MAY 2013 ATS, Moda & FAME Addendum

Post on 12-Mar-2016

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MAY 2013 ATS, Moda & FAME Addendum

Transcript of MAY 2013 ATS, Moda & FAME Addendum

1766 7 Chi / Street LeveL

2507 925 ZSa ZSa JeweLS

2459 a & S CoLLeCtion2035 a Mano trading2434 a.J. Morgan1938 a.v.e. SrL2451 adia Kibur

aCCeSSorieS2618 ahuJaSonS

SCarveS2707 aJS deSign Studio2174 aLiSha d2755 aLL that gLitterS2455 aLL the rage2760 aLLy roSe topperS2514 aLMar hatS2271 aMabeL deSignS2671 ananda deSignS1607 andean CoLLeCtion1719 andrew haMiLton

Crawford1858 anJu JeweLry1914 anne KopLiK

deSignS2506 anne-Marie

Chagnon2450 art wear reading

gLaSSeS2055 athra nJ2058 b.eLLa nouveLLa &

e.g. SMith Legwear2640 baKed beadS2675 baLi Queen2427 ban.do2119 be Je deSignS2437 beLgo Lux faShion

aCCeSSorieS2466 benJaMin int’L.2424 bernie Mev2475 beSt SiLver2645 beth binghaM

& Co.1860 betMar new yorK2206 betty Carre2431 big buddha inC.1925 biJoux nuM2374 biLtMore hatS2645 bLooMSberry

ChoCoLateS2034 bLue paCifiC

faShion2737 bonnefoy

CreationS1824 bora1601 brighton

aCCeSSorieS2313 buena onda1607 butiK2721 C & d JeweLry2374 CaLLanan2374 CappeLLi

StraworLd2374 CarLoS by CarLoS

Santana1731 CaSS Luxury

Shapewear1959 Cathayana2644 Chainging tiMeS2450 Chanour JeweLry1835 CharLene K at LoS

angeLeS2375 Chateau anne uSa2635 Cheveux Corp2227 CheZ by CheryL2645 ChiCbudS2211 ChriSta LouiSe2374 ChriStyS’ London2645 CiCCiabeLLa2536 City deSign group

1931 CMd handbagS2437 CobaLt2225 Co-Lab/Zenith2023 CoLLeen toLand,

inC.1926 CoSModora2631 CreationS

georgianni1855 Creative eyewear/

bataLi2644 CroSSroadS1607 daLita2541 david & young

Co., inC.2450 debra Shepard1754 deLuxe faShion

aCCentS1767 diLeMMa inC.1815 diva hatS1735 diZZy, inC.2426 donna Si by MgoLd2374 dorfMan paCifiC2374 dpC2209 dreaM MuLLiCK2206 droZaK Studio2314 due frateLLi1950 dye tieS2071 earth axxeSSorieS2054 eaSt CLoud1907 eCho deSign1863 eLegant additionS,

inC.2706 eLiZabeth giLLett2066 eLLaJoy2107 eLLiott LuCCa2154 eMpowered by you2645 envi reuSabLe

bagS2731 eriK & MiKe2130 eSCape froM pariS2207 ettiKa2559 fada nyC2450 faShion beLLa1859 faShion beLLa Co.2123 faShion

expreSSionS2139 feLiCia Ltd.2644 fig deSign group2645 fLipout SandaLS1751 fLoga inC2074 foot traffiC2725 footZy foLdS2750 forLand inC.1936 fornaSh2406 frida K2134 gab+CoS deSignS1607 gaMine1845 gena aCCeSSorieS2719 gina Made it1739 gLove.Ly

touChSCreen gLoveS

1740 gogo / preggerS by therafirM

1941 good worK(S) MaKe a differenCe

1870 graCe Chuang inC.2044 graCe hatS ny LLC.2019 grand baZaar2013 grandoe

Corporation2314 h & v

LeathergoodS2726 harriSon SCott by

iriS Lane2666 headdreSS ny2645 henry ferrera2130 high faShion2318 hiLa.2638 hypewipeS1875 i SMiLe deSign, inC.

2651 iLi2607 iLux2059 iMoShion

handbagS2026 in thingS1919 initiaL reaCtion1731 inviSibeLLaS2130 inZi by high

faShion1771 iSabeLt1807 itaLCa2432 iZaK1775 J & x1954 JaCK e.ohS nyC2015 Jaded Studio2306 Jan MiChaeLS - San

franCiSCo2644 Jane eLiSSa2415 Jayden Star2662 JC Sunny1962 Jeanne SiMMonS


2125 Jeff Lieb JeweLry - totaL deSign

2645 Jennifer dahL deSignS

2530 JeSSLyn bLaKe2474 JeweLZ dreaMS2450 JoaneL handbagS1712 John branigan2658 John faShion

internationaL2450 Joie de vivre2770 Joy aCCeSSorieS2007 JpK pariS 752659 JuSt fantaStiC2570 KaKyCo2450 KarMa Kreation1755 Kathy Jeanne inC.1607 KitSCh1814 KLub niCo2361 Knit bon bonS2763 KoLe deSign2222 KoraLia2315 La CoLLeCtion2450 LandeS1706 LatiCo LeatherS2710 Levante uSa1866 LiLLy’S aLLure2418 LiMon pieL

CoLoMbia2714 L’indoChineur2645 LiSa Leonard1750 LiZ Soto2575 LiZa KiM

aCCeSSorieS2645 LooK at Me

deSignS2327 LooK by M1710 LooK froM London

hoSiery2407 LouiSe green

MiLLinery1714 Lua2450 LuCKy feather1731 LuSter2266 M*JeweLS2766 Mad StyLe1607 Made2450 Made it2367 Magid2030 MairS hair2775 MaJeStiC CryStaLS2319 MarJorie baer

aCCeSSorieS inC.1927 MarJorie renner2226 Mary franCeS2567 Max Mayer, inC.2115 Maya inC1758 MC oaSiS

2710 Me Moi’2713 MeduSa’S

heirLooMS, inC.1850 MeLie bianCo

aCCeSSorieS1830 MerCi Marie itaLian

Leather handbagS2122 Mina Mann2419 MiShKy, inC.2267 MiSS eLLie MathiaS

deSignS2314 MiSS MaK deSignS1819 ModitaL biJoux2518 More Lane2450 MyStiQue faShionS2445 naKaMoL deSignS,

LLC2350 nanni deSign Corp.1759 new CLaSSiC2027 niCoLe & Co.1924 niCoLe MiLLer

SCarveS2530 niLa anthony2018 nina2018 nina originaLS2238 nine 2 five2411 nino boSSi2645 not JuSt any oLd

day1967 nuSantara2238 odM watCheS2730 onigo iMportS2737 opheLie hatS2412 ornaMentaL

thingS2421 paJaroLiMon1844 pantropiC2644 peeKabooS

ponytaiL hatS1974 peruvian trading

Co.2723 peter M2554 phunKeetree2414 piero guidi1944 pin & tube, inC.2444 pinK houSe

iMportS2531 pinK pewter2555 pretty

perSuaSionS2150 printed viLLage2508 private opening2418 proexport

CoLoMbia2307 prudenCe C LLC2245 pura vida1827 purSen2627 r & r Leather

CoLLeCtionS2366 rain1836 rebeL deSignS2231 reCherChe new

yorK2240 regiS aLeS by

enttra2375 rioni Moda itaLia2644 riSing tide1607 robyn rhodeS1823 roSe gonZaLeS1730 ruSh by deniS &

CharLeS2225 S. fieLding

aCCeSSorieS2219 Sabina new yorK1958 Safari Murano2106 SaKrootS2754 SaM hiLu’S

CoLLeCtion2527 San diego hat Co.2374 Santana by CarLoS


1745 Sax greenwiCh aCCeSSory CoLLeCtion

2208 SayaMi2374 SCaLa2644 Sea LiLy2727 Sfi - SyLCa deSignS1851 Shihreen2175 ShiraLeah2224 SiLK, wooL and

biJoux2710 SLiM Me

Shapewear2644 SnaZZy beadS2239 Sondra robertS2747 StaCey’S ChoiCe2374 StaCy adaMS2058 Standard

MerChandiSing Co.2755 SterLing StyLeS2374 StetSon CLoth

hatS & CapS1806 Steve Madden2450 StyLe houSe

ShowrooM2615 Swift Leather2645 SyLvia aLexander

aCCeSSorieS2645 SyLvia aLexander

JeweLry2213 taMMy SpiCe

JeweLry1715 tano, inC2145 taoLei deSignS, inC.2127 taShiMani1921 tereSa goodaLL2051 terry StaCK1867 the abigaiL riggS

CoLLeCtion2106 the SaK2067 tiCKLed pinK2326 tiger Mountain2644 tLC by hoMe &

StyLe1707 toLani CoLLeCtion2374 toMMy bahaMa1744 top it off1874 top SheLf JeweLry

inC.2751 touCan hatS/

CaroLe aMper2715 trendS1724 tripLe C deSignS2374 tropiCaL trendS2131 twin StarS2430 uptown girLS2344 urban expreSSionS2114 v. fraaS2526 veond2311 verMania2437 verMiLLion1975 vivi deSignS, inC2744 vSa aCCeSSorieS1731 wearrepair1742 whitney howard

deSignS1818 wiMberLy, inC.1763 windhorSe

trading2374 wooLriCh

headwear2367 y & S handbagS1743 yeLLow box Corp.2358 Zad2755 ZaZou2330 ZenZii2775 ZhangS deSignS2519 Ziba boutiQue2718 ZirConMania

2507 | 925 Zsa Zsa Jewels | Tel: (212)244-4431 | |

1938 | a.V.e. sRl | Tel: 0585254647 | |

2424 | BeRnie MeV | Tel: (201)788-5846 | |

2320 | Betsey Johnson/anne Klein/oRi | Tel: (212)736-4574 |

2164 | Button JewelRy By Val ColBeRt | Tel: (404)272-4630 | |

2536 | City Design gRoup | Tel: (201)343-8000 | |

1931 | CMD hanDBags | Tel: (917)885-8949 |

2541 | DaViD & young Co., inC. | Tel: (201)866-8011 |

2071 | eaRth axxessoRies | |

2154 | eMpoweReD By you | Tel: (202)365-7399 |

2406 | FRiDa K | Tel: (305)458-5803 |

2134 | gaB+Cos Designs | Tel: (305)662-3809 | |

2719 | gina MaDe it | Tel: (917)741-0718 | |

1739 | touChsCReen gloVes | Tel: (732)927-1396 | |

2013 | gRanDoe CoRpoRation | Tel: (518)725-8641 | |

2258 | gReen tRee JewelRy | Tel: (760)749-7833 | |

2265 | guZel | Tel: (973)418-5322 | |

2607 | ilux | Tel: (646)638-2323 | |

2474 | JewelZ DReaMs | Tel: (305)253-7490 | |

2613 | Kippys | Tel: (619)435-6218 | |

1710 | looK FRoM lonDon hosieRy | Tel: (718)403-9060 | |

2367 | MagiD | Tel: (212)268-1071 | |

2115 | Maya inC | Tel: (973)778-2166 | |

2238 | nine 2 FiVe | Tel: (800)odm-Today | |

2238 | oDM watChes | Tel: (800)odm-Today | |

2414 | pieRo guiDi | Tel: (212)775-8555 | |

1958 | saFaRi MuRano | Tel: (212)575-7855 | |

1745 | sax gReenwiCh aCCessoRy ColleCtion | Tel: (203)983-3179 | |

1806 | steVe MaDDen | Tel: (212)695-5545 |

2615 | swiFt leatheR | Tel: (773)255-5504 | |

2715 | tRenDs | Tel: (516)797-9665 | |

2167 | VaalBaRa | Tel: (917)691-3368 | |

2526 | VeonD | Tel: (201)804-8800 | |

1458 | CouRtney washington | Tel: (212)354-1805 | |

1550 | Designs By oC | Tel: (302)645-7401 |

1676 | DoRMan Fashions | Tel: (800)872-7455 | |

1245 | in CashMeRe | Tel: (212)302-0444 | |

1337 | Julia JoRDan | Tel: (646)214-3090 |

1130 | Kensie | Tel: (212)354-9342 | |

1635 | Ranee’s | Tel: (305)322-9180 | |

1550 | saM Fashion | Tel: (302)645-7401 |

1345 | sanDRa DaRRen | Tel: (646)214-3090 |

1458 | ZZan JewelRy | Tel: (212)354-1805 | |

170 | ReVe Clothing inC | Tel: (631)274-5631 |

aCCessoRiestheshow Booth listing MoDa Manhattan Booth listing1438 212 ShowrooM

nyC1559 3.33 teeS by Citron1559 a few good LineS1555 a peopLe united1425 a woMan1371 adore1458 advant garde1155 aKS1155 anaC1224 anaLiLi1654 andrea Lebeau1354 andria Lieu1155 anonyMouS

ShowrooM1637 apriL CorneLL1171 ariS-a1371 arMand & aLba1431 art of CLoth1652 aSian eye1224 atina CriStina1236 auM-Couture1258 avaLin1451 avni1424 bae rae1631 barbara gerwit1426 bCLarK deSignS

LLC1625 before & again1471 beLLdini inC.1277 bereK1458 bianCo Levrin1358 biZ1276 boho ChiC1559 boo radLey1243 Caite1155 CarduCCi1562 CaSuaL Studio1541 ChaLet1458 Cheyenne1671 ChriStopher

CaLvin1559 Citron1359 CLara S. / CLara

Sunwoo1550 CoLLeCtionS of

CoMfort1463 CoLor Me Cotton

& CLiCK1137 CoLorant1428 Connie roberSon

1552 Coobie SeaMLeSS braS

1458 Courtney waShington

1130 Covet1171 CovieLLo CoMpany1653 CrayoLa SiSterS1150 CubiSM1559 CupCaKe1441 Curio1641 Cut LooSe1541 daLe Cotton SaLeS1671 dana eMiLia

preSentS1425 david CLine1451 deLfine1550 deSignS by oC1438 diana roSh1624 diZZy LiZZie1235 doLCe Cabo1324 donna Morgan1544 donna SaLyerS’

fabuLouS furS1676 dorMan faShionS1425 dreSSed 2 KiLL1458 duende faShionS1166 dunia1371 effie’S heart1667 eLa1440 eLana Kattan1343 eLiZa J1231 eva varro1559 f.h. CLothing /

fat hat1166 fantaZia1158 faShion fuSe1640 faShion viLLage

Ltd1159 fLair LLC1558 fLax1366 foCuS faShion inC.1371 forwear/aZi JeanS1251 franK LyMan1270 g9C for united

Knitwear1161 giZeL by C & M

iMport, inC.1155 goLd Leaf1136 graCe in La1630 gretChen SCott1566 habitat-CLotheS

to Live in

1371 haiL3ey:231653 hanna for La

Journee1441 harvey woLf1458 heydari1170 i.C. CoLLeCtion1363 i.n.S.i.g.h.t.1155 iMpuLSe of

CaLifornia1245 in CaShMere1458 inbar ShahaK1371 inSide out1579 iridiuM1139 iSLe appareL1425 it’S a Shirt1425 it’S a tee1325 ivy & bLu Maggy

boutiQue1667 ivy reed1231 Janine weiL Ltd.

ShowrooM1668 JanSKa CLothing

that CoMfortS1166 Joan Jaeger SaLeS1531 Judy p appareL1337 JuLia Jordan1230 JuLian Chang1154 Kareena’S1540 Karen Kane1535 KraZy Larry / Luxe

eLeven1243 KyLa Seo1243 LaSt tango1341 Laundrea1553 LeopardS & roSeS1331 Leota new yorK1376 Libra by aSM

faShionS1130 LiLy dreSSeS and

SKirtS1267 Lindi/aria

CoLLeCtion1150 Linea doMani1634 LiSette-L1171 LoCo Lindo1143 Love toKen1130 Luii JaCKetS1426 LundStroM

CoLLeCtion1150 Lv StyLe1167 MagdaLena

1336 Maggy London / London tiMeS

1455 Margaret winterS1234 Mata traderS1571 MatCh point1458 Matti MaMane1155 MeChant1371 MeSMeriZe1477 MetriC1650 MitChie’S

MatChingS inC.1124 MuChe & MuChette1330 MuSe1150 neCeSSiteeS1267 neo nobLe1574 nina SenSoy1525 not your

daughterS JeanS1364 nueva1451 obStinee1371 oLivia & Lea1438 oLSen europe1537 oro deniM1653 oZone SoCKS1526 patty KiM1671 pauSe Cafe1671 peaCoCK wayS1370 penn CentraLL1444 peri Luxe by

furSeLLer1541 peruvian LinK1225 petit poiS1653 petrunia1667 piaffe

profeSSionaL1130 produCt

ShowrooM1530 pure & Co- pure

handKnit/neon buddha

1425 pure aMiCi1166 pure Sage1367 radZoLi by fuLLy

faShion1635 ranee’S1431 rappS - new yorK1350 raveL1671 redwood Court by

SiLK box1451 reZa Khoyi &

aSSoCiateS1634 riLey aSSoCiateS

1550 Saga1622 SaiL to SabLe1645 SaLaaM CLothing1550 SaM faShion1259 SaMueL dong1345 Sandra darren1458 Sarah Cavender

MetaLworKS1144 SentiMentaL n.y.1244 Sera textiLe1171 ShenneL trading1667 SiMon Chang1667 SiMpLy SiLK1130 SiSterS SweaterS1437 Sno SKinS, inC.1166 SoLe dion1166 Spirit aCtivewear1441 StapLeS uSa1460 SteeL pony1667 StiLLMan Studio1340 Stop Staring!1157 SurreaLiSt1133 Sweet SinaMMon1371 tango Mango1237 tata JoLie1458 the downtown

ShowrooM1550 three StoneS1266 tianeLLo, inC.1671 tienda ho1426 tonia debeLLiS1243 traCy & CoMpany1458 tranSparente1274 ubu1653 vanite Couture1431 veeCa1271 voLare1335 von vonni1644 whitewaSh1258 wiLLow1567 wind river, inC.1370 x-two1559 y&S dba MoonLight1671 yaSuKo KuriSaKa1370 yeSt1131 Z & L1436 Zar Couturier1371 Zaria1166 Zen KnitS1458 ZZan JeweLry

FaMe Booth listing173 36point5, inC.253 aLi & KriS426 aLternative appareL465 aLythea150 angie636 anM127 a’reve755 arieLLa631 arK & Co.573 aryeh537 bC footwear645 bCbgeneration867 beLio & eve526 betSey JohnSon655 bLaCK137 bLQ MKt565 bLu KanvaS302 bLu pepper151 bLvd231 brand & LabeL

CoLLeCtion322 C.LuCe644 CaMuto group164 CbLC whoLeSaLe661 CeCiCo763 CheLSea Crew/

deMfon772 ChineSe Laundry258 ChriS & CaroL

366 CLaSSiQue227 ConSoLidated Shoe237 Cotton + Candy572 dani CoLLeCtion135 dirty Laundry222 doubLe Zero114 downeaSt baSiCS630 dv by doLCe vita531 dyLan & roSe359 eLan internationaL658 eSLey271 faShion fuSe, inC.344 feMMe by treSiCS111 fLying toMato/SaLt

& pepper344 freebird318 freeway255 funKy JunQue360 gC ShoeS310 gLaM744 graCia faShion273 groove footwear140 g-SCent inC.559 hot & deLiCiouS654 hourgLaSS LiLLy831 huntingbird759 ina571 irreguLar ChoiCe645 JeSSiCa SiMpSon

853 JuSt bLaCK669 JuSt funKy!845 Kaii350 Kenneth CoLe

reaCtion120 Korner runway, inC.469 Lady dutCh668 L’aMie de pariS863 Lani141 Love, Soho545 LoveMarKS644 LuCKy brand

footwear108 LuCy Love859 LuCy pariS345 LuMiere538 Luv 4 anouKa651 M. rena130 MeZZanine240 Minuet875 MiSS finCh by eroS

appareL230 Mono b202 Monoreno by Mur534 Moon CoLLeCtion234 MtnguSa439 MyStiC inC.402 MyStree368 n.y.L.a. ShoeS

373 naMeLeSS239 naughty MonKey

footwear227 niCoLe and

MadeLine672 noMad footwear314 nutty riCe

ShowrooM330 oLivaCeouS227 otbt771 paper Moon227 poetiC LiCenCe468 poL CLothing745 rd internationaL

uSa338 rehab751 renee C.427 report Signature354 reStriCted ShoeS170 reve CLothing inC.267 roSe royCe218 ryu136 Santa fe appareL263 SaSSy bLing126 See you Monday537 SeyCheLLeS841 SKieS are bLue270 Soho ChiCK457 StaCCato

522 Steve Madden410 Sugar LipS372 SurvivaL, inC.837 Sweet rain119 tCeC327 the CLaSSiC445 thML CLothing by

theMe673 tov158 t-party344 treSiCS430 uMgee uSa350 unLiSted, a Kenneth

CoLe produCtion351 very J644 vinCe CaMuto568 vintage havana KidS431 vintage havana/

oCean drive365 voCaL168 voLatiLe565 voxx145 wanted ShoeS102 wow Couture731 ya LoS angeLeS144 yMi JeanS165 young threadS174 Zad565 Zio

DesigneR laB Booth listing2164 button JeweLry by

vaL CoLbert2162 Chart MetaLworKS

2166 ConCubana, inC.2258 green tree


2265 guZeL2160 notoriouS by


2259 pearL Couture, denMarK

2261 pretty pretty pendantS

2159 ShaMe on Jane2263 Studio

CaLedoSCope2158 the winding road2167 vaaLbara

Fashion2go listing 933 ardSLey

internationaL inC. 960 boZKurt,inC. 951 bSS JeweLry1032 CharLeS aLbert,

inC.1044 Citi JeweLS

1052 CLaSSiCo inC.1036 forever CreationS 932 gab+CoS deSignS1051 india geMS of ny1033 inStyLe trading

inC. 934 JaCK e.ohS nyC

954 KathMandu JeweLry

945 KybeLe SterLing1054 MaChu piCChu

JeweLry 942 MaharaJa


1061 MiKaLa’S deSign, inC.

1058 Modern tibet1045 pariS StationS 937 roSaMaripoSa 943 SanChi & fiLia p1055 SiLver Star

961 SunriSe uSa trading

1050 the boyS S SiLver 944 treaSure of tibet1043 vera woLf 950 worLd harbor

JeweLry Co.

1766 7 Chi / Street LeveL

2507 925 ZSa ZSa JeweLS

2459 a & S CoLLeCtion2035 a Mano trading2434 a.J. Morgan1938 a.v.e. SrL2451 adia Kibur

aCCeSSorieS2618 ahuJaSonS

SCarveS2707 aJS deSign Studio2174 aLiSha d2755 aLL that gLitterS2455 aLL the rage2760 aLLy roSe topperS2514 aLMar hatS2271 aMabeL deSignS2671 ananda deSignS1607 andean CoLLeCtion1719 andrew haMiLton

Crawford1858 anJu JeweLry1914 anne KopLiK

deSignS2506 anne-Marie

Chagnon2450 art wear reading

gLaSSeS2055 athra nJ2058 b.eLLa nouveLLa &

e.g. SMith Legwear2640 baKed beadS2675 baLi Queen2427 ban.do2119 be Je deSignS2437 beLgo Lux faShion

aCCeSSorieS2466 benJaMin int’L.2424 bernie Mev2475 beSt SiLver2645 beth binghaM

& Co.1860 betMar new yorK2206 betty Carre2431 big buddha inC.1925 biJoux nuM2374 biLtMore hatS2645 bLooMSberry

ChoCoLateS2034 bLue paCifiC

faShion2737 bonnefoy

CreationS1824 bora1601 brighton

aCCeSSorieS2313 buena onda1607 butiK2721 C & d JeweLry2374 CaLLanan2374 CappeLLi

StraworLd2374 CarLoS by CarLoS

Santana1731 CaSS Luxury

Shapewear1959 Cathayana2644 Chainging tiMeS2450 Chanour JeweLry1835 CharLene K at LoS

angeLeS2375 Chateau anne uSa2635 Cheveux Corp2227 CheZ by CheryL2645 ChiCbudS2211 ChriSta LouiSe2374 ChriStyS’ London2645 CiCCiabeLLa2536 City deSign group

1931 CMd handbagS2437 CobaLt2225 Co-Lab/Zenith2023 CoLLeen toLand,

inC.1926 CoSModora2631 CreationS

georgianni1855 Creative eyewear/

bataLi2644 CroSSroadS1607 daLita2541 david & young

Co., inC.2450 debra Shepard1754 deLuxe faShion

aCCentS1767 diLeMMa inC.1815 diva hatS1735 diZZy, inC.2426 donna Si by MgoLd2374 dorfMan paCifiC2374 dpC2209 dreaM MuLLiCK2206 droZaK Studio2314 due frateLLi1950 dye tieS2071 earth axxeSSorieS2054 eaSt CLoud1907 eCho deSign1863 eLegant additionS,

inC.2706 eLiZabeth giLLett2066 eLLaJoy2107 eLLiott LuCCa2154 eMpowered by you2645 envi reuSabLe

bagS2731 eriK & MiKe2130 eSCape froM pariS2207 ettiKa2559 fada nyC2450 faShion beLLa1859 faShion beLLa Co.2123 faShion

expreSSionS2139 feLiCia Ltd.2644 fig deSign group2645 fLipout SandaLS1751 fLoga inC2074 foot traffiC2725 footZy foLdS2750 forLand inC.1936 fornaSh2406 frida K2134 gab+CoS deSignS1607 gaMine1845 gena aCCeSSorieS2719 gina Made it1739 gLove.Ly

touChSCreen gLoveS

1740 gogo / preggerS by therafirM

1941 good worK(S) MaKe a differenCe

1870 graCe Chuang inC.2044 graCe hatS ny LLC.2019 grand baZaar2013 grandoe

Corporation2314 h & v

LeathergoodS2726 harriSon SCott by

iriS Lane2666 headdreSS ny2645 henry ferrera2130 high faShion2318 hiLa.2638 hypewipeS1875 i SMiLe deSign, inC.

2651 iLi2607 iLux2059 iMoShion

handbagS2026 in thingS1919 initiaL reaCtion1731 inviSibeLLaS2130 inZi by high

faShion1771 iSabeLt1807 itaLCa2432 iZaK1775 J & x1954 JaCK e.ohS nyC2015 Jaded Studio2306 Jan MiChaeLS - San

franCiSCo2644 Jane eLiSSa2415 Jayden Star2662 JC Sunny1962 Jeanne SiMMonS


2125 Jeff Lieb JeweLry - totaL deSign

2645 Jennifer dahL deSignS

2530 JeSSLyn bLaKe2474 JeweLZ dreaMS2450 JoaneL handbagS1712 John branigan2658 John faShion

internationaL2450 Joie de vivre2770 Joy aCCeSSorieS2007 JpK pariS 752659 JuSt fantaStiC2570 KaKyCo2450 KarMa Kreation1755 Kathy Jeanne inC.1607 KitSCh1814 KLub niCo2361 Knit bon bonS2763 KoLe deSign2222 KoraLia2315 La CoLLeCtion2450 LandeS1706 LatiCo LeatherS2710 Levante uSa1866 LiLLy’S aLLure2418 LiMon pieL

CoLoMbia2714 L’indoChineur2645 LiSa Leonard1750 LiZ Soto2575 LiZa KiM

aCCeSSorieS2645 LooK at Me

deSignS2327 LooK by M1710 LooK froM London

hoSiery2407 LouiSe green

MiLLinery1714 Lua2450 LuCKy feather1731 LuSter2266 M*JeweLS2766 Mad StyLe1607 Made2450 Made it2367 Magid2030 MairS hair2775 MaJeStiC CryStaLS2319 MarJorie baer

aCCeSSorieS inC.1927 MarJorie renner2226 Mary franCeS2567 Max Mayer, inC.2115 Maya inC1758 MC oaSiS

2710 Me Moi’2713 MeduSa’S

heirLooMS, inC.1850 MeLie bianCo

aCCeSSorieS1830 MerCi Marie itaLian

Leather handbagS2122 Mina Mann2419 MiShKy, inC.2267 MiSS eLLie MathiaS

deSignS2314 MiSS MaK deSignS1819 ModitaL biJoux2518 More Lane2450 MyStiQue faShionS2445 naKaMoL deSignS,

LLC2350 nanni deSign Corp.1759 new CLaSSiC2027 niCoLe & Co.1924 niCoLe MiLLer

SCarveS2530 niLa anthony2018 nina2018 nina originaLS2238 nine 2 five2411 nino boSSi2645 not JuSt any oLd

day1967 nuSantara2238 odM watCheS2730 onigo iMportS2737 opheLie hatS2412 ornaMentaL

thingS2421 paJaroLiMon1844 pantropiC2644 peeKabooS

ponytaiL hatS1974 peruvian trading

Co.2723 peter M2554 phunKeetree2414 piero guidi1944 pin & tube, inC.2444 pinK houSe

iMportS2531 pinK pewter2555 pretty

perSuaSionS2150 printed viLLage2508 private opening2418 proexport

CoLoMbia2307 prudenCe C LLC2245 pura vida1827 purSen2627 r & r Leather

CoLLeCtionS2366 rain1836 rebeL deSignS2231 reCherChe new

yorK2240 regiS aLeS by

enttra2375 rioni Moda itaLia2644 riSing tide1607 robyn rhodeS1823 roSe gonZaLeS1730 ruSh by deniS &

CharLeS2225 S. fieLding

aCCeSSorieS2219 Sabina new yorK1958 Safari Murano2106 SaKrootS2754 SaM hiLu’S

CoLLeCtion2527 San diego hat Co.2374 Santana by CarLoS


1745 Sax greenwiCh aCCeSSory CoLLeCtion

2208 SayaMi2374 SCaLa2644 Sea LiLy2727 Sfi - SyLCa deSignS1851 Shihreen2175 ShiraLeah2224 SiLK, wooL and

biJoux2710 SLiM Me

Shapewear2644 SnaZZy beadS2239 Sondra robertS2747 StaCey’S ChoiCe2374 StaCy adaMS2058 Standard

MerChandiSing Co.2755 SterLing StyLeS2374 StetSon CLoth

hatS & CapS1806 Steve Madden2450 StyLe houSe

ShowrooM2615 Swift Leather2645 SyLvia aLexander

aCCeSSorieS2645 SyLvia aLexander

JeweLry2213 taMMy SpiCe

JeweLry1715 tano, inC2145 taoLei deSignS, inC.2127 taShiMani1921 tereSa goodaLL2051 terry StaCK1867 the abigaiL riggS

CoLLeCtion2106 the SaK2067 tiCKLed pinK2326 tiger Mountain2644 tLC by hoMe &

StyLe1707 toLani CoLLeCtion2374 toMMy bahaMa1744 top it off1874 top SheLf JeweLry

inC.2751 touCan hatS/

CaroLe aMper2715 trendS1724 tripLe C deSignS2374 tropiCaL trendS2131 twin StarS2430 uptown girLS2344 urban expreSSionS2114 v. fraaS2526 veond2311 verMania2437 verMiLLion1975 vivi deSignS, inC2744 vSa aCCeSSorieS1731 wearrepair1742 whitney howard

deSignS1818 wiMberLy, inC.1763 windhorSe

trading2374 wooLriCh

headwear2367 y & S handbagS1743 yeLLow box Corp.2358 Zad2755 ZaZou2330 ZenZii2775 ZhangS deSignS2519 Ziba boutiQue2718 ZirConMania

2507 | 925 Zsa Zsa Jewels | Tel: (212)244-4431 | |

1938 | a.V.e. sRl | Tel: 0585254647 | |

2424 | BeRnie MeV | Tel: (201)788-5846 | |

2320 | Betsey Johnson/anne Klein/oRi | Tel: (212)736-4574 |

2164 | Button JewelRy By Val ColBeRt | Tel: (404)272-4630 | |

2536 | City Design gRoup | Tel: (201)343-8000 | |

1931 | CMD hanDBags | Tel: (917)885-8949 |

2541 | DaViD & young Co., inC. | Tel: (201)866-8011 |

2071 | eaRth axxessoRies | |

2154 | eMpoweReD By you | Tel: (202)365-7399 |

2406 | FRiDa K | Tel: (305)458-5803 |

2134 | gaB+Cos Designs | Tel: (305)662-3809 | |

2719 | gina MaDe it | Tel: (917)741-0718 | |

1739 | touChsCReen gloVes | Tel: (732)927-1396 | |

2013 | gRanDoe CoRpoRation | Tel: (518)725-8641 | |

2258 | gReen tRee JewelRy | Tel: (760)749-7833 | |

2265 | guZel | Tel: (973)418-5322 | |

2607 | ilux | Tel: (646)638-2323 | |

2474 | JewelZ DReaMs | Tel: (305)253-7490 | |

2613 | Kippys | Tel: (619)435-6218 | |

1710 | looK FRoM lonDon hosieRy | Tel: (718)403-9060 | |

2367 | MagiD | Tel: (212)268-1071 | |

2115 | Maya inC | Tel: (973)778-2166 | |

2238 | nine 2 FiVe | Tel: (800)odm-Today | |

2238 | oDM watChes | Tel: (800)odm-Today | |

2414 | pieRo guiDi | Tel: (212)775-8555 | |

1958 | saFaRi MuRano | Tel: (212)575-7855 | |

1745 | sax gReenwiCh aCCessoRy ColleCtion | Tel: (203)983-3179 | |

1806 | steVe MaDDen | Tel: (212)695-5545 |

2615 | swiFt leatheR | Tel: (773)255-5504 | |

2715 | tRenDs | Tel: (516)797-9665 | |

2167 | VaalBaRa | Tel: (917)691-3368 | |

2526 | VeonD | Tel: (201)804-8800 | |

1458 | CouRtney washington | Tel: (212)354-1805 | |

1550 | Designs By oC | Tel: (302)645-7401 |

1676 | DoRMan Fashions | Tel: (800)872-7455 | |

1245 | in CashMeRe | Tel: (212)302-0444 | |

1337 | Julia JoRDan | Tel: (646)214-3090 |

1130 | Kensie | Tel: (212)354-9342 | |

1635 | Ranee’s | Tel: (305)322-9180 | |

1550 | saM Fashion | Tel: (302)645-7401 |

1345 | sanDRa DaRRen | Tel: (646)214-3090 |

1458 | ZZan JewelRy | Tel: (212)354-1805 | |

170 | ReVe Clothing inC | Tel: (631)274-5631 |

aCCessoRiestheshow Booth listing MoDa Manhattan Booth listing1438 212 ShowrooM

nyC1559 3.33 teeS by Citron1559 a few good LineS1555 a peopLe united1425 a woMan1371 adore1458 advant garde1155 aKS1155 anaC1224 anaLiLi1654 andrea Lebeau1354 andria Lieu1155 anonyMouS

ShowrooM1637 apriL CorneLL1171 ariS-a1371 arMand & aLba1431 art of CLoth1652 aSian eye1224 atina CriStina1236 auM-Couture1258 avaLin1451 avni1424 bae rae1631 barbara gerwit1426 bCLarK deSignS

LLC1625 before & again1471 beLLdini inC.1277 bereK1458 bianCo Levrin1358 biZ1276 boho ChiC1559 boo radLey1243 Caite1155 CarduCCi1562 CaSuaL Studio1541 ChaLet1458 Cheyenne1671 ChriStopher

CaLvin1559 Citron1359 CLara S. / CLara

Sunwoo1550 CoLLeCtionS of

CoMfort1463 CoLor Me Cotton

& CLiCK1137 CoLorant1428 Connie roberSon

1552 Coobie SeaMLeSS braS

1458 Courtney waShington

1130 Covet1171 CovieLLo CoMpany1653 CrayoLa SiSterS1150 CubiSM1559 CupCaKe1441 Curio1641 Cut LooSe1541 daLe Cotton SaLeS1671 dana eMiLia

preSentS1425 david CLine1451 deLfine1550 deSignS by oC1438 diana roSh1624 diZZy LiZZie1235 doLCe Cabo1324 donna Morgan1544 donna SaLyerS’

fabuLouS furS1676 dorMan faShionS1425 dreSSed 2 KiLL1458 duende faShionS1166 dunia1371 effie’S heart1667 eLa1440 eLana Kattan1343 eLiZa J1231 eva varro1559 f.h. CLothing /

fat hat1166 fantaZia1158 faShion fuSe1640 faShion viLLage

Ltd1159 fLair LLC1558 fLax1366 foCuS faShion inC.1371 forwear/aZi JeanS1251 franK LyMan1270 g9C for united

Knitwear1161 giZeL by C & M

iMport, inC.1155 goLd Leaf1136 graCe in La1630 gretChen SCott1566 habitat-CLotheS

to Live in

1371 haiL3ey:231653 hanna for La

Journee1441 harvey woLf1458 heydari1170 i.C. CoLLeCtion1363 i.n.S.i.g.h.t.1155 iMpuLSe of

CaLifornia1245 in CaShMere1458 inbar ShahaK1371 inSide out1579 iridiuM1139 iSLe appareL1425 it’S a Shirt1425 it’S a tee1325 ivy & bLu Maggy

boutiQue1667 ivy reed1231 Janine weiL Ltd.

ShowrooM1668 JanSKa CLothing

that CoMfortS1166 Joan Jaeger SaLeS1531 Judy p appareL1337 JuLia Jordan1230 JuLian Chang1154 Kareena’S1540 Karen Kane1535 KraZy Larry / Luxe

eLeven1243 KyLa Seo1243 LaSt tango1341 Laundrea1553 LeopardS & roSeS1331 Leota new yorK1376 Libra by aSM

faShionS1130 LiLy dreSSeS and

SKirtS1267 Lindi/aria

CoLLeCtion1150 Linea doMani1634 LiSette-L1171 LoCo Lindo1143 Love toKen1130 Luii JaCKetS1426 LundStroM

CoLLeCtion1150 Lv StyLe1167 MagdaLena

1336 Maggy London / London tiMeS

1455 Margaret winterS1234 Mata traderS1571 MatCh point1458 Matti MaMane1155 MeChant1371 MeSMeriZe1477 MetriC1650 MitChie’S

MatChingS inC.1124 MuChe & MuChette1330 MuSe1150 neCeSSiteeS1267 neo nobLe1574 nina SenSoy1525 not your

daughterS JeanS1364 nueva1451 obStinee1371 oLivia & Lea1438 oLSen europe1537 oro deniM1653 oZone SoCKS1526 patty KiM1671 pauSe Cafe1671 peaCoCK wayS1370 penn CentraLL1444 peri Luxe by

furSeLLer1541 peruvian LinK1225 petit poiS1653 petrunia1667 piaffe

profeSSionaL1130 produCt

ShowrooM1530 pure & Co- pure

handKnit/neon buddha

1425 pure aMiCi1166 pure Sage1367 radZoLi by fuLLy

faShion1635 ranee’S1431 rappS - new yorK1350 raveL1671 redwood Court by

SiLK box1451 reZa Khoyi &

aSSoCiateS1634 riLey aSSoCiateS

1550 Saga1622 SaiL to SabLe1645 SaLaaM CLothing1550 SaM faShion1259 SaMueL dong1345 Sandra darren1458 Sarah Cavender

MetaLworKS1144 SentiMentaL n.y.1244 Sera textiLe1171 ShenneL trading1667 SiMon Chang1667 SiMpLy SiLK1130 SiSterS SweaterS1437 Sno SKinS, inC.1166 SoLe dion1166 Spirit aCtivewear1441 StapLeS uSa1460 SteeL pony1667 StiLLMan Studio1340 Stop Staring!1157 SurreaLiSt1133 Sweet SinaMMon1371 tango Mango1237 tata JoLie1458 the downtown

ShowrooM1550 three StoneS1266 tianeLLo, inC.1671 tienda ho1426 tonia debeLLiS1243 traCy & CoMpany1458 tranSparente1274 ubu1653 vanite Couture1431 veeCa1271 voLare1335 von vonni1644 whitewaSh1258 wiLLow1567 wind river, inC.1370 x-two1559 y&S dba MoonLight1671 yaSuKo KuriSaKa1370 yeSt1131 Z & L1436 Zar Couturier1371 Zaria1166 Zen KnitS1458 ZZan JeweLry

FaMe Booth listing173 36point5, inC.253 aLi & KriS426 aLternative appareL465 aLythea150 angie636 anM127 a’reve755 arieLLa631 arK & Co.573 aryeh537 bC footwear645 bCbgeneration867 beLio & eve526 betSey JohnSon655 bLaCK137 bLQ MKt565 bLu KanvaS302 bLu pepper151 bLvd231 brand & LabeL

CoLLeCtion322 C.LuCe644 CaMuto group164 CbLC whoLeSaLe661 CeCiCo763 CheLSea Crew/

deMfon772 ChineSe Laundry258 ChriS & CaroL

366 CLaSSiQue227 ConSoLidated Shoe237 Cotton + Candy572 dani CoLLeCtion135 dirty Laundry222 doubLe Zero114 downeaSt baSiCS630 dv by doLCe vita531 dyLan & roSe359 eLan internationaL658 eSLey271 faShion fuSe, inC.344 feMMe by treSiCS111 fLying toMato/SaLt

& pepper344 freebird318 freeway255 funKy JunQue360 gC ShoeS310 gLaM744 graCia faShion273 groove footwear140 g-SCent inC.559 hot & deLiCiouS654 hourgLaSS LiLLy831 huntingbird759 ina571 irreguLar ChoiCe645 JeSSiCa SiMpSon

853 JuSt bLaCK669 JuSt funKy!845 Kaii350 Kenneth CoLe

reaCtion120 Korner runway, inC.469 Lady dutCh668 L’aMie de pariS863 Lani141 Love, Soho545 LoveMarKS644 LuCKy brand

footwear108 LuCy Love859 LuCy pariS345 LuMiere538 Luv 4 anouKa651 M. rena130 MeZZanine240 Minuet875 MiSS finCh by eroS

appareL230 Mono b202 Monoreno by Mur534 Moon CoLLeCtion234 MtnguSa439 MyStiC inC.402 MyStree368 n.y.L.a. ShoeS

373 naMeLeSS239 naughty MonKey

footwear227 niCoLe and

MadeLine672 noMad footwear314 nutty riCe

ShowrooM330 oLivaCeouS227 otbt771 paper Moon227 poetiC LiCenCe468 poL CLothing745 rd internationaL

uSa338 rehab751 renee C.427 report Signature354 reStriCted ShoeS170 reve CLothing inC.267 roSe royCe218 ryu136 Santa fe appareL263 SaSSy bLing126 See you Monday537 SeyCheLLeS841 SKieS are bLue270 Soho ChiCK457 StaCCato

522 Steve Madden410 Sugar LipS372 SurvivaL, inC.837 Sweet rain119 tCeC327 the CLaSSiC445 thML CLothing by

theMe673 tov158 t-party344 treSiCS430 uMgee uSa350 unLiSted, a Kenneth

CoLe produCtion351 very J644 vinCe CaMuto568 vintage havana KidS431 vintage havana/

oCean drive365 voCaL168 voLatiLe565 voxx145 wanted ShoeS102 wow Couture731 ya LoS angeLeS144 yMi JeanS165 young threadS174 Zad565 Zio

DesigneR laB Booth listing2164 button JeweLry by

vaL CoLbert2162 Chart MetaLworKS

2166 ConCubana, inC.2258 green tree


2265 guZeL2160 notoriouS by


2259 pearL Couture, denMarK

2261 pretty pretty pendantS

2159 ShaMe on Jane2263 Studio

CaLedoSCope2158 the winding road2167 vaaLbara

Fashion2go listing 933 ardSLey

internationaL inC. 960 boZKurt,inC. 951 bSS JeweLry1032 CharLeS aLbert,

inC.1044 Citi JeweLS

1052 CLaSSiCo inC.1036 forever CreationS 932 gab+CoS deSignS1051 india geMS of ny1033 inStyLe trading

inC. 934 JaCK e.ohS nyC

954 KathMandu JeweLry

945 KybeLe SterLing1054 MaChu piCChu

JeweLry 942 MaharaJa


1061 MiKaLa’S deSign, inC.

1058 Modern tibet1045 pariS StationS 937 roSaMaripoSa 943 SanChi & fiLia p1055 SiLver Star

961 SunriSe uSa trading

1050 the boyS S SiLver 944 treaSure of tibet1043 vera woLf 950 worLd harbor

JeweLry Co.

1766 7 Chi / Street LeveL

2507 925 ZSa ZSa JeweLS

2459 a & S CoLLeCtion2035 a Mano trading2434 a.J. Morgan1938 a.v.e. SrL2451 adia Kibur

aCCeSSorieS2618 ahuJaSonS

SCarveS2707 aJS deSign Studio2174 aLiSha d2755 aLL that gLitterS2455 aLL the rage2760 aLLy roSe topperS2514 aLMar hatS2271 aMabeL deSignS2671 ananda deSignS1607 andean CoLLeCtion1719 andrew haMiLton

Crawford1858 anJu JeweLry1914 anne KopLiK

deSignS2506 anne-Marie

Chagnon2450 art wear reading

gLaSSeS2055 athra nJ2058 b.eLLa nouveLLa &

e.g. SMith Legwear2640 baKed beadS2675 baLi Queen2427 ban.do2119 be Je deSignS2437 beLgo Lux faShion

aCCeSSorieS2466 benJaMin int’L.2424 bernie Mev2475 beSt SiLver2645 beth binghaM

& Co.1860 betMar new yorK2206 betty Carre2431 big buddha inC.1925 biJoux nuM2374 biLtMore hatS2645 bLooMSberry

ChoCoLateS2034 bLue paCifiC

faShion2737 bonnefoy

CreationS1824 bora1601 brighton

aCCeSSorieS2313 buena onda1607 butiK2721 C & d JeweLry2374 CaLLanan2374 CappeLLi

StraworLd2374 CarLoS by CarLoS

Santana1731 CaSS Luxury

Shapewear1959 Cathayana2644 Chainging tiMeS2450 Chanour JeweLry1835 CharLene K at LoS

angeLeS2375 Chateau anne uSa2635 Cheveux Corp2227 CheZ by CheryL2645 ChiCbudS2211 ChriSta LouiSe2374 ChriStyS’ London2645 CiCCiabeLLa2536 City deSign group

1931 CMd handbagS2437 CobaLt2225 Co-Lab/Zenith2023 CoLLeen toLand,

inC.1926 CoSModora2631 CreationS

georgianni1855 Creative eyewear/

bataLi2644 CroSSroadS1607 daLita2541 david & young

Co., inC.2450 debra Shepard1754 deLuxe faShion

aCCentS1767 diLeMMa inC.1815 diva hatS1735 diZZy, inC.2426 donna Si by MgoLd2374 dorfMan paCifiC2374 dpC2209 dreaM MuLLiCK2206 droZaK Studio2314 due frateLLi1950 dye tieS2071 earth axxeSSorieS2054 eaSt CLoud1907 eCho deSign1863 eLegant additionS,

inC.2706 eLiZabeth giLLett2066 eLLaJoy2107 eLLiott LuCCa2154 eMpowered by you2645 envi reuSabLe

bagS2731 eriK & MiKe2130 eSCape froM pariS2207 ettiKa2559 fada nyC2450 faShion beLLa1859 faShion beLLa Co.2123 faShion

expreSSionS2139 feLiCia Ltd.2644 fig deSign group2645 fLipout SandaLS1751 fLoga inC2074 foot traffiC2725 footZy foLdS2750 forLand inC.1936 fornaSh2406 frida K2134 gab+CoS deSignS1607 gaMine1845 gena aCCeSSorieS2719 gina Made it1739 gLove.Ly

touChSCreen gLoveS

1740 gogo / preggerS by therafirM

1941 good worK(S) MaKe a differenCe

1870 graCe Chuang inC.2044 graCe hatS ny LLC.2019 grand baZaar2013 grandoe

Corporation2314 h & v

LeathergoodS2726 harriSon SCott by

iriS Lane2666 headdreSS ny2645 henry ferrera2130 high faShion2318 hiLa.2638 hypewipeS1875 i SMiLe deSign, inC.

2651 iLi2607 iLux2059 iMoShion

handbagS2026 in thingS1919 initiaL reaCtion1731 inviSibeLLaS2130 inZi by high

faShion1771 iSabeLt1807 itaLCa2432 iZaK1775 J & x1954 JaCK e.ohS nyC2015 Jaded Studio2306 Jan MiChaeLS - San

franCiSCo2644 Jane eLiSSa2415 Jayden Star2662 JC Sunny1962 Jeanne SiMMonS


2125 Jeff Lieb JeweLry - totaL deSign

2645 Jennifer dahL deSignS

2530 JeSSLyn bLaKe2474 JeweLZ dreaMS2450 JoaneL handbagS1712 John branigan2658 John faShion

internationaL2450 Joie de vivre2770 Joy aCCeSSorieS2007 JpK pariS 752659 JuSt fantaStiC2570 KaKyCo2450 KarMa Kreation1755 Kathy Jeanne inC.1607 KitSCh1814 KLub niCo2361 Knit bon bonS2763 KoLe deSign2222 KoraLia2315 La CoLLeCtion2450 LandeS1706 LatiCo LeatherS2710 Levante uSa1866 LiLLy’S aLLure2418 LiMon pieL

CoLoMbia2714 L’indoChineur2645 LiSa Leonard1750 LiZ Soto2575 LiZa KiM

aCCeSSorieS2645 LooK at Me

deSignS2327 LooK by M1710 LooK froM London

hoSiery2407 LouiSe green

MiLLinery1714 Lua2450 LuCKy feather1731 LuSter2266 M*JeweLS2766 Mad StyLe1607 Made2450 Made it2367 Magid2030 MairS hair2775 MaJeStiC CryStaLS2319 MarJorie baer

aCCeSSorieS inC.1927 MarJorie renner2226 Mary franCeS2567 Max Mayer, inC.2115 Maya inC1758 MC oaSiS

2710 Me Moi’2713 MeduSa’S

heirLooMS, inC.1850 MeLie bianCo

aCCeSSorieS1830 MerCi Marie itaLian

Leather handbagS2122 Mina Mann2419 MiShKy, inC.2267 MiSS eLLie MathiaS

deSignS2314 MiSS MaK deSignS1819 ModitaL biJoux2518 More Lane2450 MyStiQue faShionS2445 naKaMoL deSignS,

LLC2350 nanni deSign Corp.1759 new CLaSSiC2027 niCoLe & Co.1924 niCoLe MiLLer

SCarveS2530 niLa anthony2018 nina2018 nina originaLS2238 nine 2 five2411 nino boSSi2645 not JuSt any oLd

day1967 nuSantara2238 odM watCheS2730 onigo iMportS2737 opheLie hatS2412 ornaMentaL

thingS2421 paJaroLiMon1844 pantropiC2644 peeKabooS

ponytaiL hatS1974 peruvian trading

Co.2723 peter M2554 phunKeetree2414 piero guidi1944 pin & tube, inC.2444 pinK houSe

iMportS2531 pinK pewter2555 pretty

perSuaSionS2150 printed viLLage2508 private opening2418 proexport

CoLoMbia2307 prudenCe C LLC2245 pura vida1827 purSen2627 r & r Leather

CoLLeCtionS2366 rain1836 rebeL deSignS2231 reCherChe new

yorK2240 regiS aLeS by

enttra2375 rioni Moda itaLia2644 riSing tide1607 robyn rhodeS1823 roSe gonZaLeS1730 ruSh by deniS &

CharLeS2225 S. fieLding

aCCeSSorieS2219 Sabina new yorK1958 Safari Murano2106 SaKrootS2754 SaM hiLu’S

CoLLeCtion2527 San diego hat Co.2374 Santana by CarLoS


1745 Sax greenwiCh aCCeSSory CoLLeCtion

2208 SayaMi2374 SCaLa2644 Sea LiLy2727 Sfi - SyLCa deSignS1851 Shihreen2175 ShiraLeah2224 SiLK, wooL and

biJoux2710 SLiM Me

Shapewear2644 SnaZZy beadS2239 Sondra robertS2747 StaCey’S ChoiCe2374 StaCy adaMS2058 Standard

MerChandiSing Co.2755 SterLing StyLeS2374 StetSon CLoth

hatS & CapS1806 Steve Madden2450 StyLe houSe

ShowrooM2615 Swift Leather2645 SyLvia aLexander

aCCeSSorieS2645 SyLvia aLexander

JeweLry2213 taMMy SpiCe

JeweLry1715 tano, inC2145 taoLei deSignS, inC.2127 taShiMani1921 tereSa goodaLL2051 terry StaCK1867 the abigaiL riggS

CoLLeCtion2106 the SaK2067 tiCKLed pinK2326 tiger Mountain2644 tLC by hoMe &

StyLe1707 toLani CoLLeCtion2374 toMMy bahaMa1744 top it off1874 top SheLf JeweLry

inC.2751 touCan hatS/

CaroLe aMper2715 trendS1724 tripLe C deSignS2374 tropiCaL trendS2131 twin StarS2430 uptown girLS2344 urban expreSSionS2114 v. fraaS2526 veond2311 verMania2437 verMiLLion1975 vivi deSignS, inC2744 vSa aCCeSSorieS1731 wearrepair1742 whitney howard

deSignS1818 wiMberLy, inC.1763 windhorSe

trading2374 wooLriCh

headwear2367 y & S handbagS1743 yeLLow box Corp.2358 Zad2755 ZaZou2330 ZenZii2775 ZhangS deSignS2519 Ziba boutiQue2718 ZirConMania

2507 | 925 Zsa Zsa Jewels | Tel: (212)244-4431 | |

1938 | a.V.e. sRl | Tel: 0585254647 | |

2424 | BeRnie MeV | Tel: (201)788-5846 | |

2320 | Betsey Johnson/anne Klein/oRi | Tel: (212)736-4574 |

2164 | Button JewelRy By Val ColBeRt | Tel: (404)272-4630 | |

2536 | City Design gRoup | Tel: (201)343-8000 | |

1931 | CMD hanDBags | Tel: (917)885-8949 |

2541 | DaViD & young Co., inC. | Tel: (201)866-8011 |

2071 | eaRth axxessoRies | |

2154 | eMpoweReD By you | Tel: (202)365-7399 |

2406 | FRiDa K | Tel: (305)458-5803 |

2134 | gaB+Cos Designs | Tel: (305)662-3809 | |

2719 | gina MaDe it | Tel: (917)741-0718 | |

1739 | touChsCReen gloVes | Tel: (732)927-1396 | |

2013 | gRanDoe CoRpoRation | Tel: (518)725-8641 | |

2258 | gReen tRee JewelRy | Tel: (760)749-7833 | |

2265 | guZel | Tel: (973)418-5322 | |

2607 | ilux | Tel: (646)638-2323 | |

2474 | JewelZ DReaMs | Tel: (305)253-7490 | |

2613 | Kippys | Tel: (619)435-6218 | |

1710 | looK FRoM lonDon hosieRy | Tel: (718)403-9060 | |

2367 | MagiD | Tel: (212)268-1071 | |

2115 | Maya inC | Tel: (973)778-2166 | |

2238 | nine 2 FiVe | Tel: (800)odm-Today | |

2238 | oDM watChes | Tel: (800)odm-Today | |

2414 | pieRo guiDi | Tel: (212)775-8555 | |

1958 | saFaRi MuRano | Tel: (212)575-7855 | |

1745 | sax gReenwiCh aCCessoRy ColleCtion | Tel: (203)983-3179 | |

1806 | steVe MaDDen | Tel: (212)695-5545 |

2615 | swiFt leatheR | Tel: (773)255-5504 | |

2715 | tRenDs | Tel: (516)797-9665 | |

2167 | VaalBaRa | Tel: (917)691-3368 | |

2526 | VeonD | Tel: (201)804-8800 | |

1458 | CouRtney washington | Tel: (212)354-1805 | |

1550 | Designs By oC | Tel: (302)645-7401 |

1676 | DoRMan Fashions | Tel: (800)872-7455 | |

1245 | in CashMeRe | Tel: (212)302-0444 | |

1337 | Julia JoRDan | Tel: (646)214-3090 |

1130 | Kensie | Tel: (212)354-9342 | |

1635 | Ranee’s | Tel: (305)322-9180 | |

1550 | saM Fashion | Tel: (302)645-7401 |

1345 | sanDRa DaRRen | Tel: (646)214-3090 |

1458 | ZZan JewelRy | Tel: (212)354-1805 | |

170 | ReVe Clothing inC | Tel: (631)274-5631 |

aCCessoRiestheshow Booth listing MoDa Manhattan Booth listing1438 212 ShowrooM

nyC1559 3.33 teeS by Citron1559 a few good LineS1555 a peopLe united1425 a woMan1371 adore1458 advant garde1155 aKS1155 anaC1224 anaLiLi1654 andrea Lebeau1354 andria Lieu1155 anonyMouS

ShowrooM1637 apriL CorneLL1171 ariS-a1371 arMand & aLba1431 art of CLoth1652 aSian eye1224 atina CriStina1236 auM-Couture1258 avaLin1451 avni1424 bae rae1631 barbara gerwit1426 bCLarK deSignS

LLC1625 before & again1471 beLLdini inC.1277 bereK1458 bianCo Levrin1358 biZ1276 boho ChiC1559 boo radLey1243 Caite1155 CarduCCi1562 CaSuaL Studio1541 ChaLet1458 Cheyenne1671 ChriStopher

CaLvin1559 Citron1359 CLara S. / CLara

Sunwoo1550 CoLLeCtionS of

CoMfort1463 CoLor Me Cotton

& CLiCK1137 CoLorant1428 Connie roberSon

1552 Coobie SeaMLeSS braS

1458 Courtney waShington

1130 Covet1171 CovieLLo CoMpany1653 CrayoLa SiSterS1150 CubiSM1559 CupCaKe1441 Curio1641 Cut LooSe1541 daLe Cotton SaLeS1671 dana eMiLia

preSentS1425 david CLine1451 deLfine1550 deSignS by oC1438 diana roSh1624 diZZy LiZZie1235 doLCe Cabo1324 donna Morgan1544 donna SaLyerS’

fabuLouS furS1676 dorMan faShionS1425 dreSSed 2 KiLL1458 duende faShionS1166 dunia1371 effie’S heart1667 eLa1440 eLana Kattan1343 eLiZa J1231 eva varro1559 f.h. CLothing /

fat hat1166 fantaZia1158 faShion fuSe1640 faShion viLLage

Ltd1159 fLair LLC1558 fLax1366 foCuS faShion inC.1371 forwear/aZi JeanS1251 franK LyMan1270 g9C for united

Knitwear1161 giZeL by C & M

iMport, inC.1155 goLd Leaf1136 graCe in La1630 gretChen SCott1566 habitat-CLotheS

to Live in

1371 haiL3ey:231653 hanna for La

Journee1441 harvey woLf1458 heydari1170 i.C. CoLLeCtion1363 i.n.S.i.g.h.t.1155 iMpuLSe of

CaLifornia1245 in CaShMere1458 inbar ShahaK1371 inSide out1579 iridiuM1139 iSLe appareL1425 it’S a Shirt1425 it’S a tee1325 ivy & bLu Maggy

boutiQue1667 ivy reed1231 Janine weiL Ltd.

ShowrooM1668 JanSKa CLothing

that CoMfortS1166 Joan Jaeger SaLeS1531 Judy p appareL1337 JuLia Jordan1230 JuLian Chang1154 Kareena’S1540 Karen Kane1535 KraZy Larry / Luxe

eLeven1243 KyLa Seo1243 LaSt tango1341 Laundrea1553 LeopardS & roSeS1331 Leota new yorK1376 Libra by aSM

faShionS1130 LiLy dreSSeS and

SKirtS1267 Lindi/aria

CoLLeCtion1150 Linea doMani1634 LiSette-L1171 LoCo Lindo1143 Love toKen1130 Luii JaCKetS1426 LundStroM

CoLLeCtion1150 Lv StyLe1167 MagdaLena

1336 Maggy London / London tiMeS

1455 Margaret winterS1234 Mata traderS1571 MatCh point1458 Matti MaMane1155 MeChant1371 MeSMeriZe1477 MetriC1650 MitChie’S

MatChingS inC.1124 MuChe & MuChette1330 MuSe1150 neCeSSiteeS1267 neo nobLe1574 nina SenSoy1525 not your

daughterS JeanS1364 nueva1451 obStinee1371 oLivia & Lea1438 oLSen europe1537 oro deniM1653 oZone SoCKS1526 patty KiM1671 pauSe Cafe1671 peaCoCK wayS1370 penn CentraLL1444 peri Luxe by

furSeLLer1541 peruvian LinK1225 petit poiS1653 petrunia1667 piaffe

profeSSionaL1130 produCt

ShowrooM1530 pure & Co- pure

handKnit/neon buddha

1425 pure aMiCi1166 pure Sage1367 radZoLi by fuLLy

faShion1635 ranee’S1431 rappS - new yorK1350 raveL1671 redwood Court by

SiLK box1451 reZa Khoyi &

aSSoCiateS1634 riLey aSSoCiateS

1550 Saga1622 SaiL to SabLe1645 SaLaaM CLothing1550 SaM faShion1259 SaMueL dong1345 Sandra darren1458 Sarah Cavender

MetaLworKS1144 SentiMentaL n.y.1244 Sera textiLe1171 ShenneL trading1667 SiMon Chang1667 SiMpLy SiLK1130 SiSterS SweaterS1437 Sno SKinS, inC.1166 SoLe dion1166 Spirit aCtivewear1441 StapLeS uSa1460 SteeL pony1667 StiLLMan Studio1340 Stop Staring!1157 SurreaLiSt1133 Sweet SinaMMon1371 tango Mango1237 tata JoLie1458 the downtown

ShowrooM1550 three StoneS1266 tianeLLo, inC.1671 tienda ho1426 tonia debeLLiS1243 traCy & CoMpany1458 tranSparente1274 ubu1653 vanite Couture1431 veeCa1271 voLare1335 von vonni1644 whitewaSh1258 wiLLow1567 wind river, inC.1370 x-two1559 y&S dba MoonLight1671 yaSuKo KuriSaKa1370 yeSt1131 Z & L1436 Zar Couturier1371 Zaria1166 Zen KnitS1458 ZZan JeweLry

FaMe Booth listing173 36point5, inC.253 aLi & KriS426 aLternative appareL465 aLythea150 angie636 anM127 a’reve755 arieLLa631 arK & Co.573 aryeh537 bC footwear645 bCbgeneration867 beLio & eve526 betSey JohnSon655 bLaCK137 bLQ MKt565 bLu KanvaS302 bLu pepper151 bLvd231 brand & LabeL

CoLLeCtion322 C.LuCe644 CaMuto group164 CbLC whoLeSaLe661 CeCiCo763 CheLSea Crew/

deMfon772 ChineSe Laundry258 ChriS & CaroL

366 CLaSSiQue227 ConSoLidated Shoe237 Cotton + Candy572 dani CoLLeCtion135 dirty Laundry222 doubLe Zero114 downeaSt baSiCS630 dv by doLCe vita531 dyLan & roSe359 eLan internationaL658 eSLey271 faShion fuSe, inC.344 feMMe by treSiCS111 fLying toMato/SaLt

& pepper344 freebird318 freeway255 funKy JunQue360 gC ShoeS310 gLaM744 graCia faShion273 groove footwear140 g-SCent inC.559 hot & deLiCiouS654 hourgLaSS LiLLy831 huntingbird759 ina571 irreguLar ChoiCe645 JeSSiCa SiMpSon

853 JuSt bLaCK669 JuSt funKy!845 Kaii350 Kenneth CoLe

reaCtion120 Korner runway, inC.469 Lady dutCh668 L’aMie de pariS863 Lani141 Love, Soho545 LoveMarKS644 LuCKy brand

footwear108 LuCy Love859 LuCy pariS345 LuMiere538 Luv 4 anouKa651 M. rena130 MeZZanine240 Minuet875 MiSS finCh by eroS

appareL230 Mono b202 Monoreno by Mur534 Moon CoLLeCtion234 MtnguSa439 MyStiC inC.402 MyStree368 n.y.L.a. ShoeS

373 naMeLeSS239 naughty MonKey

footwear227 niCoLe and

MadeLine672 noMad footwear314 nutty riCe

ShowrooM330 oLivaCeouS227 otbt771 paper Moon227 poetiC LiCenCe468 poL CLothing745 rd internationaL

uSa338 rehab751 renee C.427 report Signature354 reStriCted ShoeS170 reve CLothing inC.267 roSe royCe218 ryu136 Santa fe appareL263 SaSSy bLing126 See you Monday537 SeyCheLLeS841 SKieS are bLue270 Soho ChiCK457 StaCCato

522 Steve Madden410 Sugar LipS372 SurvivaL, inC.837 Sweet rain119 tCeC327 the CLaSSiC445 thML CLothing by

theMe673 tov158 t-party344 treSiCS430 uMgee uSa350 unLiSted, a Kenneth

CoLe produCtion351 very J644 vinCe CaMuto568 vintage havana KidS431 vintage havana/

oCean drive365 voCaL168 voLatiLe565 voxx145 wanted ShoeS102 wow Couture731 ya LoS angeLeS144 yMi JeanS165 young threadS174 Zad565 Zio

DesigneR laB Booth listing2164 button JeweLry by

vaL CoLbert2162 Chart MetaLworKS

2166 ConCubana, inC.2258 green tree


2265 guZeL2160 notoriouS by


2259 pearL Couture, denMarK

2261 pretty pretty pendantS

2159 ShaMe on Jane2263 Studio

CaLedoSCope2158 the winding road2167 vaaLbara

Fashion2go listing 933 ardSLey

internationaL inC. 960 boZKurt,inC. 951 bSS JeweLry1032 CharLeS aLbert,

inC.1044 Citi JeweLS

1052 CLaSSiCo inC.1036 forever CreationS 932 gab+CoS deSignS1051 india geMS of ny1033 inStyLe trading

inC. 934 JaCK e.ohS nyC

954 KathMandu JeweLry

945 KybeLe SterLing1054 MaChu piCChu

JeweLry 942 MaharaJa


1061 MiKaLa’S deSign, inC.

1058 Modern tibet1045 pariS StationS 937 roSaMaripoSa 943 SanChi & fiLia p1055 SiLver Star

961 SunriSe uSa trading

1050 the boyS S SiLver 944 treaSure of tibet1043 vera woLf 950 worLd harbor

JeweLry Co.

aisles 1100-1600 aisles 1600-2700aisles 900-1000

cafeBreakfast: 9:00am - 10:00am lunch: 12:00pm - 2:30pm






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