Media ots (powerpoint)

Post on 08-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Media ots (powerpoint)


1.&4. IDENTIFY CONVENTIONS AND WHY IT IS INCLUDED?. Credit- The opening title sequence displays the actors and crew to show who were included in the film and entice the audience if the actor is well known or if it was a large blockbuster

. Title - Shows the name of the film,

.Establishes setting - This opening sequence shows the audience the setting that the film will be placed in as we see what we think is the main character walking around a rural US area

.Enigmatic - The opening sequence creates narrative enigmas because it does not reveal a lot about the film yet introduces us to the characters and lets us make a first impression on them

.Cast and actors- To show who was involved in the making of the film and therefore make the audience want to see more of the film. These conventions have been used so the audience know its an opening sequence and so they know the genre of the film.

Production company- Gives credit to the production company.

2.CONNOTATIONS.The title changes colour in the opening sequence as it could connotes a fun and vibrant film that is not to be taken seriously due to the bright colours and vibrant text which would not be seen in in different genres of film.

. The background is also flat and the character is 3d to make her stand out more and could suggest that she is the main character and maybe she is in her own head or different from her surroundings .



3. HOW DOES THIS COMPARE WITH HACKERS ?. This opening sequence has certain similarities and differences compared with the OTS we saw in the starter:

. Juno did not have any dialogue whereas Hackers had dialogue throughout the first minute of the opening sequence.

. Both OTS had music however Juno had it throughout the OTS and hackers only had it during the Temporal - Extension .

.Juno was also filmed in a cartoon style in stop motion however Hackers was filmed normally with the characters not being drawn or animated.


.The only convention that was not applicable was the theme as the OTS did not have much activity it was just her walking therefore we could not establish the main theme in the OTS .



.To me these conventions were shown typically as the OTS was very bright and fun which to me reflected the genre . I have also seen this in past OTS were they have used similar fonts and styles in order to convey the genre . They also as I listed have used all the conventions that I can think of therefore it is a typical OTS .We can also establish that it is a Indie film and has a lower budget then other major films .


WWW- It was an original OTS as although I had seen similar OTS I had not seen them in this style . It also made me want to watch the film more to find out more about the character and the setting.

EBI- I found this OTS a bit too long and repetitive which I thought could be better. I also thought it want easy to identify the genre until I looked into the conventions more .