May 10, 2016 Summary of Consolidated Financial … 10, 2016 Summary of Consolidated Financial...

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Transcript of May 10, 2016 Summary of Consolidated Financial … 10, 2016 Summary of Consolidated Financial...

May 10, 2016

Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2016 (FY3/16) [Japanese GAAP]

Company name: Sanyo Homes Corporation Listing: Tokyo Stock Exchange, First Section Securities code: 1420 URL: Representative: Yasusuke Tanaka, Executive Director & Chairman of the Board Contact: Fumio Matsumoto, Member of the Board, Senior Managing Director, General Manager of Administration Division Tel: +81-(0) 6-6578-3403 Scheduled date of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders: June 28, 2016 Scheduled date of filing of Annual Securities Report: June 29, 2016 Scheduled date of payment of dividend: June 9, 2016 Preparation of supplementary materials for financial results: Yes Holding of financial results meeting: Yes (for analysts)

(All amounts are rounded down to the nearest million yen)

1. Consolidated Financial Results for FY3/16 (April 1, 2015 – March 31, 2016)

(1) Consolidated results of operations (Percentages shown for net sales and incomes represent year-on-year changes)

Net sales Operating income Ordinary income Profit attributable to

owners of parent Million yen % Million yen % Million yen % Million yen %

FY3/16 47,720 (9.6) (55) - (76) - (297) - FY3/15 52,804 (8.9) 1,500 (44.5) 1,410 (43.1) 729 (47.5) Note: Comprehensive income (million yen) FY3/16: (257) (-%) FY3/15: 741 (down 46.6%)

Net income per

share Diluted net

income per share Return on equity

Ordinary income on total assets

Operating income on net sales

Yen Yen % % %

FY3/16 (23.61) - (1.9) (0.2) (0.1) FY3/15 57.82 - 4.8 3.2 2.8 Reference: Equity in earnings of affiliates (million yen) FY3/16: - FY3/15: -

(2) Consolidated financial position Total assets Net assets Equity ratio Net assets per share

Million yen Million yen % Yen

As of Mar. 31, 2016 51,753 15,183 29.3 1,203.13 As of Mar. 31, 2015 41,914 15,630 37.3 1,238.53 Reference: Shareholders’ equity (million yen) As of Mar. 31, 2016: 15,183 As of Mar. 31, 2015: 15,630

(3) Consolidated cash flow position

Cash flows from

operating activities Cash flows from

investing activities Cash flows from

financing activities Cash and cash equivalents

at end of period Million yen Million yen Million yen Million yen

FY3/16 (9,306) (804) 9,903 4,491 FY3/15 (4,775) 579 580 4,699 2. Dividends Dividend per share

Total dividends

Dividend payout ratio


Dividend on equity

(consolidated) 1Q-end 2Q-end 3Q-end Year-end Total

Yen Yen Yen Yen Yen Million yen % %

FY3/15 - 0.00 - 15.00 15.00 189 25.9 1.2 FY3/16 - 0.00 - 15.00 15.00 189 - 1.2 FY3/17 (forecasts) - 0.00 - 15.00 15.00 21.0 3. Consolidated Forecast for FY3/17 (April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2017)

(Percentages represent year-on-year changes)

Net sales Operating income Ordinary income Profit attributable to

owners of parent Net income per share

Million yen % Million yen % Million yen % Million yen % Yen

First half 33,900 72.5 520 - 340 - 300 - 23.77 Full year 72,400 51.7 1,700 - 1,300 - 900 - 71.32

* Notes

(1) Changes in significant subsidiaries during the period (changes in specified subsidiaries resulting in changes in

the scope of consolidation): None

(2) Changes in accounting policies and accounting-based estimates, and restatements

1) Changes in accounting policies due to revisions in accounting standards, and others: Yes

2) Changes in accounting policies other than 1) above: None

3) Changes in accounting-based estimates: None

4) Restatements: None

(3) Number of outstanding shares (common shares)

1) Number of shares outstanding at the end of the period (including treasury shares)

As of Mar. 31, 2016: 12,620,000 shares As of Mar. 31, 2015: 12,620,000 shares

2) Number of treasury shares at the end of the period

As of Mar. 31, 2016: - shares As of Mar. 31, 2015: - shares

3) Average number of shares outstanding during the period

FY3/16: 12,620,000 shares FY3/15: 12,620,000 shares

Reference: Summary of Non-consolidated Financial Results

Non-consolidated Financial Results for FY3/16 (April 1, 2015 – March 31, 2016)

(1) Non-consolidated results of operations (Percentages represent year-on-year changes) Net sales Operating income Ordinary income Net income

Million yen % Million yen % Million yen % Million yen % FY3/16 44,502 (11.3) (111) - (129) - (395) - FY3/15 50,191 (8.9) 1,510 (40.8) 1,415 (39.2) 745 (42.9)

Net income per share Diluted net income per share

Yen Yen FY3/16 (31.30) - FY3/15 59.08 -

(2) Non-consolidated financial position Total assets Net assets Equity ratio Net assets per share

Million yen Million yen % Yen As of Mar. 31, 2016 50,837 14,817 29.1 1,174.10 As of Mar. 31, 2015 41,094 15,401 37.5 1,220.41 Reference: Shareholders’ equity (million yen) As of Mar. 31, 2016: 14,817 As of Mar. 31, 2015: 15,401

* Indication of audit procedure implementation status

This report is exempted from audit procedures based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. At the time of disclosure, the audit procedures for the financial statements have not been completed.

* Cautionary statement with respect to forward-looking statements and other special items

Forecasts regarding future performance in this report are based on assumptions judged to be valid and information available to the Company at the time this report was prepared. Actual performance may differ significantly from these forecasts for a number of reasons. Please refer to “Analysis of Results of Operations” on page 2 for forecast assumptions and notes of caution for usage.

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


Contents of Attachments

1. Analysis of Results of Operations and Financial Position 2

(1) Analysis of Results of Operations 2

(2) Analysis of Financial Position 4

(3) Basic Policy for Profit Distribution, and Dividends in the Current and Next Fiscal Years 4

(4) Business Risks 5

2. Corporate Group 8

3. Management Policies 10

(1) Basic Management Policy 10

(2) Targeted Performance Indicators 10

(3) Challenges 10

4. Basic Approach to the Selection of Accounting Standards 11

5. Consolidated Financial Statements 12

(1) Consolidated Balance Sheet 12

(2) Consolidated Statement of Income and Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 14

Consolidated Statement of Income 14

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 15

(3) Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 16

(4) Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 18

(5) Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 19

Going Concern Assumption 19

Significant Accounting Policies in the Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements 19

Changes in Accounting Policies 21

Segment and Other Information 21

Per Share Information 24

Subsequent Events 24

6. Other Information 25

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


1. Analysis of Results of Operations and Financial Position

(1) Analysis of Results of Operations

For the current fiscal year ended March 31, 2016, Japanese economy recovered gradually as corporate capital

investments started to pick up thanks to the effect of continued economic stimulus measures and monetary easing by

the Japanese government and the Bank of Japan. However, slowdown of the economies of China and other emerging

markets and reduction in oil price have led to the rapid appreciation of yen and drop in stock prices since the

beginning of 2016. We will continue to pay attention to the development of the world economy going forward.

Japan’s housing sector seemed to firm up with the new house-building starts increasing 4.6% year-on-year to

920,000 units. This increase was owed to an expansion of the tax-free limit on monetary gifts for buying a residence,

an expansion of the reduction range of interest rate on Flat 35S, and the effect of housing acquisition support

measures by the government, such as energy-saving housing points system.

Amid such environment, with a tagline of “Housing with satisfaction to people and the earth,” Sanyo Homes Group

strives for the following: promoting initiatives to solve customers’ issues related to “housing” and “living” in

response to changes in socioeconomic situations; protecting our customers’ safety and comfort as well as the global

environment; and becoming a company contributing to society.

In the current fiscal year, orders received were 51,947 million yen, an increase of 4.4% year on year, and the order

backlog was 23,037 million yen, up 22.5% year on year, thanks to recovery from a drop in demand following the

rush to make purchases before the April 2014 consumption tax hike as well as the government support through

continuous low-rate mortgages. Our move toward large-scale projects also contributed to the increase in orders,

including Japan’s first multi-generation condominium building “San Four-Leaf Town Sakuranomiya (Miyakojima-ku,

Osaka),” facilitated with 183 units for families, 104 units for seniors, a child care center and a rehabilitation center.

In contrast with the solid orders received and orders backlog, net sales for the current fiscal year significantly went

down below the level of the previous fiscal year due to sluggish sales in the housing business in the fourth quarter

and postponement of a significant consultation project in the condominium business to the next fiscal year.

As a result, net sales for the current fiscal year decreased 9.6% from one year earlier to 47,720 million yen.

Operating loss was 55 million yen (compared with operating income of 1,500 million yen in the same period of the

previous fiscal year), ordinary loss was 76 million yen (compared with ordinary income of 1,410 million yen in the

same period of the previous fiscal year), and loss attributable to owners of parent was 297 million yen (compared

with profit attributable to owners of parent of 729 million yen in the same period of the previous fiscal year), which

reflected recognition of impairment loss on non-current assets of 166 million yen as an extraordinary loss.

Overview by Segment

1) Housing Business

In the housing sector, we are working for the development and proposal of safe and secure long-term high-quality

housing that are friendly to the global environment. In April 2015, we started selling “life style KURASI’ TE HUG”

which is targeting for a family to do the housework and child-rearing in a single household, and we also started

selling “life style KURASI’TE HAGUKUMI” which is targeting for a family to do the housework and child-rearing

with parents. Furthermore, we started in July 2015 selling “life style KURASI’TE superior” which is targeting for a

customer who is considering rebuilding of or relocation from old quake-resistance standards housing.

In the asset utilization sector, there has been a growing interest among land owners in effective use of their

properties since the revision to the inheritance taxes. We are taking advantage of this opportunity by operating a

nationwide Land Utilization Club for landowners and strengthening cooperation with financial institutions to

facilitate matching of landowners with business operators. As a result of proactively expanding proposal activities

for rental housing and care and welfare facilities, we have achieved increases in orders received and orders backlog.

In the residential remodeling and existing home sales businesses, we anticipate a significant expansion of the

pre-owned housing market going forward and thus promote the “Home Dock,” which offers a range of services such

as building structure and earthquake resistance diagnosis, renovation and after-sales supports. We also promote “San

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


Sumai Ring,” which covers the distribution of existing houses. Furthermore, we were involved in the residential

renewal and resale business, in which we buy existing houses and resell them with more value added.

Despite such efforts, however, sales in this segment for the current fiscal year were 23,088 million yen, down 13.7%

from one year earlier and operating loss was 246 million yen (compared with operating income of 662 million yen in

the same period of the previous fiscal year). This was mainly due to a slow sales of houses built for sale and a

prolonged construction period due to large-scale orders. 2) Condominium Business

In the fiscal year ended March 2016, we promoted sales of “San Four-Leaf Town,” a series of large multi-purpose

complexes. One of them is “San Four-Leaf Town Sakuranomiya,” which was completed in September 2016. We

have successfully sold its entire units for families and 80% of the units for seniors. “SANMAISON Kyoto Nijo

Gekkocho Gate” (Chuo-ku Kyoto), a 49-unit condominium in a prime location of the city of Kyoto with strict

building codes, was sold out upon completion. Further, two SANMAISON projects started their sales in a growing

population area in Fukuoka city: “SANMAISON Jiromaru Eldo (Sawara-ku, Fukuoka),” a 48-unit condominium;

and “SANMAISON Kyudai-Gakkentoshi Eldo (Nishi-ku, Fukuoka),” a 116-unit condominium.

We have another business line in which we purchase company housing structures or apartment buildings to renovate

and resell them as condominiums. We successfully sold “SANRENO Sakasegawa Nogami (Takarazuka city,

Hyogo),” an 89-unit condominium building qualified as “R3 Housing Standard” by Renovation Housing Promotion

Council, and also “SANRENO Ichigaya Sadoharacho (Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo),” which was converted into a 7-unit

condominium from an apartment building. Two other renovation projects in a fine convenient housing district in the

city of Yokohama went out for sale during the fiscal year: a 22-unit condominium “GRACENEST Tsunashima

(Kohoku-ku, Yokohama)” and a 17-unit condominium “SANRENO Aobadai (Aoba-ku, Yokohama).”

Despite such efforts, however, sales in this segment were 24,244 million yen, down 5.4% from one year earlier and

operating income was 1,110 million yen, down 39.0% from one year earlier. This was mainly because of

postponement of a significant consultation project in the condominium business to the next fiscal year. 3) Other Businesses

Sales in this segment for the current fiscal year, which consists primarily of sales from lifestyle support services,

decreased 6.5% from one year earlier to 388 million yen and operating income was 8 million yen (compared with

operating loss of 44 million yen in the same period of the previous fiscal year). Forecasts for the next fiscal year

In Japan’s housing sector, we expect an on-going recovery in the market in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017

underpinned by the government’s continuous support to buy houses, various tax benefits, and low-rate mortgages,

despite concerns for another consumption tax hike and soaring construction costs.

Under such circumstances, in November 2015, Sanyo Homes Group formulated a mid-term business plan ending

March 31, 2018. According to the business plan, the next fiscal year ending March 31, 2017, or the second year of

the plan, is the year to further expand our core business in response to socioeconomic changes and also proactively

develop new businesses related to “housing” and “living.” We are dedicated to become a comprehensive housing

lifestyle idea provider that can lead our customers to the best possible life.

In the fiscal year ending on March 31, 2017, as we planned in the mid-term management plan, we forecast net sales

of 72,400 million yen, up 51.7% year on year, operating income of 1,700 million yen (compared with operating loss

of 55 million yen in the same period of previous fiscal year), ordinary income of 1,300 million yen (compared with

ordinary loss of 76 million yen in the same period of previous fiscal year), and profit attributable to owners of parent

of 900 million yen (compared with loss attributable to owners of parent of 297 million yen in the same period of

previous fiscal year).

Note: Forecasts are based on information currently available to the Company. Actual performance may differ from

these forecasts for a number of reasons.

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


(2) Analysis of Financial Position

1) Assets, Liabilities and Net Assets

Total assets increased 9,838 million yen from the end of the previous fiscal year to 51,753 million yen at the end of

the current fiscal year on a consolidated basis. The main factors were increases of 2,754 million yen in real estate for

sale and 6,806 million yen in costs on real estate business.

Total liabilities increased 10,285 million yen from the end of the previous fiscal year to 36,569 million yen. The

main factors were increases of 10,093 million yen in short and long-term loans payable and 457 million yen in

advances received, and decreases of 259 million yen in accrued expenses and 259 million yen in income taxes


Total net assets decreased 446 million yen from the end of the previous fiscal year to 15,183 million yen. The main

factor was a decrease of 487 million yen in retained earnings. As a result, the equity ratio was 29.3%.

2) Cash Flows

Cash and cash equivalents (hereafter “net cash”) decreased 208 million yen from the end of the previous fiscal year to

4,491 million yen at the end of the current fiscal year on a consolidated basis. This net decrease of 208 million yen can

be explained by operating activities that used net cash of 9,306 million yen, investing activities that used net cash of

804 million yen, and financing activities that provided net cash of 9,903 million yen.

A summary of cash flows and major components are as follows.

Cash flows from operating activities

For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2016, net cash used in operating activities totaled 9,306 million yen (compared

with net cash used of 4,775 million yen in the previous fiscal year). The main factors were loss before income taxes of

222 million yen, a 9,493 increase in inventories, a 262 million decrease in accrued expenses, which were partially

offset by a 402 million yen increase in notes and accounts payable-trade and a 457 million yen increase in advances

received. Cash flows from investing activities

For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2016, net cash used in investing activities totaled 804 million yen (compared with

net cash provided of 579 million yen in the previous fiscal year). The main factors were net payments into time

deposits of 600 million yen and purchase of property, plant and equipment of 114 million yen. Cash flows from financing activities

For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2016, net cash provided by financing activities totaled 9,903 million yen

(compared with net cash provided of 580 million yen in the previous fiscal year). The main factors were a 10,093

million yen increase in long and short-term loans payable (net) and cash dividends paid of 189 million yen.

(3) Basic Policy for Profit Distribution, and Dividends in the Current and Next Fiscal Years

The distribution of earnings to shareholders is one of our highest priorities. The basic policy is to pay a consistent

dividend to shareholders while retaining sufficient earnings for sustaining growth and building a sound infrastructure

for our operations.

Regarding the profit distribution for the current fiscal year, we will follow the above policy and pay the dividend of

15 yen per share in light of the past record and earnings forecast for the next fiscal year although we reported loss for

the current fiscal year. We have made this decision because we are keen on ensuring the shareholder return on a

long-term basis while improving the financial soundness through increasing shareholders’ equity. As for the dividend

for the next fiscal year, we plan to maintain the same level as the current fiscal year, i.e., 15 yen per share.

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


(4) Business Risks

1) Changes in the operating environment

The operations of the Sanyo Homes Group are vulnerable to changes in markets associated with the group’s business

activities, movements in prices of raw materials, building materials and land, changes in interest rates and residential

property taxes, the ongoing issue over another consumption tax hike, the level of employment, and other items.

Uncertainties involving external factors may have an effect on our results of operations and financial condition.

2) Declines in value of real estate and other property and equipment

In the condominium business, we buy land for the development and sale of condominiums in four major

metropolitan areas of Japan. A downturn in Japan’s real estate market may have an effect on our results of operations

and financial condition. Furthermore, a drop in the market value of real estate or the rental rates may create the need

to lower the book value of real estate owned by group companies.

In addition to the real estate, there are non-current assets owned by group companies which are subject to the

impairment requirements. This may have an effect on our results of operations and financial condition.

3) Higher cost of raw materials and building materials

If there is a significant increase in the cost of steel, lumber or other primary materials used to construct residential

buildings, the price of building materials and other items we purchase would increase. This may have an effect on

our results of operations and financial condition.

4) Debt

We require funds to support the increase in inventory assets resulting from real estate development and other

activities in our growing condominium business. To procure these funds, we use loans from financial institutions. At

the end of March 2016, debt (excluding lease obligation) totaled 23,710 million yen, which was 45.8% of total assets.

For loans, we use short-term and long-term loans in consideration of the risk of an increase in interest rates. If there

is an increase in the cost of fund procurement activities caused by higher interest payments, there may be an effect

on our results of operations and financial condition.

5) Soil contamination

The Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act requires landowners to perform tests for soil contamination caused by

hazardous substances designated by laws and regulations and landowners must submit contamination reports and

remove any contamination, as the case may be.

Prior to purchasing land for development, we examine the site’s history and perform a soil contamination

investigation. If there is contamination, we either do not purchase the site or we have the contamination

a specialized contractor. However, these preliminary examinations cannot identify soil contamination in some

instances. Furthermore, even when we find contamination, the landowner may be unable to fulfill its responsibility

to correct the problem. As a result, when contamination is discovered at a site that has been purchased, we may need

to revise the development schedule, pay additional expenses, recognize an asset retirement obligation or incur other

expenses. These events may have an effect on our results of operations and financial condition.

6) Seasonality

We recognize sales by using the percentage-of-completion method for single-family houses and when ownership is

transferred to the buyer for condominiums. Due to the wishes of customers, ownership of completed properties is

mostly transferred somewhere between August and September or between February and March. As a result, a large

percentage of sales is usually recorded in the second and fourth quarters of each fiscal year. The following table

shows quarterly financial highlights for the fiscal years that ended in March 31, 2015 and March 31, 2016.

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


(Thousands of yen)

19th period (Apr. 1, 2014 – Mar. 31, 2015)

1st Quarter Apr. 1, 2014 – Jun. 30, 2014

2nd Quarter Jul. 1, 2014 - Sep. 30, 2014

3rd Quarter Oct. 1, 2014 – Dec. 31, 2014

4th Quarter Jan. 1, 2015 – Mar. 31, 2015

Full year

Net sales 8,458,324 12,226,144 7,519,671 24,600,023 52,804,164

Operating income (loss) (510,500) 639,067 (848,039) 2,220,190 1,500,716

Ordinary income (loss) (544,597) 629,703 (859,597) 2,185,203 1,410,712

Profit (loss) (362,723) 392,269 (570,208) 1,270,409 729,747

20th period (Apr. 1, 2015 – Mar. 31, 2016)

1st Quarter Apr. 1, 2015 – Jun. 30, 2015

2nd Quarter Jul. 1, 2015 - Sep. 30, 2015

3rd Quarter Oct. 1, 2015 – Dec. 31, 2015

4th Quarter Jan. 1, 2016 – Mar. 31, 2016

Full year

Net sales 5,806,152 13,849,608 9,608,207 18,456,502 47,720,472

Operating income (loss) (1,164,713) 397,025 (607,160) 1,319,699 (55,149)

Ordinary income (loss) (1,176,939) 376,774 (623,766) 1,347,763 (76,167)

Profit (loss) (811,913) 246,008 (426,572) 694,553 (297,923)

7) Quality assurance

The Sanyo Homes Group has an extensive quality management system in its housing business that is based on the

certified performance of manufactured homes and the ISO9001 standard for quality management systems. If there is

an expense caused by an unforeseen defect or some other problem involving quality, there may be significant

expenses for repairs and severe damage to the group’s reputation. These events may have an effect on our results of

operations and financial condition.

8) Natural disasters

An earthquake, typhoon or other natural disaster may result in significant expenses for a number of reasons. For

example, there may be expenses to repair machinery and equipment at group companies or for emergency response

activities such as building inspections. A natural disaster may also interrupt production activities due to the time

needed to repair or replace damaged machinery and equipment. These events may have an effect on our results of

operations and financial condition.

9) Laws and regulations

The operations of the Sanyo Homes Group require the following major licenses and permits: Construction Business

License, Building Lots and Buildings Business Operator License and Architect Office Registration. In addition,

group companies must comply with environmental and recycling laws and regulations and must submit reports

concerning problems involving products in accordance with the amended Consumer Product Safety Act. Moreover,

group companies must purchase insurance or make a deposit as stipulated by the Act on Assurance of Performance

of Specified Housing Defect Warranty.

We are strengthening our corporate governance and compliance systems for compliance with these laws and

regulations. However, there may be future amendments or terminations of existing laws and regulations or the

establishment of new laws or regulations, or an unlikely incidence of the violation of a law or regulation. If such an

event happens, there may be restrictions on our business activities that affect our results of operations and financial

condition. At this time, the Sanyo Homes Group is not in violation of any terms that would result in the cancelation

of the following licenses.

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


Licenses and Permits

Name Company

name Number and expiration

Law or regulation

Condition for cancelation

Construction Business License (Special Construction Business License)

Sanyo Homes Corporation

Sanyo Reform Corporation

Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism License (Special-23) No. 19226, expires Aug. 5, 2016 (renewed every 5 years)

Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism License (Special-23) No. 19226, expires Jun. 9, 2018 (renewed every 5 years)

Osaka Prefectural Governor License (Special-22) No. 116905, expires Jul. 15, 2020 (renewed every 5 years)

Construction Business Act

Violation of provisions of Article 29 of the Construction Business Act

Construction Business License (Ordinary Construction Business License)

Sanyo Reform Corporation

Osaka Prefectural Governor License (Ordinary-23) No. 116905, expires Jul. 15, 2020 (renewed every 5 years)

Construction Business Act

Violation of provisions of Article 29 of the Construction Business Act

Building Lots and Buildings Business Operator License

Sanyo Homes Corporation

Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Certificate (3) No. 6105, expires Dec. 19, 2020 (renewed every 5 years)

Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Act

Violation of provisions of Articles 66 and 67 of the Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Act

Architecture Office Registration

Sanyo Homes Corporation

Sanyo Reform Corporation

Sanyo Homes Community Corporation

Osaka Prefectural Governor Registration (3) No. 18657 and others expire Sep. 19, 2020 (renewed every 5 years)

Osaka Prefectural Governor Registration (2) No. 20219, expires May 20, 2018 (renewed every 5 years)

Osaka Prefectural Governor Registration (1) No. 23994, expires May 24, 2017 (renewed every 5 years)

Act on Architects and Building Engineers

Violation of provisions of Article 26 of the Act on Architects and Building Engineers

Condominium Management Business Registration

Sanyo Homes Community Corporation

Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism License (2) No. 063480, expires Dec. 11, 2018 (renewed every 5 years)

Act on Advancement of Proper Condominium Management

Violation of provisions of Article 33 of the Act on Advancement of Proper Condominium Management

10) Protection of personal information

The Sanyo Homes Group uses a large volume of personal information about customers and other individuals in

association with its business activities. We constantly use measures throughout all group companies to protect

personal information. If there is a leak or other problem involving this information, there may be severe damage to

the public’s trust in the Sanyo Homes Group, which could have an effect on our results of operations and financial


11) Construction of condominiums

The Sanyo Homes Group uses a compliance system and other activities to prevent litigation, complaints and other

problems. At this time, there are no lawsuits that could have a significant effect on results of operations.

In the past, there have been lawsuits and other demands in the condominium business, such as those developed from

a complaint from people who live near a condominium building constructed by a group company. Similar lawsuits

and complaints may occur in the future. Depending on the nature and outcomes of these actions, there may be an

effect on our results of operations and financial condition.

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


2. Corporate Group

The Sanyo Homes Group consists of Sanyo Homes and three consolidated subsidiaries. The primary businesses of

these companies are the housing business (design, construction supervision, subcontracting and sales for the housing,

asset utilization and residential remodeling businesses) and the condominium business (development, sale, rental and

management of condominiums). All activities reflect the corporate slogan “for the best life” with the goal of

becoming a comprehensive housing lifestyle idea provider that can lead our customers to the best possible life.

Major business activities of the group are as follows.

Housing business

In this business, we design, supervise construction, perform subcontracting and sell prefabricated houses and

buildings for the asset utilization business that use components manufactured in our factories. We also perform these

activities for residential remodeling. This business is mainly in four major metropolitan areas of Japan: Tokyo,

Nagoya, Osaka and northern Kyushu (Kitakyushu and Fukuoka). Consolidated subsidiary Sanyo Reform operates

mainly in the Osaka area. This company does designs, construction supervision and subcontracting for home

remodeling and constructs houses and buildings for the asset utilization business.

Condominium business

We develop, sell and rent condominiums located mainly in four major metropolitan areas of Japan. Consolidated

subsidiary Sanyo Homes Community manages condominiums and provides other services.

Other businesses

Consolidated subsidiary Sanyo Homes Community provides a variety of lifestyle support services that enable people

to lead their lives with confidence and convenience. An insurance agent and child care business are two main

activities. Consolidated subsidiary San Advance operates daytime rehabilitation service centers in the region

surrounding Osaka, Kobe and Kyoto for elderly residents.

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


The business operations of the Sanyo Homes Group in a flowchart format are shown below.

Housing business



Design, construction, and undertaking of construction works contracts

Asset utilization

Design, construction, undertaking of construction works contracts, and sales


Residential remodeling

Design, construction, and undertaking of construction works contracts

Condominium business

Development, sales, rental and management

Other businesses

Lifestyle support services

Sanyo H

omes C



yo R





n S



mes C















Kansai area

Condominium management

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


3. Management Policies

(1) Basic Management Policy

We are dedicated to responding to the wants of customers as housing professionals with the goal of heightening

customer satisfaction by creating comfortable spaces and offering ideas for exciting and fulfilling lives.

To accomplish this goal, we are taking the following actions.

(a) Become a distinctive company that our customers require

We aim to be a distinctive company that the society needs through engaging ourselves in the businesses that are

expected to grow in light of our country’s social condition and demography in the future, namely “residential

renewal and resale,” “life support” and “frontier (eco energy, OEM and overseas)” businesses on top of our core

businesses consisting of “condominiums,” “housing,” “asset utilization,” and “renovation.”

(b) Base all activities on the spirit of “for the best life”

We have a strong commitment to being a source of “the best life” for our customers during their entire lives and for

residences they need in each stage of their lives. We will move even faster to evolve into a comprehensive housing

lifestyle idea company that customers can rely on for good housing and living, including the associated know-how

and services.

(c) Develop and utilize “Eco & Safety” technologies

We will use our expertise in eco technologies involving energy creation, storage and conservation. We will also use

new activities that incorporate “passive eco” measures for making people’s lives more pleasant. Going forward, ZEH

(zero energy house), which the government is also promoting, will be our standard. For safety, we have technologies

that no competitor can match for resistance to earthquakes and other natural disasters and we will develop a security

service that uses HEMS (Home Energy Management System).

(2) Targeted Performance Indicators

We use net sales and ordinary income as the performance indicators that reflect the growth of the entire Sanyo

Homes Group. We place priority on ROE (return on equity) to measure efficiency of our activities and on the equity

ratio as an indicator to measure the financial soundness.

(3) Challenges

As the working age population is shrinking in Japan, the housing sector expects a long-term downturn in the market

for new houses and also an increase in the number of vacant or abandoned houses. It is essential for such a society

with decreasing population to start trying to solve these inevitable issues.

Amid such environment, in November 2015, Sanyo Homes Group developed a mid-term business plan ending

March 31, 2018 to address the following: to reorganize business portfolios in response to changes in socioeconomic

situations, including shrinking population and households, declining birth rate and aging society, different family

styles, and changes in urban structure; to create a new business structure under which business portfolios are

incorporated into the original region-based operation; and to successfully conduct business by fully understanding

our customer’s need. Furthermore, we will continuously develop and enhance the “Team Management System”

introduced in April 2015 to improve efficiency by working in smaller teams, to speed up communication between

sales and back-office staff, and to swiftly implement business strategies as markets change.

In addition to above, Sanyo Homes Group established a joint venture with one of the leading companies in Vietnam,

where the economy and housing market are expected to grow in the future, and started developing condominiums

with our know-how as a comprehensive housing lifestyle idea provider. We are dedicated to explore new markets

going forward, including Vietnam.

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


4. Basic Approach to the Selection of Accounting Standards

The Sanyo Homes Group will continue to prepare consolidated financial statements based on generally accepted

accounting principles in Japan for the time being to permit comparisons with prior years and with the financial data

of other companies.

We will take suitable actions with regard to the application of international accounting standards by taking into

account associated factors in Japan and other countries.

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


5. Consolidated Financial Statements

(1) Consolidated Balance Sheet (Thousands of yen)


(As of Mar. 31, 2015) FY3/16

(As of Mar. 31, 2016)


Current assets

Cash and deposits 7,899,298 8,291,031

Notes receivable, accounts receivable from completed construction contracts and other

1,180,461 1,025,176

Real estate for sale 11,587,841 14,342,046

Costs on uncompleted construction contracts 99,489 146,292

Costs on real estate business 16,932,937 23,738,951

Other inventories 248,928 135,347

Prepaid expenses 505,658 481,484

Deferred tax assets 285,589 320,810

Other 251,660 516,654

Allowance for doubtful accounts (11,320) (11,738)

Total current assets 38,980,544 48,986,057

Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment

Buildings and structures, net 748,959 578,358

Land 189,102 194,006

Other, net 75,961 69,555

Total property, plant and equipment 1,014,022 841,920

Intangible assets

Software 22,876 14,375

Other 3,932 3,932

Total intangible assets 26,809 18,308

Investments and other assets

Investment securities 496,556 501,088

Deferred tax assets 527,445 463,075

Other 885,637 965,858

Allowance for doubtful accounts (16,813) (23,203)

Total investments and other assets 1,892,825 1,906,819

Total non-current assets 2,933,657 2,767,047

Total assets 41,914,202 51,753,104

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


(Thousands of yen)


(As of Mar. 31, 2015) FY3/16

(As of Mar. 31, 2016)


Current liabilities

Notes payable, accounts payable for construction contracts and other

7,122,456 7,524,495

Short-term loans payable 3,250,000 6,580,000

Current portion of long-term loans payable 2,482,000 4,080,000

Accrued expenses 760,174 500,234

Income taxes payable 314,538 55,001

Advances received on uncompleted construction contracts

740,133 843,567

Advances received 720,519 1,178,250

Provision for bonuses 328,386 128,750

Provision for warranties for completed construction 145,319 126,600

Other 757,630 795,562

Total current liabilities 16,621,159 21,812,461

Non-current liabilities

Long-term loans payable 7,885,000 13,050,000

Deferred tax liabilities - 4,089

Provision for directors’ retirement benefits 163,434 179,176

Net defined benefit liability 1,392,785 1,299,613

Other 221,583 224,282

Total non-current liabilities 9,662,803 14,757,161

Total liabilities 26,283,962 36,569,623

Net assets

Shareholders’ equity

Capital stock 5,945,162 5,945,162

Capital surplus 3,611,796 3,611,796

Retained earnings 6,073,655 5,586,431

Total shareholders’ equity 15,630,614 15,143,390

Accumulated other comprehensive income

Remeasurements of defined benefit plans (374) 40,090

Total accumulated other comprehensive income (374) 40,090

Total net assets 15,630,239 15,183,480

Total liabilities and net assets 41,914,202 51,753,104

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


(2) Consolidated Statement of Income and Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

Consolidated Statement of Income (Thousands of yen)


(Apr. 1, 2014 – Mar. 31, 2015) FY3/16

(Apr. 1, 2015 – Mar. 31, 2016)

Net sales 52,804,164 47,720,472

Cost of sales 41,930,160 38,642,558

Gross profit 10,874,004 9,077,913

Selling, general and administrative expenses 9,373,287 9,133,062

Operating income (loss) 1,500,716 (55,149)

Non-operating income

Interest income 16,616 15,079

Commission fee 17,646 17,719

Rent income 39,337 40,141

Penalty income 27,336 39,468

Other 24,937 27,473

Total non-operating income 125,874 139,882

Non-operating expenses

Interest expenses 149,231 144,615

Other 66,647 16,285

Total non-operating expenses 215,879 160,900

Ordinary income (loss) 1,410,712 (76,167)

Extraordinary income

Gain on sales of non-current assets 2,730 5,228

Subsidy income - 15,493

Total extraordinary income 2,730 20,722

Extraordinary losses

Loss on retirement of non-current assets 7,214 558

Impairment loss 78,010 166,219

Total extraordinary losses 85,224 166,778

Profit (loss) before income taxes 1,328,218 (222,223)

Income taxes-current 321,550 60,287

Income taxes-deferred 276,920 15,412

Total income taxes 598,470 75,700

Profit (loss) 729,747 (297,923)

Profit (loss) attributable to owners of parent 729,747 (297,923)

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income (Thousands of yen)


(Apr. 1, 2014 – Mar. 31, 2015) FY3/16

(Apr. 1, 2015 – Mar. 31, 2016)

Profit (loss) 729,747 (297,923)

Other comprehensive income

Remeasurements of defined benefit plans, net of tax 12,174 40,464

Total other comprehensive income 12,174 40,464

Comprehensive income 741,922 (257,458)

Comprehensive income attributable to Comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent

741,922 (257,458)

Comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests

- -

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


(3) Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

FY3/15 (Apr. 1, 2014 – Mar. 31, 2015)

(Thousands of yen)

Shareholders’ equity Accumulated other comprehensive

income Total net

assets Capital stock

Capital surplus

Retained earnings

Total shareholders’


Remeasurements of defined benefit


Total accumulated other

comprehensive income

Balance at beginning of current period

5,945,162 3,611,796 5,532,144 15,089,103 (12,549) (12,549) 15,076,554

Cumulative effects of changes in accounting policies

1,063 1,063 1,063

Restated balance 5,945,162 3,611,796 5,533,207 15,090,167 (12,549) (12,549) 15,077,617

Changes of items during period

Issuance of new shares


Dividends of surplus

(189,300) (189,300) (189,300)

Profit attributable to owners of parent

729,747 729,747 729,747

Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity

12,174 12,174 12,174

Total changes of items during period

- - 540,447 540,447 12,174 12,174 552,622

Balance at end of current period

5,945,162 3,611,796 6,073,655 15,630,614 (374) (374) 15,630,239

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


FY3/16 (Apr. 1, 2015 – Mar. 31, 2016)

(Thousands of yen)

Shareholders’ equity Accumulated other comprehensive

income Total net

assets Capital stock

Capital surplus

Retained earnings

Total shareholders’


Remeasurements of defined benefit


Total accumulated other

comprehensive income

Balance at beginning of current period

5,945,162 3,611,796 6,073,655 15,630,614 (374) (374) 15,630,239

Cumulative effects of changes in accounting policies

Restated balance 5,945,162 3,611,796 6,073,655 15,630,614 (374) (374) 15,630,239

Changes of items during period

Issuance of new shares


Dividends of surplus

(189,300) (189,300) (189,300)

Loss attributable to owners of parent

(297,923) (297,923) (297,923)

Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity

40,464 40,464 40,464

Total changes of items during period

- - (487,223) (487,223) 40,464 40,464 (446,758)

Balance at end of current period

5,945,162 3,611,796 5,586,431 15,143,390 40,090 40,090 15,183,480

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


(4) Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (Thousands of yen)


(Apr. 1, 2014 – Mar. 31, 2015) FY3/16

(Apr. 1, 2015 – Mar. 31, 2016)

Cash flows from operating activities

Profit (loss) before income taxes 1,328,218 (222,223)

Depreciation 137,435 132,243

Impairment loss 78,010 166,219

Increase (decrease) in provision for bonuses (23,756) (199,636)

Interest income (16,616) (15,079)

Interest expenses 149,231 144,615

Loss (gain) on sales of property, plant and equipment (2,730) (5,228)

Decrease (increase) in notes and accounts receivable-trade 2,000,819 150,004

Decrease (increase) in inventories (1,581,356) (9,493,439)

Increase (decrease) in notes and accounts payable-trade (4,999,691) 402,039

Increase (decrease) in advances received on uncompleted construction contracts

(38,388) 103,434

Increase (decrease) in advances received 35,756 457,731

Increase (decrease) in accrued expenses (1,943) (262,747)

Other, net (856,186) (221,763)

Subtotal (3,791,199) (8,863,832)

Interest and dividend income received 12,640 10,154

Interest expenses paid (150,940) (140,830)

Income taxes paid (846,198) (312,441)

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities (4,775,697) (9,306,948)

Cash flows from investing activities

Payments into time deposits (3,300,000) (3,800,000)

Proceeds from withdrawal of time deposits 4,150,000 3,200,000

Purchase of property, plant and equipment (171,291) (114,560)

Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment 2,730 5,839

Other, net (101,817) (95,758)

Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities 579,621 (804,478)

Cash flows from financing activities

Net increase (decrease) in short-term loans payable 2,020,000 3,330,000

Proceeds from long-term loans payable 5,938,000 13,510,000

Repayments of long-term loans payable (7,108,000) (6,747,000)

Redemption of bonds (80,000) -

Cash dividends paid (188,954) (189,035)

Other, net (803) (803)

Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities 580,241 9,903,160

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (3,615,833) (208,266)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 8,315,132 4,699,298

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 4,699,298 4,491,031

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


(5) Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

Going Concern Assumption

Not applicable.

Significant Accounting Policies in the Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements

1. Scope of consolidation

All subsidiaries are included in the consolidation.

Number of consolidated subsidiaries: 3

Names of consolidated subsidiaries:

Sanyo Reform Corporation

Sanyo Homes Community Corporation

San Advances Corporation

2. Application of the equity method

(1) Number of equity-method affiliates: -

(2) A non-equity method affiliate (e-kurashi Co., Ltd.) is not accounted for by the equity method, since it does not

have a material impact on net income/loss (equity in earnings) and retained earnings (equity in earnings) on a

consolidated basis, and the total amount as a whole does not have a material impact to the consolidated financial


3. Fiscal year-end of consolidated subsidiaries

The fiscal year of the consolidated subsidiaries ends on the closing date of consolidated financial statements.

4. Significant accounting standards

(1) Valuation criteria and methods for significant assets

1) Securities

i. Held-to-maturity debt securities

Stated at cost determined by the amortized cost method (straight-line method).

ii. Available-for-sale securities

Securities without market quotations

Stated at cost determined by the moving-average method.

2) Inventories

i. Real estate for sale, costs on uncompleted construction contracts, and costs on real estate business Stated at cost determined by the specific-identification method. (The carrying value on the balance sheet is written

down to reflect declines in profitability.)

ii. Other inventories (Finished goods, semi-finished goods, work in process, and raw materials)

Stated at cost determined by the moving-average method. (The carrying value on the balance sheet is written

down to reflect declines in profitability.)

(2) Depreciation and amortization method for significant depreciable assets

1) Property, plant and equipment (excluding lease assets)

Declining-balance method, except for buildings (excluding building fixtures) acquired on or after April 1, 1998 on

which depreciation is calculated by the straight-line method.

The useful lives of principle assets are summarized as follows:

Buildings and structures 3 to 47 years

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


2) Intangible assets (excluding lease assets)

Straight-line method.

Amortization of software for internal use is calculated by the straight-line method over a period of 5 years.

3) Lease assets

The straight-line method is applied over the lease period used as the useful lives of the assets with no residual


(3) Accounting for significant allowance

1) Allowance for doubtful accounts

To prepare for credit losses on receivables, an allowance equal to the estimated amount of uncollectible

receivables is provided for general receivables based on the historical write-off ratio, and bad receivables based on

a case-by-case determination of collectibility.

2) Provision for bonuses

To provide for accrued bonuses for employees and corporate officers, an allowance is provided at the amount

based on the estimated bonus obligations in the current fiscal year.

3) Provision for warranties for completed construction To prepare for expenses to fulfill the Company’s obligations concerning any defects in buildings that have been sold, an allowance is provided based on actual repair expenses at completed construction projects in the past and on estimated repair expenses for specific buildings.

4) Provision for directors’ retirement benefits

To prepare for directors’ (including corporate officers) retirement benefits, an allowance is provided for the

aggregate amount payable at the end of the fiscal year pursuant to the internal rules on directors’ retirement


The portion of this allowance for corporate officers, which was 115,000 thousand yen as of March 31, 2016, is included in provision for directors’ retirement benefits.

(4) Accounting method for retirement benefits

1) Method of attributing estimated retirement benefits to periods

In calculation of retirement benefit obligations, the benefit formula basis is used for attributing estimated

retirement benefits to period before the end of the current fiscal year.

2) Amortization of actuarial gain or loss

Actuarial gain or loss is amortized and charged to expense in the year following the fiscal year in which such gain

or loss is recognized by the straight-line method over a certain period (principally eight years) which is within the

estimated average remaining years of service of the eligible employees.

3) Adoption of simplified methods in small enterprise Some of our consolidated subsidiaries use simplified method (which assumes a company’s benefit obligation to be equal to the benefits payable assuming the voluntary retirement of all employees at fiscal year-end) to calculate net defined benefit liability and retirement benefit expenses.

(5) Recognition of significant revenues and expenses

Recognition criteria for recording amount and cost of completed construction contracts

1) Contracted work of which the outcome by the end of the current fiscal year can be reliably estimated

The percentage-of-completion method (with the percentage of completion estimated on the cost-to-cost basis)

2) Other contracted work

The completed-contract method

(6) Cash and cash equivalents in the consolidated statements of cash flows

Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash on hand and bank deposits which can be withdrawn at any time and

short-term investments with the duration of three months or less which can be easily converted to cash and are

exposed to little risk of change in value.

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


(7) Other significant matters

Accounting for consumption taxes

National and local consumption taxes are accounted by the tax-exclusion method. Non-deductible national and local

consumption taxes are recorded as expenses in the current fiscal year.

Changes in Accounting Policies

Application of the Accounting Standard for Business Combinations, etc.

The Company has applied the “Accounting Standard for Business Combinations” (Accounting Standards Board of

Japan (ASBJ) Statement No. 21, September 13, 2013), “Accounting Standard for Consolidated Financial Statements”

(ASBJ Statement No. 22, September 13, 2013), “Accounting Standard for Business Divestitures” (ASBJ Statement

No. 7, September 13, 2013), etc. from the current fiscal year. Accordingly, difference arising from changes in the

Company’s ownership interests in subsidiaries in cases where control is retained is recognized in capital surplus, and

the acquisition costs in connection with business combinations are recognized as expenses in the fiscal year in which

they arise. Regarding business combinations that take place on or after the beginning of the current fiscal year, the

Company has revised the method to reflect reviewed allocation of the acquisition costs arising from determination of

the provisional accounting treatment on the consolidated financial statements to which the date of the business

combination belongs. In addition, the presentation of profit and other items has been revised, and the minority

interests item has been renamed non-controlling interests. For consistency with these changes, the consolidated

financial statements for the previous fiscal year have been reclassified.

The Company has adopted these accounting standards, etc. from the beginning of the current fiscal year, in

accordance with the transitional accounting treatments set forth in Article 58-2 (4) of the Accounting Standard for

Business Combinations, Article 44-5 (4) of the Accounting Standard for Consolidated Financial Statements, and

Article 57-4 (4) of the Accounting Standard for Business Divestitures.

There is no impact on the consolidated financial statements.

Segment and Other Information

Segment information

1. Overview of reportable segment

The reportable segments of the Group are constituent units of the Company for which separate financial information

is available and for which the Board of Directors conducts a regular review for the purposes of determining the

allocation of management resources and evaluating business performance.

The Company establishes a manufacturing and sales structure by each product and service and conducts business

operations based on a comprehensive strategy for all products and services.

Consequently, based on the types of business activities, the

re are two reportable segments by products and services: the Housing business and the Condominium business. The

Housing business includes designs, construction supervision and contracting, sales and other activities for housing,

asset utilization and residential remodeling. The Condominium business includes the development, sales, rental,

management and other activities for condominium buildings. 2. Calculation methods for net sales, profits or losses, assets, and other items for each reportable segment

The accounting method used for reportable business segments is generally the same as the methods listed in

“Significant Accounting Policies in the Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements.”

Profits for reportable segments are operating income figures. Inter-segment sales and transfers are determined in the

same manner as for general transactions based on market prices.

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


3. Information related to net sales, profit or loss, assets, and other items for each reportable segment

FY3/15 (Apr. 1, 2014-Mar. 31, 2015) (Thousands of yen)

Reportable segment

Other (Note 1)

Total Adjustment

(Note 2)

Amounts shown on consolidated financial statements (Note 3)

Housing business

Condominium business


Net sales

Sales to external customers

26,761,215 25,627,913 52,389,129 415,035 52,804,164 - 52,804,164

Inter-segment sales or transfers

566,428 3,423 569,852 35,111 604,963 (604,963) -

Total 27,327,643 25,631,337 52,958,981 450,146 53,409,127 (604,963) 52,804,164

Segment profit (loss) 662,717 1,821,163 2,483,881 (44,058) 2,439,822 (939,105) 1,500,716

Segment assets 6,338,891 25,907,591 32,246,482 43,165 32,289,648 9,624,553 41,914,202

Other items

Depreciation and amortization

110,967 15,057 126,025 4,349 130,375 7,060 137,435

Increase in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets

159,571 8,413 167,984 12,163 180,147 800 180,947

Notes: 1. Other segment represents the businesses which are not included in any of the reportable segments and mainly consist of the lifestyle support services.

2. Adjustments to segment profit and assets are as follows. (1) The negative adjustment of 939,105 thousand yen to segment profit includes company-wide costs that are not

allocated to any of the reportable segments. Company-wide costs consist of general and administrative expenses that cannot be attributable to any of the reportable segments.

(2) The 9,624,553 thousand yen adjustment to segment assets includes company-wide assets that are not allocated to any of the reportable segments. Corporate assets mainly include excess working capital, working capital and other assets not attributable to any of the reportable segments.

(3) The 7,060 thousand yen adjustment to depreciation and amortization includes depreciation of company-wide assets that cannot be allocated to reportable segments.

(4) The 800 thousand yen adjustment to increase in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets is capital expenditures not attributable to any of the reportable segments.

3. Segment profit and assets are adjusted with operating income and total assets shown on the consolidated financial statements.

FY3/16 (Apr. 1, 2015-Mar. 31, 2016) (Thousands of yen)

Reportable segment

Other (Note 1)

Total Adjustment

(Note 2)

Amounts shown on consolidated financial statements (Note 3)

Housing business

Condominium business


Net sales Sales to external customers

23,088,210 24,244,003 47,332,214 388,257 47,720,472 - 47,720,472

Inter-segment sales or transfers

139,260 4,179 143,440 21,416 164,857 (164,857) -

Total 23,227,471 24,248,183 47,475,654 409,674 47,885,329 (164,857) 47,720,472

Segment profit (loss) (246,963) 1,110,910 863,947 8,669 872,616 (927,765) (55,149)

Segment assets 5,773,224 35,644,625 41,417,850 100,275 41,518,125 10,234,978 51,753,104

Other items

Depreciation and amortization

83,617 20,558 104,175 4,034 108,210 24,032 132,243

Increase in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets

5,989 2,940 8,929 59,325 68,255 44,948 113,203

Notes: 1. Other segment represents the businesses which are not included in any of the reportable segments and mainly consist of the lifestyle support services.

2. Adjustments to segment profit and assets are as follows. (1) The negative adjustment of 927,765 thousand yen to segment profit or loss includes company-wide costs that are

not allocated to any of the reportable segments. Company-wide costs consist of general and administrative

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


expenses that cannot be attributable to any of the reportable segments. (2) The 10,234,978 thousand yen adjustment to segment assets includes company-wide assets that are not allocated to

any of the reportable segments. Corporate assets mainly include excess working capital, working capital and other assets not attributable to any of the reportable segments.

(3) The 24,032 thousand yen adjustment to depreciation and amortization includes depreciation of company-wide assets that cannot be allocated to reportable segments.

(4) The 44,948 thousand yen adjustment to increase in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets is capital expenditures not attributable to any of the reportable segments.

3. Segment profit and assets are adjusted with operating income and total assets shown on the consolidated financial statements.

Related information

1. Information by product and service

Omitted because the same information is presented in the segment information.

2. Information by region

(1) Sales

Not applicable because there are no sales to external customers outside Japan. (2) Property, plant and equipment

Not applicable because there are no property, plant and equipment outside Japan.

3. Information by major customer

Omitted because no sales to external customer account for 10% or more of consolidated sales on the consolidated statement of income. Information related to an impairment loss on non-current assets for each reportable segment FY3/15 (Apr. 1, 2014 – Mar. 31, 2015)

(Thousands of yen)

Housing business Condominium business Other Elimination or

corporate Total

Impairment loss 78,010 - - - 78,010

FY3/16 (Apr. 1, 2015 – Mar. 31, 2016) (Thousands of yen)

Housing business Condominium business Other Elimination or

corporate Total

Impairment loss 166,219 - - - 166,219

Information related to amortized amounts and the unamortized balance of goodwill for each reportable segment

Not applicable. Information related to gain on bargain purchase for each reportable segment

Not applicable.

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


Per-share Information (Yen)


(Apr. 1, 2014 – Mar. 31, 2015) FY3/16

(Apr. 1, 2015 – Mar. 31, 2016)

Net assets per share 1,238.53 1,203.13

Net income (loss) per share 57.82 (23.61)

Notes: 1. Diluted net income per share is not presented because there are no latent shares. 2. The basis of calculating the net assets per share is as follows:


(As of Mar. 31, 2015) FY3/16

(As of Mar. 31, 2016)

Total net assets (Thousands of yen) 15,630,239 15,183,480

Deduction on total net assets (Thousands of yen) -

[of which, non-controlling interests (Thousands of yen)] [-] [-]

Net assets at the end of the fiscal year applicable to common stock (Thousands of yen)

15,630,239 15,183,480

Number of shares of common stock used in calculation of net assets per share (Shares)

12,620,000 12,620,000

3. The basis of calculating the net income (loss) per share is as follows:


(Apr. 1, 2014 – Mar. 31, 2015) FY3/16

(Apr. 1, 2015 – Mar. 31, 2016)

Net income per share

Profit (loss) attributable to owners of parent (Thousands of yen)

729,747 (297,923)

Profit not attributable to common shareholders (Thousands of yen)

- -

Profit (loss) attributable to common shareholders of parent (Thousands of yen)

729,747 (297,923)

Average number of shares outstanding (Shares) 12,620,000 12,620,000

Subsequent Events

Not applicable.

Sanyo Homes Corporation (1420) Financial Results for FY3/16


6. Other Information

1) Orders Received

Orders received in FY3/16 are broken down by segment as follows. (Thousands of yen)

Operating segment Orders received Year-on-year (%) Order backlog Year-on-year (%)

Housing business 23,260,453 88.7 11,083,751 101.6

Condominium business 28,298,656 122.3 11,953,506 151.3

Other 388,257 93.6 - -

Total 51,947,367 104.4 23,037,257 122.5

Notes: 1. Inter-segment transactions have been eliminated. 2. The above amounts do not include consumption taxes. 3. No order backlog is shown in the other segment because net sales are the same as the orders received.

Orders received by region are as follows. (Thousands of yen)

Kanto area Chubu area Kinki area Kyushu area Total

11,094,123 9,204,990 24,893,535 6,754,717 51,947,367

2) Sales

Sales in FY3/16 are broken down by segment as follows.

Operating segment Sales (Thousands of yen) Year-on-year (%)

Housing business 23,088,210 86.3

Condominium business 24,244,003 94.6

Other 388,257 93.6

Total 47,720,472 90.4

Notes: 1. Inter-segment transactions have been eliminated. 2. The above amounts do not include consumption taxes. Sales by region are as follows. (Thousands of yen)

Kanto area Chubu area Kinki area Kyushu area Total

14,797,313 9,909,925 16,227,040 6,786,191 47,720,472

This financial report is solely a translation of “Kessan Tanshin” (in Japanese, including attachments), which has been prepared in accordance with accounting principles and practices generally accepted in Japan, for the convenience of readers who prefer an English translation.