Microsoft excel

Post on 18-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Microsoft excel

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Microsoft ExcelPresented by:

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Definition Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program used to store and retrieve numerical data in a grid format of columns and rows. Excel is ideal for entering, calculating and analyzing company data such as sales figures, sales taxes or commissions.

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UsesMicrosoft Excel is perhaps the most important

computer software program used in the workplace today. That's why so many workers and prospective employees are required to learn Excel to enter or remain in the workplace.

From the viewpoint of the employer, particularly those in the field of information systems, the use of Excel as an end-user computing tool is essential. Not only are many business professionals using Excel to perform everyday functional tasks in the workplace, an increasing number of employers rely on Excel for decision support.

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Some Examples of Uses1) Build great chartsExcel allows business users to unlock the

potential of their data, by using formulas across a grid of cells. Data is inserted into individual cells in rows or columns, allowing it to be sorted and filtered, and then displayed in a visual presentation. Using pie charts, graphs and clustered columns adds meaning to data, which otherwise may just exist as row after row of numbers.

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2) Use conditional formatting

Excel users can format their spreadsheets using different colours, bolds and italics, to differentiate between columns and bring the most important data to the fore. The vast number of tasks that can be achieved using this tool is impressive, here are just a few: Display simple icons which represent related data, Highlighting a row based on a single value, Comparing values, Comparing lists and Finding duplicates. Find out more about conditional formatting.

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4) Bring data together

Excel can be used to bring information from various files and documents together, so that it exists in a single location. As well as raw data and information from other spreadsheets, it is possible to import text and images. Other objects can be added using the Insert tab, or additional spreadsheets can be added to the file.

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The Advantages of Microsoft Excel

With Excel, users can manage payroll records, employee schedules or personal bookkeeping and paperwork virtually, so data can be easily changed, updated or moved around without having to deal with paper and pen copies. Excel files can also be sent as attachments or shared within a group of users via various cloud storage systems so everyone has access to the same files.

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Purpose of Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application designed to perform basic and complex mathematical computations and functions. In addition to performing arithmetic operations, Excel allows users to create graphical displays of data, forms and pivot tables. It is also routinely used to sort information and assist users in identifying data trends. 

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Working of Microsoft ExcelTo make a List1) On a new worksheet, type the entries that you want to appear in your drop-down list. The entries should be in a single column or row without any blank cells, like this:

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2) Select all of your entries, right-click, and then click Define Name.3) In the Name box, type a name for your entries, for example, ValidDepts., and then click OK. Be sure your name doesn’t have any spaces in it. This name won’t show up in your list, but you need to name it so you can link it to your drop-down list.

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4) Click in the cell in the worksheet where you want the drop-down list.5) Click Data >Data Validation.

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Final list

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To Make a GraphStep 1: Get your data into Excel

First, you need to input your data into Excel. This is the easy part! You may have exported the data from elsewhere, like a piece of marketing software or a survey tool. Or maybe you're inputting it manually.

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Step 2: Choose a type of chart/graph to create.In Excel, you have plenty of choices for charts and graphs to create. To make a bar graph, highlight the data and include the titles of the X and Y axis. Go to the ‘Insert’ tab, click ‘Charts,’ click ‘Column,’ and choose the graph you wish. 

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Step 4: Adjust your labels and legends, if desired.

To change the layout of the labeling and legend, click on the bar graph, then click the ‘Layout’ tab. Here you can choose what layout you prefer for the chart title, axis titles, and legend.