Member involvement 7 secrets ncb

Post on 09-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Member involvement 7 secrets ncb

Secrets behind Member Growth & Retention

Tell us…

• Who are your best members today?• How did they find you?• What are they doing for you?• Who do they know?• What do you give them?• Why do you need more?

Strategy: Talk about membership in terms of outcomes!

Decision To Join…

It’s all about the Good of the Order

Being part of something larger was consistently chosen over personal benefit

Strategy: Get members involved on Day 1!

Strategy: Build an adhocracy!

Decision To Volunteer…

It’s all about the Good of the Order (Again!)

Values drive volunteering

Strategy: Use YouTube, Flickr, Slideshare & Delicious to share

Social Media & the Web …Doubled since 2007!

Biggest shift since the industrial revolution!

58.8 M watch streaming


55.6 M use social

networking sites

40.6 M use personal

portals/ content sites

37.1 Mread blogs

Strategy: Listen! Do polls, surveys, phone calls … report back.

Strategy: Try new things all the time!

Strategy: Help members tell – and share – their story.

Elevator Question

One great question is worth 5 statements …

What would you like your child’s educational experience to be like?

What would you like to see in your classroom?

Elevator Speech

I work with _____________________ who struggle with

_____________________________________________ and the negative

impact on them as a result of the problem ______________________.

Through this, they get _____________________________________.

Contact Me

Email: phoffman@marinermanagement.comPhone: 301-725-2508Website: www.marinermanagement.comTwitter: @peggyhoffmanLinkedIn: Peggy Hoffman