Media Story Board Photos

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Media Story Board Photos

Pictures for my storyboardA short storyboard Showing different shots

ByKee-Anna Morgan

Mise-en-Scene: A establishing shot of a field, dark and gloomy

Sound: would be quite only sounds are from any wildlife around

Mise-en-Scene: 3 friends pointing towards a old, creepy house, long shot

Sound: you can hear the friends taking and also the mud underneath the mud

Mise-en-Scene: Long shot of the 3 friends make there way towards the creepy house that they were pointing at earlier on.

Sound: The footsteps of the 3 friends

Mise-en-Scene: The friends get closer to the creepy desolate house, mid shot

Sound: the sound of the footsteps as they get closer

Mise-en-Scene: close up of one of the girls looks at something

Sound: Wildlife in the area

Mise-en-Scene: Close up of a warning sign that the girl was looking at.

Sound: near enough silence

Mise-en-Scene: close up of the girls reaction from seeing the warning sign

Sound: gasp from her friends around

Mise-en-Scene: a car pulls up outside the mysterious old house

Sound: The sound of the car engine

Mise-en-Scene: the mysterious care disappears after going past the barrier the 3 friends look to where it may have gone

Sound: Almost silent, just wildlife and the wind

Mise-en-Scene: the three friends run away as they think that something isn't quite right

Sound: pants of the 3 friends as they run, footsteps get heavier.

Mise-en-Scene: The 3 friends find the path way near the field and carry on running

Sound: The panting gets louder, footsteps become pleonastic.