Matthew Kennedy Assignment 2 Ignite Presentation

Post on 07-May-2015

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Transcript of Matthew Kennedy Assignment 2 Ignite Presentation

Bringing compassion and empathy

back to the nursing profession.Sunday, May 19, 13

My slideshow presentation is about brining compassion and empathy back to the nursing field. I have been a C.N.A for close to ten years and I have dealt with a variety of different nurses, residents, and co-workers.

Here are some simple and easy ways you can...

Sunday, May 19, 13

When we talk about nursing, it is easy to forget why we are all here which is our residents. Here are some simple and easy ways to help bring compassion and empathy back to nursing.

Where will you be,

in 50 years?

Sunday, May 19, 13

None, of us knows what the future holds; many of us believe we will not be around in 50 years, but what if you are and you are in a nursing home? How would you want to be treated?

How do you want to be treated?

Sunday, May 19, 13

How do you want to be treated? It is an easy enough question, if you were ever in a nursing home as a resident; how would you want to be treated?

Your residents are

someone’s family member.

Sunday, May 19, 13

Every resident you take care of is someones family member.

Making the most

of your time...Sunday, May 19, 13

Most nursing staff can get ‘pigeonholed’ as not caring or showing enough empathy and/or towards their patients. But did you know according to the American Association for Justice that residents or patients in a nursing home setting only get 3.7 actual hours of direct care? Is it just me, or is this statistic a little sad?

It’s easier said than done!

Sunday, May 19, 13

For anyone who has worked in the nursing profession the know making the most of your time is easier said and done. Especially, when it seems like everything that could possibly goes wrong can and does throughout the day.

Did youKnow?

Sunday, May 19, 13

That according to masters in health care, 90% of US nursing homes have staff levels too low for adequate care, and one nurses aid may have to care for up to 30 people any given day?

Stressed out?

Just relax...

Sunday, May 19, 13

Just, remember the trick is not to get stressed out no matter how overwhelmed you feel and always put a smile on. Take a time out if needed, don’t take a chance of getting ‘burnt out’ if you need a minute to breathe take it.

Remember, it’s the

little things!Sunday, May 19, 13

Empathy is a sense of understanding, think for a minute about the person you are taking care of. Every night for the last 50 years have they went to sleep with the t.v. on? Or, did they have a glass of water? Think about your own routine and having to change it, because you are a resident in a nursing home; a little scary don’t you think?

Sunday, May 19, 13

Here is one easy example of how to practice empathy at your nursing home. Can we have a show of hands of all the people who like to come to work here?Now, imagine you are a resident, would you like to live here for the very good possibility you will die here?If your answer is no to both you have more in common with your residents than you thought. You don’t like being here for eight hours, imagine how they feel spending what’s left og their life living here.


Sunday, May 19, 13

The sad part about it, is even though nursing staff are mandated by law to report abuse, many times they don’t. Did you know according to Masters in Health Care more than 30% of all nursing homes experience some form of resident abuse and 90% of the abusers are known; yet only 20% of abuse cases are ever reported.

How would you feel?

If it was someone you knew?

Sunday, May 19, 13

Put yourself in the position of being your residents family member. Nursing homes are made up of mothers, daughters, fathers, sons, and etc. every person you take care of has or had a family in the past. How would you treat your family member.

90% of abusers

are known.

Only 20%are ever

reported...Sunday, May 19, 13

It is scary to think that 90% of the abusers in the nursing home are known and only 20% are ever reported.

The Golden Rule;

Sunday, May 19, 13

Empathy and compassion in the nursing profession can be summed up by the golden rule saying. Do unto others as you would want to be treated.

Sunday, May 19, 13

I once had a resident that had what we all believed to have a heart attack. There was roughly 15 minutes left of my shift, and she asked me if I would wait with her until the EMT’s showed up. I agreed and I ran into trouble with my supervisor because I waited with her instead of finishing my paper work. But what would you do? She was scared and alone, and I knew if it was me I would want someone to wait with me especially if my fate was uncertain.

Sunday, May 19, 13

Did you know according to Toles, M., Young, H., & Ouslander, J. (2012) that more than 75% of nursing homes residents experience end-of-life depression? How will you express your empathy and how would you want to be treated?

Sunday, May 19, 13

In review here are some great ways you can help bring compassion and empathy back to nursing.

Make the most of your time,even though

you may not have much.

Report all abuse

NO matter what!

Sunday, May 19, 13

Remember to make the most of your time, even if you don’t have that much of it and remember to report all suspected abuse to your supervisor.

Sunday, May 19, 13

Just remember your taking care of someones family member; try to understand what they are going through.