Mexican Cession Chapter 9. Relations w/ Mexico Strained Polk – expansionist president 1845...

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Transcript of Mexican Cession Chapter 9. Relations w/ Mexico Strained Polk – expansionist president 1845...

Mexican CessionChapter 9

Relations w/ Mexico Strained Polk – expansionist president 1845 -Annexation of Texas Border dispute between Texas and Mexico Pioneers heading west

Relations w/ Mexico Strained

California Californians – “our brethren”

(Polk), To US commanders “Seize CA at

first sign of war.” Tried to buy it three times.

Disputed territory

Hoped to provoke Mexico

US Troops to the Rio Grande

War with Mexico Mexico doesn’t immediately react Polk asks for war April 25, 1846 – Mexicans

“attacked” “American blood spilled on

American soil!”

War with Mexico

Support for the War Divided South and West – yes Northeast - no

War with Mexico Californians revolt against Mexican

Government CA declared US territory Capture Mexico City - Mexico

Surrenders US pays Mexico $15 million.

What does it mean? Manifest Destiny is achieved “The most unjust war” Will the territory be free or slave? The Wilmot Proviso How would this affect Congress?