MICRONESIA: A SELECTIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY (A · PDF file(A selective bibliography prepared for a...

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Prepared by Karen Peacock, PhD Pacific Curator, Hamilton Library University of Hawai'i at Manoa

May 1997

(A selective bibliography prepared for a course, Pacific Islands Information Resources. The call numbers are for the Pacific Collection, Hamilton Library, University of Hawai'i at Manoa.)


An introduction to the peoples and cultures of Micronesia. 2d ed. Menlo Park, CA: Cummings Pub. Co., 1977. 148p. Pac. GN669 .A4 1977.

Ashby, Gene, ed. Never and always: Micronesian legends, fables and folklore. 2d ed., rev. Eugene, Ore.: Rainy Day Press, 1989. 124p. Pac. GR383 .N48 1989

__________. Some things of value: Micronesian customs and beliefs. Revised ed. Eugene, Ore.: Rainy Day Press, 1985. 245p. Pac. DU500.4 .S65 1985 Also HL

Ballendorf, Dirk A. Island insights. Agana, Guam: s.n., 1994. 80p. Pacc DU500 .B25 1994

Barnett, Homer G. Anthropology in administration. Evanston, Ill.: Row, Peterson, 1956. 196p. Pac. JV308 .B3.

Barrau, Jacques. Subsistence agriculture in Polynesia and Micronesia. Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press, 1961. 94p. Pac. AM101 .B442 n.223.

Bast, Benjamin, ed. The political future of Guam and Micronesia. Agaña, Guam: University of Guam Press, 1974. 97p. Pac. DU647 .A62 1974.

Bendure, Glenda and Ned Friary.


Micronesia: a travel survival kit. 2d ed. Hawthorn, Vic., Australia: Lonely Planet Publications, 1992. 260p. Pac. DU500 .B45 1992

Bliss, Theodora C. Micronesia: fifty years in the islands world: a history of the Mission of the American Board. Boston: American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 1905. 76, 25p. Pac. BV 3677 .B57 1905.

Boutilier, James A., et al., eds. Mission, Church, and sect in Oceania. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press, 1978. 500p. Pacc. BV3670 .M49

Brady, Ivan, ed. Transactions in kinship: adoption and fosterage in Oceania. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1976. 308p. Pac. GN663 .T72.

Brower, Kenneth. Micronesia: island wilderness. San Francisco: Friends of the Earth, 1975. 158p. Pac. DU500 .B7.

__________. Micronesia: the land, the people and the sea. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 1981. 128p.Pac. DU500.2 .B76.

__________. Song for Satawal. NY: Harper & Row, 1983. 218p. Pac. DU500 .B763 1983 Also HL

Bryan, E.H., Jr. Guide to place names in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Honolulu: Pacific Scientific Information Center, Bishop Museum, 1971. 406p. Pac. DU500 .B785.

_______. Land in Micronesia and its resources. Honolulu: Pacific Scientific Information Center, Bishop Museum, 1970. 119p. Pac. Z4501 .B78.

Carroll, Vern, ed. Adoption in Eastern Oceania. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1970. 422p. Pac. GN482 .C37.

_______. Pacific atoll populations. Honolulu: University Press of Hawai, 1975. 528p. Pac. HB 3693 .P32


Christian, F.W. The Caroline Islands. Travel in the sea of little islands. London: Cass, 1967. Reprint. 412p. Pac. DU563 .C5 1967.

Clyde, P.H. Japan's Pacific mandate. Port Washington, NY: Kennikat Press, 1967. 244p. Reissued ed. Pac. DU500 .C4 1967.

Conference on Micronesian Education, Kolonia, Ponape, 1974. Education for what? Kolonia, Ponape, 1974. l v. (various pagings) Pac. LA2270 .M5C6.

Crocombe, Ron and Ahmed Ali, eds. Politics in Micronesia. Suva, Fiji: Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific, 1983. 168p. Pac. JQ6451 .A2P65 1983.

__________ and Leonard Mason, eds. Micronesian politics. Suva, Fiji: Inst. of Pacific Studies, Univ. of the South Pacific, 1988. 194p. Pac. DU500 .M498 Also HL Cormack, Maribelle.

The lady was a skipper: the story of Eleanor Wilson, Missionary extraordinary to the Marshall and Caroline Islands. NY: Hill and Wang, 1956. 224p. Pac. BV3678 .W5C6

Crawford, David and Leona. Missionary adventures in the South Pacific. Rutland, Vt.: Tuttle, 1967. 280p. Pac. BV3677 .C7.

Cultural anthropological research on the folk culture in the Western Caroline Islands of Micronesia: report. Ed. by Numio Kusakabe. Tokyo: Committee for Micronesian Research, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 1979. 103p. Pac. GN671 .C3C85.

Denfeld, D. Colt. Japanese fortifications and other military structures in the Central Pacific. 2d ed. Saipan, CNMI: Div. of Historic Preservation, 1992. 100p. Micronesian Archaeological Survey, no. l9. Pacc DU500.5 .D46 1992

deSmith, Stanley A. Microstates and Micronesia. NY: NY University Press, 1970. 193p. Pac. JC365 .D43.

Dorrance, John C. Micronesian crosscurrents and the US role in the Western Pacific. Washington, DC: National War College, 1975. 902 leaves. Pac. DU500.75 .D677.


Edmonds, I.G.

Micronesia: America's outpost in the Pacific. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1974. 152p. Pac. DU500 .E33.

Feldman, Jerome and Donald H. Rubinstein. The art of Micronesia: the University of Hawaii Art Gallery. Honolulu: Univ. of Hawaii, Art Gallery, 1986. 75p. Pac. NX596 .M5 F45 Also HL

Firth, Stewart. Nuclear playground. Honolulu: Pacific Islands Studies Program, Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, UH: Univ. of Hawaii Press, 1987. 176p. Pacc U264 .F57 1987

Fischer, John L. (assisted by Ann M. Fischer) The Eastern Carolines. New Haven: HRAF Press, 1966. 276p. Pac. DU563 .F55 1966.

Flinn, Juliana. Diplomas and thatch houses: asserting tradition in a changing Micronesia. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press, 1992. 187p. Pac. DU568 .P8 F57 1992

Force, Roland and Brenda Bishop, eds. The impact of urban centers in the Pacific. Honolulu: Pacific Science Assoc., 1975. 362 p. Pac. HT149 .O3I5.

Freeman, Otis W., ed. Geography of the Pacific. NY: Wiley, 1951. 573 p. Pac. DU29 .F75.

Gale, Roger William. The Americanization of Micronesia: a study of the consolidation of US rule in the Pacific. Washington, DC: University Press of America, 1979. 333p. Pac. DU500.5 .G354.

Garcia y Parejo, Rafael de. Considerations on the rights of Spain over the Caroline Islands. Transl. and introd. by Patricia Hieber. Honolulu: Pac. Isl. Program, UH, 1973. 46 leaves. Misc. work papers, 1973, no. 1. Pac. DU1 .H379 1973 no.1.

Heine, Carl. Micronesia at the crossroads. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1974. 210p. Pac. JQ6451 .A5H44.

Henning, Rod. Micronesians in Hawaii. Honolulu: Institute of Behavioral Sciences, 1979. 303 leaves. Pac. DU624.7 .M5H4.


Hezel, Francis X., S.J.

The Catholic Church in Micronesia: historical essays on the Catholic Church in the Caroline-Marshall Islands. Chicago: Micronesian Seminar; Loyola Univ. Press, 1991. 294p. Pac BX1691 .M52 H49 1991

__________. The first taint of civilization: a history of the Caroline and Marshall Islands in pre-colonial days, 1521-1885. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1983. 365p. Pac. DU565 .H49 1983.

_______. Foreign ships in Micronesia. Saipan: T.T. Historic Preservation Office, 1979. 184p. Pac. DU500 .A3H48.

_______. Reflections on Micronesia: collected papers of Father Francis X. Hezel, S.J. Honolulu: Pacific Studies, UH, 1982. 159p. Pac. DU500.4 .H49 1982.


Strangers in their own land: a century of colonial rule in the Caroline and Marshall Islands. Honolulu: Center for Pacific Islands Studies, UH; Univ. of Hawaii Press, 1995. 473p. Pacc DU565 .H496 Also HL

Hezel, Francis X., Donald H. Rubinstein, and Geoffrey M. White. Culture, youth and suicide in the Pacific: papers from an East-West Center Conference. 216 p. Honolulu: University of Hawaii at Manoa in collaboration with the Institute of Culture and Communication, East-West Center, 1985. Pac. HV6548.03 C85 1985.

Hezel, Francis X. and Mark L. Berg, eds.

Micronesia, winds of change: a book of readings on Micronesia history. Saipan: Omnibus Program for Social Studies - Cultural Heritage, TTPI, 1979. 538p. Pac. DU500.5 .M5.

Higuchi, Wakako. Micronesia under the Japanese administration: interviews with former South Sea Bureau and military officials. Guam: University of Guam, 1987. 190 leaves. Pac. DU500.75 .H54 1987.

__________. Micronesians and the Pacific war: the Palauans. Agana, Guam: MARC, Univ. of Guam, 1986. 51p. Pac. DU780.7 .H54 1986a

Hiroshima University conference on social, political and legal


problems of the South Pacific Island States. Hiroshima, 1990. 1 v. Pac. DU17 .H57 1990

History of Micronesia: a collection of source documents, compiled and edited by Rodrigue Levesque. Gatineua, Quebec: Editions LEvesque, 1992- . v.1 European discovery 1521-1560; v.2 Prelude to conquest, 1561-1595; v.3 First real contact; v.4 Religious conquest, 1638-1670; v.5 Focus on the Mariana Missionl, 1670-1673; v.6, Revolts in the Marianas, 1673-1678. Pacc DU 500 .H58 Also HL

Hughes, Daniel T. and Sherwood G. Lingenfelter, eds.

Political development in Micronesia. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1974. 333p. Pac. JQ6451 .A2H83.

Ishikawa, Eikichi. Cultural adaptation to atolls in Micronesia & West Polynesia: a report of the cultural anthropological research in Caroline, Marshall and Ellice Islands, 1985. Tokyo, Japan: Committee for Micronesian Research, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 1987. 80p. Pac. GN669 .C85 1987.

Japanese source material dealing with Guam and Micronesia, 1914-1945. Transl. by Iris K. Tanimoto-Spade. Mangilao, Guam: MARC, University of Guam, 1981. 101 leaves.Pac. Z4501 .J359.

Jones, Peter D. From Bikini to Belau: the nuclear colonization of the Pacific. London: War Resisters' International, 1988. 40p. PaccJX1974.7 .J66 1988

Kahn, E.J., Jr. A reporter in Micronesia. NY: W.W. Norton and Co., 1966. 313p. Pac. DU500 .K27.

Karolle, Bruce G. Atlas of Micronesia. Guam: Guam Publications, 1988. 83p. Pac. G2900 .K37 1988.

Kenney, Michael. Youth in Micronesia in the 1970's ... s.l., s.n., 1976. 176p. Pac. HV1441 .M5K45.

Kluge, P.F. Edge of paradise (see section on Palau)

Leibowitz, Arnold H. Defining status: a comprehensive analysis of United States territorial relations. Dordrecht; Boston; Nijhoff, 1989. 757p. Pac.F965 .L45 1989 Also HL and Law.


Lewis, David. We, the navigators: the ancient art of land-finding in the Pacific. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1972. 345p. Pac. GN440 .L48.

Lieber, Michael D., ed. Exiles and migrants in Oceania. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1976. 308p. Pac. GN663 .E9.

Lundsgaarder, Henry P., ed. Land tenure in Oceania. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1974. 388p. Pac. HD1126 .L85.

Lutz, Catherine. Unnatural emotions: everyday sentiments on a Micronesian atoll and their challenge to western theory. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1988. 273p. Pac.GN671 .C3 L87 1988 Also HL

Mahoney, Francis B. Social and cultural factors relating to the cause and control of alcohol abuse among Micronesian youth. s.l., s.n., 1975? 78 leaves. Pac. HV5135 .M3.

Manhard, Phillip W. The U.S. and Micronesia in free association. Wash., DC: National Defense University, Research Directorate, 1979. 77p. Pac. DU500.5 .M35.

M.A.R.C. working papers. no.1- (1979- ). Mangilao, Guam: Micronesian Area Research Center, University of Guam, 1979- . Pac. DU500 .A15M37.

McHenry, Donald F. Micronesia, trust betrayed: altruism vs. self-interest in American foreign policy. NY: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1975. 260p. Pac. JQ6451 .A3M23.

Meller, Norman and Terza Meller. The Congress of Micronesia. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1969. 480p. Pac. JQ6451 .A71M4.

_______. Constitutionalism in Micronesia. Honolulu: Inst. for Polynesian Studies, BYU-Hawaii, 1985. 396p. Pac. JQ6240 .A2M45 1985.

Micronesian counselor. Occasional papers. Kolonia, Pohnpei, FSM: Micronesian Seminar, 1991- . Pac.HN931 .M5 M53 Mitchell, Roger E.


Micronesian folktales. Nagoya: Asian Folklore Institute, 1973. 230p. Pac. GR385 .M5M56.

Morgan, William W.

Prehistoric architecture. 1st ed. Austin: Univ. of Texas Press, 1988. 166p. Pac. GN875 .M625 M67 1988 Also HL.

Muranaushi, Iwakichi. Call of the morning bird: chants and songs of Palau, Yap, and Ponape. Comp. and ed. by Elizabeth Tatar. Honolulu: Bishop Museum, 1985. 61p. and 1 sound cassette tape.Pac. Rare M1844 .P3C36 1985.

Nakano, Ann. Broken canoe: conversations and observations in Micronesia. St. Lucia, Queensland Press, 1983. 284p. Pac. DU560 .N34 1983.

Robert R. Nathan Associates, Inc. Economic development plan for the TTPI. Washington, DC: 1966. 4v. in 3. Pac. HC687 .T7N3.

Nevin, David. The American touch in Micronesia. NY: Norton, 1977. 224p. Pac. JQ6451 .A3N48 1977.

Nufer, Harold F. Micronesia under American rule: an evaluation of the strategic trusteeship (1947-1977). Hicksville, NY: Exposition Press, 1978. 245p. Pac. DU500.75 .N34.

Oliver, Douglas L., ed. Planning Micronesia's future. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1971. Reprint of 1951 ed. 94p. Pac. HC464 .M5U62 1971.

Pacific history: papers from the 8th Pacific History Association Conference. Edited by Donald R. Rubinstein. Mangilao, Guam: MARC, 1992. 476p. Pacc DU17 .P3235 1990 Also HL.

Peattie, Mark R.

Nanyo: the rise and fall of the Japanese in Micronesia, 1885-1945. Honolulu: Center for Pacific Islands Studies, School of Hawaiian, Asian, and Pacific Studies, University of Hawaii ; University of Hawaii Press, 1988. 382p. Pac. DU500 .P43 1988.

A pictorial of Micronesia. Osaka: Fuji Seihan Printing Co., 1975? 150p. Pac. DU500 .P537.

Platt, William J.


Planning for education and manpower in Micronesia...Menlo Park, CA: Stanford Research Inst., 1967. 212p. Pac. LA2270 .M5P4.

Pomeroy, Earl S.

Pacific outpost: American strategy in Guam and Micronesia. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1951. 198p. Pac. DU647 .P65P3 1951.

Price, Willard. America's paradise lost. NY: John Day Co., 1966. 240p.Pac. DU500 .P66.

Ranney, Austin and Howard R. Penniman. Democracy in the islands: the Micronesian plebiscites of 1983. Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1985. 126p. Pac. JF493 .M534R36 1985.

Richard, Dorothy. U.S. Naval administration of the T.T.P.I. Washington, DC: Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. 3v. Pac. JQ6451 .A5A5.

Ridgell, Reilly. Bending to the trade winds: stories of the Peace Corps experience in Micronesia. Mangilao, Guam: Univ. of Guam Press, 1991. 102p. Pac.HC60.5 .R52 1991

Rubinstein, Donald H. Changes in the Micronesian family structure leading to alcoholism, suicide and child abuse. Pohnpei: Micronesian Seminar, 1994. 8p. Micronesian counselor. Occasional papers, no. 15. Pacc HN931 .M5 M53 no.15 Power and enchantment: ritual textiles from the islands. Mangilao, Guam: Isla Center for the Arts of the University of Guam, 1992. 32p. Pacc GN432 .R83 1992 Social aspects of juvenile delinquency in Micronesia...s.l., s.n., 1980? 65p. Pac. HV9230.45 .A5R82.

Shorett, Alice.

Micronesian backgrounds: historical and social settings for secondary social studies. Saipan: T.T. Education Dept., 1970. 319p. Pac. DU500 .S56.

Stanley, David. Micronesia handbook: guide to the Caroline, Gilbert, Mariana, and Marshall Islands. 3d ed. Chico, Calif.: Moon Publications, 1992. 342p. Pac.Du500 .S834 1992

Stewart, Julianne.

Television in Micronesia: Some women's voices: a review of the Micronesian


women's pilot study. Toowoomba, Queensland: Pacific Telecommunications Project, 1990. 15p. Pac. HE8620.7 .A388 n.4

Tetens, Alfred. Among the savages of the South Seas...Trans. fr. the German by Florence M. Spoehr. Stanford University Press, 1958. 107p. Pac. DU563 .T413 1958.

Toomin, Philip R. and Pauline M. Toomin. Black robe and grass skirt. NY: Horizon Press, 1963. 286p. Pac. DU500 .T6.

Trumbell, Robert. Paradise in trust: a report on Americans in Micronesia, 1946-1958. NY: W. Sloane Assoc., 1959. 222p. Pac. DU500 .T73.

Uncle Sam in Micronesia: social benefits, social costs: papers from the ninth annual social work conference, 1989. Edited by Donald R. Rubinstein and Vivian L. Dames. Magilao, Guam: MARC, UOG< 1991. 131p. Pacc Du500 .U43 1991

University of Calif., Santa Cruz. Center for South Pacific Studies.

Micronesian realities: political and economic. Santa Cruz, 1972. 288p. Pac. JQ6451 .A5M7.

U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare. HEW/Interior Task Force report on health, sanitation, education, social services in the T.T.P.I. Washington, DC: 1973. 208p. Pac. DU500.H15.

U.S. Dept. of the Interior. Office of Territories. Management survey of the Government of the T.T.P.I. Washington, DC: 1951. Pac. JQ6451 .A58A5 1951.

U.S. Dept. of State. Report to the United Nations on the administration of the T.T.P.I...1st- 1947/48- . Washington, DC. Pac. DU500 .U54.

U.S. T.T.P.I. Office of the Staff Anthropologist. Anthropological working papers, nos. 1-9. Guam, 1957-61. Pac. GN4 .A55.

U.S. T.T.P.I. Office of the Staff Anthropologist. Land tenure patterns: TTPI. Guam, 1958. Pac. HD1129 .T7A2.

Ushijima, Iwao and Ken-ichi Sudo. Cultural uniformity and diversity in Micronesia. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, 1987. 423p.Pac. DU500.4 .C85 1987.

Van Cleve, Ruth G.

Office of Territorial Affairs. NY: Praeger, 1974. Pac. JK2556 .V32


Vayda, Andrew P., ed.

Peoples and cultures of the Pacific. Garden City, NY: Natural History Press, 1968. 554p. Pac. GN662 .V38.

Webb, James H. Micronesia and U.S. Pacific strategy: a blueprint for the 1980's. NY: Praeger Pub., 1974. 109p. Pac. UA23 .W3693.

Wenkam, Robert. The great Pacific rip-off: corporate rape in the Far East. Chicago: Follett Pub. Co., 1974. 237p. Pac. GF 851 W46.

_______ and Byron Baker. Micronesia: the breadfruit revolution. Honolulu: East-West Center, 1972. 192p. Pac. DU500 .W45.

Wenkam, Robert and Ken Brower. Micronesia: island wilderness. San Francisco: Friends of the Earth and Seabury Press, 1975. 158p. Pac. DU500 .B7.

Wiens, Herold J. Atoll environment and ecology. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962. 532p. Pac. Q180 .M5S34 no.27.

_______. Pacific Island bastions of the US. Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand, 1962. 127p. Pac. DU500 .W5.

Yanaihara, Tadao. Pacific Islands under Japanese mandate. Shanghai: Kelly and Walsh, 1939. 312p. Pac. DU500 .Y35.


Micronesian migration: a closer look at FSM migration to Guam. Thesis (MA) Univ. of Hawaii, 1994. 82 leaves. Hawn. CB5 .H3 mo.2319

Compilation of agreements between the government of the United States and the freely

associated states of of the Federated States of Micronesia. Washington, DC:


President's Personal Representative for Micronesian Status Negotiations, 1987. 1 v. (various pagings). Pacc JQ6240 .A5 C75 1987 Also GovDocs.

Federated States of Micronesia.

Second National Development Plan, 1992-1996. Palikir, Pohnpei, FM: Office of Planning and Statistics, 1991? 272p. Pacc HC6811.5 .M5 1991

_______. Office of Planning and Statistics. 1;994 FSM census of population and housing: detailed social and economic characteristics. Pohnpei, 1996. 338p. Pacc In Process

Federated States of Micronesia Economic Summit (1st: 1995: Kolonia, Pohnpei).

Proceedings of the first Federated States of Micronesia Economic Summit: November 20-24, 1995. Pohnpei, Govt. of the FSM, 1995. 155p. Pacc HC681.5 .F44 1995

Federated States of Micronesia: statistical appendix. Prepared by K. Meesook et al.

Wash., DC: Int'l Monetary Fund, 1995. 20p. GOVD IMF Im 1/2 no.95-90 FSM News.

Pohnpei, FSM: FSM-JTPA Office of Administrative Services, 1994- . Monthly. Pacc f HC681.5 .A1 F2

Haglelgam, John R. Problems of national unity and economic development in the Federated States of Micronesia. Agana, Guam: MARC, UOG, 1991. 14p. Pacc Du563 .H34 1991

Israel, Barry. Investor's guide to the Federated States of Micronesia. Washington, DC: Micronesia Institute, 1989. 52p. *Pacc HG5981 .M53 I58 1989

Maleisea, Penelope Schoeffel.

Women in development: Federated States of Micronesia. Manila: Asian Development Bank, Program Dept., 1993. 73p. Pacc HQ1240.5 .M626 M45 1993

National Union. Kolonia, Pohnpei: Office of Information, FSM, 1980- . Pacc f DU500 .A2 N3;8

Osman, Wali M.

Federated States of Micronesia economic report. Honolulu: Bank of Hawaii, 1995. 16p. Pacc HC681.5 .O85l 1995

Petersen, Glenn. Ethnicity and interests at the 1990 Federated States of Micronesia constitutional convention. Cnaberra: Dept. of Political and Social Change, ANU, 1993. 78p.

Pacc JQ6240 .A32 P48 1993


CHUUK (TRUK) Bailey, Dan E.

WWII wrecks of the Kwajalein and Truk lagoons. Redding, CA: North Valley Diver Publications, 1992. 208p. Pacc D767.99 .M3 B35 1992

Boggs, Stephen T., ed.

The Truk report. Honolulu: Dept. of Anthropology, U.H., 1969. 150p. Pac. DU568 .T7 T77.

Caughey, John. Faanakkar: Cultural values in a Micronesian society. Philadelphia: Dept. of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania, 1977. 180p. Pac. GN671.C3 C38.

Chuuk State five-year comprehensive development plan (1992-1996). Weno, Chuuk, FM: Dept. of Planning and Statistics, Chuuk State, 1992. 2v. Pacc HC687 .T7 T77 1992

Elbert, Samuel H.

Trukese-English and English-Trukese dictionary. Pearl Harbor: U.S. Navy Military Govt., 1947. 337p. Pac. PL6318 .Z5 E4.

Getting to know Chuuk. Weno, Chuuk, FSM: Chuuk State Dept. of Education, 1991. 45p. Pac. DU568 .T7 G48 1991

Gladwin, Thomas. East is a big bird: navigation and logic on Puluwat Atoll. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1970. 241p. Pac. GN440 .G55.

Gladwin, Thomas and Seymour B. Sarason. Truk: man in paradise. New York: Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, 1953. 655p. Pac. GN4 .C66 no. 32.

Goodenough, Ward H. Property, kin, and community on Truk. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1978. Reprint of 1951 ed. 192p. Pac. GN671 .C3G66 1978.

_______. Trukese-English dictionary. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1980. 399p. Memoirs, v.141. Pac. PL6318 .Z5G55.


Hezel, Francis X. Dilemmas of development: effects of modernization on three areas of island life. Pohnpei: Micronesian Seminar, 1991. 11p. Micronesian counselor. Occasional paper, no.4.Pacc HN 931 .M5 M53 no.4 Land issues in Chuuk. Pohnpei: Micronesian Seminar, 1994. 9p. Micronesian counselor. Occasional paper, no. 16. Pacc HN931 .M5 M53 no. 16

Spirit possession in Chuuk: a socio-cultural interpretation. S.l., s.n., 1991. 26p. Pacc HZ 921026 .S73 Truk's underwater museum: a report on the sunken Japanese ships. Final report. 1989. 64 leaves. Pacc D767.99 .T78 1989.

King, Thomas F., Patricia Parker, and Francis Buekea.

Pisekin Noomw Noon Tonaachaw: archaeology in the Tonaachaw historical district, Moen Island. Carbondale, Ill.: Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 1984. 541p. Pac. DU568 .M58 K56 1984.

Le Bar, Frank M. The material culture of Truk. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1964. 185p. Reprint of 1951 ed. Pac. GN2 .Y3 no.68.

Marshall, Mac. Weekend warriors: alcohol in a Micronesian culture. Palo Alto, California: Mayfield Pub. Co., 1979. 170p. Pac. GN671 .C3M373.

Marshall, Mac and Leslie B. Marshall. Silent voices speak: women and prohibition in Truk. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Pub. Co., 1990. Pac DU568 .T7M37 1990

Merlin, Mark D. Ira me neenieer non Chuuk - Plants and their environments in Chuuk. Honolulu: East-West Center, 1996. 121p. Pacc In Process

Oneisom, Innocente.

The changing family in Chuuk. Pohnpei: Micronesian Seminar, 1994. 9p. Micronesian counselor. Occasional paper, no. 14 Pacc HN931 .M5 M53 no.14

__________. Marijuana in Chuuk. Chuuk: Micronesian Seminar, 1991. 8p. Micronesian counselor. Occasional paper, no.3 Pacc HN931 .M5 M53 no. 3

Rock, Tim Diving and snorkeling guide to Truk Lagoon. Houston: Pisces books, 1994. 92p.


Pacc GV 840 .S78 R574 1994

William, Alvios. The Chuukese child: a teacher's resource. Edited by Mary Spencer. Mangilao, Guam: The BEAM Center, UOG, 1992. 33p. Pacc DU568 .T74 W55 1992

KOSRAE Athens, John S., et al.

Landscape archaeology: prehistoric settlement, subsistence, and environment of Kosrae, Eastern Caroline Islands, Micronesia; archaeological data recovery investigations for the Kosrae Wastewater Project. Honolulu, Hawaii: International Archaeological Research Institute, 1995. 474p. Pacc DU568 .K673 A744 1995

Bath, Joyce E. A tale of two cities: an evaluation of political evolution in the Eastern Caroline Islands of Micronesia since AD 1000. University of Hawaii, PhD, 1984. 250 leaves. Hawn AC1 .H3 n.1812.

Colby, Michael E.

Kosrae/Pacific Islands sustainable development study report. Plaistow, NH: Eco-Development Associates, 1993. 46p. Pacc HC681.5 .Z7 K673 1993

Cordy, Ross, et al. Archaeological survey of Innem, Okat and Loal Kosrae Island. Saipan: Micronesian Archaeological Survey, 1983. 130p. Pac. DU568 .K673 A73 1983.

The European discovery of Kosrae Island. Saipan, CM: Micronesian Archaeological Survey, 1982. 218p. Pac. DU568 .K8E87 1982.

Kosrae Island land use plan: submitted to Development Review Commission, Kosrae

State Govt., FSM. s.l., s.n., 1993. 37p. Pacc HD1121 .Z8 K66 1993 Kosrae (Micronesia). Overall Economic Development Program

Committee. Overall economic development program for Kosrae State, Federated States of Micronesia. Kosrae, 1989. 91p. Pac.HC681.5 .Z7 K675 1989

Lee, Kee-dong. Kusaiean-English dictionary. Honolulu, HI: University Press of Hawaii, 1976. 317p. Pac PL6252 .K864L4.



Kusaiean reference grammar. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press, 1975. 417p. Pac. PL6252 .K861L4 1975.

Lewis, J.L. Kusaiean acculturation. Saipan: Div. of Land Management, Resources and Development, TTPI, 1967. 100p. Reprint of CIMA report no. 17. Pac. DU568 .K8L45.

Manoa Mapworks. Kosrae coastal resource atlas. Honolulu, Hawaii: Manoa Mapworks, 1987. 61p. Pac. f G2922.K6 C2 M36 1987.

Merlin, Mark and Robert Taulung. Sahk kap ac kain in acn Kosrae/Plants and environments of Kosrae. Honolulu: East West Center, 1993. 113p. Pacc SZ 93G26.01

Peoples, James G.

Island in trust: culture change and dependence in a Micronesian economy. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1985. 239p. Pac. HC681.5 .Z7K677 1985.

Ritter, Philip L.

A bibliography of Kusaie Island with a short history of research on Kusaie. s.l., s.n., 1976. 27 leaves. Pac. Z4980 .K8R5.

Russell, Scott. Of wooden ships and iron men: an historical and archaeological survey of the Brig Lenora. Saipan, CM: Micronesian Archaeological Survey, 1982. 107p. Pac. DU568 .K804 1982.

Sarfert, Ernst G. Kosrae. Results of the 1980-1910 South Seas expedition. Transl. by Elizabeth A. Murphy. s.l., s.n., 1983. 1v. in 2. Pac. DU568 .K67S37 1983.

Schaefer, Paul D. Confess therefore your sins: status and sin on Kusaie. PhD, 1976. 233 leaves. Pac. BV3680 .C3S35.

Segal, Harvey Gordon. The sleeping lady awakens. Kosrae: Kosrae Tourist Division, 1989. 382p. Pacc Du568 .K67S44 1989

Ueki, Takeshi. Processes of increasing social complexity on Kosrae, Micronesia. PhD, 1984. 600p. Pac. DU500.9 .K6U44 1984a.

Wilson, Walter Scott.


A short chronology of Kusaiean history. s.l., s.n., 1967. 9 leaves. Pac. DU568 .K8W55.

POHNPEI Ashby, Gene.

Pohnpei, an island argosy. Pohnpei, F.S.M. ; Eugene, Ore.: Rainy Day Press, 1987. 317p. Pac. DU568.P7 A8 1987.

Athens, John Stephen. The discovery and archaeological investigation of Nan Madol, Ponape, Eastern Caroline Islands; an annotated bibliography. Rev. Saipan: Historic Preservation Office, Office of the High Commissioner, TTPI, 1981. 20p. Micronesian Archaeological Survey reports no.3. Pacc DU568 .P79 N322 1981

Ayres, William S., et al. Ponape archaeological survey: 1978 research. Saipan: T.T. historic Preservation Office, 1981. 184p. Micronesian archaeological survey report, no.4. Pac. DU568 .P7A982.

Ballinger, William S.

Lost city of stone: the story of Nan Madol... NY: Simon and Schuster, 1978. 192p. Pac. GN875 .P66B34.

Barnabas, Seberiano and Francis X. Hezel. The changing Pohnpeian family. Pohnpei: Micronesian Seminar, 1993. 14p. Micronesian counselor. Occasional paper no.12. Pacc HN931 .M5 M53 no.12

Bascom, William A. Ponape: a Pacific economy in transition. Berkeley: University of Calif. Press, 1965. 149. Reprint of 1946 ed.Pac. E51 .A58 v.22.

Bernart, Luelen. Annotations to the book of Luelen. Transl. and ed. by John L. Fischer, Saul H. Riesenberg and Marjorie G. Whiting. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1977. 200p. Pacific history series, no.9. Pac. DU568 .P7B47132.

_______. The book of Luelen. Transl. and ed. by John L. Fischer, Saul H. Riesenberg and Marjorie G. Whiting. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1977. 193p. Pacific history series, no.8. Pac. DU568 .P7B4713 1977.

Cantero, Francisco L. The Pohnpeian child: a teacher's resource. Edited by Marilyn C. Salas.


Mangilao, Guam: Multicultural Education and Resource Center, College of Education, UOG, 1993. 43p. Pacc DU568 .P784 C36 1993

Colletta, Nat. J. American schools for the natives of Ponape: a study of education and culture in Micronesia. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1980. 181p. Pac. LA2270 .P6C64.

Damas, David. Bountiful island: a study of land tenure on a Micronesian atoll. Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press, 1994. 272p. Pacc Du568 .D35 1994

Denoncour, Mark. A selected bibliography of Ponape Island. 1980. 28 leaves. Pacc DU568 .P7D45 1980a

Falgout, Suzanne. Master part of Heaven: the ethnohistory and archaeology of Wene, Pohnpei, Eastern Caroline Islands. Saipan: Micronesian Archaeological Survey, Division of Historic Preservation, Dept. of Community and Cultural Affairs, 1987. 88p. Pac. DU568.P7 F3 1987.


Pohnpei bibliography. Agana, Guam: Micronesian Area Research Center, Univ. of Guam, 1986. 67p. MARC working papers, no.47. Pacc DU500 .A15 M37 no.47

Hanlon, David L. Upon a stone altar: a history of the island of Pohnpei to 1890. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1988. 320p. Pac. DU568.P7 H36 1988.

Hughes, Daniel T. Political conflict and harmony in Ponape. New Haven, CT: HRAF Press, 1970. 256p. Pac. DU568 .P7H74.

Kihleng, Kimberlee.

Women in exchange: negotiated relations, practice, and the constitution of female power in processes of cultural reproduction and change in Pohnpei, Micronesia. PhD Univ. of Hawaii Anthropology, 1996. 2v. Hawn In Process

Lieber, Michael D. More than a living: fishing and the social order on a Polynesian atoll. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1994. 235p. Pacc GN671 .C3 L54 Also HL. Porakiet: a Kapingamarangi colony on Ponape. Eugene, Ore.: Dept. of Anthropology, University of Oregon, 1968. 230p. Pac. DU568 .P7L5.


Merlin, Mark D. et al.

Tuhke en Pohnpei [Plants of Pohnpei]. Honolulu: East West Center, 1992. 94p. Pac.QK473 .P78 T84 1992

O'Connell, James F. A residence of eleven years... Ed. by Saul H. Riesenberg. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1972. Pacific history series, no.4. 232p. Pac. DU21 .O18 1972.

Petersen, Glenn. Lost in the weeds: theme and variation in Pohnpei political mythology. Honolulu: Center for Pacific Islands Studies, School of Hawaiian, Asian and Pacific Studies, Univ. of HI, 1990. 87p. Occasional paper no.35. Pacc DU568 .P7P465 1990

__________. One man cannot rule a thousand: fission in a Ponapean chiefdom. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press, 1982. 154p. Pac. GN671 .C3P47 1982.

Pohnpei: an ecotourist's delight. Kolonia, Pohnpei FSM: The Nature Conservancy, 1996. 65p. Pacc GZ 97D18.55 Pohnpei ni mwehin kawa. Old Ponape. Saipan: TT Dept. of

Education, 1973. 189p. English and Ponapean. Pac. GR385 .P6P6.

Pohnpei State land use and zoning master plan: working draft. 2d ed. Eugene, OR: Univ of Oregon, Micronesia and South Pacific Program, 1996. Pacc HD1121 .Z8 P65 1996

Poyer, Lin

The Ngatik massacre: history and identity on a Micronesian atoll. Washington: Smithsonian Inst. Press, 1993. 298p. Pacc DU568 .N44 P69 1993

Rehg, Kenneth L. Ponapean-English dictionary. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1981. 393p. Pac. PL6295 .R4.

Riesenberg, Saul H. The native polity of Ponape. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1968. 115p. Smithsonian contributions to anthropology, v.10. Pac. GN1 .S54 v.10.

Ward, Martha Coonfield. Nest in the wind: adventures in anthropology on a tropical island. Prospect Heights, Ill.: Waveland Press, 1989. 161p. Pacc GN21 .W37A3 1989


Winslow, Donna. Pohnpei ethnicity and Micronesian nation-building IN Ethnicity and nation-building in the Pacific, ed. by Michael C. Howard. Tokyo: United Nations University, 1989. Pac. GN662 .E84 1989 Also HL, Also Gov Docs.

YAP Alkire, William H.

Lamotrek Atoll and inter-island socioeconomic ties. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1965. 180p. Illinois Studies in Anthropology, n.5. Pac. GN2 .I4 no.5.

Bates, Marston. Coral Island: portrait of an atoll. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1958. 254p. Pac. DU568 .I3 B3.

Bird, Dave Yap regains its sovereignty: the story of the first Yap state constitutional convention. Colonia, Yap, FM: Betelnut Press, 1994- . v.l Background and preparations. Pacc KVS731.5 .Y36 B57 1994 v.1

Brower, Kenneth. A song for Satawal. Middlesex England ; New York: Penguin Books, 1984. 218p. Pac. DU500 .B763 1983.

Burrows, Edwin Grant. Flower in my ear: art and ethos in Ifaluk Atoll. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1963. 439p. Pac. DU568 .I3 B82.

Burrows, Edwin Grant and Melford E. Spiro. An atoll culture, ethnography of Ifaluk... New Haven: HRAF, 1953. 355p. Pac. GN4 .C66 n. 16, 18.

Chuggen, John. Yapese legends. Yap: Yap State Dept. of Education, 1996. 66p. Pacc In Process

Divine, David. The king of Fassarai. New York: Macmillan, 1950. 296p. Pac. PZ3.D6387 Ki.

Furness, William Henry. The island of stone money; Uap of the Carolines. Philadelphia and London: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1910. 278p. Pac. DU568 .Y3 F7.


Gifford, Edward W. and Delia S. Gifford. Archaeological excavations in Yap. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1959. Pac. E51 .A58 v.18, n.2.

Gilliland, Cora Lee C. The stone money of Yap: a numismatic survey. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1975. Pac. DU568 .Y3G54.

Hunter-Anderson, Rosalind L. Settlement pattern studies in Nlul Village, Map Island, Yap, Caroline Islands. Saipan: Micronesian Archaeological Survey, 1985. 85p. Micronesian Archaeological Survey report ; v.20. Pac. HZ 861202.32.

Jensen, John Thayer. Yap-English dictionary. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1977. 182p. Pac. PL6341 .Z5J4.

_______. Yapese reference grammar. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1977. 336p. Pac. PL6341 .J4.

Kadannged, Bernadette Mityay et al. The Yapese child: a teacher's resource. Mangilao, Guam: Multucultural Education and Resource Center, UOG, 1993. 50p. Pacc DU568 .Y34 K33 1993

Klingman, Laurence and Gerald Green. His Majesty O'Keefe. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1950. 356p. Pac. PZ3.K6875 Hi.

Labby, David.

The de-mystification of Yap: dialects of a culture on a Micronesian island. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976. 144p. Pac. GN671 .C3L3.

Lessa, William A. More tales from Ulithi Atoll: a content analysis. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980. 154p. Folklore and mythology studies, v.32. Pac. GR15 .C3 v.32.

_______. Tales from Ulithi Atoll: a comparative study in Oceania folklore. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1961. 493p. Folklore Studies, no.13. Pac. GR385 .U4L4 1961.

_______. Ulithi: a Micronesian design for living. New York: Holt, Reinhart and Winston, 1966. 118p. Pac. DU568.U5 .L4.


Lingenfelter, Sherwood G.

Yap, political leadership and cultural change in an island society. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1975. 270p. Pac. GN671 .C3L56.

Rock, Tim Diving and snorkeling guide to Guam & Yap. Houston: Pisces Books, 1994. 92p. Pacc GV840 .S78 R572 1994

Sohn, Ho-min. A Ulithian grammar. Canberra: Dept. of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, 1973. 398p. Pac. PL6327 .S6.

_______. Woleaian-English dictionary. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1976. 363p. Pac. PL6338 .Z5S6.

_______. Woleaian reference grammar. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1975. 316p. Pac. PL6338 .S6.

Trifonovitch, Gregory J. Ifaluk: a brief report on some aspects of culture. Honolulu: East-West Center, 1971. 103p. Working papers, Cultural Learning Institute, no.10. Pac. DU658 .I3 T7.

Wees, Marshall P.

King-Doctor of Ulithi. New York: Macmillan, 1950. 128p. Pac. DU568.U5 .W4.

MARSHALL ISLANDS Academy for Educational Development.

Toward self-reliance: Republic of the Marshall Islands ten year education master plan. Washington, DC: The Academy, 1989. 2v. Pacc LA2204 .M3A23 1989

Bailey, Dan E. WWII wrecks of the Kwajalein and Truk lagoons. See section on Truk.

Bender, Byron W. Spoken Marshallese: an intensive language course... Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1969. 438p. Pac. PL6255 .B45.

Bryan, E.H., Jr.


Life in the Marshall Islands. Honolulu: Pacific Scientific Information Center, 1972. 237p. Pac. QH198 .M23B79.

Chapin, John C. Breaking the outer ring: marine landings in the Marshall Islands. Washington: History and Musuem Division, Headquarters, US Marine Corps, 1994. 28p. Pacc D767.99 .M3 C43 1994

De Jonge, Alice.

The constitution of the Marshall Islands: its drafting and current operation. Kensington, NSW: Centre for South Pacific Studies, Univ. of NSW, 1993. 70p. Pacc KVS172 .D35 1993 Also HL.

Dibblin, Jane.

Day of two suns: US nuclear testing and the Pacific Islanders. London: Virago, 1988. 299p. Pacc DU710 .D53 1988

Downing, Jane et al. Bwebwenatoon etto: a collection of Marshallese legends and traditions. Majuro: Historic Preservation Office, 1992. 188p. Pacc GR385 .M34 B85 1992

Feeney, Thomas J., S.J. Letters from Likiep. New York: Pandick Press, 1952. 259p. Pac. BV3680 .L52F4.

Hines, Neal O. Proving ground: an account of the radiobiological studies in the Pacific, 1946-1961. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1962. 366p. Pac. RA564 .H5 1963.

Israel, Barry J. Investor's guide to the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Washington, DC: Micronesia Institute, 1989. 43p. Pacc HG5981 .M37I58 1989

Kiste, Robert C. The Bikinians: a study in forced migration. Menlo Park, CA: Cummings Pub. Co., 1974. 212p. Pac. GN671 .M33 K57.


Kili Island: a study of the relocation of the Ex-Bikini Marshallese. Eugene, Ore.: Dept. of Anthropology, University of Oregon, 1968. 393p. Pac. DU710.9 .K5

Marshall Islands, a chronology, 1944-1981. 2d ed. Honolulu: Micronesia Support Committee, 1981. 40p. Pac. DU710.75 .M37 1981.

Marshall Islands: statistical appendix. Wash DC: Int'l. Monetary Fund, 1995. 18p.


GOVD IMF IM 1/2 no.95-84 Marshallese-English dictionary. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1976. 589p.

Pac. PL6255 .Z5M33. Mason, Leonard E., ed.

The Laura report. Honolulu: Dept. of Anthropology, University of Hawaii, 1967. 300p. Pac. GN671 .M32M38.

_______. Relocation of the Bikini Marshallese: a study in group migration. PhD Yale Univ. Anthropology, 1954. 526p. Microfilm 638

McArthur, Phillip H. The social life of narrative: Marshall Islands. PhD Indiana Univ., 1995. 494p. Pacc In Process

Merlin, Mark et al. Keinikkan im melan aelon kein/plants and environments of the Marshall Islands. Honolulu: East West Center, 1994. 110p. Pacc KQ 473 .M36 K45 1994

Rynkiewich, Michael A. Traders, teachers and soldiers: an anthropological survey of colonial era sites on Majuro... Saipan, CM: Micronesian Arch. Survey, 1981. 118p. Pac. DU710.9 .M3R96 1981.

Spenneman, Dirk H.R. Ennaanin etto: a collection of essays on the Marshallese past. Majuro: Historic Preservation Office, 1993. 312p. Pacc DU710 .S58 1993

Spoehr, Alexander. Majuro, a village in the Marshall Islands. Chicago: Natural History Museum, 1949. 266p. Pac. GN2 .F4 v.39.

Yamazaki, James N. Children of the atomic bomb: an American physician's memoir of Nagasaki, Hiroshima, and the Marshall Islands. Durham: Duke Univ Press, 1995. 182p. Pacc RJ43 .Y36 A3 1995


Native fishing rights and limited entry in the CNMI: prepared for Western Pacific


Regional Fishery Management Council. GMF, Guam: Micronesian Archaeological Research Services, 1989. 129p. Pacc SH319 .N6 A44 1989

Barratt, Glynn. Carolinian contacts with the islands of the Marianas: the European record. Saipan: Micronesian Archaeological Survey, Div. of Historic Preservation, Dept. of Community and Cultural Affairs, 1988. 92p. Pacc DU565 .B37 1988

__________. H.M.S. Centurion at Tinian,1742: the ethnographic and historic records. Saipan: Micronesian Archaeological Survey, Div. of Historic Preservation, Dept. of Community and Cultural Affairs, 1988. 79p. Micronesian Archaeological Survey no.26. Pacc DU648 .T56B37 1988


Russian exploration in the Mariana Islands 1817-1828 : accounts by Otto von Kotzebue, Ludovik Choris, Adelbert von Chamisso, Fedor Lutke, V.M. Golovnin, Friedrich Heinrich von Kittlitz. Saipan: Historic Preservation Office, Office of the High Commissioner, Trust Territory of the Pacific, 1984. Micronesian Archaeological Survey report ; n. 17. Pac. DU645 .R87 1984.

Biological expedition to the Northern Mariana Islands, Micronesia. Edited by Akira

Akasura and Tatsuwo Furuki. Chiba, Japan: Natural History Museum and Inst., 1994. 344p. Pacc QH198 .N67 B56 1994

Bowers, Neal M.

Problems of resettlement on Saipan, Tinian and Rota... Washington, DC: Pacific Science Board, 1950. CIMA Report, no.31. 258p. Pac. GN4 .C66 no.31.

Brunal-Perry, Omaira A question of sovereignty: what legitimate right did Spain have to its territorial expansion? Translated by Marjorie G. Driver. Mangilao, Guam: MARC, UOG, 1993. 40p. PaccJV125 .B78 1993

Chapin, John C. Breaching the Marianas: the battle for Saipan. Washington: History and Museum Div., US Marine Corps, 1994. 36p.Pacc D767.99 .S3 C453 1994 Also GovDocs.

Commonwealth of the N. Mariana Islands

Economic development strategy: a prospectus for guiding growth. 2d rev. ed. Saipan, MP: Office of Planning and Budget, 1993. Pacc HC681.5 .M3 C6 1993

Cunningham, Laurence J. Ancient Chamorro society. Honolulu, HI: The Bess Press, 1992. 229p. Pac. DU645 .C86 1992 Also HL.


Denfeld, D. Colt and Scott Russell. Home of the superfort: an historical and archaeological survey of Isley Field. Saipan: Micronesian Archaeological Survey, 1984. 113p. Pac. CZ 861203.25.

Driver, Marjorie G. The account of Fray Juan Pobre's residence in the Marianas, 1602. Guam: Micronesian Area Research Center, Univ. of Guam, 1989. 33p. Pacc DU645 .D758 1989

Eldredge, L.G. and R.H. Randall. Atlas of the reefs and beaches of Saipan, Tinian and Rota. Agaña, Guam: Marine Laboratory, University of Guam, 1980. 162 p. Pac. f G2906.C2 E53.

Farrell, Don A. History of the Northern Mariana Islands. Saipan, NMI: Public School System, 1991. 701p. Pac. DU645 >F377 1991

__________. Saipan. Saipan: Micronesian Productions, CNMI, 1990. 88p. Pacc DU648 .S35F37 1990

__________. Tinian. 2d ed. Tinian, MP: Micronesian Productions, 1992. 92p. Pac. DU648 .T56 F37 1992 Also HL.

Fritz, Georg. The Chamorro: a history and ethnography of the Marianas. Translation by Elfriede Craddock. Saipan: s.n., 1978. 111 leaves. Pac. GN671 .M27 F74.

__________. The Chamorro: a history and ethnography of the Marianas. 2d ed. Saipan, MP: Division of Historic Preservation. 95p. Pacc DU645 .F7413 1988.

Garcia, Francisco Olive.

The Mariana Islands 1884-1887: random notes concerning them. Translation from the Spanish and annotated by Marjorie G. Driver. Mangilao, Guam: Micronesian Area Research Center, University of Guam, 1984. 148p. Pac. DU643 .O613 1984.

Golovnin, Vasilii Mikhailovich. Chapters on Hawaii and the Marianas in V.N. Golunin's Voyage... 1817, 1818, and 1819. Translated by Ella Wiswell. Honolulu: Pacific Islands Program, U.H., 1974. 88 leaves. Miscellaneous work papers, 1974:2. Pac. DU1 .H379 1974 n.2.

Harwood, Richard A close encounter: the marine landing on Tinian. Washington: History and


Museum Div., US Marine Corps, 1994. 32p. Pacc D767.99 .T588 H343 1994

Hezel, Francis X. From conquest to colonization: Spain in the Mariana Islands. Saipan, MP: Division of Historic Preservation, 1989. 90p. Pacc DU645 .H49 1989

Hocog-Inos, Rita. The postsecondary education perceptions and aspirations of children and their parents: a comparative case study in Rota, Northern Mariana Islands. EdD Univ of Southern California, 1994. 137p. Pacc LA2270 .N67 H63 1994

Joseph, Alice and Veronica F. Murray. Chamorros and Carolinians of Saipan: personality studies. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1971. Reprint of 1951 ed. 381p. Pac. GN671 .M27 J6 1971.

Ledesma, Andres de.

Mission in the Marianas: an account of Fr. Diego Luis de Sanvitores...1669-1670. Translated, with commentary, by Ward Barrett. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1975. 62p. Pac. BV3680 .G8L413.

Lotz, Dave World War II remains: Guam, Northern Mariana Islands: a guide and history. GMF, Guam: Making Tracks, 1994. 116p. Pacc D767.99 .G8 L68 1994

McPhetres, Samuel F. Socio-economic impact study: casino gambling on Tinian. Saipan: McPhetres, 1993. 93p. Pacc HV6722 .M5 M37 1993

Northern Mariana Islands. Dept. of Commerce. Commerce in the Commonwealth. Saipan, MP, 1996. 1 portfolio. Pacc In Process

Osman, Wali M. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands economic report. Honolulu: Bank of Hawaii, Economics Dept., 1995. 16p. Pacc HC681.5 .Z7 N675 1;995 Pac Ready Refl

Russell, Scott. From Arabwal to ashes: a brief history of Garapan Village: 1818 to 1945. Saipan: Issla Program for Social Studies, Dept. of Education, Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, 1984. 105p. Micronesian Archaeological Survey report; n.19. Pac. DU648.G3 R87 1984.

Operation Forager, the battle for Saipan: commemoration of the 50th anniversary. Saipan: Div. of Historic Preservation, 1994. 35p. Pacc D767.99 .S3 .R87 1994


Spoehr, Alexander.

Marianas prehistory: archaeological survey and excavations on Saipan, Tinian, and Rota. Chicago: Natural History Museum, 1957. 187p. Pac. GN2 .F4 v.48.

_______. Saipan, the ethnology of a war-devastated island. Chicago: Natural History Museum, 1954. 383p. Pac. GN2 .F4 v.41.

Stewart, William H. Business reference and investment guide to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Rev. 2nd ed. Saipan, MP: Economic Service Council, 1990. 202p. Pacc HG5981 .N6 B87 1990.

Suzuki, Hitoshi. Saipan muzan: "gyokusai" ni tsuieta "umi no Mantetsu". Tokyo: Nihon Hyoronsha, 1993. 222p. Pacc HF1602.15 .M5 S99 1993

Thompson, Laura. The native culture of the Marianas Islands. Honolulu: Bishop Museum, 1945. Pac. AM101 .B442 n.185.

Topping, Donald M. Chamorro-English dictionary. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1975. 336p. Pac. PL5295 Z5T6.

_______. Chamorro reference grammar. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1973. 301p. Pac. PL5295 .T58.

_______. Spoken Chamorro: with grammatical notes and glossary. 2nd ed. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1980. 366p. Pac. PL6295 .T66 1980.

U.S. Congress. House. Comm. on Interior and Insular Affairs. Subcommittee on Insular and International Affairs.

Northern Mariana Islands' garment industry: oversight hearing... Washington: USGPO, 1993. 608p. Pacc HD9940 .N75 u55 1993 Also GovDocs

PALAU Aldridge, Bob and Chad Meyers

Resisting the serpent: Palau's struggle for self-determination. McLean, VA:


Fortkamp Pub Co., 1990. 211p. Pac.DU780.76 .A53 1990

Anglim, John Palau's strategic position places Palauan democracy at risk. Sydney: H.V. Evatt Memorial Foundation, 1988. 18p. Pac.JQ6591 .A5 A54 1988

Barnett, Homer G.

Being a Palauan. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1979, c1960. 87p. Pac. DU780 .B28, 1979.

_______. Palauan society, a study of contemporary native life... Eugene, Oregon: University of Oregon, Dept. of Anthropology, 1919. 223p. Pac. GN4 .C66 n.20.

Boss, Amelia H.

Report of the International Observer Mission, Palau Referendum, December, 1986. NY: Int'l. League for Human Rights: Minority Rights Group, 1987.

Brower, Kenneth. With their islands around them. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1974. 216p. Pac. QL84.7 .P44B76.

Butler, Paul. A vote for national pride: the story of Palau's conservation education campaign. Philadelphia: RARE Center for Tropical Conservation, 1996. 125 leaves. PACC In process.

Christopher, Luella S. Palau's evolving relationship with the United States... Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, Lib. of Congress, 1988. 33p. Pac.JQ6591 .A5C45 Also Law.

Clark, Eugenie. Lady with a spear. New York: Harper and Row, 1951. 243p. Pac. QL31 .C56 A3.

Clark, Roger and Sue Rabbitt Roff. Micronesia: the problem of Palau. London ; New York: Minority Rights Group, 1984. 20p. Pac. DU780.63 .U6 C45 1984.

Collection of Palauan legends. Compiled by Laetitia Alonz, illus. by Jerome Temengil. Koror: Palau Press Agency, 1990. 2v. Pac.GR385 .P29 C65 1990 Also HL.

Cordy, Ross H.

Archaeological investigations at the Palau Airport, Irrai State, Babeidaob Islands, Palau. s.l., s.n., 1984. 212p. Pac. DU780.3 .A73 1984a.


Denfeld, D. Colt

Peleliu revisited: an historical and archaeological survey of World War II sites on Peleliu Island. Saipan: Micronesian Archaeological Survey, 1988. 102p. Pac.DU780.9 .P45 D46 1988

An economic assessment of the Republic of Palau. Honolulu: Bank of Hawaii, 1994. 24p. Pacc HC681.5 .Z7 P335 1994 Economic development plan, fiscal years 1995-1999. s.l., s.n., 1994. 2v. Pacc HC681.5

.Z7 P345 1994 Ehrlich, Paul.

Koror: a center of power, commerce and colonial administration. Saipan, CM: Micronesian Archaeological Survey, Office of the High Commissioner, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, 1984. 119p. Pac. DU780 .E35 1984.

Faulkner, Douglas. This living reef. New York: Quadrangle-New York Times Book Co., 1974. 179p. Pac. QH198 .P4F38 1974.

Ferreira, Celio. Palauan cosmology: dominance in a traditional Micronesian society. Goteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 1987. 303p. Pac. GN669 .F47 1987.

Force, Roland W. Leadership and cultural change in Palau. Chicago: Natural History Museum, 1960. 211p. Pac. GN2 .F4 v.50.

Force, Roland W. and Maryanne Force. Just one house: a description and analysis of kinship in the Palau Islands. Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press, 1972. 143p. Bishop Museum Bulletin n. 235. Pac. AM101 .B442 n.235.

Gayle, Gordon D. Bloody beaches: the Marines at Peleliu. Wash DC: History and Museums Div., Headquarters, US Marine Corpsl, 1996. 48p. GOVD D 214.14/4:B 62

Herz, Michael J., ed. Palau and the superport: the development of an ocean ethic. San Francisco: Ocean Research and Policy Institute, Oceanic Society, 1977. 72p. Pac. HD560.P35 P353.

Hijikata, Hisakatsu Society and life in Palau. Edited by Endo Hisashi. lst ed. Tokyo, Japan: Sasakawa Peace Foundation, 1993. 271p. Pacc GN671 .P3 H55 1993


Izumi, Masanami.

Palau marine resources bibliography. Suva, Fiji: FAO/UNDP Regional Fishery Support Programme, 1988. 243p. Pac.GC1023.98 .P35 I98 1988

Johannes, Robert Earle. Words of the lagoon: fishing and marine lore in the Palau district of Micronesia. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981. 245p. Pac. SH319 .P44J64.

Josephs, Lewis S. New Palauan-English dictionary. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1990. 497p. Pac.PL5434 .Z5 M3 1990 Also HL

Josephs, Lewis S.

Palauan reference grammar. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1975. 556p. Pac. PL5434 .J6.

Kluge, P.F. The day that I die: a novel of suspense. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1976. 243p. Pac. PS3561 .L77D3.

__________. The edge of paradise: America in Micronesia. New York: Random House, 1991. 244p. Pacc DU500 .K58 1991

Leibowitz, Arnold H. Embattled island: Palau's struggle for independence. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1996. 230p. Pacc DU780 .L45 1996 Also HL

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Drake's island of thieves: ethnological sleuthing. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1975. 289p.

Lindemann, Klaus P. Desecrate 1: the shipwrecks of Palau: Carrier Raid Task Force 58 on Palau on 30 and 31 March 1944. 2d ed. Belleville, MI: Pacific Press Publications, 1988. 128p. Pacc D767.99 .P4L56 1988

McManus, Edwin G., S.J.

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Masse, W. Bruce, David Snyder, and George J. Gumerman. The final report of the 1981 field season of the Southern Illinois University Palau Archaeological Project. Carbondale, Illinois: Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, 1982. 319 leaves. Pac. DU780.3


.M37 1982.

Merlin, Mark D. and Thomas Keene Dellomal er a Belau (Plants of the Belauan Islands). Honolulu, 1989. 48 leaves Pac.QK473 .P3 M47 1989

Okeim ei rak er Uriul er a mekemad/The war in Palau: fifty years of change: an international conference, Bei ra Metal, Koror, Republic of Palau, September 6,7,8,9, 1994. Koror: Belau National Museum, 1994. 1 v. Pacc DU780.75 .O37 1994

Osborne, Douglas.

The archaeology of the Palau Islands. Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press, 1966. 497p. Bulletin n.230. Pac. AM101 .B442 n.230.

Palau Community Action Agency. A history of Palau. Koror, 1976-1978. 3v. Pac. DU780 .P25 1976.

Parmentier, Richard J. The sacred remains: myth, history, and polity in Belau. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987. 341p. Pac. GN671.C3 P37 1987.

Peacock, Daniel J. Lee Boo of Belau: A prince in London. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1987. 259p. South Sea Books. Pac. DA676.9 .O23P43.

Pollard, Stephen The culture of successful Palauan enterprise. Honolulu: East-West Center, 1995. 28p. Pacc HC681 .A1 E27 no.8

Quest for harmony: a pictorial history of law and justice in the Republic of Palau. Koror, Palau: Office of the Court Counsel, Supreme Court of the Republic of Palau, 1995. 79p. Pacc KWG12 .Q47 1995

Reed Smith, DeVerne.

Palauan social structure. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1983. 348p. Pac. GN671 .C3S64 1983.

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Belau art exhibition. 3rd South Pacific Festival of Arts, Papua New Guinea. Koror, Palau: Palau South Pacific Festival of Arts Committee, 1980. 48p. Pac. N7411 .P2R4.

Ritzenthaler, Robert E. Native money of Palau. Milwaukee: Milwaukee Public Museum, 1954. 46p.


Pac. HG235 .R63.

Roff, Sue Rabbitt Overreaching in Paradise: United States policy in Palau since 1945. Juneau, Alaska: Denali Press, 1991. 245p. Pac.DU780 .R64 1991

Semper, Karl. The Palau Islands in the Pacific Ocean. Transl. by Mark L. Berg and ed. by Robert D. Craig. Mangilao, Guam: Micronesian Area Research Center, University of Guam, 1982. 319p Pac. DU780 .S4713.

Shuster, Donald R. Islands of change in Palau: church, school, and elected government, 1891-1981. Ed.D. dissertation, Univ. of Hawaii, 1982. 429 leaves. Hawn.LB5 .H28 n.20

Tellei, Patrick. History of vocational education in Palau, pre-1885 to 1985. Research paper, College of Education, Univ. of Hawaii, 1989. 89 leaves. Pac. LC1047 .P25 T45 1989

Thyssen, Mandy A guidebook to the Palau Islands. Koror: Neco Tours, 1988. 167p. Pac. DU780.2 .T49 1988

Thyssen-Etpison, Mandy. Palau: portrait of paradise. Koror, Palau: NECO Marine Corp., 1993? 251p. Pacc HQ198 .P34 T45 1993

US Central Intelligence Agency Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (U.S.): Palau. (Map, 20 x 17 cm) Washington, DC, 1989.

US General Accounting Office U.S. Trust Territory: issues associated with Palau's transition to self-government. Washington, DC, 1989. 2v. Pac. DU780.8 .U65 1989

Wilson, Lynn B. Speaking to power: gender and politics in the western Pacific. NY: Routledge, 1995. 218p. Pacc GN671 .C3 W55 1995