Meadowlark Model A Club is...

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Transcript of Meadowlark Model A Club is...

tour to the Old Ford Ga-rage, plus a Fall tour of the Loess Hills in Iowa, as well as other local ac-tivities. Please read the rest of the newsletter for more details and sign up on the signup sheets at the meeting. We also have a Car Show invitation to the club from Seldin for the July 22nd from 6:00 to 9:00 PM. There will be a very generous donation if we can provide at least 20 vehicles. This could be enough to keep the club in the black this year. If you can take your car out only once this year, this is the event to attend!! This month instead of a

Summer is finally here and the rains slowed down so there is no ex-cuse not to get that Model A out and start playing with it. The Re-

gional and Ford Show are now history but there are still a lot of activities to participate in. There is a tour to a toy museum, an old car and new vehicle

tech talk, Karen Noodell will provide a slide show of highlights from the Regional Meet. Since there was so much going on, I am sure that none of us saw everything, so make sure you attend the July meeting to see all the highlights of the Meet, and relive some enjoyable days. —Howard Denker

President’s Message

Editor’s Corner

I got the above Presi-dent‟s Message, suppos-edly from Howard, but he talks about getting

your car out, playing with it and things like that. This may be from a Russian spy instead of H.D. Beware!

You can write the editor at: and send your input. Alter-natively, you can call Joe at (402) 201-2067.

Each month‟s issue will be mailed around the first Friday of each month, give-or-take a couple of months...

Joe Greenleaf


“Riding a motorcycle is like having the Fourth of July be-

tween your legs.”

Special points of interest:

Car Council Web-



Under the Seat

Seldin Display


Model A Ford

Club, Omaha, NE

Meadowlark Model A Club Newsletter

Inside this issue:

President’s Message 1

Car Council Web 2

Under the Seat 2

Calendar of Events 5

Membership Info 5

A-Tube 5

Advertisers 7

July 2010 Volume 42, Issue 7

Howard Denker,




At the last Eastern Ne-

braska-Western Iowa

Council meeting, they

briefed the new website

that they are putting up,

which will contain all of

the information that is in

the Car Council Book

that everyone seeks. The

website is: http://


(when you enter this,

don‟t put in the - in

“extra”—that‟s just the

publishing program add-

ing a hyphen—Ed.)

If you have a computer,

you will find it very inter-


They soon hope to put

links in car club web-

sites like ours. Also, if

you have a computer,

now is the time to pro-

vide your email address

to our club‟s newsletter

editor, Joe Greenleaf, so

that he can continue to

cut the cost of our news-

letter production.

—Howard Denker

thousands of razor blades.

Modern cars have “tempered glass” in all windows but the wind-shield, which is “sandwich” glass, like the “A.” Tempered glass breaks into tiny cubes and cannot be

You find some strange things under the seat.

Model A‟s have safety glass windshields—two panes of glass sand-wiching a plastic inner layer. ALL the other windows are “plate glass.” As such, if they break, they become

cut. Sandwich glass can be cut by a glass shop. We highly recommend that your replace ALL your windows with sandwich safety glass. If you can see the inner layer, you‟re safe. If not, you risk death and mutilation.

will take about an hour and then we will go to the Holland Center. This is Omaha‟s new-est and finest musical venue. This will also be a guided tour, lasting about an hour. After-wards, we can go to the old market for some lunch, possibly the Spaghetti Factory.

The tour of the Hol-land and Orpheum Theatres will be on July 31st. Plan on meeting under the marquee at the Orpheum at 10:00 AM. We will have a guided tour of the Orpheum Theatre, which is one of Omaha‟s oldest and finest theatres. This

Page 2 Meadowlark Model A Club Newsletter

Holland and Orpheum Theatres


New Access to the Car Council Information

Car Council


Under the Seat


Want to see a video of

the Regional Meet last


A 15-minute (or so)

HD video is available

for viewing on

If there‟s interest, more

and more events will

be videoed and posted

on Vimeo.

Some DVDs of what‟s

on Vimeo have been

burned and will be

available at no charge

at the July meeting. If

there aren‟t enough,

names will be taken

and DVDs will be

mailed to those who

want them.

Initially, we were going

to use YouTube, but

Vimeo allows us to

post in High Defini-

tion, without the 10-

minute length limit.

Just search for


—Cecil B DeSmell or by phone, (402) 201-2067.

For Sale

„31 Roadster, $16,500, „31 Slant Window, $19,500, „31 Vickie, $16,500. Call Tony, (712) 322-8265

Members can post free ads to sell, trade or list items they want to buy. To list, contact Joe Greenleaf at


1931 Iowa license plates. Call Doug, (712) 712-533-6183 (H) or (712) 540-0380 (Cell)

1928 & 1930 Nebraska license plates. Joe Greenleaf (402) 201-2067.

receive a free portable cooler bag. The only catch is that we have to come up with a minimum of 20 cars. So, please take some time to get your vehi-cles out and help out the club.

This successful display will be a giant step for-ward to keeping the club in the black this year. —Howard Denker

For the third year in a row, we have been in-vited back to show off our cars at the Seldin Shopping Center at 124th and West Center from 6:00 to 9:00 PM. They will, again, be provide free ice cream and cake, plus all cars that are displayed will

Page 3 Volume 42, Issue 7

Want Ads

Seldin Display on July 22nd (Threepete)

A-Tube Video

Ice Cream!


eBay experts agree that

auctions that start off

with a high initial start-

ing bid don‟t sell.

Afraid that mint

Town Car might

sell for the $99

starting bid? Use a

reserve. Set a price

that you MUST

meet in order for

the sale to go

through and start the

bidding low, “building


You can still have a

BIN (“Buy It Now”)

price, if you have a

price in mind that

you‟ll accept.

Be careful of criminal

bidders who‟ll bid up

your auction and then

either try to give you

fraudulent funds, get

you to send them

“extra money” they

add to the purchase

price and so forth.

Limit your buyers to

positive feedback and

look at the bidder‟s

histories as they are

bidding. Be careful out


Model A tanks have sat

outside for fifty years

without caps and mois-

ture has been allowed

to accumulate. A good

number of

these tanks

have rusted

through the

bottom and

have deterio-

rated to what

used to be

considered an



With good Model A

parts becoming more

scarce, it is important

for the modern re-

storer to know how to

salvage and use what-

ever original parts he

may have. Even the

worst fuel tank may be

salvaged if a good one

of the correct type can-

not be found.

Removing the rust is

the first problem to

attack. The only to dip in an

acid or electrolyte


Restorer‟s Model A

Shop Manual,” by Jim

Schild, 1985

The biggest problem

facing restorers with

respect to the fuel tank

is usually rust. (Want to

see rust? Look at what

Hurricane Katrina did

to my pickup‟s tank! —

Ed.) Many of the

Page 4 Meadowlark Model A Club Newsletter

What a Gas!

Saving Your Assets on eBay, Chapter 2


Prospective Members: Please call Membership Chairman, Don Graves, (402) 453-7166, for more information.

Club web address:

Club webmaster: Janet Graves, 402-453-7166

Membership dues for the Meadowlark Club are $24.00 per year, prorated monthly for new mem-bers. Membership in one of the national clubs is required. You may join both national clubs if you wish. MAFCA dues are $40.00 per year and MARC dues are $38.00 per year.

Newsletter email:

Newsletter editor: Joe Greenleaf, 402-201-2067

distract people while

driving. “10 car pileup

blamed on Burma-

Shave!” Maybe we can

put up a set on “our”

stretch of highway?

What do you think?


We‟ve continued the

Burma-Shave signs in

this issue. I imag-

ine, today, they‟d

be banned be-

cause they would

Meadowlark Model A Club Newsletter

Membership Information




July 2010

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Club Meeting, 7:30


11 12 13 14 15 Bohemian Café 6:45


16 17 Gretna Parade, line

up 9:30 AM

18 19 20 21 Board Mtg. Hy-Vee,

144/Stony Brook

22 Seldin Shopping

Center 6-9 PM

23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Holland & Orpheum

Theatres 10:00 AM

Both the Regional

Meet, and the Benson

Show, the following

day, were Industrial

Strength Efforts and a

tip of the driving cap

goes to everyone who

help make them both


As Howard (or the

Russian spy, as the

case may be) men-

tioned, the July meet-

ing’s tech talk will be

replaced by Karen

Noodell’s slide show

of pictures from the

Regional Meet.

As mentioned else-

where here, you can

see a High Definition

video of scenes from

the Regional Meet

and, later, the Benson

show, on

Some of the scenes,

with cars being

parked, almost looks

like a 1930s street

scene, complete with

the unmistakable

sound of the A’s as

well as an occasional


To preserve our heri-

tage for the future, I

would like to be able

to video short clips of

each of the members

and their spouses, as

well as cars, where

members reminisce

about both Model As,

the club and them-


In the Vimeo video,

you’ll see a father and

son talking about the

Dad’s great-aunt

who bought their

Model A new for

$650. These kinds of

things need to be

kept for posterity.

What do you think?

—Joe Greenleaf

tells some in-

teresting facts:

“In the early

thirties, a com-

plexion like

„gardenia‟ (white and

waxen) or „tea

rose‟ (ivory with a touch

of pink) was the most

popular face foundation.

Therefore, powders ap-

plied in rich ivory, light

You have the Model A-

vintage frock, but what

did the ladies of the era

do for makeup? A web-




mauve or with a slightly

light green touch.

Many different eyelid

shades which stretched

over blue, bright violet,

green, brown and orchid

were applied. Blondes

preferred blue, green or

bright violet eyelid

shades, brunettes used

brown grease paint with

faint purple for a mysteri-

ous exotic flair.

Page 6 Volume 42, Issue 7

You Can’t Make This Up!

Regional Meet and Benson Show

Preserving Model A

Memories for years

to come!

The eyebrows were plucked thin or shaved off entirely. Then the eye-brows were drawn on with an eye-brow pencil extended well toward the temple. To give them a shiny look, eyebrows were then dressed with petroleum jelly, brilliantine or olive oil. For nails, colors like pale rose, light pink and cream shades were applied during the early thirties. Polishes were ap-plied only in the center of nails with the half-moon and tips left bare (white.)”



Come to the "Best in the Midwest" for your new Model 'T' and 'A' parts. See us for mechanical parts, books, accessories, sheet metal, fenders, roadster bodies, pickup beds, wood kits, and

original style bolt kits.

We have a 120-page, all 'T' catalog and a 173-page, all 'A' catalog. Send for your copy or pick

one up at the store.

Daily U.P.S. service, Master Card, VISA, or COD

Rick & Joan Birkenholtz


3515 West 88th St. North,

Colfax, IA 50054

Page 7 Volume 42, Issue 7

Please support our advertisers

DONDON VV Insurance

…. Your Local J. C. TAYLOR and


224 North Main

Fremont Nebraska




C&C Monogram and Embroidery Quality Computerized Monograms & Em-

Shizuko Chase &

Verl A. Chase Jr. Owners

2315 Lincoln Road

Bellevue 291-9390

C&C Tailor Shop Men’s and Ladies Alterations

Military Uniform Specialists

This is the official publication of the Mead-owlark Chapter of the Model A Restorers Club (MARC) and the Model A Ford Club of America (MAFCA). This monthly news-letter is mailed to members, prospective members and editors of similar publications. Its purpose is to keep you informed about what has taken place and to remind you of future activities.

Members may publish, at no cost, ads for items wanted, for sale or trade. They are also invited to submit technical Model A information and other interesting tidbits. Material should reach the editor by the last Saturday of the month.

Monthly Meetings: Second Saturday of each month (except January) at 7:30 PM at the Douglas County Health Center—in the Town Hall, 42nd & Woolworth Ave., Omaha, Nebraska.

Meadowlark Model

A Club

2010 Officers

President: Howard Denker, 402-333-1393

VP/Pres. Elect: Lee Hendrix, 402-895-2432

Secretary: Karlene Greenleaf, 402-201-2067

Treasurer: Millie Jankowski, 402-558-7679

2010 Board Members

Steve Anderson, 402-571-1041

Ed Jankowski, 402-558-7679

Bob McKinney, 402-332-3993

Bob Rand, 712-642-2068

Bruce Rima, 402-533-8198

July 2010July 2010July 2010

Get a Charge Out of This

There are several Batteries Plus stores in the Omaha area. They sell 6v battery chargers as well as 6v automobile batteries. The store I went to, on West Center in Omaha, had two different sizes of 6v charges in stock but no batteries, although the salesman said that they usually kept them on hand. They stock the Battery Tender brands. The Junior is 750 mA, @ $29.99 and the Plus is 1.25 A, @ $59.99.


OK, OK—we give up. What is it? “It” is a new barcode from our good friends at Microsoft. Well, from Microsoft, anyway. If you have a “smart” phone (and, believe me, my phone is smarter than me) you can take a picture of the bar-code and it will open our Club‟s webpage on your phone‟s web browser. You can get the free app for your phone from If you open up the app from your phone‟s browser, it will recognize the type of phone. —Joe Greenleaf