McCain's Potato Production in Lahaul

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Transcript of McCain's Potato Production in Lahaul



Potato fourth most important crop in the world. India fourth in area and third in production. Area = 1.4 million Ha. Production = 25 million tonnes Productivity = 17.90 ton per Ha. Per capita consumption = 14.8 kg/head/year (one of the

least in the world) Major potato growing states are Himachal Pradesh,

Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Karnataka, Bihar and Assam.


Hardly 1 percent potato processed in India. Processed potato products Potato flour Potato chips French fries Frozen potato Potato starch Tapioca of potato Varieties used in processing : Chipsona-1 and Chipsona-2(ICAR) Shepody, Santana, Kennebec(imported)



Various factors influencing the potato prices: Change in acreage depending on yield and price

realization Weather condition during growing season. Demand of potato from food processing industries Comparative price with other vegetables in the domestic

market Transportation charges have also great impact on prices Hoarding of potatoes by growers and traders before

selling in expectation of better prices



Source of information

Source of information

Primary data

Primary data

Secondary data

Secondary data

Farmer interview

Farmer interview

Private traders interview

Private traders interview

District Department of


District Department of



• Total farmers under contract = 205

• Number of farmers covered for crop met = 8


Shepody commercial 10

Santana seed 24

Shepody seed 45

Total sample 79


1. To study the climatic conditions and cropping pattern of the area

2. To study the marketing channel of the private traders

3. To create awareness about the right cultivation practices

4. To monitor the gap between the recommended and followed cultivation practices


Objective 1: To study the climatic conditions and cropping pattern of the area


Source: District Dept. of AgricultureSource: District Dept. of Agriculture12

Source: District Dept. of AgricultureSource: District Dept. of Agriculture13

Source: District Dept. of AgricultureSource: District Dept. of Agriculture14

Source: District Dept. of AgricultureSource: District Dept. of Agriculture15

Source: Tehsildar officeSource: Tehsildar office 16



Source: District Dept. of AgricultureSource: District Dept. of Agriculture19

Source: District Dept. of AgricultureSource: District Dept. of Agriculture20

Source: District Dept. of AgricultureSource: District Dept. of Agriculture21


Objective 2: To study the marketing of other potato traders


There are mainly three traders of potato who take potato from the Lahaul

The Lahoul Potato Growers Co-operative Marketing cum Processing Society (LPS)

Hari Singh Thakur (HST) Bhagwan Singh


Seed supplied by the District Department of Agriculture

Production done by the farmers and sent to Manali

LPS gives advance of 40 - 50 % to the farmers

LPS grades the potato and sells it to different states

Collection of the sold potato was done and price was declared

Payment done to farmers after cutting commission of 6 % and other expenses 25

Seed supplied by the District Department of Agriculture

Production done by the farmers

Selected farmers sent produce to Manali. HST gives advance of 30 - 40 % to the farmers

HST grades the potato in 6 grades, sealing and tagging done and sells it to different states and traders

Collection of the money after selling potato was done and price was declared

Payment done to farmers after cutting commission of 11% and other expenses by next September

Inspection done by HST and farmers



Various costs involved after procurementGrading = Rs. 10 per bag Loading and unloading = Rs. 2-3 per bagSealing and tagging = Rs. 9 per bagTransportation (by farmers) = Re. 1 per kg



Objective 3: To create awareness about the right cultivation practices


Following are the recommendations given by the company for proper growth and development of plants:

Plant to plant spacing (for seed) = 4 inches Plant to plant spacing (for commercial) = 8 inches Row to row spacing = 18 to 22 inches Sowing depth = 3 inches Previous crop = pea or any crop other than potato (KCM and Jyoti) Seed treatment Three to four fungicide spray 45 days after sowing and at ten days



To create awareness among the farmers following methods were used:

Farmer meetings Literature Demonstrations and field visits


Meetings are organized to directly come in contact with the farmers.

Separate meetings were conducted for seed and commercial purpose.

Issues raised by the farmers are directly solved there.


The farmers were also given write ups so that they can easily under stand the cultivation practices.

These contain all the practices to be followed by the farmers. The write ups were in Hindi language so that they are easy to



Demonstrations were given during the meetings and field visits

Various things like seed cutting, spacing treatment etc. are dealt in this.


Objective 4: To monitor Potato cultivation practices used by the farmers







Name Date of sowing

Spacing plant to plant( in inches)

Spacing row to row ( in inches)

Treatment Fertilizer N/P2O5/K2O (in kg per bigha)

Emergence (in percent)

Seed weight (in gram)

Previous crop

Amar Singh

May 29 4 20 Done 2.3/6/3 70 (June 29)

30 KCM

Jagdish Chand

May 29 4 20 Done 4.5/12/6 72 (June 29)

33 KCM

Jagat Singh

May 29 5 18 Done 6/14/8 57 (June 29)

27 Pea & Jyoti

Ratan Chand

June 2 6 18 Done 3.8/3.8/3.8 67 (July 1) 24 Pea

Jagdev Rana

June 2 4 18 Done 7.5/7.5/7.5 68 (July 1) 29 Santana

Sharavan Kumar

June 2 6 18 Done 3.5/9/4.5 65(July 1)

29 Pea

Sonam Thakur

June 1 4 19 Done 3/8/4 58 (June 29)

30 KCM

Jagdish June 1 8 23 Done 11/17.5/8.7 58 (June 30)

24 Shepody & KCM


Technological gap is the difference between the recommended and the existing practices.

The technological gap was worked out by comparing existing level of technology with recommended package of practices published by the company.

The formula to work out technological gap index was:

R ATechnological gap index = ------------------ X 100



R = Recommended technology

A = Technology actually adopted by the farmers


• Gap in adaptation of technology

Project Data Final.xlsx

S. No. Technology Gap (in per cent)

1. Plant to plant spacing 40.30

2. Row to row spacing 0

3. Depth of sowing 42.70

4. Previous crop 30.40



• Yield of Kufri Jyoti/KCM = 2,250 kg• Price (as per HST for A grade) = Rs. 11.31 per kg• Total earning = 2,250 X 11.31 = Rs. 25,453• Ratio = 25,453/9165 = 2.77• Yield of Santana = 3,600 kg• Price by McCain = Rs.11 per kg• Total earning = 3,600 X 11 = Rs. 39,600• Ratio = 39600/11490 = 3.44


Conclusion, problem identification and suggestions


StrengthsLand is fertileSoil are sandy loam light texturePlenty of irrigation water from perennial glaciersThe area is well known for seed potato and green pea productionBeing dry temperate zone there is less attack of pest and diseases``

WeaknessFragile and sloppy land, so remain affected by the snow avalanchesSoil is liable to weaker erosionLack of technical knowhow among farmers and good quality materialScarcity of labourMarket is so farShort growing season (May to October)

OpportunitiesScope of growing off-season vegetablesQuality potato seed productionVirus free seed productionNew rocky tunnel will be builtNew companies like Dabur, Mc Donald’s, Reliance Fresh, Mohan Beverages etc.Farmers are interested in contract farmingFarmers are looking towards opportunity in floriculture

ThreatHarsh climatic conditionsFrequent road blockageThe area remains cut off from other part of the country due to heavy snowfallGlaciers and avalanches


Strengths1.Better pricing as the company is giving highest price for the produce.2.Facilities provided like seed provided by the company, transportation cost borne by the company, technical assistance etc.3.Better yield of the varieties

Weakness1.Transportation which causes delay in providing the seed sometimes and procurement.2.The seed require more care than Kufri Jyoti and KCM.3.Problem of rottening of seed.

Opportunity1.Increasing interest of farmers in contract farming.2.Road work on progress to Keylong.

Threats1.What if the productivity falls due to closure spacing for seed purpose?2.Private traders and table purpose market for potato if gives better price.3.Other crops gaining popularity like pea, exotic vegetables, flowers etc.4.Companies coming for contract like Dabur, Mc Donald’s, Reliance Fresh, etc.


Farmers absent in the meetings Farmers not going to the field Plant to plant spacing of 4 inches seems too small Intelligent farmers Traditional practices They are suspicious about the size and the production of

crop Hurry of finishing the work


There was snow fall in the valley on 10 and 11 May. The sowing of stored seed was done a few days after that. So there may be still much high moisture in the soil than it should be.

Some farmers have not treated the seed after cutting it. Some farmers cut the seed and treated it only with

Plaster of Paris. Some farmers after treatment put the seed in the bags

and covered it with polythene sheet. Because of this the supply of air was restricted and moisture was built in the bags. After sowing this seed was bound to rot.


Creating awareness among the females by calling them in the meetings.

Selecting big and potential farmers first and then after others so as to avoid the problematic farmers.

Asking the society to be more strict about the quality parameters and imposing fine on those who are not following them.

Advising the farmers not to start sowing before 20th of May to prevent problem of rottening.

Hiring trucks of Manali union as they are expert in the hilly terrains.

Assisting the farmers in availing the services like soil testing for pathogens and nutrient analysis.