Models Of Teaching Jigsaw

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Models Of Teaching Jigsaw

  • 1. Models of Teaching

2. Background
Eliot Aronson
3. Stages- Preparation
4. Stages- Expert group
5. Stages- Home group
6. Stages- Debriefing
7. Stages- group processing
8. Stages- Individual accountability
2008 Election Presentations
- Debates, Posters, Speeches, Comparison Charts, Vocabulary Strips
9. Philosophy of curriculum
Relates to either behaviorist or constructivist views of learning
Social Reconstructionist Perspective
Value each others contributions
Cognitive Processing Perspective
Facilitates content discovery
Focuses on critical thinking skills
10. Technology
Learn to use hardware and softwareprograms to research information and create presentations.
11. Examples
12. Conclusion
Academic and Social Benefits
Student= learner and presenter of information
Teacher= facilitator