Michigan Open CourseWare dScribe and Intellectual Property introduction

Post on 12-May-2015

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Transcript of Michigan Open CourseWare dScribe and Intellectual Property introduction


dScribe ModelCopyright and Intellectual Property

Rights, uses, future of open education

Why OCW?

How is OCW environment different from Ctools?

What is the role of dScribes?

Why OCW?

Open CourseWare sites are growing both domestically and internationally

OCW sites add value for teaching and learning in many areas:



The World



Connect with faculty at UM and other schools

increase visibility of course materials

OCW site as “authoritative source”

guide future curriculum planning

enhance personal knowledge

prepare materials for an upcoming class


preview courses before registering

help plan long term course track

complement current course content with materials from another course

enhance personal knowledge

connect with faculty and contribute with student-generated content


recruitment tool for prospective students

support University of Michigan mission

connect with university alumni

The World

share diverse course content with the world

support open access education

demonstrate framework for future development of OCW sites

How is OCW environment different from Ctools?

Within this content management framework, faculty can post articles, lecture slides, photography, audio, video, etc.

Students in the class can download these materials

At The University of Michigan, faculty use Ctools to manage course materials

...non-commercial instruction or curriculum-based teaching by educators to students at nonprofit educational institutions

The Educational Fair Use guidelines allow faculty to use copyrighted materials for...


Ctools enables this provision

because access is restricted by authentication

The Fair Use allows educators to use some copyrighted materials in class settings


fair usefair use

OCW sites

Open CourseWare is not granted the Fair Use exemption because items will be available to all on the web

3 OCW Intellectual Property (IP) Considerations

Getting permission from faculty or other contributors of course materials to publish them on OCW

Clearing, replacing, removing embedded third-party elements from materials to be published

Granting a license to OCW end-users to use, reuse, adapt, and redistribute materials for non-commercial educational purposes, in accord with the OCW concept

Before course material can be uploaded to the OCW site, we need to address intellectual property considerations

linking to books or articles instead of providing file download

seeking permission to publish materials from secondary-source educators

providing citations of or removing protected product logos, audio and video content

These might include:

The transformation of materials will involve faculty and dScribes

Sounds like a lot to do...

...we have a process set

in place


How will dScribes help?

dScribes are “Digital Scribes”

dScribes are motivated students currently in the course

dScribes organize, clear, and tag course materials

dScribes are familiar with technology

dScribes know about intellectual property and copyright


dScribes prepare materials for a new life on the web


Easy Steps for Faculty

Set up Ctools course site

Choose and tag materials for OCW export

Give dScribe access to Ctools course site

Set up Ctools course site

Choose and tag materials for OCW export

Faculty retain full control of which items they want on OCW site

Home | Manage DScribes | Manage Course Materials | Review & Export

Manage Course Materials

Manage: TagsCourse Materials

Selected for OCW

Select: All, None Tag as: Lecture notes Remove

Drupal CMS

Week 1

Screencast: First steps Video

Sample text -- Tag As: --

dScribe Review (3)


Home | Manage DScribes | Manage Course Materials | Review & Export

Add DScribe

Current DScribes

Fabio McKluskey (fmkey@umich.edu) remove

userid@umich.edu Add DScribe

Add a student's

email address

and the system

adds the

student as a


Give dScribe access to Ctools course site

dScribes will work throughout the semester to prepare Ctools materials for OCW site


mid-semester check

final check

OCW site export

IP questions

IP, Visual layout

Copyright and Intellectual PropertyRights and Uses

What’s the difference between copyright and licensing?

copyright = right to copy

license = right to distribute

Michigan Open CourseWare Legal Principles

faculty grant a non-exclusive license to share their work

faculty retain the intellectual property rights to their work

Michigan OCW materials will be distributed with a Creative Commons license

“Creative Commons provides free tools that let authors, scientists, artists, and educators easily mark their creative work with the freedoms they want it to carry.”


Users are free to:

Under the conditions:

copy, distribute, transmit the work

adapt the work

attribution to the creator

non-commercial uses only

share alike with the same license

Which means:

while promoting new ideas and tools for building openly accessible course materials

OCW aims to maintain quality and integrity of course and assures faculty teaching autonomy

OCW aims to work closely with other university outreach initiatives

Deep Blue, University of Michigan archiving repository

UM Library Intellectual Property Office, which helps educate university faculty and students on IP issues

an open educational resource (OER) movement

OCW can support

By incorporating

diverse faculty course materials

With the help of

knowledgeable and motivated dScribes


Michigan Open Courseware - http://pilot.educommons.usu.edu/michigan

MIT Open CourseWare - http://ocw.mit.edu/

Creative Commons - http://www.creativecommons.org

Open CourseWare Consortium - http://www.ocwconsortium.org/

Creative Commons Search Engine - http://search.creativecommons.org/

Michigan Copyright website - http://copyright.umich.edu/

Stanford Copyright & Fair Use Center - http://fairuse.stanford.edu/