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MINOS-EURONET. Making Use of New Member State Expertise in Micro and Nanotechnologies Tim Harper - Cardiff, 16th January 2008. Too many “Experts”. “Let’s drop nano and do CleanTech!”. Nobody making any money. No exits for VCs. Excited VCs. New Industrial Revolution by - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of MINOS-EURONET



Making Use of New Member State Expertise in Micro and

NanotechnologiesTim Harper - Cardiff, 16th January 2008


NNI Launch in 2000

New Industrial Revolution by

2005! Invest Now!

Scramble to “own”Nanobusiness

Excited VCs

Nobody making any money

No exits for VCs

Too many“Experts”

“Let’s drop nanoand do






• MIcro-NanOSystems EUROpean NETworking

• A consortium of 18 partners across the EU– 8 from Eastern Europe – 10 from Western Europe



1. To reveal and promote the research competences from NMS and ACCpromote the research competences from NMS and ACC, namely competences relevant for the development of micro-nanosystems fieldrelevant for the development of micro-nanosystems field at European scale.

2. To facilitate the participation of NMS and ACC organisations to EU programmes facilitate the participation of NMS and ACC organisations to EU programmes and other activities in the field of micro-nanosystemsand other activities in the field of micro-nanosystems by:

a) providing specific informationspecific information through databases and other electronic or conventional means and

b)b) direct contactsdirect contacts through information and awareness events, as well as through brokerage meetings, coupled with scientific events.

3. Extensive networking at pan-European scaleExtensive networking at pan-European scale in micro-nanosystems field, especially by networking the organisations in NMS and ACC with a potential for the future development of the field with the established networks in EU.

4. Facilitating progress towards building a future research policy and research direction for micro-nanosystems, micro-nano-technology and converging technologies in NMS/AC


…Or in other words..

• Promote research competence from New Member States and Associated Candidate Countries

• Encourage NMS and ACC to participate in FP7

• Broaden and deepen EU NMP networks by linking into NMS and ACC


Eastern Partners

National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies, ROMANIA (coordinator)

Institute of Electron Technology, POLAND Kaunas University of Technology, Research Center for Microsystems and

Nanotechnology, LITHUANIA University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering University, Ljubljana,

SLOVENIA Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Dept. of Electronics

Technology, HUNGARY Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Electrical Engineering

and Information Technology, SLOVAKIA Technical University of Sofia, ECAD Laboratory, BULGARIA KOÇ Üniversitesi, Department of Electrical Engineering, Istanbul, TURKEY


Western Partners

Eberhard-Karls-Universitaet Tuebingen, Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, GERMANY

University of Lancaster, UK Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems, CNRS, Toulouse,

FRANCE Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica, Barcelona, Consejo Superior de

Investigaciones Científicas, SPAIN European Technology for Business, Codicote, UK Cardiff University, Manufacturing Engineering Centre, UK Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique, Département de microTechnologies pour la

Biologie et la Santé, Paris, FRANCE Vienna University of Technology, AUSTRIA CIENTIFICA Ltd., UK 4M2C Patric Salomon GmbH, Berlin, GERMANY


Problems To Overcome in NMS

• Little experience in pan European networking

• Limited experience of EU funding mechanisms

• Poor infrastructure



Advantages of NMS

• Tradition of scientific excellence

• Emphasis on science until mid 90’s

• Shortage of scientists less acute than Western Europe


Source: DG Research



• A platform to the Commission to provide information about NMP funding and encourage proposals

• Dirk Beernaert, Nick Hartley, Augusto de Albuquerque and other Commission representatives managed to communicate that– The Commission positively encourages proposals

– Will help participants as much as possible and – That they don’t bite!



• An opportunity for the NMS participants to talk to western partners already involved in FP7 and FP7 projects

• A platform to present the capabilities of Eastern partners and

• A chance to forge new relationships


1st Strategy Forum, May 2006

• 157 Romanian participants and 27 foreign participants

• For many it was the first contact with the Commission and Nanotechnologies

• 102 posters displaying resources and offers for cooperation in FP7

• MINOS/IMT provided a poster template to encourage participation

• Participants could design their poster and upload to the server for printing and hanging by IMT


Even Companies Attended!






Various commercial companies

National Institutes

Governmental / Public Institutions



• Some information was used indirectly by Romanian participants in preparing the motivation for a priority called “Nanoelectronics, photonics and micro-nanosystems” in the new national R&D plan

• 170 new records added to the database immediately afterwards


2nd Strategy Forum April 2007, Vilnius

• Focus on Converging Technologies and Regional Competitiveness• 47 participants from Austria, Belgium (European Commission), Bulgaria,

Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Spain, UK.

• The Forum had a direct influence on Lithuanian Foresight exercise• Provoked a very strong open debate between public, business and policy

makers and discussion still is going.• Helped the Commission better understand (ICT, Micro-nano) technologies in

stimulating Baltic sea area innovation performance, growth and jobs.• New FP7 project proposals were generated, collaboration between some of

participants research groups was initiated, • Better understanding of Micro-nano research role for economy competitiveness

between policy making bodies and impact on future RTD funding


3rd Strategy Forum September 2007, Krakow

• Focus on "Nanoelectronics, Photonics and Micro- and Nano- Systems Technologies (MNST) for European knowledge-based economy"

• 95 participants attended the Forum from universities, research institutes, ministries, private companies, innovation centres, agencies:

• 73 participants from Poland and 22 participants from Austria, Belgium (EC), Czech Republic, France, Lithuania, Norway, Romania, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, UK, USA

• Bilateral brokerage session between representatives of European initiatives: – EURIPIDES-EUREKA, – EUROPRACTICE, – MNT-ERA.NET, – ETPs (MINAM, EPoSS), as well as – NoE’s (4M, GOSPEL, AMICOM), IP (GOOD FOOD) and – Marie Curie RTN (ASSEMIC) involved in MINOS-EURONET and – Potential project partners from Poland to seed cooperation, exploit synergies


Supported Online

• Database of research centres, specialists and projects

• Online Brokerage• Database contents (Jan 08)

- 406 Research Centers - 381 Specialists- 47 projects - 18 Networks - 125 in FP7 NMP database - 8 in Partner Matching - NMP 2008- 52 in FP7 ICT database- 35 in FP7 Health database


Accessing Databases


Other Databases

• Research MNT networks • MINOS networks, • Info events (brokerage, info, awareness, etc) • Scientific events (conferences, workshops,

symposiums) • Educational events (courses, schools) • Papers in scientific publications


Looking For Partners with Food Expertise


Western Partners


Eastern Partners


NanoLink FP7 Database


Search for Specific Topics



• A series of presentations given by eastern partners at key western institutions.

• Aim is to select the key eastern expertise that the institutes may find useful, and present this in an internal seminar.

• Differs from the usual brokerage events and conferences in that it is a closed internal event, open only to staff of the western institute.


Roadshow Objectives

• To make the western institutes aware of the capabilities existing in the East.

• Many FP7 proposals require the addition of eastern partners in order to achieve a geographic balance

• Many western institutes have trouble identifying who to include in their applications.


Benefits to Participants

• Participants have the ability to promote their expertise and be top of the list when eastern partners are required.

• Participants gain a good understanding of the capabilities of the western institutes, allowing them to prepare better future proposals.

• By developing face-to-face contacts with researchers at leading western institutions, eastern partners will have the ability to widen their scientific network, giving them enhanced scientific and commercial opportunities in the future


Choosing Participants

The western institutes will be chosen on the basis of

a. Scientific excellence

b. Success in attracting FP6 & FP7 funding

c. Compatibility with the expertise of the eastern partners

Eastern partners will be chosen on the basis of

a. Scientific excellence

b. Visibility within the MINOS program

c. Compatibility with the expertise of the western partners


How To Work With MINOS

• Register with any on the online databases

• Search for partners

• Ask for advice!

Tim Harper

Cientifica Ltd.

