Ministry Descriptions

Post on 30-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Ministry Descriptions


The purpose of the Greeters Ministry is to provide an enthusiastic, positive, spiritual, and friendly welcome to each person entering Saint Monica Church before Mass and special events. This ministry is committed to help make every worship experience positive and spiritually uplifting for everyone, every time.  Consistency is the key.  A few notes about your role as a Greeter:

•          Welcome each person entering for worship at Saint Monica’s in a friendly manner.  Set the tone for the Mass and worship experience that is about to take place.  

•          Provide assistance, information and direction to the church facilities and services; (For example, did you know there are assistive listening devices available in the “Usher’s Closet” located in the Choir Room - across from the Baptismal Font?  There are many ways to be hospitable.)

•          For Christmas Eve – each pew will be stocked with enough worship aides (programs) for the occupants of that pew.  Special help will be needed to make sure those standing have easy access to the programs.  People will most definitely have to share, but it is important that those standing in the back and on the sides of the church are given a chance to participate and have a worship aide.  Distributing them is crucial, as is collected them and not letting people leave with them.  (We print 650 worship aides that must last us for six (6) Masses.)

•          For Christmas Eve, this means you need to come a minimum of 45 minutes before your scheduled Mass.  We also have scheduled each and every entrance to the Church building so no one is forgotten!

•          Name badges will be located in the Choir Room, which is the room across from the baptismal font.  Knowing one’s name is part of welcoming so wear it proudly and make sure to put it back so it will be there for you on your next assignment.


•          With so many visitors and six Christmas Masses, it is necessary to “tidy-up” for the next Mass.  This ministry ensures that the people who worship at each Mass find the Church welcoming, clean, safe and orderly. This includes:

            -     Booklets restacked at the end of each pew.

            -     Trash cleared out.

            -     Hymnals away.

            -     Kneelers up.

            -     Windowsills straightened.

            -     Floors debris-free, presentable and safely dry.

            -     Doors closed.


The purpose of “Ushers Ministry” is to provide an enthusiastic, positive, spiritual, and friendly welcome to each person entering Saint Monica Church and to ensure a smooth, reverent, safe flow of the Eucharistic worship. This would include:

•          Once people enter into the Main church itself, please seat parishioners and guests so they are comfortable, safe and maximize the seating of the church. 

•          Keep the safety of everyone in mind and make sure aisles are clear and there are clear means of egress.

•          Seating should be kept to a minimum in the choir area.  Frank Orman will direct you as to details of that.  People should be kept away from instrument areas.  When the choir is present (8pm and 9:30 a.m.) no one may sit in the choir area at all.

•          Please do not seat people during the Scripture readings.

•          Take up the collection as follows:

             1.) Take up the collection in its entirety.

             2.) When the collection is complete, the gifts are presented to the altar.


This ministry falls under the charism of “stewardship.” With six Masses within a short time span, important ministry covers the logistics of making sure that the collection is gathered, delivered to the “counters,” that the funds are accounted for and deposited safely.

Our regular counters will take care of the accounting and recording procedures. Assistance is needed to do the preliminary work which includes the following:

•          Transfer collected funds from church building to rectory. For safety reasons, more than one person needs to do this.

•          Separate envelopes according to various “types” of collections (Christmas, Flowers, January First Holy Day, etc…)  

•          Open envelopes and remove funds/check

•          Verify that the amount inside the envelope is the amount recorded on the envelope itself.

•          Help count amount collected in cash; same with checks.

•          Assist “counters” Separate