Max Ramaciotti Lesson 2 Internet Marketing

Post on 11-May-2015

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This document is part of my Marketing online course. Thanks to all the sources, that I try to always mention and link

Transcript of Max Ramaciotti Lesson 2 Internet Marketing

Lezione 2

- 40 - Max Ramaciotti

Lesson 2Understand, monitor and measure


- 41 - Max Ramaciotti




- 42 - Max Ramaciotti

- 43 - Max Ramaciotti

“Consumers have more choices than ever before. More media choices, more choices or products and services. There arenʼt three TV networks; instead, there are a million (literally) things to watch on YouTube. There arenʼt a dozen radio stations; there are a million (literally) online. As a result, the consumer has the power to say, “If Iʼm not interested in what you have to say, I wonʼt watch it. Iʼm not a hostage any longer.” Seth Godin in his book, Meatball Sundae

- 44 - Max Ramaciotti

Pool: your entertainment

consumption habits

Pool input

- 45 - Max Ramaciotti

Online Data Colection


- 46 - Max Ramaciotti

Crossmedia consumption

- 47 - Max Ramaciotti

People aged 12 - 24 are notching up 23 cumulative hours a day, engaged in up to five activities simultaneously.NMA, April 2009

On the phenomenon of "continuous partial attention": over 25% of Internet users surveyed in the UK, FR, DE, IT, US, and Japan in October 2008 said they go onto the Internet at the same time as watching TV "most of the time".Ofcom, November 2008

36% of UK broadband users (aged 16-55) state they have both the TV and Internet on in the same room every day. On weekdays the time when TV and Internet multi-tasking is most likely to happen is around 8pm in the evening.TNS/YouTube Media & Audience Study (broadband users aged 16-55), December 2008

Some evidences

So What?

- 48 - Max Ramaciotti

So what?

ADV: time and expenditure

- 49 - Max Ramaciotti

One of the biggest reasons to be hopeful about the outlook for the continued growth of the Internet advertising industry is that when you look at the time U.S. consumers spend on the Internet versus the amount of ad dollars which go there, the proportions are out of whack. As recently as 2008, U.S. consumers spent 38 percent of their media consumption time on the Internet (29 percent if you exclude teens and young adults), but it attracted only 8 percent of advertising dollars. Whereas consumers spent 37 percent of their media consumption time on TV, which captured 32 percent of advertising dollars. If you believe that time is money, advertising dollars should continue to flow towards the Internet.

JPMorgan Forecasts A 10.5 Percent Rebound In U.S. Display Advertising in 2010

Time & Investments

What to measure

- 50 - Max Ramaciotti

The problem all these audience metrics have, whether youʼre talking about an online websiteʼs visitors, a magazineʼs circulations numbers, or a television programʼs gross rating points, is that none of them are actually reflective of how many people actually saw, listened to, or otherwise engaged with your ad.

why would we fantasize that it is possible to measure anything accurately across the entire World Wide Web? The only metrics that can be measured accurately are how much the advertiser spends (expenses) and how much they make (revenue).

the only time people react to an ad is if itʼs relevant to them.

I recommend advertisers get their own Web metrics in order, and learn how to tie them to the only reports that matter: P&L, Balance Sheet & Cash Flow.

How and What to measure: just say “no” to fluffy metrics.

They must continuously work with their audience to understand its needs and focus on providing relevant content and advertisements.They must work with publishers to help them clearly define what theyʼre trying to accomplish. They must define key performance metrics (e.g., the actions that will define their success).Work with advertisers so that the ads they produce are contextually relevant to the content they are producing.Make sure advertisers continuously optimize the ads to achieve better results.Constantly be in discussions with the audience so the promises that marketers make are being met (e.g., not pissing off YOUR audience).






Where to act

- 51 - Max Ramaciotti

Online promotion

“Display” Adv

Search AdvDirect

Special operations

Where to act

What about customer

- 52 - Max Ramaciotti

Your customers



- 53 - Max Ramaciotti

Cost to Acquire Customers (CAC)The ability to monetize those customers, or LTV (which stands for Lifetime Value of a Customer)


Customer acquisition

- 54 - Max Ramaciotti

Besides a future marketing campaign, the Internet marketing consultant will evaluate the current advertising campaign that the company has. Any advertising costs spotted by the Internet marketing consultant that is equal to or more than the customer acquisition cost should be reviewed.

Once the Internet marketing consultant knows the customer acquisition cost, he can then use this as a reference point to gauge new means of attracting customers. Companies should be about the customer and not themselves if they want to stay in business.

A good Internet marketing consultant knows that all businesses need customers to survive.

To acquire and keep a customer, a business has to show a customer how their product or service benefits the customer.

Every company needs a good customer service or customer relations department also. Internet marketing consultants should design an efficient customer acquisition strategy.

Customers want to know and feel secure that if they do have a problem with the product or service that there is some sort of warranty from the company. To retain a customer, a company has to provide good communication with the customer. Customers want to know that they are appreciated by the company. Customers want to feel satisfied with the product or service that the business is providing, and they want to be treated with respect.

Customer acquisition cost

Customer retention Vs value retention

- 55 - Max Ram



stomer reten

tion &


e retention



Increasing purchases as tenure grows:

Lower custom

er managem

ent costs over time:


er referrals:



over time, custom

ers come to know

their suppliers. Providing the relationship is satisfactory, trust grow

s while risk and uncertainty

are reduced. Therefore, customers com

mit m

ore of their spending to those suppliers w

ith whom

they have a proven and satisfactory relationship. Also, because suppliers develop deeper custom

er intimacy over tim

e, they can enjoy better yields from

their cross-selling efforts.

the relationship startup costs that are incurred when a

customer is acquired can be quite high. It m

ay take several years for enough profit to be earned from

the relationship to recover those acquisition costs. For exam

ple, it can take six years to recover the costs of w

inning a new retail bank custom

er. In the B2B context in particular, ongoing relationship m

aintenance costs such as selling and service costs can be low

relative to the costs of w

inning the account. Therefore, there is a high probability that the account w

ill become m

ore profitable on a period-by-period basis as tenure lengthens. These relationship m

aintenance costs may

eventually be significantly reduced or even eliminated as the

parties become closer over tim

e. In the B2B context, once autom

ated processes are in place, transaction costs are effectively elim

inated. Portals largely transfer account service costs to the custom

er. In the B2C context, especially in retailing, the assertion that acquisition costs generally exceed retention costs is hard to prove. This is in part because it is very difficult to isolate and m

easure customer acquisition costs.


erce make it m

ore measurable

customers w

ho willingly com

mit m

ore of their purchases to a preferred supplier are generally m

ore satisfied than customers w

ho do not. They are therefore m

ore likely to utter positive word-of-

mouth and influence the beliefs, feelings and behaviours of

others. Research show

s that customers w

ho are frequent buyers are heavier referrers. For exam

ple, online clothing customers w

ho have bought once refer three other people; after ten purchases they w

ill have referred seven. In consumer electronics, the one-

time custom

er refers four; the ten times custom

er refers. The referred custom

ers spend about 50 to 75 percent of the referrer's spending over the first three years of their relationship. H

owever, it

is also likely that newly acquired custom

ers, freshly enthused by their experience, w

ould be powerful w

ord-of-mouth advocates,

perhaps more than longer-term

customers w

ho are more


customers w

ho are satisfied in their relationship may rew

ard their suppliers by paying higher prices. This is because they get their sense of value from

more than price alone. C

ustomers in an

established relationship are also likely to be less responsive to price appeals offered by com






Drivers to balance

- 56 - Max Ramaciotti

Balancing flows leveraging on online

Inbound Marketing

- 57 - Max Ramaciotti

Inbound marketing and its opposite outbound marketing have various meanings depending on the context.One pair of definitions[1][2][3][4] are:Inbound marketing is a style of marketing that focuses on getting found by customers. This sense is related to relationship marketing and Seth Godin's idea of permission marketing. David Meerman Scott recommends that marketers "earn their way in" (via publishing helpful information on a blog etc.) in contrast to outbound marketing where they used to have to "buy, beg, or bug their way in" (via paid advertisements, issuing press releases in the hope they get picked up by the trade press, or paying commissioned sales people, respectively). Next best action marketing can also be applied.Antonym: Traditional marketing (outbound marketing) is where companies focus on finding customers by advertising. This sense is related to intrusion marketing and Godin's term interruption marketing.An older pair of definitions[5] are:Inbound marketing is market research. In contrast to the above, pieces of information about customer needs, not customers themselves, flow into the company. Knowledge of customer needs drives future product capability. This sense is related to the term product management. Peter Drucker believed[6] this to be the quintessence of marketing.Antonym: Outbound marketing is marketing communications. In this sense, information about finished product capability flows out to prospective customers who have a need for it. This sense is related to the term product marketing.

Key tools

- 58 - Max Ramaciotti

Key tools


Business Intelligence



Online reputation



- 59 - Max Ram




ey prin






Attracting new

customers costs m

ore than retaining existing custom

ersA satisfied custom

er stays with a com

pany longer, spends more and

may deepen the relationship. For exam

ple a happy credit card custom

er may enlist the com

panyʼs financial services and later take travel insurance.This is an easy “sell”, com

pared with direct m

arketing campaigns,

television advertisements and other sophisticated and expensive

approaches to attract new custom



er service costs real money

Real costs are associated w

ith providing customer service and

companies spend in line w

ith a customerʼs value. If you are a high

value customer or have the potential of being high value, you w

ill be serviced m

ore carefully.C

ompanies reduce the cost of custom

er service by using telephone voice response system

s, outsourcing call centers to cheaper locations, and self-servicing on the internet. H

owever, com

panies risk alienating custom

ers through providing an impersonal service.

Some internet banking com

panies are bucking the trend by charging custom

ers to contact them. In exchange, custom

ers receive better interest rates due to reduced overheads and are satisfied w

ith that.

Understand your custom

ersʼ needs and meet them


can you meet your custom

ersʼ needs, if you donʼt know them

? To understand your custom

erʼs needs, just listen to the “voice of the custom

er” and take action accordingly.C

ustomer listening can be done in m

any ways, for exam

ple feedback form

s, mystery shopping, and satisfaction surveys. Som

e companies

involve senior employees in custom

er listening to ensure decisions benefit the custom

er as much as the com


Good process and product design is im


ood quality customer service is only one factor in m

eeting customer

needs. Well designed products and processes w

ill meet custom

ersʼ needs m

ore often. Quality m

ovements, such as Six Sigm

a, consider the “cost of quality” resulting from

broken processes or products. Is it better to service the custom

er well than to eradicate the reason for

them to contact you in the first instance?


er service must be consistent


ers expect consistent quality of customer service; w

ith a sim

ilar, familiar look and feel w

henever and however they contact the


Say you visit an expensive hairdressing salon and receive a friendly w

elcome, a drink and a great haircut. You are out of tow

n and visit the sam

e hairdressing chain and get no friendly welcom

e, no drink and a great hair-cut. Are you a satisfied custom

er who w

ill use that chain again? Probably not, as you did not receive the sam

e customer

service – which is m

ore than a good hair-cut.

Employees are custom

ers tooThe quality m

anagement m

ovement brought the concept of internal

and external customers. Traditionally the focus w

as on external custom

ers with little thought given to how

internal departments

interacted. Improving relationships w

ith internal customers and

suppliers assists delivery of better customer service to external

customers, through reduced lead-tim

es, increased quality and better com


The “Service-Profit Chain” m

odel developed by Harvard U

niversity em

phasizes the circular relationship between em

ployees, customers

and shareholders. Under-staffed, under-trained em

ployees will not

deliver good quality customer service, driving custom

ers away. Equal

effort must be m

ade in attracting, motivating and retaining em

ployees as is m

ade for customers, ultim

ately delivering improved shareholder

returns. Better shareholder returns mean m

ore money is available to

invest in employees and so the circle continues.

Open all com

munications channels

The customer w

ants to contact you in many w

ays – face to face, by m

ail, phone, fax, and email - and w

ill expect all of these com

munication channels to be open and easily inter-m

ingled.This presents a technical challenge, as it requires an integrated, stream

lined solution providing the employee w

ith the information they

need to effectively service the customer.

Every customer contact is a chance to shine

If a customer contact concerns a broken process, then em


employees w

ill be able to resolve the complaint sw

iftly, possibly enhancing the custom

erʼs perception of the company. Feeding back

this information allow

s corrective action to be made, stopping further

occurrences of the error.If you inform

customers about new

products or services when they

contact you, you may m

ake a valuable sale, turning your cost centre into a profit centre. This is only possible w

hen you have a good relationship w

ith your customer, w

here you understand their specific needs. A targeted sales pitch w

ill have a good chance of success, as the custom

er is pre-sold on the companyʼs reputation.

People expect good customer service everyw

here.Think about an average day – you travel on a train, you buy coffee, you w

ork. You expect your train to be on time, clean and be a

reasonable cost. You expect your coffee to be hot and delivered quickly. You expect your w

ork mates to w

ork with you, enabling you to

get the job done.People becom

e frustrated when their expectations are not m

et, and increasingly dem

and higher service quality in more areas of their

lives.Providing outstanding custom

er service at the right price is the holy grail of m

ost companies. It is w

orth remem

bering that we all

experience customer service every day. W

e can learn from these and

apply them in our ow

n line of work, w

hatever it may be. The quality of

customer service w

ill make you stand out from

your competitors –

make sure itʼs for the right reasons











CRM Strategy

- 60 - Max Ram




Setting a Clear C

ustomer Experience Strategy

Often organisations confuse defining a custom

er experience strategy w

ith creating a "slogan". How

many com

panies create a slogan w

ithout any supporting initiatives, thereby disillusioning em

ployees and creating a "flavour of the month?"

To establish a good strategy certain key practices are required:* U

nderstand the overall organisational vision and mission

* Define the organisation's custom

er service direction, slogan and values* Ensure custom

er service is defined as a key responsibility for the business/departm

ent* Share the custom

er experience strategy via a comprehensive


unications program* Ensure that this strategy does not conflict w

ith other business strategies. As consultants, it is am

azing how often w

e hear organisations say, "Im

proving Custom

er Service is a priority, and w

e are also introducing stringent cost-cutting measures."

This can present a tough dichotomy.

Selecting the Correct People

It's really hard to teach an elephant to dance!W

hen recruiting employees to provide custom

er service, the process often tends to concentrate m

ore on functional expertise, technical com

petence and knowledge rather than interpersonal

skills. How

ever, lack of the right attitude can drastically impact client

satisfaction levels. Research has in fact show

n that attitude is the m

ost important requirem

ent: skills and functional expertise can be taught.Therefore in selecting the right people:

Developing, M

otivating and Managing your People

Even though you have hired the right people, there is still a need to orient them

into the organisation's customer relationship culture

and define key comm

unication skills. In Call C

enters and Technical Support departm

ents, there is a tendency to rely on technical/functional skills and neglect interpersonal skills developm

ent. This can result in providing acceptable m

aterial service, the more

tangible aspect, yet unacceptable personal service, the competitive

differentiator.Therefore to build a custom

er relationship culture, it is important to:

* Provide training in key areas required to deliver exceptional personal service* R

einforce these skills using ongoing coaching and feedback* M

easure current performance levels

* Rew

ard performance using a com

bination of monetary aw

ards and non-m

onetary recognition

Establishing Effective Service Delivery Processes

Effective processes and procedures provide the foundation for sm

oothing or inhibiting the material service elem

ent of the customer

interaction. Efficient service delivery systems appear transparent to

the customer. Poor system

s create those 'speed bumps' that

necessitate personal intervention in order to satisfy the customer


The critical elements in ensuring a positive m

aterial customer

experience are:* M

apping the service delivery processes* Evaluating critical success points in the process* D

efining service standards and objectives for these essential points* Establishing service delivery procedures to optim

ise material

service* C

reating service level agreements to sm

ooth internal service delivery

Building in C

ontinuous Improvem


o matter how

effective the service delivery processes, or well-

trained the service deliverers, things go wrong. Products have

faults. Custom

ers get frustrated. Things slip through the cracks. The organisations that are built around m

anaging the customer

experience are able to resolve these issues effectively. This process know

n as "recovery" is an important differentiator in

building customer loyalty.

In order to recover effectively, it is necessary to:* Actively seek custom

er feedback and complaints: you cannot

improve if you don't know

what w

ent wrong in the first place.

* Train staff how to handle custom

er complaints effectively using

the correct mix of em

pathising, apologising and resolution.* M

ake sure that the real problem is solved, not just the


s.* Focus on proactive (prevention) as w

ell as reactive (cure) problem


Ensuring Managers are the K

ey Change-A

gentsAs consultants, w

e observe that senior managem

ent often has the vision, intention and com


ent to introduce a comprehensive

customer relationship m

anagement system

. The "make or break"

element is in involving m

iddle managem

ent in the change process, and em

powering them

to be the key change-agents.To do this, it is im

portant to:* Engage the m

anagement team

early and often in the process* Involve m

anagement m

embers in articulating the custom

er experience strategy* Teach m

anagers coaching skills so that they are able to articulate and reinforce the key personal service skills* U

se managers as facilitators w

hen rolling out interpersonal skills training* R

eward m

anagers on establishing, monitoring and updating

service delivery processes* Ensure m

anagers are able to act as an example to their team
















M Stra


CRM etiquette

- 61 - Max Ramaciotti

Customer service etiquette principles should be integrated into every facet of your organization because providing superior customer service is the most effective way to differentiate your business from the competition.

Smile and demonstrate good manners. Teach employees to smile, leading by example. Establish a culture of high quality customer service and commit to deliver superior service whether over the phone or face-to-face.Make customers feel comfortable, valued, and appreciated.Treat customers with respect, empathy, and efficiency.Listen actively to be responsive and exceed customer expectations.Effectively resolve the customer's problem.Say "Thank you" and "Please" graciously.


Build prosperous relationships by treating customers as you want to be treated.

Customer Service: where “etiquette” comes out

6 Principles of Customer Service Etiquette:

Social Network are just another face of your Customer Relationship Strategy

CRM Planning - The Approach

- 62 - Max Ramaciotti

Planning CRM - The Approach

CRM - The Touchpoints

- 63 - Max Ram


Online Touchpoints an Exam

ple (Talisma C

orporation Custom

er interaction tools)



stomer T

ouch p


Business intelligence definition

- 64 - Max Ramaciotti

Business Intelligence (BI) refers to skills, processes, technologies, applications and practices used to support decision making.

BI technologies provide historical, current, and predictive views of business operations. Common functions of Business Intelligence technologies are reporting, online analytical processing, analytics, data mining, business performance management, benchmarking, text mining, and predictive analytics.

Business Intelligence uses technologies, processes, and applications to analyze mostly internal, structured data and business processes


Competitive Intelligence, is done by gathering, analyzing and disseminating information with or without support from technology and applications, and focuses on all-source information and data (unstructured or structured), mostly external to, but also internal to a company, to support decision making.

Business Intelligence


- 65 - Max Ramaciotti

How Are People Behaving on Your Site

Online reputation

- 66 - Max Ramaciotti

Online reputation management, or ORM, is the practice of consistent research and analysis of oneʼs personal or professional, business or industry reputation as represented by the content across all types of online media. It is also sometimes referred to as online reputation monitoring, maintaining the same acronym.

Specifically, the online media that is monitored in ORM is:

Traditional or mainstream websitesSocial networksConsumer Review sitesSocial news/bookmarking sitesCollaborative Research sites such as Yahoo Answers, Rediff Q&AIndependent discussion forumsUser-generated content (UGC)/Consumer Generated Media (CGM)Blogs

Blogging communitiesMicroblogging (Twitter....)

Online Reputation Management

Online reputation m

easuring tools

- 67 - Max Ram


The blog search engine Technorati is also a good free resource for tracking w

hat's being said in the blogosphere. The service indexes posts as they are published and w

ith any search you do on the site, there is an R

SS button that you can use to subscribe to the search. W

hen viewing the results on the w

eb site, you can click between tabs to

see just the Posts, Blogs, Photos, or Videos containing your search term



A simple online tool called M

onitorThis lets you subscribe to results of a search from

22 different search engine feeds at the same tim

e. The engines searched include the m

ain search engines like Google, M


and Yahoo, as well as sm

aller engines like Plazoo, Blogmarks, and

Topix. The results are provided in OPM

L format. Although you have to

copy and paste the code into a file you create on your computer in order

to subscribe, it's still worth checking out as the list of engines searched

makes this a good resource.





ne of the simplest and easiest w

ays to track something on the w

ay, your reputation or otherw

ise, is to use Google Alerts. W

ith this free service, you can search either all of G

oogle's properties, or you can specify that only N

ews, Blogs, W

eb, Video, or Groups is searched. You

can then configure the Alerts results to be emailed to you either as it

happens, once a day, or once a week. There is also a page w

here you can edit the alerts once they are created or delete them

when they are

no longer in use.

Create Your O

wn C

ustom Search



Social meter scans the m

ajor social websites to analyze a w

ebpage's social popularity. C

urrently we scan D, Digg, Furl, G

oogle, Jots, Linkroll, N

etscape, Reddit, Shadow

s, Spurl, Technorati, and Yahoo My


Search & A


To begin with, w

e'll look at Trackur. This new tool scours blogs, new

s sites, im

ages, and videos for you to track your name, com

pany brands, industry trends, or even new

s about your competitor. The tool allow

s you to search for a keyw

ord or keywords, but also allow

s you to filter that search to include only instances w

here that keyword is coupled w

ith other w

ords and/or filter out instances where certain other keyw

ords are present. O

nce the search has been customized, it can be saved and

then subscribed to via an RSS feed or em

ail. The items Trackur finds

can also be bookmarked or em


Social Search


Blog C



Backtype is a tool for monitoring blog com

ments. If people com

mented on

various blog posts, citing your name, you never used to have a w

ay of tracking it, until now

. Backtype is a service that lets you find, follow, and

share comm

ents from across the w

eb. Whenever you w

rite a comm

ent with

a link to your Web site, Backtype attributes it to you.


Social Com


Yacktrack lets you search for comm

ents on your content from various

sources, such as Blogger (blogger), Digg (D

igg), FriendFeed, Stumbleupon


pon), and Wordpress (W

ordPress) blogs. For instance, if you com

ment on a blog, you can locate other people w

ho are comm

enting on that sam

e blog post and rejoin the conversation.M

y favorite feature of this tool is the “Chatter” tab, w

hich allows you to

perform keyw

ord searches on social media sites and then notifies you of

instances of your brand name. Yacktrackʼs search page results also give

you an RSS feed for the search term

. You can also use Com

mentful and

ents to track your social comm

ents on the web.



Boardreader and Big Boards are other tools that work sim

ilar to this one

Discussion B


Along with blogs and traditional new

s stories, discussion boards are another channel w

here people can gather in a comm

unity and talk about you. M

ost people disregard discussion boards until they see other sites com

menting on inform

ation viewed on them

. Use

to get instant alerts from

threads citing your name.




itter (Twitter) m

essages (tweets) m

ove at the speed of light, and if you donʼt catch them

they will spread like a virus. U

sing Twitter search (tw

eetzi Tw

itter Search), you can locate any instances of your name and decide

whether you w

ant to tweet back or ignore them

. It really depends on the context and m

eaning of the tweet.

Conduct a search for your nam

e, your companyʼs nam

e, or various topics youʼre interested in and then subscribe via R

SS. Twilert and Tw

eetBeep are additional tools you can use to receive em

ail alerts.


Social Media Alerts Like G

oogle Alerts but for social media.

Receive free daily em

ail alerts of your brand, company, C

EO, m

arketing cam

paign, or on a developing news story, a com

petitor, or the latest on a celebrity.Social M

ention is a social media search engine that searches

user-generated content such as blogs, comm

ents, bookmarks, events,

news, videos, and m

icroblogging services. It allows you to track

mentions of your brand across all of these areas.

Other social search engines include Serph and Keotag.


/A service from

Keotag is a great tool for bloggers and those researching a topic in the blogosphere. The site lets you just search for item

s that are tagged w

ith a particular keyword.

Tools & Services


hile all the other tools listed are quite rudimentary, this one is rather

complex and intelligent. Instead of being hit w

ith hundreds or even a thousand results for your brand nam

e, Filtrbox only delivers the most

relevant, credible mentions of things you need to track. Its “FiltrR

ank” technology scores content based on three dim

ensions: contextual relevance, popularity and feedback. You can look back to previous searches 15 days out for free as w


Your Netw


orkA lot of people overlook a strong network w

hen it comes to m

onitoring their brands. If you have a robust netw

ork, especially people in your industry w

ho observe the same keyw

ords as you, then you will receive im

portant updates w

ithout even asking for them.



































line rep


tion m












- 68 - Max Ramaciotti

Benchmarking is the process of comparing the business processes and performance metrics including cost, cycle time, productivity, or quality to another that is widely considered to be an industry standard benchmark or best practice. Essentially, benchmarking provides a snapshot of the performance of your business and helps you understand where you are in relation to a particular standard. The result is often a business case and "Burning Platform" for making changes to make improvements.

Also referred to as "best practice benchmarking" or "process benchmarking", it is a process used in management and particularly strategic management, in which organizations evaluate various aspects of their processes in relation to best practice companies' processes, usually within a peer group defined for the purposes of comparison.

This then allows organizations to develop plans on how to make improvements or adapt specific best practices, usually with the aim of increasing some aspect of performance. Benchmarking may be a one-off event, but is often treated as a continuous process in which organizations continually seek to improve their practices.


What to benchmark

- 69 - Max Ramaciotti


Main functioncommercial





Presentation richness

Interactive tools

ServiceCustomer service

Product customization

Strategic leverages

Content types

Benchmarking website

What to benchmark

- 70 - Max Ramaciotti


Social network




Content dissemination



Content typesOther tools

Internal community






Benchmarking website

What to benchmark

- 71 - Max Ramaciotti

Mobile Mobile siteApplications ContentsGoal


Benchmarking website


- 72 - Max Ramaciotti

Identify “competitors” of you companyHomework lesson 2

Benchmark their online presence basing upon the given schemaOutput: a power point presentation or similar
