MHR 452-Women in Workforce

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Transcript of MHR 452-Women in Workforce

Women in Workforce

MHR 452Group #2Tina Vo, Ting Wang, Samanvita

Chakka, Jenny Wang, Takeshi Kuwajima,

Alejandra Robles

What is Discrimination against Women?

"... any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the

recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women, irrespective of their marital status, on a basis of equality of men and women, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social,

cultural, civil or any other field." The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), adopted in 1979 by the UN General Assembly


Women are still being underrepresented

Gender discrimination is still a major issue in the workforce.

Men are assumed to be independent in their personal and

professional lives

Women are expected to be the primary caretakers in the household

Research Questions

1.How is the work environment in the United States different for men

and women today?

2.What are the causes of the discrimination for women in the


3.Comparing the past and the present, how have the work conditions

for women differ and what has remained constant?

How is the work environment in the United States different for men and

women today?

Statistical Overview of Women in WorkforceWomen’s share of the total labor

force is 46.8% in the United States

Women held 51.5% of management, professional and related positions

Currently hold 20 (or 4.0%) CEO positions at S&P 500 companies

61% of all mothers with children under the age of three are in the labor force

Gap in WageStarted up salary of men and women at young age(25-34)


Men $1.00/hr

Women $0.67/hr


Men $1.00/hr

Women $0.93/hr

Overall pay

$0.76 - 0.79/hr

Challenges for women

● Take significant amount of time off work (39%)

● Reduce their hours (42%)

● Quit work to care for a child and their families (27%)

Sexual Harassment2 types of Sexual Harassment in

workforce:1.Quid pro quo: Usually as

supervisor, as a condition of getting or keeping job.

2.Hostile work environment: In general as verbal, physical, or both

● Sexual Harassment in common workplace

★ 1 in 3 women has been sexual harassed at work.

★ 81% of women experience harassment in verbal form

★ 75% women experience harassment by male coworkers ★ 49% by male clients or

customer ★ 38% by male managers

What are the causes of the

discrimination for women in the


Conscious & Unconscious presumption

Gender, Race, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Or Age

Auto Gender Stereotyping

Undervaluing of women’s work

Segregation in the labour market

Traditions and Stereotypes

Balancing work and private life

Comparing the past and the present,

how have the work conditions for

women differ and what has remained


Past Vs.


PastWomen have experienced low

social and economic status because of their unequal access to education

Women are housewivesWomen have no right of speech

PresentWomen have chance to get in

workforce as men do because women have right to get same education level as men.

Husband and wife are more likely to work

Discrepancy in pay gap declined

RecommendationsEmployers should place female employees in more

opportunity-enhancing positions within the


Utilize social media such as Facebook and Twitter

to acknowledge successful women leaders

Persuade organizations to utilize job rotation and

other training programs to encourage women

to strive for profit-and-loss positions.

Create programs that encourage succession

planning, which reflect gender equity

ConclusionIn conclusion we have discussed the issues

women have faced in the workforce in regards to

the wage gap, sexual harassment, and

undervaluing of women’s work. Though there are

have been improvements in the workforce over

time there is still more that needs to be done.

Simply by acknowledging these problems we can

strive to improve gender discrimination in the
