Mid atlantic bight presentation maryland

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Mid atlantic bight presentation maryland

Marylanders for Offshore Wind

Addicts respond best to gain-based messaging

Can you spot America’s clean energy future?

They even form constellations

Almost as tall as the Eiffel Tower

Enough about oil spills, lets talk about windmills

Big, shallow, and close to your iPhone charger

Deepwater Horizon collapses,Cape Wind rises

Big, shallow, and close to your iPhone charger

Electrons, not gasoline

It’s always windy somewhere on the East Coast.

What about birds?

How big is your thumbnail?

“The United States began producing 2,000 warplanes per year in 1939 for World War II. We increased

production each year, and by 1946 had sent 257,000 aircraft into service. We did that in seven

years, using 1940s technology.”

The 1000 Megawatt Challenge: Getting Big, Getting Visible, Sticking with it


To Be Continued…