Modeling and Control of Multi-Contact Centers of Pressure and...

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Modeling and Control of Multi-Contact Centers of Pressure and InternalForces in Humanoid Robots

Luis Sentis, Jaeheung Park, and Oussama Khatib

Abstract— This paper presents a methodology for the mod-eling and control of internal forces and moments producedduring multi-contact interactions between humanoid robots andthe environment. The approach is based on the virtual linkagemodel which provides a physical representation of the internalforces and moments acting between the various contacts. Theforces acting at the contacts are decomposed into internal andresulting forces and the latter are represented at the robot’scenter of mass. A grasp/contact matrix describing the complexinteractions between contact forces and center of mass behavioris developed. Based on this model, a new torque-based approachfor the control of internal forces is suggested and illustrated onthe Asimo humanoid robot. The new controller is integratedinto the framework for whole-body prioritized multitaskingenabling the unified control of operational tasks, postures, andinternal forces.


An important problem in humanoids is their ability tomanipulate and maneuver in their environments throughcompliant multi-contact interactions. This ability is a neces-sary step toward enabling humanoids to operate skillfully andsafely in highly constrained environments. To address thischallenge, we propose here models describing the complexdependencies between whole-body contacts and we analyzetheir control and integration with functional behaviors. Wecreate contact representations using the virtual linkage model[23] describing the relationship between reaction forces oncontact bodies with respect to resultant forces at the robot’scenter of mass, pressure points, and internal tensions betweencontact closed loops. We investigate the dynamics of closedloops and exploit the virtual linkage model to develop acontroller that guides internal force behavior between con-tact nodes. We integrate the proposed control method withour framework for prioritized multitasking [21], addressingthe unified control of constraints, balance, tasks, postures,and multi-contact behavior. This work is done as part ofthe Honda Asimo project at Stanford, which implements atorque-based control framework for a research version of theAsimo robot.

Contact interactions in robots have been addressed sincethe early 1980s with work on dynamics and force control inthe context of robotic manipulation [10] [17]. Cooperativedistributed manipulation became important to enable the han-dling of heavy or big objects [1]. To describe the behavior ofthe object independently of the manipulators, an augmentedobject model was proposed based on dynamically consistentmodels [11]. Research began to focus on modeling multi-grasp behaviors and the associated internal forces actingbetween manipulators [14]. Using a closed-chain mecha-nism called the virtual linkage model, decoupled objectbehavior and accurate dynamic control of internal forceswas addressed [23]. Mobile robotic platforms equiped withrobotic manipulators were developed [8] and multi-graspmanipulation was implemented using efficient operational

Fig. 1. Realtime simulation of a multi-contact behavior with user-enabledinteractive control of the robot’s right hand. A virtual linkage model isoverlaid capturing the internal force behaviors acting between supportingbodies.

space algorithms [2]. The dynamics and control of task andpostural behaviors in humanoid robots were addressed andprioritized multitask controllers were developed to enable theunified force-level control of constraints, task, and postures[20].

The aim of this new research is to analyze and modelwhole-body multi-contact interactions and provide a controlplatform that enables humanoids to manipulate and maneuverefficiently in their environments. It is therefore important tounderstand the relationship between reaction forces on con-tact bodies, internal tensions and moments acting betweenthese contacts, and whole-body task and motion behaviors.Because this work connects with legged locomotion, it is use-ful to review modern developments on this area of research.Dynamic legged locomotion has been a center of attentionsince the 1960s [4]. The Zero Moment Point criterion (ZMP)was developed to evaluate center of mass (CoM) acceler-aton boundaries [22]. Implementations of simple dynamiccontrol algorithms for muti-legged running robots followed[16]. ZMP methods for humanoid robots where pioneeredwith the development of the Honda humanoid program [7].To enable generalized multi-contact locomotion behaviors,extensions to the ZMP dynamic evaluation criterion weredeveloped [6]. Recently, a force level balancing controllerbased on minimum norm distribution of contact forces hasbeen developed [9].

In this paper, we analyze and control the interactionsbetween whole-body contacts, balance, and task behaviors.

The 2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference onIntelligent Robots and SystemsOctober 11-15, 2009 St. Louis, USA

978-1-4244-3804-4/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE 453

Fig. 2. Decomposition of internal forces and moments: We decomposeinternal forces and moments into contact centers of pressure, internaltensions, and normal moments. Contact centers of pressure allow us tocontrol the behavior contact rotational constraints while internal tensionsand normal moments allow us to control the behavior of contact pointswith respect to surface friction properties.

We define multiple centers of pressure (CoP’s) to abstractthe behavior of contact bodies. When the center of pressureof a contact body approaches an edge, a non zero momenttakes place about that edge causing the body to rotate.By controlling the position of contact centers of pressurewe control the behavior of contact rotational conditions.We use the virtual linkage model to describe multi-contactwhole-body behaviors as well as CoM behavior. We definea grasp/contact matrix to establish the relationship betweenresultant forces at the CoM, and internal and reaction forceson contact bodies. We create dynamically correct controllersto govern the behavior of contact CoP’s, internal tensionsand normal moments. Using control structures that are or-thogonal to CoM and task behavior, we integrate internalforce controllers with our previous framework for prioritizedmultitask control.

The capabilities and effectiveness of our methods are vali-dated through whole-body multi-contact scenarios simulatedon a dynamical simulator of the Honda Asimo robot. CoMtracking, fulfillment of contact constraints, and internal forcecontrol are achieved with high accuracy.


We consider whole-body contact scenarios with surface tosurface contacts, where multiple extremities of the robot arein static contact against flat surfaces (see Figure 2). In thiscase, every contact imposes six constraints on the robot’smobility. We assume each extremity in contact has enoughdegrees of freedom with respect to the base link to controlindependently its position and orientation. Flat supportingcontacts impose 6 × ns constraints on the motion, where 6of these constraints provide the support to manipulate therobot’s base and the other 6× (ns− 1) describe the internal

Fig. 3. Forces acting on the kth supporting body (e.g. the right foot):Establishing the balance of moments on each contact body allows us todetermine the position of contact centers of pressure.

forces and moments acting on the closed loops betweensupporting extremities [23]. Here, ns represents the numberof extremities in contact. Internal forces and moments playtwo different roles in characterizing the contact behavior ofthe robot: (1) Contact centers of pressure define the behaviorof the contacts with respect to edge or point rotations. (2)Internal tensions and moments describe the behavior of thecontacts with respect to the friction characteristics associatedwith the contact surfaces.

For ns links in contact we associate ns contact CoP’s.Each contact center of pressure is defined as the 2D pointon the contact surface where resultant tangential momentsare equal to zero. Therefore, 2× ns coordinates describe allcontact pressure points. In Figure 2 we illustrate a contactscenario with all contact forces and moments acting onsupporting extremities. We focus on the forces and momentstaking place on a particular contact body (see Figure 3).Based on [22], we neglect the body above the kth supportingextremity and replace its influence by the inertial and gravi-tational force and moment fsk

and mskacting on the foot’s

sensor point Sk. Here, Pk is the foot’s center of pressure,frk

is the reaction force acting on Pk, and mrkis the

reaction moments acting on Pk. The frame {O} representsan inertial frame of reference located outside of the robot andthe frame {Sk} represents a frame of reference located at thesensor point. All force quantities are described with respectto the sensor frame. Assuming the supporting foot is in staticequilibrium, we formulate the following balance equationbetween inertial, gravitational, and reaction moments [5],

OPk × frk+mrk

= OSk × fsk+msk

−OGk ×Mkg. (1)

Here, Gk is the center of gravity of the kth supportingextremity, Mk is the mass below the sensor point and g isthe gravitational acceleration vector. To compute the foot’scenters of pressure we consider the tangential part of theabove equation with respect to the contact surface, i.e.[

OPk × frk= OSk × (fsk

−Mkg) +m′sk


. (2)


, msk− SkGk ×Mkg (3)

is a modified moment that includes the moment arm ofthe gravity at the sensor point, the superscript Tk denotes


tangential directions of the kth contact body. Note that mrk

does not appear above because the definition of contactCoP implies zero tangential moments. Considering the forcebalance equation

frk= fsk

−Mkg, (4)

we arrange Equation (2) as[(OPk −OSk)× frk


= m′ Tksk

, (5)

and solve it to get the center of pressure for the kth contactlink:

Pkx = Skx −frkx


(Skz − Pkz



, (6)

Pky = Sky −frky


(Skz − Pkz



. (7)

Here, x and y refer to the tangential directions with respectto the local surface frames. The same analysis applies to theother extremities in contact, defining the ns contact centersof pressure.

To further characterize contact CoP’s, we formulate therelationship between resultant moments at contact CoP’s andreaction forces on contact bodies:

mcop ,




= Scop Tcop Fr = 0 ε R2ns , (8)

where Fr is the vector of reaction forces and momentsexpressed with respect to the location of contact CoP’s inglobal frame, i.e.

Fr ,





ε R6ns , (9)

mcop is the vector of tangential moments at contact CoP lo-cations expressed in local frames, mrk is the kth componentof resultant moments, Tcop is a matrix that translates and ro-tates forces and moments from global frame to local surfaceframes, and Scop is a selection matrix that selects tangentialmoments. Notice that in Equation (8) CoP conditions aremodeled as zero tangential moments.

Based on these models, we will develop methods for theefficient control of the internal contact state of the robot,while fulfilling dynamic stability constraints. In particular,we will present control methods that allow us to manipulatecontact CoP’s to desired locations on the contact surfaces.By manipulating contact CoP’s away from contact edges weensure that contact surfaces stay flat against the supportingsurfaces avoiding undesired contact rotations. Additionally,controlling contact CoP’s will result in compliant contactbehaviors since they imply neutralizing tangential momentsexerted by contact surfaces. The various properties of contactCoP’s make them an effective abstraction for the control andanalysis of contact rotational behaviors.

We focus on the characterization of internal force behaviorbetween closed loops formed by the contact extremities. Weintroduce a new instance of the virtual linkage model [23] todescribe the complex contact dependencies associated withthe closed loops. The virtual linkage model is a parallelmulti-DoF mechanical system connecting contact nodes viavirtual prismatic and spherical joints. It was first introducedto describe the relationship between resultant and internalforces of a shared object between multiple manipulators. Inthe case of humanoids, the extremities in contact play the roleof the manipulators and the terrain is the object of interaction.

We associate a virtual linkage model connecting contactextremities with nodes anchored at center of pressure loca-tions and prismatic joints attached to the nodes. As shownin Figure 4 each extremity in contact introduces a tensionwith respect to other nodes as well as normal and tangentialmoments with respect to the contact surfaces. For contactswith ns > 2 we can independently specify 3 × (ns − 2)tensions, ns normal moments, and 2×ns tangential momentsdescribing contact centers of pressure. When ns = 2 we canspecify one tension force, and five tangential and normalmoments. The details of this case will be described in thejournal version of this paper. Any additional extremity incontact will introduce three new tensions with respect toother nodes, and three more moments with respect to thesurface contact. No more than three tensions per node withrespect to other nodes can be independently specified. Inter-nal tensions characterize the behavior of contact bodies withrespect to the friction cones of the surfaces in contact whilenormal moments characterize the fulfillment of unilateralcontact conditions. The relationship between tension andreaction forces can be formulated as

ft ,



= St Rt ∆t Fr ε R3(ns−2), (10)

where ij are pairs of nodes, ∆t is a differential matrixoperator that substracts pairs of forces between contactnodes, Rt is a cumulative rotation matrix from global frameto the directions linking virtual linkage nodes, and St is aselection matrix choosing tension directions. Similarly, wecharacterize normal moments as

mn ,




= Sn Ts Fr ε Rns , (11)

where Ts is a cumulative rotation matrix rotating quantitiesfrom global frame to surface frames, and Sn is a selectionmatrix choosing normal directions.

To complete the virtual linkage model, we establishthe relationship between resultant and internal forces andmoments acting at the robot’s center of mass. The robot’scenter of mass is an important abstraction for analysisand control because it characterizes the maneuverability ofthe robot to plan locomotion behaviors. Similarly to therelationships developed in the original virtual linkage model[23], we formulate the equations describing the balance ofreaction forces and moments at contact bodies with respectto the resultant forces and moments taking place at the


Fig. 4. Virtual linkage model for humanoid robots: We define a virtuallinkage model uniting contact CoP’s, enabling the characterization of inter-nal tensions between nodes and normal moments against contact surfaces.Tangential moments are implicitly characterized through CoP positions. Thevirtual linkage model also addresses the behavior of contact forces withrespect to CoM behavior.

robot’s center of mass:

[I]3×3 · · · [I]3×3 [0]3×3 · · · [0]3×3

P1 · · · Pn [I]3×3 · · · [I]3×3

Fr =

[I]3×3 [0]3×3

Pcom [I]3×3

Fcom, (12)

where [ . ] indicates the cross product operator, Pi is theposition of the ith contact CoP, Pcom is the position of thecenter of mass, and Fcom is the six dimensional vector ofinertial and gravitational forces and moments at the robot’scenter of mass. Combining (8), (10), (11), and (12) we obtainthe following virtual linkage model for humanoid robots



= GFr (13)

where Fint is the vector of internal forces and momentsdefined as

Fint ,




ε R6(ns−1), (14)

and G is a grasp/contact matrix [23] defined as

G ,



ε R6ns×6ns , (15)


Wcom ,[I]3×3 [0]3×3

Pcom [I]3×3



[I]3×3 · · · [I]3×3 [0]3×3 · · · [0]3×3

P1 · · · Pn [I]3×3 · · · [I]3×3

ε R6×6ns , (16)


Wint ,

St Rt ∆t

Scop Tcop

Sn Ts

ε R6(ns−1)×6ns . (17)

In the next section, we will use these models to developcontrollers that can govern internal foce behavior.


We describe here a controller that governs the positions ofcontact centers of pressure and controls internal tensions andnormal moments between contact closed loops. We integratethis controller with our previous framework involving whole-body prioritized control, unifying the control and fulfillmentof constraints, tasks, and multi-contact interactions.

Let us study the multi-contact problem for ns extremitiesin contact. The differential kinematics of contact points arerepresented as

δxs ,



= Js



ε R6ns , (18)

where xs(i) ε R6 is the contact CoP of the ith supportingextremity, Js ε R6ns×(6+n) is the cumulative Jacobian of allcontacts, xb and q are the robot’s base and joint positions,and δ represents the infinitesimal displacements.

In [12], we used simple rigid contact models to deriveestimates of reaction forces. With the premise that stablebalance is maintained and that internal forces are controlledto keep the feet at against the ground, we model contacts asrigid constraints, i.e.

ϑs = 0 , ϑs = 0, (19)

where ϑs is the time derivative of xs. These constraintsallowed us to derive the simple relationship between contactforces and actuation torques [19]

Fr = JT

s UT Γ− µr − pr, (20)


Js , A−1J Ts (JsA

−1J Ts )−1 (21)

µr = Jsb− ΛsJs




pr = Jsg (23)


are the dynamically consistent generalized inverse of the Ja-cobian associated with contact CoP’s, the Coriolis/centrifugalvelocity term, and the gravity term, respectively. Addition-ally,

U =[0]n×6 [I]n×n

εRn×(n+6) (24)

is the selection matrix of actuated quantities, Γ is then × 1 vector of actuation torques where n is the numberof mechanical joints, and µr and pr are Coriolis/centrifugaland gravity components not shown here. In [15] we usedthis model to derive the following constrained whole-bodyequation of motion




+N Ts (b+g)+J T

s ΛsJs



= (UNs) T Γ, (25)

where A is the mass matrix involving the unactuated baseand the actuated joints, ϑb is the vector of linear and angularvelocities of the robot’s base,

Ns , [I]6ns×6ns− JsJs (26)

is the null space of the contact Jacobian, b and g aregeneralized Coriolis/centrifugal and gravity terms, and Λs

is the 6ns × 6ns mass matrix associated with all supportcontacts.

To design an internal force controller, we first review ourframework for whole-body multitask control. We consider avector of task descriptors

x ,






where each xk describes the coordinates of the kth descriptorand nt is the number of task descriptors that are used to char-acterize the instantaneous behavior of the robot. Prioritizedtask kinematics can be expressed using joint velocities alone[19], i.e.

xk = Jk



= Jk UNs q, (28)

where UNs is the dynamically weighted generalized inverseof UNs. The term JkUNs acts as a constrained Jacobian,mapping joint velocities into task velocities. We refer to itusing the symbol

J∗k , JkUNs. (29)

To simultaneously control all task descriptors, we im-plement prioritized torque controllers under multi-contactconstraints as described in [19] and characterized by theglobal torque vector

Γ =N∑


(J ∗Tk|prec(k)Fk

)+N ∗Tt Γposture, (30)

where J∗k|prec(k) are prioritized Jacobians, Fk are dynami-cally consistent control forces, N∗t is the cumulative priori-tized null space matrix associated with higher priority tasks,and Γposture is a postural control vector that operates in thenull space of all tasks. In [19] we proposed prioritization to

unify the control of balance, constraints, tasks and postures.This unification process led to the torque control vector

Γ = J ∗Tc Fc + J ∗Tcom|c Fcom+

J ∗Tt|com|c Ftasks + J ∗Tp|t|com|c Fpostures. (31)

where the subscript followed by | indicates prioritizationand the symbols c, t, and p denote constraints, tasks andpostures. The command Fcom is a vector of forces thatdirectly manipulates the robot’s center of mass and is used tocreate whole-body displacements and locomotion behaviors.

We define the space of internal forces as the projectionsthat have no effect on the robot’s motion, which can be in-ferred by analyzing the RHS of Equation (25). This conditionleads to the following constraint:

(UNs) T Γ = 0 (32)

The torques that fulfill the above constraint belong to thenull space of (UNs), defined by the projection

L∗ ,(I − UNs UNs

)εR6×(ns−1), (33)

where we use the symbol L∗ to denote contact closed loops,and the superscript ∗ to indicate that the projection operatesin contact space. The torques associated with internal forcesare those that do not contribute to net movement, i.e.

Γ = L ∗T Γint, (34)

where Γint denotes the control input to control internal forcesand moments. Plugging the above torques in the RHS of (25)cancels out Γint.

We integrate the above structure with our prioritizedcontroller discussed in Equation (30), leading to the unifiedtorque structure

Γ =N∑


(J ∗Tk|prec(k)Fk

)+N ∗Tt Γposture + L ∗T Γint. (35)

Using Equations (13) and (15) we formulate the relation-ship between internal forces and moments with respect tocontact forces as

Fint = WintFr. (36)

The above equality implies choosing contact CoP locationsto anchor the virtual linkage model. We select contact CoPlocations the closest possible to the geometric center of thecontact surfaces. By doing so, we avoid unwanted rotationalbehaviors. To ensure that these locations become the actualCoP’s we neutralize CoP moments at these points, i.e.mcop = 0.

The values of internal tensions and normal moments arechosen to comply with frictional constraints at the supportingsurfaces (not explained here). Controlling reaction forcesto remain within friction cones and frictional rotationalboundaries is needed to prevent robot contact extremitiesfrom sliding and rotating with respect to the environment.

The next step consists on implementing a controller thatregulates internal force behavior to desired values, i.e.

Fint −→ Fint,ref =




. (37)


where ft,ref and mn,ref are desired internal force valuesobtained either through optimization processes as suggestedbefore or manually chosen.

To achieve the above values, we consider using the whole-body control structure previously presented in (35). Pluggingthe proposed torque expression into Equation (20) and using(36) we obtain the equality

Fint = J∗Ti|l Γint + Fint,{t,p} − µi − pi, (38)


J∗i|l ,




is a transformation matrix from torques to forces,

Fint,{t,p} ,


s UT



(J ∗Tk|prec(k)Fk

)+N ∗Tt Γposture


are forces induced by task and postural behavior withtorques shown in Equation (35), and µi and pi are Cori-olis/centrifugal and gravity terms defined as

µi , Wintµr, (41)

pi , Wintpr. (42)

Inverting Equation (38) we obtain the following internalforce torque controller

Γint = J ∗Ti|l

(Fint,ref − Fint,{t,p} + µi + pi

), (43)

where J ∗i|l is a left inverse of (39) and the subscript {i|l}denotes internal quantities operating in the space of contactclosed loops. Plugging the above expression into (38) andprovided that J ∗i|l is full row rank, we obtain the linearequality

Fint = Fint,ref . (44)

To ensure that J ∗i|l is full row-rank, L∗ needs to span allinternal force and moment quantities. This applies if thereare at least six independent mechanical joints separating thecommon ancestors between contact closed loops. A secondrequired condition is to ensure that Wint defines independentinternal quantities. Our definition of the virtual linkage modelalready ensures that Wint defines independent quantities.

Although, the above open loop controller will work ap-propriately, to achieve accurate tracking of internal forcesand moments a feedback force control law involvingPID (proportional-integral-derivative) feedback is preferred.Given appropriate choice of the control law, the above linearrelationship will ensure convergence to the desired internalforces.

The above control structure provides a dynamically correctinternal force controller that has no coupling effects on task,balance, and postural behaviors, hence enabling the efficientcontrol of whole-body multi-contact interactions. It providesthe support to simultaneously control the position of multiplecontact centers of pressure and the internal tensions andnormal moments acting between contact closed loops.

Fig. 5. Compliant stance: A four contact stance is shown here. Contactcenters of pressure are controlled to stay at the center of the bodies incontact. The center of mass is controlled to remain at a fixed location. Thetable is actuated by an external user in random patternts to challenge therobot’s contact stance. To make the skill more complicated, the internaltension between the left hand and the right foot is commanded to track asinusoidal trajectory.


We study an experiment on a simulated model of Asimo.Recently, we have developed a research version of Asimothat uses torque control commands [13]. The objective of thissection is to demonstrate the ability to control contact CoP’s,internal tensions and normal moments using the proposedmethods.

A dynamic simulation environment [2] and a contact andfriction simulator based on efficient propagation of forcesand impacts [18] are used to simulate the execution ofour methods. The whole-body controller described in (35)is implemented on a task-based software environment thatenables the online creation of whole-body behaviors. Usingthis environment we create various behaviors involving bipedand multi-contact stance as well as operational and balancingtask behaviors.

In the simulation shown in Figure 5 we study a compliantmulti-contact behavior that emerges from controlling contactCoP’s as well as internal tensions and normal momentsagainst contact surfaces. The robot first starts in bipedalstance and transitions to four point contact by moving handsand center of mass toward a pivoting table. This sequence


of movements is accomplished using a state machine whereeach state involves controlling multiple low-level task ob-jectives. During the bipedal phase, a ZMP control strategyis implemented to ensure dynamic stability (not explainedhere). When transitioning to four contact stance, the robot’scenter of mass is controlled to track a trajectory wherethe accelerations are planned to fulfill contact frictionaland unilateral conditions. Postural behavior is controlledby optimizing a criterion that minimizes the distance withrespect to a human pre-recorded posture using a methodsimilar to the one described in [3].

When all contacts are established, a virtual linkage modeldefining the internal behavior of the the four contacts (seeFigure 4) is added as an additional task and the internal forcecontroller described in Equations (35) and (43) is imple-mented to achieve stable compliant contact interactions. CoPpoints are commanded to stay at fixed locations in the middleof contact extremities. For simplicity, all tension forces aswell as tangential and normal moments of Equation (37)are controlled to become zero, except for the followingtracking behavior between a pair of nodes: to demonstrateforce tracking at the internal level, the tension between therobot’s left hand and the right foot is commanded to trackthe sinusoidal trajectory

Fint(RF−LH),ref = A sin(2π/T ), (45)

with A = 4N and T = 5s.A user interacts with the pivoting table by moving it

up and down in random fast patterns. The robot’s CoM iscommanded to remain at a fixed location. Because contactCoP’s are commanded to stay at the center of the extremitiesin contact, the hands respond compliantly to table movement,remaining flat against the moving surface.

The accompanying data graphs show tangential and nor-mal moments, the tension between the left hand and theright foot, and the sagital position of the CoM. The trackingerror for the internal tension is small with a maximumvalue around 0.3 N. This error is mainly caused due tothe unmodeled movement of the table. As we recall, ourframework assumes that the table is static, which is impliedin Equation (19). However, because the table undergoes fastaccelerations the model is inacurate. Despite this inacuracy,the tracking behavior is still very good. In contrast, if thetabletop remains at a fixed location, the force tracking erroris nearly zero (not shown here). To achieve this complexbehavior we simultaneously control balance, task, and pos-tural behaviors using the prioritize control structure shownin Equation (31) (see [19] for more details) as well as theinternal force controller defined in Equation (43).


Creating a virtual linkage model for humanoid robotsenables the characterization of complex whole-body multi-contact interactions using simple models and the creation ofnew contact skills needed to operate effectively in humanenvironments. By enabling the precise control of contactcenters of pressure, we create compliant contact behaviorsand by placing contact CoP’s near the center of contactbodies we prevent unwanted rotations along contact edges.Characterizing the behavior of internal tensions and momentsas well as the behavior of the robot’s center of mass with re-spect to contact reaction forces we provide tools to plan ma-neuvering policies that satisfy all frictional constraints. Other

methods solely based on ZMP modeling disregard the localinteractions between contact bodies hindering the ability tosatisfy contact constraints and to create compliant contactbehaviors. Our methods are dynamically correct, enabling thesimultaneous control of tasks, balance, postures, and internalforces with high accuracy. We have demonstrated this abilitythrough whole-body multi-contact examples involving upperand lower extremities in a simulated robot.

Suggestions for future work include the implementation ofextreme contact behaviors such as behaviors exploiting pointand edge contacts for balancing on the supports. Here, ourproposed methods provide the support for the manipulationof contact centers of pressure with precision. Another keystudy involves using the grasp/contact matrix for planninnglocomotion and climbing behaviors in complex 3D terrains.Also it would be interesting to analyze contact singularitiessuch as the case due to stretching the knees during walkingbehaviors.

In summary, we have presented a framework for theanalysis and control of internal forces and moments actingon closed loops formed by multi-contact interactions onhumanoids. We have created a new instance of the vir-tual linkage model to characterize the relationship betweninternal and CoM forces with respect to contact forces.The grasp/contact matrix associated with the virtual linkagemodel provides an effective tool to plan internal force andCoM behavior policies that comply with rotational andfrictional contact constraints. We have analyzed the dynamicsof closed loops between contacts and derived a structureto control internal forces and moments without disruptingtask behavior. We have integrated this controller with ourprevious framework for prioritized multitasking, achievingdynamically correct control of tasks, balance, and internalforces. Finally, we have studied various simulations demon-strating the capabilities of our models and control methodsin challenging multi-contact scenarios.


The financial support of Honda Motor Co. is acknowl-edged. Many thanks to Taizo Yoshikawa for his contributionsand to Roland Philippsen and Philippe Fraisse for reviewingthe manuscript.


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