Mickey, My Fat Cat By Jordan Flach How he got his name Mickey, my fat cat was named after a mouse...

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Mickey, My Fat Cat By Jordan Flach How he got his name Mickey, my fat cat was named after a mouse...

Mickey, My Fat Cat

By Jordan Flach

How he got his name

Mickey, my fat cat was named after a mouse because of three spots on his back that make a Mickey-Mouse face. I thought you should know that.

His mommy

Mickey has a daddy and a mommy, just like you and me. Mickey’s mommy was a calico kitty. She was very pretty. She was protective of her kitties, too. (Protective means to keep them safe.) mickey was born with spots just like his mommy, but he is black and white.

Who knew that cats and humans had so much in common?

Fatty catty Now

Mickey is fat and happy! Literally!!!!!!

( this is not really Mickey, it’s a fake but funny joke)

Mickolenas (that’s his funny made up name) today:

Mickey is drinking apple juice.

The End!!!!!!I hope you liked the story!!!!!!

• Pictures- found online• Book by Jordan Flach• Music by Jordan Flach

• Pictures found and picked by Jordan Flach

• Layout by Jordan Flach• Design by Jordan Flach• Entirely by Jordan Flach, thanks to powerpoint and my fatty kitty Mickey!!!!!! Meeoow!