Michigan Todd

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Michigan Todd


Todd Criss

Michigan's Adventure.

• Michigan has many fun spots. One of which is Michigan’s Adventure. The park has many fun rides and games. My personal favorites are Shivering Timbers, Wolverine, and Cork Screw.

Mackinac Bridge

• Mackinac Bridge is an awesome sight to see. It crosses the straights of Mackinac. Its total length is 26,372 ft. The Bridge opened on November 1st 1957. It connects both of the peninsulas.


• Mackinac is known for their fudge. It is good. They have many different Flavors. My personal favorite is mint chocolate chip. But that’s only because I haven't tried all of them because there are so many.


• Michigan has 2 football teams. There is Michigan. And there is Michigan State. My personal favorite is Michigan State. They aren't that good at football but they are good at basketball.

Youth Football

• Some children want to grow up to be famous ball players like Drew S. They are inspired by their Hard work and their attitude. I like watching football, so do many others. That is how many get inspired by the players. But you got to be dedicated to it.

Cars made in Michigan

• This is a Dodge Intrepid. This is one of many cars made in Michigan. Most of which is made in the motor city, ( Detroit). Detroit is a cool place to be, so I’ve heard.

Stevie Wonder

• Stevie Wonder is a Motown legend. He is one of the many famous people from Michigan. He has created more than thirty top ten hits. He has also won twenty five Grammy awards. Did you know that he hyas been blind since he was a baby.

Henry Ford

• Henry Ford was the American founder of the Ford motor company. The model t was one of his first creations. He was born on July 30, 1863. He died on April 7, 1947. The model t was introduced on oct. 1, 1908.

Fast food

• Fast food is good. But is it good for you? Most American people are obese because of it. A typical fast food meal is fries, a burger, and a soft drink. Fast food is the term given to meals that can be made quickly. So the answer to that question, fast food is not good for you.

Fun facts about Michigan

• Did you know that our state fish is the brook trout. Our state flower is the apple blossom. And did you know that we even have a state fossil. It is the apple blossom. Another fun fact is that our state game mammal is the white tailed deer.

White tailed deer

• The white tailed deer is mainly found in forests. They are also found in farmlands and swampy areas. An adult male deer weighs about 300lbs. The female deer weighs about 125lbs. This mammal is also our state game mammal.

Our state gem

• Our state gem is the chlorastrolite. It is a beautiful sight. They make earrings and necklaces and sometimes bracelets. It commonly known as the green stone. Some of the jewelry may cost a pretty penny.

Apple blossom

• The apple blossom is the state flower of Michigan. And the state flower of Arkansas. There are over 1000 types of the apple blossom. Our state flower is one of those types. It is the type I do not know .


Todd Criss