Mean stack development-A boon for website development

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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MEAN Stack Development-A boon for website development!


Wikipedia Definition: MEAN is a free and open-source JavaScript software stack for building dynamic websites and web applications.

LAMP is current, traditional, commonly used web development stack.


1. Lamp Stack works only on Linux OS. 1. MEAN Stack has no restrictions.

2. It uses MySQL or another ‘relational’ database 2. It uses MongoDB or another ‘non-relational’ database

3. Web application development with LAMP is not much faster & scalable due to its blocking structure.

3. Web application development with MEAN is faster & scalable due to its non-blocking structure.

4. For the frontend, you need JavaScript expert and backend you need is PHP expert.

4. It is completely JavaScript-powered.

5. More time & money consumption. 5. Time & money-saver for organizations.


Know more about MEAN Stack:

It consists of:


Express JS

Angular JS

Node JS


It is an open source document-oriented database.

It has a Powerful query language.

It supports JSON(JavaScript Notation) unlike traditional table-based structures found in relational databases.

Empowers businesses to be more agile & scalable.

Express JS:

It is an open source document-oriented database.

It has a Powerful query language.

It supports JSON(JavaScript Notation) unlike traditional table-based structures found in relational databases.

Empowers businesses to be more agile & scalable.

Angular JS:

It is an open source JavaScript MVC (Model View Controller) front-end framework.

It allows you to extend HTML vocabulary for your application.

It keeps continuous synchronization between views & models.

It results into extraordinarily readable, quick & expressive environment.

Node JS:

It is faster & more scalable due to non-blocking architecture.

Its event-driven benefit makes it allowing numerous concurrent requests with minimal slowdown.

NPM- the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world.

Benefits of MEAN Stack Development

One Language Development Journey:

JavaScript is the only language used in MEAN stack from server side scripting to client-side scripting .


It can expand as usage of the application grows, perform better with post-expansion.

Non-blocking architecture:

One of the best feature making Node powerful is its non-blocking architecture.


With the use of JavaScript throughout the stack, transparency is maintained which reduces efforts & time for development.

Data Transformation:

It uses JSON, a data interchange format which is the subset of JavaScript only.


MEAN provides flexibility in changing database structure. New features can be easily added.

Excellent Performance:

Node JS makes is faster & offers better performance with the help of its event-driven architecture.

Do you want to make your dynamic website to be built with this extraordinary development technology?

Hire MEAN Stack Developers Here!

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