Methods of Chakra Balancing Singing Bowl Chakra Balancing ... · Singing Bowl Chakra Balancing -...

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Transcript of Methods of Chakra Balancing Singing Bowl Chakra Balancing ... · Singing Bowl Chakra Balancing -...

Methods of Chakra BalancingTo be healthy and happy and continuing to develop spiritually, it's important to keep all the chakras fairly balanced, smoothly exchanging energy with the cosmic energy and with each other.

Chakra balancing, in concert with other techniques, often provides a great deal of emotional healing and spiritual healing for the patient and helps prevent physical disease.

Singing Bowl Chakra Balancing- Daily practice for balancing and aligning chakras.

- Sing bowl eight times after meditation, once for each of the chakras.

- Starting with the first chakra. As the singing bowl resonates, holds your awareness on the first chakra and lets the sound resonate in for a while. And repeat the cycle for the other chakras.

Hands-On Chakra Balancing- Lie down in a comfortable place where you find peace.

- Spend some time belly-breathing and take a few minutes to ground and center.

- Set an intention for balancing and aligning your chakras.

- Place one hand on your first chakra and one hand on your second chakra.

- Hold your hands in this position until you feel the energy equalize or until you start to feel it pulse in a patterned way, or until you get some other indication that the two chakras are balanced.

- Move your hands to your second and third chakras and repeat the balancing.

- Move your hands to the third and fourth and repeat. And so on.

- After you've balanced the last two chakras, take a little while to enjoy the feeling. Being familiar with the feeling of having your chakras in balance will help you recreate the state whenever you need to throughout the day.

Physical Methods to Chakra Balancing

First Chakra Balancing

Overactive: Walk, off-pavement if possible; meditate; create an altar; be still; secretly do something nice for someone; give something away; eat sensibly;Underactive: Walk, off- pavement if possible; garden; get your finances in order; go someplace/visit someone where you feel like you belong; secure your belongings

Second Chakra Balancing

Overactive: Introduce more structure into your life; read a challenging book; learn to play a musical instrument; do tai chi; something else that takes sustained practice and disciplineUnderactive: Dance; swim; surround yourself with beauty; do something spontaneous and fun; forgive yourself; change something in your life or surroundings; notice your feelings; take a luxurious bath

Third Chakra Balancing

Overactive: Belly breathe; clear your schedule and rest; at work or in the community, take on a task that will help the whole but for which you will likely not receive credit or recognition; give credit to someone else; let someone else decide; practice gratitude; laugh; learn non-violent conflict resolution techniques; join a group that makes decisions by consensus; restUnderactive: Belly breathe; complete a task that you've been putting off; commit to a goal and see it through to the end; step into the limelight; get a great new haircut; wear something that you look great in; assert yourself; take responsibility; laugh; let people know immediately when they've stepped on your toes

Fourth Chakra Balancing

Overactive: Spend time in nature; say no to an overly needy friend; take time for yourself; set a limit and stick to it; take a break from TV news; watch a comedy; meditate to get in touch with your "witness" aspect; get a massage; let someone else take care of you; take the biggest piece; receive a healing; accept a complimentUnderactive: Spend time in nature; spend time with small children; reach out to a friend; take your dog for a walk; volunteer at a food bank, pet shelter, homeless shelter, etc.; smile at people; do something genuinely nice for your spouse or significant other without expecting payback; receive a healing; express appreciation

Fifth Chakra Balancing

Overactive: Sing, chant, or tone; listen to someone without expecting them to listen to you; allow yourself an extended time in silence; speak only if what you have to say is necessary, fair, kind, and just; give someone else some air-time; take a break; take an art or writing class and just let yourself playUnderactive: Speak up; sing, chant, or tone; create something and share/display it; write in your journal; break a silence; share a truth; take an art or writing class and just let yourself play; spend time listening closely to all the sounds in your environment

Sixth Chakra Balancing

Overactive: Ground; focus on daily life: walk, cook, take care of animals and children, and do things mindfully and with presence; be fully present; spend time in nature; do something practical; deeply relax your eyes; get a foot massage; pay attention to your physical body; take up a physical practice such as tai chiUnderactive: Let someone else take care of the practical things for a while; listen for your intuition and follow it; meditate; watch the world closely; draw or do other art that requires close observation; go star-gazing; read an inspiring or spiritual book; go on a retreat; do something that builds concentration; focus on the big picture

Seventh Chakra Balancing

Overactive: Walk; be mindful and present in doing the activities of your daily life; reach out to others; eat regular, nourishing meals; get a pet; get involved in somethingUnderactive:Meditate, pray; cut back on your activities and just be; spend time in stillness and silence; practice gratitude; create an altar; do anything that makes you feel peaceful and harmonious; surrender a problem to your higher power; spend time alone