Material Management And Human Resources Managemnet

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material management and human resources management prepared by Nimbalkar Pranit Prabhakarrao

Transcript of Material Management And Human Resources Managemnet


Material Management

and Human resource Management

Presented ByPranit Nimbalkar,M.Pharm Ist Year,

Dept of Pharmaceutics,KCP Bidar.

Under the GuidanceMr. Sidramappa Chickpetty,

M.Pharm (PhD)Dept of Pharmaceutics ,

KCP Bidar.


•Materiel management is defined as an “organizational concept, which has the authority and responsibilities of all activities, principally concerned with the flow of materials in the organization”.

•Operations involved in the flow of materials- Purchasing, Inventory control, Receiving, Storing, Production scheduling and Shipping of finished products.

•Hence, material management works in continuous liaison with production, marketing, sales, and quality control.

•Material management has the responsibility of determining the amount of Inventory and its accountability

OBJECTIVES OF MATERIAL MANAGEMENT:•Minimizing the use capital in an efficient and scientific manner.•Lowering inventory investment and increasing the inventory turnover by cutting the costs related to purchases.•Responding to the market changes with respect to new products.•Ensuring cooperation of all departments for achieving the objectives of all material management.•Providing best services to the level of customer of working ’s delight.

FUNCTIONS OF MATERIAL MANAGENT: • It minimizes material costs in several ways by undertaking the following functions;•Material planning and programming.•Simplification, standardization and value analysis.•Inventory control & management.•Purchasing of materials in desired quantities without delays.•Receiving & warehouse of incoming materials.•Storage, preservation & administration of materials. •Transportation & material handling.•Disposing of rejects & materials.•Improving the operations efficiency through training.•Production planning & scheduling

Vendor Raw manufacture finished Material Products Raw manufacture finished Material Products



Value analysis Inventory Control Production planning

Purchasing Vendor development Negotiations & Buying

Material Handling

Store keeping

Recycling/ Disposal

Fig 1- Functions of Material management- Broad description.

RS Friday


Materials-Quality and Quantity:•Inventories controlled as raw material, parts (or subassemblies), work-in-progress materials and finished products. •For the purchase of raw material, 4 factors are considered to be essential – quality, quantity, price and delivery time.•These symbolically described in figure as below:

Quality Quantity Price Delivery dateFigure 2- Inventory factors controlled by material management


Value is defined as “the lowest cost per paid for reliably providing the required function or services, at the desired time & place with essential quality”.

Value analysis is a systematic study of every element for its cost in a part, material or services to make certain that its performs its function at lowest possible cost.

Primary objective of value analysis is to obtain the same quality of a product and achieve the required function at a lower possible cost.

Benefits of Value Analysis:

The benefits of Value Analysis are as follows:•Cost of existing products or service decreases.•Unnecessary expenditure can be identified and eliminated in products, processes or services.•Import substitution efforts get boosted.•Product value gets improved for new materials and process.•Greater profits accrue, i.e. higher returns on investment.

TYPES OF VALUE:The economic value is important from the point of industry. These are indentified as four types:•User value: Properties that accomplish use, work or services. Ex. Self-sealing tape.

•Esteem value: Properties that make ownership of that object very desirable value. Ex. Gold tie-pin.

•Cost value: Properties that are the sum of labour, material, overheads and other costs, required for producing dry object. Ex. Mixing, granulation and drying are done in single equipments.

•Exchange value: Properties that make the object possible of being traded for other items. Ex. Gold ornaments


•A function mat be expressed in terms of performance, reliability, appearance etc. the item is purchased by paying the price.

•In this context value is mathematically expressed as:

Value: Function Total cost


•Reducing the costs.

•The Improving the function.

•Achieving both the above.

•When function is increased with low increase in cost.

•Value analysis sharpens the evaluation methods of performance.


•Purchasing is an activity of securing the materials, supplies, equipment & services required in the operations of an enterprise.

•Purchasing manager is responsible for the effective, efficient & economic operations of the department. Each person or assistant is assigned with a specific group of items for the purchasing, namely electrical goods, raw material, equipment & so on.

•The organizational structure depends on the nature & number of personnel available.Functions of Purchasing Department:

•Ordering section places orders the vendors.

•Service section follows progress of the purchase orders, it shipment by the vendor & its final receipt by the company.

•Records-section maintains all records of quotation, costs, purchases etc. •Thus, purchasing involves controls, coordination & communication.

Types of Purchasing Models:

•There are two types of Purchasing which are given below:

•Centralized Purchasing.

•De-centralized Purchasing.

Centralized Purchasing:A.When the company is small, purchasing activities are normally concerned at one place.

B. If a company has production operation as different places and if the nature of operation is similar, then centralized purchasing is preferred. Advantages:•Invariably an effective system.•Permits a greater degree of specialization for buying.•Bargaining capabilities are better.•Procuring becomes uniform & consistent materials are procured without price


De-centralized Purchasing: •When the different branches of a large organization require different types of materials, de-centralized purchasing is preferred. Ex. Fuels & paints.

•Each plant has its own buying department which buys materials exclusively for the plant.Advantages:

•Purchasing system, purchasing becomes more flexible and efficient.•Procurement is faster.•Purchase made in local place, promotes better public relations.•Control over purchases is no longer.

Disadvantages:•In decentralized purchasing, Quantity of discounts offered is less & involves duplication of efforts.

A third type, i.e. partly centralized and partly centralized is the one on which the management should become a policy decision.

VENDOR DEVELOPMENT:•Vendor means a person (or company) who sells and supplies his (or its) products.

•Factors to be considered in developing a vendor:•How much quantity required to be purchased?•How much time available for making such purchases?• Will the material be required repeatedly or occasionally?•What is the volume of the purchase of required materials?•Which is the industry producing the required materials?•What is the commercially viability of the materials?

VENDOR DEVELOPMENT INVOLVES FOUR STAGES:-• Survey stage –Source of information on potentials vendors:•Survey involves collecting information’s on different suppliers of the desired materials. The following sources may be consulted:•Trade directories: These give information regarding dealer’s addresses, regional offices, names, types, & range of products including spares.•Trade journals: These contain advertisements of the materials related to specific industries, namely chemicals, plastic, steel etc.

•Telephone directories: These contain classified advertisements arranged alphabetically, item-wise or group-wise. Ex. Abrasives, air-conditioners, castings, diamonds and so on. It is an easy and fast means of collecting the sources.•Supplier’s catalogues: Many manufactures periodically publish catalogues and pamphlets giving details of the products they manufacture. These catalogues contain considerable technical information, specifications, prices etc.•Salesmen: They are trained personnel who continuously visit customers for the possible business and orders.

INQUIRY STAGE- SELECTION OF POTENTIAL SUPPLIERS:•It involves a detailed analysis of supplier’s activities furnished by vendors or collected by the company. Accreditation, FDA approval and certifications namely ISO 9000, 9002 etc. facilitate the selections. A comparison may be made in regard in four aspects of competitions.•Analysis of information in standard enquiry format, accreditation, FDA approval and certifications.•Technological competitions.•Service competitions.•Price competitions.•Time based competitions.

•Assessments of the capabilities of a supplier can be made by visiting the supplier’s factory and personally satisfy with respects to the following:

•Internal facilities of vendor.•Financial adequacy and stability.

•Reputations of the vendor.•Locations of vendor’s factory•After sales services. •Industrial relations

Negotiation & selection stage- finalization of vendors: During this stage, various terms credit, quantity specification etc, can be decided. Finally, a list of approved vendors is drawn. Accordingly, purchase orders are placed with the approved vendors. Several aspects of buying techniques are used at third stage. Quality control specifications, clarification, credit, quantity discounts.

Experience & evaluation stage- consolidation of vendors•At this stage, the buyer evaluates & appraises the performance of the vendor. •The objective is to improve the performance of vendors in which they are deficient. •The evaluation is done especially on two counts, namely quality & delivery.•Performance appraisal, quality, delivery time

•Vendors can be evaluated by following methods:•Categorical method.•Weighted point method.•Cost ratio method•Categorical method: The buyer prepares a list of factors, which are necessary for evaluations. Each supplier is evaluated & a number-score is calculated. Then, it is converted into word rating. Points Rating

1 80-100 points Excellent

2 70-80 points Very good

3 60-70 points Good

4 50-60 points Average

5 40-50 points Very poor

•Those with low ratings should be warned with one or two chances to improve their performance. If they do not show any improvement such a vendor name is removed from approval list.

•The Main advantage is to keep a watch on the performance, provides an

opportunity to discuss the performance with vendors in clear terms; less expensive. Rating Points

1 Quality 50 Points

2 Delivery 30 Points

3 Price 20 Points

4 Total points 100 Points

•Weighted point method:

•This type of evaluation involves a point rating based on the quantity of goods received, the promptness, of deliveries make & the quality of the services rendered by the vendors.The points may be assigned as follows:

The performance of each factor is separately quantified.The quality rating is calculated using equations (1)

……… (1).

Similarly delivery rating can be obtained using equations (2)

Number of lots delivered in time rating points (i.e. 30)

Delivery Rating- ………... (2). Total number of lots delivered

The price rating is calculated using equations (3)

Least offer received × rating points (i.e. 20)

Price Rating- ………... (3). Supplier offers


•Determines the actual cross incurred in purchasing, follow-up, transportation, packaging, duties, receiving etc. Based on these costs, the unit cost incurred by the buyer is calculated.


•Purchasing involves procurement of materials, machinery & services needed for producing & maintenance. The purchasing department procures the kind of material (quality), in right quantities, at right time & makes them available for the production.

•Price is a greatest variable in purchasing.


•Quotations are an inquiry to know whether the vendor can supply the desired material & if so, by what price.•The quotation also includes the terms & conditions namely taxes, freight, cartage etc. Quotations are valid for at least 1 month from date of opening.•Quotation is not a purchase order.

Materials are bought by one of the following techniques:•SPOT QUOTATIONS: •The buyer can go to the market & collect a minimum of 3 quotations from 3 different suppliers & take a spot decision.•This type is not possible fin the purchase of pharmaceutical materials.•The purchasing department selects the supplier from the approval list & accordingly does the purchasing.•FLOATING A LIMITED ENQUIRE: •This method is used when the value of purchases is small. The company sends letters to a few variable vendors requesting for prices, analytical reports & other details for particular material.•Quotations are collected in duplicate at least from 3 suppliers. After getting quotations, they are opened & a comparative statement is made.

•IT IS ANALYZED IN THE LIGHT OF FOLLOWING POINTS:1.Price of material.2.Place of delivery.3.Taxes.4.Validity of tender.5.Material specifications.6.Delivery period.7.Terms of payment.8.Guarantee period etc.

•TENDERS: A) A tender is a written or published document that is aimed at finding the price for procuring certain materials. Tenders are invited from recognized or registered firms.1.Types of tenders are: single, open, closed or limited.

•SINGLE TENDER:•It is invited from one reliable supplier, under certain conditions. Applicable to proprietary items & also co-items such as clips, pins, pencils, etc., when items are required urgently.

•OPEN TENDER:•Used when the value of purchase if high, & when supply sources are not known. Open tenders are very expensive.

•NEGOTIATIONS: •Negotiations may be defined as an art a common understanding through bargaining on the essentials of a contract such as delivery, specifications, prices & terns.•The purpose is for fixing & finalizing prices of materials, terms & conditions.

•NEED FOR NEGOTIATIONS: Negotiations are essentials in the following in the following conditions:

•Prices are related to large volumes to large value. •Terms & conditions are required for large volumes.•Contract is desired for a longer period.•Variations in quantity to be purchased are possible.•Changes in drawings & specifications are necessary.•When supplies can be obtained from only one source.•Changes in transportations, packing & delivery points are to be decided. •When no acceptable quotations are received from the responding vendors.

PROCESS OF NEGOTIATIONS:1.Negotiations take place between two individuals or sets individuals.2.Communications is an important ingredient in the art of negotiations. Through the communications of ideas, the purchasing department persuades & convinces the vendors to agree with their viewpoint, so that an agreement can be reached.3.Negotiations should attempt at a “win-win” situations to both particles. It is a mutually satisfactory settlement


•VOLUME CONTRACTS:•This type of contract is employed to cover total purchase of ampoules, bottles & other accessories. Because of a large order, the seller is able to obtain economies in production, packaging, billing, selling etc. •Volume contract discount may be defined as “A method of offering discount proportionate to the quantity of goods ordered”.

•CASH DISCOUNT: •It is s method offering discounts depending on the time of payment made on delivery.

•CUMULATIVE DISCOUNTS: •In this case, quantity may not be fixed in the contract. Cumulative discounts may be defined as “A method of offering proportionate discount on the basis of actual purchases & appropriate to the quantity range in the year”.


•This is frequently used in retailing business. In this, the buyer pays the price after selling the goods.

•A pharmaceutical company may agree on consignment terms of payment with a chemists shop.

Purchasing Cycle and Procedure:•The purchase department takes the purchasing decisions.Each company develops its own operating procedures to implement the purchasing policies. These act as a guide for action to the personnel involved in a specific work

















Few basic elements in the purchase transactions are- RECOGNITION OF NEED & RECEIPT OF REQUISITION: •Having identified the need for an item, an official indent is sent in duplicate to purchase department.•The requisition includes-•Name.•Quality specifications.•Quantity specifications.•Date by which material is required.•Place at which is to be delivered.

Purchase requisition is usually routed through the stores department

SELECTION OF POTENTIAL SOURCES OF SUPPLY: •It is more economical to purchase items directly from firm itself. The department usually maintains an approved list of suppliers.•The vendor can be assessed by paying a visit & by inquiries. Personal knowledge & experienced with the supplies should be combined & viewed in the light of the information supplied by the prospective suppliers.•The information requested includes company’s annual sales, account, types of operations, facilities, description of quality & control procedure & the company’s location. •Making request for quotations & receipt & analysis of quotations.


•After selecting the right supplier, the purchase order is prepared & dispatched to the supplier.•The purchase order constitutes a legal document & serves as n authority to dispatch items by the vendor.


•After placing the order, the purchase service-section contacts the vendor in order to ascertain the progress of the order, meeting the delivery date, mode of shipment etc.

Following information is employed for routine follow-up:

Purchase order number.

Pre-decided date.

Promised shipment date etc.

A good follow-up will expedite the prompt delivery of items

RECEIPT OF MATERIALS, REPORTS & ANALYSIS:•The company receives the materials along with the analytical reports. After verification of the reports & purchase order, the materials are warehoused.•QC personnel collect the samples randomly & analyze for its specifications. Once the material is approved, a label to these effects is attached to that package or container.•Else the material is rejected & returned for replacement with appropriate labeling.


Copies of bills or invoice are received along with materials.The invoice should be checked as per the purchase order & verified whether agreed discounts are given or not.

After scrutinizing the above, the bill is passed & payment is usually made through a cheque to the vendor

CLOSING OF COMPLETED ORDERS:•Before closing the executed orders, the file copy of the purchase order must be checked against delivery reports & vendor’s invoice again. Then, the purchase order file is closed.•Maintenance of records & files; Final step in purchasing procedure is maintaining of order-records.

STORES MANAGEMENT:•Warehousing the materials, tools & components is the largest operations & requires an efficient storage system.

•LOCATIONS OF STORES:•The location depends upon the nature & value of items to be stored & the frequency with which items are received & issued.• Stores layout should be planned, so as to achieve the following objectives:•Minimum wastage of a space.•Maximum ease of operations.•Minimum handling costs.•Minimum other operational costs.

•FUNCTIONS OF STORES DEPARTMENT: •MAINTAINCE OF STOCKS IN STORES: •Receiving materials, tools & components from the vendor, stocking them, storing & issuing them to production department are the functions of the stores.•All materials should be stored in proper environment conditions, so as to protect the integrity of materials & prevent damage & pilferage of materials. Materials must be kept in an order for locating them easily.•The bin card balances are checked for the physical quantities.

•Maintenance Of Hygiene, Sanitations & Pest Control:•The premises should be kept clean, to maintain sanitary conditions.•All utility services items that are prone to deterioration should be avoided.•Occasional pesticide treatment of pallets is advisable to minimize insect infestation.• Alternatively pallets are coated with insect repellent paints. Therefore, store shall be maintained in clean & sanitary condition. The following facilities and programmes are adopted: Air curtains hoses should be used to prevent flying insects from coming into building.•Dust collection hoses should be provided to clean the lapse of containers prior to the placement in the warehouse.The space shall be kept free from rodents, birds, insects, other vermin, trash &decaying organic matter

•Maintenance Of Material Handling Equipments:•Material handling equipment is employed for the movement of materials. These are maintained in good working condition.• A little periodic inspection & minor adjustment may enough to prevent equipment break-down. Stores department take care of equipment, as it is the regular user.•Specific functions of stores departments.•Receiving, Inspecting & Recording Of Raw Materials:•The stores receive materials, tools& components that have reached the company.•On receipt, the goods are inspected visually for labeling & damage. If any, Torn bags, puncture of drums, cleanliness of outside container are observed & recorded.•The materials are placed in a quarantine designated area. •Quarantine labeling & physical separation is adopted to ensure that materials do not get mixed up.


•The receipt of materials is informed to the QC department so as to collect samples to analyze. The containers from which samples are taken are marked appropriately.•The quality requirements are laid down in specifications file or reference is made to pharmacopeia.•Chemical, microbiological or physical assays are carried out. After proof of conformity, approval of raw materials is notified, so that these can be released for production.•The QC is authorized to attach a label “approved” on each container. Thus the material reaches the final storage station.•Rejected materials should be clearly marked & stored separately. They should be destroyed or returned to the supplier.


•Separate storage space should be allocated for quarantine, approved raw materials & finished products, so that mix-up can be avoided.•Normally, In-process bulk & approved bulk materials are stored in the production department itself. Locator books or sheets should be setup so that material can be easily traced.•Special care should be given to the printed packaging materials, since mixing up may occur easily & the effect may be disastrous, i.e. mislabeled drugs.•These should be stored taking into account of their properties, for ex, storing at low temperature or well protected against moisture.•Materials cannot be stored for a longer period than the prescribed shelf-life.


•The issue of materials should be followed as per the policy of FIFO. These are issued against the receipt of authorized requisitor; from production department.

•RECEIVING & DISPATCHING OF FINISHED GOODS:Stores receive the finished goods from the production department. After the approval of QC, these are dispatched for distribution against the orders placed by customers


•Salvaging is defined as “The processing of materials for advantageous or disposal of company’s property, which is no longer economically useful in its present position”.• When the products are exposed to storage conditions including extremes of temperature, humidity, smoke, pressure, age or radiation, due to natural disasters, fires, accidents or equipment failure, it is necessary to prevent such drug products entering the market place. In other words, rejects are recovered by reprocessing them into finished products, if they can come up to the required quality specifications. It is a means of increasing cash income & conversing raw materials .


•Waste materials are property collected & stored at one place continuously, so that these can from a separate batch in production.•Recoverable materials are stored in a scientific way as other items are stored.• Materials are stored in a scientific way as other items are stored.•Waste is investigated for suitability to recover or avoid them.


•Evidence from laboratory tests & assays that the drug products meet all applicable standards of identity, strength, quality & purity.•Evidence from inspection of premises that the drug products & their associated packaging were not subjected to improper storage condition, as a result of the disaster or accidents.•There is no need to documents the conditions under which products should be returned. The details include the name, dosage form, and lot number.•The disposition record will be the part of distribution record, if the material reshipped.


•Disposal of scrap, waste & surplus materials can be effected by several ways: •Surplus material should be returned to the original supplier.•As a social obligation, some materials are defaced or broken before selling them as a scrap. Ex: LPG gas cylinders are sold after breaking them.•Materials may also be sold by inviting quotations from potential buyers or through various contracts such as fixed price contract, varying price contract, specific bids & negotiations.

MATERIALS HANDLING IN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY:•Definition:•Material handling has been rightly defined as “An Art and Science involving the moving, packaging and storing of substance in any form”.• Material handling can also be defined as “The function dealing with the preparation, placing and positioning of materials to facilitate their movement or storage.

•Objectives of Material Handling:•Reduction in wastage of machine time.•Reduction in manufacture cycle time.•Avoiding disruption in production schedule.•Bring safety to workers and provide for safer working conditions.

•Selection of The Material Handling System:•Varieties of material handling equipment are available in the market.•Some of these are for the general-purpose use, while others are for special purpose use.•The choice of equipment depends upon specific requirements of the industry.


•Permits smooth and continuous production flow.•Involves less number of accidents.•Reduces production cycle time.•Promotes better working conditions.•Lessens fatigue to the operations.•Brings down total material handling costs.•The following factors may be considered, while selecting a material handling equipment:


•The size, weight, delicacy, nature (solid, liquid, gas) of material and the chances of getting damaged during handling should be considered. Accordingly a flexible handling should be installed.

•PLANT BUILDING AND LAYOUT: The type of building may exert a single greatest influence on the material handling system. Multi-storeyed building facilities the use of gravity for material flow.• Accordingly a flexible material handling should be installed.•PRODUCTION MACHINES: Different machines have different outputs per unit time. The material handling equipment should be handling the maximum output.•TYPES OF MATERIAL FLOW PATTERN: a vertical flow patter requires elevators, conveyors, pipes etc, whereas horizontal flow pattern need trucks, overheads, bridges, cranes conveyors etc. the movement of material from top to bottom through multielevated facilities is the most efficient way of moving materials.

•TYPES OF PRODUCTION: Conveyors are more suitable for fixed routes for continuous process and powdered trucks are suitable for batch operations. Conveyors, through costly, can handle more volumes of production per unit time as compared to trucks. But trucks are more flexible equipment.•COST OF THE MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT: The cost of various devices which are available for use. The packing cost, labor cost, operating cost (which include fuel, maintenance, repair, insurance and other labor costs) depreciation value of equipment’s, tax, cost of storage item, are to be considered while calculating the material handling cost.


•Movements and minimizing the distance of travel. A system that allows the product to directly fall over the material handling equipment is more ideal. Such measures beat the initial cost of the material handling system.•LIFE OF EQUIPMENT:

•Periodic inspections, repairs and maintenance of equipment to increase its life, facilitate smooth flow materials and economize the production system.•The amount of care and maintenance that is required for the material handling equipment is important.


•The handling equipment will be in the proper working condition, if the of the materials in the production line is smooth.•Preventative maintenance is one of the best techniques suggested for material handling equipment. It minimizes production interruptions. Preventative maintenance includes lubrications, adjustment, repair and overhauling, while the instrument is still in a minor defect. A little periodic adjustment may be enough to prevent equipments breakdown. Special attention should be paid to the components vulnerable for repair.

•INSPECTION: All parts open or covered are inspected for wear and tear. Wornout or unworkable components, such as wires ropes, bearings and bolts, are identified and measures are taken. Breaks are adjusted and lubricated wherever and whenever necessary.•REPAIRS: After inspection, all repairable parts are corrected and minor defects are rectified. Open gear transmission, coupling, riveted and bolted joints, trolleys, breakers and guards etc., require frequent repairs.•OVERHAUL: Overhaul involves dismantling the complete mechanism and replacing the damaged components. Crane structure, buffers, rails, open gear transmission, pulley blocks etc., may be overhauled and various sub mechanisms may be aligned and adjusted.

•UNIT LOAD:•A unit load is understood as a number of items, or bulk materials, so arranged that the mass can be picked and moved as a single object.•It is easier and faster to move a hundred small parts by grouping them into one unit than moving them individually one by one. These are collectively known as unit-load.Ex. Each formulation of tablet contains a number of ingredients. For a lot size, ingredients (raw materials) are weighted and packaged individually and loaded onto a pallet. Thus pallet is one unit-load. These are moved to production department by a suitable handling system (platform truck with low lift).

•DISADVANTAGES OF THE UNIT LOAD:-•High cost of unitizing and de-unitizing.•Equipments and space requirements is much.•Bare weight of unitizing medium.•Problem of returning empty pallets or containers.•Transfer equipments often not available on both ends of the move.

CONTAINERIZATION: Containerization is a system of intermodal freight transport or cargo transport using standard ISO containers (also known as isotainers) that can be loaded and sealed onto container ships, railroad cars, planes and trucks.

Containerization is also the term given to determining the best carton, box or pallet to be used to ship a single item or number of items.

•PALLETS:•A Pallet can also be a small, hard, or temporary bed (a term heavily used in the southern United States to describe a makeshift bed consisting of a blanket and a pillow on the floor).•A pallet is a flat transport structure designed to support a variety of goods in a stable fashion while being lifted by any mobile forklift or other jacking device.

•CONVEYORS:•Conveyors are employed for transporting materials in a fixed path, which may be horizontal, vertical or inclined to different locations of a factory. These improve economical, if the flow of material is continuous. Belt conveyors are used in transporting containers (bottles) for filling, capping, sealing, labeling, pasting, visual inspection etc. in production of injectables, liquid orals, ointments and jellies.

•BELT CONVEYORS: •Used in transporting containers (bottles) for filling, capping, sealing, labeling, pasting, visual inspection etc. in production of injectables, liquid orals, ointments and jellies.•PNEUMATIC CONVEYORS:•Is one of the most commonly used handling in chemistry.•It is employed when the material is light and bulky, for e.g. formulation of powdered insufflations.•Since this is a closed system, handling of unpleasant and injurious substance is easy.•It is used for transporting granular (e.g. wheat) or pulverized material (e.g. salt) through pipes.

•FORK LIFT TRUCKS:•Fork lift trucks consist of forks attached to a column of the truck. Forks can be lifted up to the described height with material (boxes) on them. The material can be stacked at the proper place very close to the roof in warehousing and shipping area. Fork lift trucks are used for short distance (40 to 70 meter) travel. These are used for indoor applications. •Platform trucks (low lift) are used for transporting the palletized raw materials of a lot-size manually from the warehouse to the production area.•Platform truck (high lift) is used loading the tablet granules into double cone blender.

•CRANES:•Cranes are employed for lifting and lowering of bulky items, packages and boxes. These find applications in heavy engineering industry and generally in intermittent type of production. Several variations are available. •Examples are, jib crane, granty crane and bridge crane.•HOISTS:Hoists means lift or pull something up to a higher place (overhead position) with ropes. This equipment is mounted on single rail fixed path. Hoists finds applications in industries employing chemical cleaning. Cranes are used for heavy items and hoists are used employed for small items.

•SLIDES CHUTES AND LIFTS:•Slides can be straight, spiral and vibrating, made up wood or steel. These transfer Small jobs that can slide down under gravity. Vibrating slides transport up and inclined (example, cigarette industry).•Chutes have sheet metal or roller base for transferring components down the incline. Chutes generally deliver the feed material directly the feed material directly into the conveyor to reach the destination further. Spiral chutes are used for transporting sealed vials from aseptic area to packing section.•Lifts are used to transport materials up in multi-storeyed plants. It is fast and flexible equipment for floor travel. Buckets or trays are mounted on the endless chain running from the ground floor to the top floor.

•TRACTORS AND TRAILERS:Three wheeled or four tractors are employed and fitted with an IC engine drive. These are used for outdoor applications. Trailers are located with materials and attached to the tractor or the materials can be dumped in respective stations

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTINTRODUCTION:To be successful in the current rapidly- changing world, we need to maximize the productivity of all our resources- physical, financial, information, and human. HOW ARE WE DOING?•PHYSICAL RESOURCES: we have made major investments in updating our physical equipment, so we can complete with state-of-the-art production tools and facilities.•FINANCIAL RESOURCES: sure, we are really capital intensive. But that’s the nature of our production businesses. The money will follow our ideas, our successes, and our.HUMAN RESOURCE: this is the leverage point! Here’s where we can make significant differences in our lives, our careers, and our organizations •INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE RESOURCES: That’s one of our success stories. The paper industry is more open and cooperative then other manufacturing industries. But we have our work cut out for us- to continue attracting capital in competition with other industries, we need to be good as they are to accessing the new world of information. It’s time to join the internet. But that’s another story for another time

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT:Human resource management is defined as “Management function that helps managers to recruit, select, train, develop, maintain and compensate the human resources for accomplishing the individual, organizational and social objectives.•HRM is concerned with the people’s dimension in the organization.•A successful HRM practitioner is always people-oriented.•The HRM manager plans, organizes, directs and controls the functions mentioned in the definition.•The HRM applies principles for integrating the decisions related to employees.•HRM decisions establish employment relationship, so that employees achieve their objective.

•HRM functions are not only confined to business establish alone but also applicable for non- business organizations, viz., education, healthcare, recreation etc.•The terms ‘personnel management’ (PM) and ‘human resource management’ (HRM) are used interchangeably.•Personnel management may be defined as A management function that is concerned with planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement, development, compensations, integration and maintenance of people for the purpose of contributing to the organizational goals. •It is also knows as personnel administration and it has limited scope.There are suitable differences between HRM and PM. Few of them

Dimension Personnel management Human resource management

1 Employment contract Careful delineation of written contracts

Aim to be beyond contracts

2 Guide to management actions Procedures Business needs

3 Management role Transactional Transformational

4 Behavior referent Norms/customs and practices Values/mission

5 Managerial task vis-à-vis worker Monitoring Nurturing

6 Interest Interest of the organization is the uppermost

Mutual interest

7 Initiation Placement Integration

8 Prized management skills Negotiation Facilitation

•Human resource management views people as an important source or asset to be used for the benefit of organization, employees and the society. Hence, the philosophy is mutual goals, mutual respect, mutual rewards and mutual responsibilities (HRD) and better economic performance.

HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT:•Human resource development (HRD) is a function more concerned with the training and development of employees.•For many people, HRD and HRM convey the same meaning. Though there is a difference.•A definition of HRD is “organized learning activities arranged within an organization in order to improve performance and/or personal growth for the purpose of improving the job. This individual and/ or the organization”.

HRD includes the areas of training and development, career development, and organization development. This is related to Human resource management – a field which includes HR research and information systems, union/labor relations, employee assistance, compensation/benefits, selection and staffing, performance management systems, and HR planning and organization/job design.“Manpower” or “Human resource” may be thought of as “total knowledge, skill, creative abilities, talent, and aptitudes of an organization’s work force, as well as the values, attitudes of an individual involved. We can say that it is the sum total of inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skill represented by the talent and aptitudes of the employed person. Human resources are utilized to the maximum possible extent in order to achieve individual and organization goals. Finally we can conclude that the HRD is a function more concerned with the training and development of employee.

IMPORTANCE OF HUMAN RESOURCE: •“An organization’s performance and resulting productivity are directly proportional to the quality and quantity of its human resource”.•People of diverse culture and linguistic background work in organization and similarly people with technical and non-technical background also work together. So it is necessary to motivate the employee towards achieving the goals of an organization. Human resource management which has a crucial role to play in this endeavor of the industry.

•Normally, the company imparts three to six months of training before a new employee becomes sufficiently productive to be profitable. This can be represented as of personnel turnover. If the cost is higher, it would be unprofitable. Therefore, it is necessary for the HRM to critically analyze and make the training program effective as well as productive.•The attitude and behavior of employee create people image. These also reflect the personality of the proprietor. Hence good personal relation program is essential to cultivate a good public image for organization.

•Human resource management views people as an important source or asset to be used for the benefit of organization, employee and the philosophy is mutual goals, mutual respect, mutual rewards and mutual responsibilities. Thus HRM yields greater human resource development (HRD) and better economic performance.

NEEDS FOR HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT:•Human resource management is deemed necessary for all organization for one or other of the following reason: •To carry on its work each organization needs personnel qualification, skill, knowledge, work experience and aptitude for work experience and aptitude for work. These are provided through effective manpower planning.•Since a large number of person have to be replaced who have grown old, or who retire, die or become incapacitated because of physical or mental ailment, there is a constant need for replacing such personnel. Otherwise the work should suffer.

•Human resource planning is essential because of frequent labor turnover which is unavoidable and even beneficial because it arises from factors which are socially and economically sound such as voluntary quits, discharge, marriage, promotion.•The nature of the present workforce in relation to its changing need also necessitates the recruitment of new labour. To meet the challenge of new and changing technology and new technology of production, existing employee need to be trained or new blood injected in an organization.•The objective of human resource development is to maintain and improve the organization’s ability to achieving its goals by developing tacties that will result in optimum contribution of human resource.

OBJECTIVE OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT:The list of basic principles of HRM is exhaustive and hence these are grouped as describe in following table Objectives Functions1 Social objectives 1. Legal compliance

2. Benefits3. Union-management skills.

2 Organizational objectives

1. Human resource planning.2. Selections.

3. Training and development.4. Appraisal.5. Placement.6. Assessment.

7. Good employee relations.3 Functional objectives 1. Placement.

2. Performance appraisal.3. Assessment

4 Personnel objectives 1. Training and development.2. Appraisal.3. Placement.

4. Compensation.5. Assessment.

•A FEW OF IMPORTANT PRINCIPLES ARE DESCRIBED BELOW:•People orientation: It includes social objectives. HRM has to be ethically and socially responsive to the needs and challenges of the society, while minimizing the negative impact of such demands upon the organization.•Good employee relations: These are emanated from the attitudes, philosophy and leadership of the employer-manager. It is necessary to understand the attitudes and fillings. So as to make desirable adjustments, while remaining open and honest. HRM promotes objective.•Personal decision: HRM assist employees in achieving their personal goals at least in so far as these goals enhance the individual’s contribution to the organization.•Human dignity: It must be maintained to achieve objectivity and fairness. HR decisions follow the laws and enforce reservations in hiring, laws that address discrimination, safety and other such areas of social concern.•Delegation of authority: A HRM manager delegates the authority to the lowest level consistent with the capabilities of the employee.•Feedback of performance: It should be given to the employees so that it will be a powerful motivating tool for high performance. HRM attempts the performance appraisal. These principles must be applied to all sizes of industries. I.e. small or big industries. The other aspects are described in later sections.

Scope of HRM:

•All activities of a worker, from the time of his/her entry into an organization until he/she leaves, come under the preview of HRM.•Thus, the scope of HRM is wide and varied and encompasses several activities.

•THE TERM MENTIONED IN ABOVE FIGURE ARE DESCRIBED BELOW: •HR planning: human resource planning refers to the determination of future personnel needs ensuring protection to weaker sections and facilitating international strategies. It involves designing, programming and implementation of policies.•Employee hiring: The HRM estimates the number and type of people needed for an ensuring period. It also includes recruiting, and selecting, so that they can contribute to the goals of the organization.


Employee remuneration comprises of wages and salaries. It includes financial and non- financial benefits. It means status and standard of living. Executive remuneration comprises salaries, bonus, stock options and perks. These are worth lakhs of rupees in terms of talent and brainpower. The proprietor must satisfy the executives, so that they can adopt honest business operations•EMPLOYEE MAINTENANCE:

It means sustaining and improving the conditions (for example, health and safety measure, employee services programs) that have been established.

•Employee motivations: Motivations may be referred to as the need to search and choice of strategies so that employees exhibit goal-oriented behavior, social comparison of rewards, reinforcement and performance-satisfaction.•Industrial relations: It implies the concern about the employee’s grievances, their settlement, unionization etc. It also concerns with the relationship between management and workers and their role as a regulatory mechanism resolving any industrial dispute.Prospects of HRM: The worldwide changes are, globalization corporate reorganizations, new organizational forms, changing demographics of work force, changing employee expectations etc. In this changing environment, there is a need for HRM to meet the new industrial relation strategies and contribute to the success of the organizations

•PERSONAL TRAINING:•Every organization needs to have well trained and experienced people to reform activities that have to be done. If the current or potential job occupant can meet this requirement, training is not important. But when this is not the case, it is necessary to raise the skill levels and increase the versatility and adaptability of employee.• Personal training and development may be defined as “An attempt to improve current or future performance of employee through learning, usually by changing the employee’s attitude or increasing his/her skills and knowledge”.In simple terms, Training and development refer to the imparting of specific skills, abilities and knowledge to an employee. It is necessary to make a distinction among training, education and development.

•Training” is a process of learning a sequence behavior. It is application of knowledge; it gives people an awareness of the rule and procedure to guide their behavior. It attempts to improve their performance on the current job or prepare them for indented job.•Training refers to the process of imparting specific objectives and skills.•Training is the corner stone of sound management

•Education is confined to theoretical learning in classroom and having broad objectives.•Understanding & intervention of knowledge.•Develop a logical & rational mind.•Understanding of basic principle & development the capacities of analysis, synthesis & objectivity.•Also helps in determinations of relationship among pertinent variables and thereby character.•No training program is complete without an element of education.

•DEVELOPMENT refers to those learning opportunities designed to help employees now. Development provides general knowledge and attitudes, which will be helpful to employees in attaining higher position.•Training a person for a bigger & higher job is “Development”.•Development is the related process.•Improve job performance.•Bring about growth of the personality towards.•Actualization of their potential capacities so they become not only good employees but better man and women.Inculcating certain personality and mental attitudes

Sr.No Training development


Training is short term.Process utilizing a systematic

& organized procedure by which non-managerial person learns technical

knowledge & skills definite purpose.

It is a technical & mechanical operation.

Development is long term.Educational process utilizing

a systematic & organized procedures by which

managerial person learn conceptual & theoretical knowledge for general

purpose.It is a philosophical and

theoretical concept.


•NEED FOR BASIC PURPOSE OF TRAINING:•To increase the productivity.•To improve quality.•To improve organizational climate.•To improve health and safety.•Obsolescence prevention.•Personal growth.•To help a company fulfill is future personnel need.•IMPORTANCE OF TRAINING:•Training and development helps employees in removing performance deficiencies.•Lack of ability rather than lack of motivation to perform.•Aptitude and motivation need to learn the job.•Therefore, supervisors and peers are supportive to achieve the desired results. At the same time benefits for the company.•Employees become efficient, therefore contribute to the growth of the organization. Growth renders stability to the workforce.•Employees become versatile in operations.•All rounder can be transferred to any job. Therefore, flexibility is ensured.•Accidents, scraps and damage to machinery can be avoided or minimized

• Thus, Training is investment in HR with a promise of better returns in future. It pays dividends to the employees and the organization.PRINCIPLES OF TRAINING:•Trainee must be responsive. (Feel need to learn).•Learning is more effective where there is reinforcement in the form of reward & punishment.•In log run, award is effective to change the behavior of trainee and boost the moral.•Trainee should provide the “feedback”.Training material should be made as meaningful as possible.

STEPS INVOLVED IN TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT: •The steps involved in training are as follows:•Explain the trainee what is the job, how is done and why it is done. (relevance)•Show how the job should be done.•Allow the trainee to do job.•Follow up by explaining what was done correctly and what was done incorrectly. Corrections always should be made as privately as possible. (Feedback).METHODS ARE USED IN THE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS:•A number of methods are used to train employees. These are broadly divided in to two groups:1.On-the job training.2.Off-the job training.

•ON-THE JOB TRAINING:•Majority of industrial training programs are on-the job training, because it is directly related to the productivity.•It is refers to methods that are applied at the workplace, while the employee is actually working.ADVANTAGES: •On-the-job training is most effective method as the trainee learns by experience.•It is least expensive, as so formal training is organized.•The trainee is highly motivated to learn, since direct relevance to the job is explained.•The training is free from the artificial classroom situations.DISADVANTAGES: •The experienced employee may lack expertise or inclination to train the juniors.•Program is not synthetically organized.•Safety of hazards should be prevented due to stress to the trainee.•Training periods produces damaged products.

•OFF-THE JOB TRAINING:•This method is commonly used for the training of employees.•It is refers to methods that are applied away from workplace, like Lectures, films, audio cassettes, videotapes, case study, conference, discussions, role play and laboratory training are the off-the job methods.

ADVANTAGES:•This method is least expensive.•The defects in products are nil.• Normally used for experienced personnel for further improvement and growth.DISADVANTAGES:Hand-on experience cannot be imparted.

•LECTURE: •This method provides in-depth knowledge of the subject.•A lecture can made effective by use of audio-visual aids such as television, slides, overhead projector, videotapes and films.•One of the limitations of the audiovisual techniques takes away the flexibility of the presentations. •PROGRAMMED INSTRUCTION:•In this method, information is provided to the trainee in blocks, either in a book-form or through a machine.•After reading each block of materials, the learner must answer questions on that material.Feedback or correct answer is provided after each response.

Sr.No Method Advantages Disadvantage

Lecture Suitable for large groups.Cost per trainee is less.

Restricted to factory employees. Timing can be

accurately worked out.

Low popularity. No opportunity to

practice.Audiences lose

concentration. (Bore).One way communication.

Lack of participation.

1. Programmed


Self learning.Trainer is not required.

Self paced.Repeat learning is possible.

Scope of learning is less.Cost of preparing books, manuals and machinery

is cost.Facilitator is absent.


• STIMULATION: •Stimulation is kind of equipment or technique that duplicates the actual conditions encountered on the job as nearly as possible. •Stimulation presents the likely situations and alternatives decision to the trainee.•Thus, the trainee learns and improves his/her subsequent workplace decisions. •The more widely used simulations are case studies, role-play and vestibule training.

•These are Job specification :•Educations.•Experience.•Training.•Judgement.•Initiative.•Physical effort.•Physical skills.•Responsibilities.•Communications skills.•Emotional characteristics.•Unusual sensory demands such as sight, small, hearing.


•PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: which include health strength, endurance, age-range, body size, height, weight, vision, voice, eye, hand and foot coordination.•PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS: or special attitudes which include such qualities as manual dexterity, mechanical aptitude, ingenuity, judgement, resourcefulness, analytical ability, mental concentrations & alertness .

•PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS or traits of temperament, such as personal appearance good pleasing manners, emotional stability, aggressiveness extraversion or introversion, leadership, cooperativeness, initiative and drive, skill and dealing with others, unusual sensory qualities of sight, smell, hearing, adaptability, conversational ability etc. RESPONSIBILITIES: which include supervision of others, such as responsibility for production, process and equipment; responsibility for the safety of others; responsibility for generating confidence and trust; responsibility for preventing monetary loss. OTHER FEATURES OF DEMOGRAPHIC NATURE: which include sex, age, education, and experience and language ability

•SPECIMEN OF PERSONAL SPECIFICATION OF WORKS MANAGER:•Physical characteristics:•Essential good health No significant disabilities in voice, hearing and sight.•Dress neat conventional dress.

•Attainment •Essential at least a Bachelor of Science or Engineering.•Desirable a Degree in business management.•Special attitudes •Essential : fluency in speaking and writing; analytical skill, ability prepare and understand the basic information.

JOB ENLARGEMENT AND ENRICHMENT:•JOB ENLARGEMENT is the improvement, magnification, amplification and bulge out the employees. That means it is the program involve in which a personal can enhance their job profile by adopting more responsibility and accountability.JOB ENLARGEMENT: It involves performing of a variety of jobs or operations same time. It is mainly intended to enlarge the job horizontally. It avoids monotony; as a result of high degree of specialization, but the basic nature of the job remain same. Therefore, it has limiting role in motivating employees

•JOB ENRICHMENT: it acts as additional motivating factor to other mode being a part of job design. This factor attracted more attention, both in academic circles as well as practice. Therefore it requires detailed study.

•IT IS CONCERNED WITH DESIGNING OF IN TERMS OF THE FOLLOWING:•Works content provides greater variety.•Levels of knowledge and skills higher.•More anatomy and responsibility in terms of planning, directing and controlling is given to workers for their own performance.•Work experience becomes meaningful.•The concepts of Job enrichment is derived from Herzberg’s two-factor theory of motivations, which suggest that job content is one of the basic factors of motivations, Tasks Motivators

1. Giving a person a whole unit of work (molecule, division, area etc)

Responsibility, achievement, recognition.

2 Assigning specialized tasks on individual, enabling him to become expert

Responsibility, growth, advancement.

3. Making periodic reports directly addressing the individual, rather than to the supervisor

Internal recognition

4. Increasing the accountability of individual for his own work

Responsibility, recognition


•ADVANTAGES OR BENEFITS:• Job enrichment offers certain benefits to the jobholder as well as to the organization.•The jobholder derives satisfactions from the job in the form of recognition, achievement and self-actualization.•The organization is benefited from better-motivated employees. Hence, employee performance would be better and absenteeism becomes less.•DISADVANTAGES:•In practice, Job enrichment does not offer the results as anticipated by Herzberg’s two-factor theory.•Job enrichment is basically necessary to unskilled or semiskilled workers•Job enrichment must be used selectively to give proper recognition to the complex human and situational variables.

•MAKING JOB ENRICHMENT EFFECTIVE:•The effectiveness of job enrichment methods depends on the way in which it is implemented. The management should take following aspects into considerations:•Generally less skilled and lower employees experience motivation for extrinsic factors, such as job security, pay benefits. Flexible rules and more sympathetic understanding by supervisors. Skilled person gets motivate from intrinsic factors namely responsibility, prestige, status etc. Due emphasis should be given to these factors, while taking a plan of a job enrichment.•The results of Job enrichment should be communicated to the employees, so that they feel more involved and greater interest in their jobs.•People should be given an opportunity to offer suggestions. Their suggestions are given weightage and incorporated in the functioning of the organization. The people feels motivated to put their maximum efforts for getting work done .

BLUE AND WHITE COLLAR JOBS:•The jobs can be categorized into 2 parts; we known as Blue and white collar jobs.•Blue Collar Jobs:•Blue collar job refer to the personal who work on the floor that means who perform the work with machinery and who are physically involved in the operation.This job does not require a higher skill and abilities rather it require physical attention of the person on the operations

•White Collar Jobs:•White collar job is refer to a kind of profession in which the person is require to sit on the seat of higher authority and have the right to authenticate the operation. •These people are only involved in the mental operation that means they are used their conscious and cognizant to perform the task, they make the operation authentic by signature and seal.

LABOR WELFARE:Each and every firm and conglomerate should think about the welfare of their employees and try to develop the community working with them.

For that reason the company should have the welfare committee to look after them.This committee will have the meeting and resolve about the welfare of employees. Approaches to do welfare:•To open schools for community working with firm.•To make grievance cell to look after the discomfort.•To open different types of entertainment centers.•To open hospital within.•To operate charity fund.•To provide good salaries and promotions.•To provide better facility regarding transportation.•To provide life coverage.

The concept of welfare is necessarily dynamic concept having different interpretation from country to country and from time to time and even the same country, social institutions, degree of industrialization and general level of social and economic development.

Labour welfare as such services, facilities, and amenities as adequate canteens, rest and recreation facilities, arrangements from travel to and from work for the accommodation at workers employed at a distance from their house and such other services, amenities and facilities as contributes to improvement at the conditions under which workers are employed.

PROVISION FOR HEALTH OF WORKERS•White washing\colour washing must take place once in fourteen months. In case,

where the doors are painted or varnished these should be cleaned at least.•Effective arrangements are required to be made in every factory for the treatment

of wastes and effluents due to the mfg process carried there on.•There must be adequate ventilation by the circulation of fresh air and there should

be reasonable temperature as will secure reasonable conditions of comfort and prevent injury to health.

•Effective measures must be taken to prevent the inhalation of the dust or fumes.

•A minimum space of 350 cubic feet per worker is required to be provided to prevent over-crowding in the factories.•Factory must be provided with sufficient and suitable lighting or natural or artificial or both to prevent any eye strain or the risk of accident to any worker.•Drinking must be provided at convenient place.•Sufficient numbers of latrines and urinals must be provided, adequately lighted and for male and female different and should be clean.•Sufficient number of spittoons at convenient place in clean and hygienic condition.

PROVISION FOR SAFETY•Every dangerous of machinery should be secured sensed by sate guards of substantial construction.•Provision has been made for the examination, lubrication and it should be carried out only by specially trained person.•Suitable striking gears or other efficient mechanical appliances are to be provided and maintained. Suitable devices for cutting of powers in emergencies from running machinery must be provided and maintained in every work room

•All machinery driven by power and installed in any factory must be cased or otherwise effectively guarded as to prevent danger.•Every hoist and lifts must be of good mechanical construction.•Lifting machines, chains, ropes and tackles must be of good constructions.•Notice should be permanently fixed near each revolving machinery indicating the maximum safe working speed is required in a factory in witch the process of grinding is carried on.•All floors, steps, stairs, passages and gangways shall be of sound construction.

•No person can enter or be permitted to enter any chamber, tank, vat, pit, pipe or other confined space in witch dangerous fames are likely to be present.•Any mfg process producing dust, gas, fame or vapour of such character must present explosion by

1.Effective enclosure of the plant or machinery used in the process.2.Removal or presentation of the accumulation of dust, gas, fumes or vapour3.Exclusion or effective enclosure or all possible sources of ignition.

4. Procession has been made for means of escape in the case of fire. 5. Procession has also been made for the safety officers

WELFARE FACILITIES:•Accessing facilities must be adequate, conveniently accessible, separate and screened.•Facilities must be for storage of clothing not warm during working hours and for the drying of wet clothing.•Essential to provided suitable sitting arrangement for workers who have to work in standing position when they have recess or a rest interval.•There must be one first-aid box for every 150 workers and must be readily accessible at working hours under charge of responsible person.The canteens must be provided if there are more than 250 worker

•REFERENCES:•Pharmaceutical Production & Management by C.V.S. Subrahmananyam Vallabh Prakashan First Edition 260-267.•Management (Task, responsibility &practices) Peter F. Ducker, Allied Publication, Bangalore.•Production Management by H.N. Broom.•Internet sources