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Transcript of MELJUN CORTES MANUAL Intro to Computing CSCI01

  • 8/13/2019 MELJUN CORTES MANUAL Intro to Computing CSCI01


    CSCI01 Introduction to ComputingPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES


    UNIT 1: Computer Systems


    Computer " is an electronic device that processes data, converting it into informationthat is useful to people.

    T#e M$%or Components o& Computer Systems $re:

    1.) '$rd($re the physical devices that make up a computer.

    2.) So&t($re is a set of instructions that makes the computer perform tasks.

    3.) Net(or) is an interconnection of two or more computers through the use ofcables, telephone lines, radio transmitter, satellites and other wireless

    telecommunication devices.


    User Inter&$ce " is basically what we see in the screen, this includes the desktop, icons,

    taskbar and the start button usually seen it Windows.

    Tutori$+s $nd Re&erence M$teri$+s

    St$ge 1:nstalling the !oftware

    St$ge ,: "sing the #$uick%!tart& 'rochure

    St$ge -:Working (hrough the (utorial

    St$ge .:"sing the eference *anual and "ser+s uide

    St$ge /:-changing Wisdom with a /ommunity of "sers

    'um$nComputer Inter$ction

    (he 0/ or human%computer interaction has become an eiting field, miing insights

    from cognitive psychology, artificial intelligence, and software engineering.

    r$p#ic$+ User Inter&$ce 2UI3

    % UIpronounced as OOeeare so called because you use a mouse or other pointing

    devices) to point at graphical obects such as windows, menus, icons, buttons, and othertools on the screen.

    % was pioneered at the ero 4alo 5lto esearch /enter in the 1678+s and


  • 8/13/2019 MELJUN CORTES MANUAL Intro to Computing CSCI01


    CSCI01 Introduction to ComputingPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES

    commerciali9ed by 5pple /omputer in the 16:8+s.

    % (hese graphical tools all represent different types of commands; the " enables you toissue commands to the computer by using visual obects instead of typing commands.

    % (his is one of the key advantages of the graphical user interface< t frees you from

    memori9ing and typing commands.


    *i+e System is a software abstraction for organi9ing data on mass storage media such as

    hard drives, floppy disks, and optical disks.

    T#e Microso&t 5indo(s *i+e System supports &our )inds o& entities:

    16 *i+es

    is a collection of data that is a se=uence of bytes.

    the bytes directly encode individual letters, numbers, and punctuation symbolsthat make up words and sentences.

    in Windows files can be up to 2>> characters long and can contain letters,numbers, and certain special characters, including spaces.

    ,6 *o+ders

    files live in&o+ders, which are also sometimes called directories.

    like files, every folder has a home< it lives in another folder called its p$rent.(his gives the file system a #ier$rc#ic$+ structure.

    the top of the folder hierarchy is called the root6

    -6 Dri7es

    drive designators like drive 5 and drive / refer to specific physical devices,

    normally a floppy drive in the case of drive 5 and a hard drive in the case

    of drive /.

    P$t# to specifically locate a particular folder or file in the system.

    -. /

  • 8/13/2019 MELJUN CORTES MANUAL Intro to Computing CSCI01


    CSCI01 Introduction to ComputingPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES

    .6 S#ortcut

    is an alternate way to reach a file.

    shortcuts have names and live in folders ust the way files do, it has a shortcut

    property that specifies the path to the file where data can be found. (his file is

    called the target.

    shortcuts can point to folders as well as to files.

    To Cre$te $ S#ortcut:

    /lick with the right mouse button right click) the icon for the file or folder that is to be target and select Cre$te S#ortcut from the shortcut menu that


    *i+e N$mes $nd Types

    6t8t 4lain tet file

    6doc *icrosoft Word document

    6#tm 0(*@ 0yper (et *arkup @anguage) document68+s *icrosoft -cel spreadsheet

    6gi& A image raphic nterchange Aormat)

    6%pg B4- image Boint 4hotographic -perts roup)

    6($7 !ound file

    6e8e -ecutable file binary machine code)

    6com *!%CD! eecutable #command& file)

    6dr7 Criver for a peripheral device)

    69$t 'atch script) file for the CD! command interpreter


  • 8/13/2019 MELJUN CORTES MANUAL Intro to Computing CSCI01


    CSCI01 Introduction to ComputingPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES

    Recyc+e in

    % is where all deleted files are temporarily stored for recovery of accidentally

    deleted files.



    is a computeri9ed worldwide information network.

    is composed of a large number of smaller interconnected networks called internets.

    MIME Types

    % MIMEis the acronym for Multipurpose Internet Mail Etension

    % **- is the solution to give each attachment a label eplaining what kind of document

    it is.

    % **- type designations have two components< a type and a subtype, which are

    separated by a slash ). E8. tetEplain, tetEhtml, imageEgif, imageEpeg, and


    % **- types aren+t ust for email anymore, web browsers use them as well. Aoreample web sites may contain sound or video clips and may re=uire the mail client tolaunch a player program, (he **- types tells the web browsers what kind of player to



    % are another way for people to communicate on the internet, they+re a kind of electronic

    bulletin board.

    % "senet is a large collection of newsgroups for public consumption.

    % /urrently there are over 38,888 "senet newsgroups, covering every conceivable topic.


  • 8/13/2019 MELJUN CORTES MANUAL Intro to Computing CSCI01


    CSCI01 Introduction to ComputingPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES

    (hey are organi9ed into hierarchies. (he top level of the hierarchy consists of smallnumber of predefined categories, such as, 188, >8, 18, 18);

    g. drawstring #0ello WorldI&, 23, 3>); M


    % Bava is a more powerful language than Bava!cript, allowing the developer to create

    applets with a wide range of functionality.

    % (here are Bava email clients, A(4 clients, (elnet clients, etc. Bava can also easily parse*@ documents and run database =ueries, providing a powerful front end for Web%based

    database access.


    *acromedia Alash is avector%based animation tool. 'ecause it utili9es vector images,

    flash animations are etremely small, allowing them to be used over low bandwidth


    % *acromedia developed Alash not only to play animations but also to provide interactive

    functionality by reacting to mouse movement, playing audio clips, and loading pages

    under program control.


  • 8/13/2019 MELJUN CORTES MANUAL Intro to Computing CSCI01


    CSCI01 Introduction to ComputingPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES


    % like Alash, plays movies. 0owever $uick(ime uses bitmapped images rather than

    vectors which means it can display real movies instead of ust cartoon%like animations.

    D!T! $nd IN*ORM!TION

    /omputers represent information using 9eros and ones, called 9in$ry not$tion.

    5#y do computers use 9in$ry not$tion inste$d o& more &$mi+i$r decim$+ not$tion

    t#$t peop+e useB

    -ach digit, whether binary or decimal, must be represented by a voltage in the computer+s

    circuitry. t is easy to build circuits that discriminate between two voltages.

    We call this voltages #on& and #o&&&.

    Me$sure o& ytes

    rie& 'istory

    n the late 1678+s and early 16:8+s, inepensive personal computers were manufacturesfor the first time, and soon a large consumer market developed.

    5t first, random access memory 5*) was measured in thousands of bytes and

    secondary memory floppy disks and hard disks), in tens or hundreds of thousands of

    bytes. 5t that time, small amounts of memory such as these were all that was needed tohandle the simple spreadsheet and word processing tasks users wanted to perform.

    'y the mid 16:8+s, 5* was up to one or two million bytes, and secondary memory wasmeasured in millions and tens of million of bytes.

    (oday, office and home computers often have more than NF million bytes of 5* andbillion of bytes of secondary memory in the way of large hard disk drives.

    Dec$de 10s 1F0s 10s ,000s

    Stor$ge C$p$city (housands *illions 'illions (rillions

    Pre&i8 Pilo *ega iga (era

    !99re7i$tion P * (


  • 8/13/2019 MELJUN CORTES MANUAL Intro to Computing CSCI01


    CSCI01 Introduction to ComputingPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES



    " is the numbering system in use by most of the world today.

    " a decimal number can be epressed as the sum o& e$c# digit times $ po(er o& teninepanded notation.

    " the systemcontains ten 7$+uesthey are , N , 7 , :, 6.

    (he following chart shows the logarithmic increase of each column in the base18 system

    for the number F3,:72.

    P+$ce 2decim$+3 18,888 1888 188 18 1

    P+$ce 2+og$rit#mic3 18F 183 182 181 188

    Num9er F 3 : 7 2

    (o determine the value of the number multiply the number contained in a column by the

    value that the column represents.

    F 18F L 3 183 L : 182L 7 181L 2 188J

    F 18,888 L 3 1888 L : 188 L 7 18 L 2 1 J

    F8,888 L 3888 L :88 L 78 L 2 JF3, :72

    *rom Decim$+ to $ny Num9er System

    $63 5#o+e Num9er

    So+ution:Civide the number to be converted) continuously by the base of the desired number system.

    'ase18to Q2J divide 2

    'ase18to Q:J divide : 'ase18to Q1NJ divide1N


  • 8/13/2019 MELJUN CORTES MANUAL Intro to Computing CSCI01


    CSCI01 Introduction to ComputingPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES

    b.) *r$ction P$rt

    Ru+e:*ultiply the number to be converted) continuously by the base of the desired number system.

    (he answer is obtained from the whole number part by continuous multiplication.

    !top multiplying if the fraction part is already 9ero.

    -. Decim$+ to in$ry

    1.) 17618 to Q2

    Di7isions @uotient Rem$inders

    176E2 :6 1 :6E2 FF 1

    FFE2 22 8 22E2 11 8 11E2 > 1

    >E2 2 1

    2E2 1 81E2 8 1

    T#ere&ore: 17618 J 10110011,

    Decim$+ in$ry Oct$+ 'e8$decim$+

    8 888 8 8

    1 8881 1 1

    2 8818 2 23 8811 3 3

    F 8188 F F

    > 8181 > >

    N 8118 N N

    7 8111 7 7

    : 1888 18 :

    6 1881 11 6

    18 1188 12 5

    11 1181 13 '

    12 1118 1F C13 1111 1> -


  • 8/13/2019 MELJUN CORTES MANUAL Intro to Computing CSCI01


    CSCI01 Introduction to ComputingPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES

    -. Decim$+ to Oct$+

    1.) 1:18 to Q:

    Di7isions @uotient Rem$inders

    1:E: 2 2

    2E: 8 2

    T#ere&ore:1:18 J ,,F

    2.) 2>>18 to Q:

    Di7isions @uotient Rem$inders

    2>>E: 31 7

    31E: 3 7 3E: 8 3

    T#ere&ore:22>18 J -F

    -. Decim$+ to 'e8$decim$+

    1.) >:18 to Q1N

    Di7isions @uotient Rem$inders

    >:E1N 3 18 or 5) 3E1N 8 3

    T#ere&ore:>:18 J -!1G

    2.) 3N218 to Q1N

    Di7isions @uotient Rem$inders

    3N2E1N 22 18 or 5)

    22E1N 1 N

    1E1N 8 1

    T#ere&ore:3N218 J 1G!1G


  • 8/13/2019 MELJUN CORTES MANUAL Intro to Computing CSCI01


    CSCI01 Introduction to ComputingPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES

    *rom $ny num9er system to decim$+

    Ru+e: *ultiply each digit by its positional value and then add.

    -. in$ry to Decim$+

    1.) 1812J 122L 821L 128

    J F L 8 L 1

    H /10

    2.) 1881182 J 12>L 82FL 823L 122L 121L 828

    J 32 L 8 L 8 L F L 2 L 8

    J G-10

    -6 Oct$+ to Decim$+

    1.) 2>: J 2:1 L >:8

    J 1N L > J ,110

    2. 1>.3>:J1:1L >:8L 3:%1L >:%2 J : L > L 3E: L >ENF

    J 1-6./-1,/10

    -.'e8$decim$+ to Decim$+

    1.) F'N1NJ F1N2L 111N1L N1N8

    J 182F L 17N L N

    J 1,0G10

    2.) '/>1NJ 111N2L 121N1L >1N8

    J 2:1N L 162 L >

    J -01-10


  • 8/13/2019 MELJUN CORTES MANUAL Intro to Computing CSCI01


    CSCI01 Introduction to ComputingPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES


    (here are only four possible combination when adding these two numbers and this isshown by the following table for binary addition.

    8 L 8 J 8

    8 L 1 J 1

    1 L 8 J 1

    1 L 1 J 8 4lus a carry%over 1



    a.) 11 3

    L 188 LF


    b.) 1818 18

    L1188 L12 10110 ,,


    (he table for binary subtraction is as follows

    % 11.81 %3.2> 101610 /6/0


    (he table for binary multiplication is very short, with only four entries instead of the 188

    necessary for decimal multiplication.

    (he binary multiplication table is

    111 1stpartial product) -/ 888 2ndpartial product)

    111 3rdpartial product)

    100011column sums yield the number)


  • 8/13/2019 MELJUN CORTES MANUAL Intro to Computing CSCI01


    CSCI01 Introduction to ComputingPrepared by: MELJUN P. CORTES

    b.) 11.88 3.8 18.18 2.>

    8888 1>8

    1188 N88888 6/




    (he division of binary fractions is handled the same way as the division of decimal

    fractions; that is, one converts the divisor to an integer by moving the binary point in both

    the divisor and the dividend the same number of places.

    (he complete table for binary division is