Masters in Healthcare Management

Post on 11-Jan-2015

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Badruka Educational Society offers a two year industry specific 'Masters in Healthcare Management', under an MoU with Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad (JNTU-H).

Transcript of Masters in Healthcare Management

Presenting Badruka's Masters in Healthcare Management

Industries, today, are taking on greater challenges,

increasing their customer base and portfolios.

Their markets are growing, presenting aplethora of opportunities.

With these changes in the modern industry today, the world is moving forward, and moving fast.

The question is - are you moving with it?

One of the industries making big strides into the future is the Healthcare Industry.

The keyword in the market today: Specialisation

The Indian Healthcare Industry is set reach a total value of $ 14.2 billion by 2012.

Experts who know every nook and corner of the field

To sustain this growth, experts will be in demand.

Experts who can deliver to just what the demand is

Experts who can sustain its growth

It takes more than just general management expertise to create an expert.

To be in that league, you need industry specific management expertise.

A course that teaches you the ins and outs of the industry, which will determine its success

One that gives you industry specific in-depth, focused training

Training that is well rooted in academics

Equipping you with the ability to be a performer par excellence from the time you step in to the industry

Badruka's Masters in Healthcare Management gives you all of this.

It will give you the kick start you need for a successful career in the Healthcare Industry.

A two year course, it is offered under MoU with Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, with curriculum specially designed to cater to this demand.

Our partner for this course is Global Hospitals, a major leader in the industry.

Barduka's Masters in Healthcare Management is the key to your future in a modern changing industry.

Your key to a long successful career, make yours a success story.

For more information, log on to

or contactBadruka Educational Society,

Kachiguda Station Road, Kachiguda, Hyderabad - 500 027(AP)

Ph: + 91-40-2474 1610 / 2465 0597

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