Medical Humanities Syllabus for 2015-16

Post on 02-Mar-2018

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Transcript of Medical Humanities Syllabus for 2015-16

  • 7/26/2019 Medical Humanities Syllabus for 2015-16


    Rowan UniversitySchool of Osteopathic MedicineMedical Humanities: 2015201!

    "ourse #irector: $iel Rosen% % 'h#rosen(n)rowan*edu

    +5!5!!!2,!O-ce Hours .y /ppointment: U#' 12

    Goals: his course is desi3ned to meet three interrelated 3oals: 41 to deepen each student6sawareness that the .iomedical model of di7erential dia3nosis and pathophysiolo3ically tar3etedinterventions is only one of many ways to understand illness and healin38 42 to develop the student6sa.ility to shift his or her attention .ac9 and forth .etween the .iomedical perspective on the diseaseprocess and the possi.ility of therapeutic intervention% on the one hand% and% on the other hand% thepatient6s everyday understandin3 of what it means to .e ill and to .e healed8 and 4 to help eachstudent appreciate how her or his professional identity is shaped .y a wide ran3e of cultural inuences%most of which are .est e;plained .y usin3 the methods and materials of the li.erals arts*

    Requirements: Students must complete all of the re

  • 7/26/2019 Medical Humanities Syllabus for 2015-16


    NOTE WELL: he prompts mentioned for .oth the attendance and reection re