Mobile Connectivity - ServicePower Connectivity... · 2018. 2. 6. · Mobile Connectivity...

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Transcript of Mobile Connectivity - ServicePower Connectivity... · 2018. 2. 6. · Mobile Connectivity...


Mobile Connectivity

ServicePower White Paper Series

Digital connectivity has changed every aspect of the way consumers use and interact with products. The ability for devices to “talk” amongst each other, across platforms and functions, is becoming point-of-entry. Companies like Amazon are creating new revenue streams by enabling these kinds of conversations. Through products like the Amazon Dot, a refrigerator can proactively order more milk when the refrigerator detects that a consumer is starting to run low.

As this level of interaction amongst consumer products becomes more and more wide spread, this connectivity

development is starting to emerge in meaningful ways in other important areas of a consumer life. Major OEM’s are beginning to recognize the connectivity gap that exists in the medical device sector. While these devices are often the most technologically advanced, the level of connectivity between patient, providers and suppliers is surprising low. This represents not only a great area of revenue growth for the specific OEMs but also for the industry that services them in the field. ServicePower’s new AI backed customer engagement solution is positioned to let field service providers capitalize on this opportunity.

...connectivity development is starting to emerge in meaningful ways...“


The emergence of this kind of technology will make it easier for agile providers to exceed consumer expectations with each and every service call, without a significant increase in infrastructure costs. Not only does exceeding consumer expectations create consumer preference, loyalty and recommendation across the purchase decision pathway, but it also will allow businesses who adopt this kind of technology to win against other players by undercutting on price (through reduction of required re-visits) and identifying pathways for upselling through the term of the service contract.

The strength of ServicePower’s platform lies in its ability to provide a layer of connected information specifically designed to improve the efficiency of the field technicians. ServicePower enables a smoother installation process from the minute a product is ordered. The AI program pulls data related to product availability, certification needs, expertise and technician schedules to streamline the installation process. The AI supported data can even give the technician specific information that might impede the installation process — such as physical access to information or


2020BYestimates suggest that...

of large field service organizations will have made great investments in equipping their field technicians with connected mobile applications.


vaccination requirements — to ensure there are no unforeseen issues. ServicePower can also coordinate multiple installers’ schedules in situations where a number of different installation experts are required. And by pulling specific OEM supplied data, ServicePower can make sure that the technician has all the necessary parts on hand at the time of installation to prevent the need for costly re-visits.

ServicePower’s platform also provides the end consumer with peace-of-mind by providing real-time updates on the technicians’ schedules. While this level of control is desired by any consumer, it is particularly important when the installation or maintenance of an item is directly related to a consumer’s physical well-being. This ability to be assured as to the timing of the technician’s arrival removes one worry from the consumer, allowing them to focus on other things more inherently endemic to their own health.

ServicePower’s AI data platform provides the technicians with the information they need to optimize a device following installation. By aggregating manufacturer’s data, the technician can become more than a service provider and play the role of trusted advisor. A technician can approach a job knowing how to best manage any needed connectivity and understand what potential upgrades will be needed to enhance product functionality. Having this data in advance of the installation ensures that the technician has all necessary add-ons immediately on hand to again provide incremental service that is intended to exceed consumer expectation.

Utilizing an AI powered Mobile Workforce Management Software (MWMS), such as the one developed by ServicePower, can also drive revenue and customer loyalty by enabling proactive repair and predictive maintenance. Emerging technology, such as mobile-connected technicians and Internet of Things (IoT) allows for a product to remotely communicate any performance issue to a support team before the end consumer may even be aware. By getting on top of a potential issue immediately, the technician can decrease product downtime, which in the case of medical devices could result in the avoidance of a catastrophic event.


Real-time updates on the technicians’ schedules.

Coordinate multiple installers

Optimize a device following installation

Drive revenue and customer loyalty by enabling proactive repair and predictive maintenance


Likewise, MWMS can aggregate both prescribed manufacturer maintenance recommendations with real-life experience to keep the technicians aware of pending maintenance needs, again without consumer involvement. The technicians can take action by notifying the customer or even rectifying the issue before the customer is affected. This allows a company to support critical patient care, reduce the cost and time associated with crisis failure support, while at the same time increasing customer satisfaction, trust, and retention. This increased product uptime allows for the flow of critical information to proceed without impediment.

As connectivity increases, and technicians increasingly become the conduit through which digital conversations happen, the technicians start to serve a mission critical role. At the end of the day, delivering against this is what the ServicePower MWMS is intended to do for field technicians. By providing them with the proactive insight, predictive technology and the ability to serve as a seamless connector, the field technicians complement the product capabilities and become endemically important to the OEMS, the providers and the end consumers.

Staying ahead of the technological advances made by the OEMs and expected by the consumers is a commitment in its own right. Leveraging the latest technological information through an AI driven MWMS is the best way to ensure that your field technicians never leave a consumer wanting. As the face of your product, the field technicians’ ability to appear digitally savvy enhances the perception by the consumer of the product itself.

Enhancing the flow

of information is

the best way that

a field technician

can provided added

value to the service


ServicePower is an integrated field service management solution focused on helping companies deliver an exceptional customer experience at the lowest cost. Trusted by field service organizations around the world such as GE Appliances, ADT, Johnson Controls, John Lewis Partnership, Electrolux, Mitsubishi, LG, BSH and AIG Warranty, ServicePower is the only workforce management solution enabling organizations to efficiently manage both captive and 3rd party service providers. Our digital technology enables improved customer satisfaction, reduces costs and generates new revenue streams.

ServicePower also offers a fully managed network of 3rd party service providers to enable rapid and on-demand servicing at peak times and in hard-to-reach locations across North America and Europe.

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