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I N T E R N S H I P S I N G E R M A N YKrupp Internship Program for Stanford Students in Germany


Broschüre Medizin neu 2 15.01.2007 14:24 Uhr Seite 1

The Krupp Internship Program arranges 3-6 month, fully paid internships with leadingcompanies and institutions from all overGermany for students of any major/minorwho have participated for at least one quar-ter in the Stanford-in-Berlin Program andhave completed the equivalent of 1 year ofcollege-level German. Pre-medical studentshave access to incredible hands-on expe-riences through the Krupp Internship Pro-gram. Past placements have includedinternships in biology, chemistry, and psy-

chology. The program has placed students inhospitals (with departmental rotation and/orwith emergency room access), commercialand government research institutions (some-times in connection with hospitals and clini-cal facilities), associations of classical and al-ternative medicine, and veterinary medicine.During these internships, students shadowdoctors, do lab research, examine and con-sult with patients, and learn about public andprivate health care systems in Germany.

Christopher Denton (Biology) is preparing an infusion, Krankenhaus Lichtenberg, summer 2006

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Internships provide first-hand premedicalexperience and may help students decidewhether medical school is the right choicefor them. A medical internship abroad en-hances an academic record while providing adeeply enriching, personal experience at akey point in a student’s academic career. Stu-

dents shouldn’t be intimidated by the pro-spect of working in a foreign language andculture—as students frequently report, that isactually the most exciting part! Countlesscases prove that, with foresight, it is easilymanageable to study abroad, complete aninternship, and still graduate on time.

I got to work every day at 7 am where I spent the firsthour drawing blood, administering IVs, giving shots,and laying intravenous needles. Around 8 am I wouldaccompany an assistant ward doctor and another Ger-man medical student on ward rounds. This would takebetween 2 and 3 hours. I would listen to the doctor chatwith the patients, answer questions, and explain testresults. During these rounds I learned how to listen tothe heartbeat and lung through a stethoscope. Then wewould all eat breakfast together around 11 am. Afterbreakfast I would join other medical students in talkingwith new patients where we would take patient medi-cal history and perform basic physical examinations.Throughout the day I would draw blood and give pa-tients medication. The workday would end between2:30 and 3 pm. Every Wednesday I attended an hourlong class session with the other medical studentswhere we learned how to read EKGs or how to identifycertain diseases. My tasks were very worthwhile. I willuse them in the future, because I would like to becomea doctor. I got to do things that students in Americacannot do until much later on in their medical training.It was very exciting.

Erin Atkinson(Chemistry, Pre-med), Krankenhaus Lichtenberg, summer 2004

My new assignment is fantastic – definitely different fromcardiology! Today I ASSISTED a surgeon! I had to wash tho-roughly, then they put a few instruments in my hands and,pronto: a cesarean section ... it was wonderful!

Marisa Schottelkorb, (Biology, Pre-med), Krankenhaus Lichtenberg, summer/fall 2005

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Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin: (artificial nose project, also for EE)Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ),Heidelberg: http://www.dkfz-heidelberg.deHabichtswald-Klinik AYURVEDA, Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe:http://ayurveda-klinik.deKlinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, Bezirkskrankenhaus Landshut, Landshut: http://www.bkh-landshut.deKlinik für Innere Medizin , Krankenhaus Lichtenberg,Berlin: http://www.khl-berlin.deMax-Delbrück-Centrum für molekulare Medizin, Berlin:http://www.mdc-berlin.dePferdeklinik Dallgow (veterinary medicine), near Berlin:http://www.pferdeklinik-dallgow.deTagesklinik für kognitive Neurologie, Universitätsklini-kum Leipzig (in cooperation with the Max-Planck Institutfür neuropsychologische Forschung), Leipzig:, and: http://www.cns.mpg.deWeg der Mitte–Kloster Gerode, Gerode (Harz):

These are some of the institutions that have providedinternships in the past:

Erin Atkinson (Chemistry) is preparing an injection, Krankenhaus Lichtenberg,summer 2004

Berlin Program Information:,

Krupp Internship Contact:Coordinator: Dr. Wolf-Dietrich Junghanns (, assistant: Jutta Ley (, or simply at internship@stanford.fu-berlin.deOn-campus advisor:

An electronic version of this flyer can be ordered

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Krupp Internship Program for Stanford Students in GermanyStanford in Berlin

Published with generous support of theAlfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung, Essen

Photo credits: Konzept und Bild/Cathrin Bach, (pp.1–8)Krankenhaus LichtenbergGestaltung: Sonja Hennersdorf,Avenir Medienbüro Berlin

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