Microsoft Word - Origin of Continents and Planets

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This rising of land changed the course of the Mississippi river permanently. Therefore I conclude that the earthquake was caused by the rising of the land. I would like to thank the researches whos research work mentioned in the reference list.

Transcript of Microsoft Word - Origin of Continents and Planets


The Origin of Continents and Planets

Scientist. G.Ponmudi



To My Mother

Smt. Ayesha Ganapathy



Lands are rising and the rising of land is responsible for earthquake.

The earthquake that shook the new Madrid city from December 1811 to

February 1812, still remain a scientific mystery.

Currently researchers believe that earthquake is an effect of rubbing of

moving continental plates.

But the problem is the city new Madrid is located at the central part of

the North American continent.

During the earthquake rising of some section of land created six foot

waterfalls in the Mississippi river . And the land in the nearby

city called as Tennessee uplifted, about 50 kilometers long and 23

kilometers wide.

This rising of land changed the course of the Mississippi river


Therefore I conclude that the earthquake was caused by the rising of the


sinse the earthquake zone is situated at the central part of the continent

the so called moving of continental plates can not be said as an


it should be noted that when an earthquake occurred on 30.09.1993 in the

killari village which is located at the central part of the peninsular

India , land has been raised up to three feet hight and the rising of land

has been observed up to two kilometer distance.

Therefore the rising of land is the only reason for the earthquake.

I would like to thank the researches whos research work mentioned in the

reference list.

Yours faithfully





Part I

Continents are not drifting, but rising.


1. Dinosaurs fossils Challenge Drifting Continents Theory 6

2. Did Stone Age people undertake Sea Voyage? 9

3. Twenty million years ago, the sea level had been ten

Thousand five hundred feet lower than it is now. 13

4. The Ice age myth 26

5. A submerged continent discovered under the Indian Ocean 29

6. From where did the sea water originate? 31

7. Islands are rising 35

8. Continents are rising 39

9. Rocks that formed on the sea floor found on land 47

10. Researcher’s Opinion 52

11. Land is rising 55

12. The Islands of Indonesia are continuously rising 59

13. Rising of the earth’s crust is responsible for

Earthquakes 61


Part II

Our earth is a dead star


14. Birth of a planet 65

15. Diamond Planets 73

16. Ideas About Planet formation 78

17. Giant Extra Solar Planets 84

18. Intermediate Stars and Giant Planets 92

19. Planet formation Theory Challenged 100

20. Changing Stars 107

21. Dying stars finally becomes planets 113

22. Jupiter like climate on an intermediate star! 118



Continents are not drifting, but rising

1).Dinosaurs fossils Challenge Drifting Continents Theory

South America and Africa are separated by the Atlantic Ocean . But,

in both these continents the bones of the giant sized lizard, Mesosaurs

which is a variety of dinosaurs are found.

Based on this, Albert Wagener, a meteorological researcher raised a

question as to how the same type of animal could be found in different

continents when they are separated by oceans and concluded that previously

they should have been one single continent. But, at that time this idea was

vehemently opposed.

In the Bering Strait which separates North America from Russia ’s

Siberia , the land rose first and served as a bridge of land for all

animals like woolly mammoth, wild buffaloes, lions, bears rabbits and cave


To support this theory, in Siberia, in the Yana river valley, the

Stone Age tools used by man and numerous bones of animals were found.

The bones of the dinosaur, Sauropods which lived much before this

period were also found in numerous quantities.

Like this land bridge which is known as Beringia there should have

been many land bridges between continents, through which the dinosaurs

would have moved and spread. Researchers said that other than this it was

not possible for the continents to move.

Wagener refused to believe the concept about land bridges but argued

that continents are moving. 200 million years ago, a huge continent named

Pangaea got divided in to two continents called Laurasia and Gondwana. 150

million years ago the continent Gondwana broke in to many pieces and formed

South America, Africa, Australia and India .

Among this, India moved in a north eastern direction, crossed the

equator 45 million years ago and collided with the continent Asia . On

account of this, the Himalayas were formed. Wagener also said that this was

cause for the earthquakes to occur there.

The dinosaurs which were the proof for Wagener‘s concept of moving

continents have today become the opposing features.

The recently unearthed skull of dinosaur at the riverside of

Narmadha, when studied has been found to have existed 95 million years ago

and its close relatives have been living in South America and Africa.


Professor Paul Sereno of the University of Chicago has said, “We

cannot get the closely related species without transport”.

The problem here is that according to Pangaea’s concept, all these

continents got separated 150 million years ago and have been isolated by

the seas and oceans. So, the question now is that, how a species which

evolved after that period spread to other continents.

Is the Pangaea concept true?

According to the Pangaea concept, India was an island continent 65

million years ago. Dinosaurs which evolved during that period and lived in

the other parts of the world had no opportunity to enter India . It was

because, India was surrounded by sea. But, the skeletons of dinosaurs have

been found in many parts of India . Taking this into consideration, and

according to the Pangaea concept that continents keep moving, India had

never been an island continent. It is proved that as at present; it had

joined Asia. Only if it had happened, the dinosaurs could have come into


Now Wagner‘s followers have explained that, the continent Gondwana

should have got separated at a later stage about 100 million years ago and

even after that there should have been many temporary land bridges between

continents for a period of time, through which the dinosaurs would have

traveled to and fro.

But, the full opposing factor in this case is the dinosaur, Sauropods

which evolved 65 million years ago. This dinosaur which lived in many parts

of India and its close relatives had been living in South America and

Madagascar Island in Africa .

According to the Pangaea concept, India was a separate island

continent which had detached it self from Africa and moved thousands of

miles and was near the equator. It had not yet come near the continent of

Asia . There had been sea in between India and Asia . How could the

dinosaurs, Sauropods have reached India ?

Professor Jeffery Wilson of the University of Michigan has said, “The

statement that India had moved has not been substantiated with direction

and time.*(1)

But, Paleontologists have said that, fifty million years ago that is

even before Mount Everest came into being Sauropods dinosaurs had entered

India from the North. According to this theory, it is proved that India had

always been part of the continent, Asia .

(*See References)


Dinosaurs have lived in Antarctica and Australia . Similar to the

land bridge which was formed in Bering Strait area due to the rising of the

land which made the sea recede and paved way for animals to move from one

place to another, there is a possibility that, there could have been many

land bridges between continents through which the dinosaurs could have

migrated to various places.

Hence, the continents did not move; it is only the animals which

moved from one place to another. When the land rises, the sea recedes in

that area and using the land that is visible, the animals move from one

continent to another.

If continents do not move, how do earthquakes occur? Earthquakes

occur only due to the rising of the land from below the sea above sea

level. The fossils of sea animals that are found on thousands of feet high

mountains including the Everest are the best examples for this.


(2)Did Stone Age people undertake Sea Voyage?

Sandwiched between the continents of Asia and Australia , islands of

Sumatra, Java, Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores , Timor etc. are situated in a

long strip. The caves of the island of Flores were inhabited by 3-foot

dwarfish Stone Age humans, perhaps as early as 1..8 million years ago,

whose bones and the stone tools used by them have been unearthed by the

archeologists of Australia during an excavation.*(2)

The bones of the Stone Age humans who lived forty thousand years ago

in this region, have already been unearthed by the researchers from Timor

Island situated near the island continent of Australia .

It is not an easy task to reach the islands of Flores and Timor .

Specifically, the islands of Sumbawa, Flores and Timor are found in

the ocean region which has a depth of four thousand feet. Lombok Island in

particular, is thirty kilometers away from the island of Bali . A dangerous

strait called “Sape” is running between these two islands. Hence, ships

with sails and motor boats alone can cross this sea strait. This has given

rise to controversies and arguments among the scientists as to how the

Stone Age man could have crossed this dangerous region between the Flores

and Timor islands.

The bones and tools of Stone Age people have been unearthed in India

and Sri Lanka which are separated by a six hundred feet deep sea.

Researchers are of the opinion that, ten thousand years ago, when the sea

level was six hundred feet lower than the present level, Stone Age people

should have migrated from India to Sri Lanka .

Researchers believe that later the ice which was above the land

should have melted and raised the level of the sea level for about six

hundred feet. But it is a surprise that how the Stone Age people went to

Flores Timor islands and the continent of Australia , which have been

separated by a four thousand feet deep sea.

Researcher Tim White says that, Stone Age dwarf people might have

been brought from Bali Island to Flores Island by Tsunami waves.

But researcher Robert Bednarik says that the currents that are

running between the Indonesian islands can only be crossed over by boats

made of wood like catamarans using oars. He not only said this, but also

tests his idea by traveling from Bali Island to Lombok Island a few times.

This voyage in catamarans was made into documentaries by BBC News Channel

and National Geographic Channel. *(3)


The catamaran should be made by stone tools was the condition. But,

when bamboos were cut by these tools, they developed cracks. If a catamaran

was made with such bamboos, instead of floating it would sink in the sea.

Hence, this important condition was overlooked and the catamaran was made

by using iron tools. In the same way, using stones, it was impossible to

make even a single oar.

Once the catamaran was ready, early morning at 6.30 am it started

from Bali Island surrounded by security ships with twelve crew members.

Initially only three people were rowing. Within three hours, when they

became tired, the next three took over and continued rowing. When they too

became tired in the midday sun, the next three started the work. At the

same time, the catamaran reached the deepest part of the sea. The

catamaran which was proceeding forward till now was pulled sideward by the

water current.

When vigorous rowing was continued against current, one of the

sailors fainted. A person who came from the assisting ship continued

rowing. But, by this time, the current had changed the direction and had

taken the catamaran far away and the island which was visible before was

last from view. So, the catamaran was brought back to the previous spot and

rowing was continued.

But, the catamaran moved inch by inch. In this situation,

unexpectedly the direction of wind changed and using this opportunity, as

the catamaran proceeded, it reached Gili Island which was situated before

Lombok Island in the evening at 6.30 pm. The people who rowed the catamaran

were panting for breath when they said, “Even if we had taken one or two

minutes of rest, we would not have been able to reach the shore.” Hence,

even after rowing continuously for twelve hours, the idea of reaching

Lombok Island did not succeed.

How could have Stone Age people crossed the sea which was not

possible even by the present day men?

Referring to this, researcher Loin Davidson says that from the past

two and a half lakh years to seventy thousand years, there has not been a

large change in the stone tools that have been used by the Stone Age men.

They seem to be similar. Hence, the intelligence level in these men might

not have undergone much of a change. This proves that the Stone Age men

would not have planned long sea voyages using their limited intelligence,

says Davidson. *(4,5)

Moreover, the continent of Australia is thousand kilometers away from

Timor Island and is not visible from Timor Island . Hence, would the Stone

Age men venture a sea voyage towards a destination that was not visible? In

addition to this, it took six days for the Robert Bednarik group to cross


the deep sea between Timor Island and the continent of Australia . Would

the Stone Age men have ventured a similar day and night sea voyage? What

would they have done for food and water for six days?

“Barbarians did not undertake any sea voyages. It was the sea that was four

thousand feet lower at that time?’

Hence, the finding of bones and stone tools of Stone Age men who

lived forty thousand years ago in the continent of Australia, which was

separated from the continent of Asia by a four thousand feet deep sea,

proves that forty thousand years ago, the sea level was about four thousand

feet lower in the Indonesian region.

Hence, forty thousand year ago, a land connected the continent of

Asia and the continent of Australia . Through this strip of land, the Stone

Age people of the continent of Asia went by foot to the continent of

Australia . Later, when the sea level rose, the land also split in

different places and rose up along with the rising sea which resulted in

the formation of many islands. On account of this, the Stone Age men were

unable to leave the islands and were isolated there.

Why did the land rise? Why did the sea level rise?

The molted rock material found inside the earth gradually cooled down

and hardened to form rocky plates in different layers. On account of this

phenomenon, water, gases and oil were separated from the molten rock which

reduced the thickness of the rocky plates. As the thinner rocky plates

formed from the thick molten rock moved upwards, the land surface also

rose. At the same time, while the molten rock cooled, the water which was

separated from it, formed hot water springs under the sea, which raised the

sea level up to four thousand feet.

When the land surface rises suddenly from the sea floor, natural

disasters like earthquakes, landslides and Tsunami are caused.

It is incorrect to say that the continents are moving

When the sea level was by many thousands of feet, the continents were

inter connected by land. Through this passage, animals migrated from one

continent to another. Later, when the sea level rose, the continents were

separated by the sea.

The reason for the discovery of the same species of animals found in

different continents separated by the sea proves that the sea level was

lower many thousands of years ago. But, some researchers says that once

upon a time the land surfaces found now formed a single continent and later

it split into many pieces of land and that is the reason for the presence

of the same type of species of animals on different continents and islands.


The discovery of the bones of the terrestrial animal Mesosaurus in

South America and Africa which are separated by the Atlantic Ocean is

explained by the theory that, once upon a time these two continents were a

single land and later got separated is incorrect.

But in reality, the land is rising due to which earthquakes are



(3)Twenty million years ago, the sea level had been ten thousand five

hundred feet lower than it is now.

In1835, Charles Darwin, a scientist visited the Galapagos Island

which is situated about thousand kilometers from South America in the

Pacific Ocean .

On the island, he saw a number of giant tortoises. He was surprised

as to how these creatures came to that island. It was because each tortoise

weighed two hundred and fifty kilos and looked like rocks. They would be

unable to float on water even for a second.

Researchers are of the opinion that these tortoises could have climbed on

the branches which were carried away by sudden floods in the river and

forced them into the sea. They would have traveled for about two weeks and

reached the island.

But, the branches will not float in a manner suggested by them. They

usually keep turning and rolling. These tortoises have no toes and their

legs resemble that of the elephants’. Hence, it would not have been

possible for them to travel without rolling and falling into the sea when

the branches were rolling and tossing.

The important question is how they survived for two weeks without

food and water. Researchers say that sufficient fats and water were stored

in their body which would have helped them to live without food for two


But, Trevor Worth, a research scientist found the jaw bone and the

thigh bones of a rat like animal which could have lived nineteen million

years ago in New Zealand, a place two thousand kilo meters away from the

continent of Australia.

Michael Archer, an ancient Zoologist is of the opinion that as

the upper part of the thigh bone is broader than the lower part, this

animal would have been hopping and moving and would not have been able to

travel on a floating branch to reach the island. *(6)

Researchers say that traveling to Galapagos which is nearly thousand

kilometers from South America on a floating branch would take two weeks for

the tortoises to reach there. When this is the case, to reach New Zealand

which is in Australia about two thousand kilometers away by traveling on a

floating branch will take a minimum four weeks. Could a small rat like

animal have survived without food and particularly water, for such a long


To be specific, the island of New Zealand is situated in a place

where the sea is of ten thousand feet depth. So, as the sea level had been


ten thousand feet lower, there had been some connection between the

continents and using this, these animals must have reached here from the

continents by way of walking. Later on the sea level could have risen.

Moreover, bones of dinosaurs have been unearthed in the island

Chatham , *(7) which is close to New Zealand . As the sea level had been

ten thousand feet lower, even dinosaurs could have migrated from continent

to continent.

Instead of this, researchers say that all the continents were

together before and then slowly moved away from each other is incorrect.

The reason for the rising of the sea level about ten thousand feet

high is the continuous flow of water from hot water springs found under the


The molten rock found in the center of the earth gradually cools and

hardens to form rocky plates. The water which is eliminated during this

process only comes out through hot water springs.

As the water gets separated from the dense molten rock, it gets

converted into rocky plates which are of lesser density and these start

rising upwards there by making the continents also to rise. When the rocky

plates in a particular area rise like this, they rub against the adjacent

plates and this only results in an earth quake in that area.

“Only the rising of the rocky plates causes earth quakes”

Animals on remote islands is a puzzle

Chameleons are animals which originated twenty million of years ago.

Chameleons cannot swim. But, they are found not only in the continent of

Africa, but also in the islands of the Indian Ocean such as Madagascar ,

Sussex and Comoros . These islands are situated at a distance of ten

thousand five hundred feet (two miles) in the sea.

Hence, twenty million years ago, as the sea was ten thousand

five hundred feet (two miles) lower than it is now, from the continent of

Africa, chameleons spread by way of land to Madagascar , Sussex and Comoros

which are islands formed by volcanoes.

In the same way, in many islands found in the middle of the sea,

frogs, lizards and snails which cannot swim in the sea are found and this

proves the fact that, twenty million years before the sea was ten thousand

five hundred feet (two miles) lower than it is now.


Lizards and frogs.

As frogs live both on land and water, they are known as ‘amphibians.’

But frogs mostly spend their life time near water bodies. The main reason

for this is, the first life which originated in the sea had to undergo a

lot of evolutionary changes. Frogs were breathing with the help of gills in

the tadpole stage but, developed lungs in due course to lead a terrestrial

life. But, the reason for frogs to live near water bodies is that, unlike

snakes and lizards, frog’s eggs are smooth and slimy and are laid in

shallow waters. If these eggs were exposed to wind or sunlight for a long

time the water content in them will get evaporated and the embryo in the

eggs will die.

Similarly, the skin of the frog is very thin and moist and so the

frog always avoids windy and sunny places. Hence, frogs come out during

rainy season and reproduce. The most important thing to be noted is that

the frog cannot survive in sea water. It is because, when the excess salt

from the sea water gets into its body, the frog will die.

Under these circumstances, the reason for the presence of frogs on

islands is that, twenty million years ago the sea level was two miles lower

than it is now.

When compared to frogs, we can say that lizards are a slightly

advanced group of animals because they lay eggs which are protected by

shells. Hence there is no necessity for the eggs to be laid in the water or

near water.

Moreover the body of lizards and garden lizards are covered with dry

scales. This prevents the water in the body from being evaporated. So these

animals have spread out far from water bodies.

The toes of lizards and garden lizards are capable of holding on to

the branches of trees but are not designed to swim. So, the reason for wild

lizards and garden lizards to live on many islands is that the sea level

was two miles lower, twenty million of years ago. It is not possible to say

that man would have taken them there, because on each island, the wild

lizards are of different kinds. Likewise, after millions of years new

species will evolve.

Hence, as the lizards and frogs are different from each other, it

clearly shows that before man could inhabit those islands, these animals

have gone there. So, the reason for wild lizards and frogs which cannot

swim to live on many islands in the middle of the sea is that, the sea

level was two miles lower, twenty million years ago.


How did field frogs cross the sea?

After harvest, in paddy fields a species of frog commonly called as

“Rice Frog” and scientifically known as limno nectus limcharis are spotted.

These frogs are not only found in the island of Srilanka and Indonesia but

also on the islands of Japan and Philippines .

In the same way a kind of lizard called Aranai in Tamil and

scientifically known as Tiliqua Gigas with a blue tongue is found in Papua

New Guinea , Guam, Aru and Bismarck islands. Similarly, a kind of lizard

with a blue coloured tail and scientifically known as Emoia caeruleocauda

is found in Malaysia , Indonesia , Philippines , New Guinea and Solomon

Islands . To be specific, these animals cannot swim in the sea. The reason

for their presence in these islands is that, the sea level was two miles

lower, twenty million years ago.

Chameleons on Seychelles Island

For example, the species of Tiger chameleon found on Seychelles

Island in the Indian Ocean, one thousand kilometers on the eastern side of

the continent of Africa are seen in Africa also.

Chameleons are animals which first originated twenty million years

ago. There are one hundred and twenty five species of chameleons. All these

species originated from a common ancestor.

The most important thing to be noted is that the depth of the sea

between Seychelles Island and the continent of Africa is ten thousand five

hundred feet (two miles). But, chameleons cannot swim in the sea because

their two toes are joined together and face the front where as the other

three toes are joined together and face the back side like tongs to enable

them to hold on to the branches of trees firmly.

Seychelles Island and the continent of Africa are ten thousand five

hundred feet (two miles) away from each other and how could the ancestor of

chameleon have reached there? The reason for their presence on this island

is that the sea level was two miles lower twenty million years ago and the

ancestor of tiger chameleon must have reached there by land.

Giant tortoises on Seychelles Island

Researchers are of the opinion that from Africa these chameleons could have

climbed on the branches which were carried away by sudden floods in the

river which forced them into the Indian Ocean and would have finally

reached Seychelles Island.


But on Seychelles Island more than a lakh of giant tortoises are

found. These tortoises would be unable to float on water even for a second

because each tortoise weighed three hundred kilograms (the weight of three

men) and looked like rocks.

But, tree branches will not float like a boat. They usually keep

turning and rolling. These tortoises have no toes and their legs resemble

that of elephants’. Hence, it would not have been possible for them to

travel without rolling and falling into the sea and most of all surviving

when the branches were rolling.

Leaf shaped snails in the continent of Australia .

In the island continent of Australia , yellow colored shell

less snail is found. This species of snail is also found in Papua New

Guinea islands, on the Eastern side of New Zealand and on the southern

side, island Macquarie . A researcher, T.W Burton of Victoria University

has stated “The spreading of these snails from the continent of Australia

to the nearby islands cannot be determined using “the knowledge available

at present”. *(8)

It is important to mention that the frog Litoria eucnemis is also

found in the continent of Australia , Papua New Guinea islands and

Indonesia . How did these frogs reach Papua New Guinea islands and the

continent of Australia ?

Lizards on islands:

Mourning Gecko a species of lizard is found in India , Srilanka,

Andaman , Japan , Indonesian islands like Borneo and Sulawesi, in

Philippines , Guam Marcos and in the centre of the Pacific Ocean, Solomon ,

Fiji and Samoa Islands . How could these lizards have traveled to these


“Partula snails”

Snails that live on land breathe through lungs. These snails cannot

swim in the sea. But, Partula Gibba, a species of snail lives in Guam

Mariana and the other nine volcanic islands found on East Asian island area

of Philippines . How could a terrestrial snail reach the volcanic islands

found in the centre of the sea?

The other species of the same snail are found on the islands Samoa,

Tahiti and Marcos, situated in the “centre of the Pacific Ocean” which is

eight thousand five hundred kilometers on the western side of Philippines

Island . Researchers say that these snails could have reached there by air


or by the sea water currents. But, as the earth is rotating from west to

east, the wind blows from west to east in the Pacific Ocean area.

Similarly, water currents are also running from west to east. In this

situation, therefore the question raised, how could the snails have

traveled from Philippines which is on the eastern side and reached the

islands, Samoa and Tahiti which are situated in the centre of the Pacific

Ocean , on the western side through air?

Hence, when the Pacific Ocean was ten thousand feet lower, there had

been land connections between the continents and the islands and using this

link, these snails must have reached the land in the centre of the ocean.

Later when the land rose, these land areas were surrounded by sea water and

they shrunk into islands.

Amber snails on Hawaii Island

On one side of the spherical earth, continents are situated and the

other side comprises of the Pacific Ocean . Surrounding the Pacific Ocean,

the continents of North America, South America, Asia and Australia are

found. The volcanic island of Hawaii is situated in the central part of the

Pacific Ocean , more than two thousand kilo meters away from these land

areas. But the amber snails which are in the color of amber and found in

North America, South America, Asia and Australia are found on this island


Definitely these amber snails could not have reached the volcanic

island of Hawaii situated in the central part of the Pacific Ocean , more

than two thousand kilo meters away from these land areas by wind or water

currents. Hence, these amber snails also prove that the Pacific Ocean had

been lower before.

The extraordinary journey of snails

In the continent of Europe , Balea snails which have a very small nut

like shell are found sticking to the trees. These snails are found on

“Azores”, a volcanic island which is in the central region of North

Atlantic Ocean, one thousand five hundred kilo meters away from the

continent of Europe .

Dr. Richard Breeze of Cambridge University says that these snails

could have stuck to the legs of birds and reached the island. This

explanation sounds extraordinary because birds are in the habit of cleaning

themselves often. *(9)

The same species of snails which are found on the northern hemisphere

on the island, Azores situated in between North America and Europe in North

Atlantic Ocean is Also found on the volcanic island of “Tristan de Cunha”

in the southern hemisphere between the continents, South America and South


Africa in the central part of South Atlantic Ocean which is nine thousand

kilo meters away from Azores .

So, the explanation which states that these Balea snails would have

stuck to the legs of birds and reached Azores becomes questionable. It is

because, the theory of Balea snails had moved from one island to another by

following the same method of clinging to the legs of birds sounds


Then how could these snails have spread in both the islands?

To be specific, both these islands are the highest peaks of a

mountain range which starts from the northern hemisphere and extends to the

southern hemisphere below the sea and protrude above the surface of the

Atlantic Ocean .

This under sea mountain range is eight thousand feet above the

sixteen thousand feet deep sea bed of the Atlantic Ocean . But, it is six

thousand feet below the sea level.

As already known through different kinds of evidence, twenty million

years ago when the sea was ten thousand feet lower than it is now, this

under water mountain range was four thousand feet higher. So, Balea snails

found on “Azores”, a volcanic island which is in the central region of

North Atlantic Ocean, traveled by land and reached the volcanic island of

“Tristan da Cunha” in the central part of South Atlantic Ocean.

After this, as the sea level rose ten thousand feet, the mountain

range which was above sea level got submerged in the sea.

So, Balea snails did not cling to the legs of birds and reach the

island by air but in fact, twenty million years ago they traveled on the

Atlantic mountain range which was above the sea level and reached the

island of “Tristan da Cunha” from the island of Azores .

The Extraordinary sea voyage of frogs.

From the body of the thin skinned frog, water will get easily

evaporated. This will cause the death of the frog. To prevent this, the

skin of the frog will always be moist. In spite of this natural protection,

the frog comes out only in the rainy season. It always lives in wet shady

areas and avoids too much of sun and windy places. To be specific, frogs

will not move far away from water bodies.

When it is so, Dr. Blair Hedges of the Pennsylvania University has

found out through DNA test that, the frogs found in the Caribbean Islands

had their ancestors in the continent of South America .


But, these ancestors would have traveled from South America to

Caribbean Islands on sea plants which was washed out into the sea by the

force of rivers and they would have had insects to eat and water to drink

on those sea plant – says Hedges.*(10)

But, as the Atlantic Ocean’s level was ten thousand feet lower, the

frogs have traveled from South America to the Caribbean by land through the

connection that existed then. After the land rose, South America and the

Caribbean also rose.

Warrah, a continuing puzzle:

Warrah (extinct now), a type of barking hyenas lived on Falkland, an

island situated five hundred kilo meters from South America and ten

thousand feet deep in the Atlantic and till this day, nobody is able to

explain how they would have reached the island. This puzzle can also be

answered with the theory that twenty million years ago the sea was ten

thousand feet lower than it is now.

Giant earthworms on Borneo Island

Earthworms cannot swim or fly. The important thing to be noted is

that the skin of the earthworm is very thin. So, earthworms cannot cross

the sea. But, on the mountain region of Kinabalu situated in Borneo on the

seas of Indonesia , giant earthworms which grow up to seventy centimeters

are found. Usually from an existing species a new one will evolve after

millions of years. So, this giant earthworm has evolved from an earthworm

which went from Asia to Borneo many millions of years ago.

So, it is proved that many millions of years ago the island of Borneo

was connected to the continent of Asia by land. Later the new rocky plates

that were formed below the continuous land surface of Indonesia rose

individually thereby breaking the land into pieces. The sea level also rose

simultaneously, surrounded the pieces of land and created many islands.

Like the giant earthworm found in Borneo, a unique type of centipedes

are found on Hawaii islands.

Why does an earthquake occur?

When the molten rock gradually gets cooled and hardens to form rocky

plates, the water that escapes comes out through deep sea hot springs and

gets mixed with the sea which results in the rising of sea level up to ten

thousand feet high. Moreover the dense molten rock produces new rocky

plates which are less dense and these plates rise upwards. This results in

their rubbing against the neighboring plates causing earthquakes.


Animals on islands-a mystery

The reason for the fossils to be found on the mountains is that, all

the land had once been under the sea bed and later rose above sea level.

But, what is the reason for the animals which are found on the

continents to be also present on the islands which are hundreds of miles


The tiger which is found in Asia is also present in Sumatra and Java

islands. Similarly, the short tailed foxes found at California in North

America are also found in Santa Barbara , Santa cruse, San clement and

Channel Islands situated in the Pacific Ocean .

It is said that these short tailed foxes could have reached here 8000

years ago during the ice age when the sea was frozen to ice and appeared as

an ice desert. In the same island, the bones of cold region animal, woolly

mammoth which was of the height of a horse were also found.

Moreover, the rats found in Europe are also found in Cyprus situated

in the Mediterranean Sea . Man visited this island only 6000 years ago.

But, the rats from Europe had arrived on this island 9000 years ago.

In 1931, when Charles Darwin visited the Falkland Island in the

Atlantic Ocean, situated 500 miles away from South America , he found a new

species of hyenas moving about freely without any fear on the island and he

was surprised.

The hyenas gave them surprised looks as if they had never seen human

beings before.

Till this day, it has been very puzzling as to how these creatures

came to be on that isolated island.

Similarly, on the island Tasmania near Australia , animals called

Tasmanian devils are found.

How did these animals reach those islands? To be specific, the white

nosed bears found in India and the opossums found on Western Ghats are also

found in Srilanka. The snow monkeys found in the Himalayan region are also

found in the volcanic island group, the Japan Island in the Pacific Ocean .

Orangutan and Gibbon are also found in Java and Sumatra Islands .

These island groups are found on the sea bed called Sunda which is at

300 feet depth below the sea level. It is believed that during ice age when

the sea level was 300 feet lower, animals would have come to these islands.


Can animals cross the ocean?

Animals which have pouches to carry their young like the kangaroo are

called marsupial mammals. As the fossils of these marsupials were found in

the continents of North America, South America and Antarctica, it was

concluded that these animals migrated from North America through the

continent of Antarctica to Australia . But, recently the bones of the

ancestors of kangaroos which lived 125 million years ago have been

unearthed in China .

Researcher Tom Rich of the Victoria museum of Melbourne city says

that this opens a new vista regarding the evolution of mammals. This

strengthens the view that from China these kangaroos could have gone to

Australia and the sea level had also been very low to help these animals to

move from one continent to another.

Did monkeys cross the Atlantic Ocean ?

According to Wagner’s theory of moving continents, it was believed

that 150 million years ago South America was detached from the continent of

Africa , moved towards west and reached the position in which it is now

situated. Researches show that only 3 million years ago the land of Panama

appeared between North America and South America and united both these


Wagner’s theory states that till then South America was an island

continent. Recently the jaw bones of a monkey which lived 20 million years

ago have been found in Andes Mountain at South America . After examining

the teeth, researchers have stated that this species of monkeys originated

in Africa .

At present, the DNA tests conducted on the monkeys living in South

America also showed that their ancestors reached there from Africa .

(Researcher Diane Rowe of Massachusetts University said that even the

rabbit like animals living at present in America traveled on the Atlantic

using floating plants and logs and reached here from Africa ).

The problem here is, researcher John Flynn of the Chicago city museum

states that the ancestors of these monkeys traveled on floating plants and

logs 20 million years ago and crossed the 2000 miles broad Atlantic Ocean

and reached here. Moreover we were under the impression that the Andes

Mountain originated 100,000,000 years ago.

The recently discovered bones have made us understand that it

originated later and the theories about the formation of Andes have

completely changed. But, as the sea level was very low, there is a

possibility that from Africa these monkeys could have reached South America


by land. Moreover the DNA tests conducted on monkeys found on Jamaica also

revealed that they were from Africa . So, it is clear that the sea level

had been very low many million years ago.

Penguins are birds which cannot fly. But these birds are found not

only in the continent of Antarctica but also in South America, Africa,

Australia and a few other islands. The reason for these birds to be found

in all these continents and islands is that, 60 million years ago the sea

was up to 2000 feet lower and many islands were above sea level at that


Rama’s Bridge which was used by animals and humans

Below the sea, connecting India and Srilanka for about 30 mile length

there is a bridge like structure made of limestone which was revealed by

the photograph taken by the American space research center NASA’s

satellite. These under sea rocks which are called as Rama’s bridge have

been formed seventy thousand years ago. Such limestone rocks, sea plants,

eggs of turtles and the fossils of ammonites have been unearthed in many

places in Ariyalur, at Trichy.

Hence, it is proved that all these land areas were once below the sea

and have risen up. Though this bridge is below the sea, six thousand years

ago it had been five feet above sea level.

Through this bridge, people have been able to go to Srilanka from

India by walking. The thin variety Opossums which at present live in

Western Ghats and the Opossums which live in Srilanka have been proved to

be close relatives through DNA tests. So, even animals have used this

bridge to reach Srilanka from India . Similarly, the existence of animals

in totally water surrounded islands has attracted the attention of the

researchers for a long time.

For example, on island Madagascar situated in the Indian Ocean, 250

miles away from the continent of Africa , a rare variety of monkeys called

Lemur are found. On the volcanic island, Comoros which is 100 miles from

here, including monkeys, wild cats called Civets, and insect eating animals

are found. A new debate has begun at present as to how these monkeys

reached this island.

Albert Wagner, a researcher said that, this island was initially

united with the continent of Africa and later around 160 million years ago

detached itself from there and moved in an easterly direction and became an


Based on this theory, it was explained that when the island got

separated and moved, some monkeys also came along with it. But zoo


researchers have found out that these monkeys have evolved only 60 million

years ago.

It was informed that even 60 million years ago that is, before the

evolution of these monkeys, Madagascar got separated from the continent of

Africa and reached the place where it is situated now.

Then, how these monkeys managed to cross the ocean and reach this

island? Now, the new explanation given is that the ancestors of these

monkeys would have reached here from Africa on floating plants.

Is it possible for small chunks of land from continents to get

detached to from islands and larger pieces of land to get separated from

mainland and move away from continents?

Is it true that animals could cross oceans on logs and floating

vegetation? The answer to this question has been obtained now.

The Island New Zealand is situated 1250 miles away from “The land of

Kangaroos”, Australia. This island is called’ “The land of Birds”. It is

because only birds live on this island. Apart from opossum which was

brought here by man, there are no more animals here.

So, the birds were able to live happily without any disturbance, lay

eggs raise their young and multiply in number.

But, researcher Wagner who put forth the concept of moving continents

has stated that this island was formed after it got separated from the

continent of Australia 80 million years ago.

The surprising feature here is that, 100 million years ago kangaroo’s

ancestors and many other mammals had lived in Australia . If it is true

that, this island had got separated from Australia 80 million years ago as

per Wagner’s statement, why is it that these animals did not move along

with the island?

So, it is revealed that, this island did come into being by detaching

itself from the continent of Australia. Moreover, from the mountain hare

and Perth in Australia, including the bones of Baleen whales, many more

fossils of sea organisms have been unearthed. So, the continent of

Australia and New Zealand are continuously rising upward from the sea.

A researcher by name Trevor Worth has unearthed the jaw and thigh

bones of a rat like animal which lived nineteen million years ago in the

central part of the island, New Zealand. This rat does not match with any

other animal found in Australia and so, this rat is considered to be a

separate animal species.


Michael Archer, a researcher has said that this animal should belong

to those that hop and move after inspecting its thigh bone which was

broader on the upper side than the lower side. He also said that, this

animal could not have reached the island on floating plants or logs.

But, in the island Papua New Guinea which is near New Zealand , rats

are found. Moreover, both these islands are volcanic islands. When the

volcanoes rise from below the sea, the surrounding land is also raised.

This causes cracks on the earth’s crust and through these cracks, the

molten rock is emitted. When this molten rock cools down, the water, other

gases and oil are separated which results in the formation of rocky plates

with less density.

The ice which is formed from water is of low density and floats on

water. In the same way, the rocky plates which are of a lesser density than

the molten rock rise to the upper region. As the newly formed rocky plates

rise upwards, they rub against the rocks inside the earth which results in


by making use of the land bridges that rise from below the sea,

animals move from one place to another and make their habitat. Apart from

this it is not possible for continents to move or for animals to cross the

oceans on floating plants.


(4)The Ice age myth

Similarly, ice age is mentioned as a reason for the rising of the sea

level. It is believed that 12,000 years ago most of the land was covered by

layers of ice and snow and later when it melted and flowed into the sea,

the level of the sea rose.

The reason for the occurrence of ice age was believed to be the

changes that took place on the orbit of the earth. When the earth moved a

little away from the sun and revolved around it, the temperature decreased

and layers of ice were formed and when the earth moved closer to the sun

and revolved, the temperature rose and this resulted in the melting of the

layers of ice. The contradiction is that, when the earth moves away from

the sun and the temperature falls, the evaporation of sea water will also

be reduced. So, the water which is already on land will only turn to ice.

Similarly when the earth moves closer to the sun, the temperature

will rise and at the same time, both the melting of ice as well as the

evaporation of sea water will take place simultaneously and so, no

noticeable change will take place in the level of the sea.

Moreover, as the bones of dinosaurs found in the continent of

Antarctica match with the bones found in the continent of South America and

the continent of Australia , we come to know that dinosaurs had begun their

journey from South America, traveled through Antarctica and reached

Australia .

These continents are separated from each other by the sea which is up

to two thousand feet deep. So, 65 million years ago if the sea level had

been 2000 feet lower, these dinosaurs could have migrated from one

continent to another.

What could be the reason for the sea to rise 2000 feet high?

Definitely it cannot be attributed to ice age. It may be because, 700 – 600

million years ago, during ice age not only the land but also the sea was

covered with thick layers of ice which extended to a height of many kilo

meters says the ice age theory. But the recently discovered proofs have

made these theories questionable.

Researcher Blair Hedges and his group from the University of

Pennsylvania wanted to find out when plants first appeared on earth with

the help of DNA tests and this group has declared that even before 700

million years ago non green plants like fungi have lived on earth. This

clearly shows that during this period of time, the earth’s crust was not

covered by Ice.*(11)


Similarly, a group of researchers headed by Dr. Dan Condon of the

University of St. Andrews have stated that based on the fact that the

fossils of animals which lived 600 million years ago found in the rocks of

West Scotland, Namibia and California, the sea in this area could not have

been covered with ice during that period.*(12)

Similarly, researcher Allison Alcott of South California University

says that the earth was not covered with ice 600 million years ago after

seeing the fossils of living things in the slates found in Libya , Canada ,

Australia and Brazil which had been photosynthesizing using sun light.*(13)

Moreover, Phillip Alan, a professor of London College and a

researcher, after conducting research on the rocks and finding out the

Chemical reactions that took place due to the weather conditions which

prevailed 850 – 544 million years ago at Oman, states that there had been

no ice age at all!*(14)

If it is true that the whole earth had been covered with ice many

kilometers high, where did all that ice disappear? If such a huge quantity

of ice had melted and turned in to water, no part of earth would be visible

above the earth now. So, ice age is just an imaginary theory.

Hence, ice age is not the reason for the sea to be two thousand feet

low at a point of time and later rise upwards. In fact, thousands of hot

water springs which are under the sea and letting out?

Hydrothermal vent Water even today is only responsible for the rise

in the sea level.

During the Ice age also the sea level has risen.

Even in Ice age, it has come to our notice that there have been a lot

of differences in the sea level within a short period of time.. This too

has surprised the scientists. Due to change in the temperatures in the

polar areas, the snow layers keep melting and when there is snow fall

again, the snow layers keep forming again which produce differences in the

level of the sea. Usually, this rise and fall will be 100 feet in one lakh

of years.

Scientists are of the opinion that this change in the level of the

sea would have taken place in one lakh of years due to the changes that

occurred on the orbit on which the earth revolves around the sun. Other

than that, the scientists were under the impression that twelve thousand

years ago the level of the sea in Ice age was stable.

When this was the prevailing condition, two scientists of the

Columbia University, William Thomson and Steven L Goldstein have discovered


a new method in which, by studying the amount of radio active uranium

present in the fossils of the sea moss deposited on the land, we can find

out accurately how the level of the sea had been thousands of years ago.

On the basis of this when they conducted a research; it had been

found that, in Ice age also huge changes have occurred in the sea level.

There had been changes in about 30 meters height. This is an unexpected and

surprising happening. This event has taken place between 3000 to 9000

years. *(15)

In Ice age where the temperature does not fluctuate, what is the

reason for the variation in sea level? This indicates that the so called

ice age does not happen.


(5) A submerged continent discovered under the Indian Ocean

An American researchers haves discovered a submerged continent, at a

depth of two kilo meters, in the southern part of the Indian Ocean .*(16)

The volcanic island, Kerguelen is found near the continent of

Antarctica, seven thousand kilo meters away on the southern tip of India .

This island was discovered in 1772, by a French sailor named

Kerguelen. Hence this island is named after him.

As seals are found in abundance surrounding this island, only seal

hunters were using this island. At times researchers also visited the

island and conducted researches.

Though this island is situated at the extreme end of the Indian Ocean

and nearer to the continent of Antarctica, the flora found in this island

is similar to that found in the continent of South America which had been a

puzzle for a long time.

This puzzle is solved now.

The submerged continent

The island, Kerguelen and the surrounding three hundred tiny islands

are situated on a plateau which is two kilometers below sea level.

On the center of this submerged plateau, volcanic lava has flowed and

cooled to form fossils in which the burnt parts of trees, seeds and pollen

grains were found by researchers.

Moreover researchers have found that these fossils were formed twenty

million years ago.

Based on these findings, researchers have discovered that twenty

million years ago this plateau had been above the sea level as a continent

with dense forests.

Twenty million years ago, when the sea level was two kilometers

lower, there had been land connecting the continents and pieces of land

which islands are at present. Through this connecting land, animals like

the Dinosaur and the flora had spread from one continent to another and

also the islands.

On account of this, the flora found on the island of Kerguelen is

similar to those found on the continent of South America .


Later, the sea rose up to two kilometers. This rise in the level of

the sea resulted in the submerging of the continent which was once above

the sea level.

This continent which is three times larger in area than Japan is

named by researchers as the Continent of Kerguelen.

What is the reason for the rising of sea level up to two kilometers


There are thousands of hot water springs below the sea. Through

these springs, water from the interior of the earth is pushed out and

continuously mixing with the sea. This water is formed when the molten rock

from deep earth cools down and hardens to form rocky plates. This water is

known as “Molten Rock Water”.

The water separated from the molten rock is expelled through the hot

water springs and gets mixed with the sea, resulting in the rise of the sea

level. When the sea rose two kilometers high, many islands and plateaus

were submerged in the sea.

For example, researchers have discovered three volcanoes in the

Pacific Ocean which were submerged two thousand feet deep in the western

side of North America .

The research conducted with the help of deep sea robots showed that

the rocks eroded by waves, caves formed in the rocks by waves and pebbles

were found near the under sea volcanoes.

Moreover, through research we come to know that due to the action of

the wind on the volcanic lava, once upon a time, these rocks must have been

thrown on the land which was situated above the sea level.

Hence, the researchers are of the opinion that the volcanoes which

are now submerged two thousand feet below the sea level had been in the

past beautiful islands with seashores above the sea level.

This submerged volcanoes proved that twenty million years ago, the

sea level had been lower than it is at present.


(6) From where did the sea water originate?

The sea was formed only due to the water which came out of the hot

springs that are found under the sea.

The molten rock which is inside the earth has nearly 14 percent of

water. When this molten rock gradually cools and hardens, rocky plates are

formed. When the molten rock of higher density cools hardens and forms

rocky plates, water, oil and other gases get separated from it and so,

rocky plates of lesser density are formed.

Rocky plates which are formed from the higher density molten rock are

of lesser density and rise upwards forming the Under-water Mountains on the

sea bed.

Moreover from the hot water springs found on these mountains, air

comes out as bubbles. Near most of the hot water springs, the molten rock

which comes from inside the earth forms a layer on the sea bed. Along with

the water of these springs, including nitrogen sulphide, chemicals like

magnesium and iron oxide are also emitted.

These chemicals react with the sea water and form deposits near the

springs. This gives rise to chimney like structures around the springs and

they keep growing.

These chimneys can grow up to one or two centimeters per day. So, in

due course, chimney- like towers are formed near the hot water springs. In

America , in the state of Virginia , two hot water spring towers are

situated side by side in a park. So, the land has risen from below the sea

bed, above the sea is clearly understood. *(17)

Moreover, some microbes like the bacteria, which are capable of

producing the energy needed for living from the sulphide which is

eliminated from the hot water springs also spread on the sea bed near the

hot water springs and live there. The sea worms, crabs, snails and fish

which depend on these bacteria also live near the springs.

Recently it has been found out that, continuous tremors are produced

by these hot water springs. Sometimes, when these springs dry up, the

living things relocate themselves to the next hot water spring by following

the tremors emitted by it.

Scientists are of the opinion that, the first living being on earth

evolved near the deep sea hot water springs. A spider which lived under the

sea 425 million years ago got buried in the ash of an undersea volcano and

had turned into a three dimensional fossil and has been unearthed by the

scientists of England .*(18)


Similarly, the fossils of pre historic living creatures are found in

Oman, Russia, New Brunswick, Canada, Alaska and Cyprus.

Moreover, on the rocky bed of South Africa, not only many holes of

hot water springs are found but also the chemical substance, iron oxide is

Found which clearly shows that this area has been under the sea and has

risen above the sea level and that, many millions of years ago the hot

water springs have been pumping out water.

Similar to the pump sets used in fields to pump water, from each hot

water spring 1135 liters of water comes out per minute with great force.

*(19) Moreover as there are hot water springs near many under water

volcanoes, it is clearly understood that this water comes out from the

molten rock.

The fossils of the arthropod, Trilobite which lived 500 million years

ago have been discovered in black color in the sea side rocks of Mistaken

Point at Greenland.

Moreover as the sea here is rough, with leaping waves, researchers

say that, this arthropod got buried in the ash of the volcanoes and it

explains why their fossils are black in color.

Even today the hot water springs are spewing out water under the sea

and this alone causes the level of the sea to rise continuously.

Recently, a research team, headed by Dr. jochen j.Brocks of America’s NASA

has taken out some green colored and light red colored fibers from the oil

deposits found on very old rocks in the McArthur basin of Northern

Australia and conducted a research. These were green and red colored

bacteria, which with the help of sun light did photosynthesis with these

fibers. *(20)

As these bacteria have been using the chemical substance, sulphide

for getting energy to live, he also says that in this area the sea had been

once shallow.

Moreover as the hot springs keep letting out chemicals like this

sulphide, the reason for the formation of the shallow area in the sea are

only due to the hot water springs.

So, all the water that is found in the seas had come only from the

hot water springs. Likewise, many thousands of hot water springs have let

out water for millions of years which resulted in the formation of the



Salt in sea water – a contradiction

It was believed that the hot planet earth was lashed with rain for

millions of years and this resulted in the formation of the sea.

It was thought that, the salt deposits in the rocks were dissolved by

rains and was brought by the river water to the sea and later due to the

process of evaporation, the water alone goes up and the salt is left

behind. When this happens continuously for millions of years, the sea water

becomes saline.

Why is sodium chloride abundant in the sea?

But, river water contains more of calcium and bicarbonate salts. Sea

contains enormous quantities of sodium chloride which is used by us for

cooking. That is, there is a lot of difference between the salts found in

the river water and the sea water.*(21) so, how did the excess sodium

chloride get into the sea?

In the beginning, our earth was a planet of molten rock and

volcanoes. As it cooled gradually with the help of sedimentary rocks, the

earth’s crust was formed.

Similarly, when the rocky plates were formed from the molten rock,

the water got separated and came out which formed the sea. In the

beginning, the sodium chloride salt which was inside the earth came out

through volcanoes in the form of gas and this is the reason for the sea

water to contain excess of sodium chloride salt.

“Io” the moon of Jupiter which is made up of molten rock is in

support of this theory.

Io has on its surface, volcanoes which are hotter than those found on

the earth. Darrel Strobel, a researcher belonging to the John Hopkins

University of America, has found out that from these volcanoes, including

sodium and chloride, other materials needed for making salt are spewed out

on the moon. *(22)

Through the telescope, in 1974, a researcher by the name Bob Brown

had declared that there were thin clouds of sodium in the atmosphere of Io.

But, this surprised many researchers because there were no deposits of salt

found anywhere on Io.

The puzzle of thirty years has been solved now by Darrel Strobel, who

has found out that from these volcanoes, including sodium and Chloride;

other materials are spewed out in the form of gases.


Moreover, once upon a time when our earth was a planet of molten

rock, the volcanoes in the same way, were spewing sodium chloride and other

salts which resulted in the excess of sodium chloride found in the sea.

As Io is a moon of molten rock at a very high temperature, its outer

surface has not yet cooled and become rocky. When Jupiter revolves on an

elongated path of its orbit and comes closer, Io which is spherical becomes

slightly elliptical in shape due to the gravitational pull of Jupiter.


Io also has a gas called silicon mono oxide. This gas is also found

in some of the less hot stars’ atmospheres.

Similarly, sodium gas is found in the atmosphere of Osiris, a giant

comet like planet which is 220 times larger than earth and is revolving

around the star HD 209458.*(24) So, it is clear that after their thin

atmosphere gets evaporated the stars only become planets with their raw

materials which do not get evaporated easily.

Based on the molten rock moon, Io which has a very high temperature

and salt volcanoes, it becomes clear that once upon a time even our earth

had volcanoes that emitted sodium chloride. Similarly, based on the fact

that the less hot stars, the Osiris, a giant comet like planet which is 220

times larger than earth and Io have sodium, it is also become clear that

the stars only become planets.


(7) Islands are rising

The mystery of missing water

I will disclose another important matter. In the year 1990,

environmental scientists released a very important report. In that they had

stated that the atmosphere is heated too much and so the glaciers are

melting and due to this action, within ten years the sea level will rise.

They warned that when this happens, all the nine tiny islands like

Tuvalu and Vanuatu will get submerged in the sea. Immediately, the

President of Tuvalu which is in the Pacific Ocean wrote a letter to the

president of New Zealand .

He had stated that as per the calculations of the environmentalists,

their island will get submerged in ten years time and in case such an event

takes place, shelter has to be provided on compassionate grounds to the

inhabitants of the island as environmental refugees.

Ten years passed but, no island sank! At the same time, the

scientists of NASA had found out through research that in the polar region,

ice has melted and fifty billion tons of water had mixed with the sea.

Though enormous amount of water flowed into the sea why the islands did not


Interestingly, when the level of sea was checked near the islands,

the sea level was found to be two and a half inches lower than before.*(25)

This incident clearly shows us that the islands are rising.

Isle of the Dead is continuously rising.

There is another very clear proof to show that the islands are

rising. On the world map, near Antarctica Ross Sea is marked. Captain Sir.

James Clark Ross went on an expedition from Britain to Antarctica in two

ships during 1841 and it is named after him.

After his expedition in Antarctica, Captain Ross on his way to

Britain rested for a while in Tasmania Island which is near Australia .

Along with Thomas Lempriere, a researcher carved a 20 centimeter

length benchmark of a rising sun on a rock on the sea shore to mark the

average level of the sea and to signify that they were conducting a

research on the level of the sea water. As they did not want anyone to

erase it, they chose the Isle of the Dead which was a deserted spot.

This island is near Tasmania . As this island was used to bury only

dead people, it was called Isle of the Dead. They chose a rock where there

was not much of waves and carved a straight line on which they drew like


the rays of the sun diverging from it. This symbol was carved on the 1st of

July in the year 1841. To be precise, 160 years ago from this day the

symbol was carved. *(26)

Today, the level of the sea is 30 centimeters lower than the symbol.

Hence, this incident also makes it clear that the land is rising.

The sea caves indicate Andaman Islands are continuously rising.

In the same way, near the islands which are situated in the sea near

Australia also the level of the sea has been found to vary in different

places. The main reason for the difference in sea level is that these

islands are rising in different speeds.

In the small streak like Andaman Island in the Indian Ocean , many

sea caves are found. Below these caves, tourists go on boat rides. The sea

caves’ upper curve is in such a height.

The reason for the curvature of the caves that were formed due to

erosion by the sea to be found at such a height is that Andaman Island is

rising from the seashore.

It is not possible for the Indian Ocean which is surrounding the

Andaman Island to suddenly decrease. There is one more proof to show that

Andaman Island is rising: the snake basalt rocks which are formed under the

sea are found on Andaman Island .

Only due to the rising of Andaman Island from the sea bed,

earthquakes often occur there. The rising rocky plate’s edges below the

island rub up and down against the non-rising neighboring earth plates

which results in earthquakes.

Therefore, the reason for the earthquakes is only the rising of the

land and for the land slides also only the rising of the land is


When a part of the land rises, below the surrounding land areas an

open space is created. When it rains, the rain water fills up this space

which makes the soil marshy and results in land slides.

The caves which are found on the edge of the seashore become caves on

mountains when the land rises.

In the mountainous region of Srilanka, many spherical caves have

formed. The spherical caves show us clearly that while Srilanka was rising,

these caves were formed due to the erosion by the surrounding sea water.


The most important thing to be noted here is that the lands

surrounding these caves have only encountered severe land slides which are

clearly shown by the map. So, when the land and mountains rise, land slides


Sea caves indicate that the continents are rising.

On all the continents found on earth, caves are seen on the sea

shore. To be specific, surrounding the continent Europe , there are

numerous sea caves. These sea caves are formed due to the erosion caused by

the sea. The roofs of caves thus formed are 20 or 30 feet above sea level.

Small ships can travel through most of the caves. How could have the

roofs of caves which were formed due to the erosion by the sea have gone up

to such a height?

Many sea caves are found on the sea shore many hundreds of feet away

from the sea and many feet high from the sea level. Many sea caves are also

found dry without water.

All these caves, the islands on which they are situated, the land

surfaces and the continents show us clearly that the land is continuously

rising from the sea.

They say that when two land surfaces collide with each other,

mountain ranges are formed. But, the Crete mountain region shows clearly

that it did not form by the collision of a land.

Rising of sea level is different in different places!

Similarly when the sea level surrounding Europe was monitored by

satellite for a long period, it has been found out that the sea level is

rising at different rates in different places.

How the same sea level can be low at a particular place and rise at

other places? The sea level is measured in comparison with the nearby land

level. That is, the waves that are got back from the satellite are sent

back on the land and the sea at the same time.

When these waves collide with the land and the sea bed and return,

from the difference in speed with which they return helps us to calculate

the level of the water in the sea.

With the help of the details thus collected and compared, it has been

found out that the sea level is different at different places surrounding

the continent of Europe . *(27)


Though it has been said that the reason for this is that the land in

that area is higher, researchers are of a different opinion.

They call this rise as Glacial Isostatic Adjustment. They say that,

previously layers of snow was exerting a pressure on Europe and that, now

these have melted and so the land is rising further .specially they say,

Scotland, which is on the northern side of Europe is rising fast and is

gaining more height than South England .

But, this is not a proper explanation. The fossils of the arthropod,

Trilobite are found in Dudley, situated in central England . So, including

England the whole of Europe has risen from the seabed 500 million years ago

and is still rising.

Iceland surfaced only 12 thousand years ago. But the fossils of

Trilobite assure that 500 million years ago the continent of Europe had

started rising and is still continuing to rise.


(8) Continents are rising

Why should the rocks on the sea shore shiver?

The reason for this is, when the continents rise, the rocky plates

which are below the continent rub up and down on the adjacent rocky plates

which are not rising causing the rocks to vibrate. The frequent turbulence

of the sea at Kanyakumari is due to the tremors caused by the rocky plates

rising below it. Moreover the frequent occurrence of the mud slides and the

rocky landslides in the mountain regions of Ooty and Assam are attributed

to the rising of those mountains.

Shivering borders of sea shore

86 percent of the thousand one hundred mile length of the Californian

sea shore is shivering due to land slides. Land slides continue to take

place even in dry seasons.

Previously people used to compete with each other to buy the houses

situated on the sea edge facing the sea. But now, many houses have been

affected by land slides. Some houses are hanging dangerously from very high

rocks and some have fallen in to the sea and have caused the lives of


So the real estate people who build houses in this area are forced to

guarantee that this place will be stable for 100 years.

But, the insurance companies have announced that they will not cover

land slides in insurance. Similarly in Britain ’s Yorkshire area, within 10

years, 50 million pounds had to be spent to prevent land slides on the 72

kilometer length of Biles bay region. As the land slides often take place

during the night, steps have also been taken to monitor continuously with

the help of satellites.

For this purpose, 2 satellites, E.S.A. and E.R.S. have been fitted

with Kodak D.C.S. =600 digital cameras and a micro light with G.P.S.

receiver and is being monitored. Similarly on the sea shore of Scotland ,

12,000 forts have been affected. Among these, more than hundred have

historical importance. These are also notable national attractions which

lure tourists and help to earn foreign exchange.

Why the houses, forts and light houses have been pushed to the stage

of crumbling? The reason is, all the continents are rising from below the

sea and coming above the sea level.

Once upon a time our earth was a planet of molten rocks which cooled

down gradually, due to which the surface of the earth had numerous

sedimentary rock ridges which constituted the crust.


As the molten rock, magma contains 8 to 14 percent of water, when the

earth’s crust was formed the water got separated and formed the sea. Later

when the molten rock inside the earth got cooled and hardened, larger rocky

plates were formed.

As the ice which is of lower density floats on water, these rocky

plates which are of a lower density than the molten rock, rise up to the

surface of the molten rock and pushed the rocky crust already formed and

this made the large land surfaces called continents to rise above sea

level. We are living on this land surface. This land is rising once in a

while due to which earthquakes occur.

Is it only because the level of the sea dropped those fossils of sea

animals are found on the land and mountains?

90 percent of the ice on the earth is found on the continent of

Antarctica. These ice sheets have remained without melting for thousands of

years. Even if all these ice sheets melt completely and become water and

enter the sea, the sea level will rise only (61m) 200 feet high.

Next is Greenland Island with maximum amount of ice. Even if all the

ice melts completely and enters the sea, the sea level will rise only (7m)

20 feet high. Even if all the ice found on the whole of earth melts and

flows into the sea, there is no possibility of the sea level rising more

than 240 feet high.

The Australian continent is rising

Robert backer is a research scholar in the New England University of


Every Sunday to take rest, he used to visit the Sydney Harbor where

he once played and enjoyed with his friends when he was young.

Incidentally one day, on the rocks he saw many nests made of lime and

those resembled the nests of wasps. These nests were the nests of tubeworms

which live in the sea. But, seeing it at such a height was something

abnormal. The nests were about 7 feet above sea level where much erosion

had not occurred.*(28)

These tubeworms need to be in water for at least six hours for

survival. Under these circumstances, what could be the reason for the nests

being built 7 feet above sea water level?

Backer was able to arrive at only one explanation. That is, the sea

level in Sydney harbor has decreased by seven feet. And this must have

taken place recently. If it had happened long before, the nests would have

been eroded to a greater extent.


Immediately he conveyed the information to Professor Peter flood and

Dr. Bob Haworth and they decided to conduct an elaborate research.

Subsequently, they went to the island New Caledonia which is 600

miles away from Australia and searched for the nests of the tubeworms.

Curiously, there also they found the tubeworms’ nests at a height where the

sea waves could not touch them.

Next, in island of Madagascar found near Africa in the Indian Ocean,

in South Corona on the border of North American sea shore, and in South

America on the sea shore of Brazil, they found the insects’ nests at a

height above the sea level and based on their findings of 8 years, they

finally announced that the sea level has fall down up to seven feet around

the world.*(29)

But, they did not reveal why it has dropped. Where did all the sea

water go? What happened to it? There was no explanation for these. It is

more than three billion years since the seas were formed.

It is not possible for the sea to reduce its level throughout the

world. So, only the continents have risen. This is the reason for the

insects’ nests seen at a height above the sea level.

The South American Continent is rising.

Similar to the finding of fossils in the deserts, huge deposits of

salt is also found.

The largest salt deposit of the world has been discovered in the

desert region of Uyuni which is situated on the south western side of

Bolivia in South America . This salt desert is of an area of 4600 square

miles. Ten billion tons (1 billion = 100 crores) of salt is found


This place is situated 11 thousand feet high from sea level. When

seen from there only salt is seen in all directions as far as the eye could

see and so this area appears as a white region.

Similarly in Kavir desert in the Plateau of Iran, Death Valley in

the central part of North America, Atacama Desert in South America, Great

Victoria Desert in central Australia , Kalahari Desert and in Botswana in

South Africa and Sahara Desert in North Africa , large deposits of salt are

found. How could have salt of such magnitude be formed in deserts?

Already the fossils of sea organisms have been unearthed in

deserts. So it is confirmed that all these deserts had been under the sea

once upon a time and later have surfaced above from below the sea.


When the sandy area rose above the sea level, some areas were lower

and the sea water which stagnated in due course got evaporated and the

large deposits of salt were formed.

The Antarctica continent is rising.

In March 2002, on the eastern corner, peninsular area, in the

continent of Antarctica situated at the South Pole, the ice sheets which

form on the land and extend on the sea suddenly broke into hundreds of

pieces and were thrown in all directions.

This incident surprised and stunned the scientists. Geologist Eugene

Dumac of the Michigan University stated “This is a new event which has

never happened before”. David Wagon, a research scholar of the British

Antarctic Research center has stated, “It is difficult to believe that 500

billion ton of glacier had disintegrated in thirty five days.” *(31)

Generally, due to the changes in temperature the layers of snow and

ice at the poles melt very slowly into water and mix with the sea.

To discuss the reason for the sudden breaking of the glacier on 4th

and 5th April 2002, more than 60 scientists from 12 countries assembled in

Hamilton College and discussed. It was announced that, the defective

formation of the glacier was only responsible for its disintegration.

Why should the formation of the glacier suddenly disintegrate?

The layers of ice are spread out continuously on the land as well as

the sea. The truth is when the peninsular area of Antarctica rose upwards,

the formation was affected and it broke into pieces. This part of

Antarctica is under the British and hence the arthropod Trilobite’s fossils

have been found. So the reason for the sudden breakage is that this

particular continent is rising.

Similarly in Greenland at North Pole, sheets of ice covering the

island had long cracks and these started sliding faster than before.

In the North Pole area near the border of Ellesmere Island is an ice

shelf called Ward Hunt on which many cracks have formed during 2002.*(32)

Appearance of cracks on the ice shelves and these cracks breaking

them, which had been silent for the past three thousand years, is only due

to the difference in the rate of rising of the land surface and damaging

the structure of the ice shelves.

A European research scholar, Dr.Remko scharroo after conducting a

research through the satellite, ERS-1 has stated that, the level of the

Arctic Ocean in the North Pole region is reduced by 2.17 millimeters

starting from1995 – 2003.*(33)


According to this theory, temperature rise is not the reason for the

cracking and breaking of the ice shelves. It is because; the increase in

the temperature would have resulted in the melting of ice and increased the

ocean level.

But, the level has decreased! So, it becomes clear that the rising of

the islands is responsible for the cracking of the ice shelves and the

lowering in the level of the ocean.

The sub continent, India is continuously rising.

In Sarathamangalam, which is near Kallakkudi in Trichy district of

Tamilnadu, the fossil of a sea anemone which lived millions of years ago

has been found. Apart from this, the fossils of turtle and sea plants have

been discovered at the same place which is about 100 kilometers from the


These fossils came up when there were heavy rains and were

discovered. This news was reported in The Hindu daily, dated 06-09-2005.

Based on this, it is proved that Trichy and other areas were on once

beneath the sea.

Then, why did the sea recede? It is because the sub Continent ,

India is rising from below sea level upwards above sea level. Similarly, in

Gujarat near Kutch , the skeletons of whales which lived 45 million years

ago have been discovered.*(35)

The skeleton of a whale which lived 53 million years ago has been

discovered in the caves of Simla which is at the foot of the Himalayas.


Apart from this, the fossils of a sea arthropod called Trilobite

(three lobed) which lived 500 million years ago under water has been

unearthed in a mountainous place called Zankaskar near Kashmir, some 16,400

feet high on the Himalayas.

Similarly, on the western part of India also skeletons of whales have

been discovered in Pakistan and in the sulaiman mountain ranges. Moreover,

on the eastern side of India in Tibet , the skeleton of ichthyosaurus, a

huge sea animal which lived 100 million years ago has been discovered at a

small village called Dingiri

All these events prove that the sub continent, India was once beneath

the sea and has come up above sea level and is still rising.


Sub marine mountains have risen to the surface

The sea moss and the coral reefs which grow in shallow waters where

sunlight can reach are found on mountains all over the world.

Sea moss and the coral reefs are found in Canada in North America,

Michigan in Central America, including Texas , Guadalupe Mountain which is

3700 feet high in Mexico , Alps Mountain in Europe, Ural Mountain in Russia

which is in Asia, in Siberia and Flinders Mountain in Australia .

The reason for the sea moss, corals and the limestone produced by the

secretions of sea creatures to be found on the mountain is, the mountain

and its surrounding areas were once below the sea and have now risen up

above sea level.

Moreover there is also a huge desert of salt at the foot of mount

Guadalupe and this proves clearly that, this land surface has risen up from

under the sea. When this land rose from below, the sea water that stagnated

would have evaporated and created the salt desert.

During the recent under water earth quake near Sumatra which resulted

in Tsunami and rocked the whole of South Asia , the sea bed near the island

rose up to 5 feet high and exposed the coral reefs and sea moss. So, it is

understood that, natural calamities like Tsunami, earth quakes and

landslides occur only when mountains rise from inside the earth.

The remains of sea animals are all discovered all over the world only

on mountains. To be specific, the fossils of a sea (three lobed) arthropod

called Trilobite which lived 500 million (one million is equal to ten

lakhs) years ago under water has been found on mountain rocks.

The sea organisms which live in shallow waters get buried alive when

there is a land slide along with soil and wet mud. Later when this portion

of the shore rises up above sea level, these buried creatures after

millions of years would have become fossils.

The continuous process of rising of mountains from below the sea,

enables us to find the fossils of the sea organisms in rocks found on

mountains. While the mountains continue to rise, the surrounding areas

experience land slides and this in turn exposes the fossils of the embedded

sea organisms.

The fossils of Trilobite have been found on the mountains of all the

seven continents of the world and in more than thirty places on earth. This

clearly shows that these mountains and continents have surfaced from below

the sea.


To be specific, thousands of fossils of Trilobite are found on the

three continents surrounding the Pacific Ocean.

The continent of North America is situated on the eastern side of the

Pacific Ocean . Burgess quarry which is situated on the Rocky Mountain in

British Columbia , there are about 30, 000 fossils of Trilobite are found

on the exposed slate. This place is about 500 miles away from the Pacific

Ocean and at 8000 feet high above the sea level.

On the western side of the Pacific Ocean, the continent of Asia is

situated. In the Jinjiang district of China recently numerous buried

fossils of Trilobite have been discovered on the mountain regions. This

mountain region is 350 miles away from the sea and 6200 feet above sea


Recently marine fossils have also been discovered in the land locked

Sichuan region where the huge earthquake rocked.*(37)

On the southern region of the Pacific Ocean, the continent of

Australia is located. On the southern side of this continent, Adelaide

Harbor is situated. On Ediyacara Mountain which is 650 kilometers on the

northern side also fossils of Trilobite have been found. This mountain

region is 1900 feet above sea level.

The three places, where the buried fossils of Trilobite were found

lie around the Pacific Ocean and are hundreds of miles away and thousands

of feet higher than sea level which clearly shows that all these land

surfaces have risen from the depth of the Pacific Ocean.

An important feature to be noted is that all the land lies on one

side and the Pacific Ocean on the other side. The total area of the Pacific

Ocean is 5.9 million square miles. This is more than the area of all the

land on the earth put together.

The Pacific Ocean is connected with all the other oceans of the

earth. Three fourths of water and one fourth of land is what we see on the

earth. Hence, as the land rose gradually, the remains of sea animals are

found on the mountains.

The fossils of a sea animal called Trilobite which lived 500 million

years ago under water have been unearthed on the mountains all over the

earth. This proves that millions of years ago, all these mountains were

under the sea and have gradually risen above sea level.

At many places on the mountains, sea shells have been found in

abundance. Based on this, it can be argued that the seas may have receded

from the mountains!


Where did the sand on Marina beach come from?

The sand on the sea shore of Marina Beach was brought by the waves

which deposited the sand there. But, what is the reason for the sand that

was deposited by the sea waves to be found now above sea level?

We cannot think that the sea level has gone down. It is because the

area of the sea is more than that of the land which is only one fourth.

Moreover excluding the continent of Antarctica, all the other six

continents have sandy sea shores on their coastal areas. So, if we say that

the sea level has gone down, it applies to the whole world.

But, speaking about the whole world, there is no reason for the water

level to drop. So, due to the rising of the land that is, the continents

only, the sand deposited by the waves has risen above the sea level.

For example, Hawaii Islands are situated in the center of the Pacific

Ocean. Originally these islands were volcanoes in the sea bed and later

rose up above the sea level. On the southern side of the Hawaiian island is

filled with green colored sand. It is because, it is formed with an element

called Olivine. Usually Olivine is found in the sea bed rock, basalt.

While the island of Hawaii rose up from the sea, as the sea waves

eroded the basalt rock, the Olivine green sand also rose upward above sea

level and formed the green colored sea shore. Similarly in the area where

volcanic mountain rocks are found on the Hawaii Island , black colored sea

shore sand is seen.

As the sand brought by the sea waves and deposited at the bottom of

the sea is seen above the sea level, we can come to a conclusion that the

Hawaii Island has only risen. We cannot take a decision that the Pacific

Ocean’s level has gone down. Similarly the sand found on the Marina has

also been brought by the sea waves and deposited at the bottom of the sea.

But, the reason for the sand to be found above the sea level is that the

land has risen up.

Similarly, when large areas of land like islands and continents rise,

earthquakes occur.


(9) Rocks that formed on the sea floor found on land

Snake rocks

Basalt is a kind of rock which is found winding among the other rocks

on mountains and these are commonly called snake rocks. Continents are

formed by lighter granite rocks. The sea bed is made up of basalt which is

stronger. This rock does not absorb water.

Recently, in a mountain near the Great Wall of China, basalt which is

2500 millions of years old has been excavated. Such rocks are formed only

under water. The molten rock magma, which comes out with great force from

the interior of the earth immediately gets cooled by the sea water and

hardens to form these snake shaped basalt rocks.

The reason for these rocks which were formed under the sea to be

found on the mountains is that, they had risen from under the sea.

Just like the fossils of Trilobite, these basalt rocks are also found

on the mountains all around the world. In India, these basalt rocks are

found near Delhi on the western side of Aravalli Range which is the oldest

mountain range in the world. Basalt is also found on the Naga Mountain in

Nagaland and in Andaman islands.

Basalt is also found on mount Troodos which is found in the island of

Cyprus. So, as all the land has risen from under the sea, we find that the

Seas are surrounded and form the central sea land.

On the Alps, in Europe, at about a height of 3800 feet, basalt is

found. As it is also found on islands like Papua New Guinea and Japan which

surround the Pacific Ocean, it proves that all these islands, mountains and

continents have risen from the bottom of the sea

Pillow rocks

On mount Troodos, which is found in the island of Cyprus , Oman ,

North America and Australia , looking like piled up jack fruits; rocks in

the form of pillows are seen. These pillow rocks are also formed under the

sea like basalt rocks.

The molten rock which is emitted by the volcanoes found under water

gets suddenly cooled and forms a smooth layer. Similar to cotton being

stuffed into pillows, the molten rock which keeps continuously flowing out

enters this layer, makes it bulge and forms pillow lava series rocks. These

are formed in the shape of a spherical or oval rock with a breadth of about

one meter.


Vast spread of basalt rock

Recently it has been discovered that, in the Indian Ocean, the molten

rock material from the core of the earth has gushed out and has formed

basalt rock on the ocean bed which may be equal to the area of London .

Such formations are called basalt lakes.

Deposits of such huge sized basalt are also found on the crust of

the earth. Recently, the oldest basalt deposits have been unearthed.

Similarly in Deccan region (Thakana Peeta Bhoomi) in India , Siberia in

Russia , rivers of South Carolina in Columbia at North America and Brazil

in North America , deposits of basalt are found.

As the basalt which gushes out of the core and forms basalt on the

sea bed are also found on the land surface, it is understood that once all

these land areas were in the sea bed. This attributes to the fossils and

bones of whales and other sea creatures which were found scattered on the

different continents of the world.

How do fossils formed?

In the case of the fossils of Trilobite found on mountains, there is

no reason to state that the seas would have receded from the mountains. It

is because, when the land rises suddenly, land slides are caused and the

sea organisms get buried in the mud and slush and when this rises above sea


In due course they become fossils. Hence there is no question of sea

receding and exposing the remains and fossils. The real reason for the

fossils of Trilobite to be found on the mountains is that, the mountains

which were under the sea have risen above the sea level.

Moreover, as the fossils of the sea arthropod Trilobite are found on

the seven continents of the world, it is proved that all the seven

continents were once under the sea and have risen above sea level.

Sea lion, a scientific mystery

Last year ,prince of Monaco visited Russia, where the regional

governor in Russia has gifted him with a pair of rare kind of sea lion

commonly called as ‘’nerpa’at present the Russian seals called as ‘’nerpa’’

living only in the land locked Baikal lake, which is situated at the center

of the Asian continent. *37a

Seals are generally living in the coastal area. DNA test has showed

that the ancestors of this Russian seals were the ‘’ringed seals’’ which is

now living in the northern sea.


Therefore the question is how could the ancestors of the Russian

seals reached the land locked Baikal Lake which is situated at the center

of the Asian continent, hundreds of miles away from the northern sea?

Whales in deserts!

In an Egyptian desert in North Africa, the skeletons of five whales,

three types of sea cows, two crocodiles, sea snakes and the teeth of a

shark were found. The people of this place call it “Wadi Al Hitan, which

means ‘The Valley of Whales’. Apart from this, on Mount Atlas in Morocco ,

which is also situated in the same North Africa , numerous fossils of

Trilobites are found.

When ground was dug to lay the foundation for the construction of a

building in the city of Urumki in China, at two meter depth rocks were

located. On it, black colored small and large fossils of fishes ranging

from 6 centimeters to 20 centimeters and looking like painting were found.

Though they were black in color, the scales, fins and tail were clearly


When the researchers reveled that these fishes lived in the seas 200

million years ago, the people of the city were awe struck.

The reason is that, this city has no connection with the sea. This

place is situated 2500 kilometers on the west of Pacific Ocean, 3400

kilometers on the south of Arctic Ocean, 6900 kilometers on the east of

Atlantic Ocean and 2200 kilometers on the north of Indian Ocean!

Recently, a 72 feet whale’s skeleton was found in England. In North

America, at the coastal areas like Florida, South Carolina and Alabama and

in the central region of Maryland Island, the skeletons of whales are

unearthed often. In addition to this, in South America, on the western side

of Mount Peru, hundreds of whale skeletons are found.

In India, near Kashmir, on the mountain region of Zanskar and in

Spiti and Lahul valleys the fossils of Trilobite are found. This place is

16,400 feet above sea level. In a mountain cave at Shimla, the jaw bone of

a whale which lived 53 million years ago has been found.

Apart from this, on the Arabian Sea coastal area of Gujarat at the

Rann of Kutch, the skeletons of whales which lived 45 million years ago

were unearthed.

The fossils of Trilobite which lived 500 million years ago were

discovered on very high altitudes on the Himalayas and the bones of a whale

which lived 53 million years ago was found at the foot of the Himalayas in



As the skeletons of whales which lived 45 million years were

unearthed at the Rann of Kutch, we understand that, first the Himalayan

region would have risen and following which Shimla and Kutch would have

risen above sea level.

Moreover, earthquakes are occurring as India is rising from the

earth. When the rising rocky plates rub against the rocky plates which are

stable and not rising, earth tremors are caused.

Hence, earth tremors are caused in the central regions and not in the

peripheral areas.

For example, on 22nd May, in the year 1997, an earthquake occurred in

Jabalpur situated in Madhya Pradesh. Earthquake did not occur in the

nearby regions. This was due to the rising of that particular area alone.

In the same way, the reason for earthquakes to occur frequently in the Rann

of Kutch at Gujarat is that, it is frequently rising above the sea level.

The reason for earthquakes occurring in the areas of the Pacific is

that, the peripheral areas of the continents of North America, South

America and Australia are rising frequently.

Moreover, the edges of continents slant downwards and reach the sea.

They also penetrate deep into the earth. In other words, the land which had

risen upwards from the sea in the form of a ramp consists of fossils and

bones of many sea animals, sea moss and coral reefs on its crust and

mountains and this proves that the land area had risen from the sea bed.

As the continents surrounding the Pacific Ocean are rising from the

sea bed, earthquakes as well as cracks appear on the land. As the molten

rock material, magma gushes out of these cracks, volcanoes are formed.

These volcanoes joined together to form volcanic islands like Japan

and Philippines. This is the reason why these islands have taken a shape

similar to that of the border of the continent of Asia. In the same way,

the island of New Zealand has been formed similar to the eastern border of


These islands also rise from the sea bed because, though ice is

formed from water, it is of lower density and floats on water. Similarly

inside the earth, the areas which were formed by the cooling of the molten

rock material is of a lower density than the molten rock and rise upwards

and when they come above the water level, they form islands. When these

islands rise up from the earth, cracks are formed on the ocean floor and

Trenches like Mariana and Philippines are formed.

The borders of the continents Europe and Australia rise steep from

the ocean floor. Similarly the rock formations of Normandy which also has a


steep rising border at Europe and Beachy Head areas often face slight

tremors. It is because these places are rising from the earth.

On the borders of Wedge Island which is close to Australia, the rocks

are found in different layers which are visible outside. The layers of

rocks are formed inside the earth and rise upwards forming islands and

large land surfaces above sea level.

Diamonds indicates that continents are stable

Diamonds are found in all continents. Diamonds are formed 200

kilometers deep inside the earth. But the carrot shaped volcanic tubes

called “Kimberlitic” which bring these diamonds above the surface of the

earth are only two kilometers deep. When the rocky plates formed from

molten rock inside the earth rise upwards, it pushes the rocky plate

already formed above it upwards. As the molten rock cools down slowly

inside the earth, rocky plates are formed.

When the rocky plates are rising, the molten rock which gets trapped

in between these plates pierces the weaker upper layer when pressure

increases and explodes and erupts as a volcano.

Such rising rocky plates bring up the diamonds which are formed deep

inside the earth, above the surface of the earth. Similarly, the rising

rocky plates are responsible for the formation of hot water springs, white

smoke and muddy springs.

Diamonds are found on all the seven continents. They are mostly found

in the central part of the continents called craton which is the oldest

rocky area. There are more than twenty cratons all over the earth. These

cratons have been on land for a very long period of time.

Moreover for the diamonds to form and rise to the surface, a long

duration of stability is needed. So, continents are structures which are

stable and do not move here and there.

Moreover, for a depth of about 40 kilometers, only rocky plates are

seen. Below lies the molten rock material called “Moho” and this is found

in layers. Through various researches conducted with the waves created by

earth tremor, this has been found out. In many places on the earth, this

molten rock material called “Moho” has pierced the crust and has come out

to the surface.

To be specific, at Newfoundland island a “Moho” mountain has been

formed. Similarly in Ice age, the molten rock material called “Moho” has

come out as rocks. As the molten rock material which is at 600 kilometers

deep has come out at places like North America , we can say that islands

and continents are immovable.


(10) Researcher’s Opinion

Is it true that continents are moving?

They say that the continents that are found on the surface of the

earth are moving by floating on the Asthenosphere which consists of molten

rock like ships cut through water and sail. By checking the waves caused

due to tremors, it has been found out that the Asthenosphere of molten rock

is not found continuously below the continents and the sea.

So, to say that the continents are moving is similar to saying that

without the track trains are moving and without water ships are sailing on

the land.

But, showing that when the sea shores of the continents of Africa and

America are joined together, they match well and it is stated that all the

continents were together before.

Is it true? More than 30 experts tried to join the edges of all the

continents with the help of the computer but failed miserably.

When the western sea shore border was joined to the eastern seashore

of the continent America, it did not fit correctly. When Mexico in the

central portion was cut and pasted, its edges fitted correctly.

But, 2 billion year old rocks are found in Mexico. So Mexico region

cannot be left out. Hence, stating that the edges of continents fit

correctly is incorrect. The continents had never been together at any point

of time.

The most important point is that the continents are of different

heights. The highest continent among all continents is Antarctica. Its

height is approximately 5800 feet. The next in the line is Asia which is of

3200 feet high. The continent which is of the least height is Australia.

Its height is approximately 300 feet above sea level. Hence, all the

continents could never have been together.

Is Pacific Ocean floor moving? Research’s Opinion.

As they say that the continents are moving, they also say that the

seabed is also moving. To support this opinion, they are showing the

structure of the volcanic islands like Hawaii , Kauai and Oahu as proof.

That is, the hot molten rock material from the core of the earth

pierces the Pacific sea bed and comes to the surface. At the same time, the

Pacific sea bed moves in North West direction. It was said that due to this

movement the Hawaiian Islands appeared in a row in the North West.


Aleutian Trench.

Along the Hawaiian Ridge, 1400 miles away from Hawaii, an island

called Midway is situated. Starting from there, the line of volcanic

islands deviates from northwest direction and faces north. The aerial view

of this curve appears like the curved leg of a dog and so this curved

region is called “Aleutian trench.

It is said that, 47 million years ago the Pacific plate was moving

towards north and suddenly it changed the direction and started moving in

north westerly direction. But till this day, nobody has given any

acceptable explanation as to why the Pacific plate suddenly changed the

direction of its movement.

In fact, the continents of Asia, Australia, North America and South

America are continuously rising from the earth. The truth is, due to this

upward movement, a large crack has formed on the Pacific seabed and the

molten rock material is oozing out and this has resulted in the formation

of the Hawaiian volcanic ridge.

Is it due to the seabed moving on a hot center that these volcanic

ridges and Island chains came into existence? To prove this, the rock found

on the island which appeared first should have the oldest rock formation

and the rocks of Hawaii island which was formed later should have the

newest rock formation is normally expected. But the research conducted on

Easter islands did not show any change in age.

Moreover, when the direction of the other underwater mountain ranges

is taken into consideration, it seems that the Pacific seabed should be

moving in more than two directions. This is not possible. Hence, stating

that similar to the movements of the continents, the sea bed is also moving

is a wrong theory.

Is the ocean bed of Atlantic Ocean expanding? Researcher’s Opinion.

Another explanation is give to substantiate that continents are

moving. They quote the 'S' - shaped Mid Atlantic Ridge which is an 80,000

miles long mountain range as a proof for this.

In this region, the molten rock comes out and produces new rocky

plates. As the new rocky plate forms on the upper region, it dashes against

the existing adjacent rocky plates and pushes them; and due to this, the

Atlantic Ocean bed expands and expands on both sides. They continue to say

that this causes the continents of America and Australia to move in the

opposite directions.

A question arose: if so, the diameter of the earth should increase.

The answer given was, such newly formed rocky plates went through the


Trenches found in the deeper part of the Pacific Ocean into the earth and

were destroyed. (But how could the rocky plate of lesser density go inside

the molten rock which is of higher density? There is no answer for this).

Another research scholar asked that if it was so, was the Pacific Ocean

shrinking? No satisfactory answer has been given for this question till


According to this concept, new rocky plates of 80,000 mile length are

formed. But the lengths of the Trenches found in the deeper part of the

Pacific Ocean into which these rocky plates go and get destroyed are only

35,000 miles long! Apart from this, the mountain and mountain ranges formed

due to the collision of the rocky plates are only 9,000 miles. According to

this theory, among the rocky plates formed, only half gets destroyed.

Hence, this view was also discarded as it could not be accepted.

The basis for the theory that, the Atlantic Ocean floor is expanding

has also been found incorrect. That is, the central portion where the new

rocky plates are formed, the age of the rocks should be much lesser and as

they move towards the continents, the age of the rocks should be more. But,

where the new rocky plates are formed itself, there are submarine mountains

which have rocks as old as billions of years. So this concept is also not



(11) Land is rising

Rising of some section of land formed the Grand Canyon valley

The Grand Canyon is a structure, formed by layers of rocky plates is

one of the wonders of the world and was formed below the sea and has risen


In the beginning when the earth was a planet made of molten rock, the

upper layers slowly cooled and in different layers sedimentary rocks were


During very cold season, pipes that bring drinking water burst due to

the freezing of the water inside them. It is because when water freezes, it

expands and takes up more space.

In the same way when the molten rock cools, its thickness increases.

Moreover, as the density of the rocks is lesser than the molten rock, they

rise upwards.

At the same time, they expand and occupy more area. The Grand Canyon

is formed by such sedimentary rocks which rose up and expanded. Below the

sea at 3000 meters depth and in the center of the sea also, structures like

the Grand Canyon are found.

The Grand Canyon in North America has in it the fossils of Trilobite,

sea shells and snails, which shows us that this land surface of the Grand

Canyon has risen from below the sea.

When a part of the land rises, there are land slides in the

surrounding areas in which the living things of the sea get buried. Later,

when these portions of the land rise above the sea level, due to land

slides the fossils get exposed.

Tremors on the Moon

One more proof for stating that earth quakes occur due to the rising

of the land are the tremors that occur on the moon.

There are no continents on the moon. But, there are mountains,

elevations and craters on the moon. Moreover moon quakes occur on the moon.

Stating that the movement of the land only causes quakes is incorrect,

because there are no continents on the moon. Hence, the rising of the land

is the primary cause for earthquakes to occur.

Mountains formed by sedimentary rocks. Valleys and rocks are found on

the planet, Mars too. But, there is no water in Mars. The truth that we

understand from this is that, these sedimentary rocks are not formed by


deposits of sediments. Instead, they have been formed by the gradual

cooling of the molten material inside the earth and rise upwards.

Moreover, Cape Town which is in the southern end of South Africa has

on its flat Mountains along the sea shore, numerous fossils of sea animals.

All over the world, there are around 30 thousand mountains below the sea.

Below the Pacific Ocean, there are many flat surfaced mountains called

Guyatts. So, the mountains and their surrounding land areas have only risen

above the surface of the sea. Mountains are not formed due to the collision

of two land areas.


Below the sea also there are many flat surfaced mountains. These are

called Guyatts. The important thing is that, below the Pacific Ocean ,

there are thousands of Guyatts. So, when the molten rock gradually cools

and hardens inside the earth, rocky plates are formed in different layers

which rise upwards and form the flat surfaced mountains below the sea.

Later when the surrounding land also rose upwards as continents, flat

surfaced mountains are found above the land too.

Tibet plateau challenges the view that continents are moving

The upper part of the earth is formed by layers of rocks. On an

average, these rocks are of 35 kilo meters height. These rocky plates keep

moving. The broad belief is that, while moving, if they rub against each

other, earthquakes occur and if two plates directly collide with each other

mountains are formed.

The best proof shown by most of the researchers for this is that,

India had moved northwest and collided with Asia, which resulted in the

formation of the Himalayas and Tibet plateau. But, below Tibet plateau for

about 70 kilo meters, there are many layers of rock.

When two bread slices are made to collide with each other, though the

place where they are joined together rises up, the height of the bread

slices will remain the same and does not change. But the height of the

rocky plates found below the Tibet plateau is twice the height of the rocky

plates found in other areas.

The height of the Tibet the earth and the rocky plates below the

water are the same. So the molten rock inside the earth has only cooled and

formed rocky plates which have risen above the sea level. And so, it proves

that, the collision of two rocky plates has not formed Tibet plateau.

Another proof for Tibet rising from below the sea is the unearthing

of the bones of a dolphin shaped lizard called Ichthyosaurus which lived in


the sea 100 million years ago at a place known as Dingiri at Tibet . This

place is 16 thousand feet above sea level.

The borders of the continents, Europe and Australia are many hundreds

of feet higher than the sea shore and extend for many miles and appear like

a wall.

These sea side rocks often break in many areas and fall down. The

reason is that, these rocks keep shivering often. So they are referred to

as shivering rocks. This has resulted in land slides and many houses have

been buried.

Four tourists sun bathing on the sand of the sea shore in Ukraine got

trapped in the sand and died due to the land slide that occurred suddenly.

In America , in the sea shore of California , such land slides occur

frequently. Shivering rocks are very famous in England also.

The Beachy Head sea shore rocks in South England which kept falling

down have destroyed the rocks and extended up to the sea side living area.

Hence an entire village had to be evacuated.

In the same way due to the falling of the Beachy Head shivering rocks

in Sussex , to protect the age old Belle Tout light house, using the rocket

carrying vehicles the government moved it away from there.

Similarly, the government has been requested to protect the war

memorial near the shivering rocks at the sea shore of Brighton . Moreover,

the shivering rocks in Oddicombe keep shivering often and many rocks keep

falling and so the government has planned to protect the nearby railway

station and tourist resort by securing the sides of the rocks with wire


The Himalayas existed even before India ’s collision.

It was believed that the Himalayas originated 55 million years ago.

At present, the research group from the University of Arizona headed by Dr

George Gehrels conducted a research in which the team found out that the

Himalayas had come in to existence 450 million years ago. That is, Dr

George Gehrels states that the Himalayas are 9 times older than it was

first believed to be.*(38)

When molten rock comes out of the earth and hardens to become rocks,

Zircon crystals are formed. The element uranium in these crystals when

subjected to radiation, changes in to lead in due course. It takes 450

billion years for uranium to become lead.


Taking in to consideration the percentage of lead in the zircon

crystals, the age of the rock is estimated. From the research conducted

based on this fact, Dr George states that the rocks on the Himalayas have

formed before 450 million years ago and have risen. Before this finding,

researcher Wagner had stated that the Himalayas were formed 55 million

years ago only due to the collision of the Indian continent with the

continent of Asia is noteworthy.

When the continental plates collide with each other, mountains are

supposed to be formed. As the continental plates move only a few

centimeters per year, it was believed that mountains grew very slowly,

Dr. Carmala Garzione a researcher belonging to the University of Rochester

has found out that, the Andes mountain range in South America is growing

very fast.*(39)

When the mountains grow, the rocks get eroded due to weather or

seasonal changes and form deposits at the foot of the mountains. Moreover,

when it rains on the mountains, on the higher areas of the mountains

isotopes oxygen 16 and at places where the height is lower, isotope oxygen

18 get deposited in huge amounts on the rocks and produce chemical


By observing the amount of rocky deposits which had undergone

chemical reaction due to the isotope oxygen 18, and calculating the period

during which it was formed, it could be predicted when and how fast a

mountain had grown. The research conducted based on this showed that, the

Andes mountain range had grown very fast 10 million and 7 million years

ago. On this basis, Carmala Garzione surmised that the growth of mountains

does not depend on the movement of the continents but should be based on

something else. Similarly the Sierra Nevada Mountain in North America is

also growing very fast.


(12)The Islands of Indonesia are continuously rising

Soon after Tsunami, which killed more than two and a half lakhs of

people and had originated from the island, Sumatra, it was found out that,

after the earthquake the north western part of the island simeulue, which

was in that region had risen about three feet high above sea level.

On account of this, a new shore had formed on the north western part

of the island. In addition to that; the sea sponges which were on the sea

bed were visible above the sea level!

Three months after the earthquake on 26th December, 2004, another

quake occurred on 28th March 2005 after which simeulue was found to be four

feet above sea level. Apart from this, for an area of about three hundred

kilometers, sea sponges which are normally found below the sea could be

seen from all visible areas!

Why did the island rise four feet above sea level?

As the molten rock keeps cooling gradually, the rocky plates that are

formed at different levels are of less thickness and density and they keep

rising continuously.

The main reason is that, when the molten rock cools, the water and hot

gases get released and the rocky plates that are formed are of lesser

thickness than the magma in which they formed.

Water has a higher density and the ice cubes formed from it have a

lower density and they tend to float on water Likewise, the molten rock

material which has a higher density produces rocky plates which have a

lower density and these move above sea level and form islands.

When new plates are produced by the molten rock material, they start

moving upwards thereby pushing the plates which were already formed. The

plates suddenly start rising upwards due to intense pressure.

Similar to the ripples that are formed and expanded when a plate of

water is hit at the centre from below with a finger, when the island

simeulue, which was found in the central part of the Indian Ocean suddenly

rose up, the water was pushed aside in all directions and only this

resulted in Tsunami.

The frequent occurrences of earthquakes and Tsunami in Indonesia are

only due to the sudden rising of the islands.

But, the geologists have come up with a different explanation for the

earthquakes which occur there. They say that, about six and a half crores

of years ago, India was an island on the southern part of the equator. It


moved slowly towards north and collided with Asia about five crores of

years ago and it is still continuing its movement.

The geologists also opine that due to this movement, when the indo-

Australian plate suddenly went below the Burmese plate on December 26th,

2004, an earthquake occurred. There is no truth in what they say because

even six and a half crores of years ago India had been part of Asia in the

same place as it is found now.

The fossils of mammals which lived in Asia six and a half years ago

have been excavated in the form of bones by Professor Ashok Sahani of

Punjab University and Professor G.V.R. Prasad of Jammu University in the

village of Naskal at Andhra Pradesh and they prove that the above statement

is true.*(40)

So, as per the researchers’ opinion, India had not been an island on

the southern part of the equator about six and a half crores of years ago.

So, it is proved that even six and a half crores of years ago India

had been part of Asia in the same place as it is found now and is not

moving in the north eastern direction.

Therefore the indo-Australian plate did not go suddenly below the

Burmese plate. So the earth quakes on 26 -12 -2004 and 28 – 3 -2005 and the

Tsunami are only the result of the rising of the island, simeulue, above

its original level.


(13)Rising of the earth’s crust is responsible for producing earthquakes,

Earthquake is caused due to the movement of the land is a myth.

The most important thing that is missing in this view is that there

is no explanation for why earthquake occurs in the centre of the land

instead of the peripheral area. Actually the land is rising in different

places. This is the reason why earthquakes occur only in the central parts

of the land.

To be specific, after an earthquake occurred on September 30th of

1993, in the village named Killari, it was found that the land had risen

about three feet in height. This shows that the rise of the land is the

cause of the earthquake.

Reasons for the Rise of the Earth’s Crust

On September 30th 1993, the earthquake that hit the village, killari,

situated in central part of India resulted in the death of more than eight

thousand people and raised the land surface about three feet high. This

elevation was seen in an area of around two kilometers.

Why did the earthquake occur?

The quake occurred only in killari, situated in central India and

left two kilometers of land area raised. This proves that the earthquake

occurred only due to the rise of the land.

Apart from this, the pictures taken by the satellite before the quake

showed that the temperature of killari had also risen and the pictures

taken after the quake showed it to be normal.*(41)

After the earthquake occurred, on the borders of Andhra and

Karnataka white colored smoke emitted from the ground.

Why did the land rise? Why was the temperature more? Why did the land emit

white colored smoke?

We know that the molten rock material called magma is found inside

the earth as we have seen it coming out through volcanoes. In the same way,

when the molten rock, lava flows on the earth’s surface,

we can see the condensed steam and other gases in the form of white

colored smoke. As the water and other hot gases are eliminated as steam,

the molten rock cools down and turned in to rock. In the same way when the

molten rock inside the earth starts cooling, water and other hot gases come


out in the form of white smoke. Due to this, the temperature of the land


Moreover when the molten rock cools and as the water and hot gases

get released, the rocky plates that are formed are of less thickness.

For example: water has a higher density and the ice cubes formed from

it have a lower density and float on water. Likewise, the molten rock

material which has a higher density produces rocky plates which have a

lower density and move above the level of the molten rock.

In the same way, when new plates are produced by the molten rock

material, they start moving upwards there by pushing the plates which were

already formed. On account of this movement, the edges of the plates rub

against each other thereby causing earthquakes.

For example: in 1356 an earthquake occurred in the city Basel in

Switzerland which is situated in central Europe . In the same city, an

organization which produces electricity using the heat from underground,

drilled two holes of five meters each on the earth in the year 2006.

The project was to send cold water through the first hole which would

be changed into steam using the heat of the molten rock and pushed out

through the second hole and by rotating dynamos.

This would be converted into electricity. But, on the eighth day

after the water was sent inside the earth, in the same place, the Richter

scale recorded an earthquake with an intensity of 3.4.*(42) Even if atom

bombs are tested underground, earthquakes do not occur.

How could the water which seeped inside produce an earthquake? This

clearly shows that the water which seeped inside the earth cooled the

molten rock which in turn formed new plates that rose up and caused the


Volcanic activity in central Europe.

Vogt land, which is situated in central Europe , had often been

experiencing a number of minor earthquakes. In the same place, a researcher

by the name Dr.Karin brauer collected the bubbles which came out along with

an underground spring in a marshy area and through his research, found out

that gases were emitted from a volcano.*(43)

Based on his research, he says that when the molten rock rises, the

pressure of the gases increases and this results in the formation of cracks

on rocks which may ultimately result in earthquakes. But for millions of

years in the past, these gases have been coming out of the earth.


Apart from this, there are spaces for these gases to be eliminated.

We have already seen this fact and the gases do not have enough pressure to

bring about an earthquake.

A few years ago from the mountainous part of Nilgiris in India, smoke

were seen emanating from earth, but fortunately no earthquake was caused.

Likewise, Matsushiro in central Japan also experienced a number of

mild quakes. To find out the reason for these quakes, a researcher by the

name yoshida collected Water from the hot water springs found there and

through experimentation discovered that the water was from the molten rock

found underground.*(44)

So, she surmises that,” The water which is underground comes out with

great pressure and this produces cracks on the rocky plates and this

results in earthquakes”.

But, the water and gases which are underground have been surfacing

through the spaces found between the rocky plates for millions of years in

the past

So, the reason for the continuous tremors and the elevation of land

is only due to the slow rising of the rocky plates.

For example Wyoming found in central part of North America has more

than three hundred hot water springs.

Due to the deposit of sulphur from the water, the rocks in that area

appear yellowish in color. So, the area of hot water springs is referred to

as yellow Stone Park.

Each year that place experiences about two thousand mild tremors.

Between January, 2008 and March 2008, 287 tremors have rocked the place.

Moreover it has been found out through satellite research that the land

area of 60 miles is continuously raising.

To be specific, starting from 2004 till 2006, the land area has been

rising at the rate of 2.8 inches every year and has risen to a height of

seven inches in three years.

It is still rising. But research scholars say that, it is only the

effect of the expansion of the molten rock due to heat.

But the surfacing of the water only shows that the molten rock is cooling.

So the release of water and the gases from the molten rock cools the

molten rock. This results in the formation of new plates and the rising in

the land level in the central part of the continents and results in tremors

in those areas only.


There will be an earthquake tomorrow.

One week before an earthquake struck the city of haicheng on 30th

February, 1975, on the north eastern part of China , it was officially

announced that a quake would strike the city.

People abandoned their houses and assembled in an open area in the

snow fall. For one week nobody did any work. As announced there was an

earthquake of 7.3 magnitudes which was recorded on the Richter scale. Two

thousand and thirteen people lost their lives.

It was estimated that if precaution had not been taken, the death

toll would have exceeded one and a half lakhs! The whole world looked at

China with surprise and when asked, they said that for the past one year

slight tremors were occurring and they were gradually getting intensified.

They also explained that, during the previous week there was

tremendous change in the underground water table. But, in the next year,

the earthquake which struck the city of Tang Shan situated in the north

eastern part of China killed two and a half lakhs of people and severely

wounded more than one and a half lakhs of people.

Chinese geologists said that on this occasion there were no preceding

tremors. During the earthquake in haicheng, sulphur gas and in Tang Shan

carbon-di-oxide were eliminated from underground.

Regarding this incident, Carol Raymond is a geophysicist at NASA's,

said “Only if we know how an earthquake is caused, we can warn about it in


How Does an Earthquake occur?

When the rocky plates under the ground rise and their edges rub

with each other, an earthquake is caused. Moreover, the water and the gases

found between them are under great pressure when these plates rise and so

come above the surface of the earth.

Hence, it is understood that the hot gases and water which come out

of the earth and the temperature changes are the most authentic warnings of

an approaching earthquake.

So, by closely and continuously monitoring the temperature changes

through satellite observations and finding out the depth and temperature in

which the molten rock is found in a particular place, the occurrence of an

earthquake can be predicted in advance.

Based on it, if precautions are taken, great loss to human life can

be prevented.


Our earth is a dead star

(14) Birth of a planet

Lakhs of drops of water are found in the dark rain clouds formed in

the sky. Similarly in the huge clouds formed in space, groups of stars

are formed.

Hydrogen and helium gases that found in the space gathered together

to from the space clouds.

Hydrogen gas in the periphery exerts pressure which increases the heat

in the center where hydrogen atoms combine to form helium atoms. Along with

it energy is also released

In the center, due to fusion of helium atoms, Carbon atoms formed.

Similarly Neon, Oxygen, Calcium, Sulphur , Nickel and Iron in the form of

gases. When such gases continuously burn and produce metallic gases, energy

is released and as the amount of gases decreases, the pressure in the

center also decreases and as nuclear fusion gets interrupted, heat also

becomes lesser.

As the hot radiation which was coming from the center is no more

there, the metallic gases fall towards the vacuum in the center and this

makes the gases mix together and form a planet in the form of molten rock.

For example, as the cooking gas in the cylinder is in the form of

liquid, the metallic gases in the center of a burnt up star reach the

liquid state due to excess pressure, mix together and form a planet made of

molten rock.

Water is nothing but a substance formed due to the mixing of oxygen and

hydrogen. Similarly, rock is a substance formed due to the mixing of

oxygen gas and silicon gas. As heat gets reduced, water freezes into ice,

when the heat reduces in a star, metallic gases become a thick liquid and

a planet is formed as a molten rock body.

When a completely burnt up star is in space, a still burning star will

attract it with its gravity and as it nears the star, whatever is left of

its gases also get vaporized and it becomes a body of molten rock which

does not get evaporated. It starts revolving around the star and becomes a

new planet.

Are planets formed only in the center of fully burnt up stars?

A moon sized diamond in the space. Yes. Researchers have found a moon sized diamond at the center of a

fully burnt up star called BPM 37093, * 45.

(*See References)


This fully burnt up star is 50 light years away from the earth. With

the help of earthquake detecting equipment, the research team of Howard

University has discovered this heavenly body made of diamond.

The diameter of the earth is only 2160 miles. But, this diamond

body’s diameter is 2500 miles. Its weight is 5 million trillion pounds.

This diamond crystal is formed with more of carbon and less amount of

oxygen. This diamond body is surrounded by gases.

How was this diamond body formed in the center of a star?

A star’s major part is made up of hydrogen and helium gases.

Hydrogen which is more in quantity exerts pressure and in the center of

the star, the lighter hydrogen atoms join with each other and form

slightly heavier helium atoms due to pressure. During this process, heat

energy is evolved. When the pressure continues to exist, helium atoms

will combine and form neon, carbon, oxygen, silicon, calcium, magnesium,

sodium, sulphur, nickel and iron in the form of gases.

Light travels one lakh eight six miles per one second. Likewise it travels six trillion miles per year. This distance is called one light distance.

When gases burn in this way, energy is released continuously and due

to this, the amount of gases also gets reduced. When gases get reduced in

the peripheral area, the pressure reduces in the center. So, nuclear

fission stops and atoms do not combine with each other. As the heat

production stops, the star starts to cool.

When heat is reduced, water changes to ice, which is a solid. In a

fully burnt up star when heat reduces, the metallic gases mix with each

other and change to the liquid state and become a body of molten rock.

Similarly, many crores of tons of carbon which was produced by the

star, BPM 37093 was compressed by the gases surrounding it and got

converted to a body of crystalline diamond.

How can this body of diamond be considered as a planet?

The story of the discovery of the first extra solar planet Diamond planets in space

An excessive hot star which emits x-ray radiation, known as Pulsar

1257 + 12 having small planets revolving around it has been discovered. *



What is Pulsar star?

When a star like our sun is exploded and scattered around, the

remaining piece which is of the size of a planet forms a Pulsar star. It is

also known as a neutron star. When it rotates many hundreds of times along

with its powerful magnetic field, it is known as a Pulsar star.

A neutron star which rotates very fast is called a Pulsar star.

Though this star is of the size of our earth, its magnetic force is many

lakhs of times more than that of the sun. This star does not emit light

like our sun; instead, it emits x-ray radiation which is many times more

than the heat of the sun.

Its magnetic field combines its radiation and emits it as a bundle. If we

compare an ordinary star to a street lamp, Pulsar star can be compared to

the rotating light of a light house which emits light every second

When Alexander wolszczan distinguished professor of astronomy detected a small

planet revolving around a Pulsar star through his radio telescope, and

announced it, his discovery was not immediately accepted because the very

hot x-ray radiation emitted by the Pulsar star will vaporize even a near by

companion star. So, how can a planet revolve around such a Pulsar star with

out getting vaporized? Hence, nobody paid much attention to wolszczan‘s


Black Widow Pulsar

Pulsar stars emit radiation which is many times stronger than that of

the sun. So, even the stars which are near it will get vaporized. Black

Widow is a well-known Pulsar star.

In a particular species of black colored spiders, the female is

larger than the male. Once copulation is over, the female spider will catch

hold of the male spider and suck all the liquid present in its body and

totally dehydrate it. Similarly this Pulsar star 1957 + 20 is also sucking

all the gases from the companion star and so will lose it companion very

quickly. Hence, this star is also called “Black Widow”.

* 47.

In the same way, a Pulsar star named XTE 929 – 324 is not only

absorbing the atmosphere of its companion star, but also vaporizing it with

its powerful radiation. Hence that companion star has shrunk into a gaseous

planet, which is ten times larger than Jupiter the largest planet in our

Solar system. * 48.


Moreover, another neutron star called IGR JO 291 – 5934 is absorbing

its companion star’s gases. Till now six stars have been identified in such

a state. * 49.

In M 4, a group of stars found 7200 light years away from the earth,

there are one lakh stars close together in which many stars are fully burnt


In the center of this group of stars is seen a fully burnt up star

and a planet which are revolving around a Pulsar star. * 50. So, it is

understood that because the atmosphere of the fully burnt up stars which

have been attracted has been evaporated, the remaining core of heavy

elements that formed at the center of the star which is otherwise called as

the new planet, which was revolving around the star without getting


But wolszczan was very confident about his discovery. It was because,

till now the planets which were revolving around other stars were

discovered by two methods. (1) Due to the gravitational attraction of the

planet, the changes brought about in the behavior of the star helped in

finding the weight and the speed at which the planet revolves around the


Eclipse of a star

When the planet that is revolving around a star comes between the

earth and the star, the light which is coming to the earth is slightly

blocked. This reduction in light is measured with very sophisticated

instruments. Based on this information, the size and the speed with which

the planet is revolving around a star are determined.

But the method adopted by wolszczan to discover Pulsar stars was very

different and accurate.

X – ray report

The Pulsar star discovered by wolszczan, instead of emitting light,

is emitting very hot X – ray radiation. Moreover this Pulsar star rotates

600 times per second and emits radiation. The radiation emitted by the

Pulsar star reaches the earth every second with out fail.

When the planets that are revolving around the Pulsar star come

between the earth and the Pulsar star, the radiation which is coming to the

earth is slightly blocked. Once the planet moves away, again the radiation

reaches the earth. In this way, the difference in the time in which the

Pulsar star’s rays reaching the earth is measured with precision

instruments and recorded. The picture obtained this way is similar to the X


– ray taken of the bones in our body. So, wolszczan was very confident

about his discovery.

He continued his research and found out that there were two more

planets which kept revolving around the Pulsar star.

After that, the International Space Research Center checked the

research conducted by wolszczan with another researcher and at present,

after 15 years wolszczan‘s discovery has been accepted.

Poland in which wolszczan was born has honored him by bringing out a


The question now was, when the Pulsar star is capable of wilting even

stars, how could planets revolve around it without getting wilted? During

the meeting of International Space Research Center, held in the city of

Osborne on 07 – 02 – 2005, Dr. Mark kutchner and Dr, Sara seager have

stated, ”Only diamond has the capacity to withstand immense heat. So, only

diamond planets made up of layers of diamond can withstand the excess

radiation of the Pulsar star and can revolve around it without getting

wilted. Hence, the planets that are revolving around the Pulsar star are

the best examples for diamond planets”. * 51.

Diamonds formed when carbon exposed to excess pressure and

compression. Diamond is formed only at 200 miles depth in earth. The reason

is that only at such a depth there is sufficient pressure to convert carbon

into diamond.

When tremendous pressure is needed for the formation of ordinary

diamond, in order to form a planet sized diamond, crores of tons of raw

material carbon and heat and pressure are needed to convert it into

diamond, All this criteria found only in the center of a burnt up star

which is surrounded by huge amount of gases. This is the reason why a

planet sized diamond has been formed in the center of the burnt up star,

BPM 37093.

In space, the Pulsar star is always solitary. The reason is it wilts

away the nearby stars with its radiation. So, in space it is easy to find

the location of a Pulsar star. Wherever a black patch without any stars is

seen, in the center there will definitely be a Pulsar star.

Hence, only when the atmosphere of the burnt up star which produced

the planet sized diamond body was evaporated, diamond planets are seen

revolving around the Pulsar star.

Though Alexander wolszczan had discovered the planets revolving

around the Pulsar star in 1992, the International Space Research Center has

accepted his discovery only in 2004.


The reason for not accepting wolszczan’s discovery was, the theory

formed by researchers and scientists regarding planet formation. The theory

that dominated the

Scientific world was that planets were formed from the dust disks

swirling around stars while they came in to being.

Based on this theory, near the Pulsar star which is emitting immense

heat radiation, there no gases or dust disks s could exist and so, there is

no possibility of planet formation, So, the International Space Research

Center did not accept his discovery in the beginning.

At this stage, it is worthy to mention that the second extra solar

planet which was discovered in 1993 was also revolving around a Pulsar

star. *52.

One more Pulsar planet

The reason for not accepting wolszczan’s discovery was the theory

that is followed broadly now, that all the planets are formed from the dust

disks swirling around stars.

As the heat radiation from the Pulsar star is immense, there is no

possibility of dust disks existing there and no planets could be formed

there. This is the reason for which wolszczan’s discovery was not even

considered for perusal in 1992.

At this stage, it is worthy to mention that the second extra solar

planet which was discovered by Stephen Thorsett was also revolving around a

Pulsar star

One sky two suns

Amidst the oldest star group, M – 4, nobody expected a planet.

M- 4 is 7200 light years away from our earth and comprises of one

lakh stars arranged closely in the form of a spherical structure and in the

centre, a planet named “Medusa” is revolving around two stars at the same


A neutron star is found amidst a group of stars called

M – 4. A fully burnt up star revolves around it. A neutron star is formed

when a sun like star explodes. At a distance equal to that of Neptune

revolving around the sun, the planet Medusa is revolving around the star.

In a place where so many stars are close together, due to the immense

heat, even the dust layer will very quickly get wilted. Hence, many


researchers believe that this planet could not have been formed by the

collection of the dust surrounding the stars.

So, this planet had been a star and once its gases got wilted got

converted into a planet. The age of this planet has been estimated to be

12.7 billion years. Even our sun’s age is only 4.6 billion years. When

compared to the earth, this planet is three times older. That is, even

before our sun appeared, this planet had formed.

The formation of this planet has raised a lot of arguments. According

to the existing theories, the metallic gases (which is needed to form a

planet) produced by the stars are scattered in space.

When a star explodes the gases formed as space clouds. From which

the second generation of stars is formed, with slightly heavier metallic

gases. When these stars explode from the clouds formed, the third

generation of stars like our sun with lot of heavy elements is formed.

It was believed that during formation of sun , the large amount of

dusty gases produced while revolving around the sun was thought to have

accumulated to form rocky planets like our earth.

But, some researcher’s think that the stars found in the M – 4, group

was very old and at that point of time, there could not have existed heavy

metallic gases to form planets.

It is believed that 15 thousand million years ago there was a big

bang in our universe and clouds of hydrogen gas and stars were formed. Many

years after which the third generation of stars likes our sun appeared and

their age should be 4.6 billion years like our earth.

But, since Medusa’s age has been determined as 12.7 billion years, at

that point of time, there must have been no possibility of the existence of

heavy metallic gases such as carbon and iron to form planets. Moreover, the

stars in the

M – 4, group does not contain heavy metals like our sun has. So, the

argument still continues: how could this planet have formed?

Moreover only inside the stars, lighter gases like hydrogen burn and

produce carbon, oxygen, silicon, magnesium calcium, sodium, Sulphur and

iron in the form of gases.

So, the burning gaseous stars once they have completely burnt up, are

attracted by the gravity of other stars and once the lighter gases of the

burnt up stars are vaporized due to the radiation, the planets which were

formed by the solidification of the metallic gases in the stars’ center

alone without getting wilted, revolve around the new star. This is my

opinion. To support this view, there are many other planet formations.


The Pulsar star which was discovered next tells us two important

things. The first planet which was discovered by wolszczan’s was very close

to the Pulsar star. But, this second planet is revolving around a Pulsar

star which is amidst a group of stars.

Usually at such places where stars are close together, the heat

radiation will be more and the period (10 million years) needed for planets

to form from dusty plates cannot remain stable. So, there is no possibility

of a planet to form there. The presence of metallic substances a star will

only enable the presence of metallic substances in the dust disk from which

a star is formed. This will result in the planets which are formed near the

star to contain those metallic substances.

But, this star which is revolved by the Pulsar planet has only 5

percent more of metallic gases than that are found on the sun. Only if

there are more metallic gases, planets could be formed. So, this proves

that this planet was not formed from the stars’ dust disks.

Moreover in a place where there are numerous stars, the heat is

immense and so it is proved that, only because the lighter gases on the

periphery of a star were evaporated, the heavier metallic gases which could

not be evaporated easily, which were formed in its center, could have

joined together and formed this planet.

To prove this theory, the star which was discovered by the

researchers of Texas University had only 20 percent more of metallic

substances than that were found on the sun and that small star was being

revolved by three large planets.


(15). Diamond Planets

Beta Pectoris’s Unusual Dust Disk

Beta Pectoris, which is 60 light years away from the sun, is 1.8

times larger than our sun. In 1983, the dust disk surrounding the star was


The dust disk surrounding the star Beta Pectoris was not like the

dust disks of other stars as it contained more of accumulated dust.

Researchers were wondering and have been studying the causes for quite a

long time, to find out how the dust disk surrounding stars were not getting

evaporated. The reason is that these dust disks do not last more than

100,000 years. Based on this theory they thought that it could have been

formed again.

But, at present with the help of ultra violet spectroscopic telescope new

information has been obtained in the study. The dust disks of star Beta

Pectoris contain more carbon than the other stars.

Carbon gas is capable of withstanding more heat than hydrogen gas.

Usually for one part of carbon, there will be 100,000 hydrogen atoms. But

the hydrogen gas found near this star is very less. It contains more carbon

than the expected amount. The first question is, from where did such a lot

of carbon arrive. The head of the research team, Dr, Aki Roberge has said

that it is really very difficult to understand why the dust disk of star

Beta Pectoris is different from the others.

Moreover the dust disk of Beta Pectoris is also unusual. The dust

disk extends from the star for about 24 billion miles. There is a

possibility of it extending further also. As it has been 20 million years

since this star was formed, researchers are of the opinion that planets

would have already formed there. But, as dust disks don’t last for more

than 100,000 years and would be evaporated, it is believed that the dust

disk of Beta Pectoris could have been formed again by the collision of some

comets and meteorites.

The researchers think that those comets and meteorites could have had

more carbon than that is found now in the comets and meteorites of our

solar system which was emitted and this could be the reason for the dust

disk of Beta Pectoris to have excess carbon.

Some researchers are of the opinion that even our solar system could

have contained more carbon in the same way and later it could have

disappeared. At present star Beta Pectoris is in the same stage.


Another difference is that, surrounding the star Beta Pectoris there

are two dust disks, the primary and the secondary or the inner and the


The second outer dust disk is four degrees away from the first inner

dust disk. Moreover the first dust disk extends on one side of the star

alone for about 20 percent more than on the other side.

In the center of the primary disk there is a gap and this is

responsible for obstructing the radiation. This is considered to be the

inner circle of the dust disk of the star Beta Pectoris.

Apart from this, the substances found in the first dust disk are

different from the substances found in the second dust disk. The dust disk

which is at a distance of space unit (one space unit is the distance

between the earth and sun) From the star Beta Pectoris has abundant

alluvial soil deposits. To form such deposits, they should have been heated

at a temperature of numerous thousands of Kelvins. But, this type of

temperature should have been at 0.1 distance of space unit from the star

Beta Pectoris. Researcher states that as these soil deposits are found

beyond that, and there should be some other energy which would have mixed

these substances.

As there is more carbon in this dust disk, the atmosphere of the

planets formed from this disk will have methane gas and the crust of the

planet will be made up of carbon and graphite and deep inside, this

graphite would have been converted in to diamond deposits. Dr. Mark

kutchner of Goddard space Research Center says that the mountains found on

this planet will be Diamond Mountains . *53.

Though this sounds very interesting, imagining planets with methane

atmosphere and Diamond Mountains is very funny. First of all, from where

did such a lot of carbons arrive and that it is really very difficult to

explain why the dust disk of star Beta Pectoris is different from the

others says Dr, Aki Roberge.

First of all we have to find out whether the existence of such dust

disk is rare or usual. Then only it is possible to study further says Dr,

Aki Roberge.

Researcher Dr.alan lecavelier is of the opinion that the carbon

monoxide surrounding the stars usually gets destroyed within thousand years

and the reason for the carbon monoxide in the dust disk of the star Beta

Pectoris to remain for a longer period of time is that there should be an

accumulation of it in some place in the dust disk and is also getting

accumulated continuously.

Usually, comets and meteorites do not contain much of



In the centre of wilted star called BBM 37093, it has been found that

a planet sized diamond body has been formed. So, it is believed that the

star Beta Pectoris could have attracted a wilted star like BBM 37093 and is

evaporating it and that is the reason for the dust disk surrounding it to

contain a huge amount carbon.

The unusual extra solar family discovered by the researchers of


-This could change the theories regarding the formation of


Researchers William Cochran and Michael Endl of Texas University

discovered two large planets that are 18 – 20 times larger than earth

revolving the star HD – 155358. This star is hotter than our sun but, it is

of lesser density.

The most important thing is that, this star has only twenty percent

more of metallic substances like calcium, oxygen and carbon than our sun.

These researchers say that if planets are found near stars that contain

lesser amount of metallic substances like this, it could even changed the

theory of the formation of planets. *54.

When the light emitted by this star was observed through High

Resolution Spectrograph, it has been found that there were very less

metallic substances in the star. Till now, all the extra solar planets that

were discovered based on radial velocity technique that is, the movement of

the star forwards and backwards due to the gravitational attraction of the

planet, were all found to be near the stars that had more of metallic


At present there are two important theories regarding the formation

of planets. The first theory is based on the theory that planets are formed

from pebbles. Then it explains that, when giant clouds in space shrink and

rotate, that part of the cloud which was in the center got converted into a

star and the surrounding dust in the dust disk combined first to form small


These stones then collided and united together to form rocks and the

rocks in turn collided with each other and got scattered and then joined

together to first form small planets and those in turn bumped against each

other and formed larger planets like the earth in one million years. Then,

the newly formed planet attracts the gases in the surroundings and within 8

– 10 million years becomes a gaseous planet like Jupiter. According to this

theory, the formation of planets is accidental. So, there should be only

minimum number of planets in space.


But, according to recent estimation, it has been found out that there

are millions and millions of planets. So, scientists are of the opinion

that planets are formed due to fast natural phenomena that take place


The theory that opposes this concept is the gravitational attraction

or the dust disk’s instability. It explains that according to this, when

clouds in space shrink and rotate, the part of the cloud which was in the

center gets converted into a star and the surrounding dust disk flattens

and the equilibrium is affected. It becomes unstable. Due to this, the

gases in that region become gaseous bodies, shrink and become planets.

In this method, it is not necessary that the center of the planet

needs to be a stable core like that of the earth. In this method,

researchers explain with Computer Simulation Models that within 100 – 1000

years, a planet could be formed.

But, in both these methods, the star that is formed from the dust

disk should contain more of metallic substances. This is because, planets

are all bodies formed with metallic substances like, calcium, oxygen

silicon and iron.

But, researcher William Cochran of Texas University says that, when

the star HD 155358 is containing lesser amount of metallic substances and

if two large planets are found revolving near the star like this, it could

even change the theory of the formation of planets.

How did planets form? Researchers’ views

It is broadly believed that the gaseous bodies that got separated from

giant gaseous clouds, form stars like the sun. But, two views exist

regarding the formation of planets.

Planet formation, pebbles to planet, the tortoise method, (slow process.)

When giant gaseous clouds shrink and form stars like the sun, a lot

of turbulent gases and dust form a disk like structure and swirl around the

star. It was thought that such dust particles in due course join together

and form earth like rocky planets.

This theory states that, initially small stones and subsequently

rocks were formed and these rocks later collide with each other and Form

Mountains and the mountains in turn collide with each other to form small

planets and small planets collide with each other to form larger planets

like the earth.


It was believed that once such rocky planets were formed, they

attracted the gases present there and formed gaseous planets like Jupiter.

But, when Computer Simulation Models were done on this belief, the

research showed that for a planet like our earth to form, at least 8 to 10

million years are needed. *55.

The important drawback in this theory is that the dust disks around

the stars do not swirl fast enough to produce planets. Moreover Computer

Simulation Models have shown that it will take a minimum of 10 million

years for a planet like the earth to form by this method. But, by the

result of examining the dust surrounding the near by stars, researcher,

Elizabeth Lada says that, within a short span of three million years, most

of the dusty gases disappear and in five million years, 90 % of the dusty

region also gets vaporized. *56.

Moreover, it is opinioned that planets are formed by the dust is an

accidental event. Based on this theory, it was thought that our solar

system was accidentally formed. But, the present research shows that our

galaxy “milky way” has 400 billion stars in it. It has also come to light

that there are as many planets as the stars. That is, more than half the

stars that we see in the night sky are revolved by planets! As planets are

found in such huge numbers, the theory that planets do not form

accidentally has gained importance. Moreover, researchers now consider that

the formation of planets is due to a simple every day phenomenon that

happens often in space

Eight planets for every one

After conducting a survey of 1000 stars situated at 100 light years away

from the sun, researchers declare that 10 percent of the stars are being

revolved by planets. Based on this finding, researcher, Sawyer has stated

that there could be 30 billion planets in our Milky Way which has 300

billion stars. * 57.

The total population of our earth is only 6 billion (600 crores). So,

if 30 billion is divided by 6 billion, each of us will have 8 planets in

our Milky Way galaxy alone!

The formation of huge planets like Jupiter cannot be explained by the

dust accumulation theory. Instead, it was said that large amounts of gases

collected on the dust disks and suddenly when the equilibrium was upset as

the gaseous body shrunk, larger planets like Jupiter could form within a

span of 1000 years.

According to this theory of instability of the dust disk, Dr. Allan

Boss of Carnegie Research Center tried to show the method by which planets

were formed, using computers.


(16). Ideas About Planet formation,

Rabbit method, (Speed Process)

Allan Boss a planet formation theoretician states that when the

equilibrium of the giant dust disk that swirls around a star upset, due to

unequal in the gravitational pull, a part of it could suddenly get affected

and shrinks by which planets could be formed.

Jack Lissauer, a NASA researcher states that there is no problem in

the shrinking of the dust disk but, there is difficulty of creating

sufficient pressure to create planets.

Both the above methods are unable to give substantial explanation for

the formation of giant sized gaseous planets like Jupiter and Saturn. To

attract and acquire the amount of gases found in Jupiter, it should have a

center core which is 10 times heavier than that of our earth. But according

to the research conducted by the satellite,

Galileo, we have come to know that the inner core of Jupiter is

supposed to be only three times the weight of our earth* 58.

So, the question that rose was, how could Jupiter have attracted such

an enormous quantity of gases. Researchers state that as Jupiter had been

revolving around the sun very fast, it could have gathered a lot of gases.

But, Computer Simulation Models have shown that in the place where Jupiter

is situated, there is no possibility for the presence of gases in such

enormous quantities.

The point worth mentioning here is that, after planet Jupiter, planet

Saturn is also a giant gaseous planet. The explanation given for this by

researchers is that, planet Jupiter must have been formed by a special

method and it would have attracted the gases in that area and aided in the

formation of planet Saturn. But nobody is able to give a clear explanation

for the formation of giant gaseous planets, Uranus and Neptune found beyond


The explanation given is that, our Solar system has been formed by a

special method. But, most of the recently discovered extra solar planets

are all many times larger than the planet, Jupiter. More than 140 extra

solar planets are 10 times larger than Jupiter. * 59.

Moreover, these planets are revolving very closely around their

stars, at a distance equal to that of the distance in which planet Mercury

is revolving around the sun. Research shows that these planets could have

been formed at a distance equal to that of Jupiter from the sun and would

have moved closer to their stars.


Similarly, the giant planets which are many times larger than the

planet, Jupiter have been found to revolve far away from their stars too.

Researchers explain this as follows: these gaseous planets could have been

pushed to the peripheral area by the orbits of the intermediate (dwarf)


The theories which have been formulated till now regarding the

formation of new giant planets larger than planet Jupiter are unable to

give a precise explanation.

Both the theories that planets are formed by accumulation of dust and

the shrinking of the gases of the dust disks fundamentally state that those

planets are formed from the dust disks only.

The old planet which is revolving around the Pulsar star in the M – 4

star group and the star with lesser metallic gases and the planets

revolving around it which were discovered by the researchers of Texas are

contradictory to the theory of planets being formed from the stars’ dust


Similarly it has been found that a ‘comet like planet’ which is

revolving around the star HD 149026 has a solid core which is 70 times the

weight of earth. * 60

Computer’s Models state that there is a possibility of planets 10

times the weight of the earth only could be formed by accumulation of dust.

When it is so, how could a “comet like” planet, 70 times of the weight of

earth have formed?

Hence this planet had been a star whose gases are being evaporated on

account of attraction. Moreover the research conducted through the

satellite Cassini, shows that there is a solid core three times the weight

of earth inside the planet Jupiter. But, to attract the amount of gases

found on Jupiter the minimum amount of solid core needed is ten times the

weight of the earth. So, planet Jupiter is also a wilted star only.

A giant comet like planet

The theory: the sudden shrinking of the gases of the dust disks form

planets was put forth by researcher Allan Boss as an alternative to the

theory, that planets could be formed by accumulation of dust. This theory

is much talked about now.

The planet HD 149026 – B which is revolving around the sun like star

HD 149026, completes its revolution around its star once in 2.87 days. As

this planet which as large as planet Saturn revolves around its star very

fast, it has a tail from which gases are seen escaping similar to the tail

that forms for a comet.


Hence, this planet appears like a giant comet. So, it has been found

that its head area has a solid core which is 70 times the weight of our


So, scientists feel that this is the best proof to support the theory

that planets are formed by accumulation of dust.

They think that there is no possibility for the formation of such

huge sized solid core by the sudden shrinking of the gases of the dust


Researcher Greg Hendry who discovered this planet says that this

planet is the best proof to support the theory that planets are formed by

accumulation of dust.

Allan Boss who stated the theory, that planets could be formed by

accumulation of dust, says “Don’t be in haste. I have not come across any

thing in this planet that proves that planets could be formed by

accumulation of dust. Those who say that planets are formed by accumulation

of dust would themselves be scratching their heads as to how such a heavy

solid body was formed”.

He also said “150 planets have been discovered. Coming to the

conclusion that this is the proof to support the theory that planets are

formed by accumulation of dust is immature. I suspect that this planet

would have formed by combining both the methods, by accumulation of dust

and by the sudden shrinking of the gases”.

Usually rocky planets are said to be formed by accumulation of dust

and gaseous planets by the sudden shrinking of the gases.

Some researchers think that as our solar system consists of rocky

planets and gaseous planets, our solar system would have been formed by the

combination of both the methods.

Astronomer Geoffrey Marcy who discovered more than hundred and fifty

extra solar planets says that instead of explaining both these methods

separately to explain the formation of planets, there should be one theory

which explains the formation of both the types of planets.

In my view the comet like planet is the best proof to support my

theory that planets are formed from wilted stars.

When the gases in the outer part of stars are evaporated, the core

becomes rocky planets and those that are not completely evaporated easily,

form gaseous planets and sub planets which are of the size of intermediate



Migration of Jupiter

Moreover, research shows that in the place where planet Jupiter is

located now, there is no possibility for the formation of the inert gases

xenon, argon and krypton which are in abundance on Jupiter. So, researcher

Sushil Arthreya of Michigan University has stated that, the only reason for

xenon to be in abundance on planet Jupiter is that it could have been

formed very far away that is, at a distance which is 50 times more than

that of earth from the sun and had moved to the location where it is

situated now. * 61.

So, the planets which are revolving around the sun have not been

formed due to accumulation of dust from dust disks.

Hot Jupiters Jupiter like planets which revolve close to their stars and remain as

wilting comet stars, planets which revolve far away from their stars have

more mass than planet Jupiter and remain as intermediate stars.

Moreover, even around the stars that have been formed only a few

million years ago, planets of the size of Jupiter and stars are revolving.

This proves that stars have been attracted and due to radiation after their

gases have been evaporated, they become smaller in size and formed planets.

Researcher comments about planet formation

• According to the gravitational instability model, gasses in the giant

clouds’ suddenly gets dislodged and planets are formed, a planet with the

weight of 70 times more than the earth could not have been formed.

-Researcher Greg Hendry, Science Daily, Date – 01 – 07 –05

• HD 149026 is the best proof to support the theory that planets are

formed by accumulation of dust.

-Debora Fisher, Researcher, California University

* No theory stated that such a planet could be formed.

-BUNI SATTO Doctorate researcher, Okayama University, Japan Space Daily – Internet, Date: 01 – 07 – 05

• There is no problem in the gravitational equilibrium of dust disks

being affected. But, the required amount of instability is difficult to

obtain. The most unstable dust disk would form planets; but, for that the

dust disk should be enormous and also cool down very quickly.

• Whether it is correct that there would be instability in dust disks is

not known.


-Jack Sawyer, a NASA researcher,

Date – 07 – 03 - 2005

Allan Boss and Jack Sawyer are considering of combining the methods,

the gravitational equilibrium of dust disks being affected and accumulation

of dust to form planets. They think that this method will solve many


How could car-sized rocks stick to each other? But, they do not

think that this would form planets quickly. Especially they did not offer

an explanation to the problem how the small central core of the planets

Jupiter and Saturn formed very quickly with enormous gases.

-Jack Sawyer, / online

Date – 07 – 05 – 2006

In our galaxy there are 200 billion stars. There may be billion or

trillion planets – Geoffrey Marcy, professor of astronomy, university of,

California, Berkeley.

comet like planet larger than earth

A giant comet like planet is revolving around the star HD 209458,

which is 150 light years away from the earth. * 62.

This gaseous planet which is 220 times larger than our earth is

revolving around its star at a distance of 4 million kilometers once in 3.5

days. Earth which is 150 kilometers away from the sun is able to revolve

around the sun once in 365 days. The comet like planet is revolving around

its star 50 times lesser than this time.

For a comparison, Jupiter is 220 million kilometers away from the sun

and is able to revolve around it once in 12 years.

As this comet like planet called ‘Osiris’ is revolving around its star

very closely, its atmospheric temperature is at 1395 Kelvin (earth – 250

Kelvin). This intense heat has caused its atmosphere to expand and form a

two lakh kilometer tail from which 10 thousand ton of hydrogen gas is

scattered in space per second. Along with it, a heavier metallic gas,

sodium is also being emitted.

It has been calculated that this comet like planet will soon reduced

into a planet of molten rock with 10 times the weight of the earth. Recent

researches show that the reason for the comet like planet Osiris to be so

large is not because it is revolving around its star very closely but, due

to the excess heat in its center. In the core of a star only due to nuclear


fission heat is generated. Hence, it is proved by Osiris that stars become

comet like planets which subsequently become planets.

Researchers’ view about comet like planet.

• This planet when viewed through infra red rays appears more like a

comet than a planet.

This planet is surrounded by a very large atmosphere comprising of

hydrogen gas. This atmosphere, due to the radiation of its star, has been

pushed backwards to form a very long tail. Its length is 124,000 miles (two

lakh kilometers). The earth could be revolved around five times using such

a lengthy tail.

- Dr.gilda ballester.dicoverer of this planet

Similarly 18 comets like planets have been discovered.

Such planets are revolving around two percent of the total stars.

-Debora Fisher

HD 209458 cannot be considered as an exception.

• This discovery only shows that there is something lacking in our theory

regarding the formation of planets.

-Robert Noyes Howard Smithsonian, Research Center

Science Daily – online, Date: 14 – 09 – 06

• This giant planet has destroyed our expectation regarding large planets.

• The huge size of these planets indicates that, they have been formed by

a different method.

-Paul Butler, Carnegie Institute, Washington

Space Flight now, online, Date: 01 – 10 – 01

• We never expected nature to produce such giant planets.

- Geoffrey Marcy

• How did this planet form very close to its star and near another

planet? -

-Steve Wogt, Researcher,

California University

• This planet proves that the planets which are very close to stars

have not been formed near them but, were formed very far away and

have moved closer to the stars.

-Greg Hendry, Astronomical Researcher, Tennessee

University -BBC online.


(17). Giant Extra Solar Planets

Hot Jupiters found in very hot surroundings near a star

There is an unusual planetary formation to prove that stars that are

wilted by the heat radiation of large stars are only becoming planets.

Two suns in the sky

The twin stars, called as Gamma cebi, are 45 light years, sway from

the earth. One of its stars which are like our sun is being revolved by a

gaseous planetary body which is 1.76 times larger than planet, Jupiter. *


This central star in turn is being revolved by another star at a

distance equal to that of the distance in which planet Uranus is revolving

around the sun.

Therefore the planet is in immense heat in the midst of two stars

which are close together. Due to the surrounding extreme temperature, the

dust disk of a star will evaporated very quickly. But, a planet is present

in such surroundings. So this proves that, those dead stars which were

captured by a nearby star and which gases evaporated finally become planets

and are revolving.

Similarly there is another planet in a formation of three stars.

Three suns in the sky

The star, HD 188753 which is 149 light years away from the earth is

being revolved by a gaseous planet which is of the size of planet Jupiter

very close quarters once in three and a half days. This planet is revolving

its star at twenty times lesser the distance at which earth is revolving

around the sun. This star is also being revolved by the other two stars

once in 156days. These twin stars are able to revolve around their central

star at a distance at which Saturn and Uranus are revolving around the sun

once in 25.7 years * 64

Researchers call this arrangement as “Space circus”. Moreover these

three stars are of different colors. The central star is in yellow color

and the other stars which are revolving around it in a distance are orange

and red in color.

So those who watch these stars from the moon of the gaseous planet,

it will appear as an unusual phenomena comprising of three suns in the sky.

As the three suns are three different colors, yellow, orange and red, the

sky appears very colorful. Daily, thrice there is sun rise and thrice there

is sun set. So, the heat will also be threefold more.


In a surrounding, amidst the heat radiation caused by these three

stars, there is no possibility for any dust disk to exist. Moreover, as the

central star is being revolved by a gaseous planet and a little away by

planet sized stars in this phenomenal planetary formation clearly shows

that, stars only become planets.

The unusual phenomena in this planetary formation is that the

distance between the central star and the twin stars which are revolving

around it equal to the distance between Saturn and the sun.

Though there is many more such star formations, researchers are

surprised by the existence of a planet in a formation of three stars


This planet has raised a doubt regarding the formation of giant sized

gaseous planets like Jupiter, which revolve around stars very closely. It

was believed that, the formation of giant sized gaseous planets like

Jupiter near a star was impossible and so, they should have been formed far

away and should have moved closer to its star and would have started

revolving around it.

But, in the case of this planetary position, there two more stars

revolving at a distance and this shows that, there is no possibility of a

gaseous planet of this type to be formed there. So, researchers think that,

this planet is a ‘captured’ planet. It was announced that this planet was

discovered in July, 2005.

-Planet Quest, - NASA online.

Researchers’ view of Planet, HD 188753….

• It is really puzzling to find a gaseous planet in a formation which

has three stars. The reason is that, the gravitational attraction of

the two stars will prevent the formation of a planet near the central


• Moreover the existing theory about the formation of planets states

that, in such formations, there is no possibility of a planet to

form. Being so a Jupiter sized planet found in an extreme situation.

At present similar to this, 20 giant gaseous planets have been

discovered It is believed that, such planets can form very close to their

stars, that is, three times the distance of 93 million miles at which the

earth revolves around the sun.


As the temperature is lesser there, ice and dust join together and

form earth like planets which attract the gases present in those areas and

form planets like Jupiter

-Maciej Konacki Doctorate researcher, California Institute of

Technology, Planetary Arc, online, Date: 14 – 07 – 2005.

To experiment and see whatever we have understood about the formation

of giant gaseous planets, this is another unusual phenomenon.

The two stars which are revolving around the central star are on an

elliptical orbit. These two stars come closer to the central star which is

equal to six times more that the distance at which the earth revolves

around the sun and then move away. So, near the central star that is, till

the distance at which the earth is revolving around the sun, there is no

possibility of stable dusty disks to be found.

Moreover, there is no possibility of having sufficient dust to collect

together and form planets or due to instability of gravity of the dusty

disks to shrink and form planets. It is because there is immense heat


-Allan Boss, Researcher of formation of planets and

Chairman, International Space Research Center

In my view Captured dead star finally become planets

In a surrounding, amidst the heat radiation caused by many stars,

there is more possibility for one star to be wilted by another star. So,

there is the possibility of a burnt up star whose gases have been

evaporated to become a planet.

Four Parents for a Planet?

The Unusual Star Family that was visible through Spitzer telescope

How many stars are required to form a planet? For our solar system

only one star is needed. But, Dr.Elis furlan of NASA Research Center has

discovered in a star group consisting of four stars that only two of them

are surrounded by a dust disk. *65

This ten million years old star family is called HD 98800. This is at

a distance of 150 light years away from the earth. Before observing through

Spitzer telescope, these stars were not very clear. But, for quite some

time, researchers were aware of these four stars in the formation.


At present, these stars have been very clearly seen through Spitzer

telescope. These four stars have paired up and appear like two twin stars.

Among these, surrounding the first pair called 98800B there is a dust disk.

50 astronomical unit (one astronomical unit is the distance between

the earth and the sun) away from the first pair of stars, that is a little

more than the distance from the sun to the last planet Pluto, the second

pair of stars are found. This second pair does not have a dust disk.

The dust disk which is surrounding the first pair is not continuous

and is spread out unevenly. Due to the gravitational attraction of four

stars it is not continuous.

Usually when there is a gap in the dust disk, researchers say that it

was carved by a planet. Those who do ice skating collect the particles of

snow and form big snow balls. Similarly as planets are formed by the

collection of dust from the dust disks, they are called as space wipers and

also as vacuum cleaners.

But, as there are only four stars here, Dr.furlan Says that the

presence of planets is only a guess work. As there is a gap in the dust

disk surrounding the first pair of stars, it appears like a ring. This gap

in distance is 5.9 astronomical units away from the first pair of stars.

That is, the distance equal to that of planet Jupiter from the sun. From

the same pair of stars, the second dust disk is 1.5 to 2 astronomical units

away. That is, the distance equal to that of planet Mars from the sun.

The most important thing that is proved by this gap in the dust disks

is that, there Is no possibility of planets being formed from dust disks

when there are two or three stars.

Hot gaseous bodies near stars

Planet 51 Pegasi which has rocky clouds

It was found in 1995 that a planet is revolving around a sun like

star. This planet shocked the entire scientific world. But this planet was

revolving very closely around its star at a very great speed like a comet.

The star 51 Pegasi which is fifty light years away from earth is

being revolved at seven million miles away by a gaseous planet which is

slightly larger than planet Jupiter once in 4.23days. As the temperature of

this planet is one thousand degrees centigrade, rocks are found floating

above the planet in the form of clouds. * 66


Researcher’s views regarding 51 Pegasi • These planets will make the theories regarding the formation of

planets, shaky.

– Robert Noyes – Howard Smithsonian Research Center.

The tail that wags the dog

Similarly, the star ‘Tau bootis’ which is 51 light years away from

the earth is being revolved by a huge gaseous body which is 4.41 times

heavier than planet Jupiter at immense speed like a giant comet, once in

three days.

As the temperature of this planet is 1900 degrees centigrade, rocks

have vaporized and are found as clouds in the atmosphere. As this planet is

very huge, very close to its star and controls the movement of the star,

researchers refer to it playfully as “The tail that wags the dog”. *67 A planet that rains down iron

The planet, O.G.L.E.D.R.,56-B revolves around its star at a distance

of five million kilo meters in 29 hours. One year of this planet is

equivalent to 29 hours.

As the temperature of this planet is 3100 degrees Fahrenheit (2000

Kelvin), it rains down iron in the form of vapors. At present, it has been

found out by research that, at the outer part of some stars also iron has

sublimed and is raining down. * 68

Sweep 10,

A sun like star is being revolved by a huge gaseous planet which is

1.6 times heavier than planet Jupiter, at a mere distance of 1.2 million

kilo meters in ten hours. * 69.therfore ten hours is considered to be one

year for this planet.

This planet revolving around its star at immense speed, at a distance

130 times lesser than the distance at which the earth (150 million kilo

meters) is revolving around the sun. The temperature of this planet is 1650


A giant planet? Or is it an intermediate star?

This star which is called HD 168443 is being revolved on an orbit

which is very small, by a giant gaseous planet which is 7.7 larger than

planet Jupiter. * 70.


Earth is able to revolve around the sun at a distance of 150 million

kilo meters once in 365 days. The planet closest to the sun is planet

Mercury. Planet Mercury revolves around the sun at a distance of 60 million

kilo meters once in 88 days.

But, an intermediate planet (smaller than star and bigger than a

planets called as intermediate planet)called, 168443 - B which is seven

times larger than planet Jupiter is revolving around its star at a distance

of 44 million kilo meters once in 58.1 days.

When there is no possibility of planet Jupiter, which is 317 times

larger than earth, to be formed by the method of accumulation of dust, near

a star, how could a planet which is 7.7 times larger than Jupiter is formed

at a closer distance where its star’s heat radiation is the maximum?

As if to provide an answer to this question, the very same star is

being revolved around by a super giant gaseous body which is ‘seventeen’

times larger than planet Jupiter at a distance of 430 million kilo meters

once in 4.8 years.

If a gaseous body is 13 times larger than planet Jupiter itself, the

hydrogen atoms like Deuterium join together and form nuclear fusion which

converts the gaseous body into a star. * 71.

As these giant gaseous bodies are larger than the planets and smaller

than the stars, these gaseous bodies are called “intermediate stars” or

“Brown Dwarfs”.

As HD168443 is revolved very closely by a giant gaseous planet and

the very same star is also revolved by a super giant gaseous body at a

distance where planets will revolve, it proves that only stars after their

gases get wilted become planets.

It also proves that the planets have not been formed from dust disks.

Researchers’ views regarding Planet HD 168443

*.The second planet which is 430 million miles away from this star is

17.1 times larger than Planet Jupiter. As it is very huge, instead of

calling it as a planet, it could be referred to as a dwarf star.

*. This planet is very huge that it could not be called a planet.

But, it cannot be called as a star either, because it is smaller than a

star. This planet is not according to our expectation. Is it a dwarf planet

or a new mixed formation?


-Geoffrey Marcy, (has discovered more than 150 extra solar planets) BBC

News online, Date: - 11 – 01 – 01.

*. We have not seen anything like this before.

-Paul Butler, Researcher of Astronomy, Carnegie Institute, Washington,

BBC News online, Date: - 11 – 01 – 01

Giant Extra solar Planet family

A star which is 1.3 times larger than the sun and is situated 44

light years away from the sun is being revolved by three giant-sized


The first planet called as “B” is similar to planet Jupiter. It

traverses a circular orbit every 4.64 days. The temperature on this planet

is 1400 degrees Kelvin. So, this planet is called as Hot Jupiter.

The middle planet called “C” contains at least twice the mass of

Jupiter. Its temperature is 380 Kelvin. The outermost planet called “D” has

a mass of at least 3.75 Jupiter’s. This planet is 380 million kilo meters

away from the star upsilon Andromeda. Its temperature is 217 Kelvin. These

planets are called “family of giant”. * 72

Researcher Greg Laughlin tested the possibility of the formation of

such planets using Computer Simulation Method. He says there is a

possibility of planets forming at a distance equal to four times more than

that of earth from the sun. because the temperature there will be less due

to which ice particles would be formed. This would join with the dust

particles and could start the formation of planets. But, the three giant

gaseous planets which are revolving around Upsilon Andromeda are at a

lesser distance from the place where ice starts forming.

– Science at NASA online Date – 15 – 04 – 1999

Researchers’ views regarding Planets of Upsilon Andromeda

• We do not have any explanation for the emergence of these planets in

such a formation. I am really surprised as to how these planets have been


- Geoffrey Marcy


A star with its weight lesser than the sun has three giant sized planets –

Three Neptune sized planets which are 10 to 18 times heavier than the

earth, are found revolving around a star which is of lesser weight than the

sun. This star which is 41 light years away from the earth is called HD –

69830. The three planets are revolving around the star once in 8.67 days,

31.6 days and 197 days respectively. * 73

Among these planets, as the one which is on the outer orbit, is at a

safe distance away from the star, and is conducive for life to survive on

it. This planet has raised the expectations of researchers. Similar to a

belt of asteroids formed by space rocks after Mars in our solar system, in

this planetary formation also the star is being revolved by space rocks.

But, this belt of space rocks is 25 times denser than that of our solar

system. Researcher Michael Mayor says that this planetary formation would

enable them to clear all the doubts which they had regarding the formations

of different planetary groups during the past 11 years.


(18). Intermediate Stars Giant Planets

According to the theory of dust disks, the revolution of planets

around the Brown Dwarfs or Intermediate stars is impossible. It is because

even near large stars like the sun, there is no possibility of huge gaseous

planets like Jupiter to be formed from dust disks as the availability of

dust and gases in that area is insufficient as per the Computer Simulation


Moreover it has come to light that the dust disks also do not spin

fast enough to form Jupiter like planets. When this is the situation, how

is it possible for giant sized planets much larger than Jupiter to be

formed near intermediate stars called brown dwarfs which are much lesser in

size, weight and age than the sun?

But, in space many intermediate stars are being revolved by super

giant gaseous planets. For example, an intermediate star 2M 1207 which is

200 light years from earth is only 25 times bigger than planet Jupiter.

(This is 42 times less massive than that of the sun).

This lighter, small intermediate star has a companion planet which is

five times more than the weight of planet Jupiter. * 74

Moreover this giant companion planet is revolving around the

intermediate star at a very far away distance of 55 times more than the

distance at which earth is revolving around the sun.

This giant companion planet’s temperature is 1000 degrees centigrade,

10 times more than that of Planet Jupiter.

Researcher Gael chavin who discovered this giant gaseous planet says,

“Contrary to being formed like the planets of our solar system, this planet

should have been formed by the shrinking of gaseous clouds due to gravity

force ”.

The Euro American research team which discovered this planetary

formation has also discovered a star named, GQ Lupi which is revolved by a

giant gaseous planet.

In space where stars are formed, many intermediate stars are seen

wandering freely. But, it has also been found that some stars are being

revolved by intermediate stars just like planets.


Intermediate stars revolving around a Star

A Planet is like Intermediate stars!

An intermediate star named, GQ Lupi which is 400 light years away

from the earth and is being revolved by a giant gaseous planet called GQ


GQ Lupi is about 70 percent of the sun’s weight. This star which is

similar to that of the sun is found in a place where stars are formed in

space. But, it is 4600 million years since our sun was formed. GQ Lupi has

been formed only one million years ago. Still it is continuing to be as a

gaseous body by contracting and expanding. * 75

(Dust and gases do not combine together. So, keeping our solar system

as a model and the formulated theory, Computer Simulation Models have shown

that the formation of a rocky planet takes one million years to form from

dust disks. It has been calculated that later the rocky planet starts

attracting the surrounding gases and becomes a gaseous planet like Jupiter

in ten million years).

Moreover, GQ Lupi has been formed only one million years ago. The

extra solar giant gaseous planet revolving around it is stated to be 1 to

42 times more the weight of planet Jupiter. This planet is revolving around

the star G Q Lupi, at a distance similar to 20 times more than the distance

at which planet Jupiter is revolving around the sun.

The temperature of this planet is 3140 degree Fahrenheit (2000

Kelvin). (Research shows that there is a possibility of this planet to be 1

to 2 times more the weight of planet Jupiter). This planet is revolving

around the star Lupi, at a distance similar to three times more than the

distance at which planet Neptune is revolving around the sun once in 1200


(There is one percent possibility of the gaseous planet being star G Q

Lupi’s back ground substance).

Wilted stars become planets.

The revolution of heavy, very hot, giant sized gaseous planets at a

far away distance around stars which are very young proves that these

planet has not been formed from dust disks but has been formed from an star

which has lost all its gases .


A.B. Pectoris- star system

The very same research group discovered another star and an

intermediate star which was revolving around it and reported.

The star A. B. Pectoris which is 150 light years away from the earth

is being revolved by a gaseous planet which is 13 to14 times heavier than

planet Jupiter at a distance 9 times more than the distance at which planet

Neptune is revolving around the sun, has been discovered and reported by

researchers. * 76

Benjamin Zuckerman who studied about this planet says that till date,

no object has been found so far away from a star.

There is a controversy in deciding whether this companion body is a

star or is a planet because this gaseous body’s weight is exactly in

between that of a planet and an intermediate star.

Definition for planets and stars

According to the present calculation, it has been decided that if a

gaseous body is less than 13.6 the weight of planet Jupiter, it should be

considered as a planet and if it is more than 13.6 the weight of planet

Jupiter, it should be considered as an intermediate star.

But, as this gaseous body is 13 times more the weight of Jupiter, it

is considered as an intermediate star of lesser weight.

But, as this gaseous body is very far away from its star and its

temperature is 1,700 Kelvin, researchers feel that it could prove be a very

important evidence to find out about the formation of the planet.

HD 3651-Unusual Family of Planets

Star – Planet and Intermediate star

In the zodiac sign, Pisces, a star called HD 3651 is situated 36

light years away from the earth.

Based on the changes that took place in the behavior of the star, it

is already known that it is revolved by a gaseous planet which is equal to

the size of planet Saturn, as the orbit of this planet is very elongated,

it is believed that there could be a giant gaseous body in this formation.

In 2001, Markus Mugrauer, and his team conducted a research to find


out whether the stars with planets were single or married (twin stars).

Mugrauer observed the images of the positions of the stars which took

after few months gap. At this time gap they found that along with star H D

3651, a dim dot near it had also moved.

Based on this, it was understood that the dim star had some

connection with H D 3651.

It has been proved that the very same star is revolved by a second

giant gaseous body.

The recently discovered H D 3651 – B, which is a Brown dwarf, is

revolved by a second brown dwarf which is 1500 times away from the first

planet. That is, at a distance 16 times more than the distance in which

planet Neptune is revolving around the sun. *77

This Brown dwarf or intermediate mass star which is 20 to 60 times

heavier than planet Jupiter has a temperature of 500 - 600 degree Celsius.

This is an important formation which proves that, planets and

intermediate stars can form at a close distance of a star says Mugrauer.

Extra solar Planet Near the Star 15 Sagittarius System

An intermediate star revolving around a sun like star

The sun like star which is one of the stars in the constellation

Sagittarius which is otherwise called as the ‘hunter’ is 15- Sagi.

This star is being revolved by a super giant planet which is 55 –

78times heavier than planet Jupiter. *78

This intermediate star is revolving around its star at a distance of

fourteen astronomical unit. One astronomical unit is the distance at which

the earth is situated from the sun. That is equal to 149 million kilo

meters or 93 million miles.

The temperature of this intermediate star is 1500 – 1600 Kelvin. As

this companion body is excessively massive, researcher Michael Liu of

Hawaii University who discovered this planet says that there is no

possibility of this planet having been formed by the method in which we

believe that the planets of our solar system have formed.

“At present we find that at places where large planets are formed,

intermediate stars are also found. We are very eager to know how far this

pairing of different stars takes place in space. Moreover, we also wish to

know the different methods in which planets are formed near stars like the

sun and what those formations tell us” says Michael Liu.


Extra solar Planet Near the Star Chrx 73

As planet Pluto was considered to be very small by voting, The Inter

National Space Research Center declared it as a dwarf planet. After this

incident, within two weeks’ time there was a discovery of a planet which

raised the question: what is a planet?

Researcher Kevin Luhman of Pennsylvania University discovered and

announced about the gaseous Chrx 73 which is 500 light years away from the

earth and is 12 times heavier than planet Jupiter. *79

Chrx 73 is a very small star. It is only three times heavier than our sun.

It is 4600 million years since our sun was formed. But the age of chrx

73 is only two million years.

The gaseous dust disk surrounding a star of lesser weight will have

an area of 5 – 10 billion miles only. The theory which states that planets

are formed from dust disks says that within 3 billion miles from a star

like chrx 73 there is a possibility of the formation of a gaseous planet.

But, planet chrx 73 – B which is revolving around star chrx 73 is

revolving it at a distance of 19.5 billion miles away.

That is, planet chrx – 73 – B is revolving around its star 200 times

more than that of the distance at which earth is from the sun.

The mass of this planet is 12 times more than the weight of planet

Jupiter. Only when a gaseous body is 13 times heavier than planet Jupiter,

it could be considered as an intermediate star. So, most of the researchers

consider chrx – 73 – B only as a planet.

But, researcher Kevin Luhman who discovered it humorously says “I

vote to say that chrx – 73 – B is an intermediate star”. Moreover, Kevin

Luhman also says that in order to decide whether a body is a star or a

planet, the way it was formed should be taken in to consideration rather

than its weight.

Kevin Luhman also states that as this planet is 200 astronomical

units away from its star, there is no possibility of it having been formed

from dust disks instead of being formed by shrinking of the scattered

gaseous bodies like how intermediate stars or dwarfs are formed.

A Brown Dwarf very close to a Star

The researchers of Arizona University have discovered a Brown Dwarf at

a distance of three astronomical units away from the star, LHS – 2397,

which is 46 light years away from the earth. This is the first time an

intermediate star has been discovered very close to a star. * 80


Previous to this, 14 astronomical units away (that is, at a distance

at which planets Saturn and Uranus are situated from the sun) from the star

Sagittarius 15, the presence of a brown dwarf was discovered. Based on

these findings, researcher Michael liu has stated that the formation of

Sagittarius 15 has made the existing theories of the formation of planets

and stars questionable.

The intermediate star which has been discovered recently is very

close to its star, equal to less than the distance at which planet Jupiter

is from the sun.

Dr. Laird Close who had conducted research on the stars which were

found at such close quarters has said that their research shows that

including the stars, large planets and bodies with less weight seem to have

been formed by different other methods than we think.

CoKu Tau –4, a Baby Star

Usually the life of a star is 10 billion years. Our sun is a medium age star which is 5 billion years old. It is only one million years since

CoKu Tau 4 which is referred to as the baby star was formed. Researcher

Don Watson of Roster University has discovered that there are gaps in the

dust disk surrounding the star CoKu Tau 4 by observing through the

telescope of satellite Spitzer of NASA. * 81

Watson says that as there is a gap in the dust disk where a planet

could have formed, only confirms that a planet was formed there. Moreover

he also says that this planet would have formed in 100,000 years itself. If

not, the dust in the dust disk will fall into the star itself due to the

gravitational pull and so this planet is an example for the quick formation

of planets. The star coku tau 4 is surrounded by a dusty disk, which is

typical of very young, Watson says.

But, for planets to form quickly, the dust disk should be dense and

also contain enormous amount of dust. But, there is only less quantity of

dust in the dust disk surrounding the star CoKu Tau 4 and the density of

the dust disk is also lesser.

Hence the star CoKu Tau 4 does not match with any of the theories

related to the formation of planets. Watson further states that this new

information forces them to change the original ideas which they had before.

We have understood quickly that the gaps in the dust disk surrounding

the star CoKu Tau 4 is only the beginning of the story; because it has

been found out that there are gaps in the dust disk surrounding other stars

also that are similar to the star CoKu Tau 4.


It is really amazing to find an answer to the question whether

planets are formed slowly or quickly because the research conducted through

Spitzer telescope shows that planets are formed quickly. The dust disks

examined through Spitzer telescope are mostly 100 million years old. That

is, they are 100 times more than the age of the dust disk of CoKu Tau 4.

For example, star Vega which is very bright on the northern side of

the night sky during summer season is 100 million years old. But, it still

has a dust disk!

This dust disk which is visible has rocks some of which are of the

size of small planets. These bodies cannot be very old because they would

have fallen again into the star itself.

Researcher George Ricky states that including Vega, many other stars

have again created dust. There is only one way in which the dust disk

visible to us now could have been created. Rocks would have collided with

each other and formed this dust disk. It could have been formed due to the

collision of space rocks and comets.

These are the effects of the theory that planets could be formed by

the thickening of the core. But, nobody expected such phenomena near an old

star like Vega. We think that the formation of planets is a long time

phenomenon, states George Rieke.

Rieke states that if we had viewed our solar system 5 billion years

ago, even it would have looked like star Vega.

The theories which we had with great difficulty formed earlier and

what we observe through Spitzer are entirely different.

We were under the impression that the dust disk surrounding a star of one

million years of age would be larger and brighter and the disk around 10

million to 100 million years old stars would be dimmer. On the contrary,

there are no dust disks at all near some stars. Recently it has been found

out those very old stars which have been detected to have planets around

them, seem to have dust disks 100 times more than those present in our

solar system.

A medium aged star, HD – 69830 has an asteroid belt which contains 25

times denser rocks than those found in the solar system. That is, it

appears like the remains of an unformed planet. Spitzer telescope has shown

that there is a lot more to be discovered than what the researchers are

aware of. Spitzer telescope has shown how much researchers do not know

about the newly forming planets.


The Unique Planet which is confusing Researchers

– ( 30 – 05 – 07)

Researchers have discovered a giant gaseous body which has 13 times

more mass than planet Jupiter, revolving around its star once in less than

four days at a tremendous speed. *82

This new exoplanet is referred to as XO – 3B. the project director

peter Mocullough,an astronomer at the space telescope science institute in

Baltimore says that, of the 200 – plus exoplanets found so far, XO – 3B is

an oddity in several respects due to different reasons.

First of all, this heavy massed planet is revolving around its star

very closely on its orbit. Secondly, as this planet is revolving its star

very closely, researchers expected it to revolve around its star in a

circular path. But this planet is revolving around its star in an

elliptical orbit. Moreover, every time it revolves around its star, it

passes between its star and the earth. Similar to this, already more than

12 planets have been discovered.


(19) Planet formation Theory Challenged

New evidence challenging the Current theory of

The international research team has discovered evidence challenging

the traditional belief which states that planets are formed from the dust

disks which is surrounding stars.

The research team comprising of Peter tutthill of Sydney University

and research student, Michael Ireland has discovered a dying star Mira – A,

from which its companion star Mira – B that is nearby is siphoning out soil

like particles. These particles form the foundation for the formation of

new planets. * 83

All this information was stated during the Astronomical convention at

America in the year 2007. Only younger stars have dust disks from which

planets are formed. AU Mac formation poses a challenge to the belief that

dust disk will not be near dying stars.

Traditional researchers combined the death of stars with the death of

planets. Peter tutthil says that just the opposite is happening here.

For the past 400 years and more Mira – A, which is a giant sized, red

colored star has been under scrutiny. Peter Dudhill says that, opposing the

whirlpool effect surrounding this red colored star, the dim dust that is

visible has proved the truth that there is possibility for new planets to

form here.

On account of the difference in its light, it can also be seen with

naked eye. Once upon a time this star was like our sun. But, at present

this star is eliminating dust equal to the weight of our earth once in 7

years. From this, its companion star Mira – B that is near by and is half

the size of the sun is siphoning out one percent of soil like particles as

calculated by researchers.

Due to the whirlpool effect surrounding this star, it was thought

that all these phenomena would not be visible. At present these details

have come to light through the superior technical telescopes at Chili and

Hawaii . The radiation emitted by Mira – A is 5000 times more than that of

the sun and as the rim of the dust disk is heated due to the infra red rays

equal to the temperature of the earth, they shine. After observing through

infra red rays telescope, Peter tuthill from the University of Michigan has

described star Mira – A as looking like a torch light focused on the face.

When the lenses of the space telescope were interchanged and Mira –

A was observed, the star’s dust disk contained denser material. It has been


found that this was not formed due to the combining of Mira – A’s gases.

Michael Ireland states that this research has paved the way to the

discovery of planets in the dual star formations also near the wilted

stars. As there are numerous such star formations, it shows that we can

also see planets near younger stars like our sun.

New theories on the formation of the Solar System

It has been discovered that in the meteorites found on the earth and

in the rocks found in the ocean bed of the Pacific Ocean contain a metal

called ‘iron – 60’.

This metal cannot be formed in normal temperature. When huge stars

explode and get scattered, it is formed in their center. So, researchers

have come to the conclusion that our sun was formed in the center amidst

numerous stars. *84

Previously it was thought that our solar system was formed at a calm

place where there was no radiation from other stars and where there was no

gravitational force by the spinning and shrinking of a giant space cloud.

It was thought that when the giant space cloud shrunk and continued

spinning, the central portion became the sun and the surrounding dust

collected to form the planets.

At present, researchers feel that when many large stars exploded and

radiation was emitted like a flood, the vibrations that were caused

produced a cloud like structure in which the sun was formed as a small


Researcher Jeff Hester of Arizona University states that after such an

event, the large stars moved away and the cloud got dissolved.

(As larger stars burn their gases quickly, they do not exist for many

years. But, small stars like the sun burn their gases slowly and less in

quantity, they continue to burn for an average of 10 billion years.)

Larger stars do not exist for many years. Hester also explains that,

when large stars explode, many other atoms including their iron – 60 which

was formed in their centre, get lodged in the surrounding substances.

There is no other place other than the center where iron – 60 could

be formed says Hester.

(But it has been found that the ocean bed of Pacific Ocean has iron – 60 in

the Rocks which is worth mentioning.* 85 Based on this fact, it is clear

that once even our earth was a star like the sun.)


My opinion in this matter is that, as the place where the sun was

formed is not a calm place and had been full of turmoil, there was no

possibility of accumulation of dust or formation of planets.

And huge stars capture by the sun after most of their lighter gases

found in their outer part were evaporated by the sun, later the metallic

gases, which was not evaporated, cooled and formed planets like earth and

Mars and formed the solar system.

Meteorites show how planets were formed

Dr.philip Bland. Reader in meteoric and planetary science of London

imperial college has discovered an important happening that took place at

the formation of the planets of the solar system.

Meteorites which were older than the earth have fallen on the earth.

Dr.philip Bland states that based on the fact that these meteorites do not

contain lead, zinc and sodium which are highly volatile, even before the

planets like Mars and Jupiter were formed, the process of elimination of

these lead, zinc and sodium which are highly volatile should have happened.


He states that the very same process should have taken place even

before the extra solar planets were formed. That is, his researches show

that even before the solid portion was formed, the highly volatile metallic

portions were eliminated.

(The space rocks called very old asteroids which fall from the

asteroid belt found revolving around the sun contain the black colored

spherical shaped chondrules.

Dr.Richard Durison, department of astronomy, Indiana University, says

that it is really a puzzle how these were formed in the solar system.

Researcher Allen Boss says that it had been very difficult for the past one

century to understand what produced these spherical structures which keep

falling on the earth.)

Rocky planets have been formed even farther than expected

- Universe Today, 23 – 05 – 05

By conducting research on stars with dust disks which form planets,

researchers have found that earth like rocky planets form very far away.

* 87

Research conducted with Hubble telescope shows that as the dust disks

which move very close to the central star gets evaporated completely, it

doesn’t give rise to large objects.


The understanding of the formation of planets will pave way to

the understanding of how the earth was formed. Researcher John Monnier of

Michigan University says that it still remains a mystery.

The extra solar planet which resembles an intermediate star or brown

dwarf Two weeks after the American researchers published the picture of the

extra solar planet taken by them, the European researchers also published a

similar picture.

The star GQ Lupi is being revolved by an extra solar giant gaseous

planet. As this formation was of excess heat in the beginning was the most

important reason to locate it. It is because, this planet is very young.

This planet is stated to be 42 times more than the weight of planet

Jupiter. This is very bright. This planet is revolving around the star G Q

Lupi, at a distance similar to 100 times more than the distance at which

planet Saturn is revolving around the sun. This distance helped researchers

to discover this planet. Jean Schneider, a researcher who is listing out

the extra solar planets says that as this planet is 42 times heavier than

planet Jupiter, they consider it as an intermediate star. So, GQ Lupi

formation is also considered as a twin star formation.

White dwarf star shreds and vaporizes asteroid – New Scientist, 2006

The research conducted by the research team headed by Boris Gansicke

of the Warwick University, UK discovered a white dwarf star which shredded

and vaporized an asteroid which was near it. *88

The white dwarf star would have been attracted by the gravity of the

nearby planets.

Stars like the sun after exhausted their fuel, eliminate the gases in

their outer part and turn reddish in color and become larger. this stage is

called as red giant, Finally when all the gases have been eliminated, its

center alone remains as a white dwarf star.

Researchers are very curious about these stars in their final stages

and are conducting research on them and the asteroids and planets near

them. It is because this will pave way to understand in advance as to how

the final days of the planets of our solar system including our earth would


Previously it was discovered that near two white dwarf stars, excess

metallic gases were discovered on the surface of their dust disks, Based on

that they thought that the asteroids which came near the stars would have


At present, Boris Gaensicke has discovered that a white dwarf named

SDSS – 1228 + 1040, is being revolved by hot metallic gases. When observed

through Spitzer telescope, it has been found that the white dwarf’s


atmosphere contains excess magnesium. Based on this Gaensicke says that the

substances found in the dust disk are falling on the white dwarf.

The metallic substances of that star would have gone to its center

due to its gravitational force. So, it is believed that the metallic vapors

found on the surface of the dust disk had been formed only due to the

wilting of the asteroids.

Researchers feel that based on the fact that the wilted asteroids are

moving there, there might be planets which are not visible to the eye

surrounding the star. This dust disk could also be the gases that have been

pushed out of that star itself. As there are no lighter gases like nitrogen

in it, there is no credibility to this theory.

My opinion regarding this is that, when a star becomes very hot,

first the lighter gases like hydrogen in the outer part are pushed outside

and later slightly heavier metallic gases are eliminated and finally those

heavier metallic substances which cannot be evaporated join together and

form planets.

Rocky planets may circle many white dwarfs

– New Scientist, April 2006. * 89

Two researchers, Ted von Hippel and Eric Becklin have discovered 5

wilted stars which have swallowed asteroids circling near them. Based on

this, it is expected that there might be more of rocky planets in space and

in future many planets might be found near dim wilted stars.

40 years before researchers discovered magnesium like metallic

substances near white dwarf stars. Large stars which were 8 times larger

than the sun finally become white dwarfs.

The presence of metallic gases near white dwarfs like this is

unusual. It is because when stars like the sun shrink to the size of the

earth, its gravitational force will be 10,000 times more than that of the

sun. So, its metallic substances will be pulled by its gravity and this

will go to the deepest part of the star.

Some researchers are of the opinion that when the white dwarfs are

moving between clouds, they could make the clouds shine and this could be

the reason for the presence of metallic gases near the white dwarfs. (In

the event of a nearby star getting evaporated will also cause the metallic

gases to form there.)

Dead star snacks on shredded asteroid

For the past two years researchers had the suspicion that a wilted

star, GD 362’s core was vaporizing the asteroids that were falling on it.

* 90


At present NASA’s Spitzer telescope has confirmed the suspicion.

Researchers have discovered a white dwarf which is surrounded by metallic

gases. Researchers say that the origin of the metallic gases is a million

dollar question.

Dr. Michael Jura Of California University states that this arrangement

is unusual and predicts how our solar system would be after 500 crores of


White dwarfs were once bright burning stars like our sun. Sun like

stars combine hydrogen and form slightly heavier gases like helium. At

present the same process is happening on our sun also.

After the fuel hydrogen gets exhausted, helium gases combine to form

heavier metallic gases like carbon. As these atoms are heavier, they get

submerged in the core of the star. Moreover when helium atoms combine, the

heat that is emitted is more powerful. Due to this immense heat the star

will expand and the dust, Rocks and planets which are in the outer part

will be evaporated by it. At this stage the star is called red giant. At

the end when the red giant shed their peripheral gaseous layers, the hot

central core is exposed. This is only called as a white dwarf star.

When a star is expanding in the stage of red giant, we cannot expect

dust, rocks and planets to be near it.

Moreover, lighter gases like hydrogen and helium which are on the

periphery of the star will be expelled. On account of their weight, the

heavier metallic gases like calcium, oxygen and iron will get submerged in

the star.

But, researchers are surprised to find an excess metallic gas near GD

362.Jura says that it is because GD 362 had been a white dwarf for the past

90 million years. So the surrounding dust would have evaporated long ago.

Moreover the presence of heavier metallic gases than helium and hydrogen

near GD 362 has surprised researchers; because these would have got

embedded in the star.

In the year 2004 when chemical "crumbs" in the star's atmosphere of GD

362, researchers were unable to determine their origin.

Some researchers were of the opinion that like the dust rings found around

the planet Saturn, when giant asteroids came closer to GD 362, they were

attracted by the gravitational force of GD 362 and were evaporated which

must have resulted in the formation of the metallic vapors.

After studying GD 362 through Spitzer telescope, Dr. Michael Jura said

that the silicate (sand) substances will be very much different from those

found on the asteroids. But, the sand particles found near GD 362 are

similar to those found on the asteroids. Moreover, if the sand that came


from the space falls on stars, it would be scattered widely from the star

and the dust disk will also be without a boundary. But as the dust rings

are very close to the star GD 362, Jura says that these rings have been

formed due to the asteroids only.

My opinion

This phenomenon supports the view that only wilted stars become

planets. When asteroids fall on sun like stars, they produce negligible

result only. Moreover it will remain only for a short while. But, near GD

362 which is of the size of our earth, the presence of rings that are

similar to those present surrounding planet Saturn only shows the

possibility that this star would have wilted another dead star completely

and that the wilted star’s central core’s heavy substances are only present

around GD 362.


(20). Changing Stars

Stars that change into brown dwarfs

The dust disk surrounding twin stars that are Very close to

each other

The research conducted through Spitzer telescope shows that in very

close twin star formations like EF Eridanus, V347 Pav, GG Leo and RX J0154. the

transfer of gases takes place from the larger star to the smaller star.

* 91.

It has also been discovered that surrounding twin stars there is a

very large, cold dust disk. This information was disclosed during the 207

space convention held at America. At a dangerous distance, very close to

each other where one could destroy another, the first star of the twin

stars is a white dwarf. (The core of a sun like star whose nuclear fission

is over) The second star is an intermediate star with less mass and lesser


Like the earth and the moon, these two stars are at a short distance

from each other. Moreover they revolve around each other once in 80 – 90

minutes. Among these, the white dwarf is of the size of the sun and

approximately half the weight of the sun. The companion star which is near

it is the size of planet Jupiter but its weight is 40 – 50 times more than

the weight of planet Jupiter.

As the white dwarf is of excess weight and also has a companion star

very close by, there is inter change of gases between them. Due to the

heavy attraction by the white dwarf, the gases of the companion star are

squeezed out like the juice from a fruit; the companion star’s shape itself

appears like a giant drop of tear.

As its gases are being emitted from its sharp tip and falling on the

atmosphere of the white dwarf star, the temperature of the white dwarf

increases. Due to this x-rays are emitted by the star.

Researchers Steve B Howell from NASA observed four of this twin

stars. Howell’s group has also detected excess radiation from the dust

disks surrounding the twin stars. Howell states that the presence of dust

disks around twin stars is really amazing.

We showed our research results to scholars in that field. But, none

of them gave any explanation for this phenomenon. It is believed that prior

to this, gases must have been emitted by them and as a result of it, and

these gases might be found there now.

At present it is found out that surrounding the stars GD 362 and

G 29 – 38 there are dust disks.


Unlike the twin stars which the Howell group is researching on, GD

362 and G 29 – 38 are both single white dwarfs.

Moreover, the existence of the dust disks has not yet been found out.

Dust disks which were formed during the formation of stars have been found

to exist near young stars and sun like stars. Similarly it has been found

recently that due to the gaps left by them, the dust disks contain planets.

But, even though the dust disk studied by us did not have the possibility

of having planets, a lot more research has to be conducted regarding this


It is absolutely essential to study closely located twin stars like

this. Donald W Hoard of Spitzer research center states that studying such

relocation of gases and accumulation of dust would help to learn more about

planet formation.

A star which explodes inside another star

When a star explodes in space, it emits lakhs of times of more light.

This phenomenon which is called as Super Nova happens very rarely. But

contrary to this, the researchers were surprised to find a particular star

in the Sagittarius constellation becoming brighter once in twenty years.

This very same star became suddenly brighter in 1984. But at that

time there were no powerful telescopes. To find out why that star was

becoming brighter without exploding, ongoing studies are being conducted.

Actually that was a twin star. Among them, one was a white dwarf.

That is, a star

like our sun when its fuel is completely exhausted, shrinks to the

size of our earth with its temperature reduced. The second one was a giant

red star. At times, when the pressure needed for nuclear fission reduces,

the star expands uncontrollably.

The gases in the outer part of the giant red star in the twin star

formation which was observed by the researchers were being attracted by the

gravity of the white dwarf and were falling on the white dwarf atmosphere.

So, when sufficient gases collected on the white dwarf, its pressure

increased and led to an explosion. Researchers say that similarly in the

past 108 years, this white dwarf has exploded 20 times. * 92

The only thing that surprises researchers is that, when the red star

expanded in its size, the white dwarf came into the boundary of the red

giant star. So, one star exploding inside another is really a peculiar

phenomenon. This twin star formation is 500 light years away from earth.


The most important thing is that, it strengthens the theory that in a

twin star formation, the nearby star attracts the gases and evaporates them

and due to this, as it loses its mass, the core which contains metallic

substances which cannot be evaporated easily combine to form planets.

Flying stars

If we want to imagine tremendous speed we will be reminded of the

bullet which is being fired from a gun. But, at a speed 3 times more than

that is taken by a star to move in space and this has been detected

recently. * 93

Though a star named Mira (in Latin it means miracle) which is 350

light years away from the earth appears to the naked eye as a single star,

is actually a twin star and this star has been attracting the attention of

Astronomers for the past 400 years.

It is because this star becomes brighter once in 332 days. Recently

researches show that the soil particles which are being thrown out of the

large star MIRA- A are being absorbed by a white dwarf MIRA -B. When

researcher Christopher Martin observed this star using a telescope which is

used to detect ultra violet rays, the giant size of this star was visible.

“I did not expect this. When I first saw it, I was shocked” says

Christopher Martin. From the star MIRA, 76 million million miles long huge

tail was stretching. This distance is 200,000 thousand times more than the

distance from which the sun is from planet Pluto. If it had to be mentioned

in light distance, the nearest star to us is 4 light years away from us.

But, the tail of the star MIRA is extending up to 13 light years.

As it has been driven away by some other star, at present it is

traveling at a speed of 291,000 miles per hour (468,000 km) (80 miles/130

km per second) which has resulted in the tremendous elongation of star

Mira’s tail. The speed of this star is 3 times greater than the speed of a

bullet of a gun. The carbon and oxygen gases which were eliminated like

this from the star for the past 30,000 have produced its tail like

structure in space. The gases that have been eliminated from star Mira for

the past 30,000 years can be compared to 3,000 times the size of the earth.

Or, it is equal to nine times the weight of planet Jupiter. From star Mira

within 10 years, gases equal to the size of an earth have been eliminated.

Christopher Martin says that if prehistoric Neanderthal man who lived

30,000 years ago had the capacity to see ultra violet rays, he would have

seen the formation of the tail of this star. Mira which was originally

larger than the sun now has the same weight of the sun and is at present in

the condition of an expanding giant red star as its fuel is in the final

stage of getting exhausted. That is, it is in its final state. Researchers

have predicted that as the gases are getting eliminated, it would finally

change into a white dwarf.


At 90 astronomical units from star Mira- A, a white dwarf called

Mira- B is revolving. Similarly, it has been discovered that a white dwarf

and a fully wilted star found in the M 4 star group are revolving around a

pulsar star. So, through star Mira, it is understood that only the core of

stars that have lost their lighter gases have become planets like the


Similar to Mira, the star S.D.S.S. JO 90745 which is also moving in

space has been discovered in 1998. (*94). From the center of our Milky Way

galaxy this star is moving to outer space at a speed of 1.5 million miles

(670 km per second) for the past 80 million years. After traveling another

80 – 100 million years this star will get past our Milky Way galaxy.

Researchers have assumed that there might be another 10,000 such flying


A Large Comet – like Planet Till now, nearly more than 20 giant sized comets – like planets have

been discovered. Among these, the largest comet – like planet is the

T.R.S-4. *95

This comet – like planet is revolving around a star which is 400 light

years away from the earth at a distance of 4 – 5 million miles away and is

70 percent the size of planet Jupiter. Though the temperature of this

planet is 1600 Kelvin, its density is very less. The reason for this less

density is that it is very large in size than expected. Researchers suspect

that this star’s center might be having the capacity to produce heat. This

planet which is in the form of a very huge fire ball remains as an example

for the Theory that only stars become planets.

A star named H E 0437 – 5439 is also traveling at a speed of 723 kilo

meters per second and is escaping from our Milky Way galaxy. That is, its

speed is 2.6 million per hour. At this speed we can revolve around the

earth in a few minutes.

Small version of solar family

System Cha- 110913 – 773444, planets? Or Moons?

According to modern astronomy, it is said that planets are found

everywhere. Planets are found commonly near wilted stars, stars with

immense heat, near low mass stars, near very young stars, very close to

stars, very far away and in formations of two, three and four stars.

It has been found that planets are also found near intermediate

stars called brown stars. Though the miniature solar system of Cha 110913 –

773444 which was discovered through Spitzer telescope is 8 times larger

than planet Jupiter,


It has been discovered that there is a dust disk surrounding it. Cha

110913 – 773444 is very small than some other extra solar planets. Its

weight is lesser than one percent of the weight of the sun. * 96

This heavenly body which is 500 light years away from the earth was

formed 2 million years ago. Dr. Kevin Luhman of Pennsylvania University who

discovered this heavenly body says that their intention is to discover the

smallest star with planets.

Prior to this, through the Spitzer telescope, the lightest

intermediate star was discovered. The intermediate star which is called as

O D S – 44 was found to be just 15 times more than the weight of planet

Jupiter. This weight was equal to that of some very large extra solar


But, Cha 110913 – 773444 which has been discovered recently is only

half the size of O D S – 44.

There are two groups of people who classify extra solar planets. One

group classifies on the basis of the size of the heavenly body. The other

group classifies whether it is a planet or a star based on its formation.

Dr.Giovanni Fazio states that if this heavenly body is called as

planet, the dust disk surrounding it will be called as the dust disk which

produces moons. Fazio also states “one thing is sure. This universe is

producing some strange planet system”.

Giant size Solar Family From the time lot of hot Jupiters were discovered in space, the

formation of planets from dust disk theory has suffered much.

Many researchers believe that when clouds in space shrink immediately

and rotate, the swollen part in its center becomes star and the surrounding

dust in the dust disk combine to form planets.

But, in space instead of forming one by one, planets form in groups

from space clouds. So, the heat radiation of one star affects the dust disk

of the nearby star. To be specific, as the O types of stars (super giant

size star) emit very powerful heat radiation, the gaseous dust disks of the

nearby stars are pushed away which makes even the stars like the sun into

giant sized comets. * 97

But, at present the two O types of stars, like R – 66 and R - 126

which have been discovered through Spitzer telescope have dust disks around

them and this has surprised researchers. It is because R – 66 is 30 times

larger than the sun and R – 126 are 70 times larger than the sun. If this

star was in our sun’s place, that stars edge will be in the place where our

earth is situated that is, earth would be inside that star.


The gaseous dust disk surrounding these giant stars is extending to a

distance which is equal to 60 times more than that of the distance at which

Pluto is from the sun. That is our solar system will be completely inside

the dust disk of this star. Moreover, it has been discovered that sand

particles are also found on this dust disk.

The two chemical substances which combine to form sand are silicon

and oxygen. Both these substances are produced inside the stars.

Already the heat radiation of the O type of star has converted the

sun like star near it to a comet. So, the sand particles found in the dust

disks of the giant stars R - 66 and R – 126 are the remains of a fully

wilted sun like star.

It also proves that stars which are not completely wilted revolve as

planets around the star which has not evaporated them completely.


(21). Dying stars finally becomes planets

Intermediate Stars Intermediate stars serve as the best proof for the theory that only

wilted stars become planets.

By the shrinking of internal gases in giant clouds, stars are formed.

If the stars thus formed have gases 80 times more than the weight of planet

Jupiter, nuclear fission starts in its center and the star starts emitting


In galaxies stars are formed with in the giant gas cloud. It has been

discovered that there are many intermediate stars. Intermediate stars are

those stars which have 13 to 80 times more gases than planet Jupiter and as

these gaseous bodies are smaller than stars and larger than planets; they

are referred to as intermediate stars.

It is believed that just like stars these intermediate stars are

also formed by the shrinking of giant gaseous bodies in giant space clouds.

But, unlike stars which are formed with plenty of gases, these are formed

with lesser amount of gases, and hence they are called as failure stars or

brown dwarfs.

Even though these intermediate stars are called as brown stars, but,

actually these stars are slightly dirty dull red in color. As an

intermediate star has 75 percent more gases than that found on Planet

Jupiter, there is insufficient amount of gas and pressure to start hydrogen

fusion. (Nuclear fusion)

So, though intermediate stars do not emit bright light like the

stars, they are burning with excess heat and shine due to infra red rays.

That is why intermediate stars are examined through infra red telescopes.

The maximum mass of an intermediate star has been fixed as 75 times more

than planet Jupiter. But the minimum weight has not yet been correctly

fixed. Due to this, as many newly discovered extra solar planets are very

large in size, there is a difference of opinion among researchers whether

to refer to them as planets or intermediate stars.

For example, the gaseous body revolving around the star A B Pictoris

which is 150 light years away from the earth is 13 to 14 times heavier than

planet Jupiter. This weight is exactly in between the weight of

intermediate stars and the maximum weight of large planets. (When a gaseous

planet is 13.6 times heavier than planet Jupiter, due to the pressure in

its center, atoms like Deuterium combine. This results in nuclear fusion

and the body attains the status of a star.)


But, this gaseous body is revolving around its star at a very far

away distance. That is, this gaseous body is revolving around its star at a

distance which is nine times more than the distance at which planet Neptune

is revolving around the sun.

At such far away distance surrounding a star, there is no possibility

of the existence of a dust disk or the formation of a planet.

So, this gaseous body cannot be considered as a planet. Similar to

this, a gaseous body which is revolving around the star C H X R 73 which is

200 light years away from the earth is 12 times heavier than planet


As it has been fixed that a body which is 13 times heavier than

planet Jupiter can only be called as an intermediate star, this gaseous

body has been classified as a planet. But, the star around which this

gaseous body is revolving is a red star with less mass. There is no

possibility of the dust disk swirling around a star of less mass extending

more than 10 billion miles (16 billion kilo meters) away from it. But, the

gaseous body which is revolving around this star is 19.5 billion miles

(13.3 billion kilo meters) away from it. There is no possibility of the

dust disk swirling around a star of less mass extending to such a distance

or a planet forming from it. Researcher, Dr. Kevin Luhman of Pennsylvania

University who discovered this heavenly body says that this planet would

have formed by the shrinking of a gaseous body like the way the stars are


Dr. Kevin Luckman argues that on account of this, the gaseous body

should be considered as an intermediate star. Moreover he states that it is

not important to take the weight of a gaseous body, but should take into

consideration how the body was formed and decide whether it is a planet or

an intermediate star.

Gaseous planets have been found to exist as intermediate stars with a

lot of gases. Researchers of California University have recently discovered

an intermediate star which is very small and is of lesser temperature than

a planet.

An intermediate star named JU 34 is found to be 15 – 30 times heavier

than planet Jupiter and its surface temperature is 600 – 700 Kelvin. (The

temperature of planet Venus is 726 Kelvin). It is worth mentioning that

among the intermediate stars discovered so far, the temperature of JU 34 is

the least and also lesser than the temperature of many other extra solar

planets. * 98

Discovering this low temperature star was similar to that of finding

a needle in a haystack said Dr.Daniel mortlock. This star is 50 light years

away from the earth. Through the infra red radiation which is being emitted


from this gaseous body, it has been discovered to have methane gas.

Similarly intermediate stars which are referred to as brown dwarfs are

already found to contain methane in them. This discovery is shortening the

gap between the planets and stars, says Dr. Andy Adamson of the research

group which discovered this star.

In our vigilant watch over the stars, within five percent of the

stars, we discovered this peculiar star. There are many more intermediate

stars. Like JU 003 we will see many more peculiar stars in our future

survey. Mortlock raises the question as how to name them.

The head of this research team, Dr. Steve Warren of Imperial College,

London states that chemically stars, intermediate stars and gaseous planets

are similar to each other but contain different amount of gases. Stars that

appear like intermediate stars

Researchers who make use of the European infra red radiation

telescope at Hawaii have discovered new type of stars in space.

These stars which are very small in size and have very low

temperature will be referred to as brown dwarfs. Though these appear to be

like intermediate stars, in reality these were originally stars that have

been donating their gases for billions of years to the near by white dwarfs

and have shrunk as gaseous bodies to the size of planet Jupiter. * 99

Many researchers including Steve B Howell of America had already

predicted that such an incident would happen. Recently, scientists Chris

Davis and Paul Hurst have directly observed through infra red telescope and

have video taped this incident. The gases from this star which is of the

size of planet Jupiter which is being eliminated and is falling on the near

by white dwarfs.

Similarly, two twin stars named L S Andromeda and EF Eridani has

been photographed.

During the time when the interchange of gases between two stars

stopped for a while when the donor star’s infra red radiation was examined.

It was found to contain methane gas. Similarly methane was also found to be

in brown dwarfs. In the twin star formation EF Eridani the star which was

losing its gases was of the temperature 1650 Kelvin (1350 degree

centigrade). This temperature is similar to that of a brown dwarf.

According to the samples obtained, the weight of these stars is 40 percent

of the sun. That is, it has been estimated to be 40 times more than the

weight of planet Jupiter.

These stars which are 100 and 130 light years away from the earth

have been formed 8 billion years ago. Though these stars are of lesser

temperature like the brown dwarfs, their internal structure and chemical

composition have not yet been known.


The temperature of the brown dwarfs which are nearer to the sun is

usually 3500 Kelvin (3200 degree centigrade). In some existing brown

dwarfs, at 1500 Kelvin temperature chemical reactions take place which

produce large amount of methane.

As the gases that are escaping from the star which is losing gases

in the twin stars formation named L S Andromeda are circling the white

dwarf like a ring, a dust disk has been formed surrounding that star. When

these gases fall on the white dwarf, often explosion takes place.

In the twin star formation EF Eridani the white dwarf which is

heavier has a very powerful magnetic field and so instead of forming a ring

around it; the gases that reach it from the nearby star directly reach its


These stars are the best proof to state that stars only become

planets later.

A New Type of Star to understand the formation of giant gaseous planets

The researchers of California University have discovered a new type

of star which is neither an intermediate star nor a giant gaseous planet.


This new star which was not known till now has the features of the

intermediate stars which are being referred to as brown dwarfs. Moreover,

this new type of star would also pave the way to know more about the giant

gaseous bodies which are revolving around some stars very closely, says

Astronomy researcher Steve B Howell of California University who is

conducting a research on this star.

The twin star formation EF Eridani is 300 light years away from the

earth. This twin star which is very closely situated rotates once in 81

minutes and has the capacity of changing its strength of light emission

often. One of the stars in this twin is a white dwarf. That is, when the

nuclear fission is complete and the star expands 100 times more, a dense

core is formed in the center. This white dwarf’s weight is half of that of

our sun.

The companion star which is near it is 1/20 of the mass of the sun.

At intervals huge amount of gases are released from this star which reaches

the white dwarf. At short intervals, the white dwarf shines brightly. Like

this, 6 billion ton gases per second are transferred from the second star

to the white dwarf.


From many twin stars which are in similar state, gases are

transferred at intervals of a few weeks to a few months. In the twin star

formation EF Eridani the star’s temperature which is donating the gases is

800 and 1200 Kelvin. Researcher Tom Harrison says that the temperature of

the donating star is also not constant and varies greatly.

That is, the part of the donor star which is facing the white dwarf

has 1600 Kelvin temperature and the part which is on the opposite side has

900 Kevin temperatures. The star which is losing its gases was originally a

star like our sun. But, in the past 5 – 8 billion years it has lost about

90 percent of its gases.

Though researchers had already predicted the existence of such

stars, this is the first time that such a formation was discovered says

Howell. The most important thing is that, though this star formation has

got certain features like the intermediate stars, it would help to learn

more about the giant gaseous bodies which are found to revolve very close

to the stars recently says Howell.

So, this companion star serves as a proof for my theory that stars

that have lost most of their gases only become planets.


(22). Jupiter like climate on an intermediate star! Planets like stars

The research teams of California University and NASA Research Center

have discovered that the weather of brown dwarfs is cloudy and cyclonic in

nature. * 101 these gaseous bodies are of lesser mass than the stars and

more mass than planet Jupiter. This discovery will be of great help to

scientists to study the weather that prevails on brown dwarfs and other

extra solar planets.

Adam Burgasser who is involved in this study says that the red

colored cyclonic center in planet Jupiter is the best available thing to

learn more about what they have found in these gaseous bodies.

Adam Burgasser also says that he suspects that there might be larger

number of stars with more mass than the eye of the storm found on planet


The cloud which is very large and found on planet Jupiter is in fact

on 15,000 miles area and the cyclonic effect is 270 miles per hour.

Scientist Mark Marley in

Burgasser group states that they had already thought about the

changes that would take place on the appearance of brown dwarfs due to

cyclonic clouds. Moreover the study report about the brown dwarfs submitted

by the Weather researcher Andrew S.Ackerman of NASA also tallies with our


The cloudy weather prevailing on brown dwarfs has on its clouds at

different places gaps and holes. This particular weather explains how the

brown dwarfs are able to emit brightness at a low temperature. The brown

dwarfs are getting cooled just like the stars. Though the brown dwarfs

appear dim when viewed through infra red rays’ telescope, they become

brighter when the heat reduces little by little. These clouds are

responsible for this.

Though the brown dwarfs are 25,000 times dimmer than the sun, they

are with an unbelievable temperature of 2,000 Kelvin (3140 Fahrenheit). At

such a high temperature, substances like iron and sand will be at gaseous

state. As time passes by, these shrink and become clouds when the

temperature of the brown dwarf reduces. That is, similar to the formation

of dark rain bearing clouds on earth, when the brown dwarf cools down more

and more, the iron and sand get cooled and fall down as rain, clouds get

reduced and the sky becomes clear and the continuous emission of infra red

radiation from the brown dwarf increases its brightness. Mark Marley says

that they are still searching for brown dwarfs in the sky which might be

having water like the earth.

Such brown dwarfs with low temperature and less mass are the best

existing proof to state that stars only become planets.



A diamond body of the size of a planet has been formed in the center

of a wilted star. Planets similar to this diamond body have been found near

very hot pulsar stars and near non-evaporated stars. Similarly very near to

stars, there are solid bodied planets which have 70 times more of mass than

the earth, are getting evaporated.

So, the existence of many planetary formations prove that, wilted

stars whose gases are mostly evaporated, form rocky planets like the earth

and Mars and those whose gases are not completely evaporated, form huge

gaseous planets like Jupiter.

The most important thing is that most of the extra solar planets

which have been discovered are in their size and mass similar to

intermediate stars and it is difficult to differentiate whether they are

giant planets or intermediate stars. Moreover there is no possibility of

giant gaseous planets forming from temporary dust disks swirling around

two, three and four star formations where the stars are very close to each


But, there is the possibility of the formation of rocky planets

from a wilted star whose gases are evaporated by the radiation of a nearby

star. Similarly due to the absorption of gases of a wilted star by a nearby

star there is the possibility of the formation of gaseous planets. So,

finally stars only become planets.

Transformation of a star into a planet

Researcher Susan Derby of America saw an unusual sight while

studying the Orion constellation where stars are produced in space through

the Hubble telescope.

From the twin star formation, TMR, 1–A and TMR, 1–B the low mass

star TMR, 1–C which was driven away had created a tail with a length of 130

billion miles long (which is 1500 times more than that of earth from the

sun) at the speed at which it started and finally shrunk into a gaseous

body, three times larger than the planet Jupiter. As this planet’s

temperature is 4000 degrees centigrade instead of classifying it under

planets it has been classified as stars.

Mountains in the Comets

When a satellite followed the comet Wild – 2, and conducted a study,

it was discovered that there was a mountain like rock and valleys in it.

Asteroid turned in to a comet

Borelli is an Everest size rocky body in our solar system was at


first classified as an asteroid, and suddenly dust escaped from it which

rose high up and produced three tails which was photographed by the

satellite and sent to earth. The researchers who studied this have now

classified Borelli as a comet.

Saturn moon turned in to a comet like body

From the Southern pole of a companion body called Enceladus which

is a moon of planet Saturn’s with 500 mile diameter, steam is spurting out

for a distance of 500 miles at jet speed and this has been photographed by

Cassini space probe and sent to earth.

The American researcher Dr.Carolyn porco who observed this was

shocked and said “This is capable of stopping the heart”. NASA scientist

Torrence Johnson has stated “In one respect the Saturn’s moon Enceladus

resembles a comet”.

Similarly, researchers have stated that the asteroids which are

orbiting the planet Mars were once comets. Moreover, researchers think that

phoebes which is one of the moon of mars , was once a comet which was

moving towards the sun and it would have been captured by planet Mars.

Planets which are losing gases from their atmosphere A star found in the Andromeda Galaxy which is one thousand light

years away from the earth is being revolved by a Jupiter like gaseous body

named WASP – 1 – b at a distance of 6 million kilo meters once in 2.5 days.

Similarly a star in Delphinus constellation which is five hundred light

years away is being revolved by a planet named WASP – 2 – B at a distance

of 4.5 million kilo meters within two days.

Planet Mercury which is very near the sun about 60 million kilo

meters away has a temperature of 400 degree centigrade. But, the

temperature of WASP – 1 B and WASP – 2B is more than 1800 degree

centigrade. Both these planets are called “Hot Jupiters”. Moreover study

shows that both these planets are losing the gases from their atmospheres.

* * *


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