Microprocessor BC 0046

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Transcript of Microprocessor BC 0046

1 BC0046 – Microprocessor

February 2011

Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) – Semester 3

BC0046 – Microprocessor – 4 Credits

(Book ID: B0807)

Assignment Set – 1

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

2 BC0046 – Microprocessor

1. Convert the decimal number 321.145 to octal and hexadecimal.Ans. 125 / 8^2 = 1125 − ((8^2)*1) = 6161 / 8^1 = 761 − ((8^1)*7) = 5

Therefore, 12510 = 1758.

321.145 = 321/8^

2. Write an assembly language program to find the smallest among two numbers. Ans. Program

MVI B, 30H

MVI C, 40H













Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

3 BC0046 – Microprocessor


.model small

.stack 64


n1 db 08h,02h res db ? .code

mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov cx,02 lea si,n1 mov bl,0ffh

mine:mov al,[si] cmp al,bl jne loop1 jmp loop2

loop1:jnc loop2 mov bl,al inc si loop mine jmp exit

loop2:inc si loop mine

exit:mov res,bl hlt end

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

4 BC0046 – Microprocessor

3. Draw and explain the internal architecture of 8085. Ans.

Figure 3: Internal Architecture of 8085

8085 System BusTypical system uses a number of busses, collection of wires, which transmit binary numbers, one bit per wire. A typical microprocessor communicates with memory and other devices (input and output) using three busses: Address Bus, Data Bus and Control Bus.

Address BusOne wire for each bit, therefore 16 bits = 16 wires. Binary number carried alerts memory to ‘open’ the designated box. Data (binary) can then be put in or taken out. The Address Bus consists of 16 wires, therefore 16 bits. Its “width” is 16 bits. A 16 bit binary number allows 216 different numbers, or 32000 different numbers, ie 0000000000000000 up to 1111111111111111. Because memory consists of boxes, each with a unique address, the size of the address bus determines the size of memory, which can be used. To communicate with memory the microprocessor sends an address on the address bus, eg 0000000000000011 (3 in decimal), to the memory. The memory selects box number 3 for reading or writing data. Address bus is unidirectional, i.e numbers only sent from microprocessor to memory, not other way.

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

5 BC0046 – Microprocessor

Data BusData Bus: carries ‘data’, in binary form, between microprocessor and other external units, such as memory. Typical size is 8 or 16 bits. The Data Bus typically consists of 8 wires. Therefore, 28 combinations of binary digits. Data bus used to transmit “data”, ie information, results of arithmetic, etc, between memory and the microprocessor. Bus is bi-directional. Size of the data bus determines what arithmetic can be done. If only 8 bits wide then largest number is 11111111 (255 in decimal). Therefore, larger number have to be broken down into chunks of 255. This slows microprocessor. Data Bus also carries instructions from memory to the microprocessor. Size of the bus therefore limits the number of possible instructions to 256, each specified by a separate number.

Control BusControl Bus are various lines which have specific functions for coordinating and controlling microprocessor operations. Eg: Read/NotWrite line, single binary digit. controls whether memory is being ‘written to’ (data stored in mem) or ‘read from’ (data taken out of mem) 1 = Read, 0 = Write. May also include clock line(s) for timing/synchronising, ‘interrupts’, ‘reset’ etc. Typically microprocessor has 10 control lines. Cannot function correctly without these vital control signals.

CPU ArchitectureControl UnitGenerates signals within microprocessor to carry out the instruction, which has been decoded. In reality causes certain connections between blocks of the microprocessor to be opened or closed, so that data goes where it is required, and so that ALU operations occur.

Arithmetic Logic UnitThe ALU performs the actual numerical and logic operation such as ‘add’, ’subtract’, ‘AND’, ‘OR’, etc. Uses data from memory and from Accumulator to perform arithmetic. Always stores result of operation in Accumulator.

RegistersThe 8085/8080A-programming model includes six registers, one accumulator, and one flag register, as shown in Fig. 2.1 In addition, it has two 16-bit registers: the stack pointer and the program counter. They are described briefly as follows.The 8085/8080A has six general-purpose registers to store 8-bit data; these are identified as B,C,D,E,H and L as shown in the figure. They can be combined as register pairs – BC, DE, and HL – to perform some 16-bit operations. The programmer can use these registers to store or copy data into the registers by using data copy instructions.


Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

6 BC0046 – Microprocessor

The accumulator is an 8-bit register that is a part of arithmetic/logic unit (ALU). This register is used to store 8-bit data and to perform arithmetic and logical operations. The result of an operation is stored in the accumulator. The accumulator is also identified as register A.

Temporary Register: It is used to hold the data during the arithmetic and logical operations.

FlagsThe ALU includes five flip-flops, which are set or reset after an operation according to data conditions of the result in the accumulator and other registers. They are called Zero(Z), Carry (CY), Sign (S), Parity (P), and Auxiliary Carry (AC) flags. The most commonly used flags are Zero, Carry, and Sign. The microprocessor uses these flags to test data conditions. For example, after an addition of two numbers, if the sum in the accumulator is larger than eight bits, the flip-flop uses to indicate a carry — called the Carry flag (CY) – is set to one. When an arithmetic operation results in zero, the flip-flop called the Zero(Z) flag is set to one. The Fig. 2.1 shows an 8-bit register, called the flag register, adjacent to the accumulator. However, it is not used as a register; five bit positions out of eight are used to store the outputs of the five flip-flops. The flags are stored in the 8-bit register so that the programmer can examine these flags (data conditions) by accessing the register through an instruction.These flags have critical importance in the decision-making process of the micro- processor. The conditions (set or reset) of the flags are tested through the software instructions. For example, the instruction JC (Jump on Carry) is implemented to change the sequence of a program when CY flag is set. The thorough understanding of flag is essential in writing assembly language programs.

Program Counter (PC)This 16-bit register deals with sequencing the execution of instructions. This register is a memory pointer. Memory locations have 16-bit addresses, and that is why this is a 16-bit register. The microprocessor uses this register to sequence the execution of the instructions. The function of the program counter is to point to the memory address from which the next byte is to be fetched. When a byte (machine code) is being fetched, the program counter is incremented by one to point to the next memory location

Stack Pointer (SP)The stack pointer is also a 16-bit register used as a memory pointer. It points to a memory location in R/W memory, called the stack. The beginning of the stack is defined by loading 16-bit address in the stack pointer.

Instruction Register/Decoder

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

7 BC0046 – Microprocessor

Temporary store for the current instruction of a program. Latest instruction sent here from memory prior to execution. Decoder then takes instruction and ‘decodes’ or interprets the instruction. Decoded instruction then passed to next stage. Memory Address RegisterHolds address, received from PC, of next program instruction. Feeds the address bus with addresses of location of the program under execution.

Control GeneratorGenerates signals within microprocessor to carry out the instruction which has been decoded. In reality causes certain connections between blocks of the microprocessor to be opened or closed, so that data goes where it is required, and so that ALU operations occur.

Register SelectorThis block controls the use of the register stack in the example. Just a logic circuit which switches between different registers in the set will receive instructions from Control Unit.

General Purpose RegistersMicroprocessor requires extra registers for versatility. Can be used to store additional data during a program. More complex processors may have a variety of differently named registers. Timing and Control unit:

It has three control signals ALE, RD (Active low) and WR (Active low) and three status signals IO/M(Active low), S0 and S1.

ALE is used for provide control signal to synchronize the components of microprocessor and timing for instruction to perform the operation.

RD (Active low) and WR (Active low) are used to indicate whether the operation is reading the data from memory or writing the data into memory respectively.

IO/M(Active low) is used to indicate whether the operation is belongs to the memory or peripherals.


Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

8 BC0046 – Microprocessor

Interrupt Control Unit: It receives hardware interrupt signals and sends an acknowledgement for receiving the interrupt signal.

4. Draw and explain the internal architecture of 8086. Ans. CPU Architecture of 8086Figure 4 shows the internal architecture of the 8086. Except for the instruction register, which is actually a 6-byte queue, the control unit and working registers are divided into three groups according to their functions. There is a data group, which is essentially the set of arithmetic registers; the pointer group, which includes base and index registers, but also contains the program counter and stack pointer; and the segment group, which is a set of special purpose base registers. All of the registers are 16 bits wide.

The data group consists of the AX, BX, CX and DX registers. These registers can be used to store both operands and results and each of them can be accessed as a whole, or the upper and lower bytes can be accessed separately. For example, either the 2 bytes in BX can be used together, or the upper byte BH or the lower byte BL can be used by itself by specifying BH or BL, respectively.

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

9 BC0046 – Microprocessor

Fig 4: Internal Architecture of 8086

In addition to serving as arithmetic registers, the BX, CX and DX registers play special addressing, counting, and I/O roles:BX may be used as a base register in address calculations.CX is used as an implied counter by certain instructions.DX is used to hold the I/O address during certain I/O operations.

The pointer and index group consists of the IP, SP, BP, SI, and DI registers. The instruction pointer IP and SP registers are essentially the program counter and stack pointer registers, but the complete instruction and stack addresses are formed by adding the contents of these registers to the contents of the code segment (CS) and stack segment (SS) registers. BP is a base register for accessing the stack and may be used with other registers and/or a displacement that is part of the instruction. The SI and DI registers are for indexing. Although they may be used by themselves, they are often used with the BX or BP registers and/or a displacement. Except for the IP, a pointer can be used to hold an operand, but must be accessed as a whole.

To provide flexible base addressing and indexing, a data address may be formed by adding together a combination of the BX or BP register contents, SI or DI register contents, and a displacement. The result of such an address computation is called an effective address (EA) or offset. The word “displacement” is used to indicate a quantity that is added to the contents ‘of a register(s) to form an EA. The final data address, however, is determined by the EA and the appropriate data segment (DS), extra segment (ES), or stack segment (SS) register.

The segment group consists of the CS, SS, DS, and ES registers. As indicated above, the registers that can be used for addressing, the BX, IP, SP, BP, SI, and DI registers, are only 16 bits wide and, therefore, an effective address has only 16 bits. On the other hand, the address put on the address bus, called the physical address, must contain 20 bits. The extra 4 bits are obtained by adding the effective address to the contents of one of the

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

10 BC0046 – Microprocessor

segment registers as shown in Fig. 4.1. The addition is carried out by appending four 0 bits to the right of the number in the segment register before the addition is made; thus a 20-bit result is produced. As an example, if (CS) = 1234 and (IP) = 0002, then the next instruction will be fetched from 0002 Effective address + 12340 beginning segment address 12342 Physical address of instruction

[It is standard notation for parentheses around an entity to mean "contents of," e.g., (IP) means the contents of IP. Also, all addresses are given in hexadecimal.]

Fig. 4.1 Generation of physical Address

The utilization of the segment registers essentially divide the memory space into overlapping segments, with each segment being 64K bytes long and beginning at a 16-byte, or paragraph, boundary, i.e., beginning at an address that is divisible by 16. We will hereafter refer to the contents of a segment register as the segment address, and the segment address multiplied by 16 as the beginning physical segment address, or simply, the beginning segment address. An illustration of the example above is given in Fig.4.1(a) and the overall segmentation of memory is shown in Fig. 4.2(b).

The advantages of using segment registers are that they:

1. Allow the memory capacity to be 1 MB even though the addresses associated with the individual instructions are only 16 bits wide.

2. Allows the instruction, data, or stack portion of a program to be more than 64K bytes long by using more than one code, data, or stack segment.

3. Facilitate the use of separate memory areas for a program, its data, and the stack.Permit a program and/or its data to be put into different areas of memory each time the program is executed.


Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

11 BC0046 – Microprocessor

Fig 4.2 Memory segmentation

The 8086’s PSW contains 16 bits, but 7 of them are not used. Each bit in the PSW is called a flag. The 8086 flags are divided into the conditional flags,which reflect the result of the previous operation involving the ALU, and the controlflags, which control the execution of special functions. The flags are summarized in Fig. 4.3

The condition flags are:

SF (Sign FIag)-Is equal to the MSB of the result. Since in 2’s complement negative numbers have a 1 in the MSB and for nonnegative numbers this bit is 0, this flag indicates whether the previous result was negative’ or nonnegative.

ZF (Zero Flag)-Is set to 1 if the result is zero and 0 if the result is nonzero.

PF (Parity Flag)-Is set to 1 if the low-order 8 bits of the result contains an even number of 1’s; otherwise it is cleared.

CF (Carry Flag)-An addition causes this flag to be set if there is a carry out of the MSB, and a subtraction causes it to be set if a borrow is needed. Other instructions also affect this flag and its value will be discussed when these instructions are defined.

AF (Auxiliary Carry Flag)-Is set if there is a carry out of bit 3 during an addition or a borrow by bit 3 during a subtraction. This flag is used exclusively for BCD arithmetic.

OF (Overflow Flag)-Is set if an overflow occurs, i.e., a result is out of range. More specifically, for addition this flag is set when there is a carry into the MSB and no carry out of the MSB or vice versa. For subtraction, it is set when the MSB needs a borrow and there is no borrow from the MSB or vice versa.

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

12 BC0046 – Microprocessor

As an example, if the previous instruction performed the addition

0010 0011 0100 1101

+ 0011 0010 0001 0001

0101 0101 0101 1110

then following the instruction:

SF=0 ZF=0 PF=0 CF=0 AF=0 OF=0

Fig 4.3: PSW register of 8086

If the previous instruction performed the addition

0101 0100 0011 1001

+ 0100 0101 0110 1010

1001 1001 1010 0011

then the flags would be:

SF = 1 ZF = 0 PF = 1 CF = 0 AF = 1 CF = 1

The control flags are:

DF (Direction Flag)-Used by string manipulation instructions. If zero, the string is processed from its beginning with the first element having the lowest address. Otherwise, the string is processed from the high address towards the low address.

IF (Interrupt Enable Flag)-Ifset, a certain type of interrupt (a maskable interrupt) can be recognized by the CPU; otherwise, these interrupts are ignored.

TF (Trap Flag)-Ifset, a trap is executed after each instruction

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

13 BC0046 – Microprocessor

5. Write a sequence of instructions to reverse a two digit hexadecimal number available in the register AX using shift and rotate instructions Ans. Shift and rotate instructionsThe shift and rotate instructions for the 8086 are defined in Fig. 5. These instructions shift all of the bits in the operand to the left or right by the specified count, CNT. For the shift left instructions, zeroes are shifted into the right end of the operand and the MSBs are shifted out the left end and lost, except that the least significant bit of these MSBs is retained in the CF flag. The shift right instructions similarly shift bits to the right; however, SAR (shift arithmetic right) does not automatically insert zeroes from the left; it extends the sign of the operand by repeatedly inserting the MSB. The rotate instructions differ from theshift instructions in that the operand is treated like a circle in which the bits shifted out of one end are shifted into the other end. The RCL and RCR instructions include the carry flag in the circle and the ROL and ROR do not, although the carry flag is affected in all cases

Figure 5: Shift and rotate instructions.

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

14 BC0046 – Microprocessor

6. Explain the concept of Linking and Relocation. Ans. Linking and Relocation

In constructing a program some program modules may be put in the same sourcemodule and assembled together; others may be in different source modules and assembled separately. If they are assembled separately, then the main module, which has the first instruction to be executed, must be terminated by an END statement with the entry point specified, and each of the other modules must be terminated by an END statement with no operand. In any event, the resulting object modules, some of which may be grouped into libraries, must be linked together to form a load module before the program can be executed. In addition to outputting the load module, normally the linker prints a memory map that indicates where the linked object modules will be loaded into memory. After the load module has been created it is loaded into the memory of the computer by the loader and execution begins. Although the I/O can be performed by modules within the program, normally the I/O is done by I/O drivers that are part of the operating system. All that appears in the user’s program are references to the I/O drivers that cause the operating system to execute them.

The general process for creating and executing a program is illustrated in Fig 6. The process for a particular system may not correspond exactly to the one diagrammed in the figure, but the general concepts are the same. The arrowsindicate that corrections may be made after anyone of the major stages.

Fig. 6: Creation and Execution of a program

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

15 BC0046 – Microprocessor

7. Differentiate macros and procedures. Ans.

Macro ProceduresMacro is a group of instruction. The macro assembler generates the code in the program eachtime where the macro is called. Macros are defined by MACRO & ENDM directives. Creatingmacro is similar to creating new opcodes that can be used in the programINIT MACROMOV AX, dataMOV DSMOV ES, AX


Procedures are a group of instructions stored as a separate program in memory and it is calledfrom the main program whenever required. The type of procedure depends on where theprocedures are stored in memory. If it is in the same code segment as that of the main program

then it is a near procedure otherwise it is a far procedure

Accessed during assembly with name given to macro when defined

Accessed by CALL & RET instruction during program execution

Machine code is generated for instruction each time when macro is called

Machine code for instruction is put only once in the memory

With Macro more memory is required With procedures less memory is required

Parameters passed as part of statement which calls macro

Parameters can be passed in registers, memory locations or stack

8. What is the operational difference between the IRET and RET instructions Ans. It is sometimes necessary to have the computer automatically execute one of a collection of special routines whenever certain conditions exist within a program or the computer system. The action that prompts the execution of one of these routines is called an interrupt and the routine that is executed is called an interrupt routine. There are two general classes of interrupts and associated routines. There are the internal interrupts that are initiated by the state of the CPU or by an instruction, and the external interrupts that are caused by a signal being sent to the CPU from elsewhere in the computer system. Typical internal interrupts are those caused by a division by zero or a special instruction and typical external interrupts are caused by the need of an I/O device to be serviced by the CPU.

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

16 BC0046 – Microprocessor

An interrupt routine is similar to a procedure in that it may be branched to from any other program and a return branch is made to that program after theinterrupt routine has executed. The interrupt routine must be written so that, except for the lapse in time, the interrupted program will proceed just as if nothing had happened. This means that the PSW and the registers used by the routine must be saved and restored and the return must be made to the instruction following the last instruction executed before the interrupt. An interrupt routine is unlike a procedure in that, instead of being linked to a particular-program, it is sometimes put in a fixed place (absolutely located) in memory. Because it is not linked to other segments, it can use only common areas that are absolutely located to communicate with other programs. Because some kinds of interrupts -are initiated by external events, they occur at random points in the interrupted program. For such interrupts, no parameters or parameter addresses can be passed to the interrupt routine. Instead, data communication must be made through variables that are directly accessible by both routines.

Regardless of the type of interrupt, the actions that result from an interrupt are the same and are known as the interrupt sequence. The interrupt sequence for the 8086 is shown in Fig. 5.8. Some kinds of interrupts are controlled by the IF and TF flags and in those cases these flags must be properly set or the interrupt action is blocked. If the conditions for an interrupt are met and the necessary flags are set, the instruction that is currently executing is completed and the interrupt sequence proceeds by pushing the current contents of the PSW, CS, and IP onto the stack, inputting the new contents of IP and CS from a double word whose address is determined by the type of interrupt, and clearing the If and TF flags. The new contents of the IP and CS determine the beginning address of the interrupt routine to be executed. After the interrupt has been executed the return is made to the interrupted program by an instruction that pops the IP, CS, and PSW from the stack.

The double word containing the new contents of IP and CS is called an interrupt pointer (or vector). Each interrupt type is given a number between 0 and 255, inclusive, and the

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

17 BC0046 – Microprocessor

address of the interrupt pointer is found by multiplying the type by 4. If the type is 9, then the interrupt pointer will be in bytes 00024 through 00027. Since it takes 4 bytes to store a double word, the interrupt pointers may occupy the first 1024 bytes of memory and these bytes should never be used for other purposes. Some of the 256 interrupt types may be reserved by the operating system and may be initialized when the computer system is first brought up. Users may tailor the other interrupt types according to their particular applications.

The kinds of interrupts and their designated types summarized in Fig. 8., by illustrating the layout of their pointers within memory. Only the first five types have explicit definitions the other types may be used by interrupt instructions or external interrupts.

Fig. 8: Layout of interrupt pointers

Instructions that initiate interrupts are sometimes called software interrupts. Also, given in the figure is the definition of the instruction IRET which is used to return from an interrupt routine. It is similar to the RET instruction except that it pops the original

9. Describe about each flag of a 8086 flag register. Ans. The 8086’s PSW contains 16 bits, but 7 of them are not used. Each bit in the PSW is called a flag. The 8086 flags are divided into the conditional flags, which reflect the result of the previous operation involving the ALU, and the control flags, which control the execution of special functions. The flags are summarized in Fig. 9

The condition flags are:

SF (Sign FIag)-Is equal to the MSB of the result. Since in 2’s complement negative numbers have a 1 in the MSB and for nonnegative numbers this bit is 0, this flag indicates whether the previous result was negative’ or nonnegative.

ZF (Zero Flag)-Is set to 1 if the result is zero and 0 if the result is nonzero.

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

18 BC0046 – Microprocessor

PF (Parity Flag)-Is set to 1 if the low-order 8 bits of the result contains an even number of 1’s; otherwise it is cleared.

CF (Carry Flag)-An addition causes this flag to be set if there is a carry out of the MSB, and a subtraction causes it to be set if a borrow is needed. Other instructions also affect this flag and its value will be discussed when these instructions are defined.

AF (Auxiliary Carry Flag)-Is set if there is a carry out of bit 3 during an addition or a borrow by bit 3 during a subtraction. This flag is used exclusively for BCD arithmetic.

OF (Overflow Flag)-Is set if an overflow occurs, i.e., a result is out of range. More specifically, for addition this flag is set when there is a carry into the MSB and no carry out of the MSB or vice versa. For subtraction, it is set when the MSB needs a borrow and there is no borrow from the MSB or vice versa. As an example, if the previous instruction performed the addition

0010 0011 0100 1101

+ 0011 0010 0001 0001

0101 0101 0101 1110

then following the instruction:

SF=0 ZF=0 PF=0 CF=0 AF=0 OF=0


Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

19 BC0046 – Microprocessor

Fig 9: PSW register of 8086

If the previous instruction performed the addition

0101 0100 0011 1001

+ 0100 0101 0110 1010

1001 1001 1010 0011

then the flags would be:

SF = 1 ZF = 0 PF = 1 CF = 0 AF = 1 CF = 1

The control flags are:

DF (Direction Flag)-Used by string manipulation instructions. If zero, the string is processed from its beginning with the first element having the lowest address. Otherwise, the string is processed from the high address towards the low address.

IF (Interrupt Enable Flag)-Ifset, a certain type of interrupt (a maskable interrupt) can be recognized by the CPU; otherwise, these interrupts are ignored.

TF (Trap Flag)-Ifset, a trap is executed after each instruction.

10. Write an assembly program to add and display two numbers.

Ans. Program:

To add two 16-bit numbers

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

20 BC0046 – Microprocessor


DATA SEGMENT ;Assembler directive

ORG 1100H ; Assembler directiveDATA1 DW 0 ; Assembler directiveDATA 2 DW 0 ; Assembler directiveSUM DW 0 ; Assembler directiveCARRY 0 ; Assembler directive



ASSUME CS : CODE ; Assembler directiveASSUME DS: DATA ; Assembler directiveORG 1000 H ; Assembler directive

MOV AX, DATA1 ; Load the first data in AX registerMOV CL, 00H ; Clear the CL register for carryADD AX, DATA2 ;Add 2nd data to AX, sum will be in AXMOV SUM, AX ;Store sum in memory location (1104H)JNC AHEAD ;Check the status of carry flagINC CL ;If carry is set, increment CL by one

AHEAD: MOV CARRY, CL ;Store carry in memory location (1106H)HLT

CODE ENDS :Assembler directiveEND ;Assembler directive

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

21 BC0046 – Microprocessor

February 2011

Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) – Semester 3

BC0046 – Microprocessor – 4 Credits

(Book ID: B0807)

Assignment Set – 2

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

22 BC0046 – Microprocessor

1. What is the value of SI after the execution of following block of code? Explain how?


Ans. The CLD Instruction reset the designation flag to zero. This instruction has no effect on the registers or other flags. When the direction flag is cleared / reset SI and DI will automatically be incremented when one of the string instruction such as MOVS, CMPS, SCAS, MOVSB and STOSB executes.Examples:CLD ; Set Auto-Increment mode

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected.CLD Clear DF CLD (DF) → 0 df

The MOV instruction copies a word or a byte of byte of data from a specified source to specified destination.MOVS moves a byte (or a word) from DS:[si] to ES:[di], and increments (or decrements) SI and DI, depending on the setting of DF, the direction flag(by 1 for bytes and by 2 for words). You may use CS:[si], SS:[si] or ES:[si], but you MAY NOT OVERRIDE ES:[di]. Though the following is not a legal instruction, itsignifies the equivalent action to MOVS (not including changing DI and SI):

mov WORD PTR ES:[DI], DS:[SI] ; or BYTE PTR for bytes

CLD ; Set Auto-Increment modeMOV CX, 0 ; MOV 0 into the CX. MOV SI,1 ; MOV 1 in to the SI

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

23 BC0046 – Microprocessor

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected.MOV Move MOV D,S (S) →(D) None

Rep Instruction: Repeat string instruction until specified condition exist.The string instructions may be prefixed by REP/REPE/REPNE which will repeat the instructions according to the following conditions:

rep decrement cx ; repeat if cx is not zero repe decrement cx ; repeat if cx not zero AND zf = 1 repz decrement cx ; repeat if cx not zero AND zf = 1 repne decrement cx ; repeat if cx not zero AND zf = 0 repnz decrement cx ; repeat if cx not zero AND zf = 0

Here, 'e' stands for equal, 'z' is zero and 'n' is not. These repeat instructions should NEVER be used with a segment override, since the 8086 will forget the override if hardware interrupt occurs in the middle of the REP loop.

REP LODSB ; Repeat and move one byte at a time.

LODSB : The Load String Byte transfers the byte pointed to by DS:SI into AL register and increments or decrements SI (depending on the state of the Direction Flag) to point to the next byte of the stringLogic: al <- (ds:si) if df = 0 si <- si+1 else si <- si-1

Therefore the Answer is 2

2. When working with strings, what are the advantages of the MOVS and CMPS instructions over the MOV and CMP instructions?

Ans. When working with strings, the advantages of the MOVS and CMPS instructions over the MOV and CMP instructions are:

1. They are only 1 byte long.2. Both operands are memory operands.3. Their auto-indexing obviates the need for separate incrementing or decrementing instructions, thus decreasing overall processing time.

As an example consider the problem of moving the contents of a block of memory to another area in memory. A solution that uses only the MOV instruction, which cannot perform a memory-to-memory transfer, is shown in Fig. 2.

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

24 BC0046 – Microprocessor

Fig. 2: Program sequences for moving a block of data

A solution that employs the MOVS instruction is given in Fig. 2. Note that the second program sequence may move either bytes or words, depending on the type of STRING1 and STRING2.

3. Explain the working of DMA.Ans. If the data transfer rate to or from an I/O device is relatively low, then the communication can be performed using either programmed or interrupt I/O. Some devices, such as magnetic tape and disk units and analog to-digital converters, may operate at data rates that are too high to be handled by byte or word transfers. Data rates for I/O and mass storage devices are often determined by the devices, not the CPU, and the computer must be capable of executing I/O according to the maximum speed of the device. For a disk unit the data rate is determined by the speed with which data pass under the read/write head and quite often this rate exceeds 200,000 bytes per second. Thus, there is less than 5 microseconds to transfer each byte to or from memory. For data rates of this magnitude, block transfers, which use DMA controllers to communicate directly with memory, are required.

During any given bus cycle, one of the system components connected to the system bus is given control of the bus. This component is said to be the master during that cycle and the component it is communicating with is said to be the slave. The CPU with its bus control logic is normally the master, but other specially designed components can gain control of the bus by sending a bus request to the CPU. After the current bus cycle is completed the CPU will return a bus grant signal and the component sending the request will become the master. Taking control of the bus for a bus cycle is called cycle stealing. Just like the bus control logic, a master must be capable of placing addresses

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

25 BC0046 – Microprocessor

on the address bus and directing the bus activity during a bus cycle. The components capable of becoming masters are processors (and their bus control logic) and DMA controllers. Sometimes a DMA controller is associated with a single interface, but they are often designed to accommodate more than one interface.

The 8086 receives bus requests through its HOLD pin and issues grants from its hold acknowledge (HLDA) pin. A request is made when a potential master sends a 1 to the HOLD pin. Normally, after the current bus cycle is complete the 8086 will respond by putting a 1 on the HLDA pin. When the requesting device receives this grant signal it becomes the master. It will remain master until it drops the signal to the HOLD pin, at which time the 8086 will drop the grant on the HLDA pin. One exception to the normal sequence is that if a word which begins at an odd address is being accessed, then two bus cycles are required to complete the transfer and a grant will not be issued until after the second bus cycle

Fig.3A: Minimal DMA interface configuration

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26 BC0046 – Microprocessor

Fig. 3B: Minimal DMA interface configuration

A block transfer is a succession of the datum transfers described above. Each successive DMA uses the next consecutive memory location. Although DMA controllers could be designed around a variety of configurations, all of these configurations must satisfy certain requirements. Since the DMA controller must supply the address when it is master, it must be capable of storing the next memory address that is to be accessed. It must also be able to know when to stop the block transfer. The sequence of actions taken during a single output DMA is illustrated in Fig. 3A. A minimal DMA controller/interface design is shown in Fig. 3B.

The controller design contains two registers in addition to whatever status and control registers are required, one for holding the address of the next memory location and one for noting the number of bytes yet to be transferred. These registers are I/O ports, so that they can be initialized before the block transfer begins. After each datum is moved the address register is incremented (or perhaps decremented, depending on the design) and the byte count register is decremented. The incrementing and decrementing are by 1 for byte transfers, and by 2 for word transfers. During a block input byte transfer, the following sequence occurs as the datum is sent from the interface to the memory:’

1. The interface sends the controller a request for DMA service.2. The controller gains control of the bus.3. The contents of the address register are put on the address bus.

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

27 BC0046 – Microprocessor

4. The controller sends the interface a DMA acknowledgment which tells the interface to put data on the data bus. (For an output it signals the interface to latch the next data placed on the bus.)5. The data byte is transferred to the memory location indicated by the address bus.6. The controller relinquishes the bus.7. The address register is incremented by 1.8. The byte count register is decremented by 1.9. If the byte count register in nonzero, return to step1; otherwise, stop.

4. Write short notes on (i) programmed I/O and (ii) Interrupt I/O

ANS. Programmed I/O: It consists of continually examining the status of an interface and performing an I/O operation with the interface when its status indicates that it has data to be input or its data-out buffer register is ready to receive data from the CPU. A typical programmed input operation is flowcharted in Fig.4A.

As a more complete example, suppose that a line of characters is to be input from a terminal to an 82-byte array beginning at BUFFER until a carriage return is encountered or more than 80 characters are input. If a carriage return is not found in the first 81 characters then the message “BUFFER OVERFLOW” is to be output to the terminal; otherwise, a line feed is to be automatically appended to the carriage return

The program for solving the above problem is given in Fig. 4B. The interface for Programmed IO is shown in Fig. 4C.

Fig. 4A: Programmed IO Example

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

28 BC0046 – Microprocessor

Fig. 4B: Programmed IO Example

Fig. 4C: Interface for the Programmed IO Example

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

29 BC0046 – Microprocessor

Program instructions are controlling the transfer of data during the IN and OUT operations. The software therefore initiates, as well as, controls the process of data transfer. The hardware’s responsibilities are confined to merely performing the necessary operations. The appropriate device is first checked in the device interface to determine whether it is ready. Device readiness must be tested because the CPU is much faster than peripheral devices. The test is followed by a conditional skip instruction. If the ready flag is '1' (device ready), the program proceeds to the next step. If the Ready Flag is '0', the program loops back to the test instruction. The CPU, therefore, waits for a slow device by continually testing the readiness of the device, until it reports ready. When the I/O device is ready, the data transfer operation takes place. Immediately after the transfer of one character, the CPU reset the ready Flag to 0. The device then sets the Flag back to 1, when it is again ready to receive the data.

Programmed data transfer has the advantage that it allows simple hardware interfaces, because most of the management of the I/O operations is performed by software. The disadvantage of this technique is that valuable CPU time is wasted while the CPU waits for the peripheral device to get ready.

Interrupt I/O When interfacing a peripheral to a microprocessor, the microprocessor is not knowing when the peripheral is ready. That is, the peripheral operates asynchronously with respect to the microprocessor. One solution is to programme the CPU to repeatedly check the peripheral's READY flag. However, this has a built-in disadvantage in that all the resources of the processor are devoted to waiting for this flag. No other task can be performed. If the peripheral is READY once in every 10,000µsec, the CPU will spend most of its time idling. A more logical approach would be to have the peripheral "tell the CPU" when it is ready. This is the purpose of the microprocessor'sin terrup t input. An interrupt is used to cause a temporary halt in the execution of a program. The microprocessor responds to the interrupt with an Interrupt Service Sub-routine (ISS) which is a short programme or a subroutine that instructs the microprocessor on how to handle the interrupt.

Fig. 4D diagrams the CPU's response to an interrupt. During time 1 the processor is assumed to be executing its main task. At time 2 the peripheral's READY flag causes an interrupt to occur. After finishing the current instruction at time 3, the CS, IP and flag registers are pushed on to the stack at time 4. Control then transfers to the ISS at time 5. During time 6, the ISS is executed, terminating with the instruction IRET (interrupt return). The CS, IP and flag registers are recovered from the stack during time 7 and the original task is resumed at time 8.

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

30 BC0046 – Microprocessor

Figure 4D: Execution Process of Interrupt Service Routine.

If we assume that 100µs is required to respond to the interrupt and supply the peripheral with data, then in the case of a 10,000µs per character printer, 9900µs will be available to the processor for its main task.

The 8086 has two interrupt pins labeled INTER and NM1. NM1 is a nonmaskable interrupt, which means that it requires an immediate response from the processor and it cannot be blocked. INTR is maskable via the IF flag. Only when this flag is set will interrupts on this input be accepted. Interrupts can be generated by both hardware and software. Interrupts are also prioritized to allow for the case when more than one interfere

Because the NMI input is nonmaskable, care must be taken when using this interrupt. This is because there may be some programs which we do not want to interrupt- reading or writing data to a disk drive, for example. For this reason, NMI input is normally reserved for catastrophic events like memory error or impending power failure.

5. Explain about the semaphore operations.Ans. In multiprogramming systems, processes are allowed to share common software and data resources as well as hardware resources. In many situations, a common resource may be accessed and updated by only one process at a time and other processes must wait until the one currently using the shared resource is finished with it. A resource of this type, which is commonly referred to as a serially reusable resource, must be protected from being simultaneously accessed and modified by two or more processes. A serially reusable resource may be a hardware resource (such as a printer, card reader, or tape drive), a file of data, or a shared memory area.

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

31 BC0046 – Microprocessor

For example, let us consider a personnel file that is shared by processes 1 and 2. Suppose that process 1 performs insertions, deletions, and changes, and process 2 puts the file in alphabetical order according to last names. If accessed sequentially, this file would either be updated by process 1 and then sorted by process 2, or vice versa. However, if both processes were allowed to access the file at the same time, the results would be unpredictable and almost certainly incorrect. The solution to this problem is to allow only one process at a time to enter its critical section of code, i.e., that section of code that accesses the serially reusable resource.

Preventing two or more processes from simultaneously entering their critical sections for accessing a shared resource is called mutual exclusion. One way to attain mutual exclusion is to use flags to indicate when the shared resource is already in use. To examine how this is done and some of the problems associated with this approach let us consider the possibility of using only one flag. If there is only one flag and FLAG = 1 indicates that the resource is free and FLAG = 0 indicates it is busy, then two processes that access the resource might be implemented as follows:

Process 1

P1 :




} Critical section in process 1


Process 2






Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

32 BC0046 – Microprocessor

} Critical section in process 2


where the first MOV instructions set the flag to 0 in an attempt to prevent the other process from entering the resource. The last MOV instructions are to reset; the FLAG to 1 after the access is complete so that the other process can once again’ enter the resource.

The problem with the above approach is that it is possible for both processes to enter their critical sections. To see how this can happen, suppose that FLAG = 1 and that the following sequence occurs:1. The TEST instruction in process 1 is executed.2. A switch is made to process 2 before the JZ instruction in process 1 is executed.3. The TEST instruction in process 2 is executed.

At this point both processes are free to enter their critical sections of code.

To avoid the above problem two flags can be employed, one which indicates that process 1 is in its critical section and one for indicating that process 2 is in its critical section. Before either process can enter its critical section it would first clear its flag to indicate its intention and then repeatedly test the flag associated with the other process until it becomes 1. This could be implemented by coding both processes as follows:

P1 :




} Critical section


While this solution does guarantee mutual exclusion, it introduces yet another problem, called mutual blocking. If a switch from, say, process 1 to process 2 occurs between the MOV and TEST instructions, then process 2 might clear FLAG2, causing both flags to be 0. Since neither TEST has been performed at that time, neither process will be able to enter its critical section. Both processes will be hung up in their waiting loops.

For a solution to the critical section problem that both provides mutual exclusion and avoids mutual blocking, a third flag is needed that indicates which process has the

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

33 BC0046 – Microprocessor

higher priority when the mutual blocking occurs. This concept was first proposed by Dekker and was discussed by Dijkstra. Dijkstra has also extended this solution to the n-process case.

When using an 8086 or 8088, a simple solution to the problem is provided by the presence of the XCHG instruction. The required access control can be obtained by using a single flag and structuring the processes as indicated below:

P1 :





} Critical section


If FLAG = 1 when the XCHG instruction is executed, FLAG is cleared and AL is set to 1. Even if the system switches processes after the XCHG instruction, the new process cannot enter its critical section because FLAG has already been cleared. This solution is attributed to the capability of loading and setting an operand with a single instruction (i.e., the XCHG instruction), and can be applied to any number of processes.

A flag used to reserve a shared resource is called a semaphore and the operations of requesting and releasing the resource are commonly known as the P and V semaphore operators. As shown above, the P operator can be easily implemented with the MOV, XCHG, TEST, and JZ instructions, and the V operator with a MOV instruction. However, for this implementation, when one process is in its critical section, other processes that are presently competing for the same resource will be idling in the wait loops associated with their P operators. This may cause a significant amount of CPU time to be wasted. To better utilize the CPU time, the P operator could be modified as follows:





Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

34 BC0046 – Microprocessor

Call the monitor in such a way that it

will put the current process into the blocked state



} Critical section

Therefore, if the semaphore is cleared, instead of repeating the wait loop, the monitor changes the state of the current process to blocked and switches a ready process to running. Similarly, the V operator should be modified to be:


Call the monitor in such a way that it will unblock those processes that were blocked due to the semaphore

This sets the semaphore to 1 and allows the monitor to move those processes which were blocked because the shared resource was unavailable from the blocked list to the ready list. The first of these processes that resumes its execution will be able to enter its critical section.

6. Explain what a virtual memory is?Ans. Virtual MemoryThe more sophisticated memory management scheme can be achieved by the hardware dynamic address translation design illustrated in Fig.6. For each memory reference, the logical address output by the CPU is translated into the physical address, which is the address sent to the memory by the memory management hardware. Logical addresses are the addresses that are generated by the instructions according to the addressing modes.

Fig.6: Dynamic Address Translation

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

Control LinesControl Lines

Memory management logic for mapping logical addresses into physical addresses

Logical Address


Logical AddressCPU


35 BC0046 – Microprocessor

Because the logical addresses may be different from the physical addresses, the user can design a program in a logical space, also called a virtual space, without consideration for the limitations imposed by the real memory. This provides two major advantages. First, dividing a program into several pieces with each mapped into an area in real memory, a program need not occupy a contiguous memory section. Therefore, memory fragmentation is reduced and less memory space is wasted. Second, it is not necessary to store the entire program in memory while it is executing. Whenever a portion of the program that is not currently in memory is referenced, the operating system can suspend the program, load in the required section of code, and then resume the program’s execution. This allows a program’s size to be larger than the actual memory available. Inother words, a user “virtually” has more memory to work with than actually exists.With address translation hardware, the program is divided into segments according to the logical structure of the program and the resulting memory management scheme is called segmentation. When using segmentation, each logical address consists of two fields, the segment number and the offset within the segment. The number of bits representing the segment number governs the maximum number of segments allowed in a program, and the number of bits allocated to the offset specifies the maximum segment size. For example, if the segment number and offset have m and n bits, respectively, a program may have up to 2m segments, with each segment having a maximum size of 2n bytes, thus providing each user with a virtual storage of 2m+n bytes.

Fig. 6A illustrates the mapping of logical addresses into physical addresses.

Fig. 6A: Segmentation Scheme

The segment number S in a logical address is used as an index into the segment table, which returns the beginning physical address X of the referenced segment. This address

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

36 BC0046 – Microprocessor

added to the offset L to form the physical address of the memory location. Because each job may be assigned a separate area in the segment table, the base address of that section of the segment table that is associated with the currently executing job is stored in a register called the segment table register. The index S is made relative to the segment table register. When the system switches from one job to another, the segment table register is updated to point to a new section of the segment table. Because the address translation must be performed for every memory reference, either the entire segment table or that portion of the table containing the beginning addresses of the segments that are currently in use must be stored in registers which are part of the memory management hardware.

Each entry in the segment table is referred to as a segment descriptor. Depending on ,the particular implementation, a segment descriptor may include attributes in addition to the beginning segment address. The most common of these additional attributes are the.:

Status Field - Indicates whether or not the referenced segment is in the memory.Segment Length Field - Indicates the size of the segment.Protection Field - Provides protection against unauthorized reading, writing, or execution.Reference Field - Provides useful information in determining which segment is to be replaced.Change field - Indicates whether or not the segment has beenmodified since being brought into memory .

7. Differentiate between minimum mode and maximum mode of configuration in microprocessor.Ans. In Minimum mode, all control signals are self generated by 8086/8088

microprocessor such as RD' and WR'. In maximum mode, the control signals are generated by external chip such as MRDC'

(memory read) and MWTC' (memory write) by 8288 chip. In Minimum mode the 8086 processor works in a single processor environment. All control signals for memory and I/O are generated by the microprocessor. In Maximum mode is designed to be used when a coprocessor exists in the system. 8086 works in a multiprocessor environment. Control signals for memory and I/O are generated by an external BUS Controller.

The pin#33 selects the mode. If connected to +5vcc => minimum mode & if grounded => maximum mode. Both have different functions because changing the mode changes the functionality of some others pins too.

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

37 BC0046 – Microprocessor

INTEL's pre release 8085A, to support its features, minimum mode was there while to support the modern design journey of microprocessors, maximum mode was available.

Minimum mode operation is least expensive way to operate the 8086/8088 because all the control signals were generated, for the IO or and Memory, by the processor and allowed the 8085A without any special consideration

Maximum mode ; some of the control signals must be generated externally, requires an addition of an external bus controler 8288. maximum mode had the ability to control the external buses and was used only when coprocessors were attached with the processor

In Minimum mode mn/mx- is connected to vcc .here now mn will be one and in Min Mode one processor is present without any co processor and in min mode only one processor is present without any co processor

8086 microprocessors can be configured to work in either of the two modes: the minimum mode and the maximum mode

Minimum mode: Pull MN/MX to logic 1 Typically smaller systems and contains a single microprocessor• Maximum mode Pull MN/MX logic 0 Larger systems with more than one processor

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

38 BC0046 – Microprocessor

8088 Minimum- Mode Block Diagram

System Bus Timing

The length of a bus cycle in an 8086 system is four clock cycles, denoted T1 through T4, plus an indeterminate number of wait state clock cycles, denoted Tw. If the bus is to be inactive after the completion of a bus cycle, then the gap between successive cycles is filled with idle state clock cycles represented by T1. Wait states are inserted between T3 and T4 when a memory or I/O interface is not able to respond quickly enough during a transfer. A typical succession of bus cycles is given in Fig. 9.9.

The timing diagrams for 8086 minimum mode input and output transfers that require no wait states are shown in Fig. 7B. When the state of the processor is such that it is ready to initiate a bus cycle it applies a pulse to the ALE pin during Tl. Before the trailing edge of the ALE signal the address, BHE, M/IO, DEN, and DT/R signals should be stable, with DEN= 1 and DT/R = 0 for an input and DT/R = 1 for an output. At the trailing edge of the ALE signal the 8282s latch the address. During T2 the address is dropped and S3

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

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through S7 are output on AD16/S3-AD19/S6 and BHE/S7, and DEN, is lowered to enable the 8286 transceivers. If an input is being conducted, RD is activated low during T2 and AD15-AD0 enter a high-impedance state in preparation for input. If the memory or I/O interface can perform the transfer immediately, there are no wait states and the data are put on the bus during T3. After the input data are accepted by the processor, RD is raised to 1 at the beginning of T4 and, upon detecting this transition, the memory or I/O interface will drop its data signals. For an output, the processor applies the WR = 0 signal and then the data during T2, and in T4 WR is raised and the data signals are dropped. For either an input or output, DENis raised during T4 to disable the transceivers and the M/IO, signal is set according to the next transfer at this time or during a subsequent T1 state.

Fig. 7A: Typical sequence of bus cycles

The timing diagrams for input and input and output transfers on a maximum mode system are given in Fig. 7B. The S0, S1 and S2 bits are set just prior to the beginning of the bus cycle. Upon detecting a change from the passive S0 = S1 = S2 = 1 state, the 8288 bus controller will output a pulse on its ALE pin and apply the appropriate signal to its DT/R pin during Tl. In T2, the 8288 will set DEN= 1, thus enabling the transceivers, and, for an input, will activate either MRDC or IORC. These signals will be maintained until T4′. For an output, the AMWC or AIOWC is activated from T2 to T4 and the MWTC or IOWC is activated from T3 to T4. The status bits S0 and S2 will remain active until T3 and will become passive (all 1s) during T3 and T4. As with the minimum mode, if the READY input is not activated before the beginning of T3, wait states will be inserted between T3 and T4.

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

40 BC0046 – Microprocessor


1. Input

            (b) Output

Fig. 7B: 8086 minimum mode bus timing diagrams



Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

41 BC0046 – Microprocessor

1. Input


        (b) Output

Fig. 7C: Timing diagrams for maximum mode system

8. Explain the 8288 Bus controller.Ans. An expanded view of a maximum mode system which shows only the connections to an 8288 is given in Fig.8. The s0, s1and s2 pins are for receiving the corresponding status bits from the processor. The ALE, DT/R and DEN pins provide the same outputs that are sent by the processor when it is in minimum mode.The CLK input permits the bus controller activity to be synchronized with that of the processor. The AEN, IOB, and CEN pins are for multiprocessor systems. In a single-processor system AEN, IOB are normally grounded and a 1 is applied to CEN. The meaning of the MCE/PDEN output

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

42 BC0046 – Microprocessor

depends on the mode, which is determined by the signal applied to IOB. When IOB is grounded it assumes its master cascade enable (MCE) meaning and can be used to control cascaded 8259. As In the event that +5 V is connected to IOB, the peripheral data enable (PDEN) meaning, which is used in multiple-bus configurations, is assumed.The remaining pins given in Fig.8 have the following definitions:

INTA- Issues the two interrupt acknowledgment pulses to a priority interrupt controller or an interrupting device when S0 = S1 = S2 =0IORC - (I/O Read Command)- Instructs an I/O interface to put the data contained in the addressed port on the data bus.IOWC - (I/O Write Command)-Instructs an I/O interface to accept the data on the data bus and put the data into the addressed port.MRDC - (Memory Read Command)-Instructs the memory to put the contents of theaddressed location on the data bus.MWTC - (Memory Write Command)-Instructs the memory to accept the data on the data bus and put the data into the addressed memory location.

These signals are active low and are output during the middle portion of a bus cycle. Clearly, only one of them will be issued during any given bus cycle.

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

43 BC0046 – Microprocessor

Fig. 8: Connection to an 8288 bus controller.

9. Draw the block diagram of 8087Ans.

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

44 BC0046 – Microprocessor

Block Diagram of 8087

10. Explain why the processor utilization rate can be improved in a multiprocessor system by an instruction queue.

Ans. Because the 8086 has a 6-byte instruction queue, the instruction that has just been fetched may not be executed immediately. In order to allow external logic to monitor the execution sequence, a maximum mode 8086 outputs the queue status through its QSl and QS0 pins. During each clock cycle the queue status is examined and the QSl and QS0 bits are encoded as follows:

00-No instruction was taken from the queue.

0l-The first byte of the current instruction was taken from the queue.

10-The queue was flushed because of ‘a transfer instruction.

11-A byte other than the first byte of an instruction was taken from the queue.

By monitoring the bus and the queue status, external logic can simulate the CPU’s instruction execution sequence and determine which instruction is currently being executed. This facility is necessary so that the 8086 can indicate when an instruction is to be executed by a coprocessor.

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

45 BC0046 – Microprocessor

It is necessary to control the accesses to the shared resources in a multiprogramming environment. Normally, semaphores, are used to ensure that at any given time only one may enter its critical section of code in which a shared resource is accessed.

Let us now reconsider the semaphore implementation:

              MOV AL, 0TRYAGAIN : XCHG SEMAPHORE,AL TEST AL, AL JZ TRYAGAIN {Critical section in which a process accesses a shared resource} MOV SEMAPHORE, 1

This implementation works fine for a system in which all of the processes an executed by the same processor, because the processor cannot switch from one process to another in the middle of an instruction. However, if competing processes are running on different processors, the situation is more complex.

Suppose that processor A is concurrently ready to update a record in memory while processor B is ready to sort the same record. Since both processors are running independently, they might test the semaphore at the same time. Note that the XCHG instruction requires two bus cycles, one which inputs the old semaphore and one which outputs the new semaphore. It is possible that after processor A fetches the semaphore, processor B gains control of the next bus cycle and fetches the same semaphore.

Suppose that the location SEMAPHORE contains a 1 and both processors A and B are executing

      TRY AGAIN: XCHG SEMAPHORE,AL and1. Processor A uses the first available bus cycle to get the contents of SEMAPHORE.2. Processor B uses the next bus cycle to get the contents of SEMAPHORE3. Processor A clears SEMAPHORE during the next bus cycle, thus completing its XCHG instruction.4. Processor B clears SEMAPHORE during the next bus cycle, thus completing its XCHG instruction.

After this sequence is through, the AL registers in both processors will contain 1 and the TEST AL,AL

instruction will cause the JZ instructions to fail. Therefore both processors will enter their critical sections of code.

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

46 BC0046 – Microprocessor

To avoid this problem, the processor that starts executing its XCHG instruction first (which in this example is processor A) must have exclusive use of the bus until the XCHG instruction is completed. On the 8086 this exclusive use is guaranteed by a LOCK prefix:

     1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1

which for a maximum mode CPU, activates the LOCK output pin during the execution of the instruction that follows the prefix. The LOCK signal indicates to the bus control logic that no other processors may gain control of the system bus until the locked instruction is completed. To get around the problem encountered in the above example the XCHG instructions could be replaced with:


This would ensure that each exchange will be completed in two consecutive bus cycles.

Physically, in a loosely coupled system each processing module includes a bus arbiter and the bus arbiters are connected together by special control lines in the system bus. One of these lines is a busy line which is active whenever the bus is in use. When a processing module’s arbiter is given control of the bus it will activate the busy line, which will prevent other arbiters from seizing the bus until after the next bus cycle. If a signal is sent to the arbiter controlling the bus, then that arbiter will retain control of the system by holding the busy line active until the signal is dropped. Thus, if a processor applies a signal throughout the execution of an entire instruction, its arbiter will not relinquish the system bus until the instruction is complete.

In a module including a coprocessor or closely coupled configuration, if a bus request is made through one of the 8086’s / pins while the pin is active, then the request will be held until the signal is dropped. Then the 8086 will respond to the request by returning a grant. In addition to being activated by a prefix, an interrupt request on a CPU’s INTR pin will cause the pin to be held low from the beginning of the first pulse until after the second pulse. This guarantees availability of the bus until the completion of an interrupt cycle.

Another possible application of the bus lock capability is to allow fast execution of an instruction which requires several bus cycles. For example, in a multiprocessor system a block of data can be transferred at a higher speed by using the LOCK prefix as follows:


During the execution of this instruction the system bus will be reserved for the sole use of the processor executing the instruction.

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919

47 BC0046 – Microprocessor

Assignment by: Paramjeet Singh Virdi, Roll number: 521022919