Media presentation on representation stereotypes and verisimilitude

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Media presentation on representation stereotypes and verisimilitude

Representation and stereotypesBy Nathan Francis Lauren Emma

Representation Media representations are the ways in

which the media portray particular groups, communities, experiences, ideas and topics from a particular ideological or value perspective. Rather than examining media representations as simply reflecting or mirroring reality.

Representation of Age Age is the length of time that one has

existed. Age is represented by: Babies Children Teenagers Adults The elderly

Representation of Gender Gender is represented in the media by

masculinity or femininity. Both males and females can be represented as masculine or feminine, some examples are:

Masculinity – Strong, tough, muscly Femininity – Delicate, beauty, gracious

Representation of Ethnicity Ethnicity is the fact or state of belonging

to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition. Some examples of different ethnic groups are:

White British African American Hispanic Oriental

Representation of Class and Status Classes: Upper Class: A social class composed of the wealthiest

members of society. Represented by wearing suits, jewelry etc.

Middle Class: A class situated in the middle of a social hierarchy. These people are usually represented in a similar way to upper class people but without the expensive jewelry.

Working Class: Those employed in the social tier. People that work to provide for there family.

Lower Class: Lower than a middle rank in a society. Lower class people are usually represented by showing that they don’t have a lot of money and they don’t live in a very nice house.

Status: Somebody with a higher or lower status within a particular class. 

Representation of Sexuality Sexuality is a persons sexual preference or

orientation. Some examples of different sexualities would be:

Heterosexual Homosexual Bisexual Asexual Polysexual Pansexual Transsexual

Representation of regional identity Regional identity is identification with a

specific geographic region of a nation. Some examples if different regional identities are:

The language which they speak The setting in which they are situated The clothes they wear The items/props they use

Representation of physical ability/disability Physical Ability – The ability to perform a

physical act and with the same mental ability.

Disability – The condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental inability. 

For example, a person maybe missing a limb or wheelchair bound or be able to walk and exercise.

Stereotypes A widely held but fixed oversimplified

image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.

Stereotypes of Age The stereotypes of age would be that

the elderly would be slow and have grey hair, teenagers would be moody and spotty, babies would be crying all of the time, children would be really energetic and running around and adults would be sensible, focusing on their career, maybe wearing suits.

Stereotypes of Gender The stereotypes of gender would be that

the female would be very feminine, and as portrayed in the media, they’d be delicate, beautiful and shown to have to be skinny and always being the ones needing to be saved where as males will be shown as masculine, strong, tough, and be the savior all of the time. Men are also stereotyped to have little emotions and therefor will never cry.

Stereotypes of Ethnicity Different ethnic groups are subject to

stereotype. Examples of this would be: A Jamaican person would be stereotypically

represented as a Rastafarian person who has little worries about life.

An English person would stereotypically have a stiff upper lip, enjoy drinking tea and be very patriotic towards Queen and Country.

Stereotypes of Class and Status

Stereotypes of Sexuality People will different sexualities are

stereotyped in different ways, for example, homosexual males have the stereotype that they act effeminate by liking pink, talking slightly girly and walking similar to female. Homosexual females can either be stereotyped as feminine or masculine, one with short hair and a muscly body and the other with exactly the same characteristics as a heterosexual female.

Stereotypes of Regional identity

Stereotypes of physical ability/disability A physically able person would be

stereotypically fit and able to take part in sporting activities.

Somebody who has a disability would stereotypically be segregated from society. The symptoms of the disability may be exaggerated for dramatic effect. For example, a mental illness and its symptoms may be exaggerated in order for the audience to be aware of the problems that the character is facing.

Verisimilitude The definition of Verisimilitude is pretty

much just the appearance or being true or real.