Media Screenshots

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Media Screenshots

In this i added the extra text to fill up the page more and to add more information on what is in the magazine. This is so the magazine didn’t seem empty and meaningless.

In this one I changed the outer of the text so that it is like all the other text on my magazine, this is so that it didn’t seem like an odd part and so the text was bold enough to read.

This is my contents page with all the layers visible. I chose the white bold outer so that the text could easily stand out and also chose the green outer for the pictures so that the pictures stand out and are emphasised. I also used cartoon masthead to make the magazine more friendly to read and added “welcome to the” to make the contents appear friendly and ready to read.

This is my original mast head for my magazine cover, it was originally more cartoony and childish. Though I later decided that it didn't work well. I also had to flatten it to a jpg. So that it was easier to handle and could be morphed.

This is when I decided that the magazine was too childish for what I wanted. I decided that the title would need to be wiped and that the colour red in the mast head needed to be similar to the background colour so that the magazine didn’t explode to much in the face of the reader.

This is my final design for my magazine cover. I chose to change the title style so that it still made out to be cartoon like yet was more grown up and didn’t bring to much attention to itself leaving the rest of the magazine lonely from view. I then changed the red mast head to be orangey so that it too didn’t stand out so much from the magazine that the reader wouldn’t look at anything else.