May 9th, 2014

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Bilingual English and Punjabi Newspaper for Abbotsford and the Fraser Valley

Transcript of May 9th, 2014

  • Friday, May 9th, 2014PAGE 2Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 2

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    Friday, May 9th, 2014 PAGE 3Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 3

    While B.C. Liberal policies are directly increasing and deepening poverty for many families, New Democrats are offering British Columbians a path out of poverty with the introduction of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Inclusion Act.B.C. has had the highest rate of overall poverty in Canada for 13 years and the highest child poverty rate for 10 years. The time for action is long overdue, said New Democrat social development critic Michelle Mungall. New Democrats are offering British Colum-bians a path out of poverty with the Poverty Reduction and Economic Inclusion Act. This legislation will help identify and change bad policies that intensify poverty while also de-veloping real programs that help people access training and jobs to better their lives.British Columbia remains one of only two provinces in Canada without a legislated plan to tackle poverty. At the same time, child poverty rates in the province have been an average of 34 per cent higher than the national rate for more than a decade.Sky-high poverty rates are directly tied to B.C. Liberal policies such as the child support clawback that takes money from B.C.s poorest children. The government could begin reducing poverty immediately by allowing children of single parents receiving income assistance to keep their child support, said New Democrat leader John Horgan.

    Faith in Action, a multi-faith organization devoted to addressing the root causes of poverty in B.C. supports this approach.Government policies can ease poverty or make it worse, said Peggy Wilmot of Faith in Action. Thats why Faith in Action

    supports a poverty reduction plan for British Columbia as the first

    step towards a government that recognizes the inherent dignity and worth of all citizens.

    New Democrats offer the province a path out of poverty

  • Friday, May 9th, 2014PAGE 4Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 4

    3 meI df idhfVf ivsLv pRYs idvs aqy ivsLv pRYs afjLfdI idvs vjoN mnfieaf jFdf hY. sMXukq rfsLtr sMG vwloN 1993 ivwc 3 meI dy idhfVy nUM pRYs afjLfdI idvs vjoN mnfey jfx df aYlfn kIqf igaf sI. globl pRYs PrIzm rYikMg anusfr dunIaF dy kuwl 197 dysLF `coN 63 dysLF ivwc pRYs nUM sMpUrn afjLfdI pRfpq hY, jd ik 70 dysLF ivwc pRYs nUM aDUrI afjLfdI pRfpq hY aqy 64 dysLF ivwc pRYs nUM koeI vI afjLfdI pRfpq nhIN hY. sfzy dysL Bfrq nUM pRYs dI afjLfdI dy mfmly ivwc 79vF rYNk pRfpq hY. sfzy dysL ivwc pRYs ny afjLfdI dI lVfeI ivwc awgy ho ky BUimkf inBfeI hY. dysL ivwc lokF dI bdqr hflq dIaF qsvIrF ibafn krky lokF nUM afjLfdI dI lVfeI lVn leI pRyrnf idwqI. sfzy dysL ivwc afjLfdI qoN bfad afjLfd Bfrq dy sMivDfn ivwc drj mOilk aiDkfrF ivwc ivcfr pRgtfAux dI afjLfdI df ivsLysL ijLkr kIqf igaf hY, ijs ivwc pRYs dI afjLfdI vI sLfml hY. mIzIaf nUM lokqMqr df cOQf QMm mMinaf jFdf hY. awj sfzy smfj aqy dysL ivwc afey idn vD rhy aprfD, srkfrI aiDkfrIaF dI lfprvfhI kfrn lokF dI ho rhI Kwjl KuafrI nUM vyKdy hoey mIzIaf dI BUimkf hor vI vwD isafxp aqy qndyhI nfl kMm krn dI hY. dysL dI pRYs qy sB qoN mfVf smF dysL ivwc lgfeI geI aYmrjYNsI dy smyN afieaf sI. Aus smyN smuwcI pRYs `qy pUrI qrHF pfbMdI lgf idwqI geI sI.

    ipCly smyN dOrfn mIzIaf ivsLysL qOr `qy aKLbfrF ivwc keI srkfrI ivBfgF dy krmcfrIaF ny pwqrkfrI krnI sLurU kIqI, ijs kfrn bhuqI vfr ieh srkfrI krmcfrI bxy pwqrkfr afpxy aKLbfr leI inrpwK ho ky kMm nhIN kr pfAuNdy hn. dUjy pfsy keI vfr keI pwqrkfr bxy srkfrI krmcfrI afpxy ivBfg ivwc qndyhI nfl kMm nhIN krdy hn. keI mhIny pihlF pMjfb srkfr ny aijhy pwqrkfr bxy srkfrI krmcfrIaF iKlfP kfrvfeI vI kIqI sI. ies sbMDI zfierYktr jnrl skUl iswiKaf pMjfb, cMzIgVH ny smUh ijlHf iswiKaf aPsr (sYkMzrI iswiKaf, aYlImYNtrI iswiKaf) pMjfb nUM pwqr nMbr aYs[ aYs[ ey[/2012/aYzmn/83234 imqI 7[8[2012 rfhIN iswiKaf ivBfg dy krmcfrIaF vwloN pwqrkfrI krn bfry iliKaf sI. ies sbMDI srkfrI krmcfrI kMzkt aYkt 1966 dy inXm bVy spwsLt hn, ijnHF

    anusfr koeI vI srkfrI mulfjLm srkfr dI pUrv-pRvfngI qoN ibnF aKLbfrF leI afrtIkl nhIN ilK skdf aqy ies qrHF Aukq rUlF anusfr srkfr df mulfjLm afp jF iksy hor nfm qy aKLbfr dy pwqrkfr dy qOr `qy kMm nhIN kr skdf. iksy vI mulfjLm vwloN ienHF hdfieqF dI AulMGxf krn dI sUrq ivwc Aus dy iKlfP pMjfb isvl srivsjL (dMz aqy apIl) rUlj 1970 dy qihq kfrvfeI kIqI jf skdI hY.

    awj mIzIaf dI afjLfdI Kqry ivwc hY, ikAuNik hux bhuqy mIzIaf Kfskr ielYktRoink mIzIaf qy kfrporyt Grfxy kfbjL ho gey hn. keI mIzIaf gruwp iswDy qOr ` qy hI vwK-vwK rfjnIqk pfrtIaF dy afgUaF dy inXMqrx aDIn cwl rhy hn. smfj ivwc mIzIaf krmIaF dI bdl rhI BUimkf ivsLysL qOr `qy afm lokF nfl juVy ielYktRoink mIzIaf aqy ipMRt mIzIaf nfl juVy bhuqy mIzIaf krmI lokF qoN dUr ho cuwky hn aqy lokF qwk phuMcfAux dI bjfey afpxy inwjI ihwqF nUM pihl uidMdy hn. pRYs kONsl afP ieMzIaf dy cyarmYn mfxXog mfrkMzy kftjU irtfierz jwj suprIm kort afP ieMzIaf ny vI pMjfbI XUnIvristI pitaflf ivwc iewk sYmInfr dOrfn mIzIaf nUM afpxI BUimkf shI qrIky nfl inBAux leI ikhf sI qF jo smfj dy pwCVy aqy ilqfVy vrgF dIaF musLklF bfry dysL aqy afm lokF nUM pqf cwl sky. pRYs kONsl afP ieMzIaf dIaF irportF anusfr 1 aprYl 2012 qoN lY ky 31 mfrc 2013 qwk dy smyN dOrfn mIzIaf sbMDI lgBg 2576 isLkfieqF kONsl kol afeIaF hn, ijs ivwcoN 552 vwK vwK srkfrI aiDkfrIaF iKlfP sn, jd ik 2024 mIzIaf krmIaF iKlfP sn. ienHF irportF nUM vyKky pqf cwldf hY ik awj ijwQy vwK vwK srkfrI aiDkfrIaF vloN pRYs dI afjLfdI Kqm krn leI koisLsLF kIqIaF jf rhIaF hn, AuWQy dUjy pfsy keI mIzIaf krmI vI afpxI bxdI BUimkf shI ZMg nfl nhIN inBf rhy hn. ipCly smyN dOrfn dysL dy vwK-vwK BfgF ivwc hoeIaF coxF dOrfn dysL dy vwK-vwK BfgF ivwc hoeIaF coxF dOrfn sfhmxy afey pyz inAUjL dy hjLfrF mfmilaF ny vI pRYs dI BUimkf `qy vwzf pRsLn icMn lgfieaf hY. awj loV hY lokqMqr dy cOQy QMm mIzIaf nUM bcfAux dI qF jo hwk aqy swc dI afvfjL bulMd rih sky.

  • Friday, May 9th, 2014 PAGE 5Punjabi Patrika

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    ijAuN-ijAuN coxF dI pRikiraf spMn hox vwl vD rhI hY, iqAuN-iqAuN ies qrHF lwgx lwg ipaf hY ik Bfjpf aqy Aus dy sfQI spwsLt bhumq hfsl nhIN kr skxgy. iewk qIsry morcy dIaF, ijs nUM ik kFgrs smrQn dyx leI rfjLI ho jfeygI, swqf ivwc afAux dIaF sMBfvnfvF idwsx lwg peIaF hn. idwlI dIaF asYNblI coxF qoN bfad mYN ieh itwpxI kIqI sI ik jo idwlI asYNblI ivwc hoieaf hY ieh lok sBf dIaF coxF `c vI ho skdf hY. jdoN idwlI asYNblI dIaF coxF dy nqIjy af rhy sn qd mYN idwlI ivwc hI sI. mIzIaf df iKafl sI ik afm afdmI pfrtI do qoN cfr sItF hI iljf skygI. pr Aus ny 28 sItF ijwq leIaF. kFgrs pfrtI ny Aus nUM smrQn dyx df PYslf kr ilaf aqy afm afdmI pfrtI dI srkfr kyjrIvfl dI agvfeI ivwc bx geI. mYnMU lwgf ik jo hux idwlI dIaF asYNblI coxF ivwc vfpiraf Auh kyNdr ivwc lok sBf dIaF coxF ivwc vI vfpr skdf hY. hux mIzIaf ny qF lgBg ieh cox Bfjpf dI JolI ivwc pf idwqI hY aqy modI nUM coxF dy nqIjy afAux qoN pihlF hI pRDfn mMqrI dI kursI `qy ibTf idwqf hY, pr mYnUM lwgdf hY ik idwlI dIaF asYNblI coxF dI qrHF mIzIaf nUM iek vfrI Pyr Dwkf lwg skdf hY.

    Bfjpf afpxy rvfieqI afDfr, ihMdI boldy rfjF, aqy kyNdrI Bfrq ivwc awgy nfloN ijLafdf sItF iljf skdI hY pr ijs qrHF mIzIaf pysL kr irhf hY, iewQy ies dI hUMJf Pyr ijwq sMBv nhIN lwgdI. ies qrHF hI dwKxI aqy pUrbI Bfrq ivwc Bfjpf pihlF nfloN ijLafdf votF lY skdI hY pr vwD votF sItF ivwc ies nUM bdlx dI sMBfvnf bhuq Gwt njLr af rhI hY, iek hor qwQ jo Bfjpf dy ivruwD Bugq skdf hY Auh ieh hY ik modI aqy Bfjpf ny ies vfrI BfrqI isafsq df DruwvIkrn kr idwqf hY aqy bhuq sfry vwzy nyqfvF nUM modI aqy Bfjpf ivruwD stYNz lYxf pY irhf hY, ienHF ivwc smfjvfdI pfrtI dy mulfiem isMG Xfdv, bspf dI mfieafvqI, lflU pRsLfd Xfdv, inqIsL kumfr, ieh sfry ihMdI bYlt ivwcoN hI hn. mmqf bYnrjI (pUrb) aqy jYlilqf (dwKx) ivwc hn. ieh ruJfn ies idsLf vwl

    sMkyq dy irhf hY ik kFgrs dI hfr jLrUrI nhIN ik Bfjpf dI ijwq hI bxygI. KwbI iDr dI vI ivsLysL BUimkf hovygI.

    afm afdmI dI pfrtI aqy kyjrIvfl ies vfrI vfeIlz kfrz dI BUimkf inBfa skdy hn. aMgryjLI dy sLbd vfeIlz kfrz df arQ ieh huMdf hY ik jo ivvsQf qoN bfhr hovy aMq ivwc ies df sfr ieh hI inkldf hY ik ijs dI BUimkf bfry shI ikafs nhIN lgfieaf jf skdf aqy BivwKbfxI krnI aOKI hY. sfzy mIzIey ny myry iKafl ivwc afm afdmI pfrtI aqy nf hI kyjrIvfl dI BUimkf aqy smrwQf df shI aMdfjLf nhIN lfieaf hY. sfzy mIzIey nfloN qF ivdysLI mIzIey ny ies Kyqr ivwc ijLafdf sUJ qoN kMm ilaf hY, tfeImjL mYgjLIn ny kyjrIvfl dI BUimkf nUM ies vyly sMsfr ivwc sB qoN aihm dyiKaf hY. hux keIaF nUM scfeI dI smJ af rhI hY aqy Auh afm afdmI aqy kyjrIvfl dI BUimkf dI mhwqqf df aihsfs kr rhy hn. pMjfb dI hI Audfhrx leI jf skdI hY, awj qwk pMjfb ivwc kFgrs aqy akflIaF qoN ielfvf koeI qIjI sLkqI asrdfr sfbq nhIN ho skI. pr hux pMjfb ivwc vI afm afdmI dI pfrtI df pRBfv mihsUs kIqf jf skdf hY.

    pMjfb dIaF sItF `qy afm afdmI pfrtI df pRBfv dyKx nUM iml irhf hY. sMgrUr aqy pitaflf, sItF dy nqIijaF `qy afm afdmI dI pfrtI dI BUimkf df pRBfv peygf. jy ienHF coxF `c ieh pfrtI 30 dy nyVy qyVy sItF lY jFdI hY qF iPr aglI srkfr bxfAux ivwc qy dysL dI rfjnIqI leI idsLf dyx ivwc ies dI BUimkf kfPI aihm ho skdI hY. kyjrIvfl AunHF sfrIaF sLkqIaF dy iekwTy hox leI iek kyNdrI ibMdU df kMm kr skdy hn jo modI dy pRDfn mMqrI bxn dI sMBfvnfvF nfl axsuKfvyN mihsUs kr rhy hn. aijhI hflq ivwc kFgrs kol vI Aus nUM smrQn dyx qoN ibnF koeI hor rfh bfkI nhIN bcygf.

    zf[ svrfj isMG

  • Friday, May 9th, 2014PAGE 6Punjabi Patrika

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    Article Provided by Gladwin Pharmacy, See advertisement on this page .

    Statistically, North Americans with diabetes are doing a better job of meeting their care goals but this number is increasing very slowly and about half of diabetics are still not reaching their goals for blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol. This is troubling considering the heavy toll dia-betes exacts on people. So, what are the goals? A1C below 7%, blood pressure below 130/80 mm Hg, LDL cholesterol below 2.0 mmol/L - and no smoking.

    The Glycemic Index is a useful tool for diabetics to assess the quality of the carbohydrates they consume. Carbohy-drates, converted to sugar in the blood stream, are sources of energy and the goal is to manage how much is taken in and how much of a blood sugar spike they generate. Check out: and aim to use foods from the green zone rather than the yellow or red zones.

    Food labels hold valuable information for everyone but particularly for diabet-ics. However, many people find the in-

    formation provided overwhelming. Pay attention to the serving size, especially if comparing foods. Aim for little or no fat (especially saturated and trans fats) and low salt (ideally, less than 1 mg for each calorie of the serving). Fibre is good a good source is 5 gm or more per serving), but minimize sugar, which can directly lead to elevated blood sugar.

    Diabetics know that carbohydrates are the source of sugar in their bloodstreams, but carbohydrates are also necessary as an energy source for their bodies. Every-one is recommended to consume whole grains or complex carbohydrates but how to easily know what is good? Check the food label and compare the grams of carbohydrate to the grams of fibre a desirable ratio is 10-to-1, or less.

    Our pharmacists have a wealth of infor-mation on living with diabetes at their disposal and would be more than happy to share and translate. Visit us soon!

  • Friday, May 9th, 2014 PAGE 7Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 7

    Sometimes to Win, You Have to Change the Game

    Much-awai ted Disney f i lm Million Dol-lar Arm set to hit the box office across Canada

    In 2007, entrepreneurial sports agent JB Bernstein staged a reality show in India to find promising baseball talents amongst the cricket-loving popu-lation. Bernstein says, The hope was to find the next Yao Ming (a retired Chinese NBA basketball star), except for baseball. Statistically speaking, in a country of 1.2 bil-lion people, the odds are good that you will find an undiscovered raw talent. The hope was to capture all those cricket fans and turn them towards baseball.

    Based on a true story, sports agent JB Bernstein (played by Jon Hamm) finds that business has changed and things arent going well for his career. In a last-ditch effort to save his liveli-hood, he concocts a scheme to find baseballs next great pitching ace. Hoping to find a young cricket pitcher he can turn into a Major League Baseball star, JB and his partner Ash travel to India to produce a reality show competition called The Mil-lion Dollar Arm.

    With the help of cantankerous but eagle-eyed retired baseball scout Ray Poitevint (Alan Arkin), he discovers Dinesh Patel (played by Madhur Mit-tal from Slumdog Millionaire) and Rinku Singh (played by Suraj Sharma from Life of Pi), two 18-year-old boys who have no idea about playing baseball, yet have a knack for throw-ing a fastball. Hoping to sign them to major league contracts and make a quick buck, JB brings the boys home to America to train.

    While the Americans are definitely out of their element in India, the boys, who have never left their rural

    villages, are equally challenged when they come to the United States. As the boys learn the finer points of baseball, JB, with the help of his charming friend Brenda (Lake Bell), learns valuable life lessons about teamwork, commitment and what it means to be a family.

    Music for the film was composed by A.R. Rahman. The soundtrack, which has seven original songs, is set for re-lease on May 13, 2014. Iggy Azalea, KT Tunstall, Sukhwinder Singh and Canadas Raghav Mathur collaborat-ed with Rahman for the soundtrack. Kendrick Lamar has also recorded a song that will be featured in the film. The end credits for the film features one of Rahmans 1990s Tamil com-positions sung by K. S. Chithra and Unnikrishnan. The album has tracks in English, Hindi and Tamil.

    Million Dollar Arm is directed by Craig Gillespie and also stars Bill Paxton, Tom House, and Aasif Man-dvi. The film is produced by Joe Roth (Roth Films) and also includes Palak Patel as and executive producer.

    The film will be released in theatres on May 16, 2014.

  • Friday, May 9th, 2014PAGE 8Punjabi Patrika

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    Dfrimk lokF ny afpxy buwDI ivvyk rfhIN ies bRihmMz dI ivafiKaf kIqI hY. muslmfn mjLhb dy muKI ny afpxI klpnf rfhIN swq afkfsL qy swq pqfl khy. gurU nfnk dyv jI ny Aus dI ivafiKaf kwt ky ikhf ik lwK afkfsL qy lwK pfqfl hn. eIsfeIaF dI Dfrimk pusqk bfeIbl ` c ajy vI DrqI nUM cptI qy KVI dwisaf igaf. ihMdU grMQF muqfbk DrqI syLsLnfg ny afpxy klfvy `c leI hoeI hY. sysLnfg dy Qwly iek vwzy kwCU ny afsrf idwqf hoieaf hY.

    lkIr dy PkIr aqy lfeIlwg mnuwK ibnF socy smJy sq sq krI jf rhy hn. ivigafnk soc rfhIN hI asl ivwc ies sB kfsy bfry shI inrxf ilaf jf skdf hY.ivigafnk soc rfhIN hI asl ivwc ies sB kfsy bfry shI inrxf ilaf jf skdf hY.

    ivigafn dy bxfey hoey AupgRih hux hr vkq DrqI dy cfr-cuPyry (hyToN Aupr) gyVy kwZ rhy hn. amrIkf vrgy dysL sfzy Qwly hn aqy asIN AunHF dy Qwly hF. asl ivwc Qwly kuJ vI nhIN sB kuJ AuWpr hI hY. pfqfl nF dI koeI cIjL ies DrqI qoN Qwly nhIN. ijhVf afsmfn sfnUM rfq smyN njLr afAuNdf hY agly bfrF GMitaF bfad AuhI amrIkf vrgy dysLF nUM njLr afAuNdf hY. DrqI GuMmI jf rhI hY. sfnUM lgdf hY ik amrIkf vrgy dysL sfzy Qwly hn qy AunHF nUM lgdf hY ik Bfrq vrgy dysL sfzy Qwly hn. asl ivwc asIN hvf (Klfa) ivwc ltky hoey hF. DrqI sUrj qoN insLicq dUrI `qy sUrj dI iKwc `c bwJI hoeI lgfqfr GuMmI jf rhI hY. DrqI df AupgRih cMn aqy vfXU mMzl (ijs nUM asIN afkfsL kihMdy hF) vI DrqI dy nfl hI GuMmI jf irhf hY. BfvyN sUrj dy

    bfkI gRih vI sUrj vFgUM afpxI DurI duafly sUrj dI prkrmf krI jf rhy hn pr AunHF df koeI vfXUmMzl nhIN. vfXU mMzl nf hox kfrn AuWQy koeI svyr jF sLfm nhIN huMdI. iswDf hI idn cVHdf hY ijvyN isKr dupihr df sUrj iekdm cmkx lwg jfvy aqy iekdm hI sUrj zuwbx nfl hnyrf ho jFdf hY. DrqI qy vfXUmMzl hox kfrn sUrj hOlI-2 cVHdf qy zuwbdf njLr afAuNdf hY. ieh vfXU mMzl hI afkfsL hY ijs nUM Dfrimk pusqkF `c ibnF QMmF qoN Cwq bxfAux `qy rwb dI prsMsf kIqI geI hY.

    ivigafnk dwsdf hY ik afkfsL (nIlI DuMd df prdf) lgBg 30 iklomItr motf hY. vfXUmMzl DrqI qoN AuWpr vwl nUM 80 iklomItr qwk PYilaf hoieaf hY. ies 80 iklomItr vfXU mMzl `qy 30-32 iklomItr moty nIlI DuMd dy ies prdy nUM EjLon prq kihMdy hn.

    ies dy iek axU ivwc iqMn pRmfxU huMdy hn. jd ies nIly prdy nUM rfkt jF jhfjL rfhIN cIr ky asIN AuWpr cly jfvFgy qF AuWpr koeI afkfsL nhIN. (cfry pfsy kflf hnyrf idsygf) sUrj qy qfry afpo afpxI jgfh ilsLkdy njLr afAuxgy. DrqI qoN dyKx ` qy afkfsL ` c jVy lwgx vfly qfry asl ivwc bhuq vwzy-vwzy sUrj hn.

    ijvyN sfnUM DrqI qoN cMn njLr afAuNdf hY, iesy qrHF hI DrqI cMn qoN AuWpr njLr afvygI. pr nf hI cMn AuWpr hY qy nf hI DrqI, nf sUrj DrqI dy AuWpr vfly pfsy hY. ieh sfrf sfzI njLr df DoKf hY. cMn, sUrj, DrqI gRih sfry iek lfeIn ivwc hn. nf Qwly hY nf hI AuWqy iksy qrHF df koeI afkfsL hY qy nf hI koeI pqfl. iesy akfsL (EjLon prq) dy cfr-cuPyry kflf Guwp hnyrf aqy TMZ psrI hoeI hY.

  • Friday, May 9th, 2014 PAGE 9Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 9

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    awT nON mhIny bImfr rihx mgroN afKr mF ies jhfnoN kUc kr geI. Auh sUgr dI mrIjL sI. ies mrjL df sfnUM bhuq dyr bfad pqf lwigaf, AudoN qwk sUgr ny mfqf nUM isAuNk vFg Kf ilaf sI. iewk hPqf hspqfl `c dfKl rihx mgroN BfvyN Aus nUM qklIP qoN kuJ rfhq imlI sI pr Gr afAux mgroN qF ijvyN Auh ijAux dI iewCf hI Cwz bYTI sI. ipCly awT-nON mhIinaF qoN rojLfnf bfrF-qyrF golIaF df gwPf Kf ky Auh awk cuwkI sI. ilhfjLf Aus vwloN dvfeI AuWkf hI Cwzx dI qF smJ afAuNdI sI pr Auhny qF ds idn aMn df iewk ikxkf qwk nhIN sI mUMh `qy Diraf. bQyrf smJfieaf, mfqf awDf qYnUM dvfeI ny qy awDf rotI ny TIk krnf hY pr qUM qF dovyN CwzI bYTI hYN. pr Auhny myrI qy GridaF dI iewk nf mMnI. Aus dI iesy ijwd df nqIjf hY ik awj asIN iqMny BYx-Brf mF ivhUxy ho gey hF.

    puwq qUM mYnUM nuhf ky myrf Blf hI kIqf ieh afKrI sLbd mF ny suafs Cwzx qoN kuJ lmhy pihlF myry nfl sFJy kIqy sn. mF nUM hspqfl dy bfQrUm ivwc nuhfAux mgroN ijvyN hI mYN Aus nUM glvwkVI `c lY ky bYWz vwl quiraf qF Auh awDy rfh ` c jf ky ruk geI. Aus ny mYnUM Guwt ky jwPI pf leI. mYN puwiCaf, mfqf kI hoieaf? mfqf kihMdI, mYnUM Guwt ky PV lY. ajy mF nUM bYWz ` qy ibTfieaf hI sI ik Auh myry hwQF `c hI izwg peI. mYnUM kuJ smJ nhIN afieaf ik ieh kI Bfxf vfpr igaf. mYN, mF nUM bQyrf cuwkx dI koisLsL kIqI pr Auhny qF ijvyN afpxf sfrf Bfr hI myry `qy Cwz idwqf sI. sfhmxy bYTf iewk ivakqI Bwj ky afieaf qy asIN dovF ny cuwk ky mfqf nUM bYWz ` qy pfieaf. mfqf

    ny do sfh aOKy-aOKy ley qy qIjy sfh ` c isr iewk pfsy suwt ilaf. bQyrf roieaf-Kipaf qy sB qoN pihlF Aus bfQrUm vwl Bwijaf ijwQy ajy kuJ pl pihlF asIN mF-puwq iewk-dUjy nfl gwlF kr rhy sI. mn `c afieaf ik jy smyN df gyV kuJ sikMtF leI hI ipwCy nUM GuMm jfvy qF mYN afpxI mF dy mUMh `c jfx qoN rok lvF. pr aijhf nhIN hoieaf qy mf jhfnoN jf cuwkI sI.

    vwzf puwq hox krky mF sfzy iqMny BYx-BrfvF `coN myrf vwD moh krdI sI. ikqy afAuxf-jfxf hovy jF koeI kMm krnf hovy qF myry nfl gwl sFJI jLrUr krdI sI. rfq nUM Enf icr sONdI nhIN sI, ijMnI dyr mYN Gr nhIN sI phuMcdf. BfvyN sUgr ny Aus dI ingfh Gtf idwqI sI pr ies dy bfvjUd cfbI nfl qflf toh ky bUhf KolH lYNdI sI.

    jdoN mYN afpxy byitaF nUM afpxI mF nfl KrmsqIaF krdy dyKdf hF qF bYTf-bYTf afpxy aqIq ivwc guafc jFdf qy mn mwlo-mwlI AuWCl afAuNdf hY qy hMJUaF dI JVI nfl kmIjL gwc ho jFdI hY. mYnUM ieMJ mihsUs huMdf hY ik mfqf iksy pfisAuN pOVIaF cVHdI-AuqrdI myrIaF gwc hoeIaF awKF af ky pMUJygI pr Pyr mn nUM Drvfsf dy ky AuWTdf hF ik Auh qF AuWQy clI geI ijwQoN awj qwk koeI vfps hI nhIN afieaf.

    kdy mn ivwc akbr dI khfxI GuMmx GyrIaF pfAuNdI hY, jdoN Auhny afpxI mF mrI qoN ikhf sI, hux mYnUM `vy akbrf kihky bulfAux vflI myrI mF nhIN rhI. qy kdy mrhUm gfiek kuldIp mfxk df gIq mF huMdI ey mF E dunIaF vfilE Xfd afAuNdf hY.

    amrpRIq isMG DuMnf rylvy stysLn qy cfh dI CotI ijhI dukfn

    clfAuNdy sLfm suMdr nUM hmysLf rwb nfl isLkvf irhf ik pRmfqmf ny Aus dy Gr koeI puwqr nhIN idwqf. Auh hmysLf afpxIaF socF anusfr socdf rihMdf ik jy myry Gr puwqr huMdf myrf kMm `c hwQ vtfAuNdf qy mYN arfm nfl puwq dy isr qy aYsL krdf.

    ijLMdgI vDIaf cwlI jf rhI sI, jdoN ryl gwzI af ky stysLn qy ruwkdI qF sLfm suMdr dy GrvflI cfh bxfAuNdI qy Auh cfh ryl gwzI `c vrqf ky afpxy gujfry jogy pYsy bxf lYNdf qy dohF jIaF df vDIaf smF gujLr jFdf.

    acfnk iewk idn ryl gwzI af ky stysLn qy rukI qF ivwcoN bjurg joVf AuWqr ky afieaf bjurg ny afpxI pqnI df hwQ PV ky shfrf idMdf hoieaf iewk KflI pey bYNc qy jf ky bYT gey. AunHF dy kwpVy dyK ky lwg irhf sI ik GroN grIb hI hoxgy. AudoN nUM dUjI ryl gwzI afeI sLfm suMdr hmysLf dI qrHF cfh lY ky afpxy kMm lwg igaf qy iqMn-cfr GMty bfad jd Auh vfps afieaf qF Aus ny dyiKaf ik Auh bjurg joVf hfly vI AuWQy hI bYTf sI dyKdy-dyKdy sLfm Zl geI.

    sLfm suMdr ny bjurgF kol jf ky puwiCaf ik bfbf jI mYN quhfnUM svyr df dyK irhf,

    ikMnIaf hI gwzIaF af ky clIaF geIaF nf qF qusIN gwzI cVHy nf hI quhfnUM koeI lYx afieaf qF bjurg ny kMbdy hwQF nfl jyb `coN kfgjL df tuwkVf kwiZaf qy ikhf ik puwqr sfnUM donF nUM hI pVHnf nhIN afAuNdf, ies kfgjL qy myry vwzy puwqr df pqf iliKaf hY qy Coty ny ikhf sI jy vwzf Brf nf lYx afieaf qf ieh iksy qoN vI pwuC lYxf Auh quhfnUM shI jgfh qy phuMcf dyvygf.

    sfm suMdr ny bVI Auqsukqf dy nfl Auh pypr KoilHaf qy pVHky Aus dy hosL hI AuWz gey qy awKF `coN hMJUaF dI JVI lwg geI.

    Aus kfgj qy iliKaf sI ik

    ikRpf krky ienHF dohF nUM sLihr dy iksy vI ibrD afsrm `c BrqI krvf dyxf, bhuq-bhuq imhrbfnI hovygI.

    sfm suMdr nUM iewk dm DrqI PwtdI idKfeI idwqI qF Auh bjurg dy pYrF kol Qwly hI bYT igaf qy soc irhf sI ik lfhxq hY aYsI aOlfd qy eydU qF asIN bFJ hI cMgy hF.

    - pvn igwlF vflf

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    L-R: Minister Jason Kenney, Parliamentary Secretary Deepak Obhrai,

    Parliamentary Secretary Parm Gill, Member of Parliament Nina Grewal,

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Minister Bal Gosal, Member of Parliament

    Devinder Shory and Minister Tim Uppal.

    Canada Posts commemorative Komagata Maru stamp, launched on May 6th.

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    As a man of firsts, Dr. Malwinder Dhami is no stranger to taking the lead role in his philanthropic giving. Dhami is a keen supporter of the University of the Fraser Valley and recently established his first endow-ment, the Dhami Family Endow-ment Leadership Award. This is the first UFV endowment established by an Indo-Canadian family, and it is from a family that is well known within the local community for its high regard for education and love of UFV.

    Dr. Dhami is an ideal friend for UFV, says Hilary Beard, director of university advancement.

    His warmth and friendly nature are particularly noted at the public sessions of the Board meetings, where he is a frequent attendee. Dr. Dhamis original ideas and eager-ness to make a positive impact in students lives make him a shining star of encouragement and sup-

    port for UFVs U n i v e r s i t y Advancement team.

    T h e U n i -versity of the Fraser Val -ley is deeply grateful for our long-time friendship and support from Dr. Dhami, adds Beard. F r o m h i s generous financial support in early 2003 and active participation in development of the Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies, to his lat-est family endowment, we at UFV acknowledge Dr. Dhamis unwav-ering support and generosity with deep appreciation and thanksgiving for one of our finest neighbours and friends. Dr. Dhami is sharing his story to encourage others to also

    give so that each person can share in changing lives and building the communitys future here at UFV.

    From Dhamis perspective, giving is natural and simply a way of life. He has found satisfaction in helping others, and is well known in UFVs Dental Assistant program for ex-tending a helping hand through his openness to students in assisting them gain valuable hours in his

    professional dental practice in Abbots-ford. In a recent v is i t to UFVs Den ta l C l in i c , Dhami pledged a day of his time to help screen chil-dren, so they can be examined by the students.

    I am always so warmly greeted by UFV President Mark Evered, and

    by all the staff and faculty at the university. Whenever I attend Board meetings, I am greeted like a friend, says Dhami.

    In addition to extending an on-going helping hand to individual students, Dhami was influential in the establishment of the Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies (CICS) at UFV. He made the first donation toward it to UFVs then-president,

    Skip Bassford. The gift initiated fundraising to establish CICS and was a catalyst for others in the com-munity to stand behind the Centres vision with their financial support. Dhami has served on the CICS Ad-visory Council since its inception.

    Dhami was also the first donor to the development of the Peace and Conflict Studies program at the university in September 2012. Part of Dhamis recent giving includes a symbol to represent ongoing sup-port: his endowment is $25,001 that extra dollar is the first step to continuous growth.

    I know that Dr. Dhamis gener-osity, his personal investment in the future of others, is driven by his gratitude to those who helped him, added Dr. Mark Evered, UFV president and vice-chancellor. I am deeply and personally inspired by his visionary leadership, volunteer service, financial support and espe-cially his friendship.

    Dhamis long-term generosity valued by UFV

  • 1958 dI gwl hY. Xojnf` dy shfiek sMpfdk aYm[ ey[ husYnI df tYlIPon afieaf ik KuvMq isMG mYnUM imlxf cfhuMdy hn. husYnI myrf kYp kflj smy df jmfqI sI qy KuvMq isMG nfl iml ky AumrfE jfn adf dy aMgryI anuvfd ivc ruwJf hoieaf sI. KuvMq isMG Aus df aPsr vI sI, Xojnf df muwK sMpfdk hox dy nfqy. husYnI ny dwisaf ik KuvMq dy nfvl tryn

    tU pfiksqfn` df sMKyp pMjfbI anuvfd Cpxf hY qy krqfr isMG duwgl ny ieh kMm myry koloN lYx leI ikhf hY. mY, rfj igwl qy gopIcMd nfrMg ieMzIan kONsl afP aYgrIklcrl irsrc ivc kRmvfr pMjfbI, aMgryI qy AurdU dy Aup-sMpfdk lwgy hoey sf. rfj igwl ny Dwky dy ky mYnUM KuvMq dy dPqr qor idwqf, ijhVf nihr dy pfr AudXog Bvn dI dUjI mMil Auqy

    sI. KuvMq i s M G n y a f p x I kursI qo N AuWT ky myry n fl h wQ imlfieaf qy mYnUM nfl lY ky soPy

    Auqy bYT igaf. husYnI vI AuQy hI sI. qpfk eynf ik mYnUM ieh dPqrI kmrf vI afpxy Gr vrgf lwigaf. gwl Kqm hoeI qf KuvMq isMG mYnUM qy husYnI nUM ivdf krn drvfy qwk afieaf. mYnUM ieh vrqfrf qy KlUs awj qwk cyqy hY. 55 sfl pihlf vflf.

    myrf anuvfd Aus ny awKr-awKr piVHaf qy eynf psMd kIqf ik Auh sdf leI myrf ho igaf. iek vfrI Aus ny smuMdrI jhf rfhIN lMdn jfxf sI qf rsqy ivc koeI Cotf pMjfbI nfvl aMgryI Bff ivc anuvfd krn df iewCuk sI qf myry kihx `qy aMimRqf pRIqm df ipMjr` cuixaf, ijhVf Aus nUM pMjfbI sfihq dI dunIaf ivc lY viVaf. KuvMq isMG nUM pMjfbI pfTkf ny muwK qOr `qy aMimRqf pRIqm dy ipMjr` df aMgryI anuvfd pVH ky jf nfvl df myry vwloN kIqf pfiksqfn myl` nfa df pMjfbI anuvfd pVH ky jfixaf. KuvMq isMG dIaf khfxIaf df pMjfbI anuvfd nfa ivc kI ipaf ey` vI sfzIaf do pusqkf qoN ipwCoN hI piVHaf igaf, sB jfxdy hn. KuvMq isMG df jnm AuDrly pMjfb dy ipMz hzflI df hY. Aus dy vzyry AUT rwKdy sn qy AUTf Auqy kohsqfn nmk qoN mYdfnf vfsqf phfVI lUx Zoieaf krdy sn. hOlI-hOlI Auh hor TykydfrI ivc pY gey. KuvMq dy ipqf sr soBf isMG nvIN idwlI vfly skqryq dy vwzy Tykydfr sn, ijs nfqy AunHf dI qyjf isMG milk afrkItYkt nfl sfJ pY geI. ies sfJ df hI nqIjf sI ik milk dI bytI kvl df KuvMq isMG nfl ivafh hoieaf. AunHf df Gr ieMzIaf gyt dy nyVy sujfn isMG pfrk nfa dI Qf ivc. sr soBf isMG ny ies Qf nUM sujfn isMG pfrk afpxy ipqf qy KuvMq isMG dy dfdf sujfn isMG dy nfa `qy rwiKaf. sujfn isMG hzflI qy kohsqfn nmk ivc AUT vfhuMdf sI. KuvMq isMG df afpxf bcpn afpxI dfdI kol hzflI ipMz hI bIiqaf, ijs ny Aus nUM pyzU jIvn dI pUrI jfxkfrI idwqI. ies jfxkfrI df sbUq Aus dy nfvl pfiksqfn myl` ivc KUb imldf hY.

    KuvMq isMG ny afpxy jIvn ivc lyKk bxn bfry kdI nhIN sI soicaf. Aus ny vkIl bxn leI vlfieq jf ky vkflq pfs kIqI aqy dy vMz qoN kuJ sfl pihlf lfhOr dI adflq ivc vkflq vI kIqI pr Auh Aus nUM rfs nhIN afeI. hf eynf rUr hY ik ieQoN pRfpq hoeI adflqI dunIaf dI jfxkfrI Aus dy nfvl pfiksqfn myl` nUM cmkfAux ivc bVI shfeI hoeI.

    KuvMq isMG ny iksy dI suxn qy afpxI suxfAux dI klf pCfxI hoeI sI. Auh bwcy, buwZy, hr Aumr dy bMdy nfl Aus dI idlcspI dI gwl kr skdf sI. iksy pMizq, pfdrI, muwlf qy BfeI nfl vI. KuvMq hr gwl KuwlH ky krdf sI. Aus dI DI mflf ny afpxI mrI df vr lwiBaf qy Aus dy byty rfhul ny afpxI mrI dI vrqoN kridaf ivafh hI nhIN krvfieaf. Kud pqI-pqnI dy suBfa ivc aMqf df Prk sI pr Auh afm joiVaf nfloN vDyry Ku sn. iml ky Kfdy sn, iml ky pINdy qy iml ky ivcrdy. AunHf ny eyik joiq doie mUrqI` dy suKfvy arQ kwZy hoey sn. KuvMq isMG df akIdf sI ik sB nUM ieMJ hI krnf cfhIdf hY.

    KuvMq isMG dI svY-jIvnI mOj mylf` ivc anyk hfrf df ikr hY. sYksI qy gLYr-sYksI dovf df. Auh afpxIaf hfrf dI iKwlI AuzfAux jfxdf sI. Aus

    dI khfxI kflI cMbylI` (blYk jYsimn) iesy qrHf dI hfr hY.

    Aus nUM asPlqf dI pYl pfAuxI afAuNdI sI. jy koeI kMm AuzfrI Brdf nr nf afvy qf Aus nUM QoVHy smy leI lfBy rwK ky nvf kMm ivwZ lYdf sI, ijvy kwcy aMb nUM pYl pf ky koeI hor Pl Kf lYxf. Auh ivhlf nhIN sI bihMdf. jdoN nOkrI imldI qf nOkrI kr lYdf nhIN qf afpxf kMm. Aus ny Bfq-Bfq dy vylxy vyly sn qy sfry dy sfry pRvfn hoey hn. Aus ny isr suwt ky iswK ihstrI ilKI qy pYr psfr ky nfvl. ielstRytz vIklI dy ivy aMk kwZ ky hr aMk sfBxXog bxfAux vflf vI KuvMq isMG hI sI. eynf sPl ik Aus qoN ipwCoN koeI vI sMpfdk vIklI nUM eynI hrmn-ipafrI nhIN bxf sikaf. Aus dy Cwzx dI dyr sI ik vIklI dy luqP df ikfr hoey pfTk ies dy byluqP hox nfl ikrny sLurU ho gey. eyny ik muV ky vIklI afpxy pYrf `qy nhIN Klo skI. ieh Aus bMdy df cmqkfr sI jo Kud cmqkfrf ivc ivvfs nhIN sI rwKdf. KuvMq isMG ieiqhfskfrf qy iswKI pRcfrkf ivc sB qoN vwD piVHaf qy suixaf jfdf sI. iswK cMgy hn jf mMdy? Aus ny ienHf nUM Ausy rUp ivc AuBfiraf qy py kIqf sI. afkff akf pfqflf pfqfl Auh iswKf dy nfl quiraf hY. Aus dI pfiksqfn myl` df jwgf afpxI muslmfn shylI nUrf leI jfn ` qy KylH jfdf hY qy Aus df iPlfsPr imwqr iekbfl isMG vI ies krqwb nUM dfrink hmdrdI nfl vyKdf hY.

    iek hfr qoN vwD pMinaf ivc psiraf do-ijldf ivc iswK ieiqhfs inAUXfrk, hfgkfg, tokIE, nYrobI dfr-al-aslfm, mYlbrn, afklYz, briln, iebfdIn dunIaf dy kony-kony ivc ivk irhf hY. iswKf dI isafxp qy rfjnIqk sUJ dy nMbr lfAuNidaf Aus ny bMdf bhfdr qy mhfrfjf rxjIq isMG dy Xogdfn nUM cMgI qrHf ibafn kIqf. vyly dIaf hkUmqf ny iswKf nUM dbf ky rwKx df jo vI Auprflf kIqf Aus df AunHf nUM Kimaff Bugqxf ipaf, ieh vI KuvMq isMG ny insMg ho ky icqiraf sI. Auh iek iemfndfr qy inzr lyKk sI, ies bfry do rfvf nhIN. KuvMq isMG ny afpxI kihxI qy kQnI nUM aMdroN-bfhroN iek ho ky py kIqf. kmfl dI gwl ieh ik Aus ny afpxI soc qy afpxy inwj Auqy aijhf msKrypn df JuMm mfr rwiKaf hY, iksy nUM pqf hI nhIN lwgx idwqf ik Aus nUM afpxI kOm qy ivrfsq nfl ikMnf moh hY. iswK ihstrI` dI dUjI ijld df 21vf kfz, ijs df isrlyK Gfqk igxqI-imxqI` hY, ies dI vDIaf imsfl hY.

    hux iek bhuq inwjI gwl. KuvMq isMG dI afqmkQf dy pMjfbI anuvfd mOj mylf` df cMzIgVH dI pRYs klwb ivc irlI smfroh sI. Auh cMzIgVH phuMicaf qf imldy sfr kihx lwigaf, hwd ho geI ksOlI vfly Gr `c myrI koeI pgVI hI nhIN.` mY swq-awT pgVIaf lY ky phuMicaf qf Aus ny iPwky rMg vflI Ptf-Pt isr Auqy lpyt leI. Aus pgVI vfly KuvMq isMG dIaf qsvIrf sB pricaf ny CfpIaf.

    mYnUM bVf duwK hY ik myrI pgVI vflf KuvMq isMG qur igaf hY. Auh bynIr bMdf sI qy Aus dIaf ilKqf leI ies qoN vDIaf bd nhIN ahuV rhy.

    guljfr isMG sMDUFriday, May 9th, 2014PAGE 12

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    sdIaF qoN clIaF af rhIaF prMprfvF ies DrqI qy hfly vI kfiem hn aqy jy afpF dUjy dysLF dI gwl nf vI krIey qF Bfrq dy alwg-alwg sUibaF aqy Kfs-Kfs iKwiqaF ivwc ajy vI aMnHy ivsLvfs jF aMD ivsLvfs pIVHI dr pIVHI brkrfr hn aqy ienHF nUM iksy vI iksm dI TwlH pYNdI njLr nhIN afAuNdI. sfzy afly-duafly dy lok vihmF-BrmF ivwc ies kdr gRwsy hoey hn ik Auh ienHF ivwcoN inklxf hI nhIN cfhuMdy jF AunHF nUM inklx df koeI sfP rsqf idKfeI nhIN idMdf. vihm-Brm jF aMnHy ivsLvfsF ivwc jfdU-tUxf aqy vihm ijvyN ikqy jfx lwigaF iksy nUM inwC afAuxI, ibwlI df rsqf kwt jfxf, BUq-pRyqF qy ijMn, dYqF aqy hor aKOqI prI kQfvF nUM awKF mIt ky mMndy cly jfxf afid sLfml hn. GrF jF gwzIaF trwkF qy koeI juwqI jF hor koeI insLfn bxf ky burI njLr vfly qyrf mUMh kflf ilKxf afid ipwCy vI aijhI mfniskqf kMm krdI hY.

    lok mMdr, msIq, gurduafry jF hor iksy Dfrimk sQfn `qy jFdy hn, ies nUM XkIn jF ivsLvfs imwiQaf igaf hY. sLrDf vI mMnI geI hY. keI sLrDflU iewk jF do jF vDIk Dfrimk sQfnF qy jFdy vyKy gey hn pr iswK Drm ivwc kyvl qy kyvl sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb nUM hI gurU mMinaf igaf hY pr ies dy bfvjUd kuJ sLrDflU QF-QF qy Btkdy vyKy jf skdy hn. gurbfxI ivwc iksy vI iksm dy vihm-Brm leI koeI QF nhIN hY. hor vI kuJ Drm isrP iewk rwb dy isDFq nUM mMnx vfly hn pr ies dy bfvjUd ienHF dy pYrokfr vihmF-BrmF dI jkV ivwc

    hn. mVHIaF-msfxF jF hr iewk iksm dIaF iewtF jF pwQrF qy mwQy rgVdy afm hI vyKy gey hn. bysLwk bMidaF dI blI jF sqI pRQf awj dy sMdrB ivwc afm qF nhIN rhI pr iPr vI ikDry nf ikDry ies dIaF AudfhrxF vyKx nUM iml jFdIaF hn.

    awj dy afDuink boD vfly dOr ivwc vI aKOqI bfibaF qy zyrfvfd dI cVHq vyKI jf skdI hY. bysLwk ies dy rfjsI jF Dfrimk kfrn vI ho skdy hn pr ieh afpUM sjy gurU, bfby keI kukrm krdy hn. ieh aKOqI bfby jF gurU khfAux vfly iksy df kql krn qoN vI guryjL nhIN krdy. rfjsI nyqfvF jF aMnHy sLrDflUaF dI bdOlq ienHF df DMdf pUry jLorF nfl cwl irhf hY. ienHF dy iesLiqhfrF nfl aKLbfrF BrIaF huMdIaF hn qy tYlIivjLn dy pRfeIvyt cYnlF nUM ienHF ny KrId rwiKaf hY. kuJ aKOqI zyiraF, afsLrmF ivwc vwzIaF PIsF vI leIaF jFdIaF hn qy hfsrs AupjfAux vfly Aupf vI dwsy jFdy hn.

    sfzIaF iPlmF aqy tI[ vI[ sIrIal vI ienHF qoN bcy hoey nhIN. gYr-kudrqI ZMg-qrIikaF nfl BUqF-pRyqF aqy hor gYr-jLrUrI irvfjLF df sfzIaF iPlmF qy sIrIal prcfr krdy hn. sfzf sYNsr borz vI ienHF nUM sihjy hI pfs kr idMdf hY. koeI rok-tok nhIN hY. Boly-Bfly drsLk qF dyKxgy hI, jdoN cIjL AunHF dy sfhmxy prosI jfvygI! ijwQoN qwk rsfly jF ikqfbF df qfaluk hY, Auh vI aijhy kfrnfimaF qoN KflI nhIN hn. sfDfrn jF gYr-sMjIdf lyKk, sMpfdk qF ienHF leI ijLMmyvfr hn hI, bwicaF jF vwizaF dI

    pVHfeI leI kors-ikqfbF lfAux jF Qopx vfly adfry qy mYNbr vI ies leI ijLMmyvfr hn. jdoN bwicaF dI buinafd hI KoKlI hovygI qF BivwK ivwc AunHF qoN sfriQk soc dI AumId ikvyN rwK skdy hF? bysLwk awj dI pnIrI, ijs nUM Gr df sfriQk mfhOl imilaf hovy, Auh QoQy rsmoN-irvfjL qy vihmF-BrmF qoN kfPI hwd qwk mukq idKfeI idMdI hY pr smfj df bhuqf ihwsf ies dI lpyt ivwc afieaf hoieaf hY.

    mhFrfstr ivwc iewk qrksLIl soc dy sLKs nirMdr dfbolkr dI bhfdrfnf sLhfdq rMg ilafeI hY qy mjLbUrI vws AuWQoN dI ivDfn

    sBf nUM jfdU-tUxf dI rokQfm leI kfnUMn pfs krnf ipaf. hY. hornF sUibaF ivwc vI aijhf hI hovy. kfnUMn qoN vI pry jFidaF mnuwKqf nUM jfgUrk krn dI loV hY pr ieh qd sMBv ho skygf, jy islybs bdly jfx, vihmF-BrmF nUM pRgtfAuNdy tI[ vI[ sIrIalF qy iPlmF `qy iswDI rok lwgy. PokIaF dlIlF, apIlF jF cMd bMidaF leI sYmInfr hI kfPI nhIN, jn-smUh dI ibhqrI leI vwzy Auprfly krny hoxgy. sfnUM ieh cMigafeI df kMm Kud qoN hI sLurU krnf cfhIdf hY. sfzI vihmF-BrmF vflI mfniskqf kfrn hI smfj df pUrn ivkfs nhIN irhf. aMD-ivsLvfs vflI mfniskqf iqafgx dI jLrUrq hY.

    suKimMdr isMG syKoN

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    BC Hydro Refutes Metro Vancouver Incinerator Business Case

    BC Hydro has responded to Metro Vancouvers newly updated busi-ness case for its garbage burning plan by criticizing Metro Van-couver for its assumption that BC Hydro will pay above market rates for electricity produced in the new facility.

    The market rate for electricity in BC is about $24/MWh, but according to the updated busi-ness case, Metro Vancouver has assumed that BC Hydro will pay four times that amount ($100/MWh) for electricity generated from incineration.

    In the April 30, 2014 letter from BC Hydro, addressed to Metro Vancouver CAO Carol Mason, BC Hydro offers stern clarifica-tions in response to the new busi-ness plan:

    The new WTEF was not part of the IRPs [BC Hydros 30-year Integrated Resource Plan] base resource plan for securing future sources of electricity.

    The new WTEF does not qualify for the Standing Offer Programthe energy prices that have been quoted by Metro Vancouver are not necessarily for comparable product under comparable supply/demand conditions

    At this point in time, BC Hydro has made no commitment to pur-chase energy from a new WTEF, nor has a commitment been made regarding a price for that energy.

    We applaud BC Hydro for step-ping in and doing the right thing to protect the ratepayers of BC from this ill-advised project, said Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD) Vice-Chair and Ab-botsford City Councilor Patricia Ross. The FVRD notes that the swift communication from BC Hydro in response to the updated Business Case which was released last week on April 24, 2014, is an encouraging sign that the Province is watching closely, and does not want citizens across BC to be on the hook for subsidizing dirty power.

    FVRD Board Chair and Chilli-wack Mayor Sharon Gaetz cau-tions, This should serve as a red flag for the citizens of the Lower Mainland. Not only has Metro Vancouver clearly overestimated the dollar value that it can secure from BC Hydro to bolster its flawed business case, but they have also routinely played down the health implications associated with burning garbage. Chair Gaetz adds, Thank you to Mayor Richard Stewart and his council for asking Metro for a business plan. Through this business plan we have learned that the price tag for this behemoth has quietly risen by 13%. This should infu-riate taxpayers, and to add insult to injury, it seems that Metro Vancouver has not even done the most elementary business plan.

    Metro Vancouver previously noted that unless they can secure this dramatically higher rate, the business plan for their incinerator is not financially viable.

    Paul Gipps

    Justice Summit focuses on family justice

    Today British Columbias third Justice Summit wrapped up a two-day meeting focused on family justice.

    The summit brought together about 70 justice leaders from the judiciary, legal profession, dispute resolution organiza-tions, community agencies in-volved with family justice ser-vices, the academic community and Ministry of Justice.

    This diverse group of partici-pants met at the University of British Columbia for a dialogue about British Columbias fam-ily justice system, its perfor-mance and strategic direction.

    Over the course of two days, participants focused on how to better serve family justice system users, encourage out-of-court dispute resolution, and measure the systems per-formance.

    A report detailing the discus-sions will be delivered next month to Attorney General and Justice Minister Suzanne An-ton and the Chief Justices and Chief Judge of the Provinces three courts.

    Justice Summits are held at least once a year as required under the Justice Reform and Transparency Act (JRTA) passed in spring 2013. The JRTA created several new consultative processes that empower sector-wide plan-ning and enhance dialogue over goals, objectives and performance across the justice system.

    The act also requires the min-ister to establish a Justice and Public Safety Council, drawn from senior leadership respon-sible for the administration of justice and public safety in the province, as well as from other qualified individuals. The council was struck in April 2013.

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    Friday, May 9th, 2014PAGE 16Punjabi Patrika

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    sRI gurU arjn dyv jI df jnm 15 apRYl 1563 (ivsfK ibkRmI 1620) nUM ieiqhfsk ngr sRI goieMdvfl sfihb ivKy sRI gurU rfmdfs jI aqy bIbI BfnI jI dy gRih ivKy hoieaf. ijnHF mhFpurKF dI Cqr-Cfieaf hyT sRI grU arjn dyv jI df bcpn prvfn ciVHaf Auh aiDafqmk Kyqr dIaF mhfn hsqIaF sn. ies qoN ielfvf bhuq sfry ivdvfn aqy siq-purK afp jI dy siqkfrXog ipqf sRI gurU rfmdfs jI aqy Kud AunHF dI afpxI sMgq ivwc rihMdy sn. ies qoN ielfvf nfnky pirvfr ivwcoN imilaf gurmiq BrpUr vfqfvrn vI AunHF dI sLKsIaq nUM ivksq aqy pRPuwlq krn ivwc bhuq lfhyvMdf sfbq hoieaf.

    1581 eI[ nUM jdoN gurU rfmdfs ipqf ny AunHF nUM shfrI mwl dy puwqr dy ivafh ivwc sLfml hox leI Byijaf qF AunHF ies hukm nUM iKVy mwQy svIkfr kr ilaf. anMd kfrj dI smfpqI qoN bfad jdoN Auh vfpsI pfAux lwgy qF cOQy pfqsLfh ny lfhOr ivwc rih ky sMgqF dI agvfeI krn df nvF hukm lgf idwqf. ies hukm qoN bfad gurU rfmdfs jI ny AunHF nUM mnoN hI ivsfr idwqf. idnF dy hPqy, hPiqaF dy mhIny aqy mhIinaF dIaF iCmfhIaF bx geIaF pr gurU ky cwk qoN koeI sunyhVf nhIN afieaf. jdoN AuzIk dIaF GVIaF lMmIaF ho geIaF qF sbr df ipaflf AuCfly mfrn lwg ipaf. ies AuCfl kfrn AunHF ny iewk pwqr gurU ipqf vwl ilK Byijaf ijs dI iebfdq sI;

    myrf mn locy gurdrsLn qfeI.. iblp kry cfiqRk kI inafeI. iqRKf nf AuqrY sFiq nf afvY ibnu drsn sMq ipafry jIAu.. hAu GolI jIAu Goil GumfeI gur drsn sMq ipafry jIAu..

    iewk ieh pwqr aqy ies qoN bfad iewk hor pwqr cOQy pfqsLfh sRI gurU rfmdfs vwl Byijaf igaf pr eIrKflU ipRQI cMd

    (Brfqf) vwloN ieh ibrhf Bry pwqr shI mMjLl qwk nhIN jfx idwqy. aKIr iek qIsry pwqr ny ies sB kuJ df Byd KolH idwqf, ijs nfl ipRQI cMd nUM sMgq dy snmuwK sLrimMdf hoxf ipaf. pwqrF ivclI vydnf nUM pVH ky gurU ipqf dIaF awKF Br afeIaF aqy AunHF bfbf buwZf jI nUM lhOr vwl rvfnf kr idwqf. jdoN

    vfps afey qF ipqf jI dy drsLn-dIdfry krky inhfl ho gey.

    CotI Aumry AunHF dI syvf aqy ismrn vflI ibrqI nUM dyKidaF sRI gurU rfmdfs jI ny afpxy vwzy dovF puwqrF ipRQI cMd aqy mhFdyv nUM Cwz ky 1 sqMbr 1581 eI[ (2 awsU sMmq 1638) nUM suwkrvfr vfly idn gurU nfnk dyv dy Gr df pMjvF vfirs Qfp idwqf. ies Qfpxf smyN AunHF dI Aumr 18 sfl 4 mhIny 14 idn sI.

    pMcm pfqsLfh sfihb sRI gurU arjn dyv jI ny gurgwdI `qy bYTidaF sfr hI sB qoN pihlF pivwqr kfrj rfmdfs srovr nUM pwkf krn df kIqf. ies mukwds srovr dy ivcfly AunHF ny iewk aijhf mMdr (prmysLr dI Xfd idvfAux leI) Ausfrn dI ivAuNqbMdI kIqI jo bfkI mMdrF (iksy Kfs dyvI-dyvqy nUM smripq) nfloN ivlwKxqf BrpUr hovy. ies mMdr (hirmMdr sfihb) dI qmIr krvfAuxI afpxy afp ivwc iewk anUpm kfrj sI. ikAuNik ies dy cfr drvfijaF ivclf pRvysL, Drm, nsl, jfq, rMg dysL aqy kOm nUM afDfr mMn ky kIqy jfx vfly ivqkiraF qoN rihq sI. dUjy DrmF dy Dfrimk sQfn afm qOr `qy afly duafly dy bfkI mkfnF qoN kuJ AuWcI pwDr `qy Ausfry jFdy hn. pr sRI hirmMdr sfihb dIaF pAuVIaF Aupr vwl jfx dI bjfey hyTF vwl nMU jFdIaF hn jo gurU arjn dyv jI dI dUr idRsLtI df pRmfx hn. sRI gurU arjn dyv jI vwloN hor vI bhuq sfry aijhy kfrj kIqy gey ijnHF ny iswKI dy PYlfa aqy isDFqF dy aml ihwq iewk aihmq BUimkf adf kIqI. ienHF kfrjF ivwcoN pRmwuK aqy vzyry siqkfr


    vyKx nUM dusLmx kmjLor idsy qF syLKI ivwc af ky muwCF nUM qfa dyxf isafxp nhIN huMdI. sfnUM pqf nhIN huMdf ik hr hwzI bVI sKq jfn sLYa huMdI hY. hor qF hor cIQiVaF ivwc vI bVf bhfdr qy KUMKfr bMdf luikaf ho skdf hY. isafixaF dI suxo. afKdy ny, BfeI! koeI dusLmx imwTf boly jF inmrqf Biraf vrqfE kry qF Aus `qy hrigjL rihm nf kro. jy kdy Aus nUM qfkq iml geI qF Auh quhfzy bKIey AuDyV dyvygf. hor suxo, iksy bury qy durfcfrI bMdy nUM mfrnf prAupkfrI vrqfrf huMdf hY ikAuNik dunIaF nUM Aus dy durfcfrF qoN Cutkfrf idvfAuxf huMdf hY. aijhI BlfeI skdf Auh jLflm Kud vI Kudf dy kihr qoN bc jFdf hY.

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    pihlI meI 1890 qoN dunIaF Br dy ikrqIaF vwloN kOmFqrI ikrqI idvs ies soc aDfirq mnfieaf jFdf hY ik smfj ivwcoN grIbI, BuwKmrI, byrujLgfrI aqy mnuwKI ivqkrybfjLI df Kfqmf hovy.

    sfDfrn srmfeydfrI dy dOr ivwc 1825 qoN pihlF smfijk loVF dI pUrqI vfsqy ikrqIaF nUM 16 qoN 18 GMty qwk rojLfnf kMm krnf pYNdf sI. Auqpfdkqf dy vfDy leI hryk ikrqI vfsqy ikrq krnI lfjLmI sI. jdoN kfrKfinaF ivwc msLIn af geI qF Auqpfd dy vfDy dy nfl-nfl byrujLgfrI ny vI jnm lY ilaf. ijhVI msLIn ny mnuwK dy kMm nUM sOiKaf krnf sI, Ausy msLIn nfl pMUjIpqI prbMD ny vfDU ikrqI (byrujLgfr) pYdf kr idwqy. ikrqI aqy AunHF dy pirvfrF dI hflq bd qoN bdqr huMdI geI. ikrqIaF ny pYdf kIqI AuqpfdkF ivwcoN munfsb ihwsf pRfpq krn vfsqy kMm idhfVI smF kfnUMnI qOr `qy Gwt krn dI aihm mMg nUM lY ky sMGrsL arMB idwqf. ikrqIaF dy sMGrsL nUM aMqrrfsLtrI pwDr `qy iekjuwt krn vfsqy mhfn icMqk kfrl mfrks dI rihnumeI hyT 28 sqMbr 1864 nUM lMzn ivKy kOmFqrI ikrqI sBf sQfipq hoeI. amIrkf dy ikrqIaF ny meI 1886 ivwc 8 GMty dI kMm idhfVI pRfpq krn leI dysL Br ivwc hVqfl kr idwqI. ies Gol df muwK

    kyNdr amrIkf df sLihr isLkfgo sI. hVqfl ivwc 3 lwK 50 hjLfr dy krIb ikrqIaF ny Bfg ilaf.

    srkfr ny ikrqIaF dy sMGrsL nUM PylH krn vfsqy bhuq qsLwdd kIqf. ikrqI afgUaF `qy JUTy mukwdmy pf ky AunHF nUM PFsI dy idwqI. ikrqIaF dI sLhIdI ny Gol nUM hor prcMz kr idwqf. aMq ikrqIaF dy sMGrsL awgy srkfr Juk geI aqy ikrqI vrg ny 8 GMty dI kMm idhfVI dI kfnUMnI ijwq pRfpq kr leI. mfrks dI mOq qoN bfad ikrqIaF dy Gol nUM jfrI rwKx leI mfrks dy isDFqk imwqr eyNgljL ny kmfn sMBfl leI. eyNgljL dI ingrfnI hyT 1889 nUM pYirs ivKy aMqrrfsLtrI mjLdUr kfnPrMs hoeI. ies kfnPrMs dy PYsly anusfr ikrqIaF ny iek sfl dy arsy qoN bfad pihlI meI 1890 qoN kOmFqrI ikrqI idvs mnfAux dI sLurUafq kIqI. ies idn ` qy ikrqIaF dI muwK mMg sI ik 8 GMty df kMm idhfVI kfnUMn sMsfr Br ivwc lfgU kIqf jfvy. Bfrq ivwc meI idvs mnfAux dI sLurUafq 1927 qoN hoeI sI. ikrqIaF dy aMqrrfsLtrI Gol dy dbfa sdkf 1919 ivwc srmfeydfr mulkF dy pRqIinDF ny vfisMLgtn ivwc mIitMg krky 8 GMty dI kMm idhfVI sImf nUM pRvfngI dy idwqI. ikrqI idvs df isDFq smfj nUM nroeI idsLf pRdfn kr skdf hY.

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    Apply now $14.8 million now available for child-care providers

    jwrj mYkI lwiebryrI ivc kivqw qy p`qrkwrI nUM smripq Swm

    AprYl mhIny ivc jwrj mYkI lwiebryrI ivc mnweI jwx vwlI kivqw Swm kivqw qy pqrkwrI nUM smripq rhI, ijs ivc pqrkwr qy kwlmnvIs bKiSMdr qy gurivM-dr isMG DwlIvwl sroiqAW dy snmuK hoey qy iehnW KyqrW ivc Apxy AnuBv auhnW ny sroiqAW nwl sWJy kIqy[

    ArMB ivc sMcwlk mohn igl ny bKiSMdr dI jwx pCwx krvwauNdy hoey auhnW dy lMby qjrby bwry di-sAw ik hr vsqU nUM dyKx GoKx dw auhnW dw Apxw ivL`Kx nzrIAw hY[ bKiSMdr ny Apxy SMGrS Bry jIvn dI SurUAwq qy iPr nvyN zmwny ivc pqrkwrI SurU krn dy idlcsp vwky sWJy kIqy[ auhnW disAw ik pihlW auhnW ny pMjwbI itRibaUn ivc jwxw cwihAw sI pr ieh sMBv nw hox krky lMbw smW j`gbwxI ivc kMm kIqw qy iPr bwd ivc pMjwbI itRibaUn ivc Awey[KbrW dI bnwvt, qrjmw qy ahnW dIAW surKIAW dI Ai-hmIAq bwry auhnW ny sroiqAW nUM jwxkwrI idqI Aqy p`qrkwrI dy nwl nwl iPlm skirpt qy frwmy ilKx dIAW qknIkI bwrIkIAW bwry vI disAw[Ajoky smyN cl rhI pqrkwrI bwry auhnW bybwk

    it`pxI kIqI ik pihlW pqrkwrI smwj suDwr qy lokW ivc jwgrUkqw ilAwaux dw iek imSn huMdw sI, pr Ajkl ieh kimSn bx cukw hY[ies inGwr leI smucw Awlw duAwlw, rwjnIqk smwjk mwhOl qy swfI pdwrQk soc izMmyvwr hY[rozwnw kwlm ilKx dIAW duSvwrIAW qy sMpwdkW dy vqIry bwry vI auhnW cwnxw pwieAw[AMq ivc auhnW ny ApxIAW coxvIAw rcnwvW qy gIq , gzlW vI sroiqAW nwl sWJIAW kIqIAW[

    ies Swm dy dUjy bulwry pRo: gurivM-dr isMG DwlIvwl nwl jwx pCwx krvwauNidAW icqrkwr jrnYl isMG ny auhnW dI ryfIE host, AjIq jLMDr dy nwmwingwr qy kwlmnvIs vjoN inBweIAW izM-myvwrIAW bwry disAw qy swihqk pqrkwrI kwrn imly BwSw ivBwg dy snmwn imlx bwry vI jwxkwrI idqI[pMjwbI XUnIvristI vloN kYnyfw ivc pMjwbI pqrkwrI bwry ilKy SoD pRbMD kwrn gurivMdr isMG nUM pRdwn kIqI pI, AYc. fI. ifgrI bwry vI auhnW sroiqAw kol izkr kIqw[gurivMdr isMG ny jlMDr pVweI dOrwn ausqwd AiDAwpkW vloN imlI pRyrnw qy AgvweI dw ivSyS izkr kri-

    dAW disAw ik ies sdkw hI auhnW nUM cMgy bulwey bxn dw mOkw imilAw[pVweI dOrwn hI Cpy iek lyK kwrn aus smyN dy sMpdwk fw: swDU isMG hmdrd dI hOslw APzweI qy SwbwSI ny ies pwsy qoirAw[kYnyfw ivc Aw ky ieQoN dy pMjwbI mIfIAw ivc kwrj krn qy ies dy ieiqhws bwry iek gory vloN SMkw pRgtwey jwx kwrn auhnW ies bwry dsqwvyzI Koj krn dw mn bxwieAw[jo iPr QIss qy bwd ivc ifgrI lYx dw sbb bixAw[ auhnW disAw ik ies Kyqr ivc inGwr Awaux dw kwrn hY ik Ax-isiKAq qy ies Kyqr bwry koeI vI ivSyS rucI nw rKx vwly ivAkqI ies ivc Aw rhy hn[AKIr ivc auhnW Apxy ausqwdW dIAW kuJ pRyrnw dwiek qy Aj dy mwhOl ivc vI swriQk rcnwvw sroiqAW nwl sWJIAW kIqIAW[ ies mOky qy su`KI bwT, pqrkwr suKimMdr isMG cImw, nwvlkwr jrnyl isMG syKw qy nC`qr brwV, ieMdrjIq kOr isDU, mihk pMjwb vwly kMvljIq iQMd, rwijMdr isMG pMDyr, AmrIk plwhI, drSn sMGw,suirMdrpwl kOr brwV, gurcrn t`lyvwlIAw, nvlpRIq rMgI,rwjvMq bwgVI, hrBjn igl qy hor AnykW buDI-jIvI qy swihq pRymI hwizr sn[

    Child-care providers throughout the prov-ince are encouraged to apply for a total of $14.8 mil-lion in major capital funding to create new licensed child-care spaces for B.C. kids.

    Starting today, non-profit child-care providers can apply for up to $500,000, while pri-vate child-care organizations can apply for up to $250,000. Funding can be used to:

    Build a new child care facility, including the cost of buying land or a building.

    Assemble a modular building and develop a site.

    Renovate an existing building.

    Buy eligible equipment (in-cluding playground equip-ment) and furnishings to sup-port new child-care spaces in an existing facility.

    Preference will be given to applications that will create child-care spaces in under-served areas of B.C., such as Surrey, Abbotsford and Lang-ford, and on school grounds, where children can smoothly transition from early years

    programs, to the classroom, to after-school care. Construc-tion is expected to begin this fiscal year.

    Applications will be accepted during three intake periods:

    May 2 - June 30, 2014

    Sept. 1 - Oct. 31, 2014

    Feb. 1 - March 31, 2015

    Under the B.C. Early Years Strategy, the Province aims to support the creation up to 1,000 new child-care spaces between now and March 2015, and will also invest $17.1 million next fiscal year for an additional 1,000 spaces. This will build on the approxi-mately 104,000 spaces that government currently supports throughout B.C.

    Since 2001, the Government of B.C. has invested more than $35 million in major capital funding to help com-munity partners create more than 6,500 licensed child-care spaces.

    Todays announcement coin-cides with the start of Child Care Month in B.C., a time

    to celebrate the work of thou-sands of caring and committed child-care operators and early childhood educators across the province. The B.C. govern-ment is also recognizing the extraordinary work of child-care providers by proclaiming May 15 as Child Care Provider Appreciation Day.


    Stephanie Cadieux, Minister of Children and Family Develop-ment

    The goal of the B.C. Early Years Strategy is to make life easier for families by giving them more child-care options. Families have told us that a seamless day of child care and school is very important to them, and one of the best ways to do that is to have more child care available on school grounds.

    Our goal is to create an ad-ditional 2,000 quality, licensed child-care spaces over the next two years, with the long-term goal of opening up to 13,000 new spaces over the next eight years.

    Wayne Robertson, chair, Pro-vincial Child Care Council

    New licensed child-care spaces are needed in B.C., and capital funding to create them is welcome. Implemen-tation of the B.C. Early Years Strategy is key to ensuring that the children of our province continue to be well cared for by the dedicated early years and childcare sector.

    Tyler Summers, chairperson, School Age Childcare Associa-tion of BC

    It can be a challenge for fami-lies to find quality, affordable child care in B.C. Creating these new licensed child care spaces with a focus on school grounds will help lessen the strain on families, and provide safe, nurturing learning envi-ronments for children.

    Quick Facts:

    The B.C. Early Years Strategy is an eight-year government commitment to improve the accessibility, affordability and quality of early-years pro-grams and services for families with young children.

    To make child care more af-fordable for families, govern-ment is introducing the B.C. Early Childhood Tax Benefit starting in 2015. The benefit will provide $146 million annually to approximately 180,000 families with children under the age of six years (up to $660 a year per child).

    The Ministry of Children and Family Development also provides child care subsidies to help low income families afford child care helping ap-proximately 45,000 children each year.

    The Early Years Strategy builds on the $1 billion per

    year government spends on early learning and childhood development initiatives, ser-vices and supports, including:

    Success by 6, Children First and Aboriginal early childhood development programs.

    Full-day kindergarten.

    Programs that support healthy pregnancy, birth and infancy.

    Early childhood development care and learning program investments, including public health nursing, Ready, Set, Learn programs and Strong-Start BC early learning pro-grams.

    A variety of programs, services and supports to address the specific needs of children and youth with special needs.

    The ministry will invest $292 million on child care in 2014-15, a 38% increase since 2000-01.

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    As part of Emergency Pre-paredness Week, British Co-lumbians are encouraged to take three simple steps to prepare for disasters and provide for the safety and comfort of their families and loved ones - know the risks, make a plan, and get a kit.

    Emergency Preparedness Week takes place from May 4-10, 2014. During this Canada-wide awareness week, events are taking place throughout British Columbia to increase the capacity of individuals and families, businesses, schools, governments and industry to resist the effects of a major disaster.

    Emergency Management BC (EMBC) also is launching the first of a series of online videos to help motivate British Columbians to get prepared. In the initial video, Thirsty, British Columbians can ask themselves if they know where their water is going to come from during a major disas-ter:

    Encouraging personal preparedness is one piece of a multi-pronged ap-proach being undertaken by EMBC to improve the provincial response to a catastrophic earthquake. Also underway is a provincewide stake-holder consultation on earthquake preparedness.

    The consultation, chaired by Henry Renteria, will be used to inform a long-term plan for enhancing cata-strophic earthquake preparedness. More than a dozen communities in B.C. will be locations for regional consultation meetings in the coming months including Chilliwack, Ab-botsford, Metro Vancouver, Victoria, Nanaimo, Port Alberni, Courtenay, Port McNeill, Terrace, Prince Rupert, the Village of Queen Charlotte on Haida Gwaii, and Kelowna. Stake-holders in other areas of B.C. will have the opportunity to participate in meetings via teleconference.


    Attorney General and Minister of Justice Suzanne Anton

    During emergencies like an earth-quake, everyone has a role to play in public safety. It starts with individuals and families being prepared to take care of their own basic needs for a minimum of the first 72 hours. Dur-ing Emergency Preparedness Week, I challenge British Columbians to take action and get prepared. Our govern-ment also has a role to play and we are continuing those efforts through our comprehensive earthquake con-sultations.

    Henry Renteria, chair of the Earth-quake Consultation

    We know from experience that dur-ing an emergency the first person to come and offer help is likely to be a family member or neighbour. Know-ing what disasters to be aware of, how you will re-connect with loved ones, and being able to meet your families unique needs until help arrives these things make a big difference when the unimaginable happens.

    Quick Facts:

    The theme of Emergency Prepared-ness Week 2014 is Know the risks. Although the consequences of disas-ters can be similar, knowing the risks specific to communities and regions can help people better prepare.

    Making a plan will help families know what to do in an emergency, where they will go and how they will re-connect. Putting together an emer-gency plan is quick and easy and can take less than 20 minutes.

    During an emergency, everyone will need some basic supplies. People may need to get by without power or tap water. Be prepared to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours in an emergency. Most people have many of the items they need to assemble an emergency preparedness kit in their homes.

    The chair of B.C.s Earthquake Consultation, Henry Renteria, previ-ously held the positions of director of California Governors Office of Emergency Services and the direc-tor of the City of Oakland Office of Emergency Services.

    British Columbians urged to prepare for emergenciesWhile in Oakland, he managed the citys response to the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. He was also in Japan in 1995 when the Kobe earth-quake struck. He remained in Japan for 10 days and personally witnessed the response and early recovery ef-forts.

    Earthquake consultation locations were chosen in order to allow neigh-bouring local governments and First

    Nations in those areas most vulner-able to catastrophic earthquakes to come together and discuss issues, priorities and opportunities for seis-mic preparedness.

    Renteria will report back to gov-ernment by the end of 2014 with recommendations for enhancing and refining a long-term earthquake pre-paredness plan and informing long-term preparedness priorities.

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    gurdrSn bwdl dI ikqwb suKYn Zzl dw lok Arpx smwgm

    gurduafrf Kflsf dIvfn susfietI dy mIq pRDfn dI cox ivc Bjn isMG qUr jyqU

    pMjwbI AwrsI rweItrz kl`b ieMtr. srI kYnyfw v`loN nwmvr ZzlgoA gurdrSn bwdl dI ArUz bwry ilKI ikqwb suKYn Zzl (Zzl dy rUp-ivDwn dI srl jwxkwrI) dw lok Arpx smwgm 24 meI, 2014 idn Sin`crvwr, bwAd dupihry 2 qo Swm 5 vjy qk stUfIE sYvn dy hwl ( su`KI bwT motrz 15437 - &ryzr hweIvyA Aqy 88 AYvynIaU srI dy kwrnr qy ) hoxw inXq hoieAw hY[ ZzlgoA divMdr pUnIAw Aqy suirMdr sohl pusqk aupr prcy pVHngy[ gwiek mnrwj hsn Aqy rxjoD hyAr bwdl swihb dIAW ZzlW dw gwien krngy[ sB nUM smyN isr phuMcx dI bynqI kIqI jWdI hY[ cwh Aqy ir&rYSmYNts dw pRbMD hovygw[ hor jwxkwrI leI jsbIr mwhl 604-727-3540, qndIp qmMnw 604-721-8843, divMdr pUnIAw 604-768-7283 Aqy 604-832-9040 qy gurmyl bdySw nUM kwl kr skdo ho[

    ipCly idnIN hoeI Kflsf dIvfn susfietI gurU Gr dy mIq pRDfn dI cox ivc Bjn isMG qUr nyN 1253 votF pRfpq kIqIaF jdoN ik drsLn isMG mfhl nMU 664 votF imlIaF. ieWQy ieh vI vrxnXog hY ik bfkI sB kmytI mYNbr srb sMmqI nfl cuxy gey aqy ies pRkfr sMgq vloN mihMdr isMG igWl dI pUrI slyt nMU dubfrf do sfl leI Kflsf dIvfn susfietI gurU Gr dI syvf inBfAux df mOkf idWqf igaf.

    Recess to be cancelled at Abbotsford schoolsWith teacher job action continuing across the province and no immediate settlement in sight, the Abbotsford School District has decided to cancel the recess break in middle and elementary schools until teacher job action ends.

    Recess breaks typically require significant involvement of teaching staff, notes Su-perintendent Kevin Godden. Since Stage 1 job action was initiated on April 23rd, the district has deployed its management staff to provide supervision at those times. As job action continues, this creates a challenge for these district staff who are away from their important responsibilities for significant por-tions of the day. This ongoing interruption to their work has compromised the ability of our district to operate smoothly.

    This measure is being taken to ensure that each school can adequately supervise students, ensure safety, and to secure the ongoing operation of other district services.

    Recess at elementary and middle schools will be cancelled as of Monday, May 12th

    onwards, until the BCTF job action is over. As a result, elementary and middle schools will start their day 15 to 20 minutes later. Sec-ondary school schedules will not be affected. District bus transportation schedules are being adjusted to align with revised school start times. Parents of elementary children who take a school bus will be contacted by the districts Transportation department to confirm the later pick up times. The district does not anticipate this will impact bus pick up times for middle and secondary students. All schools will end their day at the usual time.

    In his letter to parents/guardians, Superinten-dent Godden asked parents please arrange to have your child arrive at school close to the school starting time and to leave immediately after dismissal, since there will be limited supervision of students at the school during these times.

    Any new information will be provided to parents/guardians through direct communi-cations and the district website

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    surjIq pfqr ny jdoN ieh sLyar iliKaf sI qF siQqI inrsMdyh bVI duKdfeI sI qy prvfsI ho jfx dy duwK drd nUM bVy kruxfmeI ZMg nfl pfqr ny afpxy sLyar ivwc Zfilaf sI. AudoN afrQk qy smfjk duKFqF dI GuMmxGyrI qoN mukq hox leI nOjvfn ivdysLF nUM qur gey sn. smyN bdldy gey, afrQk bhulqfvF ` c AunHF nUM AuWQy jf ky BogIaF sfrIaF XfqnfvF ivsr geIaF. Pyr smyN kuJ hor bdly qy keI kbUqr bx ky eyQoN dy rfjnIqk mfhOl qy kfly idnF dI afV ivwc ivdysLF ivwc jf ky pnfhgIr ho gey. eyQoN dI PkIrI bfhr jf ky dOlqmMd ho geI. ivdysLF ivwc jfx dI lflsf ny hr nYiqkqf df cIr hrx kr idwqf. lok afpxIaF BYxF BrjfeIaF qy hr sUKm irsLqy dy Ehly ivwc bfhr jfx leI Auqyijq ho gey. hux lok ivdysLF ivwc rotI leI nhIN, afrQk bhulqf dI ckfcOND ivwc aMnHy ho ky jfx lwg pey hn. AuWQoN dI dOlqmMdI AuWQy igaF ny kI kuJ gvf ky hfsl kIqI hY, ies dI GoK koeI nhIN krdf jF ies qlK hkIkq nUM koeI mMnx leI vI iqafr nhIN. ijLMdgI ivwc hr iksy nUM AuprlI sqh `qy phuMcx dI qFG huMdI hY pr AuprlI sqh qwk phuMcx leI bMdy nUM svY-ClfivaF qoN sucyq rihx dI loV vI huMdI hY. ivdysLF ivwc rotI leI ruldy bhuiqaF nUM qF svY ClfivaF ny hI Cilaf hY. afrQk bhulqf dI qFG AunHF nUM bfhr lY qF geI, pr vfpsI hux AunHF dI qFG nhIN sI rhI.

    prvfs kdy vI svYiewCq nhIN huMdf. prvfs pRsiQqIaF dy ivprIq vrqfry krky vI vfprdf afieaf hY. rfjnIqk tuwt Bwj vI ies df kfrn bxdI rhI hY. ivprIq siQqIaF kfrn vfpiraf prvfs iksy nf iksy duKFqk siQqI dI Aupj hI huMdf hY. vwzy qoN vwzf duKFqk siQqI dI Aupj hI huMdf hY. vwzy qoN vwzy duKFq nUM vI Bog hMZf ilaf jFdf hY pr keI vfr qrfsdIaF dI ivkrflqf sfry hwdF bMny qoV idMdI hY qy bMdy nUM prvfs dI hoxI hMZfAuxI pYNdI hY. nfjLIaf dy julm qoN sqfey XhUdI bYTy ibTfey hI dr bdr nhIN sn ho gey. AunHF leI hor koeI rfh nhIN sI bicaf ik Auh afpxI hoNd bcf skx. lwKF XhUdI iksy anfm mulk dI qlfsL ivwc inkl qury sn. sfzy mulk dI vMz vyly vI pMjfb qy bMgfl dy lokF nUM axikafsy prvfs df sMqfp Bogxf ipaf sI. Aus prvfs dy jLKm ajy vI nhIN Bry. iek pIVHI ienHF jLKmF dI pIV sihMdI hI bIq rhI hY. purfqn BfrqI kQfvF ivwc bxvfs df ibrqFq afAuNdf hY. Gr qoN

    dUr ibgfinaF qy axjfx QfvF df vfs hI prvfs hY. prvfs qF mnuwK dy aMdr vI vfprdf hY. pr bfhrmuKI prvfs anykF ivprIqIaF dy kfrn bhuqf vfprdf hY.

    ijvyN ik pihlF vI kih afey hF ik prvfs kdy vI iewCq nhIN huMdf, ieh pRsiQqIaF dI ivprIqqf aqy Auqyjnf ivwcoN Aujfgr huMdf hY. ieh pRsiQqIaF vI mnuwK dI mfnvI bulMdI `coN pYdf nhIN huMdIaF, nf hI iksy ajLm jF akIdf ienHF df kfrn huMdf hY. ies df mksd isrP afrQk bhulqfvF dI pRfpqI hI huMdf hY. ivcfrDfrk siQqIaF `coN pYdf hoieaf prvfs iksy mksd jF akIdy nUM smripq huMdf hY. Auh ivdysLF ivwc mihjL rotI kmfAux vrgf nhIN huMdf. keI jurmF dy mujLrm vI BgOVy ho ky prvfs dIaF mOjF mfx rhy hn qy AuWQy phuMc ky vI afpxy mnsUibaF dI pUrqI bVy TfT bfT nfl kr rhy hn. keI qrHF dI rMgq vflIaF sMsQfvF qy tolIaF bxf ky vI prvfsI bixaf jf irhf hY. aijhy prvfs nUM srl BfsLf ivwc kbUqrbfjLI kih idwqf jFdf hY. kbUqrbfjLI qy ruJfn ny qF Xfqrf ` qy jfx dI hr koisLsL jF loV nUM vI dfgI bxf idwqf hY. prvfs hux mjbUrIaF qy lfcfrIaF df sbwb nhIN irhf. ieh sB nUM pqf hY ik sfzy mulk dIaF bhuBFqI pRsiQqIaF mnuwK nUM jIx dIaF muwZlIaF shUlqF qy sucwjf mfnvI mfhOl dyx dy kfbl nhIN. eyQoN dy iBRsLt qMqr ivwc jIxf inrsMdyh muhfl hY. pr ies df arQ ieh nhIN hY ik hr koeI ivdysL jfx leI hr jfiejL/njfiejL ZMg qrIkf vrqxf sLurU kr dyvy. kbUqrbfjLI dy ies ruJfn ny ivdysLF ivwc sfzI sfK nUM dfgI kIqf hoieaf hY. jy eyQy sB kuJ supinaF qy socF vrgf nhIN hY qF bfhr jf ky vI PuwlF dI syj nsIb nhIN huMdI. Prk isrP eyho hY ik ivdysLF ivwc idhfVIdfrF dI Aujrq vDyry hY qy ijLMdgI nymbwD lMGdI hY. purfxI pIVHI ny nvIN pIVHI dI smuwcI kfrjsYLlI nfl idsdf qy axidsdf smJOqf kr ilaf hY. prvfsI jn-jIvn dIaF guMJlF qy pycIdgIaF dfr vrxn AuWQy vsdy sfzy adIb dosqF dIaF ilKqF ivwc BlIBFq ho irhf hY. jy iek qRfsdI qoN mukq hox leI iksy dUsrI qRfsdI ivwc hI afpxy afp nUM grk krnf hY qF afp shyVy prvfs bfry sO vfrI socx dI loV hY. ieh ruJfn bysLwk iswiKafdfiek ZMg nfl smJfAux nfl nhIN ruk skxf. rujLgfr dy JMjt aqy guMJldfr mfniskqf hI prvfs leI pRyrk iDr bx ky AuBrdI hY.

    ... z pRimMdrjIq

    pihilaF simaF ivwc jdoN ibhqr ijLMdgI dI qlfsL ivwc lok prvfs kr gey sn qF siQqIaF bVIaF hI ivprIq sn. pr ienHF lokF ny AuWQy jf ky jo kuJ Boigaf hMZfieaf, Auh vI Gwt ivkrfl nhIN sI. nslI ivqkry aqy anykF apmfinq siQqIaF df ZMg ienHF lokF ny hI jiraf sI. pr ieh ikAuNik suKfvIN ijLMdgI dI lflsf ivwc AuWQy gey sn, ies leI ienHF ny hr duKd siQqI nUM vI shfiraf qy hr Auh kMm kIqf, ijhVf eyQy rihky krn bfry ienHF kdy soicaf vI nhIN sI. pr ienHF dy hOsly bulMd rhy. hux Auh aYn[ afr[ afeI[ khfAux ivwc PKr mihsUs krdy hn. AuWQy BogI jf rhI smfjkqf dI gwl krnI eyQy vfjb nhIN hY. iksy vzyrI pRfpqI leI afpxy aMdr dIaF bycYnIaF dy gubfr nUM sLFq krnf hI pYNdf hY. ivprIq smfjk siQqIaF ivwc vI ienHF lokF ny ibgfnIaF DrqIaF AuWqy afpxy hox df BrvF pRgtfvf kIqf qy keIaF ny afpxy afpxy Kyqr ivwc nfmxf vI Kwitaf. bysumfr bhulqfvF dy bfvjUd iek Klfa bhuqy prvfsIaF dy ijLhnF ivwc mOjUd

    hY, bysLwk hux AunHF nUM afpxI imwtI df moh jF hyj bhuqf nhIN sqfAuNdf, ikAuNik hux AunHF ny kdy vfps nhIN prqxf, ies leI pfqr dy ies sLyar dy arQ vI bdly hoey hI mihsUs hoxgy. hux qF mfvF cfeIN cfeIN puwqF nUM prdysIN Byj ky kuJ mhIinaF ipwCoN Auhdy pwky hox df Pon AuzIkdIaF hn. gYrkfnUMnI prvfs ny sYNkVy Gr brbfd kr idwqy hn. keI mulkF ivwc hjLfrF nOjvfn kIiVaF vrgI ijLMdgI jIa rhy hn. ikqy ikqy qF sfzy nOjvfn muMzy kuVIaF dyhF dI Kyz Kyzx leI vI mjbUr hn. ieh sB kuJ sux ky qF eyhI ikhf jf skdf hY ik bfhr dI rotI keIaF leI Kyh Kfx vrgI ho rhI hY. Gr df inwG Cwz ky ibgfny mulkF dIaF jylHF ivwc nrkI idn kwt rhy lokF bfry koeI kI khy jF kI kry. ivdysLF ivwc rotI leI rulidaF jF rulx jfx dIaF iqafrIaF kr rhy gwBrUaF leI hux koeI sLfier kyho ijhf gIq ilKygf. jfx vfilaF ny hux rokx `qy vI nhIN rukxf. hux qF eyho hI ikhf jf skdf ey, jf rhy ny ivdysLIN jo Btkx leI.

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    With summer on its way, British Columbians are not the only ones getting ready for the warm weather. Bears are coming out of hibernation and other animals, such as cougars and coyotes, are becoming more active, increasing the chance of human-wildlife encounters.

    To prevent human-wildlife con-flicts, British Columbians need to do their part by putting away food attractants including improperly stored garbage, bird seed and pet food. Access to these non-natural food sources is the main cause of human-wildlife conflicts in B.C.

    Bears emerging from hibernation are looking for food and will quickly learn how to get at convenient food sources. This leads to food-conditioned behaviour and increases potential conflicts with people. Whether it is a dirty barbecue or food scraps in composts, bears need to locate food only once to develop a feeding pattern and will continue to return to the area.

    Other animals, such as young cougars, roam wide in search of unoccupied territory, increasing their chances of wandering into residential communities, parks and campgrounds. Coyote pups are born in the spring and by July, are at-tempting to hunt on their own.

    For advice on reducing conflicts with wildlife such as bears, cougars, coyotes and deer visit the Wild-SafeBC website at:

    Communities where attractants are managed properly have seen a decline in related human-wildlife conflicts and in the number of ani-mals destroyed.

    The public is encouraged to re-port human-wildlife conflicts that threaten public safety or result in significant property damage by calling the Report All Poachers and

    Polluters (RAPP) line, toll free at 1 877 952-7277 (RAPP), or visit the RAPP website at:

    Quick facts:

    Its important that you know what to do when you encounter wildlife such as bears, cougars, coyotes and wolves in urban areas.

    Do not provide food to wildlife.

    Remain calm and never approach the animal.

    Always keep the animal in front of you (never turn your back) and back away slowly (never run).

    Keep children and pets close or pick them up. If possible, bring children and pets indoors.

    If the animal appears interested in you or approaches:

    Make yourself look as large as pos-sible by waving your arms above your head.

    Make loud noises, shout at the animal in a loud, aggressive voice or bang pots and pans and throw objects like rocks and sticks.

    Under the Wildlife Act, conserva-tion officers can issue a $230 ticket or notice for a court appearance to residents who do not secure attrac-tants. Residents who leave out items that attract dangerous wildlife could also be issued a Dangerous Wildlife Protection Order. Failure to comply with an order carries a $575 fine.

    Relocating wildlife is neither vi-able nor a long-term solution to managing these kinds of conflicts. When wildlife is relocated, it most often returns to conflict situations, or it does not survive as it has to compete with already established populations.

    In 2013-14, the Conservation Of-ficer Service received 28,063 calls regarding human-wildlife conflicts. Of those calls, 16,180 involved human-bear conflicts.

    Preventing human-wildlife conflicts

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    Health Minister Terry Lakes statement on Family Caregiver Week

    Health Minister Terry Lake has released the following statement today in recog-nition of Family Caregiver Week, May 3-9, 2014.

    This week is a chance to ac-knowledge the work and sacrifice of the over one million caregivers throughout British Columbia. These dedicated people provide physical, emotional and financial support to family and friends who may be el-derly, chronically ill or living with a disability.

    Providing care to a loved one can be rewarding, but it can also be challenging and may take a toll on a caregivers own health. Thats why the Ministry of Health and health authorities are committed to supporting organizations that help caregivers navigate their unique and ever-changing role. Online forums,

    workshops and other resources provide practical tools and personal supports which aim to ease some of the stress of being a caregiver.

    Because we believe in the im-portance of keeping patients con-nected to their home community, B.C.s well-funded home-care and home-support services, including community nursing, palliative and end-of-life care, as well as non-medical services like the United Ways Better at Home program, help to relieve the physical, emotional and financial burden often felt by those caring for loved ones.

    On behalf of the Province of British Columbia, I would like to thank all the caregivers who work every day to improve the health and well-being of family and friends. Your job is not an easy one, but it is invaluable to those you care for.

    Premier Christy Clark issued the following statement on the passing of Dr. Jagat Jack Singh Uppal

    British Columbias South Asian Community lost one of its pillars with the passing of Dr. Jagat Uppal - better known to everyone as Jack.

    Dr. Uppal lived the quintessential Canadian story. The son of immi-grants, he was one of the first Sikh children to attend public school in Vancouver. He went out of his way to support others looking to build their lives in British Columbia, hir-ing them with his successful lumber company, Goldwood Industries, or helping them integrate with Ca-nadian society as president of the Khalsa Diwan Society.

    He was recognized as a leader, re-ceiving a British Columbia Commu-nity Achievement Award in 2010, and an honorary doctorate from Simon Fraser University in 2012.

    My thoughts and prayers are with Dr. Uppals family. He will be missed.

    Dr. Jagat Jack Singh Uppal

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    imsr dI iewk adflq vwloN musilm bRdrhuwz dy muKI smyq 683 ivakqIaF nUM mOq dI sjLf suxfey jfx df mMdBfgf PYslf inMdxXog hY. adflq duafrf AunHF nUM ieh sjLf hor hwiqafvF smyq puils krmcfrIaF dI hwiqaf dy Xqn df dosLI mMnx vjoN idwqI geI hY. gOrqlb hY ik ipCly sfl agsq ivwc musilm bRdrhuwz dy smrQkF ny imsr dy dwKxI imnXf ivwc iewk puils stysLn AuWqy hmlf kIqf sI. ies qoN pihlF puils aqy musilm bRdrhuwz dy smrQkF ivwc sMGrsL hoieaf sI ijs ivwc puils ny gwdIAuN lfhy ieslfmI rfsLtrpqI muhMmd morsI dy sYNkVy smrQkF nUM mfr idwqf igaf sI. ipCly sfl ieslfmI rfsLtrpqI muhMmd morsI nUM ahudy qoN lfhy jfx bfad imsr asiQrqf dI lpyt ivwc hY. adflq vwloN suxfey gey PYsly nfl mulk ivwc qxfa pYdf hox dIaF sMBfvnfvF qoN ienkfr nhIN kIqf jf skdf. hfl hI ivwc imsr dI mOjUdf srkfr vwloN morsI pwKI musilm bRdrhuwz nUM dihsLqvfdI sMgTn aYlfinaf igaf hY. hYrfnI dI gwl ieh hY ik loVINdy sbUqF qoN bgYr 683 ivakqIaF nUM mOq dI sjLf suxf idwqI geI hY. ies qoN pqf lwgdf hY ik imsr df mOjUdf POjI injLfm morsI pwKIaF aqy musilm bRdrhuwz pRqI ikMnf BYVf rvweIaf rwKdf hY hflF ik AunHF vwloN lokqMqrI ZMg nfl sLFqmeI rih ky afpxf ros

    pRgt kIqf jf irhf hY. POjI injLfm df morsI pwKI bfkI jQybMdIaF ivruwD vI aijhf hI vqIrf hY.

    imsr ivwc lokqMqr dy kuJ ku smyN nUM Cwz ky lMmy smyN qoN qfnfsLfhI rfj-pRbMD cilaf af irhf hY. amrIkf, imsr df rxnIqk BfeIvfl hY aqy Auh hI ies nUM hiQafr afid splfeI krdf hY. BfvyN hux vwzy pwDr `qy idwqIaF jf rhIaF mOq dIaF sjLfvF dI amrIkf ny inMidaf kIqI hY pr Auh AuWQoN dy mOjUdf POjI injLfm dI hmfieq vI kr irhf hY. amrIkf dI sLih AuWqy ipCly sfl julfeI ivwc jmhUrI ZMg nfl cuxy gey imsr dy rfsLtrpqI muhMmd morsI nUM mulk dI inaF pRxflI Kqm krn dy dosL hyT gwdIAuN lfh idwqf igaf sI. amrIkf afpxy sOVy isafsI mMqvF leI sfijLsLF aDIn musilm mulkF ivwc af rhI lokqMqrI hvf nUM TwlHx ivwc BfvyN iPlhfl sPl ivKfeI idMdf hY pr ivsLv Br dy isafsI icMqk ies gwl qoN BlIBFq jfxU hn. jykr amrIkf, imsr dI mOjUdf srkfr vwloN bdlf lAU Bfvnf aDIn idwqIaF jf rhIaF mOq dIaF sjLfvF nUM glq smJdf hY qF Aus nUM afpxf pRBfv vrq ky ieh axmnuwKI vrqfrf bMd krfAuxf cfhIdf hY. ivsLv Br dIaF jmhUrI sLkqIaF nUM imsr dIaF lokrfjI qfkqF nUM mjLbUq krn leI awgy afAux dI jLrUrq hY.

    ipMz BfgI ky dIaF smUh sMgqF vwloN sMq drbfrf isMG lopo vfilaF dI brsI gurduafrf bfbf bMdf isMG bhfdr ivKy mnfeI jf rhI hY.

    sRI aKMz pfT sfhb dy pRkfsL 9 meI nUM

    Bog sRI aKMz pfT sfihb 11 meI nUM

    sfry hI ielfkf invfsIaF aqy sMgq nUM huMm humf ky phuMcx leI bynqI kIqI jFdI hY. ies sbMDI hor jfxkfrI lYx leI hyT ilKy nMbrF qy sMprk kro:

    muKiqafr isMG ZIzsf 604-855-8976

    hridafl isMG brfV (BfgIky) 604-852-2575

    I, A@, AA

  • Friday, May 9th, 2014 PAGE 25Punjabi Patrika

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    bys L wk BfrqI r w iKaf pRxflI `c kuJ kmjLorIaF af geIaF hn pr sfrIaF smwisafvF dy bfvjUd BfrqI hiQafr XMqr Koj ivBfg ny dusLmxF dy itkfixaF `qy hmlf krn dI idsLf `c aihm pRfpqIaF hfsl kIqIaF hn.

    ienHF `c jLmIn qoN jLmIn qwk aqy kuJ jLmIn qoN hvf ` c mfr krn vflIaF imjLfeIlF hn. Bfrq kol smuMdr `coN dfgIaF jfx vflIaF imjLfielF vI hn aqy agnI imjLfeIlF BfrqI imjLfeIl pRxflI dI rIVH hn.

    aDuink imjLfeIlF nU M ivksq krn dI lVI `c agnI 1, 2, 3 qy 4 qoN ielfvf EizsLf `c cFdIpur qo N ipRQvI-2 imjLfeIl dy sPl pRIKx qoN ielfvf DnusL, bRihmos, sfgirkf, afkfsL aqy pRhfr afid imjLfeIlF vI BfrqI rwiKaf qMqr df aihm ihwsf bxIaF hn.

    sfzy kol jLmIn qy hvf qoN mfr krn vflI imjLfeIl qknIk qF pihlF hI sI jnvrI 2013 `c pfxI aMdro N CwzI jfx vflI pRmfxU smrwQf nfl lYs bYilsitk imjLfeIl df sPl pR IKx krn qo N bfad asIN pfxI dy aMdroN imjLfeIl Cwzx dI smrwQf vI hfsl kr leI hY.

    hux ipCly 10 idnF `c rwiKaf Kyqr `c vwzI Cfl mfridaF asIN do vwzIaF pRfpqIaF hfsl kIqIaF hn. iek pRfpqI 27 apRYl nUM hfsl hoeI, jdoN asIN dusLmx vloN dfgI jfx vflI lMbI dUrI dI imjLfeIl nUM nsLt krn `c smrwQ aYkso aYtmfsPIairk ieMtrsYptr imjLfeIl df pihlI vfr sPl pRIKx kIqf.

    aYzvFsz eyar izPYNs vloN afpxy dysL `c bxfeI ieh pihlI imjLfeIl pRIKx dOrfn sfhmixAuN C wzI geI b Y ilsitk imjLfeIl nUM nsLt krn `c kfmXfb rhI qy ies qrHF ies imsLn df AudysL pUrf ho igaf. dusLmx imjLfeIl nU M ies qrHF Cwizaf igaf sI ijvyN Auh 2000 iklomItr dUrI qoN af rhI hovy. dusLmx vloN kIqy imjLfeIl hmly qoN bcfa leI bxfeI ieh imjLfeIl 120 iklomItr dI AucfeI qoN dfgI geI dusLmx dI imjLfeIl dy hmly nUM nfkfm krn `c pRBfvsLflI iswD ho skdI hY.i e h s m r w Q f i s w D krky iPlhfl BfrqI ivigafnIaF ny dusLmx vloN dfgIaF jfx vflIaF drimafnI dUrI dIaF bYilsitk imjLfeIlF qoN bcfa dI smrwQf idKfeI hY qy hux sfzf aglf AudysL 5000 iklomItr dI d Ur I q o N af rhI hmlfvr afeI[ sI[ bI[ aYm[ qoN bcfa krn vflI ieMtrsYptr imjLfeIl nUM ivkisq krnf hY.dUjI pRfpqI 1 meI nUM hfsl hoeI, jdoN EizsLf ` c siQq cFdIpur eykIikRq pRIKx ryNj qoN hI jLmIn qoN hvf `c mfr krn vflI drimafnI dUrI dI afkfsL imjLfeIl df qIjf sPl pRIKx kIqf igaf.pUrI qrHF svdysLI ies imjLfeIl dI mfrU smrwQf 25 iklomItr hY. ies `c aijhI bYtrI lwgI hoeI hY, ijs nfl iekwTy keI insLfinaF df pqf lgf ky AunHf `qy hmlf kIqf jf skdf hY. sfry mOsmF `c mfr kr skx vflI ieh 700 iklo BfrI imjLfeIl 2[5 mYk dI rPqfr nfl 60 iklo qwk XuwD smwgrI iljf skdI hY.

    zieh imjLfeIl dysL dy eykIikRq imjLfeIl ivkfs pRogrfm `c mIl df iek vwzf pwQr iswD hovygI. ieh imjL feIl afpxy insLfny nUM hvf `c hI PuMz dyx dI pUrI smrwQf rwKdI hY. ies qoN pihlF 23 apRYl nUM hvfeI POj vloN cFdIpur `c hI do afkfsL imjLfeIlF df sPl pRIKx

    kIqf igaf, ijnHF nUM 2 sfl qoN vI Gwt imafd ` c Bfrq dy rwiKaf Koj ivBfg ny ivkisq kIqf hY.

    iewQy ijLkrXog hY ik pfiksqfn vloN lgfqfr imjLfeIl pRIKx kIqy jf rhy hn. kuJ sflF `c hI Auh lMbI, CotI qy drimafnI dUrI dIaF imjLfeIlF qoN ielfvf keI hor qrHF dIaF

    imjLfeIlF df pRIKx vI kr cuwkf hY. ipCly hPqy hI pfiksqfn ny CotI dUrI dI bYilsitk imjLfeIl hqP-3 df sPl pRIKx kIqf hY. aijhI siQqI `c Bfrq vlo N afpxy rwiKaf pRogrfm nUM jfrI rwKxf hr ilhfjL nfl jLrUrI hY.rwiKaf dy Kyqr `c lgfqfr sPlqfvF

    hfsl krnf BfrqI rwiKaf qMqr dI jfgrUkqf df sbUq hY qy hux Bfrq afpxI KfihsLI tU lyar bYilsitk imjLfeIl izPYNs (bI[ aYm[ zI[) Xojnf pUrI krn dy nyVy phuMc igaf hY, ijs dy leI BfrqI hiQafr XMqr Koj sMsQf dy aiDkfrI vDfeI dy pfqr hn.

  • ivs`KI Eqy K`lsy dy jnm idn dI l@K l@K vD`eI hovyafkf rfhf FrdCtrYPq dpPfqAd DtDprBPq

    (Paul Wadhawan) F@D-C@H-FBCD (Gurnaib S. Brar) F@D-C@I-AHAH (Baljinder S. Bains) F@D-H@G-AIIE (Sonny Grewal) F@D-EAB-CDE@ (Gurmeet S. Dhaliwal) F@D-EEF-HIDI (Manjit S. Sohi) GGH HGH G@F@

    (Manjit S. Minhas) F@D-FDD-AADB (Darshan K. Sharma) F@D-C@H-EC@Aiji(Dr. Rajinder Singh Bhatti) Eqyqii(Nash Gill)

    Khalsa Credit Union $250,000

    Wadhawan Family $75,000

    Khalsa Diwan Society of Abbotsford $51,000

    Buttar Gurdeep S & Parmjit K $50,000

    Gill Nachhatar S (Nash) $50,000

    Sidhu Jatinder Singh (Jati) $50,000Raiwal Balbir Singh $25,000Sivia Nirmal Singh $25,000Sidhu Hardev Singh Ranjit Singh Hardip Singh $25,000Kehlar Bruce & Georgina $25,000Gill Sukhi (Mid Valley and Charlesworth Insurance) $25,000Binning Jasvir Singh $25,000 Baldev, Harnek, Sukhdev & Ajmer Singh Seikhon $21,000Bhogal Family (Aldergrove & Mission) $15,000Mission Gur Sikh Society $13,000Gian`s Sweet Shop & Jagraon Enterprises $12,000Sharma Darshan Kumar $11,000Khangura Balbir S (Khangura Engineering) $11,000Gurudwara Kalgidhar Darbar Sahib $11,000Greenland Growers Nursery (Dhami) $10,100Dr. Malwinder S. Dhami $10,100Dhillon Harbans Singh $10,100Brar Bant Singh $10,000Abby Pharmacy $10,000Toor Garry & Bam Sidhu $10,000Thandi Sucha S $10,000Thandi Gurdev S. & Sons $10,000Sidhu Kinder & Associates $10,000Sidhu Chamkaur S(Alamwala) $10,000Sangha Norm S. $10,000Sandhu Sachiar Kaur $10,000Minhas Satpal S (Satkul Development) $10,000Manku Jasbir S $10,000

    Kooner Nachhattar S (Surrey) $10,000Heer Manmohan Singh $10,000Gill Mohinder S & Gurdev S $10,000Gill Baljinder S (Fraser Cedar) $10,000Dhillon Malkiat Singh $10,000Dhaliwal Shamsher $10,000Brar Davinder Singh & Amarjit Singh $10,000Banwait Jasbir Singh $10,000Alamwala Sarwan S & Family $10,000Tiwana Garry $7,151Dhaliwal Baljit Singh $7,111Parhar Onkar Singh (Jashin Enterprises) $7,000Dr. Rajinder S. Bhatti $7,000Dr. Sukhdev S. Gill $7,000Sidhu Kartar S (Mahean walla) $5,250Brar Gurnaik S $5,200Bhullar Baljeet S (Ramgarh) $5,100Romana Gurpiar S $5,100Purewal Kamalprit S $5,100Minhas Manjit Singh $5,100Mann Baljinder S $5,100Lally Tarlochan Singh (Dunamis Farms) $5,100Kular Harmel S $5,100Westberry Farms $5,000Waqat Enterises $5,000Varing Garry $5,000Toor Sadhu Singh $5,000Tiwana Parminder Singh $5,000Thind Parmjit S. $5,000Thind Hardial Singh (High Class Homes) $5,000Swaich Ekbal Singh $5,000Sood Romesh $5,000Sohi Manjit Singh $5,000Sivia Agarvir Singh $5,000Singh Satpal $5,000Singh Jiwan (Moga) $5,000Sidhu Terry (Notary Public) $5,000Sidhu Surjit K (RPR Farms) $5,000Sidhu Kulwinder S $5,000Sidhu Harbhajan K $5,000Sidhu Gogi Singh (Kanaka Creek) $5,000Sidhu Dalip S. Giani $5,000Sidhu Andy & Pritam (Punjabi Patrika) $5,000

    Sekhon Sikander S & Jasvir S $5,000Saran Mehar S $5,000Sanghera Makhan Singh $5,000Sangha Sukhdev S $5,000Sandhu Surjit S (SD Farms) $5,000Sandhu Sukhwinder S $5,000Sandhu Ajit Singh $5,000Randhawa Rattan S (G & R Growers) $5,000Randhawa Ranjit S $5,000Randhawa Harbhajan S $5,000Phangura Tarsem S $5,000Oberoi Bhupinder Singh $5,000Neger Balwant S $5,000Neger Bhajan K $5,000Narang Gurmail Singh $5,000Narang Gurbux Singh $5,000Nanuwa Santokh S $5,000Maskeen Development Ltd. (Surrey) $5,000Marshal Pharmacy $5,000Mann Palwinder (Superstar Roofing) $5,000Mander Jeet (Sarbjeet), Balbir S $5,000Malhi Shaminder Singh $5,000Mahil Tarvain S $5,000Mahil Darshan S $5,000Lickman Food & Fuel Limited $5,000Lanji Dildar Singh $5,000Kular Harminder Kaur $5,000Kooner Kewal Singh $5,000Kooner Balraj S $5,000Khattar Ajit S $5,000Khaira Bakhshish S $5,000Judge Param Singh $5,000Js Pizza (SFW) $5,000Heer Jarnail Singh $5,000Hayer Harbhajan S $5,000Hayer Gurmit S $5,000Harbor Trucking $5,000Grewal Surinderpal S $5,000Grewal Rajvir Singh Aldergrove $5,000Grewal Rajinder Singh $5,000Grewal Harbans Singh $5,000Grewal Davinderpal S $5,000Gladwin Pharmacy $5,000Gill Swaran S (Dhudike) $5,000 Gill Surinder S. (Dhudike) $5,000Gill Satvir Singh (Sat) $5,000Gill Ravinder S (Robbie) $5,000Gill Pritam S (Karyal) $5,000Gill Nazar Singh $5,000

    Gill Nashattar S $5,000Gill Mukhtiar Singh (Aldergrove) $5,000Gill Makhan & Jaswinder $5,000Gill Jaswinder (Jas) Singh (Electrician) $5,000Gill Jarnail S. $5,000Gill Baldev S $5,000Gill Balbir Singh (Librarian) $5,000Gill Moe & Jagdish K $5,000Gill Gursewak Singh $5,000Garden Grove Nursary Aldergrove $5,000Garcha Sukhdev Singh $5,000G Mann Trucking $5,000Fraser Valley Hindu Society $5,000Dr. Shavinder S. Gill $5,000Dr. Ron Brar $5,000Dr. Manjinder S.Saini $5,000Dr. Harjit S. Lail $5,000Dr. Gagan Grover $5,000Dr. Alok Sood $5,000Dr P. K. Sidhu & Jesse Sidhu $5,000Dhillon Jagdish K $5,000Dhillon Baaga S. $5,000Dhesi Malkiat Singh & Daljit Singh $5,000Dhami Narang & Co. $5,000Dhaliwal Gurmeet Singh Mission $5,000Deol Harinder Singh $5,000Country Lumber $5,000Chohan Zora S. $5,000Cheema Manjit S ( York Home Design) $5,000Cheema Kaviraj S $5,000Cedar Park Pharmacy $5,000Butter Farms $5,000Brar Shabnam Singh $5,000Brar Lakhvinder (Bagi) Singh $5,000Brar Gurnaib Singh $5,000Brar Gurbhej Singh (MGB Enterprise) $5,000Braich Sher S. & Surinder K $5,000Blueridge Pharmacy $5,000Bhattal Zora S. $5,000Bhatti Opinder S $5,000Bathe Raj $5,000Bangar Raghbir Singh $5,000Bandesha Hari $5,000Bains Patvinder Singh $5,000Bains Baljinder Singh $5,000Alamwala Jasvir (Jessie) $5,000Atwal Balraj S $5,000

    2061 irvrsfeIz roz, aYbtsPorz, bI[sI[

    Gwto-Gwt 5000 zflr dfn dy ky qusIN ies susfietI dy sQfeI mYNbr bx skdy ho. ieh mYNbrisLp pIVHI dr pIVHI clygI| ienHF pRIvfrF dy nfm iPAunrl hom dI aYNtrI ivwc mUhrlI kMD qy Aukry jfxgy. ieh nfm hmysLf vfsqy kMD AuWpr dfnIaF dI Xfd duafAuNdy rihxgy. nfm Aukrx dI afKrI qrIk 30 sqMbr, 2014 qWk vDf idWqI geI hY. ies qoN bfad vfly dfnIaF dy nfm ies kMD Aupr nhIN ikqy hor ilKy jfxgy. nfm Aukrn dIaF iqMn sLRYxIaF hn.

    1[ 5000[00 qoN AuWpr 2[ 10,000[00 qoN AuWpr 3[ 25,000[00 qoN AuWprjldI qoN jldI dfn dy ky susfietI dy mYNbr bxo. dfn idWqI geI rkm dI tYks dI rsId vI idWqI jfvygI.

    d`nI s@j dy n`mieh AuhnF pRIvfrF dy nfm hn ijnHF dy nfm iPAunrl hom dI aYNtrI ivwc mUhrlI kMD qy Aukry jfxgy. ies ivwc lfeIP

    mYNbrisLp jF pRI-nIz kntrYkt vfsqy idwqI geI rkm sLfml nhIN.

    susfietI smuWcI kimAUintI nfl jfxkfrI sFJI kridaF bhuq sMqusLtI mihsUs kr rhI hY ik afpxI kimAUintI df iPAUnrl hom aYbtsPorz ivKy 17 nvMbr, 2013 qoN cflU ho cuWikaf hY. srivs buWk krfAux

    vfsqy qusIN iPAUnrl hom nfl 24 GMty sWqy idn 604-746-3040 qy sMprk kr skdy ho.

    hor jfxkfrI leI iPAUnrl hom df Pon nMbr: 604[746[3040

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    BfvyN PRyjLr hYlQ dy hspqflF ivc srjrI dI AuzIk krn vfilaF dIaF kqfrF lMmIaF hn pr

    iPr vI afpxy bwjt nUM sMqulq krn ihq srjrIaF ivc ktOqI krn df PYslf kIqf hY| ies sbMDI srjIkl pRogrfm dy zfierYktr zf: pItr blyar df kihxf hY ik ieh ktOqI nf mfqR hY , 20% nhIN ijhf ik vfeIt rOk dy srjn vwloN ikhf igaf hY| AuDr pIs ark hspqfl dy srjrI dy muKI zf: aYmop simwt df kihxf hY ik jy

    PRyjLr hYlQ vwloN aYlfnI kt