Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper Feb. 29-Mar. 6, 2016

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Feb. 29-Mar. 6, 2016

Transcript of Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper Feb. 29-Mar. 6, 2016

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Tila gulat na gulat pa ang batang ito habang nakabantay naman ang isang sundalo sa labas ng kanilang bahay sa Maguindanaona kung saan ay patuloy ang karahasan sa pagitan ng militar at mga rebeldeng grupo. (Mindanao Examiner Photo - MarkNavales)

MAMAMAMAMAGUINDANAGUINDANAGUINDANAGUINDANAGUINDANAO – PO – PO – PO – PO – Patuloatuloatuloatuloatuloy ang kaguluhan say ang kaguluhan say ang kaguluhan say ang kaguluhan say ang kaguluhan salalawigan ng Mlalawigan ng Mlalawigan ng Mlalawigan ng Mlalawigan ng Maguindanao at Lanao del Saguindanao at Lanao del Saguindanao at Lanao del Saguindanao at Lanao del Saguindanao at Lanao del Sur na kungur na kungur na kungur na kungur na kungsaan ay kaliwa;t-kanan ang sagupaan sa pagitan ngsaan ay kaliwa;t-kanan ang sagupaan sa pagitan ngsaan ay kaliwa;t-kanan ang sagupaan sa pagitan ngsaan ay kaliwa;t-kanan ang sagupaan sa pagitan ngsaan ay kaliwa;t-kanan ang sagupaan sa pagitan ngmilitar laban sa mga rmilitar laban sa mga rmilitar laban sa mga rmilitar laban sa mga rmilitar laban sa mga rebeldeng grebeldeng grebeldeng grebeldeng grebeldeng grupo na nagsanib-upo na nagsanib-upo na nagsanib-upo na nagsanib-upo na nagsanib-sanib upang maitaysanib upang maitaysanib upang maitaysanib upang maitaysanib upang maitayo ang saro ang saro ang saro ang saro ang sariling estado ng tulad sailing estado ng tulad sailing estado ng tulad sailing estado ng tulad sailing estado ng tulad saIIIIIslamic Sslamic Sslamic Sslamic Sslamic State of Itate of Itate of Itate of Itate of Irrrrraq and Saq and Saq and Saq and Saq and Syryryryryria o ISIS.ia o ISIS.ia o ISIS.ia o ISIS.ia o ISIS.

Walang humpay angatake ng Bangsamoro Is-lamic Freedom Fighters samga tropa ng pamahalaan,at maging ang ilangpuwersa ng Moro IslamicLiberation Front – nalumagda ng interim peacedeal sa gobyerno noon 2014– ay ilang ulit na sumagupasa militar at partikular itomatapos na mabasura ngKongreso ang isinusulongng MILF na BangsamoroBasic Law o BBL.

Ang BBL ang siyangmagbibigay daan upanglalong mapalawak angMuslim autonomous re-gion sa ilalim ng interimpeace accord na nilagdaanng pamahalaan sa MILFnoon 2014. Iginiit ng mgamambabatas na tutol saBLL na maraming mgaprobisyon ito na labag sa

Saligang Batas.Sa kabila ng mga ulat

na may kinalaman angilang mga MILF saopensiba laban sa militaray todo-tanggi namanang liderato nito,partikular si CommanderBravo, na iniuugnay samga atake.

Maging ang mgajihadist group sa Lanaodel Sur tulad ng radikalna Khilafah IslamiyahMovement o KIM aysumagupa na rin samilitar. Sabit rin ito saibat-ibang pagpatay samga sundalo sa MarawiCity at iba pang mgabayan sa Lanao del Sur.Tinatayang halos 300 angmga miyembro ng KIMna nagbigay na rin ngkanilang suporta sa ISIS.

CCCCContinue on page 6ontinue on page 6ontinue on page 6ontinue on page 6ontinue on page 6

Blood drive successful in Sulu

SULU – The Sulu Provincial Women'sCouncil or SPWC has recently launcheda blood drive and was participated by itsmembers and government troops andpolicemen, including civilians who vol-unteered to donate their blood in aneffort to support the Philippine NationalRed Cross.

Hajja Nurunisah Tan, a nurse by pro-fession and head of the SPWC, led theannual event. Local Red Cross Adminis-trator Preciosa Chiong praised Tan, aphilanthropist, and all those who tookpart in the blood donation.

Tan, who is running for vice gover-nor of Sulu, said they also conductedfree medical and dental services thatbenefitted many people in the province.

She said the medical and dental ser-vices are also being offered free everyweekend and cater mostly to elderpeople, poor families and children. Thehumanitarian mission is also being sup-ported by the Sulu provincialgovernment.

Tan said the SPWC has a lot of hu-manitarian projects lined up for thisyear. (Ahl-franzie Salinas)

Hajja Nurunisah Tan, a nurse by profession and head of the SPWC, leads the annual blooddrive in Sulu province. (Photo by Ahl-franzie Salinas)

Feb. 29-Mar. 6, 20162 The Mindanao Examiner

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MR. RICARDO SAN JUAN0977-3173897

Feb.29-Mar. 6, Issue 2

DOH-ARMM alerts residentson common summer ailments

COTABATO CITY – As the dryseason continues, the De-partment of Health in theAutonomous Region inMuslim Mindanao (DOH-ARMM) has alerted residentson common ailments andadverse health conditionsthey might suffer from in thenear term.

Dr. AlexanderAmpatuan, designated headof the Non-CommunicableDiseases Cluster of DOH-ARMM, said during drymonths, residents must takenote of common summerdiseases like sunburn,rashes, sore eyes, andchicken pox.

Sunburn is a term usedfor red and sometimes swol-len and painful skin causedby overexposure to ultravio-let rays from the sun. Toprevent sunburn, he advisedresidents to avoid too muchsun exposure.

“Iwasan natin anglumabas sa bahay kung tirikang araw. Mas mainam kunghuwag lumabas mula 9:00AMhanggang 4:00 PM(Avoid going outside thehouse especially when it istoo hot. It would be better to

stay at home from 9:00 AM to4:00 PM),” Ampatuan said.“Kung hindi maiiwasan,magsuot ng mga protectivegear tulad ng payong omagpahid ng sunblock namay SPF 60 pataas (If youcannot avoid going underthe heat of the sun, wear pro-tective gears like an umbrellaor use sunblock with at leastSPF 60 or higher),” he added.

Ampatuan said resi-dents should also observeproper hygiene. “Ugaliingmaligo araw-araw atmagpunas ng pawis.

Gumamit ng powderupang maiwasan angpagkakaroon ng rashes(Take a bath every day, al-ways wipe and dry yoursweat and use powder toprevent rashes),” he said.Rashes are abnormalchanges in skin color, or tex-ture, caused by skininflammation.

Because of climatechange, he said residents inARMM should be more cau-tious as these diseases coulddevelop into serious cases.Moreover, he warnedpeople, especially thosewith hypertension, of pos-

sible heat stroke. He advisedthem to drink at least 8 to 12glasses of water daily toavoid dehydration.

The DOH-ARMM, hesaid, has various projects tohelp residents sufferingfrom these common dis-eases. He encouraged themto go to the nearest RegionalHealth Units, or to the DOH-ARMM office, for freecheck-ups and medicines.

“Kung maynararamdaman, huwagmag-atubili na pumunta atmagpatingin sa mgamalapit ng Rural HealthCenter para mabigyan nglunas at maiwasan angkomplikasyon. Angpagtulong sa mganangangailangan aymandato ng ating ahensya,(If they are suffering fromthe diseases mentioned, Iencourage them to go to theRegional Health Centersnearest their localities forimmediate cure and toavoid further complica-tions. Helping themarginalized is part of themandate of DOH-ARMM),”Ampatuan said. (Bureau ofPublic Information)

San Miguel Corporation eyesZamboanga for new investmentsZAMBOANGA CITY - The SanMiguel Corporation is eyeingZamboanga City in southernPhilippines for new invest-ments and Mayor BengClimaco said the “City of flow-ers” continues to attracttraders and business groupsdue to the much improvedeconomy and stable peaceand order.

San Miguel Corporationsent a team of senior execu-tives to Zamboanga and metwith Climaco to discuss vari-ous business prospects andother potentials here.Climaco also expressed hergratitude to San Miguel Cor-poration President RamonAng for his big interest inZamboanga City.

Climaco said she is con-fident on Zamboanga’scapability to be a key invest-ment hub in southernPhilippines. She said the busi-ness climate in Zamboanga isvery encouraging and the

economic boom that the cityhas achieved since the past 3years under her administra-tion has bolstered the localeconomic dynamism.

The San Miguel Corpora-tion sent over the delegationheaded by Hercules Galicia,who is Ang’s Executive Staff;and other heads of the Tech-nical Services Division andProject.

The delegation also metwith officials of theZamboanga Economic Zoneand Freeport Authority to dis-cuss more investmentopportunities. The group alsohad a meeting with theZamboanga City InvestmentPromotions Division andZamboanga City Planningand Development Coordina-tor Engr. Rodrigo Sicat, whobriefed the business execu-tives on various projects andplans to transfer theZamboanga City Airport to anew location. They also in-

spected the proposed airportsite and visited beaches hereand toured canning factoriesand ship building facility inAyala and Recodo villages.

San Miguel Corporationis one of the Philippines’ mostdiversified conglomerates,generating about 6.2% - as of2014 - of the country’s grossdomestic product through itshighly integrated operationsin beverages, food, packag-ing, fuel and oil, power,mining and infrastructure.

Climaco said the hugesupport of the people to heradministration and transpar-ency in governance anddrastic reforms she intro-duced is a key factor inZamboanga’s economicboom. Climaco, a member ofthe ruling Liberal Party ofPresident Aquino, is runningfor re-election and is ex-pected to win by a landslidein Zamboanga. (MindanaoExaminer)

Zamboanga City Mayor Beng Climaco

‘Pagbaugbug Ha Kamaruan Iban Martabbat’

‘In Defense of Honor and Dignity’Printed free of charge by Mindanao Examiner, Zamboanga City


DAVAO CITY – Sinunognoong nakaraang linggong mga di-kilalang salarinang isang refugee shelter saloob mismo ng compoundng United Church of Christ ofthe Philippines at 5 katao angsugatan, ayon sa mga hu-man rights groups.

Kabilang sa mgabiktima ay 4 na mga menor-ded-edad na pawang mgaLumad o natibo na lumikassa kanilang mga lugar dahil

sa patuloy na operasyon ngmilitar kontra New People’sArmy sa Davao region atkatabing mga lalawigan.

Kinumpirma rin ito saMindanao Examienr Re-gional Newspaper ngwomen’s group na Gabrielaat kinondena ang naganap,ngunit wala naman umaminsa arson bagama’t duda nggrupo na may kinalamanang mga pro-governmentmilitias sa arson.

Noon nakaraang taonlamang ay nilusob rinn ngmga parak ang naturanglugar at pilit na pinababalikang mga natibo sa kanilanglugar matapos na umano’ydukutin sila ng mgaprogresibong grupo. Mahigitsa isang dosena angnasaktan matapos nasugurin ng mga parak angbarikadang inilagay ng mgaLumad sa UCCP compound.(Mindanao Examiner)

Refugee shelter sinunog sa Davao City

Feb. 29-Mar. 6, 2016 3The Mindanao Examiner

Happy 79th Dia de ZamboangaVic Liozo, Jr.

Former Zamboanga City Red Cross AdministratorDistrict 1 Council Aspirant

Zamboanga City

Lit-lit MacrohonSan Roque Barangay CaptainDistrict 1 Council Aspirant

Zamboanga City

Atty. Alexander “Eric” EliasCity Civil Registrar

Zamboanga City

Philippines' oldest mosque to get P77.6 million in tourism infrastructure supportCOTABATO CITY - Thecountry’s oldest mosque lo-cated in the AutonomousRegion in MuslimMindanao will receive tour-ism support funding worthP77.6 million, said Engr.Don Mustapha Loong,ARMM's Public Works andHighways (DPWH-ARMM).

He said the access roadgoing to the Sheikh Karim-ul Makhdum Mosque willbe improved even as severalother infrastructureprojects will be built withinits periphery. “We are in-vesting on the roadsleading to Sheikh Makdumas well as in its peripherybecause we believe in thetourism potential of south-ern Mindanao,” Sec. Loongsaid.

The Sheikh MakhdumMosque was erected in1380 in the small fishing vil-lage of Tubig (Bohe),Indangan in Simunul townin Tawi-Tawi province. Themosque was declared a Na-tional Historical Landmarkby the National HistoricalCommission and a Na-tional Cultural Treasure bythe National Museum.

The infrastructureprojects will be built by thelocal government unit ofSimunul after a Memoran-dum of Agreement (MoA)was signed on Monday atthe ARMM governor's of-fice here. Sec. Loong saidthe project is targeted to becompleted from three to sixmonths.

Official records show

that 55,085 foreign and do-mestic tourists visitedTawi-Tawi in 2015 withP965 million in tourismgross receipts. The figuresshowed a significant in-crease of 14.35% in touristarrivals and 14.34% in grossreceipts in the provincecompared with 2014’s fig-ures.

Tawi-Tawi is the south-ernmost province in thecountry and covers smallislands in the Sulu Sea andto the northwest, theCagayan de Tawi-Tawi Is-land and Turtle Island.

In 2015, there were192,307 tourist arrivals inthe ARMM, generatingmore than P3 billion intourism gross receiptsspent mostly on cultural

events; nature, sun andbeach visits; and diving, aswell as marine sports andother relevant events. TheARMM is composed of themainland provinces ofMaguindanao and Lanaodel Sur and the island prov-inces of Basilan, Sulu andTawi-Tawi.

Sec. Loong said his of-fice is providing moreassistance to the tourismindustry with the construc-tion of access roads totourism sites in the region.In September 2015, DPWH-ARMM started theconstruction of projectsand development of BudBongao, Tawi-Tawi's fa-mous peak, worth P56million. The projects in-clude multi-purpose hall,

view deck, station point,concrete pathway, parkingarea, and billboard.

Another P100 millionwas allotted for the im-provement of the LakeDapao CircumferentialRoad in Lanao del Sur. Fiveother MoAs for the con-struction of access roadsand water systems worthP66.93 million were alsoinked between the ARMMgovernment and three localgovernment units (LGUs)in Lanao del Sur.

ARMM Governor MujivHataman said the infra-structure projects are amanifestation of trust andconfidence of the regionalgovernment on the LGUs.

“The basic require-ment is the capacity of the

LGUs to implementprojects – their sufficiencyof construction equipment,and availability of skilledand well-experienced engi-neers,” Gov. Hataman said.On February 16, severalMoAs were inked betweenthe ARMM governmentand more than 20 LGUs inthe region covering infra-structure worth more thanP1.9 billion.

“Gusto natingpalakasin yung capacity nglocal government units. Infact, ito yung pinaka out-come na gusto natin (Wewant to strengthen the ca-pacity of local governmentunits. In fact, it is the ulti-mate outcome we want),”Gov. Hataman added. (Bu-reau of Public Information)

Carnival dancers in Kidapawan City in South Cotabato which recently celebrated its founding anniversary. (Mindanao Examiner Photo - Geonarri Solmerano)

Proud and Happy. Some of the dealers of the Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspapers inCotabato City pose for pictures. (Photo by Kenneth Lopez)

Feb. 29-Mar. 6, 20164 The Mindanao Examiner

MBLT-2 bids goodbye to SuluJOLO – Sulu provincialgovernment leaders havethanked the members ofthe Marine Battalion Land-ing Team - 2 who wereactively involved in peaceand humanitarian effortsafter ending their tour ofduty.

Governor Totoh Tan,who was invited by the 2ndMarine Brigade to the de-parture honor of the troops,

said the soldiers took part inmany medical missionsand promoted sportsamong the youth while inSulu.

He congratulated themarines for their dedica-tion to their duty and forhelping the police andother law enforcementagencies in maintainingpeace and order in theprovince.

Brigadier General JoseCabanban, the brigadecommander, thanked andpraised Governor Tan, whois seeking re-election, forhis support to the peace ef-forts of the marines in Sulu.

The MBLT2 was re-placed by the MarineBattalion landing Team - 1and Vice Governor SakurTan, accompanied by Jolotown Mayor Hussin Amin,

welcomed the arrival of thesoldiers. Brigadier AlanArrojado, commander ofthe Joint Task Group Sulu,was also present during thearrival ceremony.

Vice Governor Tan,

who is running for governorof the Autonomous Regionin Muslim Mindanao, alsospoke to the soldiers andvowed to support the ma-rines in their duty to protectthe citizens and uphold

freedom and democracy.The military also

thanked Vice Governor Tanfor his support and effortsin the promoting peace andunity in the province. (Ahl-franzie Salinas)

Sulu Governor Totoh Tan, who is running for re-election, bids goodbye to members of the Philippine Marines whose tour of duty ended recently. They were replaced by a fresh batch of marines.(Photo by Ahl-franzie Salinas)

NCMF praises Sulu governorfor support to cause

THE NATIONAL COMMIS-SION On Muslim Filipinosor NCMF thanked Sulu Gov-ernor Totoh Tan for his roleand support in the promo-tion of Islam and to therecently concluded 34th Re-gional Qur'an ReadingCompetition in the southernprovince.

It said Governor Tan hasbeen very supportive of theendeavors and activities ofthe NCMF. The competition

was also attended and par-ticipated by many scholarsand religious leaders, in-cluding members of theSultanate of Sulu and NorthBorneo.

With the theme “Let theTeaching of the Holy Qur'anBe the Platform for GoodGovernance of Our NextLeaders in the Province”, thecompetition was partici-pated by 12 men and fivewomen, according to Kenny

Tan, of the NCMF.Governor Tan, who is

seeking re-election, said re-minded those who attendedthe Qur’an reading, espe-cially the youth to alwaysfollow the Islamic teachingsin everything they do be-cause this will guide them intheir daily life.

“God is our guide. He isour light that shines the roadwe walk on every day,” hesaid. (Ahl-franzie Salinas)

Sulu re-electionist governor Totoh Tan speaks during the Qur’an reading contest held recentlyin the province. The National Commission on Muslim Filipinos praised Tan for his support tothe NCMF programs and projects. (Photos by Ahl-franzie Salinas)

The Mindanao Examiner 5Feb. 29-Mar. 6, 2016

Senator and vice presidential candidate Ferdinand Marcos Jr poses with Minister Wilde James Almeda and other ministers as tens of thousands of people flock to the JMCIM 41st ChurchAnniversary recently. Also in the photo is JMCIM founder and influential evangelist Wilde Estrada Almeda.

Feb. 29-Mar. 6, 20166 The Mindanao Examiner

The Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaperis published weekly in Mindanao, Philippines.

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CCCCContinued frontinued frontinued frontinued frontinued from page 1om page 1om page 1om page 1om page 1Ang KIM rin ang

itinuturong nasa likod ngpananambang sa isang con-voy ng militar sa bayan ngButig. Parehong sakop ngmagulong Autonomous Re-gion in Muslim Mindanaoang Maguindanao at Lanaodel Sur.

Dahil sa karahasan,nalalagay sa panganib angbuhay ng mga sibilyan atmotorista, gayun rin angmga biyahero na dumaraansa mga highway.

GIYERANG WALANG HUMPAY!Libo-libo sibilyan na rin

ang sinasabing nagsilikas sakanilang mga lugar dahil samatinging panganib sanhing giyera. Sa Butig lamang ayhalos 8,000 katao na angnagsilikas, ayon sa Lanao delSur Provincial Disaster RiskReduction and Manage-ment Office.

Sa Maguindanao ay ha-los nabubuhay sa panganibang maraming mga sibilyandala ng sigalot, ngunitiginigiit ng 6th Infantry Divi-sion na wala naman banta sa

seguridad ng publiko atlalawigan.

Ibinato pa ng 6th Infan-try Division sa 1st InfantryDivision ang dahilan sa gulodahil sakop umano nila angLanao del Sur. “Wala panaman latest incident dito saamin (sa Maguindanao). SaButig area ng 1st Infantry Di-vision yun,” ani CaptainJo-ann Petinglay, angspokeswoman ng 6th Infan-try Division, sa tugon nito saMindanao Examiner Re-gional Newspaper.

Tiniyak naman ni DatuAli Midtimbang, ang guber-natorial bet ng UnitedNationalist Alliance o UNAsa Maguindanao, na tutukannito ng husto ang malalangpeace and order sa lalawigankung manalo sa halalan.

Top priority umano ngrespetadong si Midtimbangang seguridad ngMaguindanao at ekonomiyanito upang masigurongpagsulong at hindi paatrasang takbo ng lalawigan.Matagal na umanong mayproblema angMaguindanao at lalo paitong naging malala sa mganakalipas na taon.

Nitong Pebrero lamang,nadakip sa Cotabato Cityang isang mataas na lider ngBIFF na si Hassan Indal aliasAbu Hazam na sabit samaraming atake sa militar atpambobomba saMaguindanao. Si Hassan, nasiyang deputy chief ng BIFF,ay minsan ng inulat ngmilitar na kanilangnapaslang, ngunit buhaypala at ginagawang taguanang Cotabato City.(Mindanao Examiner)

ARMM extends P1.5 million worth of agri-fisheriesassistance to MNLF coop in Maguindanao

Office Space For RentZamboanga City

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MAGUINDANAO – To helpaugment the income of thebeneficiaries and increasefish production in the region,the Autonomous Region inMuslim Mindanao (ARMM)has provided P1.5 millionworth of agriculture and fish-eries support services to aMoro National LiberationFront (MNLF) cooperative inMangudadatu municipalityin Maguindanao province.

About 50 members ofthe Maman Kalilintad Farm-ers and FisherfolksProducers Cooperative fromBarangay Paitan inMangudadatu received agri-fishery equipment andinputs that include 1.7 mil-lion tilapia fingerlings,fresh-water fish cages, feedsand fishing boats.

The livelihood project isunder the Payapa atMasaganang Pamayanan(PAMANA) program, a na-tional government initiativethat extends developmentinterventions to isolated,hard-to-reach, and conflict-affected communities toreduce poverty, improve gov-ernance and empowercommunities.

Dong Anayatin,PAMANA-ARMM program

manager, said that since2013, the ARMM’s Bureau ofFisheries and Aquatic Re-sources (BFAR-ARMM) hasextended P61 million worthof agriculture and fisheriessupport services across theregion to benefit MNLFmembers.

Agri-fishery equipmentand inputs given to the coop-eratives include fishingboats, motorized banca,non-motorized fishingbanca, seaweed farming in-puts, cold storages and fishaggregating devices.

“The livelihood assis-tance can generateadditional income to thefisherfolks,” Anayatin said.He also reiterated thatPAMANA will help providethe needs of the MNLF com-munities by giving livelihood

assistance to improve theirlives.

“Masela i pakadtabangnu inenggay nilan a mga ti-lapia (The distribution oftilapia fingerlings is a bighelp to us),” RonelLinlungan, 42 year-old,member of the cooperativesaid.

“Pedsukol kami kanuARMM government kaniyapamba natabangankami nilan (We are verythankful to the ARMM gov-ernment because this is thefirst time that we receivedsupport services from thegovernment),” Linlunganadded.

Based on the PAMANAreport, out of the 180 MNLFcooperatives enrolled in theprogram, a total of 135 co-operatives were already

served. The 45 remainingare those classified underthe third batch approved forassistance by the PAMANASteering Committee.

The PAMANA programwas first implemented in theARMM in 2011 through thenational agencies. In 2013,the implementation ofprojects in the region hasbeen lodged to the Office ofthe Regional Governor.

Line agencies that serveas the program’s imple-menting partners in theARMM include the Depart-ment of Social Welfare andDevelopment, Departmentof Public Works and High-ways, Department ofAgriculture, and the Bureauof Fisheries and Aquatic Re-sources. (Bureau of PublicInformation)

Sinugod ng mga residente ng Davao ang Aboitiz Power upang i-protesta ang maruming coal-fired power plants ng naturang kumpanya sa kuhang ito ng Bayan Southern Mindanao Regionna sumusuporta sa panawagang kontra coal-fired plants.

The Mindanao Examiner 7Feb. 29-Mar. 6, 2016

HEALTH: 12 Pinaka-Masustansyang PrutasPayo ni Dr. Willie T. Ong

HETO ANG mgamasustansyang prutasna mabibili natin saPilipinas:

1) Ubas – Ang ubasay may tannins at fla-vonoids na puwedengmakapigil sa kanser.Kumain ng ubas kungika’y nagpapagaling sasakit. At kapag kulangsa dugo at mahina angkatawan, kumain ngubas para manumbalikang iyong sigla.

2) Pakwan –Panlaban ang mga itosa sakit sa bato atpantog (kidney at blad-der infection). Angpakwan at melon aypunong-puno ng vita-min C at potassium. Atkapag tag-init, angkatas nito angkailangan ng atingkatawan.

3) Peras (Pears) –Ang peras ay mayamansa fiber at sorbitol namakatutulong sapagdumi. Ang fiber aynagbibigay ng hugis (obulk) sa dumi. Ang sor-bitol naman aynagbibigay ng tamis saperas at naghahatak ngtubig sa loob ng bitukapara lumambot angdumi.

4) Suha – Maytulong ang suha paramakaiwas sa kanser atpara sa may diabetes.Ang balat ng suha aymay sangkap na biofla-vonoid. Ito’y

Dr. Willie T. Ong

nakatutulong sa pag-iwas sa cancer, lalo na sabreast cancer. Kung ika’ymay diabetes, puwede saiyo ang suha atmansanas. Paalala langna 3 o 4 na hiwa lang angkainin.

5) Strawberry –Naniniwala ang mgaeksperto na panlaban sakanser ang strawberry.Mag-ingat lang kung al-lergic sa strawberry.Hugasan maigi ito bagokainin.

6) Saging – Mainamang saging sa mga nag-e-ehersisyo at sa may sakitsa puso dahil may taglayitong potassium. Para sahindi makatulog atstressed sa buhay,nakapagpaparelax dinang saging dahil sasangkap nitong tryp-tophan.

7) Abokado – Angabokado ay may taglayna good fats at healthyoils. Dahil dito,nakatutulong ito sa pag-

iwas sa sakit sa puso atistrok. May sangkap dinitong vitamin B6 at vi-tamin E nanagpapakinis ng atingbalat.

8) Papaya – Mataassa vitamin A at vitaminC ang papaya kayanakatutulong ito saating kutis. Ang papayaay may papain, isangkemikal na tumutulongsa pagtunaw ngpagkain at sa pag-regu-lar ng ating pagdumi.

9) Pineapple(Pinya) – Ang pine-apple ay maybromelain nanagpapalakas ng atingresistensya. Maysangkap din itong man-ganese at vitamin B nanagbibigay lakas saating katawan.

10) Buko – Ang bukojuice at nakatutulong samay kidney stones (batosa bato).

11) Mansanas – Mayvitamin C at anti-oxi-dants ang mansanas.Mahalaga na kainin dinang balat ng mansanasdahil may taglay itongpectin na nagtatanggalng dumi sa atingkatawan. Panlaban angmansanas sa mataas nacholesterol, arthritis atsakit ng tiyan.

12) Orange –Masagana ang orangesa vitamin C napanlaban sa sipon, ubo,hika at arthritis.

Walk the Talk, Duterte Does Notby Angela Librado

THISSELF-PROCLAIMEDwriter was a youth volun-teer for Duterte in 1992, ayouth organizer forBAROG (an erstwhile or-ganization of youth,mostly out-of-school, forRODY Gihapon) in 1992-1998, and a member ofthe local legislative bodyin 2001-2010 as a guestcandidate of Hugpong saTawong Lungsod (MayorRody Duterte’s localparty). If all these makeme a Dutertard, read on.

I was ushered into lo-cal governance years afterDavao City trailblazed inwomen’s and children’srights advocacies forpassing the first WomenDevelopment Code in thePhilippines in 1997 andthe Children’s WelfareCode in 1994. These werelegislated with the fullsupport of Mayor Duterte,an alleged womanizerand promoter of extra-ju-dicial killings.

Mayor Rody invitedme as a guest candidate ofHugpong in 2001 as I wasalready a candidate ofBayan Muna, my nationalparty then and now. I ac-cepted his invitation witha caveat, “I am my father’sdaughter and I am BayanMuna’s representative”.And he did not cuss.

That caveat would de-fine my office’srelationship with CityHall as we struggled andpublicly debated on is-sues, local and national.

When two bombssuccessively rockedDavao City, MayorDuterte was so furious hecalled for immediate USintervention, implyingthe latter could addressthe problem swiftly. Wechallenged his position.He listened and initiatedan anti-terrorism militaryarm, more known as theTask Force Davao, in-stead.

The formation of theTask Force would not gounopposed as activists,peoples’ organizationsand non-government or-ganizations ralliedagainst its presence. Hu-man rights groupscautioned him againstpossible human rightsviolations and militariza-tion.

He did not budge ini-tially. But as soon asreports of sexual and hu-man rights abuses werebrought to his office andpublicly, he announcedthe withdrawal of the lo-cal government’s supportand rightly, in the budgetsubmitted, no budget wasearmarked for the TaskForce. Its office inEcoland was eventuallydown-scaled.

On several occasionswhen demands for the re-moval of CAFGU andmilitary detachments inseveral areas because ofhuman rights violationswere made, he defendedtheir presence. Eventu-ally, he conceded thatpeople are being abusedrather than protected andcalled for the dismantlingof some detachments insome areas in this city.

The issues of extraju-

RECIPE: Beef Morcon


INGREDIENTINGREDIENTINGREDIENTINGREDIENTINGREDIENTS:S:S:S:S:1 kilo beef rib eye of round, whole, slicedinto flat sheet, 1/2 inch thick3 tbsp calamansi or lemon juice, fresh1/2 cup soy sauce1/2 tsp. black pepper1 pc. small carrot, sliced into strips1 pc. large pickle, sliced lengthwise intostrips3 pc. hard-cooked egg, sliced into quarters2 pc hot dogs, sliced into strips

3 tbsp. flour1 cup white onions, chopped1 cup red and green bell peppers, choppedWater to cover1 pc. Bay leaf2 tbsp. tomato paste1 can liver spread1/4 cup cooking oilSalt and pepper

INSTRINSTRINSTRINSTRINSTRUCTIONS:UCTIONS:UCTIONS:UCTIONS:UCTIONS:1. Marinate beef in calamansi juice and soy sauce for at least 3-4 hours in the re-frigerator.2. Arrange strips of pickles, carrots, hot dogs, and eggs on the marinated beef.3. Roll the beef, keeping the filling in the center, tie with a string then dredge inflour.4. Reserve marinade for later use.5. Heat the cooking oil in the pan and fry the beef over high heat until color turnsmedium brown.6. Use casserole*, saute garlic and onions, add bell pepper, water, bay leaf and mari-nade. Return meat and cook covered, stirring occasionally over low heat until beefbecomes tender.7. Add tomato paste and liver spread.8. Season with salt and pepper, cook for another 5 minutes.9. Slice, place in a serving dish and add the sauce.10. Share and enjoy.

Note: It takes 2 hours cooking using ordinary casserole and 30 minutes if a pres-sure cooker is used.

dicial killings and capitalpunishment especially ofminors have placed theMayor in a very hot seatthen and especially now.Some assumed that sincethese had gone unabated,these were instructed byor tolerated at the least byDuterte.

But the day the Mayorstarted lambasting Sen.Francis Pangilinan andhis Juvenile Justice Lawblaming it for what someof the youth have become,was the day that the localjuvenile justice ordi-nance, which provides fora rehabilitation/interven-tion facility, was beingcooked up at the halls ofthe Sanggunian (SP ofDavao City). Unknown tosome, people from theCity Social Services andDevelopment Office wereworking hard to beat thedeadline that the Mayorhad set to install a half-way home for children inconflict with the law, oneof the major features ofthe Juvenile Justice Law.In 2012 Davao City passedits local Juvenile JusticeOrdinance, with MayorDuterte then presiding asVice Mayor.

The story does notend there because even asI was already out of theCity Council and busy at-tending to problems inBarangay Matina Cross-ing of endlesscock-a-doodle-doo, lostSiamese cats, and juve-niles prancing on CCTVs,I was summoned in 2013to check on a property inBago Oshiro where thechildren’s rehabilitationfacility of the City wouldbe erected.

I swear that the Mayorearmarked PhP 10 millionfor the establishment ofthis agriculture-focusedfacility. The children’s fa-cility is animplementation of boththe Juvenile Justice Lawand the city’s own JJ ordi-nance. This is on top of thenow existing halfwayhome, popularly known asthe Lamdag, where chil-dren in conflict with thelaw who are awaiting dis-position of their cases arehoused. By the way,Lamdag goes further byproviding psycho-socialintervention.

That women interestthe Mayor the most is pub-lic knowledge. Duterteflaunts his “womanizing”and kisses women in pub-lic almost as often as hecurses. Gabriela, otherwomen organizations,cause-oriented groupsand my office lost no timein calling his attentionand criticizing him pub-licly for his sexist remarks,reminding him of theWomen DevelopmentCode he signed in 1997.

But while he was andstill is unperturbed (as heis now doing on a nationalscale the sexist acts forwhich we criticized him)he would create the Inte-grated GenderDevelopment Office(IGDD), a coordinativeand monitoring office di-rectly under his office.

He hired not one, but

five lady lawyers pur-posely to protect womenfrom violence and abusescommitted by their hus-bands and common-lawpartners, and whose ser-vices were provided forfree. The City went un-precedented when itcreated Sidlakan, a Gen-der-Sensitive CrisisIntervention Unit, de-signed to ensure that allservices to women vic-tims of violence are madeaccessible and availablein one office. It also servesas a temporary shelter forthese women.

Duterte’s interest inwomen and their issueshas staggering effectsconsidering that in theOctober 2015 City WideSocial Survey Series 4 ofthe Ateneo de Davao Uni-versity, specifically by itsSocial Research Trainingand Development Office,violence against womenwas on the top three of theissues and concerns ofmale and female alike.

About 94% of the re-spondents of said surveyagreed that violenceagainst women and chil-dren is important newsand therefore needs to bediscussed publicly. In thesame study, gender sensi-tivity (preference of86.5%) was on the top 3qualities that Davaoenosdesire of a president interms of political traits.

That same study re-flects that 65% of therespondents were sadwhen Duterte declared hewill not run in October,22% were not happy be-cause they “want him tostay here” (referring toDavao City) and 11% ei-ther refused to answer orwere unsure of their feel-ings.

Duterte does not careif we misunderstand himbut he sure understandswomen’s issues betterthan some women. Evenbefore the national Re-productive Health Lawwas passed, Davao Citypassed its Women’sHealth Clinic that ad-dresses most if not allaspects of our health aswomen.

For years now, theCity Health Office hasmade available ligationand vasectomy proce-dures for couples thatwish to manage their fam-ily with the government’sintervention. The P3,000given to every couple whoavailed of these proce-dures for free was not anincentive but Duterte’s af-firmation that populationmanagement is not only ahealth issue but also aneconomic one.

With these, the ques-tion of whether I and mostof the women of DavaoCity support Duterte is aforegone conclusion. Notbecause he walks his talk,but because (on issues af-fecting our women andchildren), he does NOT.( The author, AngelaLibrado-Trinidad is amother, a lawyer, a former3-term councilor and shenow serves as BarangayCaptain of Matina Cross-ing in Davao City.)

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The Cebu Provincial Government RECENTLY hosted a Cultural and Educational Tour tohigh school students. The tour is part of the Capitol’s Arts and Culture Month celebrationheld every February. (Cebu Provincial Government)

DBM issues circulars for implementationof compensation adjustment

THE DEPARTMENT ofBudget and Managementhas finally issued the Na-tional Budget Circular No.562 and Local Budget Circu-lar No. 108 and starting thisweek, government agenciesmay start processing adjust-ments in civil employees’compensations.

These circulars, accord-ing to DBM, will implementthe first tranche compensa-tion adjustment forgovernment workers and ad-ditional allowances formilitary and uniformed per-sonnel (MUP), as mandatedunder Executive Order 201(Series 2016).

“With the issuance ofthese circulars, the salaries ofcivilian personnel will be ad-justed in accordance withthe First Tranche MonthlySalary Schedule as providedin the Executive Order. Like-wise, the new allowances forMUP will be granted in ac-cordance with the scheduleprovided in the EO. Mean-while, the Hazard Pay forMUP shall be increased fromthe current rate of P240 permonth to P390 per month,”DBM Secretary FlorencioAbad said.

Abad added that sincethe compensation adjust-ment is retroactive to January1, 2016, civilian personnelwill receive salary differentialand MUPs will receive thehazard pay differential andnew allowances due themsince January.

He said the funds for thecompensation adjustmentand related fixed expendi-tures for civilian and MUPwill be released to the agen-cies based on the number offilled positions as of Decem-ber 31, 2015. Funds fornewly-filled positions after

the December cut-off dateshall be released separatelyand subject to submission ofrequirements.

However, Abad sad thatwhile the funds will be re-leased directly to agenciesnext week, this does notmean the adjusted salariesand new allowances will bereceived immediately by allcovered personnel. “The Hu-man Resource Office ofagencies will, of course, needtime to implement the pro-cedures for salaryadjustment and process therelease of funds to employ-ees,” he said.

For covered GOCCs, thefunds shall for chargedagainst their approved cor-porate operating budgets.For local governments, thefunds shall be chargedagainst its funds subject tothe personnel services limi-tation in local governmentunits’ budgets and incomeclassification. If the funds areinsufficient to fully imple-ment the salary schedule, theSanggunian may adopt amodified salary schedulewith lower rates but at a uni-form percentage of the ratesin the applicable salaryschedule provided in the cir-cular.

The DBM said militaryand uniformed personnelwill also get the same pay ad-justment as civilians.

The President signedExecutive Order 201 lastweek modifying the salaryschedule for civilian govern-ment personnel andauthorizing the grant of ad-ditional benefits for bothcivilian and MUP in re-sponse to the congressionaldeadlock on the issue of theindexation of MUP pension.This resulted in the non-pas-

sage of the proposed SalaryStandardization Law of2015.

The order effects com-pensation adjustments forthis year as an interim mea-sure to implement Tranche1 of the proposed SSL, thefull year requirement forwhich has already beenprovided in the 2016 Bud-get.

For civilian govern-ment personnel, the ordereffects the adoption of thesame proposals in HouseBill 6268 and Senate Bill2671 for the salary increase,the grant of the mid-yearbonus equivalent to onemonth’s basic salary, andthe Productivity Enhance-ment Incentive of P 5,000.

For MUP, EO 201 pro-vides for two newallowances: the Provi-sional Allowance andOfficers’ Allowance, in lieuof an increase in Base Payin consideration of thepension implications ofBase Pay adjustment of ac-tive MUP. These two newallowances approximatethe added remunerationhad the Base Pay been in-creased. The amounts ofthese allowances are alsobased on the proposed in-creases in Base Pay underthe proposed bills on SSL2015.

Abad said this is an in-terim measure tosupplement the total com-pensation of MUP untilsuch time that a pensionreform measure is passedin Congress that will miti-gate the impact of pensionindexation. “This will en-sure that they will get atleast the first tranche of thepay increase that we haveplanned for them,” he said.