Minorites in Greece

Post on 16-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Minorites in Greece




In ancient Greece foreigners were protected by Zeus , the father of the gods, and a name given to him was

Xenios Zeus. (xenos means guest and /or foreigner)

The Muslim minority of Thrace is the only officially recognized

minority in Greece.

They are 1% of the population

The Albanians in Greece are 8% of the total population.

In Voula…

Lots of Albanian families live and work in Voula.

Their children ,who are second generation immigrants, get the same education as the Greek students.

All immigrants have the same and equal rights

as the Greek citizens. They contribute to the Greek economy.

Some statistics about immigrants in Greece

Education: Immigrants are 10.3% of the population 29.3% secondary school graduate 150.000 have become Greek citizens. 9.2 % illiterate 85.000 have the right to vote. 0.6% post graduate degree 53.5% are 18-54 years old.

Employment: 98.240 immigrant children study in 31.7% constructions Greek schools.12.8% processing8.2% tourism industry

Residence : 92% rent5% own house

Contribution to GDP1.9% - 2.2% legal immigrants0.5%- 0.7% illegal immigrants

They have claimed their rights taking part in street protests.

And they have been accepted and supported by the Greek community.

Due to its location on the map, Greece…

… has no problem at all with the legal immigrants and minorities….

….but with the illegal immigrants….

Who get deported to their countries by police and judicial authorities, following some typical procedures.

The ones who manage to escape usually turn to violence in order to survive.

All immigrants are treated equally at schools.

They have access to universities…

The Greek church gives great support to the immigrants

and provides food to them….

regardless of colour or religion.

Greece the land of the sun and the sea….

The land of hospitality….

Even in these rough financial times …

will always support…

and protect its children….

No matter where they come from, no matter what their colour


3rd Primary School of Voula