Membrain brosura

Post on 29-Mar-2016

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Službena brošura projekta Koncept Membrain

Transcript of Membrain brosura

O natjecanju

Solar Decathlon

SDE 2014 France


O timu



O projektu



/ S A D R Ž A J

About the competition

Solar Decathlon

SDE 2014 France

About the team


About the project


Kontakti i partneri


Contacts and partners

Solar Decathlon

0 1 / O n a t j e c a n j u

Ideja o natjecanju razvila se u SAD-u

tijekom 90-ih godina. Kako bi potaknuli

studente, buduće inženjere, na

korištenje obnovljivih izvora energije,

ali i razvili svijest o prednostima istih,

Ministarstvo energetike SAD-a krenulo

je početkom 2000. u realizaciju projekta

Solar Decathlon. Prvo natjecanje

održalo se 2002. godine u

Washingtonu, a od 2005. održava se na

istom mjestu svake dvije godine. Lista

sudionika proširila se i na ostale

kontinente te se bilježi stalan porast

posjetitelja kojih je na natjecanju

održanom 2011. godine bilo 350 000.

Encouraged by the success of the Solar

Decathlon, the Government of Spain

and the Ministry of Energy of the United

States signed the agreement about the

organization of the Solar Decathlon

Europe (SDE) in 2007, which was first

held 2010th in Madrid. The first Solar

Decathlon Europe was visited by around

190,000 visitors, and 46 teams

registered to participate in the


Idea of the competition was concieved

in the U.S. during the 90s. In order to

encourage students, future engineers,

to use renewable energy sources, but

also raise awareness about the benefits

of the former, the Ministry of Energy of

the United States set off the realization

of the project Solar Decathlon in early

2000. The first competition was held in

Washington in 2002 , and as of 2005 it

has been held at the same place every

two years. List of participants has

expanded to other continents and a

steady increase in visitors was

witnessed, there were 350 000 of them

at the competition held in 2011.

Potaknuti uspjehom Solar Decathlona,

Španjolska Vlada i Ministarstvo

energetike SAD-a potpisale su 2007.

godine sporazum o organizaciji Solar

Decathlon Europe (SDE) koji se po prvi

puta održao 2010. godine u Madridu.

Prvi Solar Decathlon Europe posjetilo

je oko 190 000 posjetitelja, a za

sudjelovanje na natjecanju prijavilo se

46 timova.

/ Solar Village,

Washington, USA

Natjecanje se temelji na izgradnji

samoodržive montažne kuće, koja svoje

potrebe za energijom zadovoljava iz

obnovljivih izvora energije, prvenstveno

Sunca. Uz to, integracija projekta u

nastavni program Sveučilišta i

inovativnost važan su kriterij za odabir

finalista. Iako je prvenstveno

namijenjeno studentima, u Solar

Decathlonu je dopušteno, a ponekad i

neophodno, sudjelovanje profesora i

profesionalaca iz struke. Vrhunac

natjecanja dvotjedno je izlaganje svih

objekata te njihovo ocjenjivanje u 10


The competition is based on building a

self-sustainable prefabricated house,

whose energy needs are met from

renewable energy sources, primarily the

Sun. In addition, the integration of the

project into the curriculum of the

University and innovation are an

important criterion for the selection of

finalists. Although primarily intended

for students, the participation of

professors and professionals in the

field is permissible and sometimes

necessary. The highlight of the

competition is a two week exhibition of

all houses and their evaluation in 10












arhitektonska izvedba


energetska učinkovitost

ravnoteža proizvodnje

i potrošnje električne energije

ugodnost stanovanja





društvena prihvatljivost












engineering and construction

solar installations

electric energy balance


equipment and operations

industrialization and market viability



communication and social awareness

01/ About the competititon

Dogovorom vlada SAD-a i Francuske,

Solar Decathlon Europe 2014. održat će

se u Francuskoj, u gradu Versaillesu, u

parku poznatog dvorca. Na natjecanje

su svoju prijavu poslala 44 tima iz 23

zemlje svijeta. Također, neki su timovi

kombinacije sveučilišta različitih

zemalja, a takvom suradnjom započinju

novu eru za samo natjecanje, ali i za

znanstvenu suradnju na istraživanju i

razvoju solarne energije.

Ovo će natjecanje biti kao Olimpijske

igre, ali u održivoj gradnji.



0 1 / O n a t j e c a n j u

/ Solar Village, Versailles

- Vladimir Soldo,

Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje

According to the agreement betwen the

US and French government, the Solar

Decathlon Europe 2014. will be held in

France, in Versailles, within the park of

the famous castle. There are 44 teams

from 23 countries which have applied

this year. Also, some teams have a

combination of universities of different

countries, and this collaboration starts

a new era for the competition itself, but

also for scientific cooperation in

research and development of solar


Solar Decathlon Europe

2014 France

0 2 / O t i m u

UniZG tim posvećen je koncipiranju,

planiranju i provedbi projekta

memBRAIN za natjecanje SDE 2014.

Širenjem projekta, širio se i naš tim pa

danas broji preko 70 studenata

Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i 20 profesora

mentora s 9 različitih fakulteta. Svi

članovi tima rade i istražuju u

laboratorijima na različitim fakultetima,

i tvrtkama partnera, a surađuju i sa

stručnjacima iz različitih područja.

Tim je podijeljen na dva glavna tima, a

to su tim za projektiranje i tim za

podršku projektnom timu. Zajedno

osmišljavaju idejno rješenje, provode

ga u stvarnosti, te osvješćuju i upoznaju

javnost s održivom gradnjom i

obnovljivim izvorima energije. UniZG

prvi je tim iz Hrvatske koji se uspio

plasirati u finale natjecanja te jedan od

sedam timova koji će izlagati svoju kuću

u Parizu na natjecanju SDE 2014.


The team is divided into two main

teams - the design team and support

team. Together they devise the

conceptual design, implement it in real

life, and raise awareness by informing

the public about the sustainable

building and renewable energy. UniZG is

the first Croatian team which managed

to qualify for the finals of the

competition and one of the seven

teams that will exhibit their house in

Paris on SDE 2014.

UniZG team is dedicated to conceiving,

planning and implementing the project

memBRAIN for SDE 2014 competition.

Along with the project expansion, our

team has enlarged as well, and now has

over 70 students from the University of

Zagreb and 20 mentor teachers from

nine different faculties. All team

members work and research in

laboratories at different universities,

companies and partners, and

collaborate with experts from different


/ uobičajeni sastanak tima

typical team meeting

glavni mentor

main mentor

voditelj projekta

project manager

voditelj tima za podršku

support team leader

voditelj tima za projektiranje

student team leader





/ struktura tima

team structure

02/ About the team










Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva

Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje

Građevinski fakultet

Arhitektonski fakultet

Ekonomski fakultet

Agronomski fakultet

Prirodoslovno matematički fakultet

Filozofski fakultet

Šumarski fakultet

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Faculty of Architecture

Faculty of Economics and Business

Faculty of Agriculture

Faculty of Science

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Faculty of Forestry


Fakultet političkih znanosti

Faculty of Political Sciences

/ članovi tima u posjetu

završnici SDE 2012 Madrid

/ sastanak tima UniZG i

predsjednika RH,

dr. Ive Josipovića

UniZG team meeting with the

Croatian president, Ivo Josipović

// memBRAIN radionica

na festivalu Terraneo

memBRAIN summer workshop

at the Terraneo festival

members of the team visiting

the finale of SDE 2012 Madrid


i materijali

construction &














marketing i odnosi s javnošću

marketing and public relations



wood technology


0 3 / O p r o j e k t u

Starting with the cell itself, membranes

are vital components of all living

organism - they have to be in direct

contact with the environment while

substances selectively circulate in and

out of the intracellular space. This was

the inspiration for the project of our

house. Just like a cell, the house is

designed with a high-tech membrain.

The membrain absorbs the secondary

areas and releases the “core“ which the

user adapts to his own needs. It

communicates with the outside world,

absorbs energy and transfers it into the

interior creating a comfortable

microclimate. The membrane is the

“brain“ of the entire house, adaptable

and designed in layers.

Počevši od same stanice, membrane su

vitalni dijelovi svih živih organizama -

one moraju biti u izravnom kontaktu s

okolišem, dok tvari selektivno

cirkuliraju kroz stanični prostor. To je

bila i inspiracija za projekt naše kuće.

Baš kao i stanica, kuća je koncipirana s

membranom i to visokotehnološkom .

Ona apsorbira sekundarne prostore i

oslobađa "jezgru" koju korisnik potom

prilagođava svojim potrebama.

Ovojnica komunicira s vanjskim

svijetom, upija energiju i prenosi ju u

unutrašnjost gdje stvara ugodnu

mikroklimu. Membrana je "mozak"

cijele kuće, prilagodljiva i slojevita.

03/ About the project

Our solution offers even a step further -

the concept of “my first house“. This

concept is intended for people who

strive for emacipation, independence

and interaction with the environment.

The house predicts all aspects of the

human lifecycle; therefore, it provides

many ways of using its benefits: from

the area for single people, a young

married couple without children, a

married couple with children, elderly

people and again, the possibility to

adapt to some of the previous lifestyles.

The entire structure also predicts a

space for working, resting, recreation

and as an extra benefit we have

predicted an area for producing food.

We try to achieve selfsustainability not

only in the energetic sense, but in all

aspects of life.

Naše rješenje nudi korak poslije -

koncept "moje prve kuće". Ovaj koncept

je namijenjen ljudima koji se žele

emancipaciju , neovisnost i interakciju s

okolinom. Kuća pretpostavlja ljudski

životni ciklus, pa je predviđen širok

spektar njene iskoristivosti: prostor za

samce, mladi bračni par bez djece,

bračni par s djecom, starije osobe i

opet, mogućnost da se prilagodi na

neke od prethodnih načina života. Cijela

struktura također predviđa prostor za

rad, odmor, rekreaciju, a dodatna je

korist što smo predvidjeli i prostor za

proizvodnju hrane. Mi pokušavamo

postići samoodrživost ne samo u

energetskom smislu, već u svim

aspektima života.

/ stanovanje - 2 sobe

// residential - 2 bdr.

/ trgovina

// store

/ uredski prostor

// office

/ info postaja

// info station

/ stanovanje

kuća za dvoje


housing for a couple



the core

0 3 / O p r o j e k t u

Nosiva konstrukcija kuće je od drvenih

stupova i ploča (a). Toplinska izolacija

kuće ostvarena je na dva načina: na

sjevernom zidu drvena konstrukcija

obložena je ovčjom vunom, dok je na

južni, istočni i zapadni zid postavljena

je dvostruka staklena stijena od

vakuumskog stakla. U tom stakleniku

(b) moguće je uzgajati biljke za

prehranu. Krov ovisno o insolaciji

mijenja svoju geometriju i kut nagiba

fotonaponskih panela te se podešava

za optimalno skupljanje električne

energije i istovremeno štiti kuću od

prekomjernog osunčanja ljeti (c).




The bearing structure of the house is

made of wooden columns and panels

(a). Thermal insulation of the house was

is achieved in two ways: on the north

the wooden structure is covered in

sheep wool, while on the southern,

eastern and western wall there is a

double vacuum glazed facade. In the

greenhouse (b) it is possible to grow

plants for food. The roof changes its

geometry and the angle of photovoltaic

panels depending on insolation and

adjusts for optimal aggregation of

electricity and at the same time

protects the house from excessive

summer insolation (c).

03/ About the project

Projekt memBRAIN veže se i uz

sveučilišni Kampus Borongaju, tj. po

završetku natjecanja, kuća će biti

smještena u sklopu Kampusa.

Znanstveno-učilišni kampus Borongaj

jest koncept koji objedinjava edukaciju,

istraživanje i razvoj te prikladno

studentsko stanovanje. Kampus je

osmišljen kao ekološki rezervat, pa se u

skladu s ekološkim i energetskim

standardima vrši i njegova izgradnja.

MemBRAIN će zaživjeti na prostoru

kampusa Borongaj kao ogledni primjer

konkretne tehnologije koji u sebi

utjelovljuje osnovni koncept kampusa

temeljen interdisciplinarnoj suradnji i

razmjeni znanja.

/ predviđena lokacija

za memBRAIN kuću

na Kampusu Borongaj

//future location of the

memBRAIN house on

the Borongaj Campus

Zimi, kada je sunce nisko, krov se

nabora povećavajući nagib fotonap-

onskih panela te proizvodi više energije

i istovremeno propušta više sunčeve

energije u unutrašnjost kuće.

Fotonaponski paneli na krovu glavni su

izvor energije, a pametni sustav kuće

odlučuje hoće li tu energiju spremiti u

kućnu bateriju, bateriju automobila ili

će je predati u elektromrežu. Sustavom

upravlja centralno računalo koje s

korisnikom kuće ostvaruje interakciju

preko centralnog panela, tableta ili

smart-phonea. Uz spomenuto,

memBRAIN kućA ima pasivno-aktivni

strop sa PCM materijalima te

dinamičnu fasadu, također u funkciji

uštede energije, čime kao i cijelim

sustavom upravlja centralno računalo.

During winter, when the sun is low, the

roof folds, increasing the angle of PV

panels, producing more energy and also

allowing more solar energy to the

interior of the house. Photovoltaic

panels on the roof are the main source

of energy, while a smart home system

decides whether the energy will be

stored in a home battery, car battery or

will be submitted to the power supply

network. The system is administered by

a central computer with which the user

can interact via a central panel, a tablet

or a smart-phone. With all the above,

memBRAIN house has a passive-active

ceiling with PCM materials and dynamic

facade with energy saving function,

which is operated by a central


Project Membrain is connected to the

university's Borongaj Campus, ie. after the

competition, the house will be re-built

within the Campus. Borongaj Campus is

a concept that combines education,

research and development with

appropriate student housing. The campus

is designed as an ecological reserve, and

its construction will be performed in

accordance with environmental and

energy standards. MemBRAIN will be

located within the Borongaj Campus, as

an example of specific technologies that

embodies the basic campus concept

based on interdisciplinary collaboration

and knowledge exchange .

04/ Kontakti i partneri


glavni mentor

main mentor

voditelj projekta

project manager

voditelj tima za projektiranje

student team leader

prof. Mladen Jošić, d.i.a.

Ivan Ivić,

Hrvoje Nikola Vučemilo



web stranica tima

team website

web stranica Sveučilišta

University website

web stranica organizatora

organizer website

odgovorna osoba

na Sveučilištu

University commissioner

prof. dr. sc. Bojan Baletić

prorektor za prostorni razvoj

i međuinstitucijsku suradnju