relaxes to the bottom of theexcited state.

    c An inversion is created between the bottom of theexcited singlet state and the upper levels within theground state.

    d The molecule quickly relaxes to the bottom of theground state, thereby maintaining the inversion.

    e Unwanted re-absorption of the laser light may causefurther excitation of the dye, leading to reducedgain.This is called excited state absorption (ESA)

  • 51

    f In particular, CW systems are limited by the gradualbuild up of the triplet population.

    In a CW system a rapid flow of dye is maintained so thatthe triplet state population is removed from the activeregion.

    Argon ion are the lasers most frequently used to pump adye laser. The rapid flow of dye is maintained using ajet of liquid dye formed by a nozzle and recycled throughthe system. A particular dye will give laser output over 100nm, wavelength selective optics (e.g. prisms andetalons) are used within the cavity to select a particularwavelength and longitudinal mode.

    'Jet' of dye

    Wavelength selectionPump Laser


    Titanium Sapphire Laser

    Active Medium: Ti (3+) ion in sapphire host

    Pumping: Optical

    Output Wavelength:700nm - 900nm

    Typical power levels:up to 1W CW

    Cost: 10'sk + pump source

  • 52

    Laser Type: 4 level, homogeneous

    Ti-sapph lasers have largely replaced dye lasers astunable laser sources within the research laboratory.Despite having a restricted tuning range, the vastlyimproved ease of use (i.e. lack of leaking liquid dyes!)has persuaded people of their scientific merit.

    They look and behave very similar to the dye lasers theyreplace, and are also pumped with an additional lasersource (either argon ion or more recently frequencydoubled YAG).

    As with Dye lasers the broad tuning range allows thegeneration of ultrashort pulses (see modelocking).

    More recently similar laser materials such as Cr Li saFwhich absorb in the red can be directly pumped usinglaser diodes. This will potentially yield shoe boxedsized tunable laser sources for reduced cost.

    Gain saturation

    What happens to the gain (k), the population inversion(N) and the radiation density (I n ) as we pump harder andharder (increasing R)?

    We have shown that there is a threshold value for thepopulation inversion, below which the total gain (i.e.gain + loss) is less than unity and no laser output results.

    Once above threshold, the total gain is greater than unityand the energy density within the cavity (I n ) will grow.

    Obviously, for a steady state or CW (continuous wave)

  • 53

    output, I n must be constant and therefore the gain mustbe equal to unity.

    As I n increases, so does the rate of stimulated emission,which acts to remove population from state 2 and hencereduce the population inversion.

    The steady state condition corresponds to the case whenthe level of stimulated emission is just sufficient to offsetthe pumping and maintain the inversion at the thresholdvalue. Thereby giving a total gain of one.

    Consider the populations of states 1 and 2, but this timeinclude the effect of pumping:

    dN1 dt = -

    N1t 1

    + N2t 2

    + s n (N2 - N1) I nhn [45]

    dN2 dt = R -

    N2t 2

    - s n (N2 - N1) I nhn [50]

    WhereR = pumping rate excitations/sec per unit vol.

    For the steady state condition:

    dN1 dt =

    dN2 dt = 0

    Adding [45] and [50] we get:

    N1 = R t 1 [51]

    Subtracting [45] and [50] we get:

  • 54

    N2 = N1/2t 1 + N1s n

    I nhn + R/2

    1/t 2 + s n I nhn


    sub [51] into [52]:

    N2 =


    1 + s n I nhn t 1

    1/t 2 + s n I nhn

    Therefore, the population inversion is given by:

    N = N2 - N1 = R ( 1 - t 1/t 2)

    1/t 2 + s n I nhn

    Note, if t1> t2 then N is always negative, i.e. there canbe no population inversion

    But in an ideal four level laser system, t 2 >> t 1,therefore:

    N = N2 - N1 = R

    1/t 2 + s n I nhn


    At threshold, I n = 0, therefore: (see also [25])

    Nth = Rth t 2 [54]

    Even when R > Rth, N = Nth. Sub [54] into [53]:

  • 55

    Rth t 2 = R

    1/t 2 + s n I nhn

    I n = R hns n Rth t 2

    - hns n t 2

    I n = hns n t 2


    Rth - 1 [55]






    I n I n

    How much light is required to saturate the gain?

    N = N2 - N1 = R

    1/t 2 + s n I nhn

    Remember:N = Population inversion no. m-3R = Pump rate no. m-3 per secs n = x-section for stimulated emission

    I n = Light intensity = r n cn = D n hn


    t 2 = Lifetime of upper laser level

  • 56

    N = N2 - N1 = Rt 2

    1 + t 2 s n I nhn

    Prior to lasing when I n = 0, N = Rt 2We define this to be Ni , the initial population inversion:

    N = Ni

    1 + t 2 s n I nhn


    We define a saturation intensity Isat:

    Isat = hn

    t 2 s n [59]

    Sub [59] into [58], to get an expression for thepopulation inversion as a function of In :

    N = Ni

    1 + I nIsat

    (homogeneous only) [60]

    When In = Isat, N = Ni/2.

    Since the gain (k) is proportional to the inversion (N), wecan write:

    k = ki

    1 + I nIsat

    (homogeneous only) [61]

    Where ki is the gain when In 0

  • 57

    Likewise, when In = Isat, k = ki/2

    Note that when In = Isat, from [59]:

    I n s nhn =

    1t 2


    Rate of stimulated emission = I n s nhn N2

    Rate of spontaneous emission = 1t 2


    Therefore when I = Isat

    stimulated emission rate = spontaneous emission rate

    The Laser Resonator

    Gain Medium




    So far we have only discussed the gain medium.

    In order to get Stimulated emission, we need to feedbackinto the gain medium some of the previously emittedlight, i.e. increase I n .

  • 58

    'Lasers' in which the gain is so high that no feedback isneeded are called super-fluorescent.

    Gain Medium

    Spontaneous EmissionStimulated Emission

    However, with most laser systems some form offeedback is required.

    The simplest system to obtain optical feedback is toplace the gain medium between two highly reflectivemirrors.

    Gain Medium

    Spontaneous emission,initiating laser action

    Stimulated emission,giving gain

    Mirror giving feedbackand more stimulated

    emissionSpontaneous emission

    photon 'lost' from resonator

    Partial mirror lets some photons escape

    to give output

    Laser action begins by a 'chance' spontaneous emissionalong axis of resonator (optical equivalent of electricalnoise).

  • 59

    Initial 'spontaneous photon' experiences gain due tostimulated emission.

    Mirrors provide optical feedback, and the energy densitywithin resonator increases.

    A partially transmitting mirror allows some of resonatorfield to 'escape', giving an output beam.

    If the mirrors are perfect then no light escapes if themirrors let out too much then the laser will not operate there is an optimum!

    1 - r1


    internalI n

    I n

    We might assume that light of any frequency canpropagate up and down the resonator as a wellcollimated beam. We would be wrong!

    Transverse Modes

    Think of two plane mirrors separated by a distance L, ifone of them is slightly mis-aligned then successivereflections will cause the ray to escape from the

  • 60

    resonator. This is called beam walk off, and is a sourceof cavity loss (g ).

    Mis-aligned mirror

    Beam 'walk off'

    Even for perfectly aligned mirrors we have to worryabout diffraction of light by the finite aperture of themirror, also leading to light loss.

    We can use curved mirrors to 're-focus' the beam at eachreflection. Curved mirror cavities are more stable thanplane mirror cavities. The intensity distribution acrossthe width of the cavity is the Transverse Mode pattern.

    Beam 'held' within resonator

    A frequently used mirror geometry is the confocalgeometry. Mirrors of radius of curvature R (i.e. focallength R/2) are separated also by R (i.e. their focalpoints are coincident in the centre of the resonator)

    For low loss, high reflectivity mirrors are very important.These can be made as high as 99.9%. Such mirrors aremade from alternate l /4 layers of high and low refractive

  • 61

    index materials so that the reflections from each of theinterfaces add up in phase.

    Conditions for Cavity Stability

    We have said that curved mirrors can be used to re-focusthe light back into the cavity and prevent light 'escaping'.What are the conditions for mirror curvature (i.e. focallength) and mirror separation for a stable cavity?

    We can think of our mirror cavity in terms of a series oflenses.


    f = R /21 1 f = R /22 2


    d d d etc

    f1 2f f1 2f

    Matrix optics can be used to calculate what happens to alight ray when it passes through an optical system.

  • 62


    Input Plane Output Plane

    Optical Systemr1 r2

    q 1q 2

    In general we can write:

    r2q 2 =

    A B

    C D =

    r1q 1

    For a simple lens (focal length f) the A, B, C, D matrixis:

    A B

    C D lens =

    1 0-1f 1

    i.e. r2 = r1 and q 2 = -r1f + q 1

    For a free space section (length d) the A, B, C, D matrixis:

    A B

    C D free space =

    1 d

    0 1

    i.e. r2 = r1 + dq 1 and q 2 = q 1

    For a free space section followed by a lens the A, B, C,D matrix is (remember to multiply the matrix in reverseorder):

  • 63

    A B

    C D =

    1 0-1f 1

    1 d

    0 1 =

    1 d-1f 1-


    Our laser cavity is a repeating series of two lenses:

    d d df1 2f f1 2f

    s s + 1

    The A, B, C, D matrix to transfer from the s to the s+1plane is:

    A B

    C D =

    1 d-1f1 1-


    1 d-1f2 1-



    1- df2 d

    2- df2

    -1f1 -


    1- df1 1 -

    2df1 -

    df2 +

    d2f1 f2


    rs+1 = Ars + Bq s [65]

    q s+1 = Crs + Dq s [66]


  • 64

    A = 1- df2

    B= d

    2- df2

    C = -1f1 -


    1- df1

    D = 1 - 2df1 -

    df2 +

    d2f1 f2

    From [65], we can write:

    q s = 1B (rs+1 - Ars) [67]

    and therefore:

    q s+1 = 1B (rs+2 - Ars+1) [68]

    Equating [66] and [68] , we get:

    Crs + Dq s = 1B (rs+2 - Ars+1)

    Substituting for q s using [67]:

    BCrs + D(rs+1 - Ars) = rs+2 - Ars+1

    Re-arrange in terms of rs:

    rs+2 - (A + D)rs+1 + (AD - BC)rs = 0

    We can show that (AD - BC) = 1, therefore:

    rs+2 - (A + D)rs+1 + rs = 0

    i.e. rs+2 - 2brs+1 + rs = 0 [69]

  • 65


    b = (A + D)

    2 = 1 - df1 -

    df2 +

    d22f1 f2

    Equs. of the form of [69] have the solution:

    rs = r0 exp{i(sq)} [70]

    sub [70] into [69]:

    exp(2 iq) - 2b exp(iq) +1 = 0

    {exp(iq)}2 - 2b {exp(iq)} +1 = 0


    exp(iq) = b i1 - b2 [71]

    let b = cosy, [71] becomes:

    exp(iq) = cosy i siny exp(iy )

    sub into [70]:

    rs = r0 exp(isy ) [72]

    Remember that rs is the distance from the optical axis tothe ray. For a 'trapped' ray rs needs to remain finite,therefore y must be real.

    b = cosy

    Hence for real y we have the condition:

  • 66

    -1 b 1i.e.

    - 1 1 - df1 -

    df2 +

    d22f1 f2 1



    1 - d


    1 - d

    2f2 1

    This is the stability criteria for a periodic series of twolenses. By replacing focal length with mirror curvaturewe can obtain the stability criteria for a two mirrorcavity:


    1 - dR1

    1 - dR2 1

    whered = mirror separationR1 & R2 = radius of curvature of mirrors

    This is often written as:

    0 g1 g2 1 [73]


    g1 =

    1 - dR1

    g2 =

    1 - dR2

  • 67





    rical cav




    rical cav


    1 2 3











    e fg


    a: Plane, Plane

    R = 1 R = 2

    b: Large radius of curvature

    R >> d1 2R >> d

    c: Confocal

    R = d1 2R = d

    d: Concentric

    R = d/21 2R = d/2

    R = d/21 2R = d


    f: Hemispherical

    R = 2d2

    g: 1/2 confocal

    R = -d1

    2R = dR = 1

    R = 1

    2R = d


    Stable cavities

    Cavity stability diagram

    +ve branch

    +ve branch-ve branch

    -ve branch

  • 68

    Stable cavities in terms of Gaussian beams

    A wave with a transverse Gaussian intensity propagatesin a different fashion to a spherical beam.

    Two key parameters are

    Beam size & Wavefront curvature

    z = zr

    Far field diffraction angle qBeam size 2w

    Radius of Wavefront R wz = 0, w = w 0

    The position z = 0, where w = w min = w 0, is called theBeam Waist.

    w (z) = w 0 1 +


    zr2 [75]

    Rw(z) = 1z z2 + zr2 [76]


    zr = p w 02 nl [77]

  • 69



    size w


    s of






    w 0

    R = zw

    zlpw n0

    w =

    zr is called the Rayleigh range, or the Beam parameter

    When z = zr, w = 2 w 0 ,

    Also from differentiating [76] wrt to z we see,

    When z = zr , Rw(z) = Rw(z)min = 2zr, i.e.

    Wavefront curvature is maximum at the Rayleighrange

    Note also that the far-field diffraction angle q , is givenby

    sin q lpw 0 n


    beam dia.

  • 70

    Given that the beam within a stable resonator is aGaussian, we need to position the mirrors so that theyreflect the Gaussian wavefront without changing thebeam parameter.

    The simplest way to ensure this is to match the curvatureof the mirror to the wavefront.

    z = 0, w = w 0

    Possible mirror curvatures and positions

    Some examples of different cavity configurations


    R1 = R2 = d = 2zr = Rw(z=zr), i.e. confocal cavityNote in confocal cavity mirrors are placed at Rayleighrange.

  • 71


    R1 = , R2 = d = Rw(z>>zr), i.e. hemispherical cavity.


    R1 = -d, R2 = d, i.e. g2 =2, g1 = 0, see cavity h onstability diagram (note sign convention for R).

    Calculation of beam waist size and position in a stablecavity

    For a stable cavity, the Radius of curvature of thewavefront must match that of the mirrors.

  • 72

    z = 0, w = w 0

    R1 R2

    z1 z2

    + +d

    From [76] we can write (care required to get the rightsign!):

    R1 = -Rw(z = -z1) = -

    -z1 - zr2z1 = z1 +


    R2 = Rw(z = z2) = z2 + zr2z2

    Rewrite for z1 and z2:

    z1 = R12

    R12 - 4zr24 [78]

    z2 = R22

    R22 - 4zr24 [79]

    From the diagram, we see that d = z2 + z1, from [78] and[79] we can derive an expression for zr:

    zr2 = d(R1 - d) (R2 - d) (R1 + R2 - d)

    (R1 + R2 - 2d)2 [80]

  • 73

    whereconcave mirrors are defined as +ve curvaturemirror separation = d (always +ve)

    In the special case where R1= R2 [80] becomes:

    zr2 = d(2R - d)

    4 [81]

    w 0 is related to zr by [77]:

    zr = p w 02 nl [77]


    w 0 = zr l p n [82]

    Knowing zr, the position of the beam waist can becalculated from [78] and [79]:

    z1 = R12

    R12 - 4zr24 [78]

    z2 = R22

    R22 - 4zr24 [79]

    Which cavity to choose?

    The best choice of cavity depends on the details of thelaser system.


  • 74

    High Power - gas discharge laser

    Gain medium

    Gaussian mode

    To extract the most power from the population inversionwe need to match the diameter of the Gaussian mode tothat of the gain medium. i.e. the Gaussian mode shouldhave a large mode volume.

    For a symmetrical cavity [81] and [82] give:

    w 0 = lp n

    4 d(2R - d)4 [83]

    A large w 0 is obtained in a cavity where R>> d

    Therefore for maximum power extraction we should useplane:plane (not very stable) or better, a large radius ofcurvature cavity.

    High power - flashlamp pumped solid state(Nd:YAG)

    The poor directionality of the flashlamp results in thepopulation inversion being distributed through the entirerod. Again we need to use a Gaussian mode with a largemode volume in order to 'extract' all the useful power.

  • 75

    A further complication is that the thermal heating of therod sets up a radial temperature gradient. This causes therod to act a lens, which in turn changes the cavityparameter. We need to select the mirrors to compensatefor the 'rod lens'

    Diode Pumped solid state laser (Nd:YAG)

    YAG rod

    Gaussian modeDiode pump

    For maximum efficiency, we need to match the Gaussianmode of the diode pump beam to the Gaussian mode ofthe cavity. This is called mode matching.

    High power pulsed solid state laser with externaldoubler

    Gain mediumFrequency doubler

    Gaussian mode

    In pulsed systems, the intra-cavity power density canoften reach a level where it will damage the material andcoatings within the cavity, i.e. mirrors or laser rod.

  • 76

    This is most likely to happen near the beam waist wherethe power density is highest.

    We can design a stable cavity with the waist external tothe mirrors (see cavity h on stability diagram), whichreduces the intra-cavity power density.

    This design also focuses the beam external to the cavitywithout the need of an additional lens! Ideal for use withan external doubling crystal.

    Why Gaussian?

    Why do the transverse modes have a Gaussian profile?

    In the steady state condition, light is reflected up anddown the cavity many times. The electric fielddistribution has to be one that can "reproduce" itselfupon reflection/diffraction from the mirrors.

    The far-field diffraction pattern is the Fourier transformof the "object".

    For a self sustaining solution we need a field distributionthat is unchanged by a Fourier Transform:

  • 77


    'Top hat" Sinc


    Gaussian Gaussian

    One function which satisfies this condition is a Gaussian.

    Therefore, a transverse Gaussian field distribution is onewhich can be sustained within a laser cavity!

    Higher order Hermite-Gaussian and Laguerre-Gaussianmodes are also 'unchanged' by Fourier Transform andtherefore form other possible solutions.

    Description of transverse modes

    The transverse mode determines the beam shape.All the allowed modes can be described by variousHermite-Gaussian polynomials

  • 78



    00 10






    General form for transverse electric modes:


    p - no. of nodes in x directionq - no. of nodes in y direction

    A frequently observed (and unwanted) transverse modeis the 'doughnut mode', a linear superposition of TEM01and TEM10

  • 79

    10TEM TEM 01



    Selection of Transverse Modes

    The preferred mode that oscillates within the cavitydepends on the aperture of the gain medium and theradial dependence of the gain.

    For most applications the TEM00 is the preferred mode.

    A single transverse mode laser is restricted to giveTEM00 output.

    For example, an intra-cavity aperture can be used tosuppress the gain for the high order modes.

    Longitudinal Modes

    So far we have assumed that light of any frequency can'bounce' up and down the length of the resonator, againwe are wrong!

  • 80

    The reflections back and forth result in a standing wavefield to be set up within the resonator (or cavity). Aswith other standing wave problems (e.g. violin strings,organ pipes) the wavelength of the standing wave has to'fit' exactly within the cavity.



    The condition is:

    m l2 = L [85]

    wherem = an integer (for typical L and l , m is very large!)l = l 0 /n

    In frequency terms:

    n allowed = mc2L [86]


    Dn m, m+1 = c

    2L , the intermode spacing [87]

    This is the frequency spacing between adjacentlongitudinal modes of a cavity, called the

    Free Spectral Range (FSR)

    Laser Output Frequency

    The homogeneous or inhomogeneous broadening meansthe gain medium will give optical gain over a continuousrange of frequencies. However, the resonator will only

  • 81

    provide feedback at the cavity mode frequencies. Theoutput spectrum will be a combination of the two.

    Spontaneous emission

    Cavity modes

    Laser output


    The output will be at one or more of the specificfrequencies dictated by the cavity modes within the gainprofile of the laser.

    The number of modes depends on the broadeningmechanism (homogeneous or inhomogeneous) and theexact cavity configuration.

    A laser in which only one longitudinal mode oscillates iscalled a single longitudinal mode (SLM) laser.

    Gain Saturation within the linewidth of the gainmedia

    Under CW conditions, the circulating power within thecavity and associated stimulated emission, balances the

  • 82

    pumping rate. The population inversion is maintained atthe threshold inversion, corresponding to a gain of unity.

    Under CW conditions the round trip gain is unity

    The CW inversion equals the threshold inversion

    We have also seen that the exact frequency of the laseroutput is determined by the longitudinal such that:

    m 2 = L [85]

    Let us consider the gain as a function of frequency, andhow it interacts with the cavity modes.



    Gain in active medium


    Cavity modes

    Threshold, gain = loss

    In principle, net gain is available at frequenciescorresponding to two different longitudinal modes.

    As the radiation density r n builds up inside the cavity thestimulated emission reduces the population inversionuntil the gain equals the loss.

  • 83

    Homogeneously broadened lasers

    In a homogeneously broadened laser transition, all theatoms contribute to the gain at all the frequencies. Asthe population inversion is reduced, the gain is reducedat all frequencies.

    The laser will oscillate at the frequency corresponding tothe longitudinal mode closest to the gain maximum (i.e.closest to line centre)



    Gain in active medium


    Cavity modes

    Threshold, gain = loss

    Once the steady state is reached, only one longitudinalmode will oscillate. No other modes have sufficient gainto reach threshold.

    Homogeneously broadened Lasers oscillate with asingle longitudinal mode

    Spatial Hole Burning

    In a standing wave cavity, the standing wave gives riseto a local position where the electric field is zero, i.e. anode

  • 84



    In the region of the node the r n is zero and thereforethere is no stimulated emission and the local populationinversion does not contribute to the gain of the laser.

    This effect is called spatial hole burning

    Spatial hole burning creates two problems1) Some of the potential laser gain is wasted2) It 'encourages' multiple longitudinal modes to


    Previously we said that homogeneously broadened lasersonly oscillated on a single longitudinal mode (SLM).

    However, spatial hole burning means the populationinversion left 'untouched' by the principal mode can beaccessed by the second mode, since its electric fieldnodes fall in a different place.

    The anti-nodes of the second longitudinal mode fall atthe nodes of the first mode. Therefore, even in ahomogeneously broadened laser, both modes 'see' gainand can oscillate.

  • 85

    Ring cavities

    The problem of spatial hole burning stems from having astanding wave in the cavity.

    An alternative to a standing wave cavity is a travellingwave ring cavity.

    Gain Medium


    In order to get a travelling wave we need to restrict lightto travelling one way round the ring

    It is usual to use a Faraday rotator to stop lighttravelling the wrong way round the ring

  • 86


    l /2 plate @ 22.5rotate polarisation

    by 45

    Faraday Cell,B-field to rotate

    polarisation by 45


    No n

    et ro


    n o

    f pola





    tion o

    f pola



    The net rotation in polarisation gives high loss at aBrewster surface or polariser.

  • 87

    Gain Medium

    Partially transmitting mirror gives output

    Light now passes only one way through the gain mediumand there is no standing wave.

    Ring cavities still have longitudinal modes. The electricfield must 'repeat' itself after one round trip, i.e.

    ml = RT

    wherem = an integerRT = round trip length of cavityl = l 0 /n

    The free spectral range, intermode spacing is given by:

    FSR = c

    RT [88]

  • 88

    Inhomogeneously broadened lasers

    In an inhomogeneously broadened laser transition, gainat different frequencies is provided by different atoms.As the gain at one frequency is reduced, the gain at otherfrequencies is unchanged.

    The laser will oscillate all frequencies corresponding tothe longitudinal modes where the gain exceeds the loss.



    Gain in active medium


    Cavity modes

    Threshold, gain = loss


    Laser Output



    Once the steady state is reached, a number oflongitudinal modes may have sufficient gain to oscillate.

    Inhomogeneously broadened Lasers can oscillate on anumber of longitudinal modes simultaneously.

  • 89

    Frequency Hole Burning and Bennet Holes

    The act of creating frequency specific reduction in thegain is called hole burning. Each of the holes is called aBennet hole. Bennet holes are only formed within aninhomogeneously broadened system.

    Homogeneous broadening within the inhomogeneouslinewidth reduces the gain for frequencies near that ofthe oscillating longitudinal mode. The width and shapeof the Bennet hole is the homogeneous linewidth/shape.

    For Doppler broadened systems, the hole burning iscomplicated by the fact that the laser light passes bothways through the gain medium.

    Light detuned by +Dn from line-centre will interact withatom/molecules with a velocity vx on the first passthrough the medium and -vx on the return

    Photon frequency n + Dn Velocity +vx

    Velocity -vxGain medium

    Atoms Doppler shifted into resonance

    Alternatively, atoms with a velocity +vx can give gainat frequencies n 0 Dn

  • 90

    For a Doppler broadened system, atoms/molecules with aparticular velocity give gain at two different frequencies(one Doppler shifted up and the other Doppler shifteddown).

    Photon frequency n + Dn Velocity +vx

    Velocity +vx

    Atoms Doppler shifted into resonance


    Photon frequency n - Dn 0

    Dn n 0 cvx

    Therefore, laser oscillation at a frequency correspondingto a single longitudinal mode will burn two Bennetholes, symmetrically about line centre.


    Gain in active medium


    Threshold, gain = loss

    n 0

    Bennet hole

    Tuning the output frequency of the laser

    The longitudinal modes set the allowed outputfrequencies.

  • 91

    n allowed = mc2L [86]

    One way we can fine tune the output frequency of thelaser is to change the cavity length. Differentiate [86]wrt L:

    dndL = -

    mc2L2 =



    But mL =

    2l , therefore:

    Dn = D L c

    2L 2l = -D L. FSR.

    2l [89]

    Small changes in L can be achieved by mounting one ofthe cavity mirrors on a piezo-electric transducer.

    Obviously, the tuning range must lie within the gainlinewidth of the laser transition.

    Consider a homogeneously broadened laser, where onlyone longitudinal mode will oscillate at once. The modethat oscillates is the one closest to line centre (n 0).

  • 92

    Cavity length


    r fr


    n n

    mode m

    mode m




    gain profileLa




    Cavity length

    Max power

    Initially the laser oscillates on the longitudinal modenearest line centre.

    As the cavity length is increased, the frequencydecreases.

  • 93

    Eventually, the neighbouring longitudinal mode is closerto line centre and the laser output hops to the new mode.A mode hop has occurred.

    The tuning range of a simple cavity is limited to:

    Dn max = FSR2

    To increase the tuning range and suppress unwantedlaser transitions we need to introduce additional tuningelements.

    Intracavity etalonPrism

    Wavelength selective mirror

    Prisms (e.g. selects 488nm or 514nm lines in anArgon Ion laser)

    Mirrors (e.g. selects 633nm, 1.15m or 3.39mtransitions in a helium neon laser)

    Gratings(e.g. selects lines in a carbon dioxide laser)

    Etalon (e.g. selects longitudinal modes in a dye laser)

    By using an intra-cavity etalon, adjacent longitudinalmodes can be suppressed, since low loss will only occurfor frequencies that are longitudinal modes of both themain cavity and the etalon. In this way the tuning rangeof a laser can be extended beyond the FSR of the cavity.

  • 94

    Long cavity

    Short intracavityetalon



    al ca


    y m


    Low loss only at this frequency



    For continuous tuning, the length of the intra-cavityetalon has to be servo controlled to remain 'instep' withthe main cavity.

    Ultimately, the tuning bandwidth is limited by thelinewidth of the laser transition.

    Bennet Holes and the Lamb Dip

    What happens when we fine tune a Doppler broadenedlaser over its possible output frequencies?



    Threshold, gain = loss

    Tuning range

  • 95

    As we saw early, two Bennet holes will be burnt into thepopulation inversion, reducing the overall gain to unity.



    n 0

    Threshold, gain = loss

    What is the power output as a function of frequency?

    In general, when detuned from line centre, the twoBennet holes do not overlap. The forward and returnlight within the cavity interacts with different atoms (+vxand -vx).

    As the frequency approaches line-centre, a larger numberof individual atoms/molecules can contribute to the gainand the output power increases.

    However, a special case exists when the laser frequencyis tuned exactly to line centre. The two Bennet holesoverlap, both the forward and return light interacts withthe same atoms/molecules in the cavity. In the extreme,this halves the number of atoms/molecules that cancontribute to the gain at line-centre.

  • 96





    n 0Laser output frequency (cavity length)

    The reduction in power output at line-centre is called aLamb dip.

    A Lamb dip is only observed in inhomogeneouslybroadened systems where symmetrical Bennet holes are'burnt' in the gain. As with the Bennet hole, the width ofthe Lamb dip is the homogeneous linewidth

    The location of the Lamb dip can be used to stabilise thefrequency output of the laser.

    Frequency Stabilisation

    A number of applications require a stable frequencyoutput from the laser (e.g. distance measurement).

    We will consider how to stabilise a He-Ne laser.

    Output Frequency: 211 THz (632nm)

    Doppler Broadened Linewidth: few GHz

    Typically a Laboratory He-Ne (length 150mm) willoscillate on 2-3 longitudinal modes simultaneously.

  • 97

    Under normal operation, thermal expansion of the lasercavity will lead to a gradual tuning of the longitudinalmodes through the gain profile, with periodic mode hopswhen the cavity has expanded by l /2.

    Lamb dip stabilised He-Ne

    The position of the Lamb dip can be used to stabilise thefrequency output of the laser.





    n 0Laser output frequency (cavity length)

    In many cases the Lamb dip is quite shallow and asensitive method of detection is required.

    The length of the cavity is modulated using a PZTmounted mirror. A corresponding modulation isobserved on the power output of the laser.

  • 98





    n 0Cavity length (frequency)

    A phase sensitive detector (PSD, or sometimes called alock-in-amplifier) is used to monitor the oscillation inpower output.

    The output from a PSD gives the size of the componentof the input signal which is in-phase with a well definedreference frequency.



    outPSD +ve DC



    outPSD -ve DC



    outPSD zero




  • 99

    Using the mirror modulation as the reference frequency,the output of the PSD is proportional to the gradient ofthe power curve.

    If the modulation is small, the output of the PSD is thefirst order differential of the power output.





    n 0

    Cavity length (frequency)




    The PSD output is an 'error' signal 'telling' the laser itsoutput frequency is above or below line-centre.

    e.g. If laser frequency is too low, the PSD output is -veIf laser frequency is too high, the PSD output is +veIf laser frequency is correct, the PSD output is zero

    The error voltage is an instruction to the cavity,

  • 100

    "cavity you need to get shorter"

    By feeding the error voltage into an integrator we canderive a control voltage which will adjust the cavitylength to keep the output frequency of the laser at line-centre.

    Mirror on PZT






    He-Ne laser

    Iodine stabilised He-Ne

    As we have discussed the width of the Bennet hole orLamb dip is the homogeneous linewidth

    In a He-Ne laser, the homogeneous linewidth is quitelarge due to 'pressure broadening' within the plasma.

    The formation of Bennet holes is not restricted to lasermedia. Any gas with a Doppler broadened absorptionwill exhibit a similar effect. A single frequency laser canbe used to measure the absorption of the gas as afunction of frequency.

  • 101


    Doppler width




    If the laser is back-reflected through the gas, theoverlapping Bennet holes will give a reduction in themeasured absorption at line centre.


    Doppler width





    This is the basis of one form of Doppler FreeSpectroscopy. It is called Saturation Spectroscopy

  • 102

    Mirror on PZT



    refRamp voltage

    Gas sample cell

    Doppler free spectrum of gas



    In this way, we can study spectra of gases which are notthemselves laser gases. In addition, the lowertemperature and pressure of the gas in the additional cellmeans the homogeneous linewidth is narrower than thewidth of the laser Lamp dip.

    This enables accurate measurement of the transitionfrequencies and the study of closely neighbouringspectral lines.

    We can also use it to 'lock' the frequency of the laseroutput to that of a well defined atomic transition.

    In the case of the Iodine Stabilised He-Ne, the iodine cellis placed within the laser cavity, where the circulatingpower is higher.

  • 103






    He-Ne laserIodine cell

    The iodine stabilised He-Ne laser is one of the moststable lasers of all and is a frequency standard in thevisible part of the spectrum. (Accuracy 10kHz).

    Coupled Rate Equations

    So far, we have only considered CW operation of thelaser. In particular we have shown that, under steadystate conditions, the stimulated emission increases to alevel whereby the gain of the laser medium equals thetotal loss, i.e.

    Gain = lossintrinsic + lossoutput coupling

    Wherelossintrinsic = loss due to scattering, absorption etc.lossoutput coupling = transmission of output mirror

    For pulsed lasers the steady state condition is neverreached and it is useful to understand the temporalevolution of both the population inversion and the lightintensity.

    For an ideal four level laser system (t 2 >t 1, N1 0,N = N2), we have:

  • 104

    dNdt = R -

    Nt 2

    - N s n D n cn [90]

    and dD ndt = N s n D n

    cn -

    D ntc [91]

    whereN = population, m-3R = pumping rate, sec-1 m-3t 2 = lifetime of upper state, secs n = stimulated emission x-section, m2D n = photon density, m-3tc = cavity decay time, sec

    In the steady state condition dNdt =

    dD ndt = 0 , [90] and

    [91] become:

    dNdt = 0 = R -

    N0t 2

    - N0 s n D n 0 cn

    dD ndt = 0 = N0 s n D n 0

    cn -

    D n 0tc

    This gives:

    N0 = n

    c s n tc [92]


    D n 0 = R s n tc -

    nct 2

    s n [93]

  • 105

    More generally we should consider the case when we arenot in the steady state such as when the laser is justswitched on.

    Equations of the type [90] and [91] are referred to ascoupled rate equations. With real time varyingparameters of pump rate and cavity decay time they arevery difficult to solve analytically. Instead we can use asimple computer model.

    By considering the change in N and D n over a short timewe can build up the overall form for N(t) and D n (t) forany given R(t) and tc(t).





    n d



    t = 0

    start= 0N

    N ,I1


    N ,I2

    2 etc

    From the starting values of N and D n we can calculatethe values at t = 1

  • 106

    Nt=1 = Nt=0 + D t

    R - Nt=0t 2

    - Nt=0 s n D t=0 cn

    D t=1 = D t=0 + D t

    Nt=0 s n D t=0 cn -

    D t=0tc

    Likewise for t =2 etc., the general expressions tocalculate the t = j+1 values from the t = j values are:

    Nt=j+1 = Nt=j + D t

    R - Nt=jt 2

    - Nt=j s n D t=j cn

    D t=j+1 = D t=j + D t

    Nt=j s n D t=j cn -

    D t=jtc

    There is no restriction on R or tc, and we can allow theseto become time varying functions.

    Using these equations and a computer we can modelFlashlamp pumping (i.e. R(t))Q-Switching (i.e. tc(t))Cavity Dumping (i.e. tc(t))


    For many applications, instead of a CW output from thelaser we would prefer a short intense pulse, e.g.

    Non linear optics (sometimes need very high powers)Laser fusionLaser drilling.

    We could use our coupled rate equations [90] and [91] tomodel what happens when we pump the laser with ashort pulse of pump energy.

  • 107

    When N exceeds Nth the laser output rises, with orwithout relaxation oscillations, and the laser will remain"switched on" until the pumping rate falls belowthreshold.

    We would like to "store" all the population inversion andget all the energy out in one short, high power pulse.One possible method for achieving this is Q-Switching.

    Q-Switching involves changing the cavity decay time tcduring the pumping pulse. This can be achieved byplacing a "shutter' in the cavity.

    Initially the shutter is closed, the cavity has a low Q, is very short.

    Even with heavy pumping, the laser is below thresholdand all the pump energy is converted into a largepopulation inversion.

    Gain medium Shutter closed

    Once the pump pulse is over and the populationinversion has reached its peak, the shutter is opened (i.e.high Q). The laser is now many times above thresholdand the gain is very large.

    Gain medium Shutter open

  • 108

    The radiation density r n builds up very quickly withinthe cavity. Through stimulated emission, the large valueof r n quickly destroys the population inversion and allthe energy can be extracted from the gain medium.

    The radiation now leaks out of the cavity through thepartially transmitting mirror, its intensity decays with thecavity decay time constant of tc.


    p p







    e.g. flashlamp


    Exponential decay exp (t/t )c


    N for high-Q cavityth


    Two things are required for a good Q-Switched system1) A long upper state lifetime so that the inversion

    dose not leak away by spontaneous emission prior to Q-

  • 109

    Switching2) A very fast shutter (

  • 110

    All these photons will escape from the cavity as output,therefore the total energy in the Q-Switched pulse isgiven by:

    Etotal = Ninit2 .V hn [102]

    Idealised shape of Q-Switched pulse

    Exponential decay exp(t/t )c

    Rapid rise time

    timet = 0

    t =





    P (max)out

    From [102],


    Pout dt = Etotal = Ninit2 .V hn

    wherePout = the output power

    The pulse shape is approximately a single sidedexponential, therefore

  • 111


    Pout(max) exp(t/tc) dt Ninit2 .V hn

    tc Pout(max) exp(t/tc) Ninit2 .V hn

    When t = 0, Pout = Pout(max), i.e. for a Q-Switched pulse

    Pout(max) Ninit2tc .V hn [103]

    Active Q-Switching

    A mechanical shutter, like in a camera, is not fast enoughfor good Q-Switching. Instead we use an electro-opticshutter. An electro-optic shutter uses a polariser and aPockels cell.

    An active Q-Switch (switch Q from low to high)

    Gain mediumPockels cell shutter

    The Pockels cell is an electro-optic crystal, in which theeray - oray retardation depends on applied voltage.

    When V=V0, the cells retardation is l /4, and the cellconverts linearly polarised light into circular.

    The reflected light is polarised in the wrong plane to betransmitted through the polariser, the cavity has low Q

  • 112

    Pockels cell, acts as l /4 plate when V = V0Vertical polariser


    With the voltage removed, the reflected light istransmitted back through the polariser, and the cavity hashigh Q.

    Pockels cell,V = 0Vertical polariser

    Passive Q-Switching

    Alternatively we can use a saturable absorber as apassive Q-switch.

    A saturable absorber (usually an organic dye) has anabsorption coefficient that is a function of incident lightintensity.

    They can be understood in terms of a two level systemthat becomes transparent when all the molecules havebeen excited into the upper state. Once the light sourceis removed the upper state population relaxes and thedye, once again, becomes absorbing.

  • 113

    No external signal is needed to trigger a passive Q-Switch. As the population inversion grows, it is theincreased level of spontaneous emission that saturatesthe dye and thus switches the Q.

    Clearly, it is important the thickness/concentration of dyeis adjusted so that the Q triggers at the optimum time(i.e. when the population inversion is at a maximum.).

    A passive Q-Switch (switch Q from low to high)

    Gain mediumSaturable absorber

    Q-Switching is capable of producing pulses of 10's nsecduration with megaWatt peak powers

    Nd:YAG, Nd:Glass and Nd:YLF laser are often used inthis way.


    Previously, we have considered how to ensure that thelaser oscillates on a single longitudinal mode.

    What happens if many longitudinal modes are abovethreshold?

  • 114


    Gain in active medium


    Cavity modes

    Dn = c2L

    Mode numbern = 0 n = N-1

    The resultant electric field is the sum of the field from allthe oscillating modes. Assuming that N modes are abovethreshold and that they all oscillate with the sameamplitude, we can write:

    Etot(t) =

    n = N-1

    S n = 0

    E0 exp{i ( 2p(n + nDn) t + f n)}[105]

    wheren = frequency of the n = 0 modeDn = intermode spacingf n = relative phase of the nth mode

    Let's define the phase so that:

    f n = 0 for all n [106]

    [105] becomes:

  • 115

    Etot(t) =

    n = N-1

    S n = 0

    E0 exp{i ( 2p(n + nDn) t )}

    Etot(t) = E0 exp{i (2pn t)}

    n = N-1

    S n = 0

    exp{i ( 2p( nDn) t )}


    The summation term in [107] is a geometrical series


    Sn= 0

    exp{i(2p nDn t)}=(1+e-iDw t +e-i2Dw t + )

    whereDw = 2p Dn [108]

    It can be shown that:

    1 + e-iDw t + e-i2Dw t +...+e-(N-1)iDw t = sin (NDw t/2)sin (Dw t/2)

    Therefore, [107] can be written as:

    Etot(t) = E0 exp{i (2pn t)} sin (NDw t/2)sin (Dw t/2)

    The output intensity is Etot. Etot*, hence

    Itot(t) = E02 sin2 (NDw t/2)sin2 (Dw t/2) [109]

  • 116

    If N =1, i.e. single longitudinal mode, Itot = E02 and thelaser has a 'DC' output.

    When N>1 [109] has the form: (remember Dw = 2p Dn )




    ty I (



    N Dn1


    N E2

    0 2

    This is the output for a multi-mode laser where relativephase between the modes is fixed at zero, i.e. f n = 0.

    We call this Mode-Locking.

    The above is often referred to as the frequency-domainexplanation of mode-locking.

    The output of a mode-locked laser comprises of a seriesof short pulses with

    Pulse duration time = 1

    N Dn [110]

    Pulse separation time = 1Dn [111]

    whereN = number of oscillating modesDn = intermode spacing

  • 117

    The peak intensity for a mode-locked laser is related tothe average, non mode-locked intensity by:

    Intensitypeak = Intensityaverage x pulse separation pulse duration

    i.e. Ipeak = Iaverage N

    whereN = number of locked modes

    [110] and [111] give an insight into an alternative viewof mode-locking

    [111] the pulse separation, is equal to the round trip timeof the light in the laser cavity, i.e.

    Pulse separation = 1Dn =

    2Lc [111]

    [110] the pulse duration, is equal to the reciprocal of thegain-bandwidth of the laser D fgain, i.e.

    Pulse duration = 1

    N Dn = 1D fgain


    We can consider the output of a mode-locked laser to bedue to a single pulse circulating within the cavity, whichgives an output pulse each time it is reflected from theoutput coupler.

  • 118


    L A fraction of the circulating pulse coupled out after each round trip

    Pulse circulating in cavity

    cD fgain

    This is often referred to as the time-domain explanationof mode-locking

    The duration, or length of the pulse is determined by thegain-bandwidth of the gain medium via the uncertaintyprinciple i.e.

    D f . D t 1

    The exact relationship depends on the pulse shape.

    If the output from a mode-locked laser satisfies theabove condition it is said to be transform limited.

    Active Mode-Locking

    To obtain the pulsed output, the relative phase of eachmode was set to zero, i.e.

    f n = 0 for all n [106]

    This is why mode-locking is sometimes called phase-locking.

    How do we set the phase of the modes?

  • 119

    One way of locking the phases is to modulate the gain orloss of the laser at the round trip frequency of the cavity.

    Gain medium

    Electro-optic modulator

    We can use an electro-optic modulator (see Q-Switching) to modulate the Q of the cavity.

    By modulating the amplitude of a single longitudinalmode, frequency side-bands are generated on the opticalfrequency.

    Frequency of longitudinal mode

    nn n


    The frequency of the side-bands is given by:

    n sidebands = n n fmod

    wheren n = frequency of longitudinal mode

  • 120

    fmod = modulation frequency

    If fmod is matched to the longitudinal mode spacing thenthe side-bands have the same frequency as the adjacentlongitudinal mode.

    By exchanging energy between each adjacent pair oflongitudinal modes, the individual phases are maintainedto be 'in-step'.

    The condition for mode-locking is:

    fmod = c


    The action of applying an external modulation leads thistechnique to be called Active Mode-Locking.

    Passive Mode-Locking

    For Q-Switched operation of a laser we showed that theQ could be both actively and passively switched. Inaddition to Q-Switching, it is also possible to use asaturable absorber to mode-lock the output of a laser.


    Pulse circulating in cavity

    Gain medium

    Saturable absorber

    As with the Q-Switched system, the saturable absorber isusually an organic dye

  • 121

    1) Each time the intense circulating pulse 'arrives' atthe dye, a few photons are absorbed and the dyebecomes transparent.

    2) The rest of the pulse passes through the dyeunattenuated and is subsequently amplified in thegain medium.

    3) After the passage of the pulse, the upper statepopulation of the dye relaxes so that the absorptionof the dye 'recovers' prior to the next arrival of thepulse

    The self modulation of the cavity loss and henceside-band coupling of adjacent longitudinal modes leadsthis technique to be called Passive Mode-locking

    Pulse evolution in a passively mode-locked laser

    We describe above how a saturable absorber can sustaina circulating pulse, but how does the pulse start?

    In the case of a passively mode-locked laser, the pulse'starts' from a 'chance' spontaneous emission







    Random fluctuations

    The 'beginning' of a circulating pulse

  • 122

    The saturable absorber 'discriminates' against smallpulses which are completely absorbed. For each roundtrip, the larger pulses grow with respect to the smaller.

    'Large' pulse 'Small' pulse

    Same number of photons absorbed from each pulse

    D I

    D I

    The saturable absorber attenuates the 'large' pulse lessthan the 'small' pulse.

    The gain medium also plays a significant part in pulseshortening and selection:

    D t

    D t

    Population inversion, i.e gain

    Incident Pulse intensity

    Amplified Pulse intensity



  • 123

    When a pulse enters the gain medium the stimulatedemission reduces the population inversion.

    1) In the case of an intense pulse, the leading edge'sweeps out' the gain so that the tail of the pulse isnot amplified.

    2) Pumping restores the population inversion prior tothe next arrival of the pulse.

    3) On successive passes through the gain medium, theleading part of the pulse becomes more intenseleaving less and less gain for the tail.

    4) Hence, the tail of the pulse is progressively removedand the pulse becomes shorter.

    The 'sweeping out' of the gain coupled with the action ofthe saturable absorber acts to shorten and amplify thepulse as it circulates round the laser cavity.

    Leading edge absorbed by saturable dye

    Trailing edge 'sees' no gain

    Centre of pulse 'sweeps out' all the inv