Mb Carparks FINAL

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  • 8/13/2019 Mb Carparks FINAL


    A guide to design and construction

    Multi-storey Concrete Car Parks

  • 8/13/2019 Mb Carparks FINAL


    Multi-storey concrete car parks


    Introduction 3

    Design considerations 4

    Layouts 5

    Concrete benefits 6

    Concrete options 8

    Edge protection 10

    Structural design 11

    Case studies 17References 19

    Nottingham Railway Stations car park was redeveloped to increase its capacity from 500 to 950 spaces. The five storey car park wasreopened in 2012, with 2,107 coloured copper panels now fixed to the precast concrete structures outside.

    Architect: BDP.

    Photo: courtesy of Martine Hamilton Knight.

    Cover image: Ocean Village, Southampton. See page 18 for more information.

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    Multi-storey concrete car parks

    IntroductionMulti-storey car parks are a common feature in the UKs towns and cities. In the past they tended to be utilitarian

    structures, often designed to be functional without an appreciation of the perceptions of users.

    Glossary of terms

    Access-way Carriageway not adjoining bays and used

    solely for the movement of vehicles.

    Aisle A carriageway serving adjoining bays.

    Bay or stall A parking space allocated to one car.

    Bin Two rows of bays with the access aisle running

    between them.

    Clear span construction All columns are located at the perimeter ofparking bins.

    Deck A slab at any level of the car park.

    Dynamic capacity The maximum flow per hour of cars which the

    car park, or part thereof, can accommodate.

    Parking angle The angle between the longitudinal centreline

    of a bay and the aisle from which it is served.

    Ramp An access-way or aisle connecting parking

    areas at different levels.

    Static capacit y The total number of bays in a car park.

    More recently, designers have recognised the need to improve safety

    and security through providing long clear spans by removing columns

    from the parking spaces. This has led to a series of solutions using spans

    of up to 16m.

    This guide presents a variety of solutions using concrete; either precast

    in a factory or placed on-site. It also explains the design requirements for

    car parks in more detail, and presents typical car park layouts.

    Concrete has many benefits which can be utilised for a car park,

    including edge protection. Using the latest developments in concrete

    durability, the corrosion problems seen in older car parks can bedesigned out and this guide explains how this can be achieved.

    The final design and detailing of a concrete car park is important, and

    this publication also presents some guidance for areas such as stability,

    fire resistance, movement, drainage and waterproofing.

    A number of case studies illustrate how concrete has been used

    successfully to create new car parks for a variety of uses.

    Long spans provided by precast concrete beams.

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    Multi-storey concrete car parks

    Design considerationsAs with any other building type, there are a number of issues to consider in the design of car parks. This guide is not

    intended to replace other publications, for exampleDesign Recommendations for Multi-storey and Underground CarParks[1], which cover design considerations and development of the design brief in detail. Instead, this guide focuses

    on key issues of importance in the design and construction of concrete frames for car parks.

    Car park user requirementsCar park users have particular requirements affecting the layout and

    design of car parks. Typical user requirements include:

    Secure parking environment.

    Clear site lines.

    Ease of quickly finding a parking place.

    Easy manoeuvrability.

    Minimum queuing.

    Space to open car doors.

    Safe pedestrian routes through car park.

    Good way-finding.

    Client requirementsClients or developers will have their own preferences, which will

    generally be aligned to user requirements; particularly if income is

    reliant on users returning to the car park regularly. Client requirementspotentially affecting the structure include:

    Commercial viability based on initial and whole-life costs.

    Durability, with low maintenance costs.

    Adaptability for future changes in car park use and car design.


    Car park useCar parks are provided for users of different types of facilities such

    as hospitals, retail premises, offices and short or long-stay transportinterchange sites. Recommended bay sizes vary according to the length

    of stay and are provided in Table 1. Short stay and high usage car parks

    should be provided with larger parking bays and access route widths

    allowing users easily to manoeuvre their vehicle around the car park.

    Consideration should also be given to the size of vehicles likely to use

    the car park. Where larger than normal vehicles are expected, bay sizes

    and headroom may need to be increased.

    Effect on the structureLong clear spans

    Typically, end user requirements translate into car parks which are airy,

    well lit, have clear sight lines, are well signed, and are easy to manoeuvre


    Structurally, large clear spans of up to 16m make manoeuvring easierand give better sight lines. Parking bays clear of columns to allow

    unrestricted door opening are usually considered the best option.


    The minimum clear headroom for vehicles given inDesign

    recommendations for multi-storey and underground car parksis 2.10m.

    However, BS 8300 Design of buildings and their approaches to meet

    the needs of disabled people Code of practice[2] advises provision of

    a minimum height of 2.6m from the entrance of the car park to (and

    including) designated parking spaces and exits from those spaces. This

    additional headroom requirement is not usually achievable in multi-

    storey car parks owing to the need to maintain ramps at an acceptable

    gradient and, under such circumstances, provision for taller vehicles is

    generally made outside the car park.

    Table 1: Recommended bay size

    Type of

    ParkingLength (m) Width (m) Comment

    Mixed use 4.8 2.4 Mixed


    Short stay 4.8 2.5 < 2 hours

    Long stay 4.8 2.3 One movement

    per day

    Disabled user 4.8 3.6 Refer to text on


    Parent/child 4.8 3.2 -

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    Multi-storey concrete car parks

    LayoutsWhile there are over 100 different options for laying out a car park,

    in practice three layouts with 90 parking angle are most commonlyused. These are:

    Ramped deck.

    Flat deck.

    Split level.

    The relative merits of all the options are presented in the Car Park

    Designers Handbook[3]. Generally one-way flow circulation is preferred

    for simplicity and efficiency. Four layouts are shown to illustrate the


    Whichever option is chosen, the layout of the parking bays will be

    similar, with bays located either side of aisles carrying one-way traffic.While this is an efficient layout, the constraints it imposes on the

    structure are shown in Figure 1. To meet the requirement for clear spans,

    without any interbin supports, it is usually necessary to span 15.6m

    across the aisle and adjacent parking bays. The structural grid for many

    car parks is then 15.6 x 7.2m.





    4.8m 4.8m6.0m

    Bin width

    Interbin support zone


    A: 0.46m minimum

    0.8m to 1.0m

    preferred range

    B: 3.3m minimum

    3.6m desirable

    3 x 2.4mbays *3







    support positions

    * Typical bay dimensions

    Figure 1: Typical car park layout for mixed use

    Figure 2: Examples of layout options

    Examples of ramped deck car park layout Example of split level car park layout

    Example of flat deck car park layout

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    Multi-storey concrete car parks

    EconomicsWhether precast concrete or in-situ concrete is used for car park

    construction, they both offer economic overall solutions. An important

    conclusion from a series of cost model studies undertaken on behalf of

    The Concrete Centre found that the cost of the structural frame should

    include the cost of edge protection. The whole-life costs should also

    be considered. A car park should have a design service life of 50 years

    before significant maintenance and repair is required.

    ProgrammeConcrete solutions can be erected quickly and safely. Precast concrete

    frames are designed and detailed to be highly buildable with short

    erection periods. In-situ concrete frames with proprietary formwork

    systems are also quick to erect and, with their short lead-in times, offer

    an early start on-site.


    The structure in car parks is usually left exposed. With attention to detail

    during specification, and particularly during construction, concrete can

    have a good visual finish. Precast concrete in particular usually has a

    high quality finish due to the quality of the moulds used and greater

    control of the production of the concrete.

    Long clear spans

    Concrete can be used in a number of different options to economically

    achieve a long clear span. Clear spans are now regularly used in car

    parks to improve visibility and manoeuvrability.

    The long clear spans are achieved without compromising floor-to-floor

    heights. The solutions available typically range in floor depth from 475

    to 650mm, although 400mm floor depth solutions are available. The

    thinnest solutions take advantage of spans being continuous over more

    than one bay.


    Concrete has inherent fire resistance, which is present during all

    construction phases. It is achieved without the application of additional

    treatments and is therefore maintenance-free. Concrete has the best

    European fire rating possible because it does not burn and has low heat

    conductance. Further information can be found in Concrete and Fire

    Safety[4] by The Concrete Centre.

    Vibration control

    It is usually recommended that the natural frequency of the floor and

    frame, when designed as simply supported and free of live load, should

    exceed 5 Hz. Most concrete car park structures have sufficient mass and

    stiffness to satisfy these criteria, even for longer span options.

    Concrete benefitsConcretes unique flexibility provides a wide range of framing options and design/construction solutions to suit the

    exact needs of specific projects.

    An in-situ concrete car park in construction. Sainsburys, Penrith. Photo: courtesy of Northfield Construction Ltd.

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    Multi-storey concrete car parks


    A well designed, detailed and constructed concrete car park should

    achieve a design service life of 50 years without the need for

    significant maintenance or repair. If subject to a proper inspection

    and maintenance regime in accordance with ICE Recommendations for

    inspection, maintenance and management of car park structures[5], itshould be possible to extend the service life beyond 50 years.

    Some existing structures perform poorly. To avoid poor performance the

    following should be ensured:

    Use good quality concrete and construction.

    Reinforcement fixed to provide the designed-for cover.

    Use concrete designed to resist chlorides.

    The actual floors of the car park are not salted by

    maintenance staff.

    If current knowledge and good practice is adopted, concrete will

    perform more than adequately.

    Robustness/vandal resistance

    Concrete is, by its nature, very robust and capable of resisting accidental

    damage and vandalism.

    Minimum maintenance

    Unlike other materials, concrete does not need any toxic coatings or

    paint to protect it against deterioration or fire. Properly designed and

    constructed concrete is relatively maintenance-free over its design

    service life.

    SustainabilityLocally sourced

    The constituent parts of concrete (water, cement and aggregate) are

    all readily and locally available to any construction site, minimising the

    impact of transporting raw materials.

    It is worth noting:

    99.9% of aggregates used in the UK are sourced in the UK (80% are

    used within 30 miles of extraction).

    90% of Ordinary Portland Cement is produced in the UK and there

    are cement kilns throughout the UK.

    100% of UK-sourced reinforcement is produced from UK scrap steel.

    Reduced use of materials

    The long span options often required for a car park need materials to

    be used efficiently. In all the common concrete solutions, the self-

    weight of the structure is minimised; use of materials is minimised andconsequently transportation requirements are also reduced.

    Concrete mix

    Modern concretes generally contain cement replacements which lower

    the embodied CO2and use by-products from other industries. Care

    should be exercised to balance the environmental benefits of cement

    replacements with their slower strength gain, which delays the initial

    prestress and stripping of formwork or moulds.

    Visit www.sustainableconcrete.org.ukto compare alternative mix


    Precast concrete T units give a low span-to-weight ratio. Avenue de Chartres car park, Chichester. Architect: Birds Portchmouth Russum.

    Photo: courtesy of Nick Kane of Arcaid.

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    Multi-storey concrete car parks

    Concrete optionsFor a typical 15.6 x 7.2m grid, a number of concrete options are available. Five are presented here, all of which have

    proved to be cost-effective and meet client and user requirements. These designs are efficient because they useprestressing, are designed to be lightweight or are a combination of the two. They can all be adapted to suit ramped,

    flat deck and split-level car park layouts.

    Precast hollowcore unitsThese 1.2m-wide precast concrete units utilise prestressing and voids formed within

    units to form an efficient structural element with a low span-to-weight ratio. While the

    units can be supported with a variety of beam types, the units have

    to be supported from below.


    Standard units.

    Simple, fast erection.

    Small overall depth for single span situations.

    Structural sizes: 400mm deep unit.

    75mm thick screed.

    475mm overall structural depth above

    parking areas.

    675mm depth along beam lines on short span.

    Precast concrete double T unitsThese precast concrete units utilise prestressed concrete and a structurally efficient

    shape to give a low span-to-weight ratio. The standard width for these units is

    2.4m. While they can be supported with a variety of beams types, a common

    approach is an L-shaped beam with a notched end to the units to give a constant

    structural depth.


    Low self-weight

    minimises supporting structure.

    Standard or bespoke units available.

    Simple, fast erection. Cranked ramp units available.

    Good visual appearance.

    Structural sizes:

    600mm deep unit.

    75mm thick screed.

    675mm overall structural depth.

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    Multi-storey concrete car parks

    Post-tensioned band beamsThis in-situ concrete option uses prestressing in the form of post-tensioning to

    minimise the structural depth. A shallow slab spans onto

    integral beams. The formwork for this option is

    relatively simple.

    Precast combined beam and column frameThis proprietary system has evolved to give fast erection times

    and an efficient structure. The main feature is the precast

    combined beam and columns units which are designed

    to minimise the structural depth at mid-span by using

    moment connections at the beam/column joint.

    Void formers are used in the units to reduce

    self-weight for lifting. The headroom

    is slightly reduced between

    some of the parking

    spaces. 200mm

    deep precast floor

    units span between

    the beams.


    No formwork is required on site.

    Maximises the benefit of multiple span

    floor plates. Easily adapted to suit different column spacings.

    Flat soffit.

    No screed required.

    Structural sizes:

    600mm deep (multi-span).

    650mm deep (single-span).


    Short lead-in times.

    Maximises the benefit of multiple span floor


    Easily adapted to suit different column spacings

    or geometry.

    No beam required in short span direction.

    No screed required.

    Structural sizes:

    150mm thick slab.

    550mm deep beam (multi-span).

    650mm deep beam (single-span)

    550-650mm overall structural depth.


    System developed specifically for

    car parks.

    Simple, fast erection.

    No formwork required.

    Structural sizes:

    200mm thick slab.

    600mm deep beam (mid-span).

    600mm overall structural depth.

    Voided slabThis form of construction mixes in-situ and precast concrete.

    A thin precast concrete biscuit is cast containing

    reinforcement lattice girders. The units are up to

    3.6m wide and are positioned and propped

    on site, where in-situ concrete is placed to

    complete the structure. Recycled plastic

    or polystyrene void formers are used

    to reduce the self-weight of the

    structure. This can

    also be 100%

    in-situ or fully

    precast on in-situ


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    Type A -Spanning horizontally between the columns.

    Type B - Bolted to the deck and cantilevering up from it.

    Type C - Monolithic with the deck.

    Concrete barriers are usually type A or C or a combination of the two. For

    type B to be an option, the deck must be sufficiently strong to resist the

    bending moment and shear forces from the cantilever barrier.

    The barriers are designed to resist the impact load either by absorbing

    the impact energy through deflection of the barrier, or by relying on

    the rigidity and mass of the barrier to distribute impact energy through

    much of the structure, absorbing it by elastic strain.

    Energy absorbing barriers tend to be of steel construction and have the

    following characteristics:

    They can be damaged by impact, and should be inspected regularly

    and replaced as necessary.

    They rely on fixings into the deck, which should be designed to

    minimise replacement after impact. An ultimate load factor of 1.5 is

    recommended for the fixing.

    As their service life is generally shorter than the car park, they will

    require replacement during the life of the car park.

    They can be integrated into a flexible cladding system. In sizing the car park, due allowance should be made for deflection of

    the barrier under impact; particularly if the cladding is fragile.

    Concrete barriers tend to rely on their mass to resist impact forces, and

    are therefore more robust. They have the following characteristics:

    They require minimal space.

    They rarely require replacement but should be inspected and

    repaired as necessary after impact.

    They can be cast monolithically with the structure.

    They can form the load bearing structure or cladding or both,

    reducing the overall building cost.

    They form an upstand to the edge of the deck which helps to control

    surface water.

    Columns may be subject to direct vehicle impact and therefore it is

    preferable for the corners to be rounded or chamfered to minimise

    damage to both column and vehicle.

    Edge protectionEdge protection is an important consideration in the design of car parks. Barriers are provided to prevent pedestrians

    or cars from falling from upper levels. Barriers can be divided into three types:

    Multi-storey concrete car parks


    St Pauls car park, Sheffield. For more information see page 17.

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    Multi-storey concrete car parks

    Design actionsImposed loads

    The imposed loads applicable to decks and ramps are in Category F of

    the UK National Annex to BS EN 1991-1-1:2002 [6]. For a maximum gross

    vehicle weight under 3000kg, the characteristic loads are:

    qk= 2.5 kN/m2(uniformly distributed load)

    Qk= 10 kN (concentrated load)

    Wind and lateral loads

    Wind loading information applicable to car parks is given in BS EN 1991-

    1-4:2005 [7] and its UK National Annex. Design recommendations for

    multi-storey and underground car parksrecommends the wind loading

    be taken as acting over the entire elevation area of the structure with no

    reduction for openings.

    Lateral loads also arise when vehicles change direction or speed. Clause (3) in EN 1991-1-1:2002 states that the horizontal wheel loads

    should be determined for the specific case. No information is given to

    determine the horizontal wheel loads for cars in a car park. However, as

    a guide clause (7) states that horizontal loads due to acceleration

    or deceleration of forklifts may be taken as 30% of the vertical axle

    loads Qk. Judgement is needed to determine how many cars may be

    accelerating or braking in the same direction in a car park.

    Vehicle impact and edge protection

    Car park structures should be designed to withstand vehicle impact

    loads. The design loads are given in Annex B to BS EN 1991-1-1:2002. For

    car parks designed for vehicles up to 2500 kg gross mass, the horizontal

    characteristic force, F(in kN) - normal to and uniformly distributed over

    any length of 1.5m of a rigid barrier - are given in Table 2.

    Where speed retarders in the form of speed humps are used to

    decelerate cars on long straights, consideration should be given to the

    effect of impact on the decks.


    Design Recommendations for Multi-storey and Underground Car Parks[1]

    states that snow loading on roofs need not normally be considered in

    combination with vehicle loading. Possible exceptions are long-stay car

    parks and those in areas with high snowfall.

    Thermal actions

    Multi-storey car parks are open to the climate year-round and are thus

    subjected to a large range of temperatures and humidity. In addition,

    the top deck is heated by solar radiation which is made worse if a dark-

    coloured thin-layer waterproof finish is used. Temperature effects for car

    parks are thus significant by comparison with other building structures.

    The relatively large temperature range in a car park deck leads to

    significant horizontal movements or forces which must be allowed for in

    the design of the frame: both elements and joints. Further guidance isgiven on page 13.

    When the roof deck is subject to solar gain during the day or heat loss

    during the night, differential strains are induced across the thickness

    of the concrete which causes bowing and/or reverse bending. These

    additional bending forces can add significantly to the bending moments

    and shears generated by normal loadings. The method of calculation is

    given in BS EN 1991-1-5.

    Structural designCar parks are often treated as a standard building design. There are many similarities with buildings but also some

    notable differences. This section provides useful information for the design of car parks to Eurocodes and highlightssome important areas for further consideration.

    Table 2: Horizontal forces on edge barriers

    Horizontal force over a 1.5m length of rigid barrier

    Horizontal force

    in kN

    Height above

    floor/ramp in mm

    Edge barrier to deck 150 375

    Edge barrier to ramps 75 610

    Bottom end of

    straight ramp over

    20m long

    300 610

    Colouring the floor provides clear signage.

    Photo: courtesy of Dunne Group

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    Multi-storey concrete car parks

    Lateral stability

    Lateral stability can be provided in the following ways:

    Using the walls in stair and lift cores.

    Using the skeletal bracing adjacent to ramps between car decks.

    Using the ramps as scissor bracing (subject to circulation layout).

    Using frame action for low-rise car parks.

    Other issues to consider for lateral stability include:

    Core walls located at the ends of the building act as restraints to

    shrinkage see page 11 for more guidance.

    Split level decks require lateral stability to both sets of decks

    (alternatively the ramps should be designed to transfer lateral loads).

    Internal walls other than those forming the stair and lift cores for

    stability should be avoided within the parking areas or adjacent to

    the ramps as they restrict visibility and increase crime.

    The decks are usually considered to be stiff plates which can carry

    horizontal forces to the stability system but where there is no

    structural topping to precast elements, this should be justified.


    Modern car parks are now commonly designed for clear spans of at least

    15.6m and their dynamic response should be checked to ensure user

    comfort.A Design Guide for Footfall Induced Vibration of Structures[8]

    gives a methodology for predicting vertical vibrations in structures.

    For most concrete car parks, no increase in member sizes over that

    needed to satisfy static loads will be required to achieve the required

    dynamic performance. Design Recommendations for Multi-storey and

    Underground Car Parksrecommends a minimum natural frequency of5 Hz, Table 3 shows guideline values for the options presented in this


    Fire resistanceFor open-sided car parks up to 30m in height, the required fire resistance

    period is 15 minutes in England and Wales and 30 minutes in Scotland.

    For elements protecting a means of escape, it is 30 minutes (England

    and Wales) and 60 minutes (Scotland) for compartment walls separating


    The fire resistance of slabs, beams and columns can simply be checkedin most cases by using the tabular method in BS EN 1992-1-2. The

    method is based on the nominal axis distance. A fire resistance of at least

    60 minutes can usually be achieved without increasing the minimum

    cover required to satisfy durability requirements. The Concrete Centres

    How to Design Concrete Structures using Eurocode 2[9] provides tables to

    quickly check the fire resistance of concrete elements.

    RobustnessAs the structural frame can be subject to direct impact from a vehicle,

    both inside and outside the car park, it should be designed to prevent

    disproportionate collapse based upon the number of storeys in

    accordance with BS EN 1991-1-7.

    Design for movements

    In concrete structures, a number of movements potentially occur

    throughout the lifetime of the structure and should be considered

    during the design development.

    The principal movements include:

    Early age thermal contraction (due to cooling of the concrete

    following the heating generated by the cement hydration process).

    Elastic shortening; particularly for post-tensioned members.

    Effects of creep (increase in strain under constant stress).

    Long-term drying shrinkage.

    Temperature induced movements or bending.

    Autogenous shrinkage (induced by cement hydration, in concrete

    with very low water cement ratios).

    Movements are generally considered in two stages:

    Early age contractions due to early age thermal contraction,autogenous shrinkage and elastic shortening.

    Long-term effects such as creep, drying shrinkage and temperature


    An indication of the range of strains, and hence movement, is shown in

    Table 4.

    Table 3: Guideline natural frequencies for concrete car park options

    Structural systemGuideline natural frequency


    Precast concrete double T units 5.6

    Post-tensioned band beams 5.4

    Precast hollowcore units 8.7

    Biaxial voided slabs 10.9

    Precast combined beam and

    column frame


    Note:The natural frequencies stated are for 15.6m spans based on the

    simplified calculation method given inA Design Guide for Footfall Induced

    Vibration of Structures [8].

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    Multi-storey concrete car parks

    Table 4: Indicative strains and movements for typical design situations

    Phenomenon Minimum Maximum

    Typical strains for an internal reinforced concrete structure

    Early thermal shrinkage strain 100 me 300 me

    Drying shrinkage 300 me 400 me

    Total strain 400 me 700 me

    In terms of movement 0.4mm/m 0.7mm/m

    Shrinkage over 50m 20mm 35mm

    Additional strain due to post-tensioning (PT)

    Elastic strain due to prestress 75 me 100 me

    Creep strain due to prestress 150 me 250 me

    Total strain for a PT structure 625 me 1050 me

    In terms of movement 0.6mm/m 1.1mm/m

    Shrinkage over 50m 30mm 55mm

    Additional strain due to exposure of top deck of a car park

    Strain due to thermal effects 200 me 400 me

    In terms of movement 0.2mm/m 0.4mm/m

    Note:me= microstrain (strain x 10 -6)

    Movement joints

    Given the potential range of movements, and as car park plan

    dimensions are often large, careful consideration should be given to

    whether movement joints should be provided and if deemed necessary,

    where they should be located. The often used rule that a 25mm

    movement joint should be provided every 50m is too simplistic for a car

    park situation. As well as potential movement, the effect of restraint and

    the construction sequence should also be considered.

    Restraining the free movement of the slab deck will cause stresses

    that can lead to cracking. To reduce restraint to movement, it is best

    if the stability bracing system is near the centre of the plan or at least

    symmetrical in location and stiffness (see Figure 3, on page 14).

    Control of the construction sequence is an important way of limiting

    early-age linear horizontal movements, particularly when post-

    tensioning is used. Pours should generally be isolated from any fixed

    structure such as ramps or cores for as long as possible to allow the

    early-age effects to pass without locking in any movements or restraints.

    The sequence of connected pours should be planned to minimise the

    movement at the free edges; for instance, if three pours are cast in the

    sequence 2-1-3 - as opposed to 1-2-3 - this may significantly reduce the

    slab movement. If this is inconvenient, pours can be separated by pour

    strips gaps with discontinuous but overlapping reinforcement left

    open until the early age effects have taken place.


    At the support positions of precast concrete slabs, horizontal forces

    caused by movements can cause the supporting member and slab

    to split or shear. This will reduce the load carrying capacity of the


    This movement should be dealt with in one of two ways:

    Allow movement to occur and ensure there is no restraint to

    movement. Precast concrete units with spans in excess of 8.0m

    should be bedded on a suitable flexible bedding material such as

    neoprene; or

    Design the joint to be monolithic in the permanent situation.

    Whichever option is chosen, and the latter is favoured, the implications

    should be considered throughout the design.

    The design of bearings and all the considerations to take into account

    are explained in Design of Hybrid Concrete Buildings [10].

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    Multi-storey concrete car parks

    Durability of the structureExposure conditions

    While car parks are subject to de-icing salts, the quantity of exposure to

    these salts is significantly lower than for highway structures. Although

    the durability requirements for concrete car parks should be determined

    from BS 8500, this standard does not address car parks specifically

    and therefore some interpretation is required. The recommendations

    for various exposure conditions are given in Table 5. These have been

    developed after consultation with industry experts and assume the


    De-icing salts will not be applied directly to the elements as part of a

    maintenance regime.

    The car park will be well-drained.

    The car park will have good ventilation. The car park is located in the UK.

    Design service life of 50 years.

    Freezing of internal elements is unlikely to occur.

    Soffits, columns, and walls are rarely exposed to spray

    from de-icing salts.

    Elements immediately adjacent to a highway are not included.

    It is recommended that the concrete class should be C32/40 or greater.

    There is little guidance on how to deal with abrasion but BS EN1992-1-1

    cl (13) [11] does advise that for abrasion class XM1 (moderate), a

    sacrificial layer of 5mm of concrete may be used. This is appropriate foruse at the entry level to the car park, which will be subject to the most

    severe conditions.

    Car parks protected with waterproofing may have reduced exposure

    conditions but consideration should be given to the maintenance

    regime. Concrete surfaces can become exposed when the membrane is

    damaged or worn out which can significantly impact the service life of

    the structure.

    Chlorides and prestressed concrete

    Table NA.4 of the UK NA to BS 1992-1-1 [12] requires bonded

    prestressing steel within concrete of exposure classes XD1, XD2, XD3,

    XS1 and XS3 to be in an area of decompression under frequent load

    combinations. This decompression requirement stipulates that all parts

    of the bonded tendons or duct lie at least 25mm within concrete in


    Apart from coastal locations where exposure class XS1 (airborne

    chlorides originating from sea water) should be applied, soffits may

    be regarded as being not subject to chlorides and decompression is

    not considered to be an issue for prestressing steel at the bottom of

    concrete members.

    Post-tensioned bonded tendons near the top surface should satisfy the

    decompression requirement; alternatively, the use of plastic ducts may

    be considered.

    a) Favourable layout of restraining walls (low restraint)

    b) Unfavourable layout of restraining walls (high restraint)

    Figure 3: Typical floor layouts

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    Multi-storey concrete car parks

    Table 5: Proposed exposure classes for car parks

    Element type and location Recommended exposure class Recommended exposure class in coastal areas

    Top surface of decks and ramps at the entry level of car park XD3 (XC3/4)a& XM1b XD3(XC3/4)a, XS1c& XM1b

    Top surface of decks and ramps exposed to freezing e.g.

    roof level

    XF2 & XD1(XC3/4)aOptional - XM1b XF2, XS1(XC3/4)a& XD1dOptional - XM1b

    Top surface of decks and ramps in other locations XD1 (XC3/4)aOptional - XM1b XS1 (XC3/4)a& XD1dOptional - XM1b

    Soffits of decks and ramps XC3/4 XSI (XC3/4)a

    Vertical elements XC3/4 XSI (XC3/4)a

    Vertical elements exposed to freezing XC3/4 XFI XSI (XC3/4)aXFI

    Elements protected from rainfall e.g. internal area such as

    stair enclosures


    Key:a Exposure classes given in brackets denote classes which are less critical and assumed in BS 8500 to occur simultaneously with the main exposure class.

    b BS EN1992-1-1 Cl advises that for abrasion class XM1 (moderate) a sacrificial layer of 5mm of concrete may be used. This is appropriate for use

    at the entry level to the car park, which will be subject to the most severe conditions and may also be adopted for other situations.

    c XD3 condition is more critical.

    d XSI condition is more critical.

    Water resistanceDecks required to be water resistant should be coated with a waterproof

    membrane capable of crack bridging. Alternatively, water resistant

    concrete can be used but as car parks are large open structures subject to

    movement and vibration, it is difficult to ensure the decks are watertight

    without the application of a waterproof membrane. Water resistant

    concrete is therefore more suitable for use in specific areas of a modest

    size such as control rooms and lift pits.


    A membrane should be selected with care to ensure it meets performance

    requirements. Movement of the structure is a particular issue and the

    membrane may be required to accommodate:

    Passive non-structural cracks opening and closing slowly in response

    to temperature changes; typically 0.5 to 1.0mm wide.

    Live structural cracks which open up after waterproofing and may be

    subject to rapid cyclic movement.

    Design Recommendations for Multi-storey and Underground Car Parkshas

    information on different types of membrane available includingspray-applied and thin membranes, as well as traditional mastic asphalt.

    Membranes are available in different light-stable colours to differentiate

    between parking bays and traffic aisles.

    It should be noted that regular inspection is important to ensure

    waterproofing is fulfilling its requirements, and repairs are carried out

    when needed. Particular areas to focus on are the turning areas adjacent

    to the ramps, where the membrane can wear significantly.

    Water resistant concrete

    If concrete is to be designed to resist water, Table 6 gives guidance on

    the approach to the control of cracking; based on BS EN 1992-3. This

    guidance is specifically for concrete structures under sustained water

    pressure. Wherever possible car parks should be designed to have

    minimum water leakage but some staining may be acceptable, but

    where they are part of a mixed use or habitable development then more

    stringent conditions may be required.

    Table 6: Recommendations for water resistant concrete



    Requirements for



    for liquid retaining


    0 Some degree of leakage

    acceptable, or leakage of

    liquids irrelevant

    Design to BS EN 1992-1-1

    e.g. 0.3 mm crack width

    1 Leakage to be limited to a

    small amount

    Some surface staining or

    damp patches acceptable

    Design for 0.2 mm crack

    width using BS EN 1992-1-1

    2 Leakage to be minimal.

    Appearance not to be

    impaired by staining

    Ensure no cracks through

    full deck thickness or provide

    a waterproof deck membrane

    3 No leakage permitted Provide a waterproof deck


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    Multi-storey concrete car parks

    DrainageAn assessment should be made of the quantity of water likely to be

    deposited on a particular deck. Roof decks should be designed for local

    rainfall conditions and appropriate drainage provided.

    For other decks the quantity of water will depend on:

    Quantity of rainfall penetrating the cladding.

    Quantity of water brought in on vehicles.

    Overspill water from car washing facilities. The facility should

    incorporate a water recycling system.

    Washing down of decks.

    Facilities for extinguishing car fires.

    Decks and ramps should be laid to falls to prevent ponding and ensure

    water containing de-icing salt drains away quickly and so reduces

    the opportunity for chloride ions to penetrate concrete surfaces. The

    recommended minimum fall for drainage is 1 in 60 and, for user comfort,

    a fall greater than 1 in 20 should generally be avoided.

    The long-term deflection of the structure should be considered to

    ensure that ponding does not occur under sustained loads.

    Drainage outlets should be recessed below the surface of the concrete

    to ensure effective drainage of the decks.

    Concrete finishesAll parts of the car park should be suitable for both vehicles and

    pedestrian use.

    A smooth surface is generally required only in areas wherewaterproofing is to be applied as smooth surfaces have less skid

    resistance. However, they increase the levels of tyre noise in turning

    areas and where vehicle speeds are low, even in the wet, skid resistance

    may not be critical.

    Power trowelling after floating produces a dense, smooth hardwearing

    surface with negligible ripple marks. However, although it has become

    more popular, power trowelling is not really suitable for the reasons

    outlined above and therefore a uniform lightly brushed surface is

    preferred for the finish to the decks.

    A tamped finish is produced by raising and lowering the compacting

    beam in its final pass to produce a surface with ridges at a fairly regular

    spacing of 20 - 30mm and up to 5mm high. Generally, the grooves

    should be in the direction of drainage falls and, on ramps, should follow

    a chevron pattern. Due to the lack of compaction in ridges, this finish

    can be dusty.

    Surface texture may be applied by roller or by stiff brush. Brush worked

    finishes are produced with a stiff wire or bristle brush.

    A lightly tamped surface is recommended where ramps are steeper

    than 1 in 10. Where slopes are less than 1 in 10, power floating followed by

    brushed or lightly tamped surfaces are considered appropriate.

    Painted concrete produces a reflective surface to increase light levels.

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    Multi-storey concrete car parks

    Case studies

    St Pauls, SheffieldProject description

    The 10-storey car park, with two retail floors below, forms part

    of phase two of the 1.6 ha masterplan for the regeneration of

    Sheffield city centre in 2002. The brief was to provide an inner city

    car park incorporating 520 spaces completing the public realm to

    St Pauls Place.


    The car park is of a split-level layout using precast double T

    units and a precast concrete frame. Piled foundations support

    the basement, ground floor and first floor, above which sits the

    car park. The prestressed double T floor units span 16m and are

    600mm deep to provide a clear internal parking area. Structural

    stability is provided by precast concrete core walls around the stair

    towers and service shafts.

    To avoid increasing floor-to-floor height, 200mm deep500mm

    long scarf cut-outs were introduced to the ends of the double-Ts to

    allow services to run parallel to edge beams. Holes through double

    T ribs were also introduced for lighting cables.

    On-site erection was complete in 14 weeks and, at its peak, the

    concrete supplier was delivering 20 loads every day.

    Project team

    Client: CTP ST James

    Architect: Allies and Morrison

    Structural engineer: Capita Symonds Structures

    Principal contractor: JF Finnegan

    Specialist contractor: Tarmac

    Broadmead, BristolProject description

    Broadmead multi-storey car park formed part of the 500m Cabot

    Circus scheme in Bristol, which saw extensive demolition to the

    existing retail buildings, and restructuring of the roads in order to

    extend the existing facilities and regenerate land to the north east

    of the site.


    The car park decks consisted of 650mm deep by 1200/1800mm

    wide post-tensioned (PT) beams spanning 16m with 175mm thick

    PT slabs between. The total suspended floor area of the eight-

    storey structure was 54,000m2.

    Project team

    Client: Bristol Alliance

    Structural engineer: Waterman

    Principal contractor: Norwest Holst

    Frame contractor: Febrey Ltd

    Specialist PT contractor: Freyssinet

    Photo: courtesy of Tarmac Ltd.

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    Multi-storey concrete car parks

    Ocean Village,

    SouthamptonProject description

    This five-storey car park has been provided for users of the Ocean

    Village marina in Southampton. From the outset, it was decided

    to use long clear spans and high ceilings to improve visibility and

    create a sense of space and safety. Coloured membranes were used

    to improve way finding and to reflect light, minimising the lighting



    The car park has a 15.6 x 7.2m typical grid, so that no columns are

    located within parking spaces. The floor consists of 400mm deep

    precast hollowcore concrete units, finished with an 80mm-thick

    structural topping. The hollowcore units are supported on precast

    concrete edge beams, which in turn are supported by precast

    concrete columns. Precast concrete shear walls are located towards

    the ends of the rear faade and in the centre adjacent to the

    movement joint.

    Stability along the front is provided by the walls of the escape stair


    Project team

    Client: Marina Developments Ltd

    Architect: Tiger Stripe Architects

    Structural engineer: Price and Myers

    Principal contractor: Dean and Dyball

    Specialist contractor: Tarmac

    Salford Quays Media

    CentreProject description

    This 2,000-space car park was built to serve the first purpose-built

    media centre in Salford Quays. The car park was built over a two

    storey area, which forms the hub of the development and provides

    a further nine storeys of parking.

    A key feature of the building is its curved plan area.


    The car park uses a proprietary combined beam and column frame

    (for more information see page 9), modified to suit the curved

    building shape.

    Early design, detailing and prefabrication enabled the on-site

    construction period to be reduced.

    Project team

    Client: MediaCityUK

    Architect: Chapman Taylor

    Contractor: SCC Design BuildPhoto: courtesy of Ben Ghibaldan

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    Multi-storey concrete car parks

    References1 Design Recommendations for Multi-storey and Underground Car Parks (Fourth Edition), The Institution of Structural Engineers, 2011

    2 BS 8300: 2009, Design of buildings and their approaches to meet the needs of disabled people, British Standards Institution, 2009

    3 Hill J, Car Park Designers Handbook, Thomas Telford Ltd, 2005

    4 Concrete and Fire Safety, The Concrete Centre, 2008.

    5 Recommendations for the Inspection, Maintenance and Management of Car Parks, Institution of Civil Engineers, 2010

    6 BS EN 1991-1-1, Eurocode 1: Actions on structures: General actions Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for building, British Standards Institution, 2002

    7 BS EN 1991-1-5, Eurocode 1: Actions on structure: General actions Thermal actions.British Standards Institution, 2003

    8 Wilford, M & Young, P,A Design Guide for Footfall-induced Vibration of Structures, The Concrete Centre, 2006

    9 Brooker, O et al, How to Design Concrete Structures using Eurocode 2,The Concrete Centre, 2006

    10 Whittle, R & TAYLOR, H, Design of Hybrid Concrete Buildings, The Concrete Centre, 2009

    11 BS EN 1992-1-1, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures. General rules and rules for buildings,British Standards Institution, 2002

    12 UK National Annex to Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures. General rules and rules for buildings, British Standards Institution

    Queen Anne Terrace Car Park, Cambridge. Built in 1971, the main structure is reinforced concrete clad with precast concrete fins andpanels, the latter having an exposed aggregate finish.

    Photo: Nick Stone, All Rights Reserved.

    Back cover image: Parc des Celestins, Lyon. This underground car park is a circular structure thats takes users 22m below the city.

    Photo:courtesy of Guillaume Perret.

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    All advice or information from MPA -The Concrete Centre is intended only for use in the UK by those who will evaluate the significance and limitations of its contents and take

    responsibility for its use and application. No liability (including that for negligence) for any loss resulting from such advice or information is accepted by Mineral Products Association

    or its subcontractors, suppliers or advisors. Readers should note that the publications from MPA - The Concrete Centre are subject to revision from time to time and should therefore

    ensure that they are in possession of the latest version.


    The Concrete Centre,

    Riverside House,

    4 Meadows Business Park,

    Station Approach, Blackwater,

    Camberley, Surrey GU17 9AB

    Ref. TCC/03/34

    ISBN 978-1-908257-02-4

    First published 2012

    MPA - The Concrete Centre 2012

    The Concrete Centre is part of the Mineral

    Products Association, the trade association for the

    aggregates, asphalt, cement, concrete, lime, mortar

    and silica sand industries.
