Mikaela and hannah's

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Mikaela and hannah's

BARACK OBAMADemocratic Party

Barack Obama

Democratic Party

From day one, President Obama took immediate action to put

Americans back to work.

The President believes Americans should be able to earn

enough to raise a family, send their kids to school, own a home

and put enough away to retire.

President Obama is fighting for an economy that’s built to last

and built from the middle out, not the top down.

That’s why his plan invests in

education, innovation, infrastructure and energy, and asks the

wealthiest to pay their fair share again to help create American

jobs and responsibly reduce the deficit in a balanced way.


Republican Party

Mitt Romney

Republican Party


Green Party

Jill Stein

Green Party

Green New Deal that will create 25 million new jobs and end the

nightmare of unemployment in America.

She will bring debt relief to our college graduates.

She will end the Wall Street bailouts and replace the "too big to

fail" banks with public institutions.

She will offer simple government mortgages to keep people

facing foreclosure in their homes.

She will create green jobs to address pollution and climate


I will oppose trade agreements that destroy workers wages in

America and move factories overseas.


American Independent Party

Thomas Hoefling

American Independent Party


Libertarian Party

Gary Johnson

Libertarian Party

He pledges to reduce taxes, reduce the size of state

government, and get government out of the way of job creation,

individual freedom, and innovation.

He pledges to submit a balanced budget to Congress in 2013, to

veto, as he did in New Mexico, any legislation that will result in

deficit spending, and to create an environment of regulatory

certainty that will allow the private sector to put Americans to

work and let free people live their lives without fear of

unnecessary government interference.


Peace and Freedom Party

Roseanne Barr

Peace and Freedom Party

She stands for the rights and interests of working people over

the narrow interest of private profit.

She wants people to vote outside the box that perpetuates wars,

gives our public funds to the banks, and destroys our economy

and environment.

Prop. 30

Temporary Taxes To Fund Education. Guaranteed Local Public

Prop. 30

Increases taxes on earnings over $250,000 for seven years, to

fund schools. Guarantees public safety realignment funding.

Prop. 30 asks the wealthiest to temporarily pay more to prevent

deep school cuts, provide billions in new education funding,

guarantee local public safety and help balance the state budget.

Prop. 30 doesn’t reform schools, pensions or cut waste and

bureaucracy. We’ll never know where the money really goes.

Educators, small businesses and taxpayer groups say NO on


Prop. 33

Auto Insurance Companies. Prices Based On

Driver’s History Of Insurance Coverage.

Prop. 33

Changes current law to allow insurance companies to set prices

based on whether the driver previously carried auto insurance

with any insurance company. Allows increased cost for drivers

without history of continuous coverage.

Californians with car insurance earn a discount for following the

law. But if you switch companies you lose the discount.

Proposition 33 is another deceptive insurance company trick.

Insurance companies spent millions to pass a similar law in 2010

voters defeated it.

Prop. 34

Death Penalty.

Prop. 34

Prop. 35

Human Trafficking. Penalties.

Prop. 35

Prop. 36

Three Strikes Law.Repeat Felony Offenders.


Prop. 36

Revises law to impose life sentence only when new felony

conviction is serious or violent. May authorize re-sentencing if

third strike conviction was not serious or violent.

Restores the original intent of the Three Strikes law by focusing

on violent criminals. Repeat offenders of serious or violent

crimes get life in prison. Nonviolent offenders get twice the

ordinary prison sentence. Saves over $100,000,000 annually

and ensures rapists, murderers, and other dangerous criminals

stay in prison for life.

Proposition 36 will release dangerous criminals from prison who

were sentenced to life terms because of their long criminal


Prop. 37

Genetically Engineered Foods. Labeling.

Prop. 37

Prop. 38

Tax To Fund Education And Early Childhood


Prop. 38

Increases taxes on earnings using sliding scale, for twelve

years. Revenues go to K–12 schools and early childhood

programs, and for four years to repaying state debt.

38 makes schools a priority again. It guarantees new funding per

pupil direct to every local public school site to restore budget

cuts and improve educational results. 38 prohibits Sacramento

politicians from touching the money.

No on 38: If you earn $17,346 per year in taxable income, your

taxes increase. Total of $120 BILLION in higher taxes.