Mise en scene cave scene finish

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Mise en scene cave scene finish

Unit 1Mise-en-scene and sound

Cave scene

Kai Dorsett


in clip 4 the lighting is specifically dark and weak throughout the scene apart from the lighting from the head torches and the reflections in the water then as the scene progresses as well as the lighter suddenly lighting Junos face. As well as that the lighting fluctuates to act as a sign for the pressure and signs for the way the scene works, each light is different and works in conjunction with how the scene works.

Props Props: throughout the scene it is key to notice that the few significant props are the smallest such as the head lamps and the camera, the head lamp symbolizing safety and possible freedom as it is light and the camera as a way of seeing around with ease, even if what to be seen isn’t what was thought. Other props being the different pieces of the environment to get into different situations and work them out for a higher benefit of the scene.

SoundThe sound in the scene is purely diegetic, as the sounds in place are the sounds we would here, the sounds of water dripping and voices till juno lights the lighter and then a sharp rise and low tone continues throughout to add tension in the scene to the reveal of the monster. The more non diegetic being the low tones and this is essential due to being a fantastic scene in the movie.As well as music's we have the diegetic sound like the water pouring from rock, feet hitting ground and breathing


Costume: The costumes in the scene seem to be aimed towards each characters personality, for example, juno is dressed rather like Lara croft from tomb raider to show her adventurous nature, whereas Sarah starts very overdressed in a jumper to show her own closed of personality, eventually wearing the same as juno as her personality changes to the situation.