Mayan Calendar 2012

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Transcript of Mayan Calendar 2012

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Carl Johan Calleman –– Cracking the Secrets of the Mayan Calendar and Unfolding Consciousness

Part 1: Overview and The Mayans

by Scott Mowry

Dr. Carl Johan Calleman, Ph. D., a humble but brilliant medical scientist and author from

Sweden, may have unlocked one of the single, greatest secrets of our times. He has

provided us with perhaps the most coherent understanding of the true significance of the Mayans and their calendars –– ever!

Through his dedicated work of over thirty years interacting with the Mayan people, and

deciphering their ancient records, Dr. Calleman has bestowed upon the world an invaluable

new perspective and appreciation for the Mayans' unparalleled wisdom they left to the world

through the amazing calendars they created.

The results are that we can now clearly see that there is both a Divine or cosmic plan to our

existence and we can recognize that a higher power is steadily guiding our evolution forward towards the ultimate goal of enlightenment for all of humanity.

So in essence, we now have not only a great new comprehension of our own historical past,

but also a clear projection of what lies ahead for the human race in the coming years –– the

Golden Age, if you will.

Dr. Calleman's extraordinary volume of research has been chronicled in a series of books,

beginning in 2000 with, "Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our Time: The Mayan Calendar,"

and then in 2004 with, "The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness." His

most recent book, released in 2009, is "The Purposeful Universe: How Quantum Theory and

Mayan Cosmology Explain the Origin and Evolution of Life."

These series of books have provided a uniquely fresh, new framework of the Mayans'

remarkable calendar systems, beyond what any other Mayan researchers have been able to uncover before.

Thanks to Dr. Calleman's discoveries, we now can see that by simply learning and studying

the Mayan calendar material, it is possible to expand our own consciousness in many

astounding ways. As a matter of fact, that is precisely what the Mayan ancestors intended when they created their calendars –– to educate, illuminate and enlighten their own people.

Yet, despite all of his incredible new discoveries, Dr. Calleman is often overlooked when the

discussion turns to Mayan calendar experts. For some mysterious reason, his work often

goes unrecognized while others grab the limelight, so that is precisely why we have chosen

to highlight him in this section.


As relevant and important as any ancient civilization on Earth, the Mayans were an

extremely advanced people in their comprehension of not only the movement of the stars,

planets and our Sun, but in the evolution of the human race. In fact, the ancient Mayans

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knew more about the current state of humanity, than our greatest scientists, philosophers and thinkers of today.

The Mayans created over twenty different calendars, such as the Tzolk'in, also known as the

sacred calendar, which is 260 days long, and the Ha' ab (or Hay'ab) calendar also known as

the civil calendar, which is 365 days long. The Ha' ab calendar was considered to be Mayan solar year for agricultural, bookkeeping, or civil matters.

Both these calendars were used to measure the flow of time, or planetary cycles, including the Sun, Moon, stars and planets and their relevancy to the Mayan society as a whole.

However, rather than merely looking at the calendar as a measurement of time, Dr.

Calleman discovered that the Mayans created a very special, singular calendar that focused

solely on the measurement of consciousness.

This calendar of consciousness was known as the

Tun calendar (depicted below), or also called the

"Divine" or "prophetic" calendar, and was 360

days, in length, not 365 1/4 days as our modern Gregorian calendar tell us.

The Tun calendar was discovered by sheer

happenstance in the area Coba, Mexico in 1940's.

Fortunately, for the benefit of all of humanity, the

archeologists who found this massive slab of

carved stone, had the foresight to make a

permanent record of the glyphs and symbols by immediately tracing its etchings.

Lying face down and succumbing to deterioration

of the unforgivable conditions of the Mexican

jungle, the Tun calendar now is protected under a

hut, near where it was found. Regrettably

however, many of its valuable carvings have

been lost to the ravages of weathering and erosion.

For larger image see the Mayan Majix site

Nearly fifty years later, with the benefit of a fresh

perspective, Dr. Calleman concluded that the Tun

calendar had much more to offer than simply a

record of days, months and years.

He deduced that it actually represented

something much deeper and more profound. In

point of fact, the Tun calendar was more

concerned with the flow and rate of

consciousness, going all the way back to the dawn of creation, some 16.4 billion years ago.

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The Mayans had figured out that consciousness or evolution had nine distinct levels or

cycles, that originated at the time of the so-called "Big Bang Theory", when our solar system was created.

Each of these nine levels of consciousness, or "underworlds," is

represented by a different cycle of evolution. This is why so many of

the amazing pyramid structures that the ancient Mayans built in cities

like Chichen Itza (pictured right) and Palenque, located in the thick jungles of Mexico, Guatemala and Belize, contain nine levels.

Each step up the pyramid symbolized a leap forward in consciousness,

or a cycle of evolution, by a factor of twenty. In other words, each

time a new level of consciousness is experienced, it accelerates twenty

times faster than the previous cycle, and therefore, it is twenty times more powerful.

And within each level of consciousness, the Mayans further calculated there can be found

thirteen separate sub-levels, also known as periods of light, called a "day," and periods of darkness, called a "night."

Thus, each level of consciousness contains seven days and six nights for a total of thirteen

sub-levels. This is where the Biblical story of creation within the book of Genesis originated from which states that God created the world in seven days and six nights.

"And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made, and he rested on the seventh day. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy." –– Genesis 2:2-3

The Mayans understood that during a period of day, or light, a new consciousness is

introduced, while during a period night, or dark, that new consciousness is applied. And

within each level of consciousness these days and nights flow like a wavelength, with periods of highs and lows.

Each level of consciousness within the Tun calendar has not only a period of historical

evolutionary significance associated with it, but a new advanced level of consciousness. (Ian Xel Lungold at the Mayan Calendar Stone Coba, Mexico)

Beginning with the very first level of consciousness, some 16.4 billion years ago, we find

what is known as the "Cellular" cycle. Each day and each night within this cycle lasted for 1.26 billion. This was the consciousness of Action / Reaction.

For a great part of this cycle, not much evolution took place as the Earth was forming itself

by gathering together gases, then meteors and asteroids to create the planet. However, evolution was always moving steadily forward albeit very, very slowly.

Eventually, very simple cells began to appear on the planet, transported from outer space

by various asteroids bombarding the planet as it came into being.

At the second level we find the "Mammalian" cycle, which began 820,000 million years ago,

with each day and each night lasting for 63.4 million years. This was the evolutionary period

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when mammals, including monkeys, first started to appear on the planet. The consciousness associated with this cycle was Stimulus / Response.

The third level began 41 million years ago and is known as the "Familial" cycle, with each

day and each night lasting for 3.1 million years. This was the period when mammals started

to group themselves within family units. The consciousness associated with this cycle was Stimulus / Individual Response.

The fourth level began 2 million years ago and is known as the "Tribal" cycle, with each day

and each night lasting for 158,000 years. This was the period when communities started to

form within the human species.

The consciousness associated with this cycle was Similarities and Differences in the mind.

At the fifth level, 102,000 years ago was the "Cultural" cycle, with each day and each night

lasting for 7,900 years. This was the period of the foundation of all cultures and the evolution of agriculture.

The consciousness associated with this cycle was the consciousness of Reason.

The sixth level began in the year 3,115 BC, was the "National" cycle (also called the "Great"

cycle), with each day and each night lasting for 394 years. The consciousness associated with this cycle was the consciousness of law, or right and wrong.

The seventh level began in the year 1715 AD when we entered the "Planetary" cycle, with

each day and each night lasting for 19.7 years. This period saw the emergence of the

Industrial Revolution, corporate power, big government, etc. The consciousness associated with this period was the consciousness of Power.

Toward the later half of this cycle the consciousness of power became particularly evident

with governments gaining dominion over the people, as we have found particularly within

the United States.

On the date of January 4, 1999, we began the eighth level of consciousness known as the

"Galactic" cycle, which prevailed until February 10, 2011. Each day and each night lasted

only 360 days. This period embodies the consciousness of ethics, or what we might term as the time of revealing of the truth.

And finally on February 11, 2011, we have entered into the ninth and final level of

consciousness known as the "Universal" cycle, and it will last a mere 260 days, when it will

conclude on October 28, 2011. This will embody the consciousness of co-creation which will signal an age of unfolding miracles.

Recently, Dr. Calleman slightly adjusted the timeline and set the beginning of the ninth and

final level as March 9, 2011 (amended from February 11, 2011) with each sub-level lasting

only 18 days, but still concluding on October 28, 2011 for a total of 233 days. In other

words, he has concluded that within the ninth level of consciousness that evolution will be moving even faster than previously thought.

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After October 28, 2011, we will reach the end of the Mayan calendar system, or the end of

linear time as we have known it. Or one might even say, the end of the three-dimensional

experience on planet Earth.

Then, we will simply reach the end of the evolutionary timeline within the 3-D experience

and in order to continue to evolve, the planet as a whole will have to shift into a higher state of consciousness –– which means enlightenment for all.

It is important to note that by the 4th day, or basically the half-way point of the newest level of consciousness it fully overrides the older consciousness level.

This was perfectly illustrated during the George W. Bush, Jr. administration. Throughout

their first term they were powerful and seemingly could do as they pleased –– conduct a

false flag war on terror, illegally invade two countries (Afghanistan and Iraq), institute a

domestic spy program, introduce a draconian Homeland Security, enable the rich and on and on.

However, during their second term, they could do no right as questions started being raised

about our role in Afghanistan, their complete mishandling of the Hurricane Katrina disaster

relief, the economy, ethics questions about key members of the cabinet and on and on and on.

By the time Bush, Jr. left office, he was the most reviled and despised President since the

media had been tracking approval ratings. Vice-President Dick Cheney fared even worse and

was likely the most unpopular political figure in the entire history of the United States –– ever.

It is important to be mindful that consciousness is always moving forward and upward, it

never stays stagnant, even though during some of the lower periods, it moved very, very slowly for billions of years.

However, by the time we reach the ninth level, as much consciousness that occurred in 16.4

billion years will unfold in that short period of 260 days! And the consciousness levels are

stacked upon one another and are occurring simultaneously. Therefore, all eight levels of

consciousness are present right now, which is why the world seems to be so chaotic to us now.

And it will become even more eventful as we move into the ninth level when

What makes this whole interpretation provable beyond a shadow of a doubt is that when the

history of the universe and humanity is overlaid within the track of the Mayan Tun calendar,

you find there is a absolutely perfect fit. All significant historical events fall in order and all that is necessary to prove these theories is a common set of encyclopedias.

Part 2: The Ninth Level of Consciousness and The Year 2011


What's in store for us in the year 2011? Nothing short of the most astounding period in the

entire history of the human race. And it all comes down to one word –– consciousness. Or perhaps more precisely, expanding consciousness.

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Human consciousness reaches its pinnacle in the year 2011, and in fact, thanks to Dr.

Calleman's work we know the exact date that this period will begin –– March 9th –– and

when it will end –– October 28th.

This ninth and final cycle has been defined as the consciousness of co-creation as we leave

the consciousness of ethics from the previous 8th cycle. The consciousness of co-creation will be the most powerful of all ever to have been found on planet Earth.

We will conclude the final level of consciousness in a mere 233 to 260 days! And that's it.

And within that ninth level time period of time we will be riding the rollercoaster of an additional 13 sub-levels that will be introducing new consciousnesses every 18 to 20 days.

So that means consciousness will be evolving as much as it has been over the last 16.4 billion years –– in a mere 233 – 260 DAYS!

Talk about a wild ride. That's what 2011 will be all about.

And although we leave behind the consciousness of ethics it does not leave us. All nine

cycles of consciousness –– Cellular, Mammillian, Familiian, Tribal, Cultural, National, Planetary, Galactic and Universal will all be occurring simultaneously.

Have you been feeling that time has been accelerating over the last several years? Or even over the last decade? Does it feel like you are in a state of overwhelm all the time?

That is due to concentration of this consciousness occurring simultaneously which can create quite a chaotic atmosphere in which to try to live within.

And that is all part of the grand plan. In order to force us to live from the heart and not the

feeble mind.


Here is the schedule of unfolding consciousness for the year 2011 as the 8th level comes to a conclusion on February 10, 2011 and the ninth level begins:

1st Day begins on February 11, 2011

1st Night begins on March 3, 2011

2nd Day begins on March 23, 2011

2nd Night begins on April 12, 2011

3rd Day begins on May 2, 2011

3rd Night begins on May 22, 2011

4th Day begins on June 11, 2011

4th Night begins on July 1, 2011

5th Day begins on July 21, 2011

5th Night begins on August 10, 2011

6th Day begins on August 30, 2011

6th Night begins on September 19, 2011

7th Day begins on October 8, 2011

7th Day ends on October 28, 2011

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Here are the revised dates with the March 9, 2011 timeline start of the ninth level of consciousness, recently updated by Dr. Calleman.

1st Day begins on March 9, 2011

1st Night begins on March 26, 2011

2nd Day begins on April 13, 2011

2nd Night begins on May 1, 2011

3rd Day begins on May 19, 2011

3rd Night begins on June 6, 2011

4th Day begins on June 24, 2011

4th Night begins on July 12, 2011

5th Day begins on July 30, 2011

5th Night begins on August 17, 2011

6th Day begins on September 4, 2011

6th Night begins on September 22, 2011

7th Day begins on October 10, 2011 7th Day ends on October 28, 2011

According to Dr. Calleman, as we leave 2011 and venture into the year 2012 we will enter

into the Age of Enlightenment. Then we will be moving into the period of what the Mayans have foretold, "the time of no time."

This is a place where humanity has never been before and it literally is the unknown.

However, all the ancient prophecies tell us this is the beginning of the long rumored Golden Age, Heaven on Earth or the 1,000 Years of Peace.

This is when the great shift of consciousness will begin for all the human race. Past-life

regressionist and author, Dolores Cannon, has foretold of this time when a new Earth will

begin to unfold within a higher 5th dimensional reality, which most of humanity will

eventually dwell.

(For more on the Mayan Calendar Stages, visit the Mayan Majix website.)

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Here is further food for thought. Our present day calendar system, which was christened as

the Gregorian calendar by Pope Gregory XIII and introduced by the Vatican in 1582, is based on 12 months.

All of the indigenous people upon the Earth at that time, including the Mayans, were

following a 13 moon (or month) calendar. Their calendars were regular, perpetual and harmonious with the Earth, Mother Nature and thus, the Universe.

In order to implement the Gregorian calendar on a global basis, hundreds of millions of

these indigenous peoples around the world were slaughtered, particularly the Mayans. Their

race was absolutely devastated by the invasion of the Spanish within 50 years of the arrival

of Hérnån (or Hérnåndo) Cortez and the Conquistadors, 90% of the Mayans had disappeared.

The number 12, in Pythagorean numerology, becomes a single integer of 3 when added

together –– 1 + 2 = 3. The number 3 of course could be symbolic for the 3rd dimension

which we live in on the Earthly plane. Within this 3rd dimension, we can see that time is a

virtual prison to us because we have come to believe it in so strongly. We are enslaved by a

false paradigms that includes totally man-made constructs such as commerce, aging and death.

Yet, it has been proven, that time is an illusion, it does not really exist –– except with in the

minds of human beings on planet Earth. And nowhere else.

Now, if we examine the number 13, which breaks down to the single integer of 4 when

added together –– 1 + 3 = 4, then we find that it could be symbolic for the 4th dimension

where all the magical spiritual powers dwell. This is also known as the spiritual plane or the astral plane.

So it begs the question –– were the indigenous people such as the Mayans, with their

wisdom keepers, shaman, and elders aware that their calendar system was drawing upon

the higher spiritual plane of the 4th dimension? And did they specifically create their calendars to encompass 13 months in order to harness powers from the 4th dimension?

And did the Vatican know precisely what they were doing by dropping the calendar from 12

to 13 months, thereby lowering the spiritual energy and harmony as it would have directly

affected those who followed it?

The Vatican and the Catholic Church have a long history of nefarious activity when it comes

to the evolution of humanity. One needs to look no further than the well documented

history of not only the obliteration of the Mayans, but the Spanish Inquisition, where women were burned at the stake for using their intuition.

In the late 1500s, the Vatican established the Office for the Extirpation of Idolatries for the

sole intent of eradicating traditional religious practices in North and South America. It is

speculated that many of the native shaman priests went into seclusion as a result. The Office for the Extirpation of Idolatries continues to this day, headquartered in Lima, Peru.

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Dolores Cannon, for one, has discovered that the nearly the entire Mayan civilization shifted

into a higher dimension of consciousness – in mass. This would offer a secondary

explanation for their disappearance.

Nonetheless, the question has to be asked –– were the Mayans and their calendars,

intentionally targeted by the Vatican to be eradicated and locked away from humanity so

that a new calendar system could be introduced that would virtually enslave us for thousands of years?

The Gregorian calendar forever changed the consciousness of the planet as it forced those

who followed it to rely only on the physical evidence of the movement of the Earth around

the sun. In other words, only what could be seen and proven by physical evidence, was considered valid or real. Which basically was an attack on intuition and the heart.

This simple act of the introduction of a calendar (though if you can call the slaughter of millions of people simple), changed the course of human consciousness to this very day!

In your entire lifetime, you have probably have never, ever even considered that a

calendar, of all things, could be a weapon of mass destruction that would have a devastating effect upon people for generation after generation.

But that is precisely what it has been.

Fortunately, time as we have known it is about to end. And it can't come soon enough!

Thank you, Dr. Calleman, for lighting our paths to enlightenment and on into the Golden Age.

Part 3: Carl Calleman Resources

There is a great deal of disagreement and divisiveness within the collective of Mayan

calendar scholars and Dr. Calleman's work has been met with its share of controversy.

Those kinds of reactions are to be expected when such a radical breakthrough discovery has

been made.

Fortunately, Carl Calleman has drawn to him some valuable allies that strongly support his

groundbreaking research. These include fellow author and Mayan calendar researcher, Barbara Hand Clow, and researcher and lecturer, Ian Lungold (now deceased).

Barbara Hand Clow, has astutely recognized the major significance of Dr. Calleman's

discoveries and incorporated his work into her own essential Mayan calendar book, "The

Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and the Acceleration of the World Mind," published in 2007.

In fact, Dr. Calleman became her co-author for this book and they have strengthened their collaboration by appearing together on the lecture circuit.

As a supplement to Dr. Calleman's research, it is highly recommended to investigate

Barbara Hand Clow's books and videos, as well. During here many radio interviews she has

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conducted, Barbara often goes out of her way to acknowledge how Dr. Calleman's work has inspired her.

Barbara Hand Clow has written ten books and produced videos to date.

"The Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind" by Barbara Hand Clow with Carl Johan Calleman

Author Barbara Hand Clow has taken the groundbreaking research of Swedish biologist, Carl

Johan Calleman, who has also written two noteworthy books on the Mayan calendar of his

own, and incorporated it into her epochal work, "The Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and

Awakening the World Mind" released in 2007. This is an absolutely indispensable resource in

understanding the significance of the Mayan calendar as measurement of consciousness, as

well as, that of time. "The Mayan Code" breaks down the acceleration of consciousness as it

has unfolded going back as far as billions of years ago and brings it forward into our present

day world. It also offers predictions for the future based upon If you want to understand what the Mayan calendar is all about you will want to have this book!


– "Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our Time: The Mayan Calendar" | Published 2000

What makes this book unique - and immensely powerful! - is that it is not based on pseudo-science or esoteric schemes, but on the established factual basis of modern science.

It presents a perspective that not only unifies all the modern branches of science, but

unifies science with religion as well.

It scientifically proves the existence of a cosmic plan in whose evolution we are all taking

part, and also of God her/ himself.

The message of The Mayan Calendar is crucial to everyone alive: human life has a higher

purpose and we may all live so as to fulfill this. For long it has been suspected that the

solution to the great enigmas of the human existence will come from the Maya, the most

advanced of the ancient civilizations of Native America. So far Mayan culture has however

had little impact on modern thought. The Mayan Calendar now provides piece of the puzzle for science and spirituality to meet and so for the worldview of modern man to become

– "The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness" | Published 2004

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The prophetic Mayan calendar is not keyed to the movement of planetary bodies. Instead, it

functions as a metaphysical map of the evolution of consciousness and records how spiritual

time flows--providing a new science of time.

The calendar is associated with nine creation cycles, which represent nine levels of

consciousness or Underworlds on the Mayan cosmic pyramid. Through empirical research

Calleman shows how this pyramidal structure of the development of consciousness can

explain things as disparate as the common origin of world religions and the modern

complaint that time seems to be moving faster. Time, in fact, is speeding up as we

transition from the materialist Planetary Underworld of time that governs us today to a new

and higher frequency of consciousness--the Galactic Underworld--in preparation for the final

Universal level of conscious enlightenment. Calleman reveals how the Mayan calendar is a

spiritual device that enables a greater understanding of the nature of conscious evolution

throughout human history and the concrete steps we can take to align ourselves with this growth toward enlightenment.

– "The Purposeful Universe: How Quantum Theory and Mayan Cosmology Explain the Origin and Evolution of Life" | Published 2009

Identifying the Mayan World Tree with the central axis of the cosmos, the author shows how

evolution is not random.

• Shows how the evolution of the universe emanates from the cosmic Tree of Life

• Explains the origin and evolution of biological life and consciousness and how this is directed

Using recent findings within cosmology, coupled with his broad understanding of the Mayan

Calendar, biologist Carl Johan Calleman offers a revolutionary and fully developed -

alternative to Darwin’s theory of biological evolution--and the theory of randomness that

holds sway over modern science. He shows how the recently discovered central axis of the

universe correlates with the Tree of Life of the ancients. This provides an entirely new

context for physics in general and especially for the origin and evolution of life and suggests

that we look upon ourselves as parts of a hierarchy of systems that are all interrelated and

evolve in a synchronized way.

Calleman’s research demonstrates that life did not just accidentally “pop up” on our planet,

but that Earth was a place specifically tagged for this. He demonstrates how the Mayan

Calendar describes different quantum states of the Tree of Life and presents a new

explanation for the origin and evolution of consciousness. Calleman uses his scientific

background in biology and cosmology to show that the idea of the Purposeful Universe is

real. He explains not only how DNA but also entire organisms have emerged in the image of

the Tree of Life, a theory that has wide-ranging consequences not only for medicine but also

for the origin of sacred geometry and the human soul. With this new theory of biological evolution the divide between science and religion disappears.

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Dr. Calleman has conducted a series of radio and video interviews, in which more details

can be found below. In addition he has begun to produce his own short videos, which he has

posted to his web site and YouTube.

Part 4: The Mayan Calendar Levels or Cycles - 9 Steps on the Mayan Pyramid

(Larger full size image can be found at the MayanMajix Learning Lab.)

The Nine Cycles of Consciousness / Mayan Calendar Stages

1) Cellular Cycle - Started 16. 4 Billion Years Ago / Each day and night lasted 1.26 billion years – Consciousness of Action / Reaction

2) Mammalian Cycle – Started 820 Million Years Ago / Each day and night lasted 63.1 million years – Consciousness of Stimulus / Response

3) Familial Cycle – Started 41 Million Years Ago / Each day and night lasted 3.1 million

years – Consciousness of Stimulus / Individual Response

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4) Tribal Cycle – Started Years Ago / Each day and night lasted 158,000 years – Consciousness of Similarities and Differences in the Mind

5) Cultural Cycle – Started 102,000 Years Ago / Each day and night lasted 7,900 – Consciousness of Reason

6) National Cycle – Started 3115 BC / Each day and night lasted 394 years –

Consciousness of Law

7) Planetary Cycle – Started 1755 AD / Each day and night lasted 19.7 years – Consciousness of Power

8) Galactic Cycle – Started on January 4, 1999 / Each day and night lasted 360 days – Consciousness of Ethics

9) Universal Cycle – Starts on *February 10, 2011 / Each day and night lasts 20 days –

Consciousness of Co-creation –– *Amended to Start on March 9, 2011 / Each day and night

lasts 18.7 days

The Mayan Calendar ends on October 28, 2011

A special message from Dr. Carl Calleman regarding the date change of 9th Level of Consciousness:

Note About the beginning date of the Universal Cycle

I have probably contributed myself to the confusion that reigns when it comes to the

beginning date of the Universal wave movement and have given different times for this.

What we know is that the calendar develops according to nine wave movements, where the

longest one goes back to the birth of the universe, and they all differ from one another with

a factor of twenty. According to such a fractal view of the prophetic Mayan calendar system

the ninth wave would then be only 234 days long made up of 13 different uaxaclahunkin (18

day) periods. This places the beginning of the ninth wave at March 9, 2011 and that of the

preceding wave (Conscious Convergence) at July 17, 2010. These are points in time that are expected to mark significant frequency increases and accelerations of time.

As we approach the time when all the nine waves, developing at different speeds, will

simultaneously come to manifest fully (28 October 2011, 13 Ahau) there is thus going to be

quite complex patterns of overlapping of these waves. The Sacred Calendar rounds of 260

days will still have an unquestionable energetic existence and so these, as part of this

overlapping, would continue the three stage rocket into the birth of the new world that

started on 9.9.9 (Sept 9, 2009, please see For this

reason the dates of the beginnings of the two next tzolkin rounds, May 27, 2010 and Feb

11, 2011, will also remain as important times for celebrating alignments with the cosmic

plan and potentially very important for the preparation for the Conscious Convergence and

the actual ninth wave respectively.

Carl Johan Calleman

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Dr. Calleman's investigations into the Mayan calendar are extremely thorough and detailed. His research is extremely impressive, however, you may find that the video tutorials by the late Ian Xel Lungold will prove to be very valuable as you begin to learn this material.

Ian Lungold passed away in 2006, however, he left behind a great series of videos that include, "Welcome to the Evolution," "Secrets of the Mayan Calendar that can be essential in learning and absorbing the Mayan Tun calendar and Dr. Calleman's discoveries.

If you are looking for a place to begin with Ian Lungold's videos, you may want to start with "The Mayan Calendar Comes North –– Parts 1 and 2," which offers an excellent introduction to this complex material. "Welcome to the Evolution" and the "The Mayan Calendar Secrets" also act as very good introductory videos, but the "The Mayan Calendar Comes North" may be the best.

Both "Welcome to the Evolution" and "The Mayan Calendar Comes North," are available from our Miracles and Inspiration DVD store. Please note, however, that "The Mayan Calendar Comes North,"

also viewable on Google Video, goes by the name of "Lost Secrets of the Maya" on DVD. Both versions are exactly the same, but with different titles and, of course, a higher quality video on the DVD version.

Also noteworthy is the video, "The Evolution Continues –– Parts 1 and 2," where you will be given advanced training in the Mayan calendar as Ian Lungold incorporated the research from Dr. Calleman's second book, "The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness."

All of these videos are available to freely view from our Supplemental Information panel on the left hand side of this page or in the links below. In addition, these videos can be purchased on DVD from the MayanMajix web site.

RADIO INTERVIEWS – "Mayan Calendar and Transforming Consciousness" on Theater of the Mind – February 1, 2008 – Red Ice Creations – July 17, 2008 VIDEOS – The New Maya Dawn – Carl Calleman The Mayan Calendar and Money –Dr. Calleman - interview about the Mayan Calendar from Brandenburger Tor in Berlin '09– Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 IAN LUNGOLD VIDEOS The Mayan Calendar Explained The Mayan Calendar System Explained by Ian Lungold Ian Xel Lungold - The Mayan Calendar: Welcome to the Evolution: Part 1 | Part 2 Mayan Calendar: The Evolution Continues: Part 1 | Part 2 The Mayan Calendar Comes North – Part 1 video The Mayan Calendar Comes North – Part 2 video

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Secrets of the Mayan Calendar Unveiled: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming

gardeners who make our souls blossom."

—Marcel Proust

"I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the


—Ralph Waldo Emerson

"At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person.

Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the

flame within us."

—Albert Schweitzer

"There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend."

—Jean Jacques Rousseau

“Gratitude is when memory is stored in the heart and not in the mind.”

—Lionel Hampton

"When we were children we were grateful to those who filled our stockings at

Christmas time. Why are we not grateful to God for filling our stockings with


—G. K. Chesterton

I am sorry.

Please forgive me.

Thank you.

And, I love you.

—Ho'oponopono mantra