MICRO1 AboRashad

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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Transcript of MICRO1 AboRashad

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email.Dr_alganzory@hotmail.comMob.0598092704

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email. Dr_alganzory@hotmail.com Mob.0598092704


1-Bacteria are a) Prokaryotic أولية النواة b) Eukaryotic حقيقية النواة c) Animal d) Protozoa e) Helminthes

2- One is not a Romano sky stain: a) Fields stain b) Gram stain c) Geimsa stain d) Leishman stain

3- Romanowsky stain consists of:

a) Eosin + Alkaline methylene blue b) Eosin only c) Methylene blue only d) Indian Ink السالب الموجب لصبغة جرام بين الفرق

4- Difference between gram Positive and gram negative bacteria is a) Cell membrane b) Cell wall c) Nucleus d) Cytoplasm

الصبغة ا�بتدائية ا�ولية

5- Primary stain of gram stain:- a) Crystal violet b) Iodine c) Safranine d) Malachite green

الصبغة الثانوية الثانية

5- Secondary stain of gram stain:- a) Crystal violet b) Iodine c) Safranine d) Malachite green

ماعدا صبغة جرام يستخدم التالي كل

6- All the following used in gram stain except: a) Malachite green b) Neutral red c) Methyl violet d) Iodine e) Ethyl alcohol

البكتريا السالبة لون

7- Gram negative bacteria color appear : a) Dark purple b) Pale to dark red c) Orange d) Blue

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email.Dr_alganzory@hotmail.comMob.0598092704

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email. Dr_alganzory@hotmail.com Mob.0598092704

لموجبة ا

8- Gram Positive bacteria color appear : a) Yellow b) Pale to dark red c) Orange d) Blue or violot e) Black

ا يوجد بھ فى البكتريا الموجبة للجرام 9- In gram positive bacteria there is.

a) Peptidoglycan and teicholic acid. b) Has no peptidoglycan. c) Has no teicholic acid. d) Non of above

تصبغ ماعدا

10-In the lab gram stain use with the following except. a) Bacteria smearفلم بكتيرى b) Pus cell smear. صديدى c) Urethral discharge.افرازات الحالب d) C.S.F السائل النخاعى e) Water culture مزرعة الماء.

اعدىق 11-In gram stain, which of these is used as a basic:

a) Methyl violet / Crystal violet b) Safranin /Neutral red c) Gram iodine d) Acetone / alcohol


12- On gram staining one of the following bacteria form chain a) Streptococci b) Staphylococci c) Bacillus d) Mycobacterium e) Diplococci

مجموعات تترتب 13- Gram +ve cocci arranged in groups (clusters):

a) Streptococci b) Staphylococci c) Cocci d) spiral


14-Which of the following microscope would you use to examine a smear of bacteria stained by gram stain:-

a) Electron microscope b) Dark field microscope c) Fluorescent microscope d) Bright field microscope

البكتريا السالبة بوجود يتميز جدار

15-Gram negative bacterial cell wall characterized by the presence of a) Large amount of Glucose. b) Large amount of glycogen c) Large amount of Cellulose d) Toxic lippolysaccharide molecules.

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email.Dr_alganzory@hotmail.comMob.0598092704

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email. Dr_alganzory@hotmail.com Mob.0598092704

تستخدم في صبغ صبغة زيل نيلسن

16- Ziel nelson stains use in? a) Bacillus.sp b) Mycobacterium tuberculosis c) H.influnza. d) Non of above

17- Mycobacterium tuberculosis is called acid-fast because:-

a) It is easily stained by gram stain b) Once stained, it can not be remove by acid c) It is easily decolorizes after staining. d) It is stained by an alkaline stain e) None of the above f) All of the above

يستخدم الكل ماعدا فى صبغة الزيل نيلسون

18- All are use in Zeilh Nelson stain except. a) Carbon Fuchcin. b) Acid alcohol. c) Crystal violet. d) Malachite green

صبغة البرت 19- Albert's stain use with which of the organism.

a) E.coli. b) H. influenza. c) C.tetani. d) Corynebacterium diphtheria.

20-Stain required to demonstrate bacterial capsules

a) Gram stain b) Giemsa stain c) Leishman stain d) India Ink stain

مناسب عد

21- Which of the following culture media is suitable for semi quantitative bacterial count in urine samples :-عينة البول

a) MaCconkey agar b) Blood agar c) XLD medium d) Mannitol salt agar e) CLED medium

البول مزرعة

22- CLED agar use in urine culture because it? a) It is transport media. ميديا ناقلة b) It is basic media. ميديا أساسية c) Help in colonies count and prevent swarming of proteus . ستساعد في عد المستعمرات وتمنع نمو البر وتي d) All above.

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email.Dr_alganzory@hotmail.comMob.0598092704

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email. Dr_alganzory@hotmail.com Mob.0598092704

لعزل 23-Thayer-martin media is the choice for the isolation of the following organism:

a) Pseudomonas aeroginosa b) Haemophilus influenzae c) Nisseria gonorrhoea

24-Media use for tuberculosis:

a) Lewis Jensen media b) Nutrient agar c) Urease broth d) Sabarous

25- Bordet gengou medium is best for isolation of :

a) Bordetella retusis b) Moraxella catarrhalis c) Haemophilus influenzae d) S.pyogenes

أو عدم وجود وجود تنمو

26- Bacteria that can grow in present or absent of O2 is called? a) Facultative anaerobic. ةغير ھوائية اختياري b) Strict anaerobic ةغير ھوائية إجباري c) Anaerobic. ائيةغير ھو d) None of above. ليس مما سبق

البكتريا لنمو درجة الحرارة المثلى

27- Optimum temperature for growth of bacteria is? a) 50C. b) 60C. c) 37C. d) None of above.

حمى المسبب 28- Cause of Q fever is?

a) Coxiella burnet. b) Borrella. c) Treponema. d) Anopheles

الحمى الروماتيزمية

29- Indicative for rheumatic fever is? a) CRP. b) RF. c) ASO. d) None of above.

نا الغرغري 30- Gas gangrene cause by.

a) Clostridium. perfringers. b) Clo. Tetani. c) Clo. Botulism. d) None of above.

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email.Dr_alganzory@hotmail.comMob.0598092704

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email. Dr_alganzory@hotmail.com Mob.0598092704

ىالسعال الديك

31- Whooping cough cause by. a) Yersinia spp. b) Strepto. Pneumonia. c) Bordetella pertuss. d) Staph. aureus.

عدوى فى قناة مجرى البول

32- In UTI the following is present: a) Glucose. b) Acetone. c) Leukocyte. كرات الدم البيضاء (WBCs) d) Non of above

حمى قرمزية طفل ب شخص

33- A child diagnosis show scarlet fever the cause is: a) Streptococcus Pyogenes b) Staphylococci aureus c) Bacillus anthracis d) Pseudomonas aeruginosa

حروف صينية تترتب بكتريا

34- Bacteria arranged in Chinese litters: a) Corynebacteria Diphtheria b) Bacillus anthraces c) Bacillu anthrax d) E.coli

السبحية العنقودية تعريف

35- Which test identifying staph from strepto it is. a) Catalase. b) Coagulase. c) Oxidase. d) Urease

لتعريف اختبار

36-Test for Identifying ٍ◌Strepto pneumonia is? a) Catalase. b) Oxidase. c) Optichine. d) None of the above.

النيومونيا ا�ختبار التاكيدى

37- Confirmatory test of streptococcus pneumonia: a) Catalase b) Optochine disc c) Coagulase d) Bile solubility e) Bacitracin

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email.Dr_alganzory@hotmail.comMob.0598092704

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email. Dr_alganzory@hotmail.com Mob.0598092704

فى المزرعة بعد الزراعة تحفظ

38- Culture media kept in the following after plating. a) Hot oven. الفرن b) Incubator . الحضان c) None of above. d) All above.

ماعدا تحتوى الخلية البكتيرية

39-Bacterial cell contain all the following except: a) Ribosome b) Plasmid c) Mitochondria d) Cell membrane e) Pilli

التحلل اكتشاف

40- Media for detection of hemolysis is. a) Blood agar. b) Neutral agar. c) MaCconky. d) All above.

اليورياز تنتج 41- Most common bacteria that produce urease are.

a) Proteus. b) Pseudomonas. c) E.coli. d) None of above.

42- One is always oxidase +ve

a) Haemophilus Influenza b) Pseudomonas aurogenase and Neisseria c) E.coli d) Yersinia

تعريف 43- Test help in Identification of Pseudomonas and Neisseria

a) Citrate test b) Coagulase c) Indole test d) DNAse e) Oxidase

ليزتاكفى تفاعل ال تستخدم مادة

44- Substance used in catalase reaction: a) H2O2 b) CO2 c) H2O d) HCO3

مخاط براز يشبه ماء ا&رز

45- Rice watery stool with mucous fakes occur in infectious with a) Corynebacteria Diphtheria b) Bacillus anthraces c) Bacillu anthrax d) E.coli e) Vibro cholera

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email.Dr_alganzory@hotmail.comMob.0598092704

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email. Dr_alganzory@hotmail.com Mob.0598092704

وضراوة قوة

46- The Invasiveness of streptococcus pneumonia is due to the production of:- a) Haemolsins b) Endotoxins c) Extotoxins d) Polysaccharide Capsule

يسمى و تتضاعف تنمو الطور

47- Stage in which bacteria grow and multiply called a) Lag phase b) Log phase c) Stationary phase d) Decline phase

الوسط الغذائي تتكيف وتتRءم

48- Stage in which bacteria make adaptation in media called a) Lag phase b) Log phase c) Stationary phase d) Decline phase


49-Chlamydia cause a) Trachoma b) Neonatal ophthalmic c) A&B d) Diarrhea

ط مرض القط يشخص ب

50- Toxoplasmosis is diagnoses by. a) Serological test. b) Blood film examination. c) X-ray. d) Skin scraping.

نا�نسا العائل النھائى ليس

51- Human is not definitive host a) Entamoeba histolitica b) Toxoplasma Gondii c) Trypanosoma cruzi d) E.coli e) Giardia lamblia

حيوان العائل النھائي

52- The definitive host is an animal: a) Entamoeba histolatica b) Toxoplasma Gondii c) Tainia saginata d) E.coli e) Giardia lamblia

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email.Dr_alganzory@hotmail.comMob.0598092704

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email. Dr_alganzory@hotmail.com Mob.0598092704

عدوى مخية مميتة طفيل

53- Parasite can cause fetal cerebral infection: a) Taenia b) Toxoplasma gondii c) Trypanosoma d) Schistosoma

غير متحركة بروتوزوا

54- Non motile protozoa: a) Toxoplasma gondii or Plasmodium malaria b) Trypanosoma cruzi c) Giardia lamblia d) Trichomonas vaginalis

طفيل داخلى

55- One of these organism multiply intracellular parasite: a) Gardia lamblia b) Entameba histolytica c) E. coli d) Tryponosoma Cruzi e) Toxoplasma gondii

56-The intermediate host of toxoplasmosis is :-

a) Dog b) Cat c) Mouse d) Human e) None


57-Man may acquire toxoplasmosis from:- a) Mice b) Cats c) Dogs d) Pigs

الليشمانيا ب تصبغ

58- Leishmania Stained by: a) Fields stain b) Geimsa stain c) A or B d) Leishman stain e) Gram stain

تنتقل بواسطة الليشمانيا

59- Cutaneous leishmaniasis transmitted by: a) Phlebotomus sand fly دودة الرمل b) Female anopheles mosquito c) Male anopheline mosquito d) Tse tse fly

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email.Dr_alganzory@hotmail.comMob.0598092704

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email. Dr_alganzory@hotmail.com Mob.0598092704

60- Oriental sore disease caused by a) Trypanosome sp. b) Plasmodium malaria c) Leishmania donovani d) Leishmania tropica*

61-Kala azar and black fever (Visceral leishmaniasis) caused by

a) Trypanosome sp. b) Plasmodium malaria c) Leishmania donovani d) Leishmania tropica

الطور المعدى 62-Infective stage in leishmania :-

a) Cyst b) Trophozoit c) Larva d) Worm

تنتقل بواسطة الليشمانياعدوى

63- Leshmania infection transmitted by: a) Male anopheles mosquito b) Female anopheles mosquito c) Sand fly d) Tsetse fly

اطفيل المR ري اكتشاف 64- Detection of malaria parasite is by:

a) Thick blood film b) Leishman stain c) Gram stain d) Geimsa stain

تنتقل بواسطة اعدوى الم/ ري

65- Malaria infection transmitted by: e) Male anopheles mosquito f) Female anopheles mosquito g) Sand fly h) Tsetse fly

66-Use Test VDRL For

a) Syphilis (T.pallidium) b) Streptococci c) Mycobacterium d) E.coli


67- Syphilis causes a) T. palidium b) Gonorrhea c) Staph.auru d) Bacillus anthrax

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email.Dr_alganzory@hotmail.comMob.0598092704

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email. Dr_alganzory@hotmail.com Mob.0598092704


68- Which of the following is use to determine syphilis. a) VDRL. b) ASO. c) RF. d) CRP.


69-Capsule is a) Polysaccharide عديد السكريات b) Lipid دھن c) Protein بروتين d) Cholesterol ولكوليستير

الفرن الحار �يعقم

70-Which of the following stuff can not be sterilized in hot oven a) Glass or aluminum Petri dishes b) Glass tubes c) Glass flask and cylinders d) Metal needles and glass pipettes e) Culture media

التعقيم عند فى الفرن الجاف 71- The sterilization in hot air oven performed at:

a) 121 c° for 15-30 min. b) 160 c° for 45-60 min. c) 121 c° for 10 min. d) 160 c° for 10 min.

عند التعقيم

72- The sterilization in autoclave performed at: a) 121 c° for 15-30 min. b) 160 c° for 45-60 min. c) 121 c° for 10 min. d) 160 c° for 10 min.

لWنسانتسبب مرض

73- Bacteria can cause pathogenesis to human by: a) Capsule b) Secret enzymes c) Endogenous toxins d) Exogenous toxins e) All of the above

الزائدة وظيفة

74- Function of pili of the bacteria: a) Attachment to the host tissue ا�لتصاق بالعائل b) Movement لحركةا c) Reproduction (multiplication) التكاثر d) Engulf of food ع الطعامRابت e) All of the above كل ماسبق

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email.Dr_alganzory@hotmail.comMob.0598092704

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email. Dr_alganzory@hotmail.com Mob.0598092704

من حول فتحة الشرج العينة تشخص

75- Perianal specimen diagnose a) Trichomonas vaginalis b) Tainia saginata c) Entrobius vermicularis d) Enta.histolytica

الدودة الدبوسية الطور المعدى

76- Infective stage of Entrobius vermicularis is: a) Larva b) Cercaria c) Egg d) Cyst e) Metacercaria

العدوى الذاتية

77- Autoinfection of human can caused in case of: a) Entrobius vermicularis b) Taenia Sp. c) Anclystoma Dudenal d) Ascaris Lumbercoidis

لف/ريا ا

78- Blood of Microfilaria infection diagnosis with: a) Wuchereia bancofti b) Cercaria c) Rhapditoform larva d) Oocyst

79- Specimen suitable for microfilaria

a) Tissue b) Blood c) Fluid d) Urine e) ALL

للبلھارسيا عند المصريين الطفيل المسبب

80- The causative parasite of Egyptian bilharisiasis a) Trichomonas vaginalis b) Schitosoma haematobium c) Schitosoma japonicum d) Schitosoma mansoni

بلھارسيا المجارى البولية

81- Shistosoma hematobium diagnosis: a) Egg in urine with terminal spine b) Egg in Stool c) Larva d) Cyst

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email.Dr_alganzory@hotmail.comMob.0598092704

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email. Dr_alganzory@hotmail.com Mob.0598092704

بسبب ظھورالدم فى بول المصريين

82- Egyptian haematuria is caused by:- a) Schitosoma japonicum b) Schitosoma haematobium c) Schitosoma mansoni

دودة 83- The worm that causes blood in urine? a) Ascaris b) Fasciola a) Schistosoma haematobium d) Tainia saginata

ا�سكارس الطور التشخيصى

84- Diagnostic stage of Ascaris lumbericoidis: a) Finding of a typical fertilized egg in stool b) Finding cyst in stool c) Finding larva in Stool d) Finding segment in Stool

ا�سكارس المعدىالطور

85-Infectivec stage of Ascaris lumbericoidis: a) Ova b) Cyst c) Larva d) Segment

ا�فرازات المھبلية يوجد طفيل

86- Parasite can be detected in vaginal and urethral discharge: a) Entamobia histolytica b) Trichomonas Vaginalis c) Leshmania d) Schistosoma spp.

87-Protozoa in sexual reproduction

a) Trichomonas vaginalis b) Tainia saginata c) Echioccus granulosus d) Enta.histolytica

يشخص بوجود

88- Strongyloids stercoralis diagnostic by finding a) Egg in stool b) Cyst in stool c) larva in stool d) Egg in Urine

صبغة ا�يودين

89- Iodine stains of Entamoeba cyst staining: a) Chromatoidal bars b) Cell wall c) Nuclei d) Cytoplasm e) ALL

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email.Dr_alganzory@hotmail.comMob.0598092704

Microbiology Revision By Dr.AboRashad Email. Dr_alganzory@hotmail.com Mob.0598092704