Mateusz Czernek. Pyramid of health was developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the...

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Transcript of Mateusz Czernek. Pyramid of health was developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the...

Mateusz Czernek

Pyramid of health was developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Welfare. This is a diagram showing the proportions in which foods need to be consumed. The higher a product is placed, we should

eating it less.








Physical activity

Grain products, vegetable fats

Vegetables and fruits

Legumes and nuts

Fish, eggs, poultry

Milk, yoghurt cheese

Red meat, white bread, pasta

Exercises are designed to improve or maintain physical fitness and health. Moreover, one of their

goals is to improve athletic skills and abilities. Frequent and regular physical exercises are important

in preventing many diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis, cardio-vascular diseases, diabetes

type II, obesity and back pain. Sport makes the student ready for:

-Natural environmen,

- physical and social development. -Exercises

-Overcoming the difficulties of everyday life

The most important cereal grain supply is wheat, rice, corn, rye,

barley, oats, millet, sorghum and buckwheat. According to the normal principles of human nutrition cereal

products form the basis of food pyramid and should be present in

the daily diet in the largest quantities. Cereal products are a

source of carbohydrates, vitamins, protein, minerals and fiber. Their nutritional value depends on the

type and quality of grain, the degree of removal of seed coat and seed embryo and the technology of the

product. Most of the protein, fat and minerals contained in the grain is in

the embryo and in a thin layer of cells just under the covering of the

fruit and seed.

For health reasons the consumption of the vegetables is definitely better than the consumption of animal fats. The fatty acid composition in vegetable oils is extremely beneficial, and they do not contain cholesterol. Vegetable fats are a rich source of vitamin E and essential fatty acids (EFA). These acids are, like vitamins, necessary for normal development and should be supplied with food, because the body can not produce them itself.

Vegetables are a very important component of mother’s milk. Clearly, they are of different nature than the

other foods. They play an important role in nutrition. They provide the body with ingredients for proper work of it, thus

contributing significantly to the maintenance of health. Components of

these include:

•Vitamins like C, B, E, F and provitamin A

•Minerals with a predominance of metallic elements

•Organic acids, which affect the taste of vegetables.

•The sugars are easily absorbed

•Fiber, or cellulose, helping to increase the weight of food and stimulating


Our daily diet should include plenty of fruits, because they are rich in minerals, bioactive substances. In addition, they contain lots of vitamins. Eating fruit primarily reduces the likelihood of cancer. Addition makes our body is more resistant. What fresh fruits

really bring into our body?

Apples - the most famous fruit that prevents heart diseases. They provide fiber, which helps digestion of

food. Also contain vitamin C.

Kiwi - contains the vitamins B, C and E. In addition, takes care of the nerve fibers and prevents premature

aging process.

Berries - protect the blood vessels in our body, because they contain large amounts of vitamin A and C.

Plums - rich in potassium, sodium, phosphorus and magnesium. Featured are the people who have iron

deficiency in the body.

Grapefruit - thinner silhouette, lower levels of bad cholesterol.

Legumes:beans, bean, black eyed peas, lentils, soybeans

Provide unsaturated fats and vitamin E, also contain B vitamins, potassium, calcium, iron and considerable

amounts of fiber. Soy contains very little starch and is very beneficial nutritionally. Beans, peas and lentils contain

more than 50% carbohydrates, mostly starch, and about 3% simple sugars. Are particularly important for pulses in the diets of vegetarian since the supply of these essential amino acids, which do not have a protein found in cereal


They contain beneficial fatty acids, protein and fiber. Most nuts are rich

in vitamin E, magnesium, being important in regulating blood

pressure. In addition, nuts contain lots of beneficial nutrients, such as

plant sterols, which beneficially affect the functioning of the

circulatory system. Beneficial to health is to eat a handful of mixtures of nuts several times a week. Keep in mind that nuts are high calories and should be used as a substitute

for other products, rather than consumed in addition.

Fish meat is easily digestible and nutritionally valuable. Contains protein, iodine, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and vitamins A and D. We can eat fish like cod, sardines, mackerel, herring,

catfish, pike, etc. The fats contained in fish are an important component of the diet. Fish are also a valuable source of many minerals. They have a positive

effect on the nervous system - improve concentration and facilitate the ability

to memorize and clear facts.

Eggs as a rich source of nutrients are the basis for

many dishes. In Poland most often eaten are chicken eggs, as well as ducks, geese and quail. Eggs also contain lots of vitamins A, D and some B vitamins. Yolk is also an ideal

source of lecithin, m . al. improving memory. permitted

amount, then two eggs per day, provided that the limit on that day, other animal


For poultry include, inter alia, chickens, geese, turkeys, ducks,

pigeons, poultry, etc. is a supplier of precious protein and high doses of vitamin B6, iron

and vitamin B12 (the two factors to create the blood),

zinc, potassium and magnesium. It is therefore the

source of the substance necessary for the proper conduct of metabolism,

regulation of hormones and other important health
