Mind mapping 2012

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Transcript of Mind mapping 2012

Mind mapping

Rebecca RaworthIMP Lunch ‘n LearnFebruary 13, 2012





Constructivist theory of learning. Theoretical assumptions that underlie constructivist theory using a bottom-up approach. Academic information is commonly available to the learner through reading, visualizing, or listening. Irrespective of the mechanism, information enters the mind of the learner, who is actively trying to make sense of the information. Adapted from Ausubel [7]. D'Antoni et al. BMC Medical Education 2010 10:61 doi:10.1186/1472-6920-10-61

Puzzle Writing Using Pictograms, c. 1487-1490 Pen and ink, 300 x 253 mm Windsor Castle, Royal Library (RL 12692r and RL 12692v Humor was not absent from Leonardo's work. This clearly emerges from a sheet of pictograms (a section of which is represented on our page) in which Leonardo experiments with the translation of short phrases into images, usually by giving each word a different meaning and then illustrating it in a picture. On the verso of the sheet, for example, in pictographs running from right to left on top of the square drawn just to the left of center, he illustrates the laconic expression "ora sono fritto", literally meaning "Now I'm fried!" (i.e. done for) as follows: the Italian word ora ("now") also means "hour" and is represented by an hourglass; sono ("I am") also means "sound" (strictly speaking suono) and is indicated by someone playing a pipe; lastly, the word "fritto ("fried") has been illustrated with a frying pan on fire.



Leonardo's Mysterious Handwriting Leonardo's habit of using mirror-writing in his notebooks and manuscripts, in other words, of writing from right to left, for centuries cast a particular air of secrecy over his legacy. He was regularly suspected of having deliberately veiled his writings so as to prevent unauthorized access to his ideas and inventions. While the sense of mystery with which this surrounded his work may have served to heighten its fascination, Leonardo's reasons for choosing mirror-writing seem to have been chiefly practical in nature. He was left-handed and if he wrote in the normal fashion from left to right he risked smudging the wet ink with his hand. Leonardo evidently made no secret of his reversed method of writing since the early sources (e.g. Vasari) regularly mention that his notes are best read with a mirror.


Charles Darwin. Evolution sketch from Notebook B. 1837. Copied from http://darwinaia.wordpress.com/.


The 10 Commandments of Steve Jobs

The 10 Commandments of Steve Photo: Axel Schmidt / AFP-Getty Images From: http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2011/08/28/steve-jobs-his-10-commandments.html

Uses in medicine

• For students to use as learning tools• For assessment• For teaching• In examinations• For preparing/reviewing teaching sessions


Buzan T. The Mind Map Book. BBC Books. Revised ed. 1995.


Buzan T. The Mind Map Book. BBC Books. Revised ed. 1995.


Buzan T. The Mind Map Book. BBC Books. Revised ed. 1995.

Doenges ME et al. Nurse’s pocket guide: diagnoses, prioritized interventions, and rationales. 12th ed. 2010. p.63

Planning patient care using a mind map


How to Mind Map in Seven Steps... From: usingmindmaps.com





Another presentation example





Concept mapping



Study Aid


Novak JD, Canas AJ. http://icoword-library.ophthalmologyblogs.org/2010/09/30/the-theory-underlying-concept-maps-and-how-to-construct-and-use-them/

http://cmapspublic3.ihmc.us/rid=1040063175687_923424611_4117/Menstrual_Cycle_all_10_28.cmap (Amer Coll Women’s Health Physicians’ concept map of the menstrual cycle, using Institute for Human & Machine Cognition on-line software.

Concept maps

Figure 1 Excerpts from high- and low-scoring concept maps about diabetes. In 2004, fourth-year medical students and senior residents in medicine and pediatrics at University of California-Davis School of Medicine created concept maps, which were rated using four different scoring systems. The low-scoring map shows linear arrangements of concepts, with less complex relationship descriptions and no links noted between hierarchies. The high-scoring map (left) shows more complex nested hierarchies, with better explanations of relationships. Several hierarchies originating from "diabetes" are shown, to show learners' links between concepts.

Measuring Knowledge Structure: Reliability of Concept Mapping Assessment in Medical Education.Srinivasan, Malathi; McElvany, Matthew; MD, MAS; Shay, Jane; MD, MS; Shavelson, Richard; West, Daniel

Academic Medicine. 83(12):1196-1203, December 2008.DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e31818c6e84



Algorithm 1: Detection and diagnosis of hypertension



http://www.musee-rodin.fr/en/collections/sculptures/thinker . The Thinker. Auguste Rodin. 1903.



Wizard of Oz (1930). If I only had a brain….From the Internet Movie Database
