MCQ forensic11

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MCQ forensic11

Transcript of MCQ forensic11

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A to E

1. A bruise showing bluish black discolouration is 4 days old.

2. A contusion assumes green colour by 6 days.

3. A female has more sternal index, ischiopubic index and sciatic notch index.

4. A green line in gums in copper poisoning is Clepten line

5. A short barrelled rifle is called carbine.

6. A x B ( i.e OA x OB) = O, A, B, AB. All are possible:

7. About 1900 cals is the minimum daily dietetic requirement below which manifestations

of starvation appear.

8. Abrasion is seen in injury with rifled arm

9. Abrin is the active principle of abrus precatorius.

10. Abrus is viper-like poison.

11. Absence of III molar tooth indicates that the person is definitely under the age of 17


12. Absolute alcohol has 99.95% alcohol.

13. Absorption of lead is mainly through lung.

14. Accepted procedure of first aid for cafe coronary is Heimlich manoeuvre.

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15. Aconite is known as Sweet poison.

16. Aconite is most commonly used as a homicidal poison.

17. Addiction drugs are: Alcohol, Barbiturates, Cocaine, Cannabis, Chloral hydrate,

Opium, Pethidine.

18. Affiliation cases are related to paternity dispute.

19. After death, benzidine test is positive up to 150 years. Bones begin to decompose after

death in 3-10 years.

20. After death, the onset of putrefaction is in the stage of secondary relaxation.

21. After respiration, the weight of lungs increases by about 30 gm.

22. After taking cyanide, patient first feels numbness in extremities.

23. Age of consent for medical examination is after eruption of III molar.

24. Age of maturity for those under court of wards is 21 years. In India, sexual maturity is

gained at 14 years of age.

25. Agonal period is period between lethal occurrence and death.

26. Albumin helps to precipitate in Mercury poisoning.

27. Albumin helps to precipitate poison in Mercury poisoning.

28. Alcohol gaze nystagmus is produced at an average blood levels of 80 mg%

29. Alcohol is maximally absorbed from small intestine.

30. Alcoholic palimpsests are a type of blackout.

31. Algor mortis refers to cooling of body.

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32. Amenorrhoea and infertility can occur in chronic lead poisoning.

33. American Law Institute Test is related to criminal responsibility.

34. Amygdaline is the glucosides of vegetable origin found in cyanides.

35. Amyl nitrate is an antidote for poisoning due to hydrocyanic acid.

36. Amyl nitrate is antidote of cocaine poisoning.

37. An infant born before 210 days is not legally considered capable of maintaining a

separate existence.

38. Anterior fontanel closes by 18 months of age.

39. Antidote for chlorpyriphos poisoning is. PAM.

40. Antidote used in common types of poisonous shakes, in India includes polyvalent

antisnake venom.

41. Antidote used in common types of poisonous snakes in India includes polyvalent

antisnake venom.

42. Apoplexy is cerebral congestion.

43. Arborescent markings are seen in lightening.

44. 'Arrow poison' is nux vomical (also called Kuchila).

45. Arsenic is employed for embalming of Cadaver.

46. Arsenic poisoning may lead to thrombocytopenia, leukemia and BM suppression.

47. Arsenic, Aconite and Dhatura are generally used as homicidal poisons.

48. Atropine—Physostigmine.

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49. BAL is contraindicated in liver damage.

50. Bansdola is a form of homicidal strangulation.

51. Barbiturates increase the toxicity of Alcohol by Synergism.

52. Basisphenoid unites the basi-occiput at the age to 22 years.

53. Before performing Post-mortem examination, body should be identified by Policemen.

54. Best test for seminal stain is Florence test.

55. Bevelling of inner table of skull is seen in fire arm entry wound.

56. Billiard ball ricochet effect is seen in firearm injuries.

57. Black gun powder consists of potassium nitrate, sulphur, and charcoal.

58. Blast lung is seen due to air explosion Thereapeutic orphans result due to


59. Blasting effect is usually seen in a firearm injury from point blank range.

60. Bleeding from nostrils, mouth and ears is relatively common in strangulation.

61. Blood group of Parents, Child group possible:

62. Blotting paper like stomach is seen in sulphuric acid poisoning.

63. Blue green colour in —Hydrogen sulphide poisoning.

64. Blue vitreol—Copper sulphate.

65. Bluish green hypostasis is seen in H2S poisoning.

66. Bones constitute about 12% of body weight.

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67. Boxer's attitude is seen in persons dying of burns.

68. Brain may be preserved in normal saline or rectified spirit.

69. Brain stem death occurs in encephalomyelitis.

70. Breath alcohol can be measured by Alcometer or Drunkometer.

71. Brown atrophy of heart is seen in starvation deaths.

72. Buccal coitus is Sin of Gomorrah.

73. Bullet is picked up with hands.

74. Burking is a method of homicidal smothering and traumatic asphyxia.

75. Burking is a name derived from person.

76. Burrowed servant doctrine is related to vicarious liability.

77. By 14 yrs, patella gets ossified.

78. By ABO, Rh, MN systems the exclusion of Paternity is about 50%.

79. Cadaveric spasm (Instantaneous rigor) affects voluntary muscles only.

80. Cadaveric spasm occurs immediately after death.

81. Cafe coronary occurs when a person is intoxicated.

82. Caffey syndrome is Battered baby syndrome.

83. Calcification of third molar begins at 8-10 years.

84. Can occur before death in —Cholera.

85. Carbonaceous soot particles in Respiratory tract suggesive of—Antemortem burns.

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86. Cavett test is used for determing blood alcohol.

87. 'Central pocket loop' is a variety of Composite finger print.

88. Centre of ossification for pisiform bone appears at an age of 10-12 years.

89. Cepahlic index helps in identification of race.

90. Charas is known as Hashish.

91. Charcoal acts as a mechanical antidote.

92. Child below 12 years is not required to take an oath.

93. Chloral hydrate is also called knockout drops or Micky Finn.

94. Chromolachryorrhoea in organophosphorus poisoning is due to porphyrin.

95. Cocaine acts as an Aphrodisiac

96. Coffee ground vomitus is seen in Oxalic acid poisoning

97. Cold stiffening is due to solidfication of fats when body is exposed to very low


98. Colliquative liquefaction is seen within 1 week after death.

99. Colour changes of putrefaction are first observed in iliac fossa.

100. Common cause of death in crush syndrome is acute renal failure.

101. Commonest industrial metal poisoning is by lead.

102. Commonly used homicidal poisons: Arsenic, aconite.

103. Commonly used suicidal poisons: Endrine, Opium, Barbiturates, Organo-phosphorus


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104. Commoriants' literally means dying together.

105. Compressed air is used to fire lead slugs in air rifle.

106. Confabulation—Pathological loss of memory, e.g. — Korsakoff s

107. Conium is a peripheral poison.

108. Consent is invalid of obtained from a person who is intoxicated, insane or under threat.

109. Constriction of pupils = Opium, phenol, organo-phosphorus, physostigmine,

chloral hydrate.

110. Contre coup injury is seen in brain.

111. Contre-Coupe injury is seen in head injury.

112. Convincing proof of burial alive is sand in trachea and bronchi.

113. Cooling of body is gradual up to 1-3 hours.

114. Copper sulphate is used as an antidote to phsophorus.

115. Corpus delict deals with body of crime.

116. Cranial capacity is 10% less in females.

117. Crib deaths are due to asphyxia.

118. Crime means a social harm which has been defined and made punishable by law.

119. Critical level of alcohol in blood is 0.15%.

120. Crocodile flash burns are due to antemortem electric burns.

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121. CSF is preserved in poisoning due to alcohol.

122. Cumulative poisons are: Barbiturates, and methyl alcohol.

123. Cupping' is a method of criminal abortion.

124. Curator bonis is person appointed to manage the affairs of mentally incompetent.

125. CuSO4 is antidote of Phosphorus.

126. Cutis anserina is due to exector pilae.

127. Cutis anserina is seen in drowning.

128. Cutis anserina or goose skin has no value as a diagnostic sign of death from

drowning. Diatoms test is negative in dead bodies thrown in water or in dry drowning.

129. Cyanide poisoning kit contains amyl nitrite, Sodium nitrite and sodium thiosulfate.

130. Cyanide poisoning produces cherry red colour.

131. Cyanide—Amyl nitrite

132. Cyanides mainly affect Cytochrome oxidase.

133. Dactylography was first used in India by Sir W. Herschel.

134. Datura is also known as 'Road poison'.

135. Datura seeds look like—Brinjal seeds capsicum seeds or Tomato seeds.

136. Death during anaesthesia, D.C. to be written by anaesthesist.

137. Death ensues in about 5 minutes of complete submersion.

138. Death ensues rapidly in fresh water than in salt water or sea water.

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139. Death in fresh water in comparison to salt water is earlier.

140. Death in police custody is investigated by Magistrate.

141. Delayed poisoning by oxalic acid is characterised by Uraemia Large amount of water is

contraindicated in Oxalic acid poisoning Hypocalcemia can occur in Oxalic acid


142. Delayed poisoning by oxalic acid is characterised by —Uraemia.

143. Delicate and reliable test for Blood stains—Takayama's test (Hemochromogen crystal


144. Deposition means a statement on oath made by a witness in a judicial proceeding. It is

taken down in writing and signed by the witness and magistrate.

145. Desferroxamine is antidote used in iron poisoning.

146. Dhatura poisoning is due to intake of seeds

147. Diaphanus test denotes that after death, finger webs lose their lusture.

148. Diatoms resist putrefaction.

149. Dichotomy is related to splitting of fees.

150. Dilatation of pupils = Dhatura, Cyanide

151. Diminished responsibility is a term used for borderline mental state.

152. Dinitro compounds poisoning resembles thyrotoxicosis.

153. Dipsomania is seen with alcohol.

154. Dirt collar is seen in fire arm entry wound.

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155. Dispersion of pellets in shotgun injury is calculated as dispersion in inches = 1.5 times

the dispersion in yards.

156. Diwali poisons are —Mercury, phosphorous.

157. Document means any matter expressed or described upon any substance by means of

letters, figures or marks, or by more than one of these means.

158. Dribbling of saliva from the angle of the mouth is generally considered as the surest

sign of hanging.

159. Dribbling of saliva is the vital sign of ante-mortem hanging and is due to stimulation of

salivary glands by ligature.

160. Drowned body floats in about 12-18 hours in summer S

161. Drowning is a form of asphyxia due to aspiration of fluid into air passage, caused by

submersion in water or other fluid.

162. Drowning is one of the commonest forms of suicide amongst females.

163. Drugs interfering in blood grouping are barbiturate, aspirin and heparin.

164. Dryness of mouth, dilated pupils and delirium are symptoms of Dhatura poisoning. (All


165. Dum dum bullet is so called because tip is chiselled off.

166. During sleep, rectal temperature is 0.5-1.0°C lower

167. Dying declaration can be recorded by a medical officer.

168. Dying declaration should be recorded by Magistrate.

169. Emmenagogues are used for criminal abortion.

170. Emphysema aqueosum is seen in wet drowning.

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171. Epiphyseal union of sternal end of clavicle occurs at age of 22 years.

172. Estimation of Age from eruption of teeth is possible up to 17 to 21 years of age.

173. Gustafson's method for estimation age of adult over 21 years.

174. Estimation of Age from eruption of teeth is possible up to 17 to 21 years of age.

175. Euthanasia means "Mercy killing".

176. Evidence includes all legal means which help to prove or disprove any matter of fat,

the truth of which is submitted to judicial investigation. It can be oral (direct, indirect or

hearsay), documentary & circumstantial.

177. Ewings postulates refer to accidents as a cause of death.

178. Exhumation is done: In presence of police officer. In the supervision of Medical Officer.

179. Written order from 1st class Magistrate or coroner.

180. Exhumation is usually done in the early morning.

181. Exposure to nickel causes carcinoma nasopharynx.

182. Extremely delicate test for Blood stains—Phenophthalein test (Kastle-Mayer test).