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Transcript of MD5summer

  • 7/29/2019 MD5summer



    pentru fisiere "zip": I recommend either WinZip (Non-Free) fromwww.winzip.comor 7-Zip (Free, GPL) from

    Version 1.2 Now Available!

    About MD5Summer

    Windows MD5 Sum generator.

    MD5summer is an application for Microsoft

    Windows 9x, NT, ME, 2000 and XP which

    generates and verifies md5 checksums.

    Its output file is compatible with the output of

    the Linux GNU MD5Sum and it will also readLinux generated files.

    It is released under the General Public

    License, the source can be downloaded from

    the downloads page (down the bottom).

    MD5summer is written in Borland Delphi 7. Source is available from the download page.


    The root folder selection screen, the first thing you see when you run MD5summer.

    The file/folder selection screen. You will only see this screen when generating sums.

    The generation/checking screen. Shows you information about the file currently being

    processed, batch completion, elapsed time, checksums and status of files.

    Coments at the top of generated md5 files with date and time of creation.

    Semicolon (";") at the start of a line denotes a coment, just as hash ("#") does currently.

    MD5summer was originally a tool to help me in my work. I was working on some windows

    software that was distributed on CD. I didn't have a CD writer in my machine but my colleague

    down the hall did. This arrangement involved a lot of FTP file transfers from my machine to his.

    Testing of my CD's was bringing to light a lot of errors that I just couldn't explain, then someone

    suggested that there may have been errors introduced during the transfer from my machine to his or

    in the CD burning process. Since my colleagues machine was running debian linux, checking

    MD5sums of all the files was a snap, but actually generating the sum file was difficult as I only had

    a command line, non-recursive sum generator. Besides, I'm a GUI freak so I thought I'd make a nice

    windows version all my own. MD5summer is the resulting product.


    Windows MD5 Sum generator.
  • 7/29/2019 MD5summer


    How does this thing work?!

    The best way to answer that question is to explain what the md5summer does and how it does it. I'll

    attempt to do so in an F.A.Q. style.

    What's an MD5 sum?

    An MD5 sum is a computed "hash" of a stream of data. In the case of the md5summer that stream is

    the contents of a file.

    Basically the md5summer takes a file of arbritrary length and reduces it down to a 128bit

    fingerprint. This fingerprint is extremely unlikely to be the same for any other file and will change

    if the contents of the file changes by even the tiniest little bit.

    How does the MD5summer use them?

    The md5summer uses these hashes to compare a file before and after an operation. For example you

    might want to check the files on a CD were written without error, or that the ISO you just

    downloaded is OK. Perhaps you just want to see what files have changed since last month or check

    that critical executables haven't been effected by a virus.

    Whatever the reason, the md5summer is made for file comparison.

    How do I create a .md5 file?

    First, Select an appropriate root folder, click Create, then select the files you wish to md5sum (how

    to add files), then click OK. The md5summer will create md5 hashes of each of the selected files,

    reporting any errors it encounters, and ask you to save the result when it is complete.

    You can pause the md5summer at any point by clicking Cancel, then resume by clicking Restart.

    Beware that if you cancel in the middle of a large file, Restarting will start at the beginning of that

    file, not where you cancelled.You can save the result as many times as you wish by clicking Save on the creation window.

    How do I verify a .md5 file?

    Again, Select an appropriate root folder, Click Verify, then select the .md5 file you want to verify.

    The md5summer will compare the md5sum of each file and report the result. When it's done you

    can save the result to a text file by clicking Save.

    What's this "Root folder" thing?

    The md5summer stores its output in a way that is designed for portability and is compatible withGNU md5sum.

    A .md5 file looks like this:

    81da4fd248fe4dd0b3e7bbfa4310d508 *Program Files/arcldr.exe

    1fb958e5c82d04361edf45cbb0b1c831 *Program Files/Accessories/MSPAINT.EXE

    The first part of each line is the hash represented in hexadecimal. A space and an asterisk (*)

    seperate this from the file path and name. You'll notice that the begining of the path is missing, in

    this case "c:\". This is the root folder part. We can substitute any root folder to make a valid path.

    Lets say for example I write these files to a CD. When I verify the CD, the path would change to

    d:\Program... so I set my root folder to "d:\".

    When creating a .md5 file, you would normally select the deepest folder that contains all the files I

    want to md5sum. In the above example, I should set my root folder to "c:\program files\", the new

    output file would look like this:
  • 7/29/2019 MD5summer


    81da4fd248fe4dd0b3e7bbfa4310d508 *arcldr.exe

    1fb958e5c82d04361edf45cbb0b1c831 *Accessories/MSPAINT.EXE

    When verifying a .md5 file, you should select the folder which replaces the one selected when

    creating the .md5 file.

    For example, if I transfered those file to a friends PC, to a folder called "h:\backups\Lukes program

    files\". Then to verify the files, I would select that as the root folder so that it checks"h:\backups\Lukes program files\arcldr.exe" and "h:\backups\Lukes program


    How do I select files to md5sum?

    In the file selection dialog there are 2 panels and 6 buttons:

    Folder contents panel (top left): This display the contents of the current folder. Double

    clicking on a file will add it to the list, double clicking on a folder will descend into it. To go

    back up the folder tree, click on the top ".." item. You will not be able to ascend above the

    root folder. Compiled list panel (top right): This shows the list of selected files. Currently you can't

    remove files from this list, but it's on the to-do list.

    Select All button: Selects all the files and folders in the folder contents panel.

    Clear List button: Empties the list.

    Add button: Adds any files selected in the contents panel, folders selected have thier

    contents added (although subfolders are not included).

    Add Recursively button: Adds any files selected and adds selected folders entire contents

    (subfolders, subfolders of subfolders, etc).

    OK: Begin md5sum generation on the list.

    Cancel: Go back to the root folder selection window.

    Download MD5summer

    Beta version

    This new beta should have fixed the issues people using Windows Large Fonts werehaving. It also includes SHA1 support.Please send feedback to my email address and let me know if there are any issues.Thanks.

    Released 05-04-2006

    Download in ZIPformat

    Size: 463KB

    Latest version

    Released 28-Sep-2003

    Download in ZIP format

    Size: 387KB

    Download self extracting exe

    Size: 451KB

    DOS Command line MD5sum utility

    Many people have asked for the md5summer to accept command line parameters, I'm working on it
  • 7/29/2019 MD5summer


    but in the meantime this win32 port of the GNU md5sum application should do the trick:

    Visit the GNU site for more information. Kindly ported by and published with permission of

    Bruce J Keeler

    Download in ZIPformat

    Size: 24KB

    GNU Win II InstallerKindly supplied by Luca Panno

    GNU Win II

    GNU Generation

    Download in ZIPformat.

    Size: 594KB


    The md5summer is released unser the General Public License. Other terms may be negotiated if


    You may require additional libraries, everything you need should be available from

    The source for

    Download in ZIPformat

    Size: 170KB